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The pause for ale seems more than just thirst.
The pause for ale seems more than just thirst.
"Those two are the most popular with new Followers but we all have a Fate, the Ice Queen sees to that. Thankfully Fortune, the Ephemeral Emperor, helps when that destiny overwhelms. Usually. Sometimes he just messes with travel. Tricksters are like that."
"Those two are the most popular with new Followers but we all have a Fate, the Ice Queen sees to that. Thankfully Fortune, the Mist Walker, helps when that destiny overwhelms. Usually. Sometimes he just messes with travel. Tricksters are like that."
"The Masked One is the last of the five, and a strange one. Syncretism from another faith, or so the scholars say. They represent balance and judgment, yet gets attention from infiltrators and rogues. The Light can be complicated what can I say?"
"The Masked One is the last of the five, and a strange one. Syncretism from another faith, or so the scholars say. They represent balance and judgment, yet gets attention from infiltrators and rogues. The Light can be complicated what can I say?"
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|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=I awoke from an afternoon slumber with the most dreadful premonition.
|Content=Tyler listens patiently as the woman explains each of the old gods.  Each one sounded very interesting and he would need to do personal research on these gods himself when he got a moment of peace and quiet.  However one god in particular caught his attention.g the masked one did not seem so different from his own god also considered odd in his own religion. "Is there anything more you can tell me of the masked one? I have to admit I have a partial fondness for gods that don't quite fit in with the rest. I myself follow fulcrum who is known as the least warrior like of the warrior gods. While I am no priest and preistess yao ling in nothoi could tell you much more then I could. if I had to sum up his beliefs it would be that he believes in war for the sake of peace. Fight a mighty tyrant to protect the  peasants and soldiers forced to work under their rule. Rush to the aid of a realm that's been swallowed by the undead even if it be an enemy to save the woman and children that just wish to have a good home and family.  That probably does little justice to the god and his beliefs but it's the best i can do with limited knowledge. Sadly I'm far too busy making coin for my next meal to do much book reading."
Has anyone heard news of Master Saul? He was tasked with repairing the Cruel Ring of Melhed which has long been part of the Crown Jewels of Ar Agyr and I fear that the power of the ring has lead him into misfortune.
Tyler looks to the bottom of his newly empty mug of ale the smile slipping from his face for a moment  replaced with a look of deep contemplation before looking to the woman once again. " I suppose I owe you my story as well just Incase you manage to stab me with the pointy end of that spear of yours  wouldn't want to be just another corpse in the gutters. "
|Title=Queen of Ar Agyr
​​​​​​Tyler gets the attention of a nearby barmaid. " If you could please keep me and my companions cups full"
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=That's ominous news your majesty. I can't say I've heard anything but if the Cruel Ring of Melhed has slipped from our fingers trouble might be coming.
fresh ale In hand he looks to the woman and asks  do you know anything about the recent events for the realm Of the shattered vales. I can sum it up briefly though I know little of the events that unfolded before my own involvement.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nostalgia Fate
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
|Content=Saul reached out to me with much excitement a few days ago. He wrote he was tasked with fixing something of great import and was so sure that this was his shot at greatness... it was a missive out of the blue since I had not seen him since early childhood, when we dueled each other with sticks in the backwoods of my family's estate, before my father forbade us to see each other.   I did not know what to make of Saul's message or even whether it was true he was entrusted with such a task, and regret that I did not respond.  
He spoke of finally proving himself to me and my father, of the riches that he had won with his skill and cunning, of all the monsters and undead he dispatched before they tore through the lands... he also mentioned that though the object was repaired, he still had one more venture he wished to take part in before he gave up adventuring. He had discovered a hoard of treasure in Seven Rivers guarded by a horde of undeadHe said his sword was sharp and his wits sharper and that this last job would be enough to establish himself as a man worthy to have a name in these lands.
The vales we're up until recently stationed south of nothoi a bulwark against a seemingly unending horse of undead even larger then the normal hordes found throughout our continent. From what I hear this was because of a portal way down south  that summoned some necromancer into our realm from the abyss. I cannot confirm these claims as I was not present.  
​​​​​​However a couple of weeks later and the vales is nearly completely overrun by the endless hordesThough they fought bravely it was clear there would be no victory for the vales without  some divine aid."
I can only assume that is where he went, and where he is still.
Tyler takes a moment to gather himself and finishes another ale before  he continues looking in the woman's direction to see if she had anything to say or add before he continues his story.
I am surprised that I feel a sense of loss in all this. Over someone I only knew as a child but know now as one who just wanted to become someone more, like I do.
If someone can recover the Ring in Seven Rivers, I ask only that you let me know where my half-brother's body is so I can give him a proper burial.
With regards,
|Title=Countess of Gor Ault
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
|Content=Alvaro cleared his throat as quietly as possible, but it still seemed deafeningly loud in the silence of the dungeon. Every step he took forward took him deeper into the cold, dark earth; to reassure himself, he tightened his grip on his sword. A cold sweat dripped down his back as the cool stench of decay reached his nostrils. He had spent the better part of the day - had it really been just a few hours since he had seen the sun? - clearing this cold tomb of undead. He had heard tell of a horrid undead champion had taken residence in this old mausoleum, and the rumor had immediately consumed his attention. He had spent days combing across the Seven Rivers, searching for the lost Ring of Melhed. The reward for the return of the ring was sure to be astounding; it was said the Queen herself sought the artifact.
Now Alvaro approached the final room at the heart of the tomb, and suddenly a piercing fear gripped him. His heart hammered in his chest, his breath came in shallow gasps. His sword shook in his hand. It must be close, came an errant thought from somewhere in his head. They spread fear... merchants of death. If you succumb to it, they own you... He forced himself to take a deep breath to steady himself, and pushed forward into the next room.
Inside, upon a dark throne, sat a figure in black plate mail, a greatsword laid across its lap. From within its helm, two red dots shone, like baleful eyes. Alvaro flinched under its gaze. A death knight.
Alvaro steeled himself, and roared a battle cry. The fight began.
Alvaro took heaving, shuddering breaths, each laced with pain. The dark fiend's blade had bite into his side; but the young adventurer had ultimately emerged victorious. The now-still corpse lay before him, a smoking ruin as the dark energies dissipated.
Still bent double, Alvaro looked at the monster before him; and his vision was drawn, almost unbidden, to its right hand. There, on its ring finger... it was unmistakable. It was exactly as the stories had said - two wolves, clutching a sun-shaped ruby in their jaws. The Wolves of Brutality, fighting to the death, balanced by the Sun of Reason between them. The ancient heirloom Ring of Melhed. Some said the ring was cursed, but Alvaro didn't know if he believed that. He reached down, and took the golden object from the decrepit hand of the death knight.
"Strange," said Alvaro to himself while observing it gleam in the torchlight, "that we should suffer so much fear over so small a thing." He shrugged, and pocketed the ring with a smile. It was time to return to the surface - and to get his just reward.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
|Content=Beloved Agyrians,
I have most excellent news!
The adventurer Alvaro has wrested the Cruel Ring of Melhed from the Necromancer's agents and returned it to the Royal Palace. For his courage in facing such peril he has been rewarded with a chest of gold and my enduring gratitude.
He will henceforth hold the rank Lieutenant of Fusileers and is recognized as a member of my personal bodyguard with the customary privileges this entails. I trust we shall be hearing much more of his adventures in the coming months and years.
|Title=Queen of Ar Agyr
! Pile of Bricks
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|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ossmat
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=The cloaked woman eyes the construction site and leave on her spear.
|Content="Masked One catches your eye? That's rare."
"So you're at it again Balin." Her lip twitches, "Shall I help with the bricks?"  
"As both the moon and the sun, his gaze is ever watching. Some say be passes judgment on the unworthy. Others say he gauges the skill of his favoured, the assassins and saboteurs. Still more say his champion Andro wanders the Shadowlands still, either hunting some elusive prey or hiding from the Dark Mistress."
Nerta sets her ching in her hand.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Balin De Chaol Ghleann
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ossmat
|Content=Balin turns towards Nerta with a welcoming smile on his face. He recognized her voice well now and was pleased to see the priestess.
"Be welcomed Nerta. Indeed, I was given charge of rebuilding this city, and it only seemed right to begin construction of a church to our Old Gods to commemorate this moment".
"Sounds like your Fulcrum is one of the Highfather faiths, concerned as he is with justice. Though it's interesting you label them as atypical. I have spoken with Yao Long on occasion, though she's offered little insight beyond the basics."
"It is still a very small church, but I think as the city rebuilds, it has the potential to grow large and impressive. I mean to make the other churches in this city pale in comparison to ours!", he says glancing towards the construction site.
Casting a glance to the spear leaning on the wall, Nerta smiles faintly.
"And of course, should you wish to lend some help, I would always welcome it!"
"I'll reserve judgment on if you need the business end of the spear for later. But so far you seem a decent sort."
|Title=Margrave of Ossmat
"Tangled with the Sunken Kingdom have you? I've handled a couple champions, and bore witness to the two crusades of Ar Agyr, and Bob's antics. Wasn't enough to save Nova or Shattered Vales...."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ossmat
|Content="So when confronted with a shattered husk of a city, you're first thought is to pile up bunch of stones in contest with the other faiths?"
Wrinkling her nose, she clocks the scarlet haired warrior with the butt of her spear.
"I think I needed to hit you harder..."
Eying the ancient capital of the Grehkians she gnaws on her lip.  
"What else is going on? Any rumour that needs a Guardian or have you already killed everything?"
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|Sender=Balin De Chaol Ghleann
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ossmat
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Balin chuckled softly to himself.  
|Content=Tyler nods politely. " It sounds like you have had more experiences with the sunken Kingdom then I have.  The the single experience I've had so far is a nightmare. I'd love to hear about those crusades sometime as this is the first I'm hearing of it. But for now I'll finish my story."
