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title =<center>[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]The Kalmarian Chronicles[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]</center>|
title =<center>[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]The Kalmarian Chronicles[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]</center>|
article = Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar]] City ----- Editor: [[User: Alex|Legatus]] DeSyrr ----- early May '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an [[IJARG]] paper.}}
article = Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar]] City ----- Editor: [[User: Alex|Legatus]] [[DeSyrr Family| DeSyrr]] ----- early May '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an [[IJARG]] paper.}}
=A variety of things=
Today Perdan has declared war on Itorunt, really though they have been at war for far longer, but officially the realms were neutral. Still, Itorunt troops would fight against Perdan with their Ibladeshian allies.
Also, tomorrow is the tournament in Fontan, capital of [[Light of Fountain]]. There has been very few quarrels here at the tournament grounds. It is good to see so many nobles hold back the great grudges and hatreds for eachother. Hopefully though, that hatred will come out in the form of feracity during the tournament swordfights.
Around KI, there has been quite a bit of talking and very little action. There has been debate over whether or not Lord One should have a trial. Lord One almost betrayed avamar to Sirion earlier and that event had never been resolved ina trial. Currently there is debate over if a trial should be held, if it should have official results, or the most likely scenario in which there would be a private "Avamarian-only" trial that would have no political or governmental results. By that I mean Lord One could nto be banned, fined, executed, but would only serve to show the Avamarian sentiment towards Lord One.
There have been various discussions on building projects, an academy for instance. Talks on finances and we how can support an army.
Truly there have been some innovative suggestions and in-depth discussion. The trouble I see is the time it takes to act on these things. Both Ibladesh and Itorunt inquired about the New Kalmar. Itorunt wants to know what to expect from the 'new' KI government while Ibladesh asked if we wanted peace. It took a good while just to tell them the New KI is about freedom, democracy and peace. That we want to remain neutral as the Old KI was. That is one of democracy's tragic flaws. Decisions are made far more slowly, and truly I think we are walking a fine line between democracy and anarchy.
There the updates are concluded.
=Interview with Chancellor Gnaeus=
'''<i>* How successful is Kalmar's current state of economic development?</i>'''
Kalmar's current level of economic development could use some work. I'm quite certain that once things settle down
a bit more and the assembly finishes organizing itself we'll see some marked improvement. Until then
'''<i>* How successful is Kalmar's current state concerning foreign relations?</i>'''
Foreign relations are more or less unknown right now. With the assembly meeting officially for the first time today
foreign policy should soon be decided and then we'll see what happens. Personally I remain cautiously optimistic
that things will improve now that El Cid no longer reigns as tyrant.
'''<i>* How do you view the current war with Old Rancagua?</i>'''
The present tension between Kalmar Islands and Old Rancagua is unfortunate. Personally I've had little contact with
the OR people, but those who colonized the islands from OR speak very highly and fairly of their former home. Thus
I remain optimistic that something can be worked out.
'''<i>* What is your view concerning trial for Lord One.</i>'''
I don't much care about lord One's trial. Whatever it is he did happened in another place and hardly concerns us in
this day and age.
'''<i>* How do you feel about being Chancellor? What are your plans for the future?</i>'''
In my wildest dreams I'd never imagined that I'd ever be permitted to speak on the behalf of a realm. It's really
quite amazing how everything worked out and I can only hope that the democracy becomes strong while I'm in
'office'. As for the future, I really don't know.... My goal is to strengthen the democracy, because I do not wish
my children, or their children to live in a realm like that of my birth. A lofty goal to be sure but one in which I
think can be attained. My goal may lead me to run during the next election or not, in the end only time will tell.
'''<i>* Do you have anything else you would like to add? If so please add it.</i>'''
Not that I can think of, you've really covered all the major topics of the day. It was an honour to be granted an
interview with the Kalmarian Chronicles, and I hope I have the opportunity again in the future.
Thank you estimable Chancellor Gnaeus, it is a comparable honor to have your thoughts in the Chronicles.
=We have become a threat=
"Till now, such threats were only innerpolitical problems,
but with Avamarian terrorism expanding through national borders
I will try to create a multi-national security council
in order to help realms in cooperation against such threats.
An excellent information network as well as the necessary military and justicial power
should be things to make such a cooperation clear.
We simply can't accept such people threatening us, our realms and our people.
And  any realm that will provide protection to them will also have to be considered as threat and possible hostile
'''~Fuiner, former King and prominent political figure in Old Rancagua.'''
Now personally, I cannot possibly most of that. Avamarian terrorism? Please. The 18 Avamarians in KI, though they do have some power, do not wish for war with Old Rancagua. We all here wish only for peace. We fight only because peace was not made an option, and because Old Rancagua does nto want it to be. A multi-national secrity council is all well and good. Just make sure it counter rebellions of realm newcomers and not old time nobles, the former is terrorism, the latter is revolution and the will of the realm's people. I do not beleive though that we would be one of the threats Fuiner speaks of.
Truly, we are not a threat when we are approximately 6000 CS weaker than Old Rancagua. Not only that, but even if we did wish to invade, we would need to strike in Kazan, which is swarming with Old Rancagua militia troops. It would be suicide. We of Kalmar Islands bear no ill will, would like to have peace, and do not(atleast I do not) wish to be seen as the aggressors in this war.
=Election Poll Estimate=
The results so far:
Duke of Chaos Temple:Langul(5), Janus(10)
Duke of Kalmar City: One (13), Legatus (3)
Count of Alvaret: Legatus(8), Pipeta(6)
Baron of Venas: Margit(14)
Count of Lundel: Tasadar(14)
Baron of Wasteland: Fionn(10), Draxius(7)
Count of Bastad:Aramir(7), Iridian(1), [Kamenos(9)]
Count of Stora: Lalakis(10), Donna Ragna(6)
=Upcoming Elections=
Region Lord elections are coming up. Cantidates are...
'''Duke of Chaos Temple:''' Janus, Langul
'''Duke of Kalmar City:''' One, Legatus
'''Baron of Alvaret:''' Legatus, Pipeta
'''Baron of Venas''' Thanfedal, Margit
'''Baron of Lundel''' Tasadar
'''Baron of Wasteland:''' Fionn, Draxius
'''Baron of Bastad''' Kamenos, Aramir
'''Baron of Stora:''' Donna Ragna, Lalakis
Any Region: Iridian
=OR Infiltrator Executed=
Earlier today, Jacket, and Old Rancaguan infiltrator ruining production and harming KI peasants in Stora was executed by judge Draxius. The actions of Draxius were not agreed upon by the assembly. The exicution of Jacket was carried out, as Draxius thought best. Unfotunatly for him he did not check with the people before hand and thus it is highly likely that he will be up for audit at the general meeting, and may not retain his position in the people's name. Pity such a death has occured. Jacket should not have been in Stora, but he also should not have been killed so quickly, especially not without the support of the people. May Jacket rest in peace.
=Divine Message=
For the past few days the troopleaders of KI have been debating, talking, many of them avamarian. We had been discussing what the new name of the realm should be. Avamar, New Avamar, the Kalmar Free State, and many other names were put forth. The talks would've gone on longer, should not the message have been revealed. After leaving the Chaos Temple the nobles were shocked to look towards the ChaosPeak and see large clouds of smoke coming from the volcano caldera. The smoke, by by divine power took the form of words. The smoke spelled out "The realm cannot change in name, Kalmar Islands it was named, Kalmar Islands it shall remain." The nobles immediately ended the talks  for many with some distaste. But it is the word of the Great Dragon, or some deity I do not follow, and so either for the Great Dragon or another the attempts to change the official name and banner cease.

