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This series of RPs started from Sir Jheda and his renouncement of his lordship role to a far greater converstation and public confrontation between many of the colourful characters of Obia'Syela.  
This series of RPs started from Sir Jheda and his renouncement of his lordship role to a far greater converstation and public confrontation between many of the colourful characters of Obia'Syela.  
|Sender=Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Rines woke up to what promised to be a beautiful day. The rising sun made the city bathe in warm, golden light. People looked up and smiled. Little birds were singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true. The sky was blue, not a cloud in sight. No, those clouds had gathered in Jheda's mind. For the first time, he was troubled by internal conflict.
A few days ago, the Oracle had given him the Lordship of Cjelegy, responsability over 10000 peasants. A great honour, sure, but not one he was pleased with or had been looking for. Of course, the word of the Oracle carried more weight than anything else. And he would fulfill his duties with due care. But this was not his true calling. He was a Farseer, in heart and soul. He took an oath to serve Obeah and protect Her people. Sitting behind a desk to do administrative work, although noble work in itself, was not how he envisioned that oath. Furthermore, he simply did not have the time to do it, being away on dangerous missions all the time. If it was possible, he would turn down the Title and rejoin his brothers and sisters on their next assignment. One thing left to do, finding out if the Oracle would let him.
Walking through Rines was always a pleasure. After all these times he'd been here he still looked around in awe, feeling insignificant with such grandeur around him. When he passed his former estate, his mood changed to sadness. The Keffa Memorial was sacred to him. Hopefully the new inhabitant took good care of it. He wondered if his vegetable garden would survive. This small stretch of land was his favorite place in the city. Being a Farseer was stressful and dangerous. Being in the garden was a way to deal with that. It brought him peace. And peas.
Eventually he reached the Basilica. When he found an important looking servant, he notified the man he wished to have a meeting with the Oracle. And no, he did not have an appointment. The man looked at him for a moment, turned around and disappeared up some stairs, without saying a word.
Jheda had faced many dangerous situations on the battlefield, never being scared. Standing here, being nervous was the least of his concerns. He was about to meet the most powerful woman in Obia'Syela, someone he never met before. And he was here to tell here he did not accept her decision. Surely his weak knees were caused by skipping breakfast this morning.

Latest revision as of 00:41, 9 February 2019

This series of RPs started from Sir Jheda and his renouncement of his lordship role to a far greater converstation and public confrontation between many of the colourful characters of Obia'Syela.

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Rines woke up to what promised to be a beautiful day. The rising sun made the city bathe in warm, golden light. People looked up and smiled. Little birds were singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true. The sky was blue, not a cloud in sight. No, those clouds had gathered in Jheda's mind. For the first time, he was troubled by internal conflict.

A few days ago, the Oracle had given him the Lordship of Cjelegy, responsability over 10000 peasants. A great honour, sure, but not one he was pleased with or had been looking for. Of course, the word of the Oracle carried more weight than anything else. And he would fulfill his duties with due care. But this was not his true calling. He was a Farseer, in heart and soul. He took an oath to serve Obeah and protect Her people. Sitting behind a desk to do administrative work, although noble work in itself, was not how he envisioned that oath. Furthermore, he simply did not have the time to do it, being away on dangerous missions all the time. If it was possible, he would turn down the Title and rejoin his brothers and sisters on their next assignment. One thing left to do, finding out if the Oracle would let him.

Walking through Rines was always a pleasure. After all these times he'd been here he still looked around in awe, feeling insignificant with such grandeur around him. When he passed his former estate, his mood changed to sadness. The Keffa Memorial was sacred to him. Hopefully the new inhabitant took good care of it. He wondered if his vegetable garden would survive. This small stretch of land was his favorite place in the city. Being a Farseer was stressful and dangerous. Being in the garden was a way to deal with that. It brought him peace. And peas.

Eventually he reached the Basilica. When he found an important looking servant, he notified the man he wished to have a meeting with the Oracle. And no, he did not have an appointment. The man looked at him for a moment, turned around and disappeared up some stairs, without saying a word.

