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! Mielba's Story
! Preparations [[File:DrinksSoren.png|100px|center]]
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Content=Your majesty,
The 22nd of September fast approaches along with the Equinox Masquerade of the Old Gods. It shall be a day of celebration both in defiance of the encroaching winter and to honour the Masked One; the God of Sun and Moon.
The untamed celebration will be about subverting norms and the mingling of peoples from all walks of life. All while striving for balance.
Reverie through dance, feasting, and drinking is usually matched by sparring, hunts, and vigils for the fallen. Though, shielded by the masks, some may lean towards pranks and acts of charity instead. All is in the spirit of good fun, of course.
The Followers see no reason to cloister ourselves in this time of merryment and would invite others to join us. Perhaps Her Majesty would like to declare a tournament in tandem with the celebration?
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Recipients=Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
|Content=Priestess Nerta,
So long as the Equinox Masquerade does not interfere with necessary military functions it will be a welcome addition to the social calendar. I'll discuss your request for a tournament to accompany the Masquerade with the Council as both the scope of prizes and the choice of location will need to be considered.
|Title=Queen of Ar Agyr
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Content=I don't think you have to worry about military preparedness. Part of the celebration is a monster hunt after all.
Either way thank you for considering the offer. Hopefully you can get back to me in a couple days, otherwise one of the other nations will probably host. I wouldn't worry too much about a prize and I'm sure Aeravon will be happy to host if you ask him.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Anyte Luitolf
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
What all do you need for this feast? I can send some maidens to facilitate the event if needed. Possibly even take a more direct influence if such things are needed.
|Title=Duchess of The Bathory
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=We're going to need drinks, probably a lot.
Also a bunch of cheap masks. If folks join in without them it'll be a bit strange.
We'll need some kind of troupe or band for a dance.
Of course there will be a feast. Given the Followers are scattered across the north we could each bring a regional specialty.
For those more on the grim side of things, we'll need a hunt master to organize the sortie after monsters.
And probably someone who will handle the vigils for the fallen.
And maybe someone who can track down any pranksters.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ioulas Hwitt
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=Collected Faithful,
Most of you do not know me, as I am freshly arrived revelry from Dwilight! Hello!
The idea of a masquerade sounds wonderful, but perhaps instead of doing cheap masks, we might each commission our own? Have a competition to see who has the most magnificent mask and costume!
I assure you, that my husband, Ser Acalan Osoro, and I are most excited for the event.
|Title=Knight of Ieara
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=A contest for masks? Sounds like a decent idea. Anyone know a good artisan who might make them?
We should still assemble a stack of cheap masks for any outsiders who want to join in, just in case.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ioulas Hwitt
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=If anyone knows of a good artisan for such things, please get me in touch, as beauty is a thing more sorely needed here than other places. However I already have a magnificent mask already!
No self-respecting noble should leave their continent without one!
|Title=Knight of Ieara
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Acalan Osoro
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=That’s too bad, my husband. I was going to offer to make you one!
Well, if anybody else would like a mask made of metal, I only need access to a forge.
|Title=Knight of Ieara

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|Sender=Mielba Cordenata
|Sender=Soren Navaar
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=''From the journal of Mielba Cordenata:''
|Content=Swampland had taken over this part of the region. Even where there was a road, there was no part of Black Jaw’s Conquest that didn’t cause a traveler to sink a little bit. Devoid of trade, food, and even decent hunting, it was no wonder why the area had been considered a lost cause. As a trade for borrowing some of their craftsmen for what the minor Lord Jakken ri Shieldborn considered an affront to their efforts to defend the region from Black Jaw’s curse, Soren agreed to march a few men into the Conquest. Once inside, he would scout, and see for himself the terror that is held back by only water and their brave journeys into the wastes.
It would have been a great tale if Soren had encountered mysterious creatures, the great wolf Black Jaw himself, or even something akin to a necromancer or a daimon worshiper that he could slide steel through. Instead he got mud. Lots of mud. Here there was nothing but nature, a piece of the land retaken from humanity, never to be used for anything. Resting was a luxury only afforded to them when they found one of the ruined buildings belonging to the Shieldborn family’s ancestors, one of the few not reclaimed by the land. An ancient tower set to scan the rivers for potential dangers. The remains of a warning fire and expeditions past told them of its safety for use.
Several uneventful hours later, as Soren left the swampland with his men, blissfully unaware of the golden eyes on his back, he shook his head at the waiting minor lord.
“Nothing of interest, Sir Jakken. Just ruins and mud as far as the eye can see.”
A growl and a harrumph. The man had seen the all clear signal fires lit as Soren and his men traveled the area. “You lucked out today, my Lord. But in the future, remember. Nothing is safe in those lands. Perhaps you weren’t to be trifled with this time, but the swamp wolves know… They will get you in the future.”
Soren laughed and started back towards the town. “Then next time I’ll bring more men and we’ll see if we can lure out the beasts. Now, where are your craftsmen? I’m need that mask for the festival."

''The Battle at Seven Rivers''
“Are you going to go as a wolf, my Lord?”
“Too obvious,” Soren dismissed. “I’m planning on going with… a fox.”

''Dark, heavy clouds overhead, bluish purple like bruised flesh. The edges of the sky, clearer. Frayed wispy tendrils, tinged orange by sun rays reaching out from the horizon.''
“A fox?” Oldred piped up from Soren’s side.
“Wolves and dragons dominated the family for years, but there were other beasts. A mouse, a phoenix, and a hawk for example. Then there was the fox, and the family members bearing that symbol were always the most dangerous ones,” he revealed, a playful grin dancing across his face at the thought of claiming the symbol for his own.
|Title=Count of Seven Rivers

''Flash. Bright white lighting. Cracks, spread. A sky broken like glass.''
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
|Recipients=Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
|Content=I was recently asked by Priestess Nerta if a tournament could be held to accompany the Masquerade and after raising the matter with the Advisory Council I think this is a good idea. Unfortunately I'm currently busy hosting King Dancer in Qual so cannot make the necessary arrangements in person however if Duke Aeravon is amenable to hosting a tournament in Fronepu then it will have Royal blessing and I will provide 500 gold towards prize money.

''Thunder. Battle. Swords, teeth, and viscera. Humans, Monsters, and Undead.''
|Title=Queen of Ar Agyr

''Desperate cries mix with shouted orders. Mielba pulls her cloak tighter against the sporadic rain. The ground, wet and muddy.''
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Ar Agyr
|Content=With just over a week until the Equinox Masquerade, the Temples to the Old Gods are busy with preparations.

''Up the hill, a mob of monsters closes on its prey. A handful of men had foolishly, sought a tactical advantage from higher ground. But they were far from Bob. Mielba shivers. They will die soon, shredded to pieces by the devouring swarm''
The slate of events is complex with feasting, dancing and drinking along with duels, monster hunts and vigils for the dead.

''Her heart rends. Unbidden, a wordless prayer surges from her chest. Fury mixes with longing and thoughts of The Old Gods.''
That it would be the first Masquerade in many years adds to the fervor around the realm.
''Immediately, the crowd blossoms open; grotesque creatures thrown outward from the centre of the snarling mass.''
''Another bright flash lights up the sky. At the centre, a lone, triumphant figure, frozen in time. Impossible...''
! The Equinox Masquerade [[File:Theatre.png|200px|center]]
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The Equinox Masquerade is in full swing, with Followers of the Old Gods enjoying reverie and somber defiance of the coming winter.
The sun-masked figure seated at the feast table had avoided staining their white robe with grease. An impressive feat given the impromptu eating contest with Ioulas. Sipping ichor brandy the figure's voice echoes behind the mask.
"Ah. A fine brew. I must say Ioulas, if you fight half as well as you feast, you must be a warrior without peer."
|Title=Nerta the Weaver
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Lion Sun
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Ioulas had been waiting weeks for the event that would be his first major appearance before the rest of the realm, and he had taken quite a bit of time to prepareIn the previous weeks, following his meeting and then whirlwind romance to his fellow knight, Ser Acalan Osoro, the pair had been married in a private ceremony in Fronepu. They had both decided to let this event be their introduction, and as the pair entered the space they were loudly announced, "Ser Acalan Osoro, knight of Ieara and his husband, Ser Ioulas Hwitt, knight of Ieara!" 
The pair entered as heads turned toward them, making Ioulas smile under his mask. He wore an intricate brocade of white and gold, with a flowing red cape that flowed behind him as he walked. He wore a golden mask that completely covered his face, topped with a large golden lion, topped further still with detailed sunbeams complete with crystals and red gemstones. The display was ostentatious, intentionally so, and Ioulas relished the looks he and his husband received as the walked arm in arm together through the hall.
He sat down, being offered a glass of fine red wine by a servant and looked to his husband, "My love isn't this delightful!  None here so finely dressed us as I think, we are practically guaranteed victory in this costume contest!"  As he spoke, a masked figure, also in sun motif, approached him, and challenged him to a contest of feasting. 

''Its silhouette betrays an otherwise human shape. Six arms, spread apart and outward in various positions. Two hands grip a spear overhead, ostensibly used to thrust the mob back. Another grips a dagger. The remaining three also extended, as though used to grab and push.''
Ser Ioulas Hwitt was many things. Humble was not one of those things, and so he laughed and accepted the challenged, removing the part of his mask covering his mouth as he bade the figure sit beside him. He had no idea who this woman was, and that was part of the fun. Food was brought forward, of all varying kinds, and Ioulas simply tried all of it as it came, totally unused to challenges such as this, being a relatively light eater and a man of slight frame, but he would never back down a contest, his pride did not allow it.

''How beautiful...''
The pair ate as Acalan stifled laughter at his side. After a short while, after finishing a second glass of wine, Ioulas leaned over to his competitor and put his hands in defeat, "Madam the depth of your gullet knows no bounds, I admit defeat!" 

''The lightning ends and the world goes dark.''
Ioulas bowed respectfully at his competitors compliment, and gestured to his husband, "Indeed madam it was through training the art of swordsmanship that I met my dear Acalan just over a month ago!  But now I simply must go dance!  Come my love, shall we hold back the dawn and dance the night away!?" He looked back at Acalan, and offered his hand for a dance.
|Title=Ioulas Hwitt

“''‘How beautiful…’''” the mumbling man in patchwork leathers wiggles his hips in the hard chair in a vain attempt to get comfortable as Mielba enters her quarters. “With an entranced preface like that, I’d bet money that the next page displays a sketch of your paramour surrounded by hearts and roses. Ah but it’s only a drawing of the battle rather than Elios. How odd. I always thought you fancied him; or wait, is that ‘will fancy’? Hmmm…”
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The twin sun to Ioulas bows.

Veden’s bright eyes flicker along the page, but don't once rise to the reddening priestess. "You're pretty good you know, a real flare with the paints. One might think you were an artist first or something."
"I have not eaten in some time, so my depths no doubt extend to the Abyss. Which is convenient given this Fronenite food is rich."

Mielba stalks across the tent to snatch the journal from the reclined figure, her voice tight, “For someone who can see into the future, you’re incredibly nosy.
As the man calls for his husband the figure raises an iron gauntlet.  

Vedens slips his feet from atop the travel desk and rises fluidly with a  snap of the journal. Tossing the slim volume to the hard eyed priestess, he waves for her to follow, "Yes, yes, shock and outrage. Come on then, it’s past time for you to actually meet Nerta. She’s lovely, surly, but lovely. You two will get along famously, ''so'' much in common.”
"Enjoy the dance, I may join once my stomach settles."
|Title=Dame of Agyr
|Title=Nerta the Weaver

! Chess
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Damsels from the Bathory had been sent in the care of Matron Allova Saxa, with a contingent of Maidens for protection, to help with the set up the masquerade. Each of them wore masks of pure white with accents of ice blue, save the Matron herself who had a smaller mask of red. Anyte had not decided if she was personally attending just yet, it being in Ar Agyr and all, but finally ended up deciding that her faith was more important than petty personal squabbles. The night of the event, she had her carriage pull straight before the entrance.
Elegantly, Anyte stepped out of the carriage dressed in a brilliant, lavender dress, hair drawn up and held in place by a gold net, sporting a personal wolf like mask that started black and turned purple at the edges with the fur in a fiery pattern. Slowly, and leaning heavily upon her cane, she hobbled through the doors with the Matron Isemay by her side, flanked by more armed maidens, none of which wore masks themselves.
Once inside, the scene was set with a banquet of food, servants hauling drink to distinguished guests, and several obvious nobles in their own masks. The only one she new on sight was the one in the sun mask, having met her during the events in Vore and her altercation with the King. She was already speaking with a rather garishly dressed gentleman, so there was little reason to bother her.
"Madam, would you care for some wine?" One of the servants asked, and went to hand her a glass, but Isemay interceded, "If Her Grace wishes refreshments, they will be provided." While the maidens had been sent to join the others who had came with the first group, Isemay stayed steadfastly by her mistress's side.
Anyte reached out and took the glass anyway, "Thank you, Isemay, you are a fine protector. However, I must be polite to our guests. For all we know this could have been sent by an important patron." Isemay nodded, obviously less enthused about the situation given the past. Anyte settled into a seat at a near by table, browsing to see if there was anyone she might recognize, for better or worse.
|Title=Anyte Luitolf

|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ra Endymion Hwitt
|Sender=The Black Moon
|Recipients=Everyone in The Old Gods
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The Streets of the City of Vore, Thalmarkin
|Content=Acalan smiles broadly from under his mask as he’s officially introduced for the first time—the first time in his short career as a noble, and the first time as a married man. He pecks the golden-haired man on his arm and whispers, “All eyes are on you, my love! You are radiant!”
The young knight himself wears a silver wolf mask—one he crafted by hand in his home region of Bil Havil. His outfit, a motif of the moon, compliments Ioulas’s but is much more understated on the whole. Whereas Ioulas is in white and gold, Acalan is in black and silver. In place of a cape, Acalan wears a scarf, and where Ioulas has a slim-cut brocade to accentuate his waist, Acalan’s jacket is broad through the shoulders with a tall, stiff collar.
Truly, everyone seems to be fawning over his husband, and Acalan couldn’t be happier.
As the new couple makes their way through the crowd, Acalan is blown away by the colors and craftsmanship and high spirits. His head turns this way and that, trying to take everything in at once.“This is lovely!”
He laughs cheerfully when Ioulas accepts the eating challenge. “You eat like a little bird!” Acalan chuckles good-naturedly. Then with a subtle wink, he adds, “…Most times.”
As his husband competes, Acalan holds nothing back, clapping loudly and whooping and hollering, announcing to anyone who would listen that Ioulas is his husband and infecting passersby with smiles as they are drawn in to see what all the fuss is about.
”An admirable effort! But you were defeated by a worthy champion!” Acalan bows deeply to Nerta when it’s all over. “Well done, ma’am! And I must say, that is a lovely mask!”

