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Latest revision as of 21:59, 13 February 2009

Maelg was sitting with his new found friend Fatih watching the 'rock' bard with the tattoo on his face, enjoying the sound, almost feeling like he needed to nod his head vigorously.

Suddenyly, from over near the bar a real rock flies over and strikes the man in the tattoo, felling him instantly.

Annoyed, Maelg stands up and drags Fatih up by the collar.

Saying to Fatih "I was really enjoying that..."

and then yelling out to the rest of the people "WHO THREW THAT ROCK! 'FESS UP OR I'LL START THROWING CHAIRS!"

Roleplay from SINBAD (6 hours, 16 minutes ago) Message sent to all nobles at the tournament (191 recipients) I havn't had a good fight in a long time!!! TAKE THAT "as I throw a chair at a table in the middle of the room"

Magnus had just finished turning off the "rock" music with a rock of his own. Mikolas looked at Mag and said,

"Aw now, he wasn't that bad! Had a good beat too!"

"He's lucky I just threw a rock! If he'd kept up that racket, I'd given him a good BEATING!" Magnus said as way of reply.

Mikolas just smiled and shook his head at his friend and "music critic" and offered, "Mayhaps you've not had enough mead to truely appreciate his music? Course then when can YOU ever have enough mead! Heh-Heh-Heh!"

Magnus was just about to fire back a retort, when from across the room came a shout of, "FESS UP WHO DID THAT, OR WE'LL START THROWING CHAIRS!"

The voice sounded familiar, but it was hard to tell due to the large number of people in the tent and the general buzz of conversation. Magnus stood up to his full height to better get a look across the room when a man in a sailor suit stood up and exclaimed, "I haven't had a good fight in a long time!" He then proceeded to throw a chair into a full table in the middle of the room. The men at the table were not very fond of the interuption to their drinking and began yelling and pointing fingers. A fight began to break out in the center of the room.

Mikolas, hearing the commotion, jumped up on his barstool and said joyfully, "LOOKS LIKE A REAL PARTY IS STARTING AFTER ALL! BWAHAHAHAHA!"

Standing on his barstool, Mikolas grinned from ear to ear at the sounds of breaking glass and shattered wood. This was going to be a great tournament."

Mikolas yelled at Magnus over the sounds of fighting, "HEY MAG, WATCH THIS! THIS SHOULD GET THINGS GOING REAL GOOD!"

Mikolas downed the mug in his hand and then, jumping straight into the air, he tucked his knees and "cannon-balled" the table next to him.....

Letter from KAVA (5 hours, 27 minutes ago) Message sent to all nobles at the tournament (191 recipients) AS I try to sneak out of the tent to save my sword hand for the tourny, something hits me in the back of the head and .........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Magnus was watching the fight as it progressed in the middle of the room with dismay. It seemed to him that it wouldn't make it all the way to the bar where he was standing. He began to turn back to Mikolas and make just such a remark when behind him he heard his friend yell,


Upon yelling those words,Mikolas downed the mug in his hand and then, jumping straight into the air, he tucked his knees and "cannon-balled" the table next to him sending ale, mugs, splinters and several startled Elves raining down in random directions!

Magnus watched in awe as some of the Elves seemed to actually fly through the air. A startled little barmaid smiled and cried out in joy,


Magnus just cringed as one Elf in particular reached the apex of his flight and dropped like a, well flightless Elf, and hit the ground with and audible SMACK! Mag winced and said to no one in particular,

"Guess he should have held on to his happy thought a WEEEEE bit longer! HARHARHAR!"

Standing up a little groggy from the "cannon-ball" he just did, Mikolas straightens just in time to catch a squarely landed blow right on the chin. Stumbling backwards into the bar, he shakes his head and starts forward into the fray when someone suprises him by jumping up on his shoulders from behind. Wrapping a pencil-thin arm around Mikolas's neck, the unknown attacker starts poking his finger into Mikolas's right eye.

Reaching up and trying to swat off the pesky attacker, Mikolas yells "GET OFF ME!"

Mikolas is answered by a snotty high-pitched familiar voice "I knew I shouldn't have let you two in! I knew you were trouble! You and your friend with the noble "patent" papers!"