"Well, I have started rebuilding the city itself and drawing people back to it.. granaries, a marketplace, militia and such. My gate guards count over two hundred new peasants entering the gates every day."
Tyler eyes his ale now fair way into a third  mug. His eyes are becoming unfocused. He needs to slow down. Was always shate at keeping the drink down. Drinking alone is not much fun and he rarely had company aside from the undead or monsters he was so often slaying.  
Balin considers for a moment before continuing "But I have heard the grumbles of from those of the other faiths in the city since i have stepped foot here, especially those Heralds of Obe..something or other. I figured that if I just converted them it would simplify my job greatly, or at the least make them keep to themselves and stop causing trouble."
" So this is where my part comes in. It had been a couple of weeks since the initial portal that supposedly caused the hordes had been opened.  Not sure what happens to the adventurers responsible I can only hope they are still breathing. I had just heard about the events in the vale from a local guild in Nothoi. It seemed there was some issues with the realm of Nothoi  and the shattered vales that made our aid impossible as the soldiers would refuse to fight together. Some stupid shate about alliances and what not. It seems  to me one could forget all that in times of crises but apparently the soldiers disagree. This prompted me to make the suggestion that we use the very thing that caused the problem to potentially solve it.  I would go on a quest to open another portal in the once capital of the shattered vales. at this point the city had been completely overrun by undead. Easily over 1200 corpses shambling about. More by the day it seemed.  
Balin glances at the church considering,  "I think we might need to enlarge that church actually. I think it might already be too small for all the folks that want to use it. The Wolf Lord has clearly blessed us."
I gathered the high priestess yao ling to my cause and then sought out the nobility of Nothoi and vales to find the remaining stones required. I had already had three in my possession and in but a weeks time I managed to arrive at the city  gather the other stones and had gained two adventurers to join me along with the priestess."
"I have not heard of any immediate threats to the city, but it seems the undead roam freely through much of the continent. Hopefully, they stay away until i'm able to build up a proper militia."
Tyler stops again and stares at his drink finishing the last of the ale within. His hand shook slightly for a moment as he had flashing images of the endless hordes of undead roaming the once thriving city. So many dead lifeless eyes.  Even now those bodies litter the street rotting with decay in the sun.  
|Title=Margrave of Ossmat
Tyler shook off the thought before continuing " I set the stones myself. It was my quest after all if anyone was going to die playing with unknown magic  it would be me. That was far scarier then the entire horde. To know that the last thing I could be doing was potentially saving or damning a whole city and I might die before I even saw the outcome. Would of been a damn shame."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ossmat
|Content="Roaming free? The Old Man would approve of that understatement. The Dread Necromancer chased the Shattered Vales across the entire continent and now besieges Nothoi."
Sighing the woman rubs her spear.
​​​​​Tyler holds up three fingers stateing " three days. I fought for three days and nights in the blasted hell hole the priestess and her companion unleashed a torrent of strange and powerful magic wiping out the undead. Without her aid I would have surly been overrun. I did what I could but for the most part I just kept the endless hordes away from the portal for as long as I could.  After three days a portal opend to Gathesemene strangely enough the portal did not open where the stones were set but had been manipulated by some entity to open in a neighboring region safe from the hordes. And you can see well enough the rest. "
truth be told we were trying to get the entity beyond the portal to wipe out the undead or push them into the sea. But beggars can't be choosers as they say.
"There will be much to do, especially to the west. With the Dalesman Guardian gone, it falls to us to cover the entire north."
​​​​​​Tyler removes his shield once more pointing to the hinge.  " And this leads me to why I sought you out. Upon going through the portal I found this shield just sitting there like it was meant for me. None of the others seemed to even acknowledge it's existence despite it's beauty and high quality.  A gift for my deeds I thought intially. The gods were pleased and this was my reward. However upon closer inspection I saw the name etched on the shield the thrice blessed shield. no matter who I asked commoner or priest none could tell me of the three blessings or who they were granted by.  So what I thought to be my reward was actually my next quest. I seek three blessings upon my shield each from a  different  God.   I have already received the blessing of fulcrum I received this blessing from the entity beyond the portal with the aid of yao ling.  Now I seek a second blessing. Normally I would ask to do some quest to earn the right for a blessing but I think I already have something in mind for that.  
Eying the horizon the woman frowns.
Tyler taps his dagger with his hand. " What better way to earn a blessing from a warrior priestess then a practice match."
"Maybe speak with that new Tribune, see about organizing the Rangers to help defend your city."
! Shield of Faith
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ehrich Weisz
|Recipients=Personal message to Nerta
|Content=Priestess Nerta,
I hope the return to your travels is going well.  The adventurer, Tyler who activated the portal in Ete should be visiting soon to receive a reward.  The portal did also send him a divine reward, The Thrice Blessed Shield or something to that effect.  The bold adventurer has set himself the task of trying to get the shield actually blessed by three religions of different faiths.  If you would be willing to meet with him in relation to this then is there somewhere he might best seek an audience?  He has met Priestess Yao Ling, during and after the portal event and is currently in Reeds, potentially heading north.
With respects,
|Title=Emperor of Shattered Vales
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=Your majesty,
I'm sure the Guardian can arrange something. Have your man meet her in Vatrona and we'll get it done.  
Line 781: Line 631:
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Looking over the temple quest board the cloaked woman tisks.  
|Content=Nerta doesn't respond at first. She eats in silence and takes a pull of her ale as the tale concludes.
"Bit more work this time, Valesmen must be busy in the plains..."
"I was afraid of this. A tale of woe, and you're a hero. The Gods love heroes. They love testing them, aiding them, breaking them. And you, are looking for their attention."
"Lucky for you, I cannot dispense the blessings of the Gods like some apothecary. I am a Guardian. I protect people and kill monsters. That is all. Thus to protect you, I will suggest that you abandon this quest. Gaining the attention of the Gods only invites suffering and mischief."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Personal message to Ulv Schancke
|Content=Hey lad,
How's the city been treating you? Far from home.
Moving her ale across the table she sighs
"However. I can see you're determined and have already caught their attention with your little stunt. So if you seek the blessings of the Gods you had best prepare yourself. It will be an arduous quest."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ulv Schanke
|Recipients=Personal message to Nerta
|Content=Now that was a rather informal approach, lass.  
Lucky for you, I am not in it for the titles.
"Scattered about Beluaterra are ancient sites of power that twist the land in manners both fair and foul. These junctions in the Ley Lines hold significance to the Gods, and the monsters. Thus each secret nexus is protected by wards and beasts alike. If you pilgrim to these places and slay their champions you will no doubt receive the attention of the Gods. Their blessings will follow soon after."
Can't complain about the city.  
It is a strange thing beeing so far away from where I've spent almost all my life.  
Fighting the rogues has for a long time been my purpose.  
Are you not a bit far from home also?
"If you survive, of course."
|Title=Margrave of Gethsemene
Pouring some ale across the table she begins to roughly sketch a map in the amber drink.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Personal message to Ulv Schancke
|Content=A man's history makes fine purpose. Given your battles against the Sunken Kingdom I'm not surprised you find this place strange. Vanquishers get itchy when they don't have anything to kill. I'm sure the peace won't last.
As for me, everywhere is far from home, but someone has to make the round. Quest boards don't clear themselves. Besides, I was here first. It was you Valesmen who dropped in with that gate.
"Given where we are, you have a few options. But nearly all are perilous. The Seeping Giant of Keffa. The Crystal Caverns of Dald. The Rift of Jocob's Mouth. The Black Pool of Whispers in Wudenkin. The Lost Barrow of Oepiud. The Spirit Woods of Lastfel. The Eternal Flame of Agyr."
Anything bothering your city that didn't make it on the boards?
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Personal message to Ehrich Weisz
|Content=Your majesty,
Making my rounds through the north and had to ask, what ever happened to that thrice blessed shield? I never saw it.
Hope your folks are settling in.  
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ehrich Weisz
|Recipients=Personal message to Nerta
|Content=Greetings again Lady Nerta,
I have not heard from the adventurer again recently. His name is Tyler and he seems still to be active but I cannot seem to share his contact details between either of you, perhaps because of his lowly status.
I will write to him and see what he has to say.
With regards,
"There are others, but these are the closest. The Eternal Flame, will be the safest, but the Seeping Giant is probably easy enough for one of your skill. You seem like you can handle blood."
|Title=Emperor of Shattered Vales
​​​​​​Stabbing at the crude map with each pronouncement, Nerta wipes her hand on her cloak.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Personal message to Ehrich Weisz
|Content=Leave the ladies to their parlours your majesty, just Nerta will do.
If this Tyler is busy, he's busy, someone has to keep killing after all.
"Do not look so surprised lad. We're the oldest faith on this continent. Hundreds have tried this pilgrimage over the last 15 years. Dozens of returned. All of them transformed. This is why I tell you to abandon your fool quest. It will no doubt be the end of you."
How are you settling into the north?
"I speak from what you might call, personal experience. In a fashion."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ehrich Weisz
|Recipients=Personal message to Nerta
Tyler has sent word he remains interested in an audience and hopes to be within reach of Gethsemene by tomorrow evening.  If your duties require you to move on I will be happy to relay any such message and direction to the young adventurer.
Settlement in the north has gone reasonably, we must navigate the challenges now that beset most realms and the conflicts in ambitions which have cropped up.  It is too soon to be able to say more decisively.
Is it just general maintenance which brings you north this time?
With regards,
|Title=Emperor of Shattered Vales
|Training Match
Rika Ketchum, Dame of Gethsemene meets her challenger Lady Nerta Unti, Dame of Agyr, Priestess of The Old Gods for the agreed training match.
Nerta has decided to use the 'defensive' strategy while Rika has chosen the 'neutral' strategy, giving Rika the advantage.
After a series of blows, Nerta wins the training match.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Nerta didn't need to push through the crowd to reach the bounty office of Lord Ulv, the still dripping head of a Lurker has a way of clearing space. And of making the young man on duty fumble for coin.
As she waits for silvers, the woman eyes the flow of traffic her expression lighting as she spies Rika in the crowd.