Jheda had faced many dangerous situations on the battlefield, never being scared. Standing here, being nervous was the least of his concerns. He was about to meet the most powerful woman in Obia'Syela, someone he never met before. And he was here to tell here he did not accept her decision. Surely his weak knees were caused by skipping breakfast this morning.
Rania Eastersand JeVondair

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Jheda was lead to a waiting room while his request for an audience filtered up the administrative chain of the Basilica. Such a long time passed, in fact, that he almost thought perhaps he'd be turned away, but just then an underpriest arrived to inform him that his request had been authorized. The underpriest glanced briefly at Jehda's Farseer insignia. Eyes lingering just long enough that Jheda realized that even as a lord of the Sacred Realm, he might not have gotten this audience without it. The underpriest bid Jheda follow, leading up the winding grand staircase that was the traditional approach to the Oracle's domain at the Basilica's peak.

It was a long journey up, and absolutely punishing on the thighs. Rumor had it that old Riombaran senators would purposefully put their offices inconveniently high so that anyone seeking them would think twice, even thrice, before attempting the inconvenient trek. Despite the presence of the fabled Solarium, Jheda wondered if that was a reason the Oracle spent so much time here rather than elsewhere as she contemplated the mysteries of the Veil.

As the underpriest toiled step by step, Jheda took each new flight of stairs as if it were the first. He was, afterall, a Farseer. He held his head high, not minding the strain on his muscles. He was on his way to meet the Oracle, his liege, though he had never met her directly. Adrenaline buoyed him up the final steps as much as his determination to beat this simple test. The underpriest heaved up behind him, bent over with hands on knees and heaving. It was some moments before the aspiring herald straightened, apologized, and lead Jheda deeper into the recesses of the upper level.

These were the Oracle's royal apartments. Here, blue-armored paladins patrolled, their heavy armor and a glaives left nothing to the imagination as to their potential for violence. Jheda was challenged, of course, but again his Farseer insignia afforded him access and he was lead to wait in a sitting room with a window overlooking the sea.

The Oracle sat on a couch, her back to the window with her feet tucked up and beneath her. Her neck craned over an ornate, rune-covered book in her lap. She wore a modest, though impeccably well-tailored dress of Obian-blue and a shawl of white with intricate sirionite runes sewed in gold about the edges. Her hair was dark brown with liberal streaks of silver, held in a simple braid down her back and looped over her shoulder. A sapphire clasp set in gold bound the tail of her braid. it's tip brushed vellum as she turned a page. Jheda noticed the old sword scars on her hands that no amount of matronly behavior could erase. Then she looked up, aware of him, and looked right at Jheda, searching his features as though memorizing everything about him to weigh and categorize. After an interminable moment, she smiled and gestured for him to sit across from her.

"Good morning, Farseer Jheda I presume?" The Oracle of Obeah said, her voice deeper than he expected, but rich with feeling. "What can I do for you today?"
Rania Eastersand JeVondair

Roleplay from Jheda Orobar
Jheda lost count of the steps and turns this staircase kept surprising him with. One had to admire the architects who came up with this artistic challenge, although he doubted his guide felt the same. The man showed clear signs of fatigue, but the physical part was of no concern to him. The Farseers were the most highly trained warriors in Obia'Syela, athletes with exceptional skill. And although a strong body is useless without an equally strong mind to control it, Jheda felt the mental part of the climb was proving to be more difficult.

Downstairs, in the waiting room, he had been mildly nervous. The long way up gave him plenty of time to contemplate the upcoming meeting with the Oracle, and it did not make him feel any better. He knew nearly nothing about the Oracle, there were no rumours nor gossip, as if she was a living mystery. It was impossible to predict how she would react. But Jheda never heard about any leader being pleased when one of his subject was about to be disobedient, so he prepared for the worst. Maybe he would be accused of heresy, and he would die at her hands. He would accept such fate with a smile on his face, as he firmly believed the path he wanted to walk was righteous.

Jheda eventually reached what his guide presented as the Royal apartments. He took his time to admire the tastefully decorated chambers and hallways. Walking here, he felt as if he could almost touch the Veil. Never had he been closer to Obeah. It was a humbling experience, being at this sacred, spiritual place. It give him strength to do what he was here for.