Spinning around trying to reach the agile waif-like man on his shoulders, Mikolas bellows, "Yeah, well I should have know you were that twig-necked little Fontanese by your perfume!"

Mikolas is immediatley responded to with a poke in his other eye. "OWWWW!"

Seeing that he can't reach the pesky little man, Mikolas stops spinning and asks "Hey, do you know the way to Nascot?"

Stopping his assault on Mikolas's eye, the small fairy of a man looks quizzically and says "Of course, it's that way." pointing at the wall across the room.

"Thanks!" Mikolas says, and then lowering his head with the petite pipsqueak clutching tightly on top, he runs straight for the wall the man had just pointed to.....

Letter from SINBAD (4 hours, 57 minutes ago) Message sent to all nobles at the tournament (191 recipients) AS I throw the chair I see some fool jump into the middle of some elves. Laughing as I watch them fly through the air, I feel something whack me across the back. While I try to stand back up, I smile and think "Now this is what a party is about"

Magnus turned back toward the center of the room and FINALLY spotted his Shield Brother Maelg across the room. Mag started to wave when he lost sight of his friend who had bent down to pick something or someone up. In a flash the man who had started the whole donnybrook came flying towords Magnus. Magnus heard Maelg yell, "HEY MAG CATCH! HAHAHA!"

What a party it was turning out to be first flying Fairies and now Sailors, Magnus only had a moment to wonder if there was a real difference, because the flying sailor had arrived! Magnus deftly caught the man and was going to through him back into the fray when he recognized SINBAD a fellow Noble of Perdan.

"Don't believe we've actually met before" , Magnus said ducking a flying tankard then continued, "but I just want to tell you SINBAD that you just made my list!"

SINBAD wobbling only slightly said guardedly, "What list is that?" Then stepped aside to let a Fontanese gentleman barrel through.

"Why my 'I WANT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE WITH THIS GUY LIST! HARHARHAR!" Magnus said with his trademark laugh, then he excused himself from SINBAD and shouted, "BAAATTTLLLLEEEEEEE!" And launched himself into a table of Ibbies that looked left out of the fun.

Maelg slaps Fatih on the back, and with a big grin yells over the din "NOW THIS IS A PARTY!"

Charging into the fray, chair swinging above his head he breaks it over the sailors back. Looking up for his next target, he sees Mikolas cannonballing into another table full of patrons, and Magnus laughing at the mess of tangled bodys left after wards.

Picking up the unconcsious KAVA, he hurls the man towards Magnus.

"Hey Mag.. CATCH!! HA HA !!!"

Magnus turned back toward the center of the room and FINALLY spotted his Shield Brother Maelg across the room. Mag started to wave when he lost sight of his friend who had bent down to pick something or someone up. In a flash the man who had started the whole donnybrook came flying towords Magnus. Magnus heard Maelg yell, "HEY MAG CATCH! HAHAHA!"

What a party it was turning out to be first flying Fairies and now Sailors, Magnus only had a moment to wonder if there was a real difference, because the flying sailor had arrived! Magnus deftly caught the man and was going to through him back into the fray when he recognized SINBAD a fellow Noble of Perdan.

"Don't believe we've actually met before" , Magnus said ducking a flying tankard then continued, "but I just want to tell you SINBAD that you just made my list!"

SINBAD wobbling only slightly said guardedly, "What list is that?" Then stepped aside to let a Fontanese gentleman barrel through.

"Why my 'I WANT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE WITH THIS GUY LIST! HARHARHAR!" Magnus said with his trademark laugh, then he excused himself from SINBAD and shouted, "BAAATTTLLLLEEEEEEE!" And launched himself into a table of Ibbies that looked left out of the fun.

Finally rid of the pesky twig-necked man, Mikolas stands and turns towards the ruckus just in time to see his friend Maelg clock some dude on the back of the head with a tankard of ale.

"HEY, MAELG'S HERE!" Mikolas yells across the room. Ever one to notice the obvious Mikolas waves again and shouts "WE'RE HAVING A BARFIGHT!", just before he catches a thrown potato in the side of the head....

