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Latest revision as of 22:46, 28 January 2020

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Roleplay from Monford Velaryon
Monford oversaw the marching soldiery that was moving along the muddy road to Bode Batura. He had a new host of footmen this time, and they carried crosswbows and bagpipes, coupled with short swords for direct encounter. Fine training, fine weapons and armor, straight from the barracks of Abaka, likely trained by none other than the famed Goldhammer Canut.

Piper's Call, that is what he named them and trained them to play their pipes 'till their fingers started to bleed. Their oeuvre was delicious as they burned through those pipes playing tunes of war and victory, which, coupled with the thundering sound of Oritolon's mighty hooves, sounded very sinister yet inspiring for the men.

Ghouls and zombies dressed in shiny armors waited in Bode Batura. A company of worst possible breed. Monford was eager to bloody the dawn once more, his sword arm resting still for a while now. He rode forth to the front of his men and shouted: "Come on, Abakans. Let us run our swords into the enemy and charge with burning hearts as the sun rises ! Follow the piper's call! To victory!" Men began to shout and felt inspired, ready to finally find moving targets instead of barracks dummies.
Monford Velaryon