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[[Category: Island News]]
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Latest revision as of 00:44, 4 February 2007

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png News from the South East Island
Price: 2 Gold Coins Creator: Shadow Updated as Needed
Ikalak has been defeated, only two realms remain, there can be only war

Editorial note: Please do not post any work in this paper without first asking me via the discussion option

Toren Stronghold taken
Date: Feb 02 2006

Sandalak has finally resecured its control over Toren stronghold after a viscous fight between Taselakian soldiers and the Sandalakian warriors. After a long takeover of outstanding brutality involving several peasent massacres the stronghold of Taselak finally collapsed. This is almost certainly the killing blow for Taselak, after several defeats in battle and an unsuccessful campain in the cave of guilt the Taselakian forces have been oblitereated. Only a standing force of miltia remains to the north of the island that shows any sign of power.

With several nobles already abandoning the island on the Tasleakian side including Yavanna, former leader of Ikalak, moral is very low. Several questions remain in circualtion, why Castimir was aloud to command the army of Taselak after he had already been beaten in Ikalak remains heavily on many nobles minds. The daily Toren will attempt to find out more information on this matter.

Castimir - The new general of Taselak *updated*
March 13th, 2006

There has certainly been alot of confusion over why Castimir has been given the most important Job in Taselak when he had just lost his realm. Many Taselakians believed that Penny was a worthier general, however for reasons that escape many, he now controls the forces of Taselak. Sebastian has been rumoured to of joked about this, saying he will be the first man two lead two realms to defeat in a matter of months. Although currently Castimir has been doing a highly successful job, he has led the Taselakian army to the victory and capture of the Cave of Guilt as well as defeating the Sandalakian looting partys to the north. Whether his appointment will be ultimatley successful is still debatable.

This was written just over a month ago and already the Taselakian war machine lies in ruins. Castimir seams to of had a run of bad luck in the battles with Sebastian with several of his own nobles ignoring his orders and his battle settings. The lack of leadership inside Taselak seems to be the cause of these problems.

The battle for Toren begins!
Date: March 13th 2006

The Sandalakian force came in waves on its attack on the stronghold, the first defeatedafter a brutal battles for the walls erupted. With the miltia forces depleted the Sandlakaian second wave crashed through and began to start a takeover, The Toren peasents attempted to rise up against the onvaders but were quickly put down. The taselakian relief force attempted to lift the siege of the stronghold however they were vastly outnumbered and were defeated. The fleeing Taselakian army was then caught in Astin by a secondary strikeforce. The Taselakian army was almost completeley wiped out by Sandalaks pincer movement. As of yet no major Taselakian forces have come out of Taselak ready for battle. There army appears crippled.

Recent events on the South-East Island
March 13th, 2006

Toren Stronghold Now flies the banner of Sandalak!!

Taselakian relief force arrives in two waves, both are utterley destroyed

Brutal takeover of the stronhold begins

The second wave defeats the miltia forces in Toren Stronghold

Sandalak marches onto Toren Stronghold, the first wave is pushed back

Taselak strikes back crippling both forces in Astin

Sandalak defeats a large Taselak force as nobles refuse to move

Figobar rejoins Sandalak as the local lord switches sides

Cave of guilt captured by Taselak

Berakor taken by Taselak

Looting parts from Sandalak destroyed

Sandalak takes Berakor

Sandalak takes Ikalak city