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To shed blood for your brothers in arms,<br>
To shed blood for your brothers in arms,<br>
And when necessary give your life for the good cause.</center>
And when necessary give your life for the good cause.</center>
  Here begins a History of Templar Events, that all future generations may learn from our wisdom and avoid our foibles.
  Here begins a History of Templar Events, that all future generations may learn from our wisdom and avoid our foibles.
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Your slander and realm poilticking must stop.
Your slander and realm poilticking must stop.
Fetz (Noble)
*Roleplay from Armitage III  (1 hour, 55 minutes ago)((July 23, 2006, ~3AM GMT))
Message sent to (103 recipients)
I came in here a day ago and drunk a toast to the templars what will be meeting in a few days on the battlefield.
Since them I have seem nothing but insulting and accuse.
WE all have honor and have our belief on what we consider honor.
NO ONE here should insulted your enemies. We are made up of what we beleive is the best quiality a troopleader should be. WE all serve our realms with pride and honor. WE all follow the orders of our Rulers. WE goto war for honor and for our realm, and both side does it because they are binded by honor.
I salute the templars from MI, Tals, and ASI. I know what we will meet are the best on the battlefield, and that is an honor. You all should salute your brothers that you meet in the battlefield. Its will be an honor to cross sword with them!
Armitage III
Queen of Abington
*Letter from Armitage III  (1 hour, 50 minutes ago)
Message sent to (103 recipients)
There been a lot of things everybody accusing you of from being dishonor to insulting.
There is a lot of gray area in those accusing and your statement.
You threating the guild, threating to destory the guild of the Templar, and that not the way of the Templars, but the way of the enemies of the Templar.
I normally let the others decision rather there a crime been committed or not. BUT I will not accept any accuses for threating to destory this guild.
You are hereby BANNED from the Templars.
Armitage III
Queen of Abington
*Guild member removed  (1 hour, 49 minutes ago)
The Overlords Armitage III has removed El Cidd from the guild and revoked his membership in the guild "The Templars".
*Letter from Torsaan  (1 hour, 45 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (102 recipients)
Armitage III,
As El Cidd was banned, then I demand to be banned as well.
Torsaan (Knight of Foda)
*Letter from kaine  (1 hour, 42 minutes ago)
Message sent to (102 recipients)
Going the path of the martyr, Torsaan?
Leaving this guild will solve nothing. If you want to change the guild, then do so by the guild rules.
kaine (Knight of Riverholm)
*Letter from Omerus  (55 minutes ago)
Message sent to (102 recipients)
Thank you Overlord Armitage III for removing that slanderous filth from our halls. That is certainly not how a Templar is to act.
Count of Beleriel
*Letter from Lathoros  (50 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (102 recipients)
I feel it was a little harsh. El Cidd, is an honourable man who seems to be in a guild surrounded by people who want to destroy him. And personally I think an overlord who just so happens to be the ruler of Abington shouldn't have been the one to throw him out.
Lathoros (Knight of Leohampton)
*Letter from Manu  (45 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (102 recipients)
"And personally I think an overlord who just so happens to be the ruler of Abington shouldn't have been the one to throw him out."
I agree on that part. Mainly because many Abingtoners have indulged in the same, slander over other realms, including my own.
Anyhow I wish to not dwell into that. For those who said what they did, it shows their political inclinations and their wishes to run for public office's (nothing wrong in that) rather than serve as knights.
Marshal of the army of Sullenport
Fetz (Noble)
*Orders from Spiritmonger  (1 hour, 43 minutes ago)
Message sent to (103 recipients)
El Cidd you are baned and not longer welcome here!
leave and stay away, you have nothing to do here anymore as we as the Templar Order turn our back on you as you shown no honor a Templar member needs to have.
Duke of Riverholm
*Guild member removed  (1 hour, 42 minutes ago)
The Overlords Spiritmonger has removed El Cidd from the guild and revoked his membership in the guild "The Templars".
===The Resolution===
===The Resolution===
* It is expected that with the dismissal of the Instigator of this rash that the rhetoric will fade away.

Latest revision as of 20:06, 23 July 2006

http://www.gnosis.org/images/templarshield.gif Chronicles of The Templars

Templar Code

To protect the church,

To protect against disloyalty,
To honor the priesthood,
To guard the poor from injustice,
To uphold peace in your region,
To shed blood for your brothers in arms,

And when necessary give your life for the good cause.
Here begins a History of Templar Events, that all future generations may learn from our wisdom and avoid our foibles.