Sir Ra Endymion Hwitt, General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur, and Captain of the Showboat was not in a good mood. In fact, as he made his way through the city his mood was down right dangerous.  He didn’t consider himself a dour man, and could usually be found in good cheer and good spirit, but the situation with the monsters in Thalmarkin had become nearly untenable. The army was moving now, the effort to fight back was beginning in earnest, but it didn’t make the wound in his shoulder from that monster feel any better.
Finally, with a flutter in his heart, Acalan takes his husband’s hand and does the one thing he came to this masquerade to do: dance.

He hadn’t asked to be General, that “honor” had been thrust upon him by the King. He would have thought it was funny if he wasn’t the butt of the joke. But he had resolved to see the job through. He knew what it was like to be one of the poor and defenseless that were now packing the city, what it was like to live in fear of the hordes reaching their way outsides. Refugees from the countryside were flooding the cities of Thalmarkin, and his soldiers were having to gently force their way through the throngs of poor masses of peasants.  
He leads them into an open space and begins moving them to the music with relaxed, confident steps. “Have I told you I love to dance?” he asks, spinning and then dipping his husband.

Some called out and begged for alms or food as his retinue passed, others cheered and gave praise for brave soldiers defending them. All had heard of the brave but  doomed attempt to break the monstrous hordes attacking Qual. Those few that had been in the city when the forces had marched out now saw far less returning home.
Still supporting Ioulas’s back, Acalan spots a woman he’s never met before (which isn’t exactly shocking). She has a cane and wears a mask in purple fiery fur. “Ma’am!” he calls to her with a smile, his own wolf mask raising up on his cheeks as he does. “Your mask is stunning! And what a great choice in animal!”

Within the mass of humanity, a single clear voice could be heard among the din and clamour of the refugees, the voice called out, loudly and confidently,
And with that, he pulls Ioulas back to his feet and plants a passionate kiss on his lips. Life couldn’t be sweeter.
|Title=Acalan Osoro

“Do not fear, Brothers and Sisters! For the Old Gods stand with us! For what else can inherit the continent of the Old Gods but mankind? What creature is in spirit more noble or brave? In constitution more spirited and forthright?”
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content="The lady is wise to suspect free drinks. After all that one came from a mischievous jester in a golden mask."

Ra heard the voice above the din and looked in its direction. There he saw a priest of the Old Gods, dressed simply in tabard and robe, waving a staff as he spoke to the moving crowd.
The figure clad in a sun-mask gestures to the chair across from the lady Anyte dressed as a midnight wolf.

Ra nudged his Captain and only female member of the Boys, Leomona, and said, “Well it’s about time somebody started making some damn sense. Boys! Head for the priest, let’s hear what he has to say, I could use a pick me up!”
"I'm glad you could make it to the party, but a lady such as yourself should not sit alone. May I join you or," nodding to the dancing duo, "will you join them?"
|Title=Nerta the Weaver

As Ra commanded, the soldiers made way for the priests, who paid no heed to the General of the realm before him.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Not a single attendant or an announcement, the man had come as he was. The next guest to arrive was a man in an unusual cotton outfit. Clothed in bright whites, accented in vibrant amaranthine and a matching colored sash in the style of the peoples of the desert. While originally, the man had planned on taking a fox mask, a series of mishaps led instead to a change in plans. Now as he entered the feasting, his outfit seemed to flow as if the man himself walked with the wind, the perfect ensemble to match a hawk's mask that hid the upper half of his face.
Gliding past a server, he paused only for a moment. The flip of a coin in his mind decided for him as he took a glass of brandy in his hand and sipped at it. The next person to do the same would find the unfortunate surprise of a brandy spiked with a spicy pepper blend. His grey eyes gazed out over the many people who had gathered, and with a smile like the bird of prey he embodied he made his way into the throng of celebrations looking for a table to take in and familiarize himself with his surroundings.
|Title=Soren Navaar

“For what is more glorious in body and countenance than mankind? Glorious is man, strong and able, reaping the harvest and defending the home! Glorious is woman, graceful and fair, birthing future and keeping hearth and home? Both are resplendent in their forms!”
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=A hand grabs the passing silver hawk Soren.

Heedless of Ra and his Boys, the priests pointed randomly into the crowd, “Rejoice for you are beautiful! Rejoice for you are glorious! Do not fear the Children, for we will overcome them!”
"Good sir, would you join the lady and I in a drink?"

Ra smiled as he listened to priest shout, “Yeah!” Ra shouted, “He says what we’re all thinking! Hot damn, Priest, I like the cut of your jib!” Ra moved forward to stand before the priest, who finally looked the Knight in the face. The priest reached forward and clasped Ra on the shoulders firmly, as Ra motioned for his shoulders to stand down and allow the man to continue.
With the other hand the figure in gold & white waves for a servant.
"I can offer you some brandy for your troubles."
|Title=Nerta the Weaver
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The Lady of the Sun approached, much to Anyte's expectation. They did not get a lot of time to speak in Vore with Anyte's wrath the way it was.  

“Rejoice Warrior! General! And do not fear for you march forth with the blessing of the Wolf Lord, and you will smite the...!”
"The party is free for any to sit where they wish, I suppose. I do not own this temple. You might be right for the matron to be suspicious, but the Dark Mistress protects me from death enough."

The priest suddenly stopped his shouting, and looked deeper into Ra’s face, who allowed the priest to continue, bemused with what was happening.  
As the lady sat, she invited another man, one she did not recognize so well. He was dress in bright white clothes that seemed to shine and fill the room.  

“No. Nooooooooo. You are something different. The Wolf Lord marches with them!” As he gestured to soldiers behind him. “You, General...oh Ephemeral Emperor! Oh Roof of the World! What a game you play now! Take this, General, and let the world watch you play the Great Game and know that the Twinkling Gaze is upon you!” 
"Interesting choice to off the man something he already has," Anyte says while sitting up proper in her chair, her own glass fo wine sitting nearby untouched. "I'll me, mysterious bird, do you want more brandy?"
|Title=Anyte Luitolf

The priest shoved something into Ra’s hands, a book with the lore of the Old Ones, and a small game piece, a Queen from a chess set, made of  beautiful white and black marble.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Soren smiled behind his mask and looked at woman behind the dark wolf mask. "Of course I will have another. How could I turn down an offer from the fairer Sun?" he said with a glance to the couple making a name for themselves in the dance. "It is rude to share the same drink with two women is it not?" he asked, graciously accepting another glass as he took a seat. Setting them both before him, he took a seat.

The crowd pressed in around them, the mass of mankind pushing forward, and Ra’s soldiers urged him him to continue. He nodded in agreement, and when he looked around again, the priest had disappeared, leaving only the book and the game piece in Ra’s hands.
It being a masquerade, he did not introduce himself, though there was a familiar tone to the Sun's voice. He casually took a sip from his first glass, then the new one, frowning slightly as he set the second down. "Alas, I seem to have been played for a fool. The brandy has a bite, but the teeth don't seem to want to come out from this one," he said, admitting to the heat lingering in his mouth and throat from the spices placed in the golden liquid. ''I wonder which lady would be the spicy one? he thought to himself with amusement.''
|Title=General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur
|Title=Soren Navaar
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|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ra Endymion Hwitt
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone in The Old Gods
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Priests of the Old Gods,
|Content="Ah Violet Wolf; but is it truly so strange to offer what is in hand? I know our winged friend enjoys the drink, and thus I provide a bounty that can be appreciated..."
The Sun in Iron & Gold laughs as The Silver Hawk warms his throat with brandy and spice.
"They say the wise know they are fools," an iron gauntlet plucks the spiced glass from the Silver Hawk, "So to be played a fool would make you most wise, would it not?"
Tossing back the drink grants a coughing fit with chest thumping.
"Tru-uly my wisdom, is b-boundless...."
As the fit subsides The Sun in Iron & Gold reclines with a gesture to The Violet Wolf.

Greetings, I don’t believe I’ve met any of you in any capacity so don’t hold it against me if I’m out of line in some way in contacting you.
"Why my boundless wisdom calls to speculate on the origins of your injuries. Surely a bitch such as you can handle a stallion or two, so that discounts even the most vigorous riding accidents."

I am Ra Endymion Hwitt, General of Thalmarkin, you’ve probably heard of me.  I am contacting you regarding a rather strange set of occurrences that have happened to me recently and that have put me into contacting you.
The Lion Sun and Black Moon sweep behind the figure in time with the musings.
|Title=Nerta the Weaver

Met a man recently, looked like a priest of this outfit and he said some things about Wolf Lords and Emperors and bunch of other stuff I didn’t understand, handed me a pamphlet which led me to a temple in which I had to pay money to be let in (nicely done that) so that they would give me more reading material and a contact list.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Isemay was always on the lookout for unsavory types, and the damsels she sent were already working the crowd. Everything seemed to be going well for the evening until her injuries were mentioned, especially by someone who knew precisely where the last one came from. The mention of them caused Anyte to grimace beneath her mask, forcing her to take a moment to collect herself.  

Funny thing though, fella that was screaming about the Old Gods in the streets gave me something peculiar and I’m hoping you can shed some light on the matter.
"There is only one thing that needs to be known, and that is that I have many undeserved enemies and the Dark Mistress has protected me from them. She has refused my soul several times when I was on death's door."
Anyte regarded the man before them closely. A brandy drinker, and an avid one by the looks of it as most she had met would not notice the lack of burn, or what it meant.  

Priest gave me a chess piece, a Queen piece, made of white and black stone, polished to a pretty sheen, he said something about an Ephemeral Emperor playing a game with me and watching me ‘with interest’.
"I wonder, the fair sun here seemed to have a bigger problem than you drinking it," Anyte's eyes darted between the two as she spoke, "This means either you drink so much brandy you are accustomed to it, or that it's been cut somehow and she drinks to little to notice."

So I figured you all are holy folk, deal with a lot of nebulous half-prophetic ramblings and I’m really hoping you all can help me understand it.
She waved down a servant to go and fetch some of better quality.

Thank You In Advance,
"Let us see if we can get a drink more to your palate. In the meantime, perhaps one of you could tell me who that man was that complemented my mask in a hurry when I walked in? He seems to be dancing with some other fellow now."
|Title=General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur
|Title=Anyte Luitolf
Line 129: Line 437:
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Ra Endymion,
|Content="There are many things that need to be known, Violet Wolf but only one that will be spoken. The rest have been inscribed on flesh, blood & soul. For those who can read the skeins it is plain to see, yet few have the courage to speak such mysteries unless their tongues are loosened by wine."
The Sun in Iron & Gold reclines and toys with the empty glass that had lent gravel to their voice.

Let me guess, the screaming man handing out cryptic words and gifts had a bright smile, a bit of a sway to his walk, wore a patchwork of leather and probably smelled faintly of stale wine. If that's the case, and from everything else you've said, there are a few possibilities but I'm afraid all of them are bad. Not in the 'you'll die tomorrow' bad, but more in the 'the Gods have plans for you' bad. Which I'd say from personal experience is worse.
"As for my troubles with spiced brandy, they are pale things next to the rest. After all, there is much to do, and little time to do it. To that end..."

The Senex says that chess pieces and colours have a long history with the faith.
Rising on dazzling feet The Sun in Iron & Gold moves to pluck The Black Moon from the arms of The Lion Sun and shoo them into the waiting maw of The Violet Wolf. This left the twin suns to standing and, with a bow, one offers a hand to the other.
|Title=Nerta the Weaver

The Dark Queen is the symbol of the Dark Mistress, goddess of the dead and protector of humanity.
The White Queen can be used to mark the Ice Queen, but usually the white chess pieces are the symbol of the Wolf Lord, the god of life and protector of the monsters.  
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The Wolf's calm and serious demeanor caught Soren's attention as much as the sun lounging next to him. "Two brandies, and you are the one with the spice," he said aloud, though it was hard to tell it was directed at Anyte. Something sharp and a reminder that there were many nobles here. He tipped back the second glass and finished it, the sun making a choice for him in a way, not that he knew it at the moment. "I've been to many freedom celebrations," he admitted, though not whether as a soldier, a noble, or the guy providing the brandy. "Though you have probably tasted many finer than I have, there's always something about the locals making it in the back of their barns that brings out a certain home flavor."

The Ephemeral Emperor is rarely depicted with chess pieces because chess is about rules and he's all about breaking them. Either way if you've caught the eye of the Secret Catcher you'll probably be very lucky, or 'hilariously' unlucky. Of all the Gods the Twinkling Gaze has the strangest sense of humour so I'd expect chaos.
Looking to his side, he listened as the sun spouted off some drinker's wisdom before scampering off to more festivities.