Two impressive looking guards even he would think twice about seeking trouble with, halted him. As soon as they realised he was a Farseer, they granted him access. Jheda gave them his sword, a masterpiece crafted by the best smiths in Beluaterra, to keep it safe. His brothers and sisters Farseers carried similar swords. His blade, etched with a swan, proving he was a master swordfighter, was of such quality only a Farseer was allowed to handle it. Armed with only his faith, he entered the room.

Inside, a gracefully dressed woman sat on a couch, reading a book. Although she looked comfortable, Jheda sensed a strong, magnetic personality hidden beneath her calm exterior. Almost overwhelming. As if she demanded everyone's attention without saying a word. He did not know if it was intentional, but as she sat there with her back to the window, with the rising sun directly behind her, it was as if a bright, flaming aura surrounded her. For a second he wondered what she was reading, imagining what kind of literature she had access to. Then she looked up and her eyes found his. It took all of his willpower to answer her glance and not turn away. He stood there, for several seconds, and while she measured his worth, he tried to read those eyes, but failed. It was as if her thoughts and emotions were hidden behind their own veil. Finally, the Oracle greeted him and offered a seat.

Surprised by this rather informal reception, Jheda answered her welcome with a bow of his head. Adjusting his ceremonial cape while sitting down, he carefully picked his words. "It is a true privilege and honour to meet you, Oracle. I know your time is precious," he paused for a minute, thinking about how she had him stew for so long downstairs in the waiting room, believing she had urgent matters to deal with, only to find her here reading a book, then continued,"so let me keep this short. I am not a man of many words. You granted me the Lordship of Cjelegy, for which I am grateful. I did however take an oath to be a Farseer, for life. It has proven to be impossible to combine both responsibilities, so I came here to hand back my fief. There is no more pure and direct way for me to serve Obeah, so it is my decision to choose being a Farseer over any other Title existing in Obia'Syela. I am sorry if I disapointed you, but I made up my mind."

As he finished, his grey eyes once again locked with hers. Surprisingly, he felt no fear, only confidence. The Oracle spoke Obeah's word, she would know this was how he would best serve the Veiled Goddess.
Jheda Orobar

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
Ferdinand arrived in Rines with one topic on his mind and a audience with someone whom he had only truly met once, yet shared correspondence with rather frequently. Nevertheless, their first encounter was perhaps under rather, unusual circumstances.

The climb was familiar to Ferdinand. However, taking a far more, leisurely walk was preferred. Not many of the administrators and staff here were present when Ferdinand had forced his way into the Oracle's royal apartments during the Violet Storm. Ushered past the traditional waiting room which the old Riombaran senators played their mind games, he climbed. His arrival must of been spotted long before he even arrived into the city.

The corridors and stairs near the top of the spiral were patrolled by blue-armored paladins, their heavy armor and a glaives left nothing to the imagination. Remembering how he had threatened some Paladins during the storm, Ferdinand was on guard. Nevertheless, the combination of his position as the Grand Templar and of course, the royal seal, prevented any trouble.

Arriving at the Oracle's quarters, Ferdinand was immediately welcomed into the chambers beyond by the gaurdian paladins of her apartment's entrance.

Again, he was expected.

As Ferdinand entered the space, he was not entirely sure in what he would find...
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian had been visiting the Oracle with Stheno for the last day or so. Long ago the Oracle had given him access to a small, but comfortable room tucked in a corner of the level of the basilica that housed her personal quarters. He stepped into the Oracle's chamber where she sat reading her thick tome by the window. Stheno sat by the fireplace toying with a dagger he'd helped her forge. He walked past Stheno, mussing her hair and grinning at her. There was a clear love for the young girl in his eye. He bowed his head at the Oracle and smiled. The two shared a look and a clear mutual affection for Stheno. Any who hadn't seen the Oracle and Vahanian together before this moment would instantly understand that they were the closest of friends.

He sat in a stuffed armchair by a window, a bit out of the way of the rest of the room. A small, worn leather pouch rested on the windowsill. He sat in the chair and just as the Oracle had drank in every detail of Jheda with his hazel eyes. Her study of the young Farseer may have had a more matronly shine to it, his study was Vahanian to the core. Pure military, a quick assessment of martial skill, judging probability of attack and identifying the targets he'd strike first if it came to a fight. It was a part of his brain he couldn't turn off, especially when in the presence of the Oracle and Stheno.