A Dispute

((on July 22, 2006 at about 6PM, GMT)) After several weeks of little comment from members, the following argument broke out:

  • Letter from El Cidd (15 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) -T- Templar brothers, Is this how a fellow Templar brother should be speaking to another member without just cause, and is there any such resaon in which this would be accepted?

((((Letter from Gauihu (4 hours, 59 minutes ago) (personal message) Ah, El Cidd. I see you've found a realm too foolish to understand your ilk... or perhaps, too corrupt to care.

Why don't you join me in Riverholm? I'm sure it would be as pleasant as 'old' times!

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn)))

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Gauihu (14 hours, 51 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Templars,

I spoke to El Cidd not as a Templar, but man to man, privately. I do not feel bringing this matter before the entire Templars is appropriate or honourable. But, that being done, it should be pointed out that I was merely responding to El Cidd's own words: Sir Gerd, anytime you feel like you have the balls needed to cross blades with me, just ring the bell and I will be there,

Also, please inform your judge and that wench that calls herslf a Duchess of Suville that I have returned, Yes I have returned and I have brought a few freinds with me to purge Abington of it's worthless lieing nobles El Cidd (Knight of York)

These words were addressed to a countryman, and rather than use that countryman as a go-between, I thought it more appropriate to address El Cidd directly in my response to his message.

Make of it what you will.

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn

  • Letter from El Cidd (14 hours, 46 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Gauihu, your Templar oath is not something that you only wear while you within the halls of the guild is it?

I see no dishonour in informing Gerd that I will be more than happy to cross blades with him, he's the one that challenged me to a duel in the first place, but then he ran and is now hiding from me just as you are.

Most all here knows that a wench is the duchess of Suville, so I come before you now as a Templar and challenge you to a duel to the death to defend my honour here before all of our Templar broghers.

Now show your true self and run and hide from me yet once again!

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Gauihu (14 hours, 27 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) El Cidd,

I do not bring my personal disagreements here, though I certainly have those in the Templars with whom I disagree. Nor do I attempt to use the Templars to justify actions, as you do - or your slander, which is directly against the Templar code, shows you do not have the honour required for me to deign dueling with you.

Others here can attest, that I do not accept duels from criminals as a matter of policy. I never have, and I am not going to start with you, no matter how disrespectful you treat fellow Templars like Callisto.

If you wish to continue this discussion, have the courage to respond to my private letters, privately. Unless of course you sincerely wish to bring Realm Politics into this order.

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn

  • Letter from Lathoros (7 hours, 20 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Settle down you two, this not how Templars should be acting. Take your arguments elsewhere.

Lathoros (Knight of Leohampton)

  • Letter from Gabriel (6 hours, 36 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Honor has left the Templar a long ago... Specially when while holding positions of power you turn your back on the principles this House was founded upon...

Sad indeed... Gabriel Count of Rustton

  • Letter from Torsaan (5 hours, 16 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Might i point out the fact Gold is also part of Abington? Perhaps if El Cidd was not speaking out against a member of Abington Gold would have said nothing. Gauihu insulted Minas Ithil, and by extension El Cidd. To me, it is perfectly good to show a personal letter if the sender was insulting you and if that is not a good enough reason... aren't we all brothers linked through our guild? If a man cannot speak to his brother's freely then how can he have faith in a realm or the church, which we are meant to protect. To silence him would be an insult to our guild and what we stand for. To silence him is to forgo brotherhood for the wrappings of realmship.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Torsaan (5 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Ah, Good Brothers,

I have to point out the rude misuse of Templar membership by Brother El Cidd. Quoting: "Letter from El Cidd (9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) -T- Templar brothers, Is this how a fellow Templar brother should be speaking to another member without just cause, and is there any such resaon in which this would be accepted? ((((Letter from Gauihu (4 hours, 59 minutes ago) (personal message) . . . . . . Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn)))"

Note that he is quoting from a personal message sent to him, man-to-man. You will find that Gauihu has sent no Political message like that to the Templar Membership.