I wish I had good news Ra but sadly you're not the first singled out, nor will you be the last. No doubt the Ephemeral Emperor has something planned for you. I just hope we can figure out what before it's too late.
The man in the hawk mask looks at the wolf and smirks. "If I'm even half as wise as they claim, I'll have to ask that one for a dance when they're done teasing the moon," he chuckled and turned . "I probably should have asked sooner, but I'm not that wise" he said, with a bark of a laugh, admiring the life behind the sun mask. Lightly, the Hawk tapped his fingers in rhythm to the music, watching the way the Iron and Gold Sun moved to get a feel for their steps.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title=Soren Navaar
Line 152: Line 470:
|Sender=Ra Endymion Hwitt
|Sender=The Lion Sun
|Recipients=Everyone in The Old Gods
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Ra sat at the campfire as a cold breeze swept down from the mountains to the south. He put away the guitar is was playing as his finished singing his slow song. Most of soldiers were asleep now, resting peacefully. Good, they would need it for the grisly work of the next day.
|Content=Ioulas and Acalan danced excitedly for some time, looping and sweeping around the hall as the musicians played their songs. Acalan usually led, while Ioulas responded by sometimes seizing that lead, and the two moved together.

Ra got up quietly and walked his small tent. Unlike other Nobles, he didn’t travel in great splendor; rather he had a simple tri-frame tent with a small chest on the far end, and cot on one side. He looked up into the night sky as he thought about how he had ended up here.
Soon enough, Ioulas felt himself stopped as the woman wearing the other sun motifed mask they had spoken to before interjected herself. She gestured for Acalan to go to the table where two new strangers had gathered, and then bowed to ask Ioulas to dance.

From Captain of a ship to General of a Kingdom on the brink in less than a year...he knew he’d be a legend. But the thing about legends is that they aren’t usually very fun for the person living through them. He looked up at the stars as they twinkled in the night sky and breathed cold night air deeply.
Ioulas grinned under his mask, and bowed low in return, “Let the twin suns dance in defiance of the cold night!” He spiked quickly, taking the lead as the musicians started a quick paced song. Ioulas was in his element, not the greatest swordsman or eater alive, but the young man could dance.  
|Title=Ioulas Hwitt

He reached into his pocket absentmindedly, and felt something cylindrical. He drew it forth and there sat the small chess piece the old priest had given him. He considered for a long moment.  
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The First Sun had left to engage with the Second sun, what a sight this would be if it were reality. Marveling at the thought of seeing twin suns entangled in a dance of elegance through the sky entertained Anyte for a moment, before she decided to answer the hawk.  

The priest had said he had the attention of the Emperor fellow but that the piece shouldn’t fit because chess was a game of rules.  He laughed to himself as he thought of this.
"You wish to dance with the sun then be careful that you are not burned in the process," She eventually replied, "Not everything is what is seems normally, just think how much mischief might be around with identities hidden."

‘If only that priest knew the truth...she’d shat her pants.’ Ra looked again into the night sky. They just twinkled back playfully, dancing their eternal dance across the night. Ra gripped the piece with has hand as tightly as he could, speaking out to the sky softly,
Slowly Anyte stood from her seat, leaning heavily upon the cane next to her.  

”You think you got my number, O Ephemeral Emperor? You think you got the play on me? I’ll tell you this once you son of a bitch, I’m the best there’s ever been! Ra facking Endymion, that’s my name, and you better damn well remember it!”
"But that is part of the fun, is it not? I can see the appeal, the hawk soaring with the sun, so I guess that leaves the wolf naturally with the moon."
|Title=General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur
One of the damsels in the white and ice blue masks soon brought a new tray of drinks, one that Anyte could easily recognize as one of her own. Taking a two glasses of brandy, apparently the hawk's drink of choice, she placed another in his hands, "What say you that we enjoy a round together before we interrupt the cosmic forces on the dance floor? Is this not a rare opportunity to make connections after all?"
|Title=Anyte Luitolf
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|Sender=Ra Endymion Hwitt
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone in The Old Gods
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=On the Road to Jedinchel, Pt 1
|Content=The Sun in Iron & Gold is unfamiliar with the quick dance and lacks the grace of The Lion Sun. That they seem elegant is a testament to The Lion's ability, or the distance from the table to the dance floor.

General Ra Endymion Hwitt was in a wonderful mood as his soldiers finally entered the small town at the food of the mountains of Jedinchel. The peaks shown like beacons with the last rays of sunlight as night began to fall once more upon the world.  His soldiers had been expecting to stop here for the evening before heading out to the mountains the next day and and they set up tents and made fires, the people of the village came out to interact with the contingent.
Hands clasping during a trill of the lute, the voice echoes behind the mask while the suns close.

Ra sang as walked through the town, simply enjoying the the chance to relax. They would be back in the fight tomorrow.  The great work was well underway, but now was not the time to be thinking on grand strategy, but for singing.
"The Wolf Lord enjoys men of appetite. But I wonder what you will choose: Will you be the Lion or the Sun? Or will you find a way to retain balance?"

Deep on the west side they play that music loud,
The copper ring on the left hand catches the Lion's paw, and the metal happily drinks the thin line of blood before The Sun pulls away with a dip into Dusk.
The type of beauty that stands out in a crowd,
Leaving you alone I’ve only got myself to blame,
But I can’t hate the player just for playing the game,
Just for playing the game,
In Sandefur-town they kill over a glance,
How could he know that he never stood a chance,
Leaving you alone I’ve only got myself to blame,
But I can’t hate the player just for playing the game,
Just for playing the game,
Anybody would do the same...

As the song ended, Ra found that he had walked clear through the whole town, and was walking along on the lonely road up to the mountains. He wouldn't go far, just getting a chance to spend some time alone.  Before too long, though, he came across a figure sitting upon the old stump of a birch tree. The figure was non-descript, wrapped up in the thick layers of a large cloak.  The cloak though, was what stood out, as it was an immaculate stark white, as pure as a fresh snow.  Even the bottom of the cloak was unblemished. The figure sat up as Ra approached and  held up a lantern that cut through the gathering dark.
"Ah... forgive me. This isn't to be that kind of dance. Perhaps we can get a bandage, or an Elixir from the temple."
|Title=Nerta the Weaver

The figure was an old man, clean shaven, and his face was old, but not weather-beaten, as one would expect from a traveler or peasant. The old man gave a small smile as Ra approached him down the road, and in a quiet voice that nonetheless was easy to hear said, "Hail traveler-upon-the-road, I could not help but hear your song as you approached.  I have not heard that song in many a year, since I was a young man...but perhaps you would like to come sit and play a game yourself?" The figure gestured beside him on the ground and Ra saw a small games board on the grass.  Ra figured he must have simply not seen it earlier.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Soren smiled behind his hawk mask. "To new connections," he toasts the wolf before taking a sip.

Ra had to admit he was intrigued. The figure seemed incredibly out of place on the road in this small village, but Ra figured he was some academic type from Unger, given his demeanor and so Ra went forward and sat beside the old man, saying, "Hail to you as well, traveler. I must warn you, if you are heading to the mountains, it is not safe.  Some nasty ghoulies have been sighted in the area, and the area won't be safe until my men and I destroy them. But tell me your name so that I might know who I sit with on this cold evening."
Watching the dance, he nods in agreement with her words. "This hawk is but one of many masks. So many, I often wonder where the real me lives in all of them. Soldier, merchant, swordsman, diplomat, daimon hunter, monster slayer, historian, bard, I've worn all the masks a man can dream of. Perhaps you even know my name, Lady Wolf?" He tipped back the glass once more with ease, happy to find that this one was not a prank, and offered a hand to the violet wolf.

"Of course!"  The old man replied, "I am Baleygr, a simple scholar.  I thank you for the warning, Lord-General, but I do not fear those monsters in Jedinchel, not with the falling of night nor with the rising of the morning sun."
"As hunters of the heavens and earth, perhaps we could show off a little for these folks before I go and get myself burned?"
|Title=Soren Navaar

Ra raised an eyebrow at the odd reply, remarking, "Apparently my reputation proceeds me Baleygr."  The white-cloaked man nodded slowly and turned to face Ra, placing the lantern between them. "Oh, many of my order have taken note of the General, chosen by the King after such a short time of gracing this fair realm.  It is quite a tale...the Son of Sandefur, more used to the sailing ship now climbs the mountains high...oh yes, my fellows do love to talk of your exploits over these last months and years...but you did not come to hear an old man ramble, let us play a game."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Iridescent Boar
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Wren pads silently into the masquerade venue, focusing intently on making her movements fit her mask. Wrought through many nights of work around the fire, the boar's head mask of wooden twigs and driftwood upon her head is woven skilfully as a bird builds its nest. Two eyes of glinting iridescent clamshells shine out, while her own blinking golden gaze peers out through the toothed maw. She has dressed up for the occasion, shedding her usual mottled brown cloak for a black woolen dress that, with the impressive mask, evokes a boar spirit floating through the room more than a full-sized person walking about.

Baleygr reached into the recesses of his cloak and withdrew a set of polished stones, one pair white, the other black and handed Ra the white set. "I assume the Lord-General is familiar with Go?"
The scene before her is mythical, with beast and celestials swirling quickly upon the dance floor while maidens of ice serve the guests.

Ra laughed, "Aye Baleygr the scholar, the Lord-General plays Go. Though I'm surprised to see someone playing it here, it was only in the south I've seen it played. Since you are playing black, I believe you go first."  Ra gestured for the old man to proceed and Baleygr placed a single white stone on the board.  The two began to alternate, placing their pieces in turn and did not speak for a time.
Wren's head tilts to one side in astonishment as her feet draw her nearer into the celebration.
|Title=General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur
|Title=Wren the Watcher

|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Ra Endymion Hwitt
|Sender=The Lion Sun
|Recipients=Everyone in The Old Gods
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=On the Road to Jedinchel, Pt 2
|Content=The woman that Ioulas danced with was obviously less well versed in the activity than he, though Ioulas was able to guide her through.  He listened to her speak as they danced, feeling there was something more behind them than mere discussion.  So mysterious!  Ioulas smiled under his mask and returned the woman's stare.

As the game progressed, Baleygr spoke again, the cool night around them quiet in the early days of spring, "I saw you once already Lord-General, a few weeks henceUpon the streets of Vore as the throngs made to escape the hordes of the Children of the Old Gods.  You have already brought Yipinalke back into the fold of fair Thalmarkin, and in such a short time! Oh the changing of fortunes! To see the mighty brought low only, perhaps, to rise again even stronger...now that is a tale."
"The Lord of Wolves enjoys brutes, more like." Ioulas replied, spinning in place as his hands met his partner's once again. "The Gods hide much in unlikely placesIn my experience, if you've done a job correctly, people won't known you've done anything at all. And if you can do it dressed in gold and brocade...well...more's the better. Perhaps you see what I want you to see?  Or perhaps..."

Ra had been focused on the game, and only half heard the man when he spoke. This Baleygr was quite good at Go. Ra had spent a lot of time over the years playing games in taverns and so it was rare for him to have challenge. 'Damn scholarly types, always having time to play, I bet.' thought Ra as he made to give his reply, "We were hardly brought low, this whole thing has been a temporary setback at most. Even now the army moves to bring back another region under the rule of the King.  But yes, I imagine there will be many tales told of these times, and as for Thalmarkin, I assure you sir, we are still full of tricks!"   
They danced as the song reached a fever pitch, stopping suddenly, "...I'm just a fop that looks good in gold! But that's the fun isn't it?"   

Ra placed a stone down on the board confidently, denying his opponent nearly a quarter of the board for control, firmly turning the game back into a dead even contestBaleygr opened his eyes slightly at this and sat up a bit higher on his stump, chuckling as he placed his next black stone on the opposite side of the board and surpassing Ra's blocking move, again putting Ra on the back foot immediately. 'Dammit!  How did I miss that!?Ra thought as leaned back, and stared up into the night sky for a moment.   
The moment the song stopped, Ioulas felt a sharp pain in his hand, and he withdrew it quickly, seeing a small trickle of blood from his palm"It would seem you have claws, Madam! But what's life without a little danger, hm? A bandage will be fine, I will have that pretty wolf over there kiss it and make it all better!"  Ioulas said, gesturing the man in the Black Moon mask.   
|Title=Ioulas Hwitt

"You are pretty good, Baleygr. What exactly are you a scholar of, because I might just force you to be one of my strategists if you can pull a fast one on the Lord-General of Thalmarkin!Ra exclaimed.  When he looked again at his opponent, the old man was staring at him with a toothy grin, yellowed teeth further accentuating his age.  
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content="Ah to be a young man tempting the Gods."
The laugh is like a summer's day.
"Even the greatest fool can see that gold suits you dear Lion. As does your dabbling in philosophy. Alas it was proven that the wisest are fools, so I do wonder how you shall play the part this night..."   
Blood drips as the music ends, leaving the right hand clutching the left to support the weight of the copper ring.

"Oh such high praise!  Lord-General I am merely an scholar of fate itself, the growing and withering of the world of men, the rise and fall of empires, and the people who make those things happen, they are what I study. I simply enjoy games in my spare time."
"See what I mean? Since my wisdom is boundless the Ice Queen plays me the fool! Still! Balance must be maintained, especially on a day such as this."
Almost crashing into The Iridescent Boar, the white cloak flutters as a cloud.
"Oh... what timing. Here to save The Lion from the thorn in his paw? Then I will get the bandage and leave you to soothe the savage beast."
Ushering the pair together the figure stalks toward the servants, calling for medicines.
|Title=Nerta the Weaver
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Iridescent Boar
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Wren jumped as the white-cloaked dancer gave her a nudge toward the Lion. That voice, the way the figure moved... was it not friend Nerta?

As the old man spoke, Ra observed the board, looking for anything he could do to win.  Nothing came.  But.... as he looked, a strategy came to him and he placed his next piece as the matched entered its endgame.  "And how would you rank my performance so far on the scale of things you know, old scholar?  Forgive me at least a little vanity...tell me honestly."  Ra asked, drawing the old man's attention as Ra placed yet another piece on the board. 'good...'
Suddenly faced with the imposing nobleman--there could be no mistaking the proud stance and richness of his clothing as anything other than highborn--Wren's mouth set itself in a line and she leaned slowly backward to peer up at the man through the maw of her boar's mask. Was she expected to dance? Blink-blink.