"You know how to use that sword Patrician? This thing," a wet slap of the bloody head, "wasn't much of a challenge, and I could use the practice before I hit the baths."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Rodderick o'Deathh
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Hail warrior priestess - it is some time since I last sparred but I will give it a go. Forgive me if I am called away before we can meet
|Title=Knight of Gethsemene
|Training Match
Rodderick O'Deathh, Knight of Gethsemene meets his challenger Lady Nerta Unti, Dame of Agyr, Priestess of The Old Gods for the agreed training match.
Both participants are using the 'overrun' strategy, so that neither has an advantage.
After a series of blows, Nerta wins the training match.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Ignoring the silent Rika the spear spins around toward the newly arrived Roderick.
"You want to try your hand lad? Alright.."
The two charge in and exchange a quick series of blows, leaving a spear tip floating before the man's chest.
"Hmm not bad. At least you're not afraid of a little aggression." Puffing a stray hair aside, "What's your name?"
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|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Tyler dusted off his dirty armour as he made his way through the city in look for a private room for the night after his extended journey. On his trip to the nearest inn he stumbled upon what seemed to be the end of a dual if he had to guess a woman with their spear pointed in the direction of a person he could not recall from this distance. He cautiously reached for his dagger the light catching from the blade as it is drawn from it's sheathe  making it  almost seem to glow with the light of the sun itself if even for just a moment.  
|Content=Tyler waited patiently while the preiests went into details about the pilgrimage a very serious look on his once friendly expression. When dealing with the gods nothing was ever simple one could not hope to truly have the attention of the gods without doing something worthy of it. And he knew from his most recent encounter you do not always get what you had hoped.  
"Excuse me for interrupting but I feel I must ask if everything is quite alright?" Tyler had tone that was neither friendly nor was it menacing. More of an air of caution then anythingHis stance was ready his feet in position for quick movement stance low eyes firmly on the woman with a spear to a strangers chest. His shield while not yet in his hand would be ready in an instant.  He watched the woman waiting for their response.
"Well your certainly right about one thing. I will not back down. If I am quite honest I'm not so sure it isn't already too late. The strings of fate have led me here. A clear goal and the gods intentions made clear.  To ignore ones fate is to me as much a death as being killed by some undead or beast in the woods. This is my chance maybe my only chance to be sure my name is not forgotten. Not just in the realm of men but in the eyes of the gods. They may test me and I will not be found wanting. They may aid me and they will find no arrogance or greed. They may try to break me but I shall only bend."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Nerta's eyes glitter in the light from the blade as she inspects the newest arrival.
"Someone walks along the road rather than ride."
Gesturing to the dirt with her chin she pulls the spear away from Rodderick.
"So you must be an adventurer, perhaps the Tyler I'm looking for with the not yet thrice blessed shield?"
Tyler's eyes are steeled in determination " should I come out alive and changed I can only hope it will be for the betterI will come out of this a stronger man then when I started.  I will use that strength to keep any humans from any realm safe.  Heros may not always have the best lives but those who choose to become heros for a good life are fools. I have chosen this path not for the betterment of my life but the betterment of othersI will undergo this fools quest and if I shall die it will be with smile on my face and defiance in my heart. Is that really so bad a death?"
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Rodderick o'Deathh
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Well fought warrior priest - a fine dual class if ever there were one.  I misjudged your choice of spear for a defensive posture and too quickly came undoneMy name is Sir Rodderick knight of this fine cityThe summons I referrred to when the challenge was accepted has arrived so I must departFare thee well.
Ah Tyler of the portal well met - a simple training match and nothing amiss here- I will leave some silver for a round of drinks to toast your brave portal deedAs the knight makes to leave - he pauses at mention of a thrice blessed shield- thats curious - I have something a bit similar the "Thrice-Blessed Crown of Good and Evil". Let us put them near each other and see if they react?  Sadly though I really must now be on my way
Tyler glances around the inn nearly empty the hour lateHis eyes were hazey now talking Into the night and the ale made them all the heavier.  
|Title=Knight of Gethsemene
"It seems it may be time for me to retire soon but before I do perhaps you  would like to tell me of your personal experience. Have you too undergone this pilgrimageSought the attention of the gods to some sour or bad end? If this is too personal you do not have to share. I do believe you can learn a lot from those who have tried before though and any information you can share would certainly be welcome.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Tyler relaxes his stance returning to a neutral state a smile returning to his face. " Ah my apologies I arrived in the city at the end of this dual I was not sure what was happening my apologies.  At the mention of the thrice blessed crown his eyes widen in surprise. " By any chance did you happen across that crown here in Gethsemene? This shield was the first thing I spotted upon entering the portal to the vales new home while I was investigating the monster and undead situation. Either way I will not stop you from getting on with your day but perhaps we can speak on this again in the future?   
he looks to the woman " warrior priestess? May I ask if you are the preistess of the old gods I was informed would be here? " I have a request to make if you are. However before that there's something else that I need to do first."
Tyler reaches for his thrice blessed shield  and once again enters her his combat stance but now with a smile on his face and in his eyes. He points to the small symbol of a hinge upon his thrice blessed shield. " This is the symbol of my patron god fulcrum.  if you are indeed a warrior preistess I'm sure it would please both of our gods to test out mettle against one another. Care for one more opponent?
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Nerta's gaze slides from one man to the other as they display their thrice blessed accessories. Coincidence, or were the Gods are up to something?
"Tisk tisk Tyler. First you admit to hunting for me, second you intrude on a fight and third you want to pick one."
Shifting the spear in her hand the woman fights a smile.
"You almost remind me of home"
The young guard behind the counter interrupts with the jingle of silver. Simple pay for the simple bounty oozing blood across the bench.
"However we don't want more interruptions, and since you'll probably fight better then the rest, let's get out of Lord Ulv's estate."
She tossed a coin toward the man and prods him to follow.
"Besides, it'd be a shame to crack your skull on an empty stomach and the stews here are good. It's all the goat."
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|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Tyler shrugged the smile still on his face. He placed his dagger in it's sheathe and returned the shield to his back " I could hardly turn down a free meal. You will need it as well if you truly hope to bash my skull in. I can be very slippery when the need arises. perhaps you can tell me a bit about yourself and the old gods over an ail or three? Nothing like getting to know someone before you beat each other to  near death in the training fields.  I would be happy to tell you why I  seek a priestess of then old gods as well."
|Content=Tyler jolts awake from his bed. his head hurts what happen last night? he remembered asking  the priestess a a question then toasting her and finishing another ale. then....nothing. he examined his arms and leg. they were covered  in bandages. clear signs of an undead attack. did he go monster hunting blackout drunk? was the priestess their as well?  he vaguely remembers a stranger bandaging his wounds. who did he owe his life?
Tyler stepped in toe with the woman following her lead. Many questions floating in the back of his mind mulling over the best ways to approach this stranger.
tyler shook off the hangover as best he could and made his way downstairs perhaps someone was their to fill in the gaps. he can only hope he did not embarrass himself too much.
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|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Nerta's cloak snaps in the wind cutting into her words.
|Content=It's not long after Tyler wakes that Nerta enters the room. In her hand is a swirling flask that seems to flicker from violet to gold.  
"Lad, if a-l you're got is a dagge- yo-'ll need to be quite slippe-y to have -uch chance..."
The pair don't remain outside long. Soon silvers summon stew and ale while they take seats.
"A curious sort eh?  Alright."
Nerta plays her spoon through the stew, her cloak still on.
"I'm what you lot call a Foederati. Until about a year ago I was wandering the lowlands on a fool quest, killing monsters, and trying to earn the damnable coin that Patricians seem to like so much. These days I'm still on the fool quest, but I have a bit more coin and the Old Man has more to read."
--- OOC: Next bit about the Old Gods but you can always watch the overview https://youtu.be/nK3MIwRxw40 ---
Taking a few bites she waves the spoon toward Tyler.
"As for the Gods, there are five... well six, but before we get to that.
"You certainly are in a hurry to meet the Gods in person."
We don't believe in a lot of things. No one 'believes' in the trees and the mountains, they just are. So are the Gods. There's Life & Death, Fate & Fortune, Light & Dark. The raw essence of the world."
Setting the tincture on the night stand, she folds into a chair and adjusts her cloak.
"Now on Monster World, in the old tongue Beluaterra, these essences have opinions about our existence. Humans have tried to tame this land and the monsters fight to retain their home. All while the Gods watch and judge."
"Yet you survived. Perhaps the Dark Mistress has need of you, or perhaps the Wolf Lord wants to play with you some more. He always likes the ones with bravado..."
"The Wolf Lord, Life, wants the strong to survive. He delights in testing us, and everything else, constantly. By contrast, Death accepts is all as we are. The Dark Mistress is a kindly bitch who's eases the burdens of the harsh world and provides tools to push back against the terrors of the woods."
Cracking the seal on the flask the smell of incense curls into the room.  
The pause for ale seems more than just thirst.
"Choice is a luxury afforded to some, but not me."
"Those two are the most popular with new Followers but we all have a Fate, the Ice Queen sees to that. Thankfully Fortune, the Ephemeral Emperor, helps when that destiny overwhelms. Usually. Sometimes he just messes with travel. Tricksters are like that."
Pouring elixir into a cup, the drink sputters rather than splashes.
"The Masked One is the last of the five, and a strange one. Syncretism from another faith, or so the scholars say. They represent balance and judgment, yet gets attention from infiltrators and rogues. The Light can be complicated what can I say?"
"I am a Guardian, I protect people and kill monsters. So when a man who would be a Hero runs off to save someone: I try to protect him and kill the monster waiting in ambush."
"Nothing complicated about the Dark. The Crystal Maiden is the patron of the selfish and the desperate, handing out her dreaded necromancy in exchange for suffering and pain. For that reason few Followers trust water, or those who sail."
Her grip tightens on the cup as her expression grows weary.
"But I doubt I need to tell you much about the sixth Goddess. The Sunken Kingdom has been doing too well chewing through nations as it is. First Nova, then Shattered Vales, and now Nothoi..."