El Cidd has made a gross misuse of his status in the Templars, using this as a Polical Forum to influence World Opinion. He should be Censured for this misbehavior. I want to suggest a Period of Silence imposed on him, with Dismissal from the Temple as a consequence of breaking that Silence.

Note that I have not re-quoted the substance of what passd between two men. Such matters ought to be handled one-to-one, not used as a tool of Rabble Rousing. The Templars is not a place for Bully Tactics and stirring up Gang Violence.


Gold (Knight of Webgard)

There is someone calling for proposed silencing.

El Cidd was speaking to his brothers about what you said. You offered him to join Abington, when he had just spoken of anticipating 'crossing blades' with you. You were a go between, meant to deliver the letter that he could not address to them. As another Templar, you were bound to assist your brother.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Manu (5 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) I am only a new comer, but I would like to suggest that only knights who are not part of El Cidd's or Gauihu's relam take part in the decision making regarding further action.

Do consider this if the decision seems worthwhile.


Manu Marshal of the army of Sullenport

  • Letter from Manu (5 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) This ius what is sad to see. The entire Temple is getting divided into Abington or Minas Ithil camps.

Let nobody from these two realms speak, since they are bound to take sides based on their realm, rather than on honor.

It is sad to see this snow ball into something like this.

Manu Marshal of the army of Sullenport

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 59 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) I am of Tara, not Minas Ithil.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Out-of-Character from Manu (4 hours, 58 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) ooops sorry, user details I sawr Minas Ithil.. :(


  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 54 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) If one can have a templar insult another, then this is madness. If your mind wasn't filled with Abington dung and delusions of grandeur, you would be able to follow.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 51 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Due to the presence of individuals who are less skilled mentally, I am forced to rewrite my letter...

And I quote Gold (That means you!): Ah, Good Brothers,

I have to point out the rude misuse of Templar membership by Brother El Cidd. Quoting: "Letter from El Cidd (9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) -T- Templar brothers, Is this how a fellow Templar brother should be speaking to another member without just cause, and is there any such resaon in which this would be accepted? ((((Letter from Gauihu (4 hours, 59 minutes ago) (personal message) . . . . . . Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn)))"

Note that he is quoting from a personal message sent to him, man-to-man. You will find that Gauihu has sent no Political message like that to the Templar Membership.

El Cidd has made a gross misuse of his status in the Templars, using this as a Polical Forum to influence World Opinion. He should be Censured for this misbehavior. I want to suggest a Period of Silence imposed on him, with Dismissal from the Temple as a consequence of breaking that Silence.

Note that I have not re-quoted the substance of what passd between two men. Such matters ought to be handled one-to-one, not used as a tool of Rabble Rousing. The Templars is not a place for Bully Tactics and stirring up Gang Violence.


Gold (Knight of Webgard)

The letter above is someone calling for proposed silencing.

El Cidd was speaking to his brothers about what you (That means Gauihu) said. You offered him (El Cidd) to join Abington, when he (El Cidd again) had just spoken of anticipating 'crossing blades' with you. You were a go between, meant to deliver the letter that he (Guess what? El Cidd again!) could not address to them. As another Templar, you were bound to assist your brother (El Cidd).

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Big Bad (4 hours, 49 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Someone remove me from this guild it is being torn apart.

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 46 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) The guild is not falling apart, if Gold hadn't of insulted me then I wouldn't have responded

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from astaroth (4 hours, 44 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) i would leave because theres lots of messages coming threw which don't concern me in the least and sicne i'm in norland i don't now where a guild is astaroth (Knight of Moramroth)

  • Letter from Gauihu (4 hours, 43 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Had El Cidd not chosen to bring his personal disagreement with me, my liege and my realm to this Order of the Templars, none of this would be happening.

This is exactly why I said I felt it was inappropriate to do so.

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn

  • Letter from kaine (4 hours, 35 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) (~T~)

I don't think you people know the background El Cidd has with Abington. When he first joined Abington, he made many threats and insults at the veteran leaders of Abington. Going so far as calling the popular Duchess of Suville a "wench." He was then found to be a participant in the rebel underground, so he was banned from our realm by Gauihu.

Basically, he has been itching to get back at the realm since he was kicked out. He has made many threats and slander against Abington during his stay here in the south.