"Oh but you have only led for such a short time!  What are weeks and months and years to the great game?  Things have been dire, but these events have been no invasion. We shall see if the Lord-General commands to victory when-"
The man was holding his hand peculiarly, and the tiny woman noted belatedly that he was bleeding. By the Wolf Lord, what sort of party was this?

Baleygr cut off shortly as he looked down at the board and saw where Ra had put his last piece. Anyone familiar with Go could see immediately that the board was now set - with no territory left to gain, and with both players controlling the same amount of territory.  A complete, even draw.
"Lion man, are you hurt?" she chirped.
|Title=Wren the Watcher

Ra laughed at the mans realization, "Ah but there you are, Baleygr!  Sometimes you can't win!  Sometimes its just enough to keep the other poor sap from winning!" 
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The wolf-faced one peers into the eyes of the hawk, gazing intently for a few moments. She had not seen a man with such charm since Ra, and even then his always seemed forced. The thought of dancing again was certainly enticing, the goddess knew no one in Thalmarkin ever asked, but then she remembered the cane.

Baleygr returned the laugh as the pair gathered the game pieces and shook hands.  The night had long since settled and the scholar looked away toward the mountains, "Well played indeed, keeping the opponent from winning, indeed...Perhaps Thalmarkin has tricks in it yet...but now I must set off toward the Roof of the World.  Time waits for no one, as there is much yet to do..."
"Sir hawk, I am deeply flattered," she said with a deep sigh, "but alas, do you think an old cripple like me is capable of that?"  

Ra looked back toward the village and spoke, "Come now, it is dangerous alone, come back and travel with my soldiers, they will keep you sa-" as Ra looked back the old man had already walked (ran?) a considerable distance, and the light of the lantern began to dim as Baleygr made away into the mountains.
She pointed over to all the couples on the dance floor, in particular the twin suns who radiated brightly across the room.  

And the old man reached out, and plucked out another star from the sky, the polished stone as white as purest snow in his hand.
"Should the bird of day be able to support the dog of night, then perhaps I might consider it. It would have to be slow, and you would have to support. Careful not to drop the wolf, good hawk, for she can have a mean bite. Do you dare take the risk?"
|Title=General of Thalmarkin, Knight of Sandefur
|Title=Anyte Luitolf

|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Lion Sun
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content="Just a scrap, nothing more madam!"  Ioulas responded, totally unaware of this new woman's identity, and reveling in that mystery.  Ioulas gave the woman an appraising look as he tightened his hand into a fist to stop it bleeding.  Ioulas had spent enough time around Acalan to tell a handmade mask when he saw one.  His husband has spent nearly 10 days working at a forge to produce the blacked moon mask he wore.

Many such as Ioulas, who was richly adorned, might snub their nose at such relatively humble displays, but artistry was worth praise.  "The boar!  Rough and tumble, yet honest in what it is...the artistry is exquisite, madam!  You made it yourself!  I can tell!"  Ioulas pointed to Acalan, still talking to the other nobles by the table, and happed to catch his lover's eyes, giving a small wave with his clenched fist as he did so.  "That one there is the moon to my sun!  He made that mask himself, days at the forge you know, is it not beautiful!?  A finer mystery here you will not find, madam!"
"But we did not come here to talk, madam, let us dance should you wish it!  If the sun dances, then it cannot rise and this wonderful night will last forever!"  Ioulas stretched out his non-injured hand, placing the other behind his back, feeling the wound throb with his heartbeat.  Not my first cut, won't be my last...
|Title=Ioulas Hwitt
! The Quest
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Soren grinned at the wolf. "I usually reserve the slow dances for the nights end, Lady Wolf, but for one such as yourself, I am happy to make the exception."
Stepping closer, he paused just out of reach. Letting the music ring through the air and into his being he felt the beats out. One. Two. Three. Four. He moved to each beat following the steps perfectly. Two bars and then the steps slowed. One. Two. The two steps seemed to fit perfectly in time with the music as he slowed the dance to half-time. "Would you like me to take the dance slower, my Lady?" he asked with a bow as he extended his hand within reach at last. Perhaps there was some truth to some of those masks after all.
|Title=Soren Navaar

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|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Jacinda the Driven
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone in Argyrian Academy
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Scholars and such,
|Content=In spite of the hawk's charm, I remained curious about his purpose. It was hard to think of any reason not to accept his offer; some lone man in a hawk mask was hardly the worst that could happen to him. Anyte took his hand and followed him out to the floor.
"We can start slow, and if you turn out to be stable, perhaps dance faster." She smiled beneath her mask, "This old dog is a little rusty, after all."
The pair moved slowly, circling to a soft cadence as the music hummed in the background. She leaned heavily upon him, obviously favoring her right side more than her left. It was not surprised that he was a decent enough dancer, hawks truly did rule the skies.
"You have a choice to make now, Sir Hawk, do you stick with the wolf or do we split to find our celestial bodies," She smiled beneath her mask, voice carrying over the music.

I have found another Dragon's Tear, have four of them now, which gets us closer to the goal.  Do we have any others at the moment, or have we not recovered from the explosions in Keffa yet?
"Or, if you prefer, both at once?"
|Title=Anyte Luitolf

! Vankocuf's Tale [[File:DuelingVankocuf.png|300px|center]]
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The hawk held her hand and twirled around her with a gentle grace, keeping her steady through each step. "While I could dance with you for hours, Lady Wolf, I doubt that would be fair to your countless admirers. However, if you still have a spare dance in you tonight after your celestial encounter, I will happily take flight with you once again," he said as he swept into a low bow and kissed the top of her hand.
"At the very least, we shall have to join each other for drinks one more time," he added as he guided her back toward her waiting servants and her cane. He didn't rush her back, content to walk with her for the moment, but feeling she would be more comfortable with her usual source of stability.
|Title=Soren Navaar

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|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Vankocuf Felsenbach
|Sender=The Iridescent Boar
|Recipients=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Priestess Nerta Unti,
|Content=Wren stood stiffly by for a moment, blink-blinking quickly. Her mind raced as she processed the compliment to her craftsmanship and the intimidating invitation that followed. Was this the point of a masquerade? Nobody knowing who anybody was, and celebrating together all the same? Or did he know? Words began to tumble thinly from within her mask.
"A-ah, u-um, thank you Sir Sun, of the Moon. For the compliment. Yes the W--uh, I made it. Heh. The Tree-shaper favours the boar. It was my mother's symbol, the boar of the south forest, strong but skitterish, ever watchful. The boar is..." she realized she was rambling and froze, staring up at the resplendently gold-masked man. She swallowed against her suddenly-dry throat, feeling her heartbeat thrum rapidly up into her ears as she rummaged through thoughts to figure out what to do. This was not combat, she could not run from a civilized party. The Old Gods would see her weakness, the faithful would notice. And she wanted to find out if the white cloaked one really was friend Nerta. Thoroughly cornered in her own mind, Wren picked up in a rush where she left off.

What is this Old Guys religion about?
"...ah, the boar is, not a skilled dancer. But it will try, if the sun wishes, to, stay up late." Wren bowed her masked head and curtseyed as she'd seen noblewomen do, the black woolen dress pooling like dark molasses on the floor beneath her. She stood up too fast, aborting the curtsey in case it was somehow incorrect, and held her hand halfway out, unsure how to accept or whether she should, in fact, just run.
|Title=Marshal of Ar Agyr
|Title=Wren the Watcher
Line 285: Line 703:
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Vankocuf Felsenbach
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Greetings Vankocuf,
|Content="Very well, should you find me later one final drink. I look forward to it." Anyte answered as she was lead slowly back to the cane
The hawk was stronger than he appeared, especially after Anyte had gotten used to depending of some of the men she knew in Thalmarkin. As he leaned in and kissed her hand, it had become apparent that he was a bit of a charmer. By the end of the night they would see who would win, the charmer or the manipulator.

I had just been sharing information about this with another form the Daishi faith. Here is what I told them:
"You certainly know your way around the dance floor, Sir Hawk," Anyte said with a smirk, "And women apparently. Drinks later, though, for now we meet the the sky eternal."

The Followers strive to display the excellence of the human spirit in all they do. We call for unity among humanity in the face of the monsters, and encourage each Follower to find their own path to enlightenment. This personal character has created a wealth of myths, lore and practices which I invite you to consider at your leisure, but I could certainly explain one or two that catch your eye.
Anyte grasped her cane firmly in hand as he left to find his sun, or suns for all she knew, and she casually gazed over the seen looking for the moon. Off in the distance it seemed the twin suns were breaking up, but the poor moon was still left to the side alone. Poor and lonely,  the sky rock looked, standing by himself awkwardly. Slowly, Anyte hobbled over on her cane to meet her new target.  

The Old Gods themselves are tied intimately to the land of Beluaterra and each Follower tends to be drawn to the one that fits their personal situation. Those inclined to strength of arm will call to the Wolf Lord. While the quick of wit turn to the Ephemeral Emperor. The clandestine look to the Masked One. The thoughtful and the dreamers are touched by the Ice Queen. Though it must be said that the Dark Mistress is by far the most popular as she consistently offers solace and aid to humanity.  
"Such a shame the twin suns would leave their little brother here alone like this," She spoke from behind, careful not to speak to him just yet, wishing to see his reaction first.  

Above all we seek to claim Beluaterra for humanity.
"I thank you for your compliment on my mask earlier, mine is highly symbolic. Much like a wolf and moon entwined together during the night, should we show your sun what he is missing on the dance floor?"
|Title=Anyte Luitolf

I encourage you to read over some of the [[Old Gods|old writings]] as they may explain more, but either way I'm happy to field any question you may have.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Soren departed from the wolf with a smile and set off to find the sun that had enamored him so. One was trying to dance with a boar whose demeanor he had only seen somewhere once before. A phrase, 'song-friend' comes to mind and he almost whispers it aloud as he passes. It would not do to unmask someone, even if the best of intentions are there. Instead he smiled faintly and hums a tune as he passes, looking for another celestial being instead. Iron and gold catches his eyes as he let his gaze wander the hall once again, and he sets off, a man on a mission, even if he didn't know why.

It didn't take long before he saw the sun moving in his own direction, though likely with her own goals in mind. What to do? A simple sidestep puts him straight in her path, but that wouldn't be enough. He stops, no plan, but simply reacting, reaching out to catch her attention with a tap on the shoulder as she moves to step around him. "A dance for the fool of a bird looking to fly too close to the sun?"
|Title=Soren Navaar
Line 308: Line 737:
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Vankocuf Felsenbach
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Can I choose one of the gods as my patron?
|Content=The Sun in Iron & Gold admires the dance of celestials and constellations from the door. The tapestry of heaven flutters with the music, as the few familiar figures flirt with strangers. It is a fabric of older times, of the mythic. There the brash with the timid, the smooth with the scared. Yet so many are missing. The Bloody Paramour. The Hidden Sage. The Weaver...
|Title=Marshal of Ar Agyr
Copper burns against the medical bag. The price of idleness. Now is not the time to watch. Now is the time to dance, to drink, to live. And to balance the scales before dawn swallows the stars.
Beset by The Sliver Hawk, The Sun in Iron & Gold doesn’t reach the frolicking beasts. Thus as the guardian of the pair titters, the sun’s rays bathe the bird with a warm laugh.
“I would be delighted, but I must warn: that which you seek is but a pale reflection next to what is before you.”
Accepting the wing with the right hand, the figure is threaded into the tapestry of heaven.
“The Lion is brash, a beast. Yet The Hawk knows of the Sun. Knows the beauty, the danger.”
The left hand still holds the bandages for The Lion’s paw.
“I wonder if The Hawk seeks balance, or do they chase the Sun to be consumed?
|Title=Nerta the Weaver
Line 319: Line 762:
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Vankocuf Felsenbach
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=You certainly can. The faith is quite personal and each Follower tends to be drawn to the God that fits their personal situation.
|Content=The hawk smiles and takes the bandages from the sun, setting them safely in his sash for the dance. "So many questions I wish I had the answers to myself, your radiance."
As the music picks up again, he takes the sun's hand and starts the dance, the grace of a beast that has known what it was like to flirt with danger leading the motions. "Do I wish to willingly fly into the sun, or mayhap I only feel alive when flirt with danger. Perhaps I only wish to see what the night will make of it all. In my mind's recesses I constantly hear the toss of a coin as if someone were tampering with fate. Yet in your presence it seems to go away, as if it is wary of you. I only know of one other that makes me feel like that."

The hawk twirled the sun, and then swooped around the sun himself in a circle before falling back into the pattern. "Tell me radiant one, what wisdom is there in seeking the attention and favor of something or someone dangerous to oneself?"
|Title=Soren Navaar
Line 331: Line 777:
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Mielba Cordenata
|Sender=The Black Moon
|Recipients=Everyone in Ar Agyr
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Acalan watches his husband dance with the other sun, the broad smile on his face hidden beneath the wolf-moon mask. He doesn’t know why watching Ioulas be himself and interact with the world brings him so much joy.
It just… does.
As he sways gently to the music, enjoying the atmosphere and company, a woman’s voice draws his attention.
Turning, Acalan is delighted to see the fiery purple wolf mask that he complimented before. As if it were possible, his smile grows wider. “Yes! I did! That was me!” He bows deeply before offering a hand to the woman. “Let’s show him what he’s missing indeed!”
Mindful of his dance partner’s cane and more intentional gait, he guides them only a few steps into the floor before facing her once more. Moving his hands into the proper positions, he grins, “Ready to demonstrate how it’s done?”
As they dance and spin and move to the rhythm, Acalan feels his heart soar. “You are quite good!” Then, in a playful conspiratorial whisper, he leans in just a bit closer to ask, “Is my radiant sun in awe? Let’s dance closer to him so he is sure to see!”
They make their way close enough to Ioulas that Acalan can brush his shoulder with his own. Once he has his husband’s attention, Acalan dances with more dramatic flair, gently spinning the woman under his arm as he grins happily. “Magnificent! Like a professional!”
As they dance back away, Acalan looks for his husband’s reaction. With a chuckle, he tells his partner, “I believe we succeeded!