His gaze flicked over to Ferdinand, his pupil, he showed no sign of favoritism in this setting. He spoke quietly "Stheno, to your studies, little one." Her words of protest died in her throat when she saw his stare. She mumbled under her breath and slumped out of the room.

Vahanian pulled tobacco from the leather pouch and lit his pipe, crossing his legs and tenting his fingers. He schooled himself to silence and stillness. Barely moving, save for the occasional puff on his pipe. It was clear, he was here to observe, and would intervene when he was ready.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
Walking inside the room after his announcement, he appeared that he had walked into a meeting with Sir Jheda, whom was sitting on a chair near the Oracle. With the recent events that had occurred in the Theocracy, Ferdinand held a strong assumption regarding what the topic matter was. Looking around the room, Ferdinand saw his mentor, tucked away on a stuffed armchair by a window, smoking his trademark pipe and tobacco. Providing his mentor a nod of respect, not surprised of his presence here, he turned to the Oracle sat on the couch. When her eyes met Ferdinand's, the Grand Templar could feel some kind of analysis was conducted of him even before a word was spoken.

"My Oracle, I was not aware that Sir Jheda was here, I was ushered through your estate. Nevertheless, his presence here does not change the conversation topic, unless you would not like to answer my questions otherwise?"

Placing a slight doubt into the Oracle's mind, it was very likely she knew what he had came here for. Perhaps that was the reason for also for the Duke's presence here as well. Standing at ease in-front of the collection of chairs by the table and couch, Ferdinand stood facing towards the two nobles in his full Templar regalia. He noticed the book with runes decorating it's outside. Not having the time to read the title, Ferdinand began the audience:

"My Oracle, I am disappointed that circumstances have prevented me from formally visiting you as the new Grand Templar of our theocracy."

Ferdinand had to pause for a second. While he was natural in the position of which he had now held, the name of the title that it came with was usually always attached to his mentor whom sat by the window.

"Therefore, as Grand Templar, I am at Obeah's service."

With a respectful bow, Ferdinand moved to speak with conviction:

"More nobles, especially those whom are new to the realm, are beginning to join the Heralds of Obeah as followers of Obeah's vision in our realm, which I am pleased with. However, I would like to raise with you the use of "Templar" within the Heralds. There are nobles whom are ranked as "Templars" within the heralds but then are not "Templars" within the Heralds. Therefore, I would humbly request a review of this systems to ensure clarity and organisation within the Heralds as our number expand."

The topic had been on his mind for a considerable amount of time. While perhaps only minor, it shaped the views of Obeah and how her works are shaped. He had wished to discuss the matter of portal stones. However, perhaps that it would be best for the conversation to mature first. Moving onto the next point quickly, Ferdinand continued:

"For my report, the Enlightenment conquest has nearly been completed, which entails the vast majority of the old Riombara. Therefore, the Lightbringers have worked to complete their objectives so that the regions of the peninsula east of the Bym mountains have been taken. However, upon the eve of this conquest, I receive notices of nobles have been forced to leave their estates in Rines, lords changing their duchy allegiance from Amen Keffa to Amen Obeah and then some, whom are part of the Farseers, forfeiting their region lordships to come and take residency in Rines."

Pausing for a second to glance his eyes quickly towards the Grand Templar to check his response, Ferdinand continued:

"This re-organisation of the Farseers, regions of the realm and it's nobles, especially within the military sphere was conducted it appears without consultation. Therefore, I have some concerns regarding this from a military and political perspective. While I support the notion to encourage nobles to take up responsibility in our rural regions, limiting estates for new nobles to come to Rines within Obeah's theocracy and concentrating a large amount of wealth and power within the Farseers also has potential for some negative impact. I wish to therefore to engage with you on the purpose of this reorganization and the autonomy of which it was acted through."

Ferdinand held great respect to the woman that was in-front of him. Founder and prophet of Obeah, she guided all of the Theocracy towards the veiled one's will. However, as Ferdinand prepared to hear the answer, Ferdinand's thoughts came to the Three Aspects of Obeah, The Mother, The Protector, and The Deliverer.
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian sat quietly as Ferdinand forwent subtle or strategic conversations and kicked open the door of his reasons with an armored boot. He schooled himself to silence. He wanted to reach out, wanted to guide his pupil in this conversation, but he wasn't here for that. He would let the man make his own mistakes. Vahanian's eyes flicked over to the Oracle, he noticed the almost imperceptible tensing of the muscles in her shoulders. His eyes flicked back to Ferdinand.