El Cidd is doing something that Moses has a history of doing. He is bringing personal buisness into the realm halls, a no-no sort to speak. In a minute, I will look through my stacks and stacks of messages to point out that El Cidd has called Gauihu far worse names then ones he has presented.

kaine (Knight of Riverholm) [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails]

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 31 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) That may be (I'm referring to Gauihu) but such an assault upon one member is disgusting. If you (Gold) stood up for what you are preaching, then you would have ignored it or said personal issues are not to be brought up. If El Cidd wasn't talking of another member of Abington, perhaps you wouldn't have jumped all over him and stayed quiet.

And i find it humourous how you've decided to praise Manu, as if in some bold attempt to make me feel bad.

No offence to Manu of course.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 30 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) And look, another member of Abington!

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from kaine (4 hours, 28 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) (~T~)

Don't be ignorant, Torsaan. This guild was founded in Abington, and most of the members are also members of the realm of Abington. Don't let your hate of my realm interfere with your judgement. El Cidd has called one member of the order a wench, and the other cowardly. Are these ways that a Templar are supposed to speak to one another?

kaine (Knight of Riverholm)

  • Letter from Manu (4 hours, 28 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) what do we have to gain by verbally arguing here? atleast when you do that in your realm, its called lobbying and their are posts to be won, here it becomes just an irritant to all.

Manu Marshal of the army of Sullenport

  • Letter from Gauihu (4 hours, 27 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) You know, Torsaan, if it seems like all Abington members of the Templars are now getting irate, perhaps it's because you mentioned "Abington dung" and El Cidd has promised to "purge" the world of "Abington scum."

You cannot complain because you provoke someone and they are provoked by you.

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn

  • Letter from astaroth (4 hours, 26 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) i heavily disagree with maney things about abbington and more about what there currently doing but i have learnt to live with it

astaroth (Knight of Moramroth)

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 25 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Abington dung was merely my way of saying common Abington ideas, my head is filled with Tara Dung, El Cidd's with Minas Ithil dung.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda) [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails]

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 24 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) ... Yes, in the name of The Templars, let's stop the fighting now.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda) [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails]

  • Letter from kaine (4 hours, 20 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) (~T~)

Hah. I find it funny that the number one defender of El Cidd, and one of the lead instigators, now wants the fighting to end. People ammuse me. kaine (Knight of Riverholm)

  • Letter from Torsaan (4 hours, 18 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Eh, it is the maturity to know when one must stop.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Big Bad (3 hours, 51 minutes ago)

(personal message) I'm Cagilan. I'm currently helping the TO in Oyonnairre

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Letter from Big Bad (3 hours, 32 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) I think this guild should be above inter realm conflicts and though we fight each other I see no reason to involve everyone in this guild in your conflict. You don't see me insulting Carelians in here. Exercize restraint.

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Roleplay from El Cidd (3 hours, 24 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) -T-

And if the Templar Knights would be a guld of Honour and not allow just anyone to come in here and then call themselves "Templars" then we would not be having this chat as well, but since the Templar Knights Guildhouse seems to be more about including anyone, honourable and dishonourable alike then it's failure is not so far away.

This Guildhouse is also just a place for Abington to spread it's lies through out the island, I thought that this was a place for honourable men and realms had no boarders here,

But thats only the case when nothing is said about Abington!

Well I once loved Abington, My family use to live there, we had a rightous King in Gabriel and a grand judge in Elantus, our Dukes and Duchess were men and women of great respect and high honour,

But now! Woe be unto all that is Abington, they have fallen into the depths of hell! Their leaders know nothing of Honour and truth, but only of greed and selfserving,

Abington looks like a pack of baby pigs, all sucking the tit of life out of the once great Abington.

It is a shame, but it is the doing of all of those that allowed for these current pack of leaders to rise to power.

I spit on you all for doing this to Abington,

It well fall only to be raised once again in a more honourable way

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Callisto (3 hours, 23 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) +T+

As Big Bad states and to build on it:

Personal grudges and arguments should be KEPT personal.

The moment you start involving the Templar in whatever mental instability you have, then you are attempting to subvert Templar Will to justify your side of the argument.

Also, you cannot egg on a personal argument and then, once people don't bow down to your witty remarks, halt all discussion on it while attempting to silence people on the very same precepts you now claim you are upholding. Very bad form, I must say.