Who is yet in need of financial aid?
Thinking back on when Acalan first saw the wolf  join the celebration, Acalan asks her, “Is there anyone we should dance near for you?
|Title=Knight of Agyr
|Title=Acalan Osoro
Line 344: Line 804:
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Vankocuf Felsenbach
|Recipients=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=THIS MAN!
|Content=As the sky darkens at the close of the day, there are clear skies over much of Beluaterra. Those looking up at them are soon treated to a rare sight: the flickering translucent curtains of the Aurora Borealis, spreading much farther south than it is usually seen. It is also much more colorful than usual, with the expected greens and yellows joined by blues and purples.
|Title=Marshal of Ar Agyr
As the light show brightens, a few little sparks seem to shimmer across its surface. These grow to brief visible arcs of lightning between "folds" of the aurora—lightning that is strangely violet in colour, and continuing to grow more intense.
The violet lightning soon outshines the aurora itself, even striking the ground in several places, though it seems to cause no damage and creates very little thunder. Peasants across the continent, at first delighted by the beautiful aurora, retreat inside, barring doors and closing shutters against the bizarre clear-sky lightning storm.
The brilliant purple storm continues for roughly a quarter-hour before gradually fading along with the aurora.
|Title=The Old Gods
Line 356: Line 822:
|Sender=Mielba Cordenata
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Everyone in Ar Agyr
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=“THIS MAN!”
|Content="The Hawk has sharp eyes, and would see the sun crimson with such words."

Mielba laughed and began writing. “Very well, Sir Vankocuf. I have sent you 150 gold, enough to cover your expenses and enough to buy your membership in the First Bank of Agyr where I have deposited an extra sum, if you need.
The Sun in Iron & Gold pulls the left hand behind as the bandage is plucked.

I am impressed by your fervour and courage. Therefore, I hope you consider membership with The Academy and The Old Gods- if you are not already involved- so you can find a greater support network and resources to sustain your valiant efforts.
"Oh bold constellations, tempting the Gods this night. The Lion, The Boar, and you. You are close, very close. But can The Hawk spot his quarry behind the glare?"

This is but a recommendation, however. Should you be disinclined, fear not a retraction of my support. You fight the Evil; therefore our goals align.  
The tapestry of heaven continues to spin and dance, The Black Moon orbiting away from The Lion Sun as the Aurora crackles above. That violet light reveals a grand court of shadows, celebrating in perfect silence amidst the celestials and constellations.  

May the Gods smile upon your works.  
As the gloom thickens around The Lion Sun, a shaking hand of iron reaches for the bandage.

|Title=Priestess of The Old Gods, Dame of Agyr.
"Forgive me Hawk, though I would stay and say more, I have much to do before the night ends."
|Title=Nerta the Weaver
Line 376: Line 843:
|Sender=Vankocuf Felsenbach
|Sender=The Silver Hawk
|Recipients=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Along with 150 gold, I found a letter from Mielba Cordenata.
|Content=The Hawk reaches down to his sash and places a hand over the Sun's, gently closing fingers around the item. "If you must run away, then maybe you can answer one more question, elegant sun?" He smiled and released her. "You said you are a more vibrant existence to the one behind the mask. Will the one behind the mask remember tonight, or was this just some fun for the gods?" Perhaps he was being burned or made a fool again, but he couldn't help asking. The Emperor could have his fun.
Whatever the Sun's answer, he simply adds, "We'll have to do this again in another life."
|Title=Soren Navaar

The Old Gods. I was once interested in them while talking to Nerta Unti. When I searched books about the gods, too many of them were brought up. I don't have time to read all these! I need to go smash more monster skulls!
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=The Lion Sun
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The Lion Sun dances with the Boar for a time, leading the dance with the same energy he had done previously. He could feel the eyes of many on him as he danced, and he cherished that attention.

Maybe I will write a letter to Mielba explaining all this.
It was not too long, before he saw his husband dancing with another, and as he danced past, the Lion Sun could have sworn the Iron Moon was teasing him! Well he would certainly see to that!
|Title=Marshal of Ar Agyr
The Lion Sun, bowed slightly to his partner and spoke as they dance, “Alas lady Boar it is time for the sun to dim, thank you for this dance, and may the night continue for you well!” When he had finished speaking, he waited for his husband to dance past once again before switching off mid movement, touching his husband on the shoulder and bowing low to the woman he was dancing with.
“Madam, I’m afraid I simply must steal this one, I do hope you’ll forgive me!” He did not wait for a reply, taking up his husband’s hand and dancing frantically with him. Under the mask, he grinned from ear to ear, even as his hand throbbed where it had been cut.
He took a moment during the dance to check on it, and saw the bleeding had stopped, no matter then, and as he and his husband passed by a side pillar he had a devilish idea, and led the dance behind it, and out of sight.
A few whispered words and muffled laughing later, the pair ducked into a side room, shooed out the servants inside of it, and locked the door behind them.
|Title=Ioulas Hwitt
Line 391: Line 877:
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone in Ar Agyr
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Arms crossed and leaning against the entrance to Vankocuf's pavilion, the cloaked woman gestures with her chin, "No time for reading but lots of time for killing. Sounds like someone who gets things done. Come on, let's see what you can do."  
|Content=Her usual practice was to leave her cane behind and lean on her partner, but the moon hadn't given her that opportunity. After she arrived at the moon's side, he immediately grabbed her wrist and led her to the dance floor. Performing an almost flawless dance, the pair circled around and around. Nevertheless, she could tell that his mind was elsewhere. Frequently, he would gaze back at the brilliant lion sun, even telling her his wish to make him jealous.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
"There is no one here for me," she answered his question coyly as they twirled around one another, "except for myself."
Soon, before she could elaborate, the lion sun and come and taken him away. It appeared that the moon's goal was indeed accomplished as the sun did not even give her a chance to protest. It was always interesting, maybe even heart warming, to see true young love rather than the constant game of manipulated emotions she so often played. A true feeling for a fleeting moment, and then it was gone. Anyte knew she could never have that so control, faith, and manipulation had to take its place.  
Anyte hobbled over back to her chair and started to send one of the damsels out for win, but thinking back to the hawk, stopped herself and sent her for particularly strong brandy instead. She whispered to herself, "Enjoy yourselves for now, my beautiful celestial bodies, soon one day you to will have to play a far greater game. Let us hope that are not so hounded your enthusiasm is killed as mine was once upon a time, for that is a hard hole to crawl back out of."
|Title=Anyte Luitolf
Line 402: Line 894:
|Sender=Vankocuf Felsenbach
|Sender=The Sun in Iron & Gold
|Recipients=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Let's see how good a servant of the old gods is!"
|Content=Talons clutch at iron fingers as the Sun in Iron & Gold fights the horizon.
|Title=Marshal of Ar Agyr
“It is my fiercest hope that your wishes do not come to pass dear Hawk, but knowing the Gods I fear they will.”
Leaving the fluttering Hawk, the setting sun chases The Lion. But in the growing gloom The Sun embraces The Wolf, limping to her den.
“So it was, and so it is that I have you dear Wolf. Yet I cannot hold you close, for if my light would mend you, you would be a Wolf no longer.”
Their hands entwine, the ring hot.
“Gnaw free of the trap. Then seek the ancient blood of the ice. The old ways will lend you strength, and you will become a well-spring of those ways.”
The Sun in Iron & Gold twists about, seeking The Lion, and yet there is no sign of the missing beast. Clutching the hand with the hungry ring, the figure carefully pries the gnawing thing free with a dimming hiss and drops it into the hands of The Violet Wolf.
“No matter how glorious, the sun must set so the wolf may hunt. Keep this safe for my rising moon. All must be put right by night’s end.”
Voice rising so The Hawk and The Boar might hear, the figure pulls away into the crowd even as the last rays shine.
“Use your time well my friends for it is fleeting. Leave no regret, harbour no grudge and remember who and what you are to the end.”
|Title=Nerta the Weaver
Line 413: Line 923:
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=The Violet Wolf
|Recipients=Everyone in Ar Agyr
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=Chuckling warmly the woman waves Vankocuf toward the yard, "Keep it friendly lad or I'll have to be gruesome and no one wants that."  
|Content=The Iron Sun spoke in riddles, as always, but the moon was always better for wolfkind anyway. Were she to be released from one trap, another would be just around the corner. It seemed the wolves were hated in this day and age, personally hunted as a perceived menace.
"The Wolflord guides my family true, but the Dark Mistress is my personal protector. I cannot fade from this land until she is done with me, many times she has brought be back to prove this." She speaks to the sun in a dull, flat tone, "Should you embrace me you may incinerate me rather than mend me for I will only be mended when she chooses."

The twittering melody of songs birds sees Nerta cock her head and idly wonder where Wren was right now. How life takes strange turns.
As the sun pulled away, she spotted the hawk soaring through the room. She had made a promise, and neither the she-wolf nor the mistress broke their word. Gliding as gracefully as she could leaning on a cane, she prowled through the crowd until she was face to face with the hawk once more.  

"So you're not one for reading but you do enjoy the killing. Sounds like Vanquisher material to me."
"Sir Hawk, I do believe you asked for one last dance before nights end. The sun has set, and the moon is high, and that means it is time for the wolves to howl and hunt. This may be your last chance to have the request fulfilled, unless you wish to play lookout for future."

Nerta rubs at the wooden grain of her spear and pulls back her hood, "Though I heard you got snagged by the armies of the Dread Necromancer. Glad you escaped before you got to Sunken Alluran."
|Title=Anyte Luitolf
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

|'''Training Match'''
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
message to everyone in Fronepu - 9 minutes ago
Vankocuf Felsenbach, Knight of Tepmona meets his challenger Nerta Unti, Dame of Agyr, Priestess of The Old Gods for the agreed training match.
Nerta has decided to use the 'trick moves' strategy while Vankocuf has chosen the 'overrun' strategy, giving Nerta the advantage.
|Sender=The Moon in Silk & Spice
After a series of blows, Nerta wins the training match.
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=The Sun in Iron & Gold rests in a shadowy alcove while the night deepens. Soon the golden mask tumbles to the floor and The Moon in Silk & Spice rises.
“And I get to clean your mess, again.”
Digging out the bandage from the antiques, the figure grabs at a passing servant and hauls them into the dark.
“Where’d the lovers go?” Eyes glitter behind the mask. “And don’t tell me it was somewhere mysterious because I will hit you.”
Soon after cornering the The Lion and The Moon, the figure in silk hammers at the door.
“Come on, open up. This is not becoming another big quest.”
|Title=Nerta the Weaver

Line 438: Line 962:
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=The Lion Sun
|Recipients=Everyone in Ar Agyr
|Recipients=Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
|Content=A shout and a slash puts Nerta on the back foot, leaving her to ward off the web of steel Vankocuf wove around her. Sparks shower as the edge of her spear meets his sword and though she deflects as best she could, the man's hammer blows left her arms numb.
|Content=The Golden Lion had removed his mask and was in the process of removing his shirt, passionately kissing the Iron Moon as reclined on a plush sofa.
He jumped visibly when the banging came on the door they had looked and he gave his husband a panicked look, before quickly smiling and getting a devilish idea.

"Well someone's energetic."
Muffled laughter could be heard coming from the room and a short while later, the Iron Moon opened the door, leaning against the doorway casually. His shirt was untucked and belt unbuckled as he asked in a serious tone, “What seems to be the problem Oh Masked One? I was…uh…engaged in deep meditations on the mysteries of the Gods. Very important. Very…mysterious!

Adjusting her grip on the spear, Nerta's cloak billows as she drops to the dirt and spins behind Vankocuf. The stout wood swings around to crack the man across the back of his knees even as she pounces atop his back sending him pitching forward.
Behind him, the room was seemingly empty, and no sign of the Golden Lion could be seen.

Standing atop the prone man she thumps him in the small of his back with the blunt end of the spear, "That's your idea of friendly is it? I'll admit lad, you're strong and you're quick."
|Title=Ioulas Hwitt
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

Latest revision as of 15:21, 23 October 2021

Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Your majesty,

The 22nd of September fast approaches along with the Equinox Masquerade of the Old Gods. It shall be a day of celebration both in defiance of the encroaching winter and to honour the Masked One; the God of Sun and Moon.

The untamed celebration will be about subverting norms and the mingling of peoples from all walks of life. All while striving for balance.

Reverie through dance, feasting, and drinking is usually matched by sparring, hunts, and vigils for the fallen. Though, shielded by the masks, some may lean towards pranks and acts of charity instead. All is in the spirit of good fun, of course.

The Followers see no reason to cloister ourselves in this time of merryment and would invite others to join us. Perhaps Her Majesty would like to declare a tournament in tandem with the celebration?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Priestess Nerta, So long as the Equinox Masquerade does not interfere with necessary military functions it will be a welcome addition to the social calendar. I'll discuss your request for a tournament to accompany the Masquerade with the Council as both the scope of prizes and the choice of location will need to be considered.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
I don't think you have to worry about military preparedness. Part of the celebration is a monster hunt after all. Either way thank you for considering the offer. Hopefully you can get back to me in a couple days, otherwise one of the other nations will probably host. I wouldn't worry too much about a prize and I'm sure Aeravon will be happy to host if you ask him.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Senex, What all do you need for this feast? I can send some maidens to facilitate the event if needed. Possibly even take a more direct influence if such things are needed.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
We're going to need drinks, probably a lot.

Also a bunch of cheap masks. If folks join in without them it'll be a bit strange.

We'll need some kind of troupe or band for a dance.

Of course there will be a feast. Given the Followers are scattered across the north we could each bring a regional specialty.

For those more on the grim side of things, we'll need a hunt master to organize the sortie after monsters.

And probably someone who will handle the vigils for the fallen.