Roleplay from SINBAD (4 hours, 20 minutes ago) Message sent to all nobles at the tournament (191 recipients) "What list is that" I ask? "Why my 'I WANT TO RAPE AND PILLAGE WITH THIS GUY LIST! HARHARHAR!" I feel mighty privilaged to be on your list! My ,I hope not dead, brudder has told me about your "DUCK" great prowless on the battle field. now if you will excuse my I'm going to fall down now

Magnus leaped high into the air and executed a beautiful swan dive right into the middle of four gentlemen wearing long robes with cowls and simple cord belts. As the resounding CRASH and dust announcing his arrival subsided, Magnus regained his feet in a flash and put his hands in a defensive posture ready to take on the four men he had just bowled to the floor.

The four just helped each other up and brushed themselves off, but made no move to attack Magnus. This caused the Viking great confusion, well greater than usual, and so he asked,

"Hey how come you guys aren't fighting back? What gives? COME ON!"

The tallest of the men stepped forward and mad a small bow to Magnus and said, "We are Priest of Ibladesh Sir, we do not fight without cause."

"Well I just broke your table!" Magnus said with a grin and readied himself for a fight once more.

"We did not own it" The tall Priest replied stoically. Causing Magnus to frown again, but then thinking fast, he brightened and said,

"Well I spilt all your drinks!"

"Twas only water, it cost us naught." The Priest replied with a smile.

Magnus finally sensed that he wasn't going to get to fight, and since Queen Evangeline had told him to be courteous to foreign guest he thought he better just apologize and find more entertaining opponents. He put his hands down and said in a respectful tone, "I beg your pardon guys. I didn't know you weren't fighters or Heroes like myself."

"Did you say you were a Hero Ser?" The tall Priest asked.

"Yep thats me Magnus Solarin, Hero of Perdan!" Magnus replied puffing his chest out with Pride.

The Priest nodded to his companions and smiling at Magnus he said, "We are Priest of Sartan, God of War, patron God of warriors and Heroes! You must allow us to bless you! Turning to the other three priest, who had MIRACULOUSLY produced clubs and stout cudgels he cried happily, "COME BROTHERS LET US POUR OUT SARTAN'S BLESSING UPON HIM!

The four Priest then began to joyously beat Magnus about the head, shoulders, legs and shins with gusto, all the while shouting for their God to bless and keep Magnus safe from peril.

As Mikolas takes a half-filled mug-o-mead off the floor, he notices that Magnus has made some new friends. Downing the contents of the mug, he laughs out loud as his friend tries to shield himself from four old men in robes that look like they are at a "misquito swatting contest."

Drawing the warhammer that was strapped to his back, Mikolas yells "HEY GUYS...NOT LIKE THAT....HIT HIM LIKE THIS!"

Mikolas then takes his warhammer and promptly hits himself in the side of the head, not realising that he had lost his helm when he crashed into the wall earlier.....

....his world goes black.

Maelg notices a quiet man in the corner, seemingly trying to stay out of the bar fight. Recognising him as San, #1 favourite for the duel.

Thinking to himself "I think we need to even up the playing field."

Sneaking up behind the famous Itoruntian he clocks him over the back of the head with a half filled tankard of mead.

Standing back to survey his handiwork, he sculls the rest of the mead, and readies himself to join in the fray.

San felt a blow around the back of his head and reeled, momentarily disoriented. He looks around of rhteculprit, not being able to see who had done it... then he heard Mikolas shout.


Muttering angrily, San strides into the fray, past a broken table where some priests are smacking Magnus upside the head repeatedly, ducking a potato, and whacks Maelg with a gauntleted fist.

"OI! what do you think you're doing?" San shouted angrily at his would be assailant.

San broke off momentarily as a unidentified northerner rolled through, looking like he'd been smacked in the face by a tree.

Maelg, dazed and confused momentarily tried to figure out how San knew it was him. After shaking his head to clear the fuzziness, he sees San distracted by a Fontanese barreling through the middle of the room.

Taking the opportunity provided, Maelg boots him in the crown jewels and runs away. Laughing all the way!