"But we live in the Age of Shadows. The fire is low and every day the Dread Necromancer drains more magic from the Weave. Every day he grows bolder, and his ambushes more fiendish. Every day more witches, and sorcerers siphon power out of the fragile remains of the ley lines. Every day things get little bit dimmer."  
Rubbing her eye the woman grimaces.
Offering the steaming cup to Tyler, she smiles faintly.
"Anyway, that about sums it up. So what about you? Want to know more, or are you going to tell your tale?"
"Beluaterra may be dying, but you don't need to beat the rush. I need your help to save the world after all. So drink up, and welcome to my fool quest."  
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|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Tyler listens patiently as the woman explains each of the old godsEach one sounded very interesting and he would need to do personal research on these gods himself when he got a moment of peace and quiet.  However one god in particular caught his attention.g the masked one did not seem so different from his own god also considered odd in his own religion. "Is there anything more you can tell me of the masked one? I have to admit I have a partial fondness for gods that don't quite fit in with the rest. I myself follow fulcrum who is known as the least warrior like of the warrior gods. While I am no priest and preistess yao ling in nothoi could tell you much more then I could. if I had to sum up his beliefs it would be that he believes in war for the sake of peace. Fight a mighty tyrant to protect the peasants and soldiers forced to work under their rule. Rush to the aid of a realm that's been swallowed by the undead even if it be an enemy to save the woman and children that just wish to have a good home and familyThat probably does little justice to the god and his beliefs but it's the best i can do with limited knowledge. Sadly I'm far too busy making coin for my next meal to do much book reading."
|Content=Tyler even es the liquid contents warilyHead still throbbing he downs the liquid in a fluid motion most likely whatever was inside would not be pleasant remedies rarely are after all" Aye meeting the gods would be a bit better then this splitting headache I imagineWhat is this stuff anyway" he asks moments before emptying the contents into his mouth.  
Tyler looks to the bottom of his newly empty mug of ale the smile slipping from his face for a moment  replaced with a look of deep contemplation before looking to the woman once again. " I suppose I owe you my story as well just Incase you manage to stab me with the pointy end of that spear of yours wouldn't want to be just another corpse in the gutters. "
Tyler takes a moment to gather his thoughts as the newly ingested tincture hits his stomach. "We're saving the world now huh? I take this is a mission with little to no chance of success likely to lead to one or both of our deaths?  A quest any would other would be a fool to accept? " Tyler grins broadly. " Sounds like my kind of quest. 
​​​​​​Tyler gets the attention of a nearby barmaid. " If you could please keep me and my companions cups full"
Tyler erratically grabs for his belongings while continuing to talk to the priestess. " So is this about what we're discussing last night? About my future pilgrimage? Or is this something else entirely? The last thing I remember is discussing your past experiences with the old gods so if this is something we went over last night I would appreciate a recap on what it is we're doing to save the world.
fresh ale In hand he looks to the woman and asks  do you know anything about the recent events for the realm Of the shattered vales. I can sum it up briefly though I know little of the events that unfolded before my own involvement.
The vales we're up until recently stationed south of nothoi a bulwark against a seemingly unending horse of undead even larger then the normal hordes found throughout our continent. From what I hear this was because of a portal way down south  that summoned some necromancer into our realm from the abyss. I cannot confirm these claims as I was not present.
​​​​​​However a couple of weeks later and the vales is nearly completely overrun by the endless hordes.  Though they fought bravely it was clear there would be no victory for the vales without  some divine aid."
Tyler takes a moment to gather himself and finishes another ale before  he continues looking in the woman's direction to see if she had anything to say or add before he continues his story.
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|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content="Masked One catches your eye? That's rare."
|Content=The violet drink flecked with gold tastes exactly like morning sunlight wrapped in shadow and ignites a pleasant fire in Tyler's stomach that sears away every ache.
"A [[Old Gods/Mysticism|healing elixir,]] apparently an old secret from the days of The Republic. Some of the Celebrants in the Temple make them from Incindia."
"As both the moon and the sun, his gaze is ever watching. Some say be passes judgment on the unworthy. Others say he gauges the skill of his favoured, the assassins and saboteurs. Still more say his champion Andro wanders the Shadowlands still, either hunting some elusive prey or hiding from the Dark Mistress."
Collecting her cup with a laugh, the warm sound is tinged with the faintest click in the back of her throat.
Nerta sets her ching in her hand.
"You've saved the world before have you? Yes, my fool quest is likely to get me and anyone else who takes part, killed. A point I keep making to folks, and yet they keep signing up."
"Sounds like your Fulcrum is one of the Highfather faiths, concerned as he is with justice. Though it's interesting you label them as atypical. I have spoken with Yao Long on occasion, though she's offered little insight beyond the basics."
As she spreads her hands the cloak falls away enough to reveal a silken blue shirt trimmed in yellow, but Nerta quickly pulls the fabric closed.
Casting a glance to the spear leaning on the wall, Nerta smiles faintly.
"Last night we were discussing your mad quest to earn the attention of the Gods, but then the Dread Necromancer tried to kill you. That you survived tells me you're already in trouble. So, to earn a blessing: choose one of the sites, slay a champion, have a vision quest or whatever else speaks to you, and bask in the results. There isn't really a formula or rite to being a Follower. It depends on your personal interpretation."
"I'll reserve judgment on if you need the business end of the spear for later. But so far you seem a decent sort."
The woman's scowl returns as she leans forward.
"Tangled with the Sunken Kingdom have you? I've handled a couple champions, and bore witness to the two crusades of Ar Agyr, and Bob's antics. Wasn't enough to save Nova or Shattered Vales...."
"If you survive, and don't come to your senses, I can tell you more of what those sites represent. Of the Weave. Of my [[Unti Family/Nerta/A2S1|fool quest]] to try and avert the apocalypse."
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|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Gethsemene
|Content=Tyler nods politely. " It sounds like you have had more experiences with the sunken Kingdom then I have. The the single experience I've had so far is a nightmare. I'd love to hear about those crusades sometime as this is the first I'm hearing of it. But for now I'll finish my story."
|Content=Tyler is pleasantly surprised by the effects of the tincture almost burns like alcohol but his senses seem to be sharpening instead of dulling.  
" Some stuff you got there I bet it has saved more then one life. I guess it's time to head out then I will be sure to write you once I have earned a gods blessing  so you can tell me about your quest. I owe you my life it seems so I'll try not to die before the repay you. "
Tyler eyes his ale now fair way into a third  mug. His eyes are becoming unfocused. He needs to slow down. Was always shate at keeping the drink down. Drinking alone is not much fun and he rarely had company aside from the undead or monsters he was so often slaying.
Tyler notices the attempt to hide a rather fine silk shirt underneath her robe but decides not to push the topic as it's clear she does not want to discuss it. He only hopes she did not notice the momentary suspicion cross his face.
" So this is where my part comes in. It had been a couple of weeks since the initial portal that supposedly caused the hordes had been opened.  Not sure what happens to the adventurers responsible I can only hope they are still breathing. I had just heard about the events in the vale from a local guild in Nothoi. It seemed there was some issues with the realm of Nothoi  and the shattered vales that made our aid impossible as the soldiers would refuse to fight together. Some stupid shate about alliances and what not. It seems  to me one could forget all that in times of crises but apparently the soldiers disagree.  This prompted me to make the suggestion that we use the very thing that caused the problem to potentially solve it.  I would go on a quest to open another portal in the once capital of the shattered vales. at this point the city had been completely overrun by undead. Easily over 1200 corpses shambling about. More by the day it seemed.  
I gathered the high priestess yao ling to my cause and then sought out the nobility of Nothoi and vales to find the remaining stones required. I had already had three in my possession and in but a weeks time I managed to arrive at the city  gather the other stones and had gained two adventurers to join me along with the priestess."
Tyler stops again and stares at his drink finishing the last of the ale within. His hand shook slightly for a moment as he had flashing images of the endless hordes of undead roaming the once thriving city.  So many dead lifeless eyes.  Even now those bodies litter the street rotting with decay in the sun.  
Tyler shook off the thought before continuing " I set the stones myself. It was my quest after all if anyone was going to die playing with unknown magic  it would be me.  That was far scarier then the entire horde. To know that the last thing I could be doing was potentially saving or damning a whole city and I might die before I even saw the outcome. Would of been a damn shame."
Tyler reaches his hand out the the priestess. " It's clearer now then it has ever been that out fates were bound to cross let's hope it's for the better and not one big joke played on the world's heroes. Let's do what we have to because no one else will.
​​​​​Tyler holds up three fingers stateing " three days. I fought for three days and nights in the blasted hell hole the priestess and her companion unleashed a torrent of strange and powerful magic wiping out the undead. Without her aid I would have surly been overrun. I did what I could but for the most part I just kept the endless hordes away from the portal for as long as I could.  After three days a portal opend to Gathesemene strangely enough the portal did not open where the stones were set but had been manipulated by some entity to open in a neighboring region safe from the hordes. And you can see well enough the rest. "
truth be told we were trying to get the entity beyond the portal to wipe out the undead or push them into the sea. But beggars can't be choosers as they say.
​​​​​​Tyler removes his shield once more pointing to the hinge.  " And this leads me to why I sought you out. Upon going through the portal I found this shield just sitting there like it was meant for me. None of the others seemed to even acknowledge it's existence despite it's beauty and high quality.  A gift for my deeds I thought intially. The gods were pleased and this was my reward. However upon closer inspection I saw the name etched on the shield the thrice blessed shield. no matter who I asked commoner or priest none could tell me of the three blessings or who they were granted by.  So what I thought to be my reward was actually my next quest. I seek three blessings upon my shield each from a  different  God.  I have already received the blessing of fulcrum I received this blessing from the entity beyond the portal with the aid of yao ling.  Now I seek a second blessing. Normally I would ask to do some quest to earn the right for a blessing but I think I already have something in mind for that.  
Tyler taps his dagger with his hand. " What better way to earn a blessing from a warrior priestess then a practice match."

