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==The Summa Is a Crock of Crap==
A new book is being written by a Noble of no name worth writting here. The book is a self proclaimed "weapon agaisnt the Blackest Cult". meaning clearly thast the book has no real meaning. The Blackest Cult is simply a diplomatic attempt to bridge existing evils that have always been, while this Summa is a book newly created by one Noble whore who thinks her idealisms are broad enough to counter one group's thoughts. If the Blackest Bible did not exist, then the Summa would be pointless in its meaning, but evil would still be everything the Blackest Bible says it is.
Lets take a look at some of the baddly constructed ideas of this new work of retarded thought.
1-Democracies are a breeding ground for the Blackest Cult. The idea of popular rule is good in theory, the idea that the people will select the best ruler is good in theory. Yet a democracy, at a fundamental level, mandates the belief "that which has the popular majority, is that which is true". Truth becomes subject to a vote. Also, the increased freedoms of democracy can result in people leaning more towards the full-freedom ideologies of the Blackest Cult, which is very dangerous.
How nice...freedom is bad because man may use it wrongly. I think this Noble is on drugs...what ehtical book of "good" thinks removing freedom from a government is a bad idea becuase a group as recently emerged?
Also...this one looks so wrongly promising.
2-Many tyrannies are good tyrannies, contrary to common belief. The absolute power wielded by the Dictator could easily corrupt, it can ruin good men. Yet, if properly wielded, the absolute power of a Tyranny can be very good. In a time when good is splintered and seperated, this may be an age when we need more tyrannies, unified nations under one head which wields full power. So, while this does not respect the will of the people, and could easily result in corruption, a tyranny also has great potential for good.
A tyrant is the head of all tyrannies. And this is sometimes "good"? Such foolish wordings. Even if the most rightious of men became a tyrannies leader, it would still be a evil act. A tyrant allows no law but his own. But this Noble who writes this junk thinks that its ok if the tyrant appears to make laws that are acceptable her personal views on "good"
3-Raiding taxes is to be avoided but, if one must loot, this is perhaps one of the best ways to do it. While it does steal, albeit indirectly from the peasents, it may prevent that money from going to enemies (who, if you followed the proper justification of war, are probably verifiably evil), thus shortening the war. If you must loot, this is perhaps your best option.
Stealing is evil..but look...this Noble thinks this type of evil is ok in some times of need. Does the same stand for murder? Of course, read the Summa to find three times where murder is ok.
This entire book is filled with contridiction and fowleness. It is a true work of evil. Weather it has been done with evil intent or stupid self rightious views on self-importance, this foolish Noble proves to know nothing about the true nature of good.
The greatest fact being...The Blackest Bible was written for thousands of people who always will and always have exsisted. This Summa is simply a stepping stone to reading our works.
What a whore-like way to sell your book. What a total hollow and shallow meaning behind it all.
==Darka's MEAT==
Darka made it law today that all who eat human flesh will be removed. They have already thrown two from their lands, banning them without question.
Before those of you who embrace evil begin to question this, please look at Darka's views and reasons.
They are a merc force that makes money on killing foes who have been payed for to die. That in itself is the greatest dark nature of man, and to have it embraced within a realm of such size and fury is a treasure to darkness.
But also, they are a store...a store that sells death to rich death-mongers who lack the balls and strength to handle their own enemies. Cowards and monsters hire Darka to fight wars of evil. No man hires a merc without loseing ALL rights to say he is ANYTHING but EVIL.
But to eat humans is not a good move for a store. It does not sell product very well. The world is slow minded and within a meantal crib that allows them to see evil in an odd light. Some evil is better then others. Some rape is allowed while some is not. Evil is fine if it serves a nation, but not fine if it does not.
This view is crippled and stupid when it stands on false legs. But when it is put in place becuase it may damage sales of a great evil nation...I must agree with the act.
To have sales drop of Darka's death squads, less men and women would be murdered. Less men and women murdered would lead to more men and women agreeing murder is not wanted.
As long as darka makes money killing for money, I say we respect them by not eating human meats.
Of course...I am nothing but a cow on a farm of cows. And even YOU are a cow on this farm. If your cow mouth desires meat of man so baddly that you will do as you please...i respect you as much as I respect darka's evil ways.
Eat what you want my friends! No man can stop you! But if you wish to live in Darka, be aware of the den mother. Never spit on your host's floor unless you wish to leave or kill your host.
Darka reserves the evil right to ban lawlessly, kill for gold, do as they please, even eat humans...but they also have the right to set their own laws...while laws still exist within this world.
Enjoy the laws while law lasts among man.
Its only civil nature...whats so hard about being civil when you rape and murder the world that you love?
==Eston, CRAWLING with EVIL==
==Eston, CRAWLING with EVIL==