As he gets to the exit a chair smashes next to his head, and he ducks and dives to one side.


San reeled from the low blow, instinctively jumping backwards, as his assassialant ran off laughing his behind off.

"Thank Luna for armour in the nether regions..." San groaned.

Straightening up, he walked over to the bar, grabbed an ale, notnoticing the attentions of some of his realmmates, and drained half of it, then looked across the tavern. On the far side, a man dived out of the way of an incoming chair (or some piece of wooden furniture anyway) and lay on the ground, tickled pink. Subtly, San walked over to him, casually emptying the tankard over some guy who'd hit himself in the head with a warhammer, before throwing the mug at Maelg at close range and smacking him one in the nose.

"DO YOU WANT A REAL FIGHT OR WHAT?" San yelled angrily.

Maelg looks up to see a tankard careening towards his face. His nose wears the impact of the tankard, making a suitably sickening crunch as the bridge of his nose is broken once again.

While standing up and wiping the tears from his eyes he hears "DO YOU WANT A REAL FIGHT OR WHAT" from somewhere in the vicinity of 3ft in front of him.

Maelg being the opportunist he is, bends over to clear his nasal passages of blood and snot and charges headlong in the direction he thinks San is in. Connecting with someones stomach he looks up to see he's run into none other than the 'bouncer' Treb. Treb is a monster, 6' 8" tall, and all brawn, no brain.

"Where youse runnin to little man? /Your/ fight is back there!" Picking Maelg up by the collar he throws him back towards San.

Maelg looks at San and gives him a sheepish grin.

"Shall we call it a draw?"

San grins nastily as Maelg is thrown back to him by some bouncer, who San gives a thumbs up.

"No draws! Settle this the proper way amongst men."

San orders the barkeep to bring up a barrel of ale.

"Drinking contest!"

Maelg looks at the barrel quizzically. Then at San.

"Great... but wheres yours?"

San beckoned over the bouncer who had thrown Maelg back before, and the man hoisted an other barrel, knocking over some short individuals unlucky enough to be in the way. Getting up they cried things about Sartan saving them in a high pitched voice. Surprised, Treb turned around and smacked them again, knockng most of them out bar one.

"Something you want little guy?" Treb asked.

"N-n-no sir!" the little Sartanian priest squealed.

Treb turned back and dumped the barrel next to where maelg and San were sitting.

"Great work... here's you gold" San tossed him a few gold.

Maelg looks at the barrel, and makes a show of measuring it, he then pulls out of his coat pocket several brass interlocking pipes. Joining them together, Maelg shoves it into the nearest barrel. Readying his mouth over the 'straw' he looks at San with a glint in his eye.


San grins and pulls out a similar device, made out of tough material, and smacked open a hole in the barrel with a dagger.

"I'm ready. Just say the word."

Evangeline's long-time trusted scribe Jeffery, ran up to her as she was busily working in Nascot,

"My Queen - word from the tournament. There is a bar fight!" he said, fidgeting and flustered.

"Call the royal guard" she calmly requested.

As the guard arrived she addressed the captain,

"Mischief is rife at the tournament; you know the drill - find the usual culprits and tell them I wish to see them"

The captain nodded seriously at Evangeline knowing exactly what was expected of him and who he would be bringing back for an audience with the Queen.

Sighing to herself and shaking her head, she patiently waited for the captain to return with Maelg, Magnus, Mikolas and whichever other poor souls they had managed to drag into their 'fun'.

"GO!" yells Maelg, and starts sucking on his straw with huge gulps, the barrels level of mead steadily dropping. As he glances over at San, he notices the man is sucking down the mead at an enormous rate. Maelg leans over and digs his elbow into Sans ribs, making the man choke on his drink. Unfortunately, the sounds San is making while choking from the unsuspected elbow make Maelg laugh, snorting mead painfully out of his freshly broken nose....