Latest revision as of 07:22, 4 July 2022



Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
I awoke from an afternoon slumber with the most dreadful premonition. Has anyone heard news of Master Saul? He was tasked with repairing the Cruel Ring of Melhed which has long been part of the Crown Jewels of Ar Agyr and I fear that the power of the ring has lead him into misfortune.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in the Old Gods
That's ominous news your majesty. I can't say I've heard anything but if the Cruel Ring of Melhed has slipped from our fingers trouble might be coming.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Nostalgia Fate
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
Saul reached out to me with much excitement a few days ago. He wrote he was tasked with fixing something of great import and was so sure that this was his shot at greatness... it was a missive out of the blue since I had not seen him since early childhood, when we dueled each other with sticks in the backwoods of my family's estate, before my father forbade us to see each other. I did not know what to make of Saul's message or even whether it was true he was entrusted with such a task, and regret that I did not respond.

He spoke of finally proving himself to me and my father, of the riches that he had won with his skill and cunning, of all the monsters and undead he dispatched before they tore through the lands... he also mentioned that though the object was repaired, he still had one more venture he wished to take part in before he gave up adventuring. He had discovered a hoard of treasure in Seven Rivers guarded by a horde of undead. He said his sword was sharp and his wits sharper and that this last job would be enough to establish himself as a man worthy to have a name in these lands.

I can only assume that is where he went, and where he is still.

I am surprised that I feel a sense of loss in all this. Over someone I only knew as a child but know now as one who just wanted to become someone more, like I do.

If someone can recover the Ring in Seven Rivers, I ask only that you let me know where my half-brother's body is so I can give him a proper burial.

With regards,
Nostalgia Fate (Countess of Gor Ault)
Letter from Alvaro
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
Alvaro cleared his throat as quietly as possible, but it still seemed deafeningly loud in the silence of the dungeon. Every step he took forward took him deeper into the cold, dark earth; to reassure himself, he tightened his grip on his sword. A cold sweat dripped down his back as the cool stench of decay reached his nostrils. He had spent the better part of the day - had it really been just a few hours since he had seen the sun? - clearing this cold tomb of undead. He had heard tell of a horrid undead champion had taken residence in this old mausoleum, and the rumor had immediately consumed his attention. He had spent days combing across the Seven Rivers, searching for the lost Ring of Melhed. The reward for the return of the ring was sure to be astounding; it was said the Queen herself sought the artifact.

Now Alvaro approached the final room at the heart of the tomb, and suddenly a piercing fear gripped him. His heart hammered in his chest, his breath came in shallow gasps. His sword shook in his hand. It must be close, came an errant thought from somewhere in his head. They spread fear... merchants of death. If you succumb to it, they own you... He forced himself to take a deep breath to steady himself, and pushed forward into the next room.

Inside, upon a dark throne, sat a figure in black plate mail, a greatsword laid across its lap. From within its helm, two red dots shone, like baleful eyes. Alvaro flinched under its gaze. A death knight.

Alvaro steeled himself, and roared a battle cry. The fight began.

Alvaro took heaving, shuddering breaths, each laced with pain. The dark fiend's blade had bite into his side; but the young adventurer had ultimately emerged victorious. The now-still corpse lay before him, a smoking ruin as the dark energies dissipated.

Still bent double, Alvaro looked at the monster before him; and his vision was drawn, almost unbidden, to its right hand. There, on its ring finger... it was unmistakable. It was exactly as the stories had said - two wolves, clutching a sun-shaped ruby in their jaws. The Wolves of Brutality, fighting to the death, balanced by the Sun of Reason between them. The ancient heirloom Ring of Melhed. Some said the ring was cursed, but Alvaro didn't know if he believed that. He reached down, and took the golden object from the decrepit hand of the death knight.

"Strange," said Alvaro to himself while observing it gleam in the torchlight, "that we should suffer so much fear over so small a thing." He shrugged, and pocketed the ring with a smile. It was time to return to the surface - and to get his just reward.
Alvaro (Adventurer)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
Beloved Agyrians,

I have most excellent news!

The adventurer Alvaro has wrested the Cruel Ring of Melhed from the Necromancer's agents and returned it to the Royal Palace. For his courage in facing such peril he has been rewarded with a chest of gold and my enduring gratitude.

He will henceforth hold the rank Lieutenant of Fusileers and is recognized as a member of my personal bodyguard with the customary privileges this entails. I trust we shall be hearing much more of his adventures in the coming months and years.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Pile of Bricks


Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ossmat
The cloaked woman eyes the construction site and leave on her spear. "So you're at it again Balin." Her lip twitches, "Shall I help with the bricks?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Balin De Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ossmat
Balin turns towards Nerta with a welcoming smile on his face. He recognized her voice well now and was pleased to see the priestess.

"Be welcomed Nerta. Indeed, I was given charge of rebuilding this city, and it only seemed right to begin construction of a church to our Old Gods to commemorate this moment".

"It is still a very small church, but I think as the city rebuilds, it has the potential to grow large and impressive. I mean to make the other churches in this city pale in comparison to ours!", he says glancing towards the construction site.