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Today we have found numerous infiltrators from Old Rancagua, whom we are currently at war with. One infiltrator, Jacket was caught and jailed. More interestingly though, the esteemed Ebion II Junior, first King of Kalmar Islands was the second infiltator. Former Kign Ebion II junior was not befallen with the same fate as Jacket, however counter-actions from a post-rebellion Kalmarian, Sydney Carton have reportedly wounded the man. Sydney considers Ebion an invader, and I would expect that Ebion would also think the same of Sydney. So as a pre-rebellion supporter now nearing neutrality on the matter I find it very strange to see how very greatly the tables have turned for my homeland in the Kalmar Islands. Regardless, the infiltrator problem is minor and is under control.
Today we have found numerous infiltrators from Old Rancagua, whom we are currently at war with. One infiltrator, Jacket, was caught and jailed. More interestingly though, the esteemed Ebion II Junior, first King of Kalmar Islands was the second infiltator. Former King Ebion II junior was not befallen with the same fate as Jacket, however counter-actions from a post-rebellion Kalmarian, Sydney Carton have reportedly wounded the man. Sydney considers Ebion an invader, and I would expect that Ebion would also think the same of Sydney. So as a pre-rebellion supporter now nearing neutrality on the matter I find it very strange to see how very greatly the tables have turned for my homeland in the Kalmar Islands. Regardless, the infiltrator problem is minor and is under control.