While Astinus was training himself with the sword with an handful of older and skilled knights, a panted squire came and said a messege from his shield brother SINBAD: there's a bar fight and all the Perdan Crimson Wing is needed to show to the foreignes how the Perdinetes have fun. Saying only a few words to his companions, Astinus left the traing place and run to the inn. During the travel he spots some chainmailed men, which carried the color of the Queen "Holy sh!t!" sweared and thought "This is Maelg who has done so many damages....he isnt a good men and took the fun only for him...."

Astinus run faster than the guards

Magnus had never been a very religious man, but neither had he felt so blessed as he did now under the clerical care of the four Priest of Sartan! Apparently the Blessing of Sartan consisted of being struck with a wooden staff or club of some kind in three distinct ways; HARD, FAST, and CONTINUOUSLY! Magnus had the feeling that he was going to be overcome and black out from the "religious experience" he was receiving from the four Monks.

Then two things happened simultaneously, someone yelled, "DRINKING CONTEST!" and Treb the bouncer knocked out two of the Priest with the barrel of mead he was carrying! One of the others cried out as Magnus returned his blessing with an appropriated chair leg. Treb hearing the cry thought the man was talking to him and rounded on the other Priest who was left standing asking him if he had a problem. The Priest denied saying anything and turned to Magnus. Mag noticed it was the same tall Priest that had first blessed him and started to give the man a blessing of his own when another cry went out of, "FREE DRINKS ON LORD HAMPTON! COME AND GET EM!"

Magnus looked at the tall Priest and said, "Come on Father Friar, lets drink! I don't know about you but all the "blessings" you guys bestowed on me made me thirsty, course everything makes me thirsty! HARHARHAR!"

The Priest smiled at Magnus, then looked at his brother monks lying on the floor and frowned saying, "I would love to partake of the bounty provided, but I must attend to my dear brothers."

"Oh no worries, we will just take them with us to the bar, they're like to be thirsty as well when they wake up, COME ON!" Magnus said happily and lift two monks one in each brawny arm. The Priest just stooped and threw his remaining brother over his shoulder and replied, "Sartan moves in mysterious ways my friend,"

"Yeah but these two are moving by MAGNUS! HARHARHAR!" Magnus roared over his shoulder as he led the way to the bar.

Mikolas sits up slowly, holding his throbbing head in both hands. A large bump has risen on the side where something had hit him. He wonders for a minute who had hit him so good, but then remembered that he knocked himself out with his own warhammer.

"Unghhh...." Mikolas groaned, "Bless my soul that hurts." he said touching the swollen bump on his head.

One of the robed men that Mikolas had seen beating Ser Magnus was walking by at that moment and stopped, "You wish to be blessed sire?" he asked.

"What.....?" Mikolas said confused.

As Maelg shouts "GO!" both contestants start drinking huge amounts of mead, San glancing across at his contestant - surprisingly, he was almost keeping up, which was something not usually seen in these parts.

Out of the corner of his eye, San spied Maelg make a move and felt a dig in his ribs, choking. As Maelg snorted though, ale came into his nose and he fell on the floor grabbing his nose. San broke off too, coughing and spluttering - but about 3 quarters of the way through the barrel.


A contingent of armed men burst into the tavern, pointing pikes at anyone still fighting, while a few watched the amused bystanders.

With a clunk, San felt a table connect to the back of his head, and judgeing from the groaning from Maelg that was hurting to. Looking around, a slightly sheepish looking SINBAD was still holding a table leg.

"Ok - Maelg, get up, we have orders to take you to the queen.You lot come too."

San gives Maelg a hand and makes to follow the guards.

"No Ser - you stay here, the queen has no authority over the discipline of foreign nobles.

As Maelg is dragged off and the Ibladeshian priests wave goodbye to their new brother Magnus, San shouts after them.

"That's a draw! I look forward to a rematch!"

As Maelg is being dragged away, he hears San yell "That's a draw! I look forward to a rematch!"

Laughing Maelg yells back "I don't think so skinny man! Have a look in my barrel HA HA HA !!"

A few of the spectators look inside Maelgs barrel, to find it completely drained.


San checks Maelgs barrel, and sure enough...

"Cheap shot! There's a hole in the bottom!"