So, again, please stop claiming you are "upholding Templar values" when you try to incite people against foes you yourself are having trouble winning the personal argument with, when it was a non-Templar action to start with, but you attempt to make it one and abuse the intent of the Order for your own personal or political view of the situation.

And please note, the one or two of you I expect to have the vanity to defend yourself for no reason, that I have mentioned no names here, only circumstances and events. If your ego is so fragile that you have to make it "all about you" then I suspect you shouldn't remain in these halls, as the stress of trying to uphold respectable character is simply too much for you at this time.

Callisto Royal Treasurer of Abington, Duchess of Suville

  • Letter from Gabriel (3 hours, 22 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) In the Templars, we should have "Abington", "Tara", "ASI" or any political oriented mesage...

ASI is the most dishonorable and untrustworthy realm I ever known. If I start applying to all ASI nobles the guilt of their realm, this will turn into a battlefield rather then a BROTHERHOOD!

We should stand by honor here... see each one as equal, as honorable regardless of origin or realm we live on...

Gabriel Count of Rustton [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] - - - Letter from Gabriel (3 hours, 21 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) In the Templars, we should have "Abington", "Tara", "ASI" or any political oriented mesage...

Of course is SHOULDNT

Gabriel Count of Rustton

  • Letter from Gauihu (3 hours, 20 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) 1) No Slander

2) No realm politics…

3) No spamming or flaming.

El Cidd has violated all three of these rules of the Templars, not just once but repeatedly. But that is no surprise to me... he has committed treason, not just against one realm, but against several.

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn

  • Letter from El Cidd (3 hours, 15 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Having a Spine

Showing to have some Honour

Being a respectful Noble

Have the courage to duel those that you insult

It seems that Gauihu has none of these qualities, so why is he allowed to call himslf a Templar Knight?

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Big Bad (3 hours, 15 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Gabriel you and I hav different views on which is the most dishonourable realmn on the continent...

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Roleplay from Purple (3 hours, 13 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) -T- Good Brothers,

Simply consider me to have restated all that "Gold" has said.

Also consider a small fine for Torsaan, for these comments: "If your mind wasn't filled with Abington dung and delusions of grandeur, you would be able to follow."

He has implied that Gold, a fellow Templar, is feeble-minded and easily deluded. He has gone to the gutter of Political mud-slinging, deriding the Richest and most Powerful Realm on this continent, calling all their Wisdoma nd Experience "dung".

He accuses Gold of having insulted him, but offers no evidence. That is Slander.

I call for a Censure of those who brought Political and Personal animosity into this Temple.

Manu and Big Bad have derided the outbreak as well. They are enemies of Abington on the battlefield, but here they are my Beloved Brothers speaking against Disruption.


Purple (Knight of Matakonis)

  • Letter from Callisto (3 hours, 8 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) "Knight" El Cidd:

Your garbage about the Templar being a place for Abington to spread lies or to campaign for itself is rediculous.

In all the time I've been here, there have RARELY, if EVER, been lengthy or even ANY discussions about other kingdoms in here. And, when Abington IS discussed, it's typically people like you, the enemies of Abington, who fuss and rehash and bring reasons for Abington to have to defend itself verbally.

So you saying that the Templar Guild is used unfairly by Abington, it's because people like you keep bringing up the topic. I seriously can't remember any discussions about any other kingdom in here, AT ALL, unless it was ASI and Abington, mostly due to Moses and his personal campaigns to turn the Guild into something it's not: a political bitch to be thrown over a couch and used to the contentment of another kingdom.

Leaders of the Templar:

Our errant Cidd has brought up a fabulous point though.. we need to stop allowing just this or that person to join, simply so they can randomly join up with something and then never again be heard from (like the ones who arrive off the boat, and simply join the guild because it's there.. not because they actually believe they wish to be a part of it).

So, let's start, continent wide, figuring who should remain and who should be booted. These "join, just to have joined" people are doing no good, and these people who use the Guild for their personal or political agendas have no place here nor respect for the Guild's integrity.. so by all means, let the cleansing begin.

Callisto Royal Treasurer of Abington, Duchess of Suville\

  • Letter from Gauihu (3 hours, 7 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Gabriel, you are correct... but it seems as if some individuals cannot help but take their political axes and grind them on the honour of the Templars.

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn

  • Letter from El Cidd (3 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Excuse me for not knowing, but who in the hell is this noble Purple and why is he acting as if he is of some grand authority?