And maybe someone who can track down any pranksters.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ioulas Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Collected Faithful,

Most of you do not know me, as I am freshly arrived revelry from Dwilight! Hello!

The idea of a masquerade sounds wonderful, but perhaps instead of doing cheap masks, we might each commission our own? Have a competition to see who has the most magnificent mask and costume!

I assure you, that my husband, Ser Acalan Osoro, and I are most excited for the event.

Ioulas Hwitt (Knight of Ieara)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
A contest for masks? Sounds like a decent idea. Anyone know a good artisan who might make them? We should still assemble a stack of cheap masks for any outsiders who want to join in, just in case.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ioulas Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
If anyone knows of a good artisan for such things, please get me in touch, as beauty is a thing more sorely needed here than other places. However I already have a magnificent mask already! No self-respecting noble should leave their continent without one!
Ioulas Hwitt (Knight of Ieara)
Letter from Acalan Osoro
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
That’s too bad, my husband. I was going to offer to make you one! Well, if anybody else would like a mask made of metal, I only need access to a forge.
Acalan Osoro (Knight of Ieara)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Swampland had taken over this part of the region. Even where there was a road, there was no part of Black Jaw’s Conquest that didn’t cause a traveler to sink a little bit. Devoid of trade, food, and even decent hunting, it was no wonder why the area had been considered a lost cause. As a trade for borrowing some of their craftsmen for what the minor Lord Jakken ri Shieldborn considered an affront to their efforts to defend the region from Black Jaw’s curse, Soren agreed to march a few men into the Conquest. Once inside, he would scout, and see for himself the terror that is held back by only water and their brave journeys into the wastes.

It would have been a great tale if Soren had encountered mysterious creatures, the great wolf Black Jaw himself, or even something akin to a necromancer or a daimon worshiper that he could slide steel through. Instead he got mud. Lots of mud. Here there was nothing but nature, a piece of the land retaken from humanity, never to be used for anything. Resting was a luxury only afforded to them when they found one of the ruined buildings belonging to the Shieldborn family’s ancestors, one of the few not reclaimed by the land. An ancient tower set to scan the rivers for potential dangers. The remains of a warning fire and expeditions past told them of its safety for use.

Several uneventful hours later, as Soren left the swampland with his men, blissfully unaware of the golden eyes on his back, he shook his head at the waiting minor lord. “Nothing of interest, Sir Jakken. Just ruins and mud as far as the eye can see.”

A growl and a harrumph. The man had seen the all clear signal fires lit as Soren and his men traveled the area. “You lucked out today, my Lord. But in the future, remember. Nothing is safe in those lands. Perhaps you weren’t to be trifled with this time, but the swamp wolves know… They will get you in the future.” Soren laughed and started back towards the town. “Then next time I’ll bring more men and we’ll see if we can lure out the beasts. Now, where are your craftsmen? I’m need that mask for the festival."

“Are you going to go as a wolf, my Lord?” “Too obvious,” Soren dismissed. “I’m planning on going with… a fox.”

“A fox?” Oldred piped up from Soren’s side.

“Wolves and dragons dominated the family for years, but there were other beasts. A mouse, a phoenix, and a hawk for example. Then there was the fox, and the family members bearing that symbol were always the most dangerous ones,” he revealed, a playful grin dancing across his face at the thought of claiming the symbol for his own.
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
I was recently asked by Priestess Nerta if a tournament could be held to accompany the Masquerade and after raising the matter with the Advisory Council I think this is a good idea. Unfortunately I'm currently busy hosting King Dancer in Qual so cannot make the necessary arrangements in person however if Duke Aeravon is amenable to hosting a tournament in Fronepu then it will have Royal blessing and I will provide 500 gold towards prize money.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
With just over a week until the Equinox Masquerade, the Temples to the Old Gods are busy with preparations.

The slate of events is complex with feasting, dancing and drinking along with duels, monster hunts and vigils for the dead.

That it would be the first Masquerade in many years adds to the fervor around the realm.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
The Equinox Masquerade
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Equinox Masquerade is in full swing, with Followers of the Old Gods enjoying reverie and somber defiance of the coming winter.

The sun-masked figure seated at the feast table had avoided staining their white robe with grease. An impressive feat given the impromptu eating contest with Ioulas. Sipping ichor brandy the figure's voice echoes behind the mask.

"Ah. A fine brew. I must say Ioulas, if you fight half as well as you feast, you must be a warrior without peer."
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Lion Sun
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Ioulas had been waiting weeks for the event that would be his first major appearance before the rest of the realm, and he had taken quite a bit of time to prepare. In the previous weeks, following his meeting and then whirlwind romance to his fellow knight, Ser Acalan Osoro, the pair had been married in a private ceremony in Fronepu. They had both decided to let this event be their introduction, and as the pair entered the space they were loudly announced, "Ser Acalan Osoro, knight of Ieara and his husband, Ser Ioulas Hwitt, knight of Ieara!"

The pair entered as heads turned toward them, making Ioulas smile under his mask. He wore an intricate brocade of white and gold, with a flowing red cape that flowed behind him as he walked. He wore a golden mask that completely covered his face, topped with a large golden lion, topped further still with detailed sunbeams complete with crystals and red gemstones. The display was ostentatious, intentionally so, and Ioulas relished the looks he and his husband received as the walked arm in arm together through the hall.

He sat down, being offered a glass of fine red wine by a servant and looked to his husband, "My love isn't this delightful! None here so finely dressed us as I think, we are practically guaranteed victory in this costume contest!" As he spoke, a masked figure, also in sun motif, approached him, and challenged him to a contest of feasting.

Ser Ioulas Hwitt was many things. Humble was not one of those things, and so he laughed and accepted the challenged, removing the part of his mask covering his mouth as he bade the figure sit beside him. He had no idea who this woman was, and that was part of the fun. Food was brought forward, of all varying kinds, and Ioulas simply tried all of it as it came, totally unused to challenges such as this, being a relatively light eater and a man of slight frame, but he would never back down a contest, his pride did not allow it.

The pair ate as Acalan stifled laughter at his side. After a short while, after finishing a second glass of wine, Ioulas leaned over to his competitor and put his hands in defeat, "Madam the depth of your gullet knows no bounds, I admit defeat!"

Ioulas bowed respectfully at his competitors compliment, and gestured to his husband, "Indeed madam it was through training the art of swordsmanship that I met my dear Acalan just over a month ago! But now I simply must go dance! Come my love, shall we hold back the dawn and dance the night away!?" He looked back at Acalan, and offered his hand for a dance.
The Lion Sun (Ioulas Hwitt)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The twin sun to Ioulas bows.

"I have not eaten in some time, so my depths no doubt extend to the Abyss. Which is convenient given this Fronenite food is rich."

As the man calls for his husband the figure raises an iron gauntlet.

"Enjoy the dance, I may join once my stomach settles."
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Damsels from the Bathory had been sent in the care of Matron Allova Saxa, with a contingent of Maidens for protection, to help with the set up the masquerade. Each of them wore masks of pure white with accents of ice blue, save the Matron herself who had a smaller mask of red. Anyte had not decided if she was personally attending just yet, it being in Ar Agyr and all, but finally ended up deciding that her faith was more important than petty personal squabbles. The night of the event, she had her carriage pull straight before the entrance.

Elegantly, Anyte stepped out of the carriage dressed in a brilliant, lavender dress, hair drawn up and held in place by a gold net, sporting a personal wolf like mask that started black and turned purple at the edges with the fur in a fiery pattern. Slowly, and leaning heavily upon her cane, she hobbled through the doors with the Matron Isemay by her side, flanked by more armed maidens, none of which wore masks themselves.

Once inside, the scene was set with a banquet of food, servants hauling drink to distinguished guests, and several obvious nobles in their own masks. The only one she new on sight was the one in the sun mask, having met her during the events in Vore and her altercation with the King. She was already speaking with a rather garishly dressed gentleman, so there was little reason to bother her.

"Madam, would you care for some wine?" One of the servants asked, and went to hand her a glass, but Isemay interceded, "If Her Grace wishes refreshments, they will be provided." While the maidens had been sent to join the others who had came with the first group, Isemay stayed steadfastly by her mistress's side.

Anyte reached out and took the glass anyway, "Thank you, Isemay, you are a fine protector. However, I must be polite to our guests. For all we know this could have been sent by an important patron." Isemay nodded, obviously less enthused about the situation given the past. Anyte settled into a seat at a near by table, browsing to see if there was anyone she might recognize, for better or worse.
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Black Moon
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Acalan smiles broadly from under his mask as he’s officially introduced for the first time—the first time in his short career as a noble, and the first time as a married man. He pecks the golden-haired man on his arm and whispers, “All eyes are on you, my love! You are radiant!”

The young knight himself wears a silver wolf mask—one he crafted by hand in his home region of Bil Havil. His outfit, a motif of the moon, compliments Ioulas’s but is much more understated on the whole. Whereas Ioulas is in white and gold, Acalan is in black and silver. In place of a cape, Acalan wears a scarf, and where Ioulas has a slim-cut brocade to accentuate his waist, Acalan’s jacket is broad through the shoulders with a tall, stiff collar.

Truly, everyone seems to be fawning over his husband, and Acalan couldn’t be happier.

As the new couple makes their way through the crowd, Acalan is blown away by the colors and craftsmanship and high spirits. His head turns this way and that, trying to take everything in at once.“This is lovely!”

He laughs cheerfully when Ioulas accepts the eating challenge. “You eat like a little bird!” Acalan chuckles good-naturedly. Then with a subtle wink, he adds, “…Most times.”

As his husband competes, Acalan holds nothing back, clapping loudly and whooping and hollering, announcing to anyone who would listen that Ioulas is his husband and infecting passersby with smiles as they are drawn in to see what all the fuss is about.

”An admirable effort! But you were defeated by a worthy champion!” Acalan bows deeply to Nerta when it’s all over. “Well done, ma’am! And I must say, that is a lovely mask!”

Finally, with a flutter in his heart, Acalan takes his husband’s hand and does the one thing he came to this masquerade to do: dance.

He leads them into an open space and begins moving them to the music with relaxed, confident steps. “Have I told you I love to dance?” he asks, spinning and then dipping his husband.

Still supporting Ioulas’s back, Acalan spots a woman he’s never met before (which isn’t exactly shocking). She has a cane and wears a mask in purple fiery fur. “Ma’am!” he calls to her with a smile, his own wolf mask raising up on his cheeks as he does. “Your mask is stunning! And what a great choice in animal!”

And with that, he pulls Ioulas back to his feet and plants a passionate kiss on his lips. Life couldn’t be sweeter.
The Black Moon (Acalan Osoro)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"The lady is wise to suspect free drinks. After all that one came from a mischievous jester in a golden mask."

The figure clad in a sun-mask gestures to the chair across from the lady Anyte dressed as a midnight wolf.

"I'm glad you could make it to the party, but a lady such as yourself should not sit alone. May I join you or," nodding to the dancing duo, "will you join them?"
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Not a single attendant or an announcement, the man had come as he was. The next guest to arrive was a man in an unusual cotton outfit. Clothed in bright whites, accented in vibrant amaranthine and a matching colored sash in the style of the peoples of the desert. While originally, the man had planned on taking a fox mask, a series of mishaps led instead to a change in plans. Now as he entered the feasting, his outfit seemed to flow as if the man himself walked with the wind, the perfect ensemble to match a hawk's mask that hid the upper half of his face.

Gliding past a server, he paused only for a moment. The flip of a coin in his mind decided for him as he took a glass of brandy in his hand and sipped at it. The next person to do the same would find the unfortunate surprise of a brandy spiked with a spicy pepper blend. His grey eyes gazed out over the many people who had gathered, and with a smile like the bird of prey he embodied he made his way into the throng of celebrations looking for a table to take in and familiarize himself with his surroundings.
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
A hand grabs the passing silver hawk Soren.

"Good sir, would you join the lady and I in a drink?"

With the other hand the figure in gold & white waves for a servant.

"I can offer you some brandy for your troubles."
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Lady of the Sun approached, much to Anyte's expectation. They did not get a lot of time to speak in Vore with Anyte's wrath the way it was.

"The party is free for any to sit where they wish, I suppose. I do not own this temple. You might be right for the matron to be suspicious, but the Dark Mistress protects me from death enough."

As the lady sat, she invited another man, one she did not recognize so well. He was dress in bright white clothes that seemed to shine and fill the room.

"Interesting choice to off the man something he already has," Anyte says while sitting up proper in her chair, her own glass fo wine sitting nearby untouched. "I'll me, mysterious bird, do you want more brandy?"
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Soren smiled behind his mask and looked at woman behind the dark wolf mask. "Of course I will have another. How could I turn down an offer from the fairer Sun?" he said with a glance to the couple making a name for themselves in the dance. "It is rude to share the same drink with two women is it not?" he asked, graciously accepting another glass as he took a seat. Setting them both before him, he took a seat. It being a masquerade, he did not introduce himself, though there was a familiar tone to the Sun's voice. He casually took a sip from his first glass, then the new one, frowning slightly as he set the second down. "Alas, I seem to have been played for a fool. The brandy has a bite, but the teeth don't seem to want to come out from this one," he said, admitting to the heat lingering in his mouth and throat from the spices placed in the golden liquid. I wonder which lady would be the spicy one? he thought to himself with amusement.
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"Ah Violet Wolf; but is it truly so strange to offer what is in hand? I know our winged friend enjoys the drink, and thus I provide a bounty that can be appreciated..."

The Sun in Iron & Gold laughs as The Silver Hawk warms his throat with brandy and spice.

"They say the wise know they are fools," an iron gauntlet plucks the spiced glass from the Silver Hawk, "So to be played a fool would make you most wise, would it not?"

Tossing back the drink grants a coughing fit with chest thumping.

"Tru-uly my wisdom, is b-boundless...."

As the fit subsides The Sun in Iron & Gold reclines with a gesture to The Violet Wolf.