Latest revision as of 15:00, 16 September 2006

BlackestSymbolsmall.jpg The Blackest Word
Cost: To open your eyes Prophet of The Blackest Cult: The Blackest Pen Volume 1
Religious Newspaper of The Blackest Cult!

The Summa Is a Crock of Crap

A new book is being written by a Noble of no name worth writting here. The book is a self proclaimed "weapon agaisnt the Blackest Cult". meaning clearly thast the book has no real meaning. The Blackest Cult is simply a diplomatic attempt to bridge existing evils that have always been, while this Summa is a book newly created by one Noble whore who thinks her idealisms are broad enough to counter one group's thoughts. If the Blackest Bible did not exist, then the Summa would be pointless in its meaning, but evil would still be everything the Blackest Bible says it is.

Lets take a look at some of the baddly constructed ideas of this new work of retarded thought.

1-Democracies are a breeding ground for the Blackest Cult. The idea of popular rule is good in theory, the idea that the people will select the best ruler is good in theory. Yet a democracy, at a fundamental level, mandates the belief "that which has the popular majority, is that which is true". Truth becomes subject to a vote. Also, the increased freedoms of democracy can result in people leaning more towards the full-freedom ideologies of the Blackest Cult, which is very dangerous.

How nice...freedom is bad because man may use it wrongly. I think this Noble is on drugs...what ehtical book of "good" thinks removing freedom from a government is a bad idea becuase a group as recently emerged?

Also...this one looks so wrongly promising.

2-Many tyrannies are good tyrannies, contrary to common belief. The absolute power wielded by the Dictator could easily corrupt, it can ruin good men. Yet, if properly wielded, the absolute power of a Tyranny can be very good. In a time when good is splintered and seperated, this may be an age when we need more tyrannies, unified nations under one head which wields full power. So, while this does not respect the will of the people, and could easily result in corruption, a tyranny also has great potential for good.

A tyrant is the head of all tyrannies. And this is sometimes "good"? Such foolish wordings. Even if the most rightious of men became a tyrannies leader, it would still be a evil act. A tyrant allows no law but his own. But this Noble who writes this junk thinks that its ok if the tyrant appears to make laws that are acceptable her personal views on "good"


3-Raiding taxes is to be avoided but, if one must loot, this is perhaps one of the best ways to do it. While it does steal, albeit indirectly from the peasents, it may prevent that money from going to enemies (who, if you followed the proper justification of war, are probably verifiably evil), thus shortening the war. If you must loot, this is perhaps your best option.

Stealing is evil..but look...this Noble thinks this type of evil is ok in some times of need. Does the same stand for murder? Of course, read the Summa to find three times where murder is ok.

This entire book is filled with contridiction and fowleness. It is a true work of evil. Weather it has been done with evil intent or stupid self rightious views on self-importance, this foolish Noble proves to know nothing about the true nature of good.

The greatest fact being...The Blackest Bible was written for thousands of people who always will and always have exsisted. This Summa is simply a stepping stone to reading our works.

What a whore-like way to sell your book. What a total hollow and shallow meaning behind it all.


Darka's MEAT

Darka made it law today that all who eat human flesh will be removed. They have already thrown two from their lands, banning them without question.

Before those of you who embrace evil begin to question this, please look at Darka's views and reasons.

They are a merc force that makes money on killing foes who have been payed for to die. That in itself is the greatest dark nature of man, and to have it embraced within a realm of such size and fury is a treasure to darkness.

But also, they are a store...a store that sells death to rich death-mongers who lack the balls and strength to handle their own enemies. Cowards and monsters hire Darka to fight wars of evil. No man hires a merc without loseing ALL rights to say he is ANYTHING but EVIL.

But to eat humans is not a good move for a store. It does not sell product very well. The world is slow minded and within a meantal crib that allows them to see evil in an odd light. Some evil is better then others. Some rape is allowed while some is not. Evil is fine if it serves a nation, but not fine if it does not.