I guess that hes a prime example of why Abington is in the shape thats it's in right now, well perhaps he will soon see the flames and he will know that he is completely wrong,

But I bet that once all of the Abington Elitist see that their cash cow has been milked that they will all start jumping ship.

Abington is going to be no longer as it is now, they have allowed their leaders to insult and they have allowed their nobles to turn speak as if they are far better than others just because they are from Abington.

The worst part is that most all of the disrespectful Abington mouts are of those that was not here when Abingto rose to greatness, so they had no hand it the hard work that it took, but now they have ruined it all.

I now sit in Wayburg, but I look forward to my next trip back to Riverholm

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Roleplay from El Cidd (3 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Hahaha, now thats rich, Gauihu speaking of honour! thats like a man of the desert speaking of his great knowlege of the deep blue sea!

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Roleplay from Fetz (3 hours ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) (T)

El Cidd, I suggest you re-read the internal board of the Templars. It seems some of its regulations might have been overlooked by you in your first reading.

Fetz (Noble)

  • Roleplay from Purple (2 hours, 59 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) -T- Callisto,

Please make it clear that you are supporting Big Bad's call for Sanity.

Since you make no mention of the (obvious) target of your following remarks, those who are not fluent in the Abingtonian language may mistake you as deriding Big Bad.


Purple (Knight of Matakonis)

  • Letter from Gauihu (2 hours, 58 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) I am not going to indulge El Cidd's obvious desire to turn this into a political forum for slander and propaganda.

However, perhaps I am wrong in showing restraint. Perhaps the Templars have changed and that is exactly what the Templars are for?

Gauihu Arch Priest of Abington, Count of Anchorinn

  • Letter from Big Bad (2 hours, 56 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) I move to banning El Cidd from the guild. Its nothing personal but you are turning the guild into something it is not though we are diplomatically friends outside this guild inside it you are out of line and so must be removed.

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Roleplay from El Cidd (2 hours, 55 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Fetz, and does it say somewere in there that Templars are to go and Steal food and deal on the blackmarkets?

If not then perhaps you should practice what those boards say before you point them out to me.....

For those here that are unaware of the fact, the great and honourabel noble of Abingtong, Lord Fetz was captured stealing food and dealing on the blackmarkets,

He could have even been the Abington banker at the time he was capotured in Darka doing this, but that could have been another, but anyways I know that Fetz has been caught stealing food and dealing on many blackmarkets

So why is he still a Templar Knight?

Oh I see, because he is a high ranking member in Abington, oh well that makes his better than us fodder from other realms

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Big Bad (2 hours, 46 minutes ago)

Message sent to all full members of "The Templars" (47 recipients) Letter from El Cidd (just in) (personal message) Sorry Lord Big Bad, but they cant remove me, I am in Wayburg and I will just return, then once this city is ours, I will burn this guildhouse to the ground, then on to Riverholm

El Cidd (Knight of York)

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Letter from El Cidd (2 hours, 43 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) ~A Templars Duty~

To protect the church Which Church, the Church of greed?

To protect against disloyalty how can there be disloyality among thieves

To honor the priesthood Thats a nice one to toss in

To guard the poor from injustice The Poor? does that mean the thousands of starving Abington peasants as well, they starve but Abington has gold for huge armies to move against Tara

To uphold peace in your region peace in the starvation of peasants

>i>To shed blood for your brothers in arms Time will come for you to do this, I bet I know of several that wont

And when necessary give your life for the good cause I have a sword that is named "Just Cause"

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Big Bad (2 hours, 38 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) El Cidd the Templar is not Abingtonian it is for all of Atamara. I am from the Cagilan Empire and I am a member of this guild, I would like to see Abington whiped off of the map for the deal they tried to cut with us in exchange for peace but I do not insult them through this guild indeed I wouldn't persnally insult the nobles outside this realm. I find many of them to be honourable though I dislike their realm.

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Letter from El Cidd (2 hours, 37 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Lord Big Bad, this is because your an honourable man, I admire you for this.

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Mother (2 hours, 23 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) Mother be thinking some people never be learning. Some people be full of it.