The small robed man had just begun to bless Mikolas by flagellating him with a wooden cudgel, when the small priest was hoisted into the air by a rather large guard in very shiny armor. Mikolas was left sitting on he floor holding his head. The large guard leaned over and said "Are you drinking?"

Mikolas looked the large man straight in the eye (as staight as he could while still holding his balance) and said "That depends,.... are you buyin'?"

"Of course not,..." the guard said slightly flustered, "come with us now!"

"Buy me a mug of mead." Mikolas said.

"What!! Look here mate....get up!" the guard yelled louder.

"Then buy me some ale...and we'll call it even." he said, still trying to dig the smashed potato out of one of his ears.

His face turning red the guard began to really yell "YOU SIR ARE A TROUBLE MAKER AND THE QUEEN HAS....."

"The Queen....", Mikolas said, "why didn't you say so...let's go"

Magnus and the Tall Priest were just getting into their, what fourth or fifth free drink when a LARGE detachment of Queen's guardsmen rushed in with halberds leveled. Magnus heard the Captain shout,


Magnus looked around and snickered as Maelg was hit with a table by one of the guards, then he saw SINBAD and Mikolas escorted from the tent. As he was turning back to the bar, heard General ][os yell, "FREE DRINKS ON ME!", then saw Maelg breakaway from the guards and rush back in to grab a horn of mead only to be drug back out again. Magnus just shook his head and turned back to his drink, trying to be inconspicuous, no mean feat for a 6'7 Viking with several large bruises coloring much of his exposed skin. Just when he thought he had blended into the crowd, a heard a lot of clanking and jingling behind him then a rather official sounding voice say,

"Ser Magnus, turn over your axe and come with us!."

Magnus turned and reguarded the Captain of the guards and no less than eight men from his detachment ringed in a half circle behind him. Recognizing the Captain from a little "training" exercise in the city a while back he smiled and said, "Why would I want to go with you when the mead is here and FREE? Though I admit you cut quite a figure in your shiny suit, perhaps if you ask me nicer and say something sweet! HARHARHAR!" Magnus laughed and the Priest joined in much to the consternation of the Captain.

"Because Ser you have breached the Queen's peace AGAIN, and she has "requested" your presence!" The Captain replied stiffly.

"What? Break the peace? Why Im just having a drink with the here, we aren't breaking the peace!" Magnus asked innocently and then finished indignantly!

"Several witnesses report this man and his three friends assaulting you in this very tent and you starting the fight by destroying their table!" The Captain spat, pointing to the area of the fight where the other three priest were still lying on the floor.

Magnus threw up his hands, which caused the guardsmen to take a hasty step backwards and level their halberds, then said in an exasperated tone,

"NO NO NO! You got it all wrong, they were just blessing me, you see they are priest of Sartan and he is the God of War and I was......."

"Tell it to the Queen buddy!" The Captain said cutting Magnus off and motioning to his men they escorted Magnus from the tent.

Maelg, Magnus, Mikolas and Sinbad are waiting outside of the Queens office. The four battered Perdanite Knights are sitting along one wall, next to each other.

"This is all Sinbads fault.. He started it." mutters Maelg.

"Nuh uh.. Mikolas started it!" replies Sinbad.

Mikolas, with a look of mischief retorts "Actually. It was Mag, as USUAL! It was bloody fun though wasn't it!"

The four knights break into a grin and start to laugh in agreement.

Outside the Queens office.......

"Yeah, Maelg you started it as usual! HARHARHAR!" Magnus agreed heartily.

Maelg looked down a Magnus and gave a wicked grin then said, "Well, you hit the Bard with the rock!"

Magnus sat upright and looked indignate saying, "Well, your the one who threatened to throw the chairs, and SINBAD did it!"

"I did not HE jumped into the middle of those Fonts and Fairies first!" SINBAD said loudly raising his voice and pointing at Mikolas.


Suddenly someone struck Magnus with a potatoe and a good natured brawl ensued between the four friends, right outside the Queen's office! The air was quickly filled with cries of,


Accompanied by moaning, groaning and the strong stench of ale, the four bruised and battered Knights, Maelg, Magnus, Mikolas and Sinbad were brought noisily before Evangeline.