"And of course, should you wish to lend some help, I would always welcome it!"
Balin De Chaol Ghleann (Margrave of Ossmat)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ossmat
"So when confronted with a shattered husk of a city, you're first thought is to pile up bunch of stones in contest with the other faiths?"

Wrinkling her nose, she clocks the scarlet haired warrior with the butt of her spear.

"I think I needed to hit you harder..."

Eying the ancient capital of the Grehkians she gnaws on her lip.

"What else is going on? Any rumour that needs a Guardian or have you already killed everything?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Balin De Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ossmat
Balin chuckled softly to himself.

"Well, I have started rebuilding the city itself and drawing people back to it.. granaries, a marketplace, militia and such. My gate guards count over two hundred new peasants entering the gates every day."

Balin considers for a moment before continuing "But I have heard the grumbles of from those of the other faiths in the city since i have stepped foot here, especially those Heralds of Obe..something or other. I figured that if I just converted them it would simplify my job greatly, or at the least make them keep to themselves and stop causing trouble."

Balin glances at the church considering, "I think we might need to enlarge that church actually. I think it might already be too small for all the folks that want to use it. The Wolf Lord has clearly blessed us."

"I have not heard of any immediate threats to the city, but it seems the undead roam freely through much of the continent. Hopefully, they stay away until i'm able to build up a proper militia."
Balin De Chaol Ghleann (Margrave of Ossmat)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ossmat
"Roaming free? The Old Man would approve of that understatement. The Dread Necromancer chased the Shattered Vales across the entire continent and now besieges Nothoi."

Sighing the woman rubs her spear.

"There will be much to do, especially to the west. With the Dalesman Guardian gone, it falls to us to cover the entire north."

Eying the horizon the woman frowns.

"Maybe speak with that new Tribune, see about organizing the Rangers to help defend your city."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Shield of Faith


Letter from Ehrich Weisz
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta
Priestess Nerta,

I hope the return to your travels is going well. The adventurer, Tyler who activated the portal in Ete should be visiting soon to receive a reward. The portal did also send him a divine reward, The Thrice Blessed Shield or something to that effect. The bold adventurer has set himself the task of trying to get the shield actually blessed by three religions of different faiths. If you would be willing to meet with him in relation to this then is there somewhere he might best seek an audience? He has met Priestess Yao Ling, during and after the portal event and is currently in Reeds, potentially heading north.

With respects,
Ehrich Weisz (Emperor of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in the Old Gods
Your majesty, I'm sure the Guardian can arrange something. Have your man meet her in Vatrona and we'll get it done.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Looking over the temple quest board the cloaked woman tisks. "Bit more work this time, Valesmen must be busy in the plains..."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Ulv Schancke
Hey lad, How's the city been treating you? Far from home.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ulv Schanke
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta
Now that was a rather informal approach, lass.

Lucky for you, I am not in it for the titles. Can't complain about the city. It is a strange thing beeing so far away from where I've spent almost all my life. Fighting the rogues has for a long time been my purpose.

Are you not a bit far from home also?
Ulv Schanke (Margrave of Gethsemene)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Ulv Schancke
A man's history makes fine purpose. Given your battles against the Sunken Kingdom I'm not surprised you find this place strange. Vanquishers get itchy when they don't have anything to kill. I'm sure the peace won't last.

As for me, everywhere is far from home, but someone has to make the round. Quest boards don't clear themselves. Besides, I was here first. It was you Valesmen who dropped in with that gate. ​​​​

Anything bothering your city that didn't make it on the boards?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Ehrich Weisz
Your majesty,

Making my rounds through the north and had to ask, what ever happened to that thrice blessed shield? I never saw it.

Hope your folks are settling in.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ehrich Weisz
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta
Greetings again Lady Nerta,

I have not heard from the adventurer again recently. His name is Tyler and he seems still to be active but I cannot seem to share his contact details between either of you, perhaps because of his lowly status.

I will write to him and see what he has to say.

With regards,
Ehrich Weisz (Emperor of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Ehrich Weisz
Leave the ladies to their parlours your majesty, just Nerta will do.

If this Tyler is busy, he's busy, someone has to keep killing after all.

How are you settling into the north?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ehrich Weisz
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta

Tyler has sent word he remains interested in an audience and hopes to be within reach of Gethsemene by tomorrow evening. If your duties require you to move on I will be happy to relay any such message and direction to the young adventurer.

Settlement in the north has gone reasonably, we must navigate the challenges now that beset most realms and the conflicts in ambitions which have cropped up. It is too soon to be able to say more decisively.

Is it just general maintenance which brings you north this time?

With regards,
Ehrich Weisz (Emperor of Shattered Vales)
Training Match

Rika Ketchum, Dame of Gethsemene meets her challenger Lady Nerta Unti, Dame of Agyr, Priestess of The Old Gods for the agreed training match. Nerta has decided to use the 'defensive' strategy while Rika has chosen the 'neutral' strategy, giving Rika the advantage. After a series of blows, Nerta wins the training match.

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Nerta didn't need to push through the crowd to reach the bounty office of Lord Ulv, the still dripping head of a Lurker has a way of clearing space. And of making the young man on duty fumble for coin.

As she waits for silvers, the woman eyes the flow of traffic her expression lighting as she spies Rika in the crowd.

"You know how to use that sword Patrician? This thing," a wet slap of the bloody head, "wasn't much of a challenge, and I could use the practice before I hit the baths."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Rodderick o'Deathh
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Hail warrior priestess - it is some time since I last sparred but I will give it a go. Forgive me if I am called away before we can meet
Rodderick o'Deathh (Knight of Gethsemene)
Training Match

Rodderick O'Deathh, Knight of Gethsemene meets his challenger Lady Nerta Unti, Dame of Agyr, Priestess of The Old Gods for the agreed training match. Both participants are using the 'overrun' strategy, so that neither has an advantage. After a series of blows, Nerta wins the training match.

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Ignoring the silent Rika the spear spins around toward the newly arrived Roderick.

"You want to try your hand lad? Alright.."

The two charge in and exchange a quick series of blows, leaving a spear tip floating before the man's chest.

"Hmm not bad. At least you're not afraid of a little aggression." Puffing a stray hair aside, "What's your name?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler dusted off his dirty armour as he made his way through the city in look for a private room for the night after his extended journey. On his trip to the nearest inn he stumbled upon what seemed to be the end of a dual if he had to guess a woman with their spear pointed in the direction of a person he could not recall from this distance. He cautiously reached for his dagger the light catching from the blade as it is drawn from it's sheathe making it almost seem to glow with the light of the sun itself if even for just a moment. "Excuse me for interrupting but I feel I must ask if everything is quite alright?" Tyler had tone that was neither friendly nor was it menacing. More of an air of caution then anything. His stance was ready his feet in position for quick movement stance low eyes firmly on the woman with a spear to a strangers chest. His shield while not yet in his hand would be ready in an instant. He watched the woman waiting for their response.
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Nerta's eyes glitter in the light from the blade as she inspects the newest arrival.

"Someone walks along the road rather than ride."

Gesturing to the dirt with her chin she pulls the spear away from Rodderick.

"So you must be an adventurer, perhaps the Tyler I'm looking for with the not yet thrice blessed shield?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Rodderick o'Deathh
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Well fought warrior priest - a fine dual class if ever there were one. I misjudged your choice of spear for a defensive posture and too quickly came undone. My name is Sir Rodderick knight of this fine city. The summons I referrred to when the challenge was accepted has arrived so I must depart. Fare thee well. Ah Tyler of the portal well met - a simple training match and nothing amiss here- I will leave some silver for a round of drinks to toast your brave portal deed. As the knight makes to leave - he pauses at mention of a thrice blessed shield- thats curious - I have something a bit similar the "Thrice-Blessed Crown of Good and Evil". Let us put them near each other and see if they react? Sadly though I really must now be on my way
Rodderick o'Deathh (Knight of Gethsemene)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler relaxes his stance returning to a neutral state a smile returning to his face. " Ah my apologies I arrived in the city at the end of this dual I was not sure what was happening my apologies. At the mention of the thrice blessed crown his eyes widen in surprise. " By any chance did you happen across that crown here in Gethsemene? This shield was the first thing I spotted upon entering the portal to the vales new home while I was investigating the monster and undead situation. Either way I will not stop you from getting on with your day but perhaps we can speak on this again in the future?

he looks to the woman " warrior priestess? May I ask if you are the preistess of the old gods I was informed would be here? " I have a request to make if you are. However before that there's something else that I need to do first."

Tyler reaches for his thrice blessed shield and once again enters her his combat stance but now with a smile on his face and in his eyes. He points to the small symbol of a hinge upon his thrice blessed shield. " This is the symbol of my patron god fulcrum. if you are indeed a warrior preistess I'm sure it would please both of our gods to test out mettle against one another. Care for one more opponent?
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Nerta's gaze slides from one man to the other as they display their thrice blessed accessories. Coincidence, or were the Gods are up to something?