When Ferdinand finished giving his report, his eyes flicked over to Vahanian, searching for something. Approval? Reassurance? Regardless of what they were looking for, they found only stoic silence. Internally, Vahanian was brimming with the desire to pull his pupil aside and council him. Ferdinand had approached the conversation in almost the exact opposite manner than he would have.

Vahanian also silently willed Jheda to leave, and even more than that, for the Oracle to dismiss the Farseer before addressing Ferdinand. What he imagined coming next was best done with fewer spectators, but still, Vahanian remained silent in the corner, the smell of his sweet tobacco wafting through the air.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Antonia Fitz Roberts
Antonia, as usual, was late to the Farseer meeting she had heard she was taking place. She brushed aside the flustered Herald, before entering the room

‘I am so sorry Your Eminence, lost track of the time’ she spied the others ‘Oh, hello Ferdinand, come to make a fool of yourself again? Wonderful, let me just…’ She reached into her pocket and pulled out an apple. Biting it she leant against the wall. Then remembering herself, she bowed to the Oracle

‘After the Grand Templar is done, I will make my report’ she said, trying and failing not to smirk
Antonia Fitz Roberts

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
If Vahanian hadn't betrayed any emotion before, he certainly was now. Antonia's barging inward and blatant disrespect for Ferdinand's station irked him. Annoyance was painted on his face. He filed the incident away in his mind to address later.

Had she not remembered herself and bowed to the Oracle he wasn't sure what he would have done, but he knew it would have been ignoble. Vahanian had to make a split second decision, he stood, tapping out the ashes from his pipe into his hand before brushing them out the window.

His sudden movement was sure to catch the eye of everyone in the room, save perhaps for the Oracle who'd known him long enough to probably guess pretty accurately at his thought process. The younger and more hot-headed version of himself would have drawn steel and banished Antionia and Jheda from the room, but he'd mellowed with age, though he'd never admit it.

"Marshal Antionia, good to see you again." Vahanian said inclining his head to her slightly "Unless the Oracle has something else to discuss with Sir Jheda would you mind seeing him out? I wish to speak with the Grand Templar and The Oracle in private." He turned to the Oracle and smiled at her, the smile didn't reach his eyes and the look in his eyes told Rania everything she needed to know about his feelings on the situation at hand. He said politely to the Oracle, "Unless you have an objection, Your Grace." His deep baritone voice had been soft and polite when speaking, but he couldn't resist layering in the subtle hint of authority and command when he addressed Antiona. He'd been Grand Templar for too many years to let Antonia's slight of the office go unaddressed. However, when he spoke to the Oracle he dropped the tone of authority and replaced it with sincere deference. He placed fresh tobacco into his pipe before placing it very carefully on the windowsill.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Antonia Fitz Roberts
Antonia bowed her head to Vahannian, ‘With all due respect, Your Grace, the Oracle asked the Farseers to come and see her before we sailed. I do not know why the Grand Templar is here, but the Farseers will be gone from the city shortly, so this will be the last chance the Oracle gets to see us’ She made absolutely no effort to move. As far as she was concerned, it was Duke and Grand Templar who were gatecrashing.
Antonia Fitz Roberts

Roleplay from Jheda Orobar
Jheda watched the events unfold with growing surprise. He felt the situation was getting above his head, so when Duke Vahanian finished talking, he took the word.

"Oracle, thank you for your decision. You have my word I will never fail you, nor the Veiled Goddess. Now, it seems there are some things you have to discuss, so if you do not require anything else from me, I'll let myself out. Rest assured, what I already heard will never leave this room."