Latest revision as of 13:38, 20 May 2006

Kalmar islands Emblem.JPGThe Kalmarian ChroniclesKalmar islands Emblem.JPG
Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In Kalmar City ----- Editor: Legatus DeSyrr ----- early May '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an IJARG paper.

A variety of things


Today Perdan has declared war on Itorunt, really though they have been at war for far longer, but officially the realms were neutral. Still, Itorunt troops would fight against Perdan with their Ibladeshian allies.

Also, tomorrow is the tournament in Fontan, capital of Light of Fountain. There has been very few quarrels here at the tournament grounds. It is good to see so many nobles hold back the great grudges and hatreds for eachother. Hopefully though, that hatred will come out in the form of feracity during the tournament swordfights.

Around KI, there has been quite a bit of talking and very little action. There has been debate over whether or not Lord One should have a trial. Lord One almost betrayed avamar to Sirion earlier and that event had never been resolved ina trial. Currently there is debate over if a trial should be held, if it should have official results, or the most likely scenario in which there would be a private "Avamarian-only" trial that would have no political or governmental results. By that I mean Lord One could nto be banned, fined, executed, but would only serve to show the Avamarian sentiment towards Lord One.

There have been various discussions on building projects, an academy for instance. Talks on finances and we how can support an army.

Truly there have been some innovative suggestions and in-depth discussion. The trouble I see is the time it takes to act on these things. Both Ibladesh and Itorunt inquired about the New Kalmar. Itorunt wants to know what to expect from the 'new' KI government while Ibladesh asked if we wanted peace. It took a good while just to tell them the New KI is about freedom, democracy and peace. That we want to remain neutral as the Old KI was. That is one of democracy's tragic flaws. Decisions are made far more slowly, and truly I think we are walking a fine line between democracy and anarchy.

There the updates are concluded.

Interview with Chancellor Gnaeus


* How successful is Kalmar's current state of economic development?
Kalmar's current level of economic development could use some work. I'm quite certain that once things settle down 
a bit more and the assembly finishes organizing itself we'll see some marked improvement. Until then
* How successful is Kalmar's current state concerning foreign relations?
Foreign relations are more or less unknown right now. With the assembly meeting officially for the first time today
foreign policy should soon be decided and then we'll see what happens. Personally I remain cautiously optimistic 
that things will improve now that El Cid no longer reigns as tyrant.
* How do you view the current war with Old Rancagua?
The present tension between Kalmar Islands and Old Rancagua is unfortunate. Personally I've had little contact with
the OR people, but those who colonized the islands from OR speak very highly and fairly of their former home. Thus
I remain optimistic that something can be worked out.
* What is your view concerning trial for Lord One.
I don't much care about lord One's trial. Whatever it is he did happened in another place and hardly concerns us in
this day and age.
* How do you feel about being Chancellor? What are your plans for the future?
In my wildest dreams I'd never imagined that I'd ever be permitted to speak on the behalf of a realm. It's really 
quite amazing how everything worked out and I can only hope that the democracy becomes strong while I'm in 
'office'. As for the future, I really don't know.... My goal is to strengthen the democracy, because I do not wish 
my children, or their children to live in a realm like that of my birth. A lofty goal to be sure but one in which I
think can be attained. My goal may lead me to run during the next election or not, in the end only time will tell.
* Do you have anything else you would like to add? If so please add it.
Not that I can think of, you've really covered all the major topics of the day. It was an honour to be granted an 
interview with the Kalmarian Chronicles, and I hope I have the opportunity again in the future.

Thank you estimable Chancellor Gnaeus, it is a comparable honor to have your thoughts in the Chronicles.