"Why my boundless wisdom calls to speculate on the origins of your injuries. Surely a bitch such as you can handle a stallion or two, so that discounts even the most vigorous riding accidents."

The Lion Sun and Black Moon sweep behind the figure in time with the musings.
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Isemay was always on the lookout for unsavory types, and the damsels she sent were already working the crowd. Everything seemed to be going well for the evening until her injuries were mentioned, especially by someone who knew precisely where the last one came from. The mention of them caused Anyte to grimace beneath her mask, forcing her to take a moment to collect herself.

"There is only one thing that needs to be known, and that is that I have many undeserved enemies and the Dark Mistress has protected me from them. She has refused my soul several times when I was on death's door."

Anyte regarded the man before them closely. A brandy drinker, and an avid one by the looks of it as most she had met would not notice the lack of burn, or what it meant.

"I wonder, the fair sun here seemed to have a bigger problem than you drinking it," Anyte's eyes darted between the two as she spoke, "This means either you drink so much brandy you are accustomed to it, or that it's been cut somehow and she drinks to little to notice."

She waved down a servant to go and fetch some of better quality.

"Let us see if we can get a drink more to your palate. In the meantime, perhaps one of you could tell me who that man was that complemented my mask in a hurry when I walked in? He seems to be dancing with some other fellow now."
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"There are many things that need to be known, Violet Wolf but only one that will be spoken. The rest have been inscribed on flesh, blood & soul. For those who can read the skeins it is plain to see, yet few have the courage to speak such mysteries unless their tongues are loosened by wine."

The Sun in Iron & Gold reclines and toys with the empty glass that had lent gravel to their voice.

"As for my troubles with spiced brandy, they are pale things next to the rest. After all, there is much to do, and little time to do it. To that end..."

Rising on dazzling feet The Sun in Iron & Gold moves to pluck The Black Moon from the arms of The Lion Sun and shoo them into the waiting maw of The Violet Wolf. This left the twin suns to standing and, with a bow, one offers a hand to the other.
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Wolf's calm and serious demeanor caught Soren's attention as much as the sun lounging next to him. "Two brandies, and you are the one with the spice," he said aloud, though it was hard to tell it was directed at Anyte. Something sharp and a reminder that there were many nobles here. He tipped back the second glass and finished it, the sun making a choice for him in a way, not that he knew it at the moment. "I've been to many freedom celebrations," he admitted, though not whether as a soldier, a noble, or the guy providing the brandy. "Though you have probably tasted many finer than I have, there's always something about the locals making it in the back of their barns that brings out a certain home flavor."

Looking to his side, he listened as the sun spouted off some drinker's wisdom before scampering off to more festivities.

The man in the hawk mask looks at the wolf and smirks. "If I'm even half as wise as they claim, I'll have to ask that one for a dance when they're done teasing the moon," he chuckled and turned . "I probably should have asked sooner, but I'm not that wise" he said, with a bark of a laugh, admiring the life behind the sun mask. Lightly, the Hawk tapped his fingers in rhythm to the music, watching the way the Iron and Gold Sun moved to get a feel for their steps.
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Lion Sun
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Ioulas and Acalan danced excitedly for some time, looping and sweeping around the hall as the musicians played their songs. Acalan usually led, while Ioulas responded by sometimes seizing that lead, and the two moved together.

Soon enough, Ioulas felt himself stopped as the woman wearing the other sun motifed mask they had spoken to before interjected herself. She gestured for Acalan to go to the table where two new strangers had gathered, and then bowed to ask Ioulas to dance.

Ioulas grinned under his mask, and bowed low in return, “Let the twin suns dance in defiance of the cold night!” He spiked quickly, taking the lead as the musicians started a quick paced song. Ioulas was in his element, not the greatest swordsman or eater alive, but the young man could dance.
The Lion Sun (Ioulas Hwitt)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The First Sun had left to engage with the Second sun, what a sight this would be if it were reality. Marveling at the thought of seeing twin suns entangled in a dance of elegance through the sky entertained Anyte for a moment, before she decided to answer the hawk.

"You wish to dance with the sun then be careful that you are not burned in the process," She eventually replied, "Not everything is what is seems normally, just think how much mischief might be around with identities hidden."

Slowly Anyte stood from her seat, leaning heavily upon the cane next to her.

"But that is part of the fun, is it not? I can see the appeal, the hawk soaring with the sun, so I guess that leaves the wolf naturally with the moon."

One of the damsels in the white and ice blue masks soon brought a new tray of drinks, one that Anyte could easily recognize as one of her own. Taking a two glasses of brandy, apparently the hawk's drink of choice, she placed another in his hands, "What say you that we enjoy a round together before we interrupt the cosmic forces on the dance floor? Is this not a rare opportunity to make connections after all?"
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Sun in Iron & Gold is unfamiliar with the quick dance and lacks the grace of The Lion Sun. That they seem elegant is a testament to The Lion's ability, or the distance from the table to the dance floor.

Hands clasping during a trill of the lute, the voice echoes behind the mask while the suns close.

"The Wolf Lord enjoys men of appetite. But I wonder what you will choose: Will you be the Lion or the Sun? Or will you find a way to retain balance?"

The copper ring on the left hand catches the Lion's paw, and the metal happily drinks the thin line of blood before The Sun pulls away with a dip into Dusk.

"Ah... forgive me. This isn't to be that kind of dance. Perhaps we can get a bandage, or an Elixir from the temple."
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Soren smiled behind his hawk mask. "To new connections," he toasts the wolf before taking a sip.

Watching the dance, he nods in agreement with her words. "This hawk is but one of many masks. So many, I often wonder where the real me lives in all of them. Soldier, merchant, swordsman, diplomat, daimon hunter, monster slayer, historian, bard, I've worn all the masks a man can dream of. Perhaps you even know my name, Lady Wolf?" He tipped back the glass once more with ease, happy to find that this one was not a prank, and offered a hand to the violet wolf.

"As hunters of the heavens and earth, perhaps we could show off a little for these folks before I go and get myself burned?"
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Iridescent Boar
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Wren pads silently into the masquerade venue, focusing intently on making her movements fit her mask. Wrought through many nights of work around the fire, the boar's head mask of wooden twigs and driftwood upon her head is woven skilfully as a bird builds its nest. Two eyes of glinting iridescent clamshells shine out, while her own blinking golden gaze peers out through the toothed maw. She has dressed up for the occasion, shedding her usual mottled brown cloak for a black woolen dress that, with the impressive mask, evokes a boar spirit floating through the room more than a full-sized person walking about.

The scene before her is mythical, with beast and celestials swirling quickly upon the dance floor while maidens of ice serve the guests.

Wren's head tilts to one side in astonishment as her feet draw her nearer into the celebration.
The Iridescent Boar (Wren the Watcher)
Roleplay from The Lion Sun
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The woman that Ioulas danced with was obviously less well versed in the activity than he, though Ioulas was able to guide her through. He listened to her speak as they danced, feeling there was something more behind them than mere discussion. So mysterious! Ioulas smiled under his mask and returned the woman's stare.

"The Lord of Wolves enjoys brutes, more like." Ioulas replied, spinning in place as his hands met his partner's once again. "The Gods hide much in unlikely places. In my experience, if you've done a job correctly, people won't known you've done anything at all. And if you can do it dressed in gold and brocade...well...more's the better. Perhaps you see what I want you to see? Or perhaps..."

They danced as the song reached a fever pitch, stopping suddenly, "...I'm just a fop that looks good in gold! But that's the fun isn't it?"

The moment the song stopped, Ioulas felt a sharp pain in his hand, and he withdrew it quickly, seeing a small trickle of blood from his palm. "It would seem you have claws, Madam! But what's life without a little danger, hm? A bandage will be fine, I will have that pretty wolf over there kiss it and make it all better!" Ioulas said, gesturing the man in the Black Moon mask.
The Lion Sun (Ioulas Hwitt)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"Ah to be a young man tempting the Gods."

The laugh is like a summer's day.

"Even the greatest fool can see that gold suits you dear Lion. As does your dabbling in philosophy. Alas it was proven that the wisest are fools, so I do wonder how you shall play the part this night..."

Blood drips as the music ends, leaving the right hand clutching the left to support the weight of the copper ring.

"See what I mean? Since my wisdom is boundless the Ice Queen plays me the fool! Still! Balance must be maintained, especially on a day such as this."

Almost crashing into The Iridescent Boar, the white cloak flutters as a cloud.

"Oh... what timing. Here to save The Lion from the thorn in his paw? Then I will get the bandage and leave you to soothe the savage beast."

Ushering the pair together the figure stalks toward the servants, calling for medicines.
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Iridescent Boar
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Wren jumped as the white-cloaked dancer gave her a nudge toward the Lion. That voice, the way the figure moved... was it not friend Nerta?

Suddenly faced with the imposing nobleman--there could be no mistaking the proud stance and richness of his clothing as anything other than highborn--Wren's mouth set itself in a line and she leaned slowly backward to peer up at the man through the maw of her boar's mask. Was she expected to dance? Blink-blink.

The man was holding his hand peculiarly, and the tiny woman noted belatedly that he was bleeding. By the Wolf Lord, what sort of party was this?

"Lion man, are you hurt?" she chirped.
The Iridescent Boar (Wren the Watcher)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The wolf-faced one peers into the eyes of the hawk, gazing intently for a few moments. She had not seen a man with such charm since Ra, and even then his always seemed forced. The thought of dancing again was certainly enticing, the goddess knew no one in Thalmarkin ever asked, but then she remembered the cane.

"Sir hawk, I am deeply flattered," she said with a deep sigh, "but alas, do you think an old cripple like me is capable of that?"

She pointed over to all the couples on the dance floor, in particular the twin suns who radiated brightly across the room.

"Should the bird of day be able to support the dog of night, then perhaps I might consider it. It would have to be slow, and you would have to support. Careful not to drop the wolf, good hawk, for she can have a mean bite. Do you dare take the risk?"
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Lion Sun
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"Just a scrap, nothing more madam!" Ioulas responded, totally unaware of this new woman's identity, and reveling in that mystery. Ioulas gave the woman an appraising look as he tightened his hand into a fist to stop it bleeding. Ioulas had spent enough time around Acalan to tell a handmade mask when he saw one. His husband has spent nearly 10 days working at a forge to produce the blacked moon mask he wore.

Many such as Ioulas, who was richly adorned, might snub their nose at such relatively humble displays, but artistry was worth praise. "The boar! Rough and tumble, yet honest in what it is...the artistry is exquisite, madam! You made it yourself! I can tell!" Ioulas pointed to Acalan, still talking to the other nobles by the table, and happed to catch his lover's eyes, giving a small wave with his clenched fist as he did so. "That one there is the moon to my sun! He made that mask himself, days at the forge you know, is it not beautiful!? A finer mystery here you will not find, madam!"

"But we did not come here to talk, madam, let us dance should you wish it! If the sun dances, then it cannot rise and this wonderful night will last forever!" Ioulas stretched out his non-injured hand, placing the other behind his back, feeling the wound throb with his heartbeat. Not my first cut, won't be my last...
The Lion Sun (Ioulas Hwitt)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Soren grinned at the wolf. "I usually reserve the slow dances for the nights end, Lady Wolf, but for one such as yourself, I am happy to make the exception." Stepping closer, he paused just out of reach. Letting the music ring through the air and into his being he felt the beats out. One. Two. Three. Four. He moved to each beat following the steps perfectly. Two bars and then the steps slowed. One. Two. The two steps seemed to fit perfectly in time with the music as he slowed the dance to half-time. "Would you like me to take the dance slower, my Lady?" he asked with a bow as he extended his hand within reach at last. Perhaps there was some truth to some of those masks after all.
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
In spite of the hawk's charm, I remained curious about his purpose. It was hard to think of any reason not to accept his offer; some lone man in a hawk mask was hardly the worst that could happen to him. Anyte took his hand and followed him out to the floor.

"We can start slow, and if you turn out to be stable, perhaps dance faster." She smiled beneath her mask, "This old dog is a little rusty, after all."

The pair moved slowly, circling to a soft cadence as the music hummed in the background. She leaned heavily upon him, obviously favoring her right side more than her left. It was not surprised that he was a decent enough dancer, hawks truly did rule the skies.

"You have a choice to make now, Sir Hawk, do you stick with the wolf or do we split to find our celestial bodies," She smiled beneath her mask, voice carrying over the music.

"Or, if you prefer, both at once?"
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The hawk held her hand and twirled around her with a gentle grace, keeping her steady through each step. "While I could dance with you for hours, Lady Wolf, I doubt that would be fair to your countless admirers. However, if you still have a spare dance in you tonight after your celestial encounter, I will happily take flight with you once again," he said as he swept into a low bow and kissed the top of her hand. "At the very least, we shall have to join each other for drinks one more time," he added as he guided her back toward her waiting servants and her cane. He didn't rush her back, content to walk with her for the moment, but feeling she would be more comfortable with her usual source of stability.
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Iridescent Boar
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Wren stood stiffly by for a moment, blink-blinking quickly. Her mind raced as she processed the compliment to her craftsmanship and the intimidating invitation that followed. Was this the point of a masquerade? Nobody knowing who anybody was, and celebrating together all the same? Or did he know? Words began to tumble thinly from within her mask.

"A-ah, u-um, thank you Sir Sun, of the Moon. For the compliment. Yes the W--uh, I made it. Heh. The Tree-shaper favours the boar. It was my mother's symbol, the boar of the south forest, strong but skitterish, ever watchful. The boar is..." she realized she was rambling and froze, staring up at the resplendently gold-masked man. She swallowed against her suddenly-dry throat, feeling her heartbeat thrum rapidly up into her ears as she rummaged through thoughts to figure out what to do. This was not combat, she could not run from a civilized party. The Old Gods would see her weakness, the faithful would notice. And she wanted to find out if the white cloaked one really was friend Nerta. Thoroughly cornered in her own mind, Wren picked up in a rush where she left off.