This time, a full bow towards the Oracle followed. How she dealt with his situation, only made his respect for her grow. He saluted the military leaders with a fist pressed against his heart, then turned towards the door. Passing Marshal Antonia, he said, "Marshal, once you finished your business here, shall we meet at the canal? I believe you owe me a swimming lesson."
Jheda Orobar

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian's rage flashed across his face for the briefest of moments. He stood there for a moment, silent, checking his emotions. He shrugged as if it didn't bother him and picked up his pipe, he leaned against the wall and lit the tobacco, his eyes never leaving Antonia. Eventually he glanced over at Ferdinand who stood at a relaxed attention. Vahanian stifled the urge to smile, he could ready clearly that his charge wanted to address the disrespect that had been shown in this room, but to his credit, the Grand Templar remained still.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Alacrix Galar
Alacrix was worried that he was running late for the meeting. It wasn't until he saw Antonia enter through a door that he felt somewhat relieved. Unfortunately the door was at the other end of a long hallway. It took him a couple of minutes to get to the end. He paused to fixed his hair before he entered.

With a soft knock on the door he entered. He was unprepared to see Duke Blint and Grand Templer Greybrook. He was also unprepared for how much tension was in the room.

"Hello everyone, I hope I am not late..."
Alacrix Galar

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
Before the Oracle could respond, the series of events had unfounded. Marshal Antonia had only entered the room for only a few moments before tension began to run high. Knowing what the Marshal was like for her antics, Ferdinand did not pay much attention to them. He respected her for her devotion to Obeah and her military prowess, not her tongue. However, his mentor had other ideas.

Subtly trying to remove the Farseers from the situation for only Marshal Antonia to stand her ground, the tension in the room saw Sir Jheda leave after he saluted. Still relaxed, he turned slightly to see his former Vice-Marshal stand in the doorway. Signifying to him to stop the Farseers from leaving, he turned to speak to the whole audience gathered:

"As GRAND TEMPLAR, general of our armies, I would be honoured and perhaps invited to be present at this meeting of yours - as it is my elected duty. Duke Vahanian's presence here should not be a problem either. Should there be a problem?"

He awaited the reply and hopefully defusing the situation before the tension got the better of those involved.
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Divus Lancaster
Leaning over a map and a set of blueprints, Grand Inquisitor Divus Lancaster gazed at the future of Bolkenia. He had traveled through the region often in earlier, more chaotic days. On more than one occasion he had helped himself to the tax and wealth of the independent citizens of the various towns in the region. Now, he helped to rebuild the land and purge it of any remaining heretics. Bolkenia was well on its way, but there was still much work to be done.

As he gazed at plans for the new mill, a scribe entered, head bowed. Divus did not turn to look, but the scribe knew better than to try and catch his attention. Although the young Inquisitor had lost his hearing while fighting chaos a few years ago, it did not diminish his awareness of his surroundings. Scribes who had been in his service for long knew that they simply had to wait.

"What is it?" Divus asked, reaching for another map of the border with Cagamir.

"My lord," the scribe began, "we have reports of a potential disturbance in the capital."

Divus turned and gave the scribe his full attention. "Monsters, undead?"

The scribe shook his head. "No, my lord, it seems that there is something going on in the Oracle's quarters."

The Grand Inquistor arched an eyebrow, and motioned for the scribe to continue.

"Well, it seems that Marshall Antonia, Duke Vahanian, Marshall Ferdinand, and others have gathered and there is a commotion-"

Divus barked a laugh and waved on the scribe, returning to his map.

"It is of no concern for me," he said. The scribe turned to leave, but Divus spoke up before he could move. "But, summon the finest artisans in the city and have them assembled in the foyer. Tell them to wait there for instruction. I have a feeling they may be tasked to fix something very expensive, very soon."
Divus Lancaster

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair
A great many things occurred in the Oracle’s Basilica study in short order: Duke Vahanian had arrived to visit unexpectedly, then Count Jheda of the Farseers had arrived by appointment to renounce his lordship in favor of focusing on being one of the Oracle’s elite, followed by the appearance of no less than Grand Templar Ferdinand himself, bearing the Oracle’s Seal rather than a direct invitation. And he had barely finished his announcements when Marshal Antonia interjected herself by bursting into the Royal presence with all the subtlety of a meteorite. And just when Rania felt like her private study no longer had the room to contain all these vibrant personalities, Vice Marshal Alacrix arrived. Like Antonia, Rania realized, he’d mistakenly believed this to be the Farseer meeting that everyone in that army had been advised of days prior.