"Tisk tisk Tyler. First you admit to hunting for me, second you intrude on a fight and third you want to pick one."

Shifting the spear in her hand the woman fights a smile.

"You almost remind me of home"

The young guard behind the counter interrupts with the jingle of silver. Simple pay for the simple bounty oozing blood across the bench.

"However we don't want more interruptions, and since you'll probably fight better then the rest, let's get out of Lord Ulv's estate."

She tossed a coin toward the man and prods him to follow.

"Besides, it'd be a shame to crack your skull on an empty stomach and the stews here are good. It's all the goat."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler shrugged the smile still on his face. He placed his dagger in it's sheathe and returned the shield to his back " I could hardly turn down a free meal. You will need it as well if you truly hope to bash my skull in. I can be very slippery when the need arises. perhaps you can tell me a bit about yourself and the old gods over an ail or three? Nothing like getting to know someone before you beat each other to near death in the training fields. I would be happy to tell you why I seek a priestess of then old gods as well." Tyler stepped in toe with the woman following her lead. Many questions floating in the back of his mind mulling over the best ways to approach this stranger.
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Nerta's cloak snaps in the wind cutting into her words.

"Lad, if a-l you're got is a dagge- yo-'ll need to be quite slippe-y to have -uch chance..."

The pair don't remain outside long. Soon silvers summon stew and ale while they take seats.

"A curious sort eh? Alright."

Nerta plays her spoon through the stew, her cloak still on.

"I'm what you lot call a Foederati. Until about a year ago I was wandering the lowlands on a fool quest, killing monsters, and trying to earn the damnable coin that Patricians seem to like so much. These days I'm still on the fool quest, but I have a bit more coin and the Old Man has more to read."

--- OOC: Next bit about the Old Gods but you can always watch the overview https://youtu.be/nK3MIwRxw40 ---

Taking a few bites she waves the spoon toward Tyler.

"As for the Gods, there are five... well six, but before we get to that.

We don't believe in a lot of things. No one 'believes' in the trees and the mountains, they just are. So are the Gods. There's Life & Death, Fate & Fortune, Light & Dark. The raw essence of the world."

"Now on Monster World, in the old tongue Beluaterra, these essences have opinions about our existence. Humans have tried to tame this land and the monsters fight to retain their home. All while the Gods watch and judge."

"The Wolf Lord, Life, wants the strong to survive. He delights in testing us, and everything else, constantly. By contrast, Death accepts is all as we are. The Dark Mistress is a kindly bitch who's eases the burdens of the harsh world and provides tools to push back against the terrors of the woods."

The pause for ale seems more than just thirst.

"Those two are the most popular with new Followers but we all have a Fate, the Ice Queen sees to that. Thankfully Fortune, the Mist Walker, helps when that destiny overwhelms. Usually. Sometimes he just messes with travel. Tricksters are like that."

"The Masked One is the last of the five, and a strange one. Syncretism from another faith, or so the scholars say. They represent balance and judgment, yet gets attention from infiltrators and rogues. The Light can be complicated what can I say?"

"Nothing complicated about the Dark. The Crystal Maiden is the patron of the selfish and the desperate, handing out her dreaded necromancy in exchange for suffering and pain. For that reason few Followers trust water, or those who sail."

"But I doubt I need to tell you much about the sixth Goddess. The Sunken Kingdom has been doing too well chewing through nations as it is. First Nova, then Shattered Vales, and now Nothoi..."

Rubbing her eye the woman grimaces.

"Anyway, that about sums it up. So what about you? Want to know more, or are you going to tell your tale?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler listens patiently as the woman explains each of the old gods. Each one sounded very interesting and he would need to do personal research on these gods himself when he got a moment of peace and quiet. However one god in particular caught his attention.g the masked one did not seem so different from his own god also considered odd in his own religion. "Is there anything more you can tell me of the masked one? I have to admit I have a partial fondness for gods that don't quite fit in with the rest. I myself follow fulcrum who is known as the least warrior like of the warrior gods. While I am no priest and preistess yao ling in nothoi could tell you much more then I could. if I had to sum up his beliefs it would be that he believes in war for the sake of peace. Fight a mighty tyrant to protect the peasants and soldiers forced to work under their rule. Rush to the aid of a realm that's been swallowed by the undead even if it be an enemy to save the woman and children that just wish to have a good home and family. That probably does little justice to the god and his beliefs but it's the best i can do with limited knowledge. Sadly I'm far too busy making coin for my next meal to do much book reading."

Tyler looks to the bottom of his newly empty mug of ale the smile slipping from his face for a moment replaced with a look of deep contemplation before looking to the woman once again. " I suppose I owe you my story as well just Incase you manage to stab me with the pointy end of that spear of yours wouldn't want to be just another corpse in the gutters. "

​​​​​​Tyler gets the attention of a nearby barmaid. " If you could please keep me and my companions cups full"

fresh ale In hand he looks to the woman and asks do you know anything about the recent events for the realm Of the shattered vales. I can sum it up briefly though I know little of the events that unfolded before my own involvement.

The vales we're up until recently stationed south of nothoi a bulwark against a seemingly unending horse of undead even larger then the normal hordes found throughout our continent. From what I hear this was because of a portal way down south that summoned some necromancer into our realm from the abyss. I cannot confirm these claims as I was not present. ​​​​​​However a couple of weeks later and the vales is nearly completely overrun by the endless hordes. Though they fought bravely it was clear there would be no victory for the vales without some divine aid."

Tyler takes a moment to gather himself and finishes another ale before he continues looking in the woman's direction to see if she had anything to say or add before he continues his story.
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
"Masked One catches your eye? That's rare."

"As both the moon and the sun, his gaze is ever watching. Some say be passes judgment on the unworthy. Others say he gauges the skill of his favoured, the assassins and saboteurs. Still more say his champion Andro wanders the Shadowlands still, either hunting some elusive prey or hiding from the Dark Mistress."

Nerta sets her ching in her hand.

"Sounds like your Fulcrum is one of the Highfather faiths, concerned as he is with justice. Though it's interesting you label them as atypical. I have spoken with Yao Long on occasion, though she's offered little insight beyond the basics."

Casting a glance to the spear leaning on the wall, Nerta smiles faintly.

"I'll reserve judgment on if you need the business end of the spear for later. But so far you seem a decent sort."

"Tangled with the Sunken Kingdom have you? I've handled a couple champions, and bore witness to the two crusades of Ar Agyr, and Bob's antics. Wasn't enough to save Nova or Shattered Vales...."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler nods politely. " It sounds like you have had more experiences with the sunken Kingdom then I have. The the single experience I've had so far is a nightmare. I'd love to hear about those crusades sometime as this is the first I'm hearing of it. But for now I'll finish my story."

Tyler eyes his ale now fair way into a third mug. His eyes are becoming unfocused. He needs to slow down. Was always shate at keeping the drink down. Drinking alone is not much fun and he rarely had company aside from the undead or monsters he was so often slaying.

" So this is where my part comes in. It had been a couple of weeks since the initial portal that supposedly caused the hordes had been opened. Not sure what happens to the adventurers responsible I can only hope they are still breathing. I had just heard about the events in the vale from a local guild in Nothoi. It seemed there was some issues with the realm of Nothoi and the shattered vales that made our aid impossible as the soldiers would refuse to fight together. Some stupid shate about alliances and what not. It seems to me one could forget all that in times of crises but apparently the soldiers disagree. This prompted me to make the suggestion that we use the very thing that caused the problem to potentially solve it. I would go on a quest to open another portal in the once capital of the shattered vales. at this point the city had been completely overrun by undead. Easily over 1200 corpses shambling about. More by the day it seemed.

I gathered the high priestess yao ling to my cause and then sought out the nobility of Nothoi and vales to find the remaining stones required. I had already had three in my possession and in but a weeks time I managed to arrive at the city gather the other stones and had gained two adventurers to join me along with the priestess."

Tyler stops again and stares at his drink finishing the last of the ale within. His hand shook slightly for a moment as he had flashing images of the endless hordes of undead roaming the once thriving city. So many dead lifeless eyes. Even now those bodies litter the street rotting with decay in the sun.

Tyler shook off the thought before continuing " I set the stones myself. It was my quest after all if anyone was going to die playing with unknown magic it would be me. That was far scarier then the entire horde. To know that the last thing I could be doing was potentially saving or damning a whole city and I might die before I even saw the outcome. Would of been a damn shame."

​​​​​Tyler holds up three fingers stateing " three days. I fought for three days and nights in the blasted hell hole the priestess and her companion unleashed a torrent of strange and powerful magic wiping out the undead. Without her aid I would have surly been overrun. I did what I could but for the most part I just kept the endless hordes away from the portal for as long as I could. After three days a portal opend to Gathesemene strangely enough the portal did not open where the stones were set but had been manipulated by some entity to open in a neighboring region safe from the hordes. And you can see well enough the rest. " truth be told we were trying to get the entity beyond the portal to wipe out the undead or push them into the sea. But beggars can't be choosers as they say.