This view is crippled and stupid when it stands on false legs. But when it is put in place becuase it may damage sales of a great evil nation...I must agree with the act.

To have sales drop of Darka's death squads, less men and women would be murdered. Less men and women murdered would lead to more men and women agreeing murder is not wanted.

As long as darka makes money killing for money, I say we respect them by not eating human meats.

Of course...I am nothing but a cow on a farm of cows. And even YOU are a cow on this farm. If your cow mouth desires meat of man so baddly that you will do as you please...i respect you as much as I respect darka's evil ways.

Eat what you want my friends! No man can stop you! But if you wish to live in Darka, be aware of the den mother. Never spit on your host's floor unless you wish to leave or kill your host.

Darka reserves the evil right to ban lawlessly, kill for gold, do as they please, even eat humans...but they also have the right to set their own laws...while laws still exist within this world.

Enjoy the laws while law lasts among man.

Its only civil nature...whats so hard about being civil when you rape and murder the world that you love?


As a handful of our members marched into Eston's tournament grounds, It seems two maggots with "Duke hats" decided to speak as if they were above other men. This lead to a wonderful display of one of these Dukes (Marouane) calling for the death of Vatticus Rex Vashmere (not a member of the cult but a braggart who cares to think he is. The death he wished on this man was one of poison and secret assassins of the night. When challenged for his "evil choice" in tactics, the man retorted that

"Fight fire with fire"


"I've used these tactics long before the BC was ever formed"

I'd like to applaud this evil man for being brave and honest in his ways. He fights fire (evil) with fire (evil), he adopts no new tactis from reading the Blackest bible, in fact, his evil tactics have been embraced by this Duke long before we ever offered our views in book form.

No man is to be learned by our book. No man is to see a new light by reading our philosophy. Thoise types are fence sitters who sway when they read. No, we search for those who adopted evil ways since birth.

This duke, forever named "The Lion" by evil, shall shine like an evil star in a sky of lost good.

Eston has proven to be a confused land of most interesting views. They hail freedom, art, philosophy, freedom, love, joy and above all culture, yet they hate themselvs so much that they blame the Blackest Cult for their downfall of morals. They have spoken openly and loadly about wanting us destroyed, yet they harbor our members.

They speak highly agaisnt evil, but yet the Duke Lion openly deals with assassins and poisons and wants murder to be the tool to handle his foes.

The lowly Lion had not issued a duel, nor did he conduct himself in a "good" way...I love this man with all my black heart. A man who openly worships evil law, uses evil tools, and welcomes evil death on those who speak agaisnt him, should be praised. And any land allowing a man like this to obtain the title of Duke, is also equally worthy of evil praise.

The Lion has proven himself to be as underhanded and lawless as any member of the Blackest cause... He has also admitted to being an advid reader of our text. I welcome him openly to read more. The truth sinks deepest into those who lie about their own soul's color.

read roaring savage beast.

The Blackest Pen 16:02, 16 September 2006 (CEST)


A green girl by the name of "Elfabah" has been missing for some time. Her whereabouts are unknown to us. I would like to know her location as soon as possible. If anyone knows where this green skined scamp is hideing, please get message to the Blackest Underground so that she can be paid a visit.

She was last seen on her way to FEI in hopes to stop her brother (Vincent Von Vashmere) from being murdered. She was too late, and I tell you why, we got to him first. He was found with his neck cut, his eyes and tongue removed, face down in a puddle of his own blood. We also killed his horse.

So...please...if you would simply send me word of her location, there would be those of us who would be very, very happy.

She is wanted for questioning on matters of evil.

The Blackest Pen 00:05, 5 September 2006 (CEST)


A small win was earned today in Eston. The Kingdom has posted Atamara's first real Law system to exist past the same-old same-old meaningless; no looting, No disobeying orders, no disrespectig our allies, etc etc. The laws are NOT in our favour, but they have without a doubt, us to blame for their birth. These laws may be created to stop the BC directly, but it also proves one thing-

Eston, one of the most noted, cultrually advanced people of a kingdom, adressed our movement. This a a public awareness to all. Those who hear our name will search our meaning. And those who look past the words "Evil" and "Cult" will see the truth. There is a brewing unrest that makes even kingdoms as great as Eston have to re-invent the very LAW to prepear for us. Here is the new laws of Eston.