Mother (Knight of Stargard)

  • Letter from El Cidd (2 hours, 13 minutes ago)

(personal message) these templars are no ttrue templar knights, I know of what true men of honour look like, and trust me, this guild does not hold many, this giuld was founded on this principles, but has since left them.

it is what a man does when no on is watching him that defines his honour, those of no honour need to be remove from the templars, but that wont happen because the ideal of this guild being one of a true templar knight guild has been lost by it's very founders.

theres no honourable leaders to lead, they are all spinless and have not the courage to return the templars to what they were meant to be

El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Letter from Torsaan (1 hour, 35 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Purple,

Gold insulted my speech, which I take as an insult to myself.

QUOTE: Your own refutation in the last paragraph is muddled, since you overused pronouns to the point no one can tell which person you are speaking of.

Gold (Knight of Webgard)

It was from that that I decided to 'politically sling mud'. If he cannot follow the use of pronouns, then he is feeble minded.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Torsaan (1 hour, 30 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) If the 'noble' Templars are to ban El Cidd, then I demand to be banned too. If they fine him then fine me too. If you fine us though, we shall come and reclaim the gold when Abington is burning. What shall the ban mean when we come to demolish each and every guildhouse? Go ahead, ban and fine us but remember, Abington shall fall and with it the Templars shall as well.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from Big Bad (1 hour, 27 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) No no fining, the gold could be used for extra guild costs and that would be wrong. I hate to see a guild like this fall. Why have we pushed into inter realm diplomacy??

Big Bad (Lord)

  • Letter from kaine (1 hour, 6 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) I have no idea where to begin...

There has been so much misconduct on both sides through the past bit of messages that it leaves me truely speechless.

Apparently the basic rule of the Templars is being ingnored right now. KEEP REALM POLITICS OUTSIDE THESE WALLS. I don't think even Moses went as far as this El Cidd character is going.

El Cidd and Torsaan seem to be ignorant of this one basic law of The Templars. El Cidd is here to just rile everyone up, while Torsaan is trying to make himself some sort of martyr.

The only one here really speaking any sense is Big Bad, and I thank him for it. This is just a complete mess, and is only further disgracing El Cidd, no one else.

kaine (Knight of Riverholm)

  • Letter from Purple (1 hour ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) Ah, well, Torsaan has spoken his own fate.

He has threatened the Templars in entirety, and called for his own banning and fine. Make him penniless and send him on a boat to some wretched harsh land.

I now sit silent, awaiting the Word from our Elders.

Purple (Knight of Matakonis) [reply to sender] | [ignore]

  • Request from Zadar Nargath (25 minutes ago)

Message sent to (104 recipients) _* T * G'Day fellow templars. this guild did have a lot of potential but now i cannot see any reason why i should be here anymore. Please remove me asap. All the best to tho those who will stay and perhaps smeday you will find the the right way again.

Zadar Nargath Duke of Tarasac

  • Letter from Nimrod (9 minutes ago)

Message sent to all full members of "The Templars" (46 recipients) +T+

_* is amused *

the time for talk is over

the Gods will decide who is in the right by battle. as it should be. Nimrod (Knight of Wayburg)

  • Roleplay from El Cidd (2 hours, 48 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (103 recipients) Hahahaha now the Abington band strikes up, Now they even think that are so ignorant to believe that Fetz was buying food to feed the starving!

Come now, we are not all as blind as the commone Abington, you cant just spoon feed us lies and expect us to eat it. My entire point was to show that Gauihu was anything but an honourable man, and to asked as to why he is allowed to be called a Templar Knight, then I pointed out that this guild house stands to only serve Abingtons purpose and not to spread the honour of the Templars. Look at who is saying what, it is abundantly clear as to what I am saying, and as for anyone that I have insulted, well if you wish to defend you honour, I am taking any and all Duel challenges, I believe in giving a man his just due El Cidd (Knight of York)

  • Roleplay from Fetz (1 hour, 56 minutes ago)

Message sent to (103 recipients) (T)

Roleplay from El Cidd (5 hours, 32 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (104 recipients) Fetz, and does it say somewere in there that Templars are to go and Steal food and deal on the blackmarkets? If not then perhaps you should practice what those boards say before you point them out to me..... For those here that are unaware of the fact, the great and honourabel noble of Abingtong, Lord Fetz was captured stealing food and dealing on the blackmarkets,

He could have even been the Abington banker at the time he was capotured in Darka doing this, but that could have been another, but anyways I know that Fetz has been caught stealing food and dealing on many blackmarkets You have me mistaken with someone else. I haven't touched a caravan since I've been back on this island. I would have an apology, El Cidd. But I do see that you completely ignored my comments to you. Since you didn't read the board (I can only assume you didn't, because if you did you would have willfully ignored those standards minutes after reading them). I shall refresh your memory:

We are not an order for debate but all Templars are free to speak and encouraged to do so. We hold our traditions close; we value the order and honor our fallen. In this way we show respect when speaking to each other. Likewise it is assumed that a Templar thinks before he speaks… 1) No Slander 2) No realm politics… 3) No spamming or flaming.