We have become a threat


"Till now, such threats were only innerpolitical problems, 
but with Avamarian terrorism expanding through national borders
I will try to create a multi-national security council
in order to help realms in cooperation against such threats.
An excellent information network as well as the necessary military and justicial power
should be things to make such a cooperation clear.
We simply can't accept such people threatening us, our realms and our people. 
And  any realm that will provide protection to them will also have to be considered as threat and possible hostile 

~Fuiner, former King and prominent political figure in Old Rancagua.

Now personally, I cannot possibly most of that. Avamarian terrorism? Please. The 18 Avamarians in KI, though they do have some power, do not wish for war with Old Rancagua. We all here wish only for peace. We fight only because peace was not made an option, and because Old Rancagua does nto want it to be. A multi-national secrity council is all well and good. Just make sure it counter rebellions of realm newcomers and not old time nobles, the former is terrorism, the latter is revolution and the will of the realm's people. I do not beleive though that we would be one of the threats Fuiner speaks of.

Truly, we are not a threat when we are approximately 6000 CS weaker than Old Rancagua. Not only that, but even if we did wish to invade, we would need to strike in Kazan, which is swarming with Old Rancagua militia troops. It would be suicide. We of Kalmar Islands bear no ill will, would like to have peace, and do not(atleast I do not) wish to be seen as the aggressors in this war.

Election Poll Estimate

(5-5-06) The results so far:

Duke of Chaos Temple:Langul(5), Janus(10)

Duke of Kalmar City: One (13), Legatus (3)

Count of Alvaret: Legatus(8), Pipeta(6)

Baron of Venas: Margit(14)

Count of Lundel: Tasadar(14)

Baron of Wasteland: Fionn(10), Draxius(7)

Count of Bastad:Aramir(7), Iridian(1), [Kamenos(9)]

Count of Stora: Lalakis(10), Donna Ragna(6)

Upcoming Elections


Region Lord elections are coming up. Cantidates are...

Duke of Chaos Temple: Janus, Langul

Duke of Kalmar City: One, Legatus

Baron of Alvaret: Legatus, Pipeta

Baron of Venas Thanfedal, Margit

Baron of Lundel Tasadar

Baron of Wasteland: Fionn, Draxius

Baron of Bastad Kamenos, Aramir

Baron of Stora: Donna Ragna, Lalakis

Any Region: Iridian

OR Infiltrator Executed


Earlier today, Jacket, and Old Rancaguan infiltrator ruining production and harming KI peasants in Stora was executed by judge Draxius. The actions of Draxius were not agreed upon by the assembly. The exicution of Jacket was carried out, as Draxius thought best. Unfotunatly for him he did not check with the people before hand and thus it is highly likely that he will be up for audit at the general meeting, and may not retain his position in the people's name. Pity such a death has occured. Jacket should not have been in Stora, but he also should not have been killed so quickly, especially not without the support of the people. May Jacket rest in peace.

Divine Message


For the past few days the troopleaders of KI have been debating, talking, many of them avamarian. We had been discussing what the new name of the realm should be. Avamar, New Avamar, the Kalmar Free State, and many other names were put forth. The talks would've gone on longer, should not the message have been revealed. After leaving the Chaos Temple the nobles were shocked to look towards the ChaosPeak and see large clouds of smoke coming from the volcano caldera. The smoke, by by divine power took the form of words. The smoke spelled out "The realm cannot change in name, Kalmar Islands it was named, Kalmar Islands it shall remain." The nobles immediately ended the talks for many with some distaste. But it is the word of the Great Dragon, or some deity I do not follow, and so either for the Great Dragon or another the attempts to change the official name and banner cease.

Infiltrators in Stora


Today we have found numerous infiltrators from Old Rancagua, whom we are currently at war with. One infiltrator, Jacket, was caught and jailed. More interestingly though, the esteemed Ebion II Junior, first King of Kalmar Islands was the second infiltator. Former King Ebion II junior was not befallen with the same fate as Jacket, however counter-actions from a post-rebellion Kalmarian, Sydney Carton have reportedly wounded the man. Sydney considers Ebion an invader, and I would expect that Ebion would also think the same of Sydney. So as a pre-rebellion supporter now nearing neutrality on the matter I find it very strange to see how very greatly the tables have turned for my homeland in the Kalmar Islands. Regardless, the infiltrator problem is minor and is under control.