Laws for Deportation,Banishment or Death

If any noble is found to have been spying for an enemy either now or in the past he will be banished and if captured he will be put to death.

Any Duke who seceeds his duchy without authorization of the crown will be guilty of High Treason and will be either deported or put to death.

Any Noble who participates in a rebellion will be put on trial and may be banished, deported or put to death. The leader of any failed rebellion, after trial, will be put to death.

Laws for Banishment with no Trial

Any Noble found to be a member of the group called "The Blackest Cult" will be banned immeadiatly and with no trial.

This group is contrary to the values that Eston holds dear.

So says the King, So says the Judge, this law is in immeadiate effect and there will be no appeals.

To those of us in Eston. Peasents. Nobles. officals....all of you who may stand, fear not these laws. Simply learn to slither in Eston. We are smarter then most men. Those who match you in inteligence do not need to learn of your evil.

For those of you trapped or afraid in Eston, simply refer your eyes to The Blackest Laws of Evil for guidence. They are suggestions to help aid your survival in openly hostile realms. Look over the following Laws and pay extra attention to #2 and #5. Remember, you are animal and retain all right to refuse any law or rule. These laws are simply sugestive advice to help you in your moments of need. The laws you may find most helpful are.

  • Rule #2: Never upset or break the law of your nest.
  • Rule#5 never bite the hand that allows you to slither.
  • Rule#10: Learn the art of slithering.
  • Rule#13 Never be trapped

The Blackest Laws have not be added to the Blackest Bible, for no law will ever find its way into such a lawless book of life and freedom. The Laws however are created in effort to save your life and keep you free to exsist unmolested and intact. Please, be careful all members in Eston.

This act of Eston is not to be seen as a lost battle. This is publicity at its finest. And well worth our praise. Eston is aware of us. So is half the known world. Soon, all lands will be aware of us.

And the ones who truly know the universal truth of Evil Vs Good will seek to become family with us all. This is a grreat day for all evil.

The Blackest Pen 06:27, 2 September 2006 (CEST)

New Prophets rise

The Blackest Bible has found many new homes in Atamara. Some keep the book close to read from it as a guide or companion through this age of light before it plunges into darkness. Some keep it to study it in hopes to invent a way to stop our movement.

Foolish is that quest, for even I can not count or counter our members if I tried. The basic meaning of our way is that of lawless growth and individual freedom of all evil men. No man, guild or church will ever erase the cancer we are. Cancer kills the host, while cancer spreads with no cure.

In this new age, two prophets have come to become known to us. The Nameless and The Dead Pen. Like all prophets I have no idea who these minds belong to. Or who they are in the flesh. They have simply sent to me their ideas of evil and been welcomed as true prophets of evil. I do not agree with some of what they write. nor SHOULD I!!! No evil should be wholey or blindly embraced by all members of The Blackest Cult. They simply must prove inteligence and wisdom, and speak of true evil without limit to its philosophy. The addition of these Prophets shows the growth of the BC, and the birth right of our coming to this world. These Prophets have proven to have communion with the major laws of evil, and an the true nature of the universe.

I welcome them with much love and respect. And I await more Prophets to come and add to The Blackest Bible and our movement.

The Blackest Pen 20:18, 1 September 2006 (CEST)

Dafayo Vashmere Of Eston

An artist of Eston has been making public music and art that pokes fun at our seriousness. A sympony that is a comedy on the Blackest Cult's intent, making us seem like a bunch of juviniles who seek nothing more then to create small evils in a wreckless manner. Dafayo has also swayed a member or two away from our front line assualt on Atamara by offering gold and civilized life to those weak enough to choose treasure and comfort over a dangerous and bumpy road of preaching the way of the BC.

I here by declair Dafayo vashmere as an enemy to the BC, and offer much respect to those who remove him from his positions in life that allow him to safely remain in Eston's castles. He is a terrorist agisnt us and has publically made it clear that he wishes to "fix" us and bring us to a "normal" way of life.

His death is welcomed by me. His goals are to lessen our effect and remove our way of life from this world. He is a public enemy to all things of the Blackest Movement.

The Blackest Pen 20:47, 1 September 2006 (CEST)