"...ah, the boar is, not a skilled dancer. But it will try, if the sun wishes, to, stay up late." Wren bowed her masked head and curtseyed as she'd seen noblewomen do, the black woolen dress pooling like dark molasses on the floor beneath her. She stood up too fast, aborting the curtsey in case it was somehow incorrect, and held her hand halfway out, unsure how to accept or whether she should, in fact, just run.
The Iridescent Boar (Wren the Watcher)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"Very well, should you find me later one final drink. I look forward to it." Anyte answered as she was lead slowly back to the cane

The hawk was stronger than he appeared, especially after Anyte had gotten used to depending of some of the men she knew in Thalmarkin. As he leaned in and kissed her hand, it had become apparent that he was a bit of a charmer. By the end of the night they would see who would win, the charmer or the manipulator.

"You certainly know your way around the dance floor, Sir Hawk," Anyte said with a smirk, "And women apparently. Drinks later, though, for now we meet the the sky eternal."

Anyte grasped her cane firmly in hand as he left to find his sun, or suns for all she knew, and she casually gazed over the seen looking for the moon. Off in the distance it seemed the twin suns were breaking up, but the poor moon was still left to the side alone. Poor and lonely, the sky rock looked, standing by himself awkwardly. Slowly, Anyte hobbled over on her cane to meet her new target.

"Such a shame the twin suns would leave their little brother here alone like this," She spoke from behind, careful not to speak to him just yet, wishing to see his reaction first.

"I thank you for your compliment on my mask earlier, mine is highly symbolic. Much like a wolf and moon entwined together during the night, should we show your sun what he is missing on the dance floor?"
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Soren departed from the wolf with a smile and set off to find the sun that had enamored him so. One was trying to dance with a boar whose demeanor he had only seen somewhere once before. A phrase, 'song-friend' comes to mind and he almost whispers it aloud as he passes. It would not do to unmask someone, even if the best of intentions are there. Instead he smiled faintly and hums a tune as he passes, looking for another celestial being instead. Iron and gold catches his eyes as he let his gaze wander the hall once again, and he sets off, a man on a mission, even if he didn't know why. It didn't take long before he saw the sun moving in his own direction, though likely with her own goals in mind. What to do? A simple sidestep puts him straight in her path, but that wouldn't be enough. He stops, no plan, but simply reacting, reaching out to catch her attention with a tap on the shoulder as she moves to step around him. "A dance for the fool of a bird looking to fly too close to the sun?"
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Sun in Iron & Gold admires the dance of celestials and constellations from the door. The tapestry of heaven flutters with the music, as the few familiar figures flirt with strangers. It is a fabric of older times, of the mythic. There the brash with the timid, the smooth with the scared. Yet so many are missing. The Bloody Paramour. The Hidden Sage. The Weaver...

Copper burns against the medical bag. The price of idleness. Now is not the time to watch. Now is the time to dance, to drink, to live. And to balance the scales before dawn swallows the stars.

Beset by The Sliver Hawk, The Sun in Iron & Gold doesn’t reach the frolicking beasts. Thus as the guardian of the pair titters, the sun’s rays bathe the bird with a warm laugh.

“I would be delighted, but I must warn: that which you seek is but a pale reflection next to what is before you.”

Accepting the wing with the right hand, the figure is threaded into the tapestry of heaven.

“The Lion is brash, a beast. Yet The Hawk knows of the Sun. Knows the beauty, the danger.”

The left hand still holds the bandages for The Lion’s paw.

“I wonder if The Hawk seeks balance, or do they chase the Sun to be consumed?”
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The hawk smiles and takes the bandages from the sun, setting them safely in his sash for the dance. "So many questions I wish I had the answers to myself, your radiance."

As the music picks up again, he takes the sun's hand and starts the dance, the grace of a beast that has known what it was like to flirt with danger leading the motions. "Do I wish to willingly fly into the sun, or mayhap I only feel alive when flirt with danger. Perhaps I only wish to see what the night will make of it all. In my mind's recesses I constantly hear the toss of a coin as if someone were tampering with fate. Yet in your presence it seems to go away, as if it is wary of you. I only know of one other that makes me feel like that."

The hawk twirled the sun, and then swooped around the sun himself in a circle before falling back into the pattern. "Tell me radiant one, what wisdom is there in seeking the attention and favor of something or someone dangerous to oneself?"
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Black Moon
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Acalan watches his husband dance with the other sun, the broad smile on his face hidden beneath the wolf-moon mask. He doesn’t know why watching Ioulas be himself and interact with the world brings him so much joy.

It just… does.

As he sways gently to the music, enjoying the atmosphere and company, a woman’s voice draws his attention.

Turning, Acalan is delighted to see the fiery purple wolf mask that he complimented before. As if it were possible, his smile grows wider. “Yes! I did! That was me!” He bows deeply before offering a hand to the woman. “Let’s show him what he’s missing indeed!”

Mindful of his dance partner’s cane and more intentional gait, he guides them only a few steps into the floor before facing her once more. Moving his hands into the proper positions, he grins, “Ready to demonstrate how it’s done?”

As they dance and spin and move to the rhythm, Acalan feels his heart soar. “You are quite good!” Then, in a playful conspiratorial whisper, he leans in just a bit closer to ask, “Is my radiant sun in awe? Let’s dance closer to him so he is sure to see!”

They make their way close enough to Ioulas that Acalan can brush his shoulder with his own. Once he has his husband’s attention, Acalan dances with more dramatic flair, gently spinning the woman under his arm as he grins happily. “Magnificent! Like a professional!”

As they dance back away, Acalan looks for his husband’s reaction. With a chuckle, he tells his partner, “I believe we succeeded!”

Thinking back on when Acalan first saw the wolf join the celebration, Acalan asks her, “Is there anyone we should dance near for you?”
The Black Moon (Acalan Osoro)
Orders from Beluaterra
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
As the sky darkens at the close of the day, there are clear skies over much of Beluaterra. Those looking up at them are soon treated to a rare sight: the flickering translucent curtains of the Aurora Borealis, spreading much farther south than it is usually seen. It is also much more colorful than usual, with the expected greens and yellows joined by blues and purples.

As the light show brightens, a few little sparks seem to shimmer across its surface. These grow to brief visible arcs of lightning between "folds" of the aurora—lightning that is strangely violet in colour, and continuing to grow more intense.

The violet lightning soon outshines the aurora itself, even striking the ground in several places, though it seems to cause no damage and creates very little thunder. Peasants across the continent, at first delighted by the beautiful aurora, retreat inside, barring doors and closing shutters against the bizarre clear-sky lightning storm.

The brilliant purple storm continues for roughly a quarter-hour before gradually fading along with the aurora.
Beluaterra (The Old Gods)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"The Hawk has sharp eyes, and would see the sun crimson with such words."

The Sun in Iron & Gold pulls the left hand behind as the bandage is plucked.

"Oh bold constellations, tempting the Gods this night. The Lion, The Boar, and you. You are close, very close. But can The Hawk spot his quarry behind the glare?"

The tapestry of heaven continues to spin and dance, The Black Moon orbiting away from The Lion Sun as the Aurora crackles above. That violet light reveals a grand court of shadows, celebrating in perfect silence amidst the celestials and constellations.

As the gloom thickens around The Lion Sun, a shaking hand of iron reaches for the bandage.

"Forgive me Hawk, though I would stay and say more, I have much to do before the night ends."
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Silver Hawk
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Hawk reaches down to his sash and places a hand over the Sun's, gently closing fingers around the item. "If you must run away, then maybe you can answer one more question, elegant sun?" He smiled and released her. "You said you are a more vibrant existence to the one behind the mask. Will the one behind the mask remember tonight, or was this just some fun for the gods?" Perhaps he was being burned or made a fool again, but he couldn't help asking. The Emperor could have his fun. Whatever the Sun's answer, he simply adds, "We'll have to do this again in another life."
The Silver Hawk (Soren Navaar)
Roleplay from The Lion Sun
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Lion Sun dances with the Boar for a time, leading the dance with the same energy he had done previously. He could feel the eyes of many on him as he danced, and he cherished that attention.

It was not too long, before he saw his husband dancing with another, and as he danced past, the Lion Sun could have sworn the Iron Moon was teasing him! Well he would certainly see to that!

The Lion Sun, bowed slightly to his partner and spoke as they dance, “Alas lady Boar it is time for the sun to dim, thank you for this dance, and may the night continue for you well!” When he had finished speaking, he waited for his husband to dance past once again before switching off mid movement, touching his husband on the shoulder and bowing low to the woman he was dancing with.

“Madam, I’m afraid I simply must steal this one, I do hope you’ll forgive me!” He did not wait for a reply, taking up his husband’s hand and dancing frantically with him. Under the mask, he grinned from ear to ear, even as his hand throbbed where it had been cut.

He took a moment during the dance to check on it, and saw the bleeding had stopped, no matter then, and as he and his husband passed by a side pillar he had a devilish idea, and led the dance behind it, and out of sight.

A few whispered words and muffled laughing later, the pair ducked into a side room, shooed out the servants inside of it, and locked the door behind them.
The Lion Sun (Ioulas Hwitt)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Her usual practice was to leave her cane behind and lean on her partner, but the moon hadn't given her that opportunity. After she arrived at the moon's side, he immediately grabbed her wrist and led her to the dance floor. Performing an almost flawless dance, the pair circled around and around. Nevertheless, she could tell that his mind was elsewhere. Frequently, he would gaze back at the brilliant lion sun, even telling her his wish to make him jealous.

"There is no one here for me," she answered his question coyly as they twirled around one another, "except for myself."

Soon, before she could elaborate, the lion sun and come and taken him away. It appeared that the moon's goal was indeed accomplished as the sun did not even give her a chance to protest. It was always interesting, maybe even heart warming, to see true young love rather than the constant game of manipulated emotions she so often played. A true feeling for a fleeting moment, and then it was gone. Anyte knew she could never have that so control, faith, and manipulation had to take its place.

Anyte hobbled over back to her chair and started to send one of the damsels out for win, but thinking back to the hawk, stopped herself and sent her for particularly strong brandy instead. She whispered to herself, "Enjoy yourselves for now, my beautiful celestial bodies, soon one day you to will have to play a far greater game. Let us hope that are not so hounded your enthusiasm is killed as mine was once upon a time, for that is a hard hole to crawl back out of."
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Sun in Iron & Gold
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Talons clutch at iron fingers as the Sun in Iron & Gold fights the horizon.

“It is my fiercest hope that your wishes do not come to pass dear Hawk, but knowing the Gods I fear they will.”

Leaving the fluttering Hawk, the setting sun chases The Lion. But in the growing gloom The Sun embraces The Wolf, limping to her den.

“So it was, and so it is that I have you dear Wolf. Yet I cannot hold you close, for if my light would mend you, you would be a Wolf no longer.”

Their hands entwine, the ring hot.

“Gnaw free of the trap. Then seek the ancient blood of the ice. The old ways will lend you strength, and you will become a well-spring of those ways.”

The Sun in Iron & Gold twists about, seeking The Lion, and yet there is no sign of the missing beast. Clutching the hand with the hungry ring, the figure carefully pries the gnawing thing free with a dimming hiss and drops it into the hands of The Violet Wolf.

“No matter how glorious, the sun must set so the wolf may hunt. Keep this safe for my rising moon. All must be put right by night’s end.”

Voice rising so The Hawk and The Boar might hear, the figure pulls away into the crowd even as the last rays shine.

“Use your time well my friends for it is fleeting. Leave no regret, harbour no grudge and remember who and what you are to the end.”
The Sun in Iron & Gold (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Violet Wolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Iron Sun spoke in riddles, as always, but the moon was always better for wolfkind anyway. Were she to be released from one trap, another would be just around the corner. It seemed the wolves were hated in this day and age, personally hunted as a perceived menace.

"The Wolflord guides my family true, but the Dark Mistress is my personal protector. I cannot fade from this land until she is done with me, many times she has brought be back to prove this." She speaks to the sun in a dull, flat tone, "Should you embrace me you may incinerate me rather than mend me for I will only be mended when she chooses."

As the sun pulled away, she spotted the hawk soaring through the room. She had made a promise, and neither the she-wolf nor the mistress broke their word. Gliding as gracefully as she could leaning on a cane, she prowled through the crowd until she was face to face with the hawk once more.

"Sir Hawk, I do believe you asked for one last dance before nights end. The sun has set, and the moon is high, and that means it is time for the wolves to howl and hunt. This may be your last chance to have the request fulfilled, unless you wish to play lookout for future."
The Violet Wolf (Anyte Luitolf)
Roleplay from The Moon in Silk & Spice
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Sun in Iron & Gold rests in a shadowy alcove while the night deepens. Soon the golden mask tumbles to the floor and The Moon in Silk & Spice rises.

“And I get to clean your mess, again.”

Digging out the bandage from the antiques, the figure grabs at a passing servant and hauls them into the dark.

“Where’d the lovers go?” Eyes glitter behind the mask. “And don’t tell me it was somewhere mysterious because I will hit you.”

Soon after cornering the The Lion and The Moon, the figure in silk hammers at the door.

“Come on, open up. This is not becoming another big quest.”
The Moon in Silk & Spice (Nerta the Weaver)
Roleplay from The Lion Sun
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Golden Lion had removed his mask and was in the process of removing his shirt, passionately kissing the Iron Moon as reclined on a plush sofa.

He jumped visibly when the banging came on the door they had looked and he gave his husband a panicked look, before quickly smiling and getting a devilish idea.

Muffled laughter could be heard coming from the room and a short while later, the Iron Moon opened the door, leaning against the doorway casually. His shirt was untucked and belt unbuckled as he asked in a serious tone, “What seems to be the problem Oh Masked One? I was…uh…engaged in deep meditations on the mysteries of the Gods. Very important. Very…mysterious!

Behind him, the room was seemingly empty, and no sign of the Golden Lion could be seen.
The Lion Sun (Ioulas Hwitt)