​​​​​​Tyler removes his shield once more pointing to the hinge. " And this leads me to why I sought you out. Upon going through the portal I found this shield just sitting there like it was meant for me. None of the others seemed to even acknowledge it's existence despite it's beauty and high quality. A gift for my deeds I thought intially. The gods were pleased and this was my reward. However upon closer inspection I saw the name etched on the shield the thrice blessed shield. no matter who I asked commoner or priest none could tell me of the three blessings or who they were granted by. So what I thought to be my reward was actually my next quest. I seek three blessings upon my shield each from a different God. I have already received the blessing of fulcrum I received this blessing from the entity beyond the portal with the aid of yao ling. Now I seek a second blessing. Normally I would ask to do some quest to earn the right for a blessing but I think I already have something in mind for that.

Tyler taps his dagger with his hand. " What better way to earn a blessing from a warrior priestess then a practice match."
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Nerta doesn't respond at first. She eats in silence and takes a pull of her ale as the tale concludes.

"I was afraid of this. A tale of woe, and you're a hero. The Gods love heroes. They love testing them, aiding them, breaking them. And you, are looking for their attention."

"Lucky for you, I cannot dispense the blessings of the Gods like some apothecary. I am a Guardian. I protect people and kill monsters. That is all. Thus to protect you, I will suggest that you abandon this quest. Gaining the attention of the Gods only invites suffering and mischief."

Moving her ale across the table she sighs

"However. I can see you're determined and have already caught their attention with your little stunt. So if you seek the blessings of the Gods you had best prepare yourself. It will be an arduous quest."

"Scattered about Beluaterra are ancient sites of power that twist the land in manners both fair and foul. These junctions in the Ley Lines hold significance to the Gods, and the monsters. Thus each secret nexus is protected by wards and beasts alike. If you pilgrim to these places and slay their champions you will no doubt receive the attention of the Gods. Their blessings will follow soon after."

"If you survive, of course."

Pouring some ale across the table she begins to roughly sketch a map in the amber drink.

"Given where we are, you have a few options. But nearly all are perilous. The Seeping Giant of Keffa. The Crystal Caverns of Dald. The Rift of Jocob's Mouth. The Black Pool of Whispers in Wudenkin. The Lost Barrow of Oepiud. The Spirit Woods of Lastfel. The Eternal Flame of Agyr."

"There are others, but these are the closest. The Eternal Flame, will be the safest, but the Seeping Giant is probably easy enough for one of your skill. You seem like you can handle blood."

​​​​​​Stabbing at the crude map with each pronouncement, Nerta wipes her hand on her cloak.

"Do not look so surprised lad. We're the oldest faith on this continent. Hundreds have tried this pilgrimage over the last 15 years. Dozens of returned. All of them transformed. This is why I tell you to abandon your fool quest. It will no doubt be the end of you."

"I speak from what you might call, personal experience. In a fashion."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler waited patiently while the preiests went into details about the pilgrimage a very serious look on his once friendly expression. When dealing with the gods nothing was ever simple one could not hope to truly have the attention of the gods without doing something worthy of it. And he knew from his most recent encounter you do not always get what you had hoped.

"Well your certainly right about one thing. I will not back down. If I am quite honest I'm not so sure it isn't already too late. The strings of fate have led me here. A clear goal and the gods intentions made clear. To ignore ones fate is to me as much a death as being killed by some undead or beast in the woods. This is my chance maybe my only chance to be sure my name is not forgotten. Not just in the realm of men but in the eyes of the gods. They may test me and I will not be found wanting. They may aid me and they will find no arrogance or greed. They may try to break me but I shall only bend."

Tyler's eyes are steeled in determination " should I come out alive and changed I can only hope it will be for the better. I will come out of this a stronger man then when I started. I will use that strength to keep any humans from any realm safe. Heros may not always have the best lives but those who choose to become heros for a good life are fools. I have chosen this path not for the betterment of my life but the betterment of others. I will undergo this fools quest and if I shall die it will be with smile on my face and defiance in my heart. Is that really so bad a death?"

Tyler glances around the inn nearly empty the hour late. His eyes were hazey now talking Into the night and the ale made them all the heavier.

"It seems it may be time for me to retire soon but before I do perhaps you would like to tell me of your personal experience. Have you too undergone this pilgrimage? Sought the attention of the gods to some sour or bad end? If this is too personal you do not have to share. I do believe you can learn a lot from those who have tried before though and any information you can share would certainly be welcome.
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler jolts awake from his bed. his head hurts what happen last night? he remembered asking the priestess a a question then toasting her and finishing another ale. then....nothing. he examined his arms and leg. they were covered in bandages. clear signs of an undead attack. did he go monster hunting blackout drunk? was the priestess their as well? he vaguely remembers a stranger bandaging his wounds. who did he owe his life? tyler shook off the hangover as best he could and made his way downstairs perhaps someone was their to fill in the gaps. he can only hope he did not embarrass himself too much.
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
It's not long after Tyler wakes that Nerta enters the room. In her hand is a swirling flask that seems to flicker from violet to gold.

"You certainly are in a hurry to meet the Gods in person."

Setting the tincture on the night stand, she folds into a chair and adjusts her cloak.

"Yet you survived. Perhaps the Dark Mistress has need of you, or perhaps the Wolf Lord wants to play with you some more. He always likes the ones with bravado..."

Cracking the seal on the flask the smell of incense curls into the room.

"Choice is a luxury afforded to some, but not me."

Pouring elixir into a cup, the drink sputters rather than splashes.

"I am a Guardian, I protect people and kill monsters. So when a man who would be a Hero runs off to save someone: I try to protect him and kill the monster waiting in ambush."

Her grip tightens on the cup as her expression grows weary.

"But we live in the Age of Shadows. The fire is low and every day the Dread Necromancer drains more magic from the Weave. Every day he grows bolder, and his ambushes more fiendish. Every day more witches, and sorcerers siphon power out of the fragile remains of the ley lines. Every day things get little bit dimmer."

Offering the steaming cup to Tyler, she smiles faintly.

"Beluaterra may be dying, but you don't need to beat the rush. I need your help to save the world after all. So drink up, and welcome to my fool quest."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler even es the liquid contents warily. Head still throbbing he downs the liquid in a fluid motion most likely whatever was inside would not be pleasant remedies rarely are after all. " Aye meeting the gods would be a bit better then this splitting headache I imagine. What is this stuff anyway" he asks moments before emptying the contents into his mouth.

Tyler takes a moment to gather his thoughts as the newly ingested tincture hits his stomach. "We're saving the world now huh? I take this is a mission with little to no chance of success likely to lead to one or both of our deaths? A quest any would other would be a fool to accept? " Tyler grins broadly. " Sounds like my kind of quest.

Tyler erratically grabs for his belongings while continuing to talk to the priestess. " So is this about what we're discussing last night? About my future pilgrimage? Or is this something else entirely? The last thing I remember is discussing your past experiences with the old gods so if this is something we went over last night I would appreciate a recap on what it is we're doing to save the world.
Tyler (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
The violet drink flecked with gold tastes exactly like morning sunlight wrapped in shadow and ignites a pleasant fire in Tyler's stomach that sears away every ache.

"A healing elixir, apparently an old secret from the days of The Republic. Some of the Celebrants in the Temple make them from Incindia."

Collecting her cup with a laugh, the warm sound is tinged with the faintest click in the back of her throat.

"You've saved the world before have you? Yes, my fool quest is likely to get me and anyone else who takes part, killed. A point I keep making to folks, and yet they keep signing up."

As she spreads her hands the cloak falls away enough to reveal a silken blue shirt trimmed in yellow, but Nerta quickly pulls the fabric closed.

"Last night we were discussing your mad quest to earn the attention of the Gods, but then the Dread Necromancer tried to kill you. That you survived tells me you're already in trouble. So, to earn a blessing: choose one of the sites, slay a champion, have a vision quest or whatever else speaks to you, and bask in the results. There isn't really a formula or rite to being a Follower. It depends on your personal interpretation."

The woman's scowl returns as she leans forward.

"If you survive, and don't come to your senses, I can tell you more of what those sites represent. Of the Weave. Of my fool quest to try and avert the apocalypse."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Tyler is pleasantly surprised by the effects of the tincture almost burns like alcohol but his senses seem to be sharpening instead of dulling.

" Some stuff you got there I bet it has saved more then one life. I guess it's time to head out then I will be sure to write you once I have earned a gods blessing so you can tell me about your quest. I owe you my life it seems so I'll try not to die before the repay you. "

Tyler notices the attempt to hide a rather fine silk shirt underneath her robe but decides not to push the topic as it's clear she does not want to discuss it. He only hopes she did not notice the momentary suspicion cross his face.

Tyler reaches his hand out the the priestess. " It's clearer now then it has ever been that out fates were bound to cross let's hope it's for the better and not one big joke played on the world's heroes. Let's do what we have to because no one else will.
Tyler (Adventurer)