Speaking loudly above their arguing she asked sternly,

"Are you enjoying the tournament?"

Looking sheepishly at one another they mumbled and tried to avoid looking at her. She noticed Maelg had a broken nose, Mikolas was sporting a large lump on the side of his head, Magnus had purple bruises all over his arms and legs and Sinbad just appeared dazed. Despite the injuries and mumbled apologies the Knights continually looked at each other sideways with grins and muffled laughs.

"I hope the reports I've received were over exaggerated. I've heard of Sirions flying through the air, Fontanese being thrown into walls, Ibladesh Knights being challenged to fight and Itorunts best swordfighter being hit in... well... a sensitive area"

A few more mumbles and Magnus answers,

"My Queen, I just didn't want anyone to feel left out"

Evangeline looked at the tall viking and considered his notably genuine desire to involve all nobles at the tournament.

"Well, return to the tournament now and apologise to our guests," she directed to all four of the dishevelled and bruised Knights.

Turning squarely to Magnus she added, "and make sure you don't leave anyone out"

As they began to shuffle out of the tent she quickly turned to the corner trying to cover the laughter that threatened to escape.

Maelg stands up on the bar and stomps his feet on it until there is silence in the inn.

"I have been ordered to come in front of you and apologise. So here it is: I would like to apologise to San. Sorry you can't hold your mead, and that I got caught clocking you with a tankard."

Aram stands gets and trys to get Maelg's attention

"Umm.. Sir Maelg you shoudl know that Sir San has been retired to his tents and is no longer here to hear your appology."

Well, it's true then! HE can't hold his liquor.

Nobody tell him I apologised. But everyone else heard me, so if the Queen asked, I did as I was told... HA HA!!

Maelg finished addressing the crowd and then looked behind him to find the other three "Knights of the Battered Helm" were looking in every direction but his. So he said, "PSSTS! Get up here! Do your duty!"

Magnus looked sullenly up at Maelg and dejectedly stomped up on the Bar. Taking a big breath he turned to the expectant onlookers and said in voice only slightly slurred,

"Well first I want to apologize to the Queen of Perdan, the Radiant, Righteous, GLISTENING, Evangeline Uceek for the....What was it again Maelg? Oh right, for the 'unseemly, ignoble, over enthusiastic celebration of this tourney! I also want to apologize to the four Priest of Sartan though they took no offense when I crashed their table and spilled their drinks. I also want to apologize to all of you that bought free drinks while I was at the Queen's office, I didn't mean to snub your hospitality. I also apologize for my comments about the Sirion guest, I really thought you guys could fly!

Lastly, per orders of her Royal Majesty not to leave anyone out I will now offer my sincere apologies too: Pulling a rather large scroll from his belt, Magnus began to read,

"Achilleus, Alexandra, Alois......

After SEVERAL minutes,

Zes, Zog Returns, and last but not least our own Great and Powerful ][os! High General Ser! If I missed anyone, I apologize for that too! Thank you for your kind attentions!"

After listening to Magnus recite his apology to each and every noble (one by one and in alphabetical order, I might add) at the tournament, he turned to Magnus and said "I don't really remember much after I hit myself in the head with my own remind me, what am I apoligising for?"

"For everything", Magnus said.

"Oh," Mikolas said. Then standing up and straight next to his brothers in brawl he cleared his throat and said, "I apoligise for everything!", and then quickly started to step back down. For his effort he was quickly rewarded a smack to the back of the head and a glare from Magnus.

"OK...OK...I apoligize for everything I did, except for throwing that little twig-necked Font...." another slap to the back of the head inturupted him again.

Magnus glared once again at him. Farther down the line of warriors, Maelg was shaking his head at Mikolas and SINBAD was just rolling his eyes.

"Okay....I apoligise for "cannonballing" the table of nice people. I apoligise for trying to run the twig-neck....the nice little Fontanese man through the wall. And I would like to personally apoligise to all the mead, ale and beer that I spilt tonight. I find alchohol abuse of that sort to be beneath me and I will do my best to make sure all the mugs are empty before I start the next fight...uh brawl...I mean welcoming party."