Your slander and realm poilticking must stop. Fetz (Noble)

  • Roleplay from Armitage III (1 hour, 55 minutes ago)((July 23, 2006, ~3AM GMT))

Message sent to (103 recipients) I came in here a day ago and drunk a toast to the templars what will be meeting in a few days on the battlefield.

Since them I have seem nothing but insulting and accuse.

WE all have honor and have our belief on what we consider honor.

NO ONE here should insulted your enemies. We are made up of what we beleive is the best quiality a troopleader should be. WE all serve our realms with pride and honor. WE all follow the orders of our Rulers. WE goto war for honor and for our realm, and both side does it because they are binded by honor.

I salute the templars from MI, Tals, and ASI. I know what we will meet are the best on the battlefield, and that is an honor. You all should salute your brothers that you meet in the battlefield. Its will be an honor to cross sword with them!

Armitage III Queen of Abington

  • Letter from Armitage III (1 hour, 50 minutes ago)

Message sent to (103 recipients)

EL CIDD, There been a lot of things everybody accusing you of from being dishonor to insulting. There is a lot of gray area in those accusing and your statement. BUT You threating the guild, threating to destory the guild of the Templar, and that not the way of the Templars, but the way of the enemies of the Templar. I normally let the others decision rather there a crime been committed or not. BUT I will not accept any accuses for threating to destory this guild.

You are hereby BANNED from the Templars.

Armitage III Queen of Abington

  • Guild member removed (1 hour, 49 minutes ago)

The Overlords Armitage III has removed El Cidd from the guild and revoked his membership in the guild "The Templars".

  • Letter from Torsaan (1 hour, 45 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (102 recipients) Armitage III, As El Cidd was banned, then I demand to be banned as well.

Torsaan (Knight of Foda)

  • Letter from kaine (1 hour, 42 minutes ago)

Message sent to (102 recipients) Going the path of the martyr, Torsaan? Leaving this guild will solve nothing. If you want to change the guild, then do so by the guild rules. kaine (Knight of Riverholm)

  • Letter from Omerus (55 minutes ago)

Message sent to (102 recipients) Thank you Overlord Armitage III for removing that slanderous filth from our halls. That is certainly not how a Templar is to act. Omerus Count of Beleriel

  • Letter from Lathoros (50 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (102 recipients) +T+ I feel it was a little harsh. El Cidd, is an honourable man who seems to be in a guild surrounded by people who want to destroy him. And personally I think an overlord who just so happens to be the ruler of Abington shouldn't have been the one to throw him out. Lathoros (Knight of Leohampton)

  • Letter from Manu (45 minutes ago)

Message sent to everyone in "The Templars" (102 recipients) "And personally I think an overlord who just so happens to be the ruler of Abington shouldn't have been the one to throw him out." I agree on that part. Mainly because many Abingtoners have indulged in the same, slander over other realms, including my own. Anyhow I wish to not dwell into that. For those who said what they did, it shows their political inclinations and their wishes to run for public office's (nothing wrong in that) rather than serve as knights.

Respectfully, Manu Marshal of the army of Sullenport

  • Orders from Spiritmonger (1 hour, 43 minutes ago)

Message sent to (103 recipients) El Cidd you are baned and not longer welcome here! leave and stay away, you have nothing to do here anymore as we as the Templar Order turn our back on you as you shown no honor a Templar member needs to have.

Spiritmonger Duke of Riverholm

  • Guild member removed (1 hour, 42 minutes ago)

The Overlords Spiritmonger has removed El Cidd from the guild and revoked his membership in the guild "The Templars".

The Resolution

  • It is expected that with the dismissal of the Instigator of this rash that the rhetoric will fade away.