Rania could sense Vahanian’s growing ire at the many various heads poking into what he perceived as family time, but she took it all in stride with the ease of years as a royal. As the assembled exchanged words, Rania studied them all: Vahanian’s simmering, Jheda’s reticence, Ferdinand’s daring, Antonia’s boisterousness, and Alacrix’s confusion. And of course, Stheno, silent and watchful as ever. Rania took it all in at once, and was relieved that the interplay between her guests granted her more time to gauge and address them. With a touch and a glance, the Oracle arrested Sir Jheda’s movement, simultaneously bidding him to stay and take up position between the couch and the window, intentionally placing him in a position of attention behind her right shoulder. It took a moment for her silent command to register, but only a moment later he was standing behind her, the Farseer uniform badge on his left pectoral hovering above Rania’s head as he stood at ease. Though the exchange was wordless and the gesture subtle, it was an unmistakable statement lost on no one in the room.

“Antonia…” the Oracle’s voice was cooed as she might have to a panther eagerly pacing its cage. “The Duke looks thirsty. Would you and-“ she leaned around Antonia’s imposing form to see who stood behind, “-Vice marshal Alacrix mind pouring a few glasses of the Ravlian Red? The bottle shouldn’t be far from the Duke’s treasured tobacco stash.” Without waiting on her orders to be obeyed, Rania at last turned her attention to the Grand Templar and held out her hands to him in welcome and crooking an index finger in a “come hither” gesture. Ferdinand still stood at ease a respectful distance away. Her handling the Farseers first was a subtle, but firm message in and of itself. A dull mind might see it as an insult or posturing at best. A clever one would see it for what it was: A silent answer to one of the Grand Templar’s questions, and the only one he was likely to receive in that regard. Nevertheless, the Oracle beckoned, and so he approached her. Surprisingly, she took both of his hands in hers. Vahanian’s eyes widened ever so slightly, he had never seen the Oracle greet anyone as warmly on their first meeting.

“Grand Templar, please join Us.” She guided him to the seat before her couch and faced him directly as Jheda loomed behind her, his Farseer insignia flashing with reflected light as his chest moved. “You have brought Us Riombara,” she said beamingly as she slipped into more formal speech. “The mission statement granted the original Enlightenment is nearly complete. We cannot determine whether or not your diligence is a natural trait or the benefit of a fine education, but the Lightbringers certainly seem to have benefited regardless. We have, of course, noted your other concerns with interest.” And there it was, a verbal acknowledgement that the Oracle had heard him. Yet it was not an answer of any sort, Ferdinand noted with some trepidation. There was iron in the Oracle’s smile now that he hadn’t noticed before sitting across from her and the realization gave him pause.
Rania Eastersand JeVondair

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Rania waited for him to reply while she mentally detangled the situation. Far better to wait and think than risk rash assumption. Right now, she was concerned that perhaps Ferdinand had chosen this moment and this place to ask these questions of her purposefully, if so, that could not be taken as anything but a challenge to her authority on multiple levels. From a less seasoned noble, she might have taken umbrage. But Vahanian hadn't, and his anger ran far hotter than hers. Had Ferdinand made a truly egregious error, she had no doubt the Duke of Grehk would disassemble him. Though it would have been a gamble to see whether or not Antonia beat him to it. None of that happened, however, so Rania thought further. This was, after all, her very first meeting with the young general. Part of her was concerned by Ferdinand’s arrival, and she allowed the cloud of it to cross her features as she thought. While it was true that she had indeed provided the Grand Templar with her personal Seal allowing him access to her heavily-guarded estate for a private audience, she had never specified a time or necessarily a place. Of all times, why had he selected now? Rania had not expected him today. For that matter, she hadn’t expected Vahanian’s social call as well...and a part of her wondered if the two had coordinated together, but she dismissed the idea. For one thing, Vahanian would have never questioned her in public and especially not in front of other officers. So had he known when Ferdinand would arrive and what he would say, he would have coached the younger man against it. Indeed, the only person whom she’d actually invited to her study today was Jheda to discuss the conditions of his fealty. She hadn’t considered how quickly rumors flew, it was increasingly rare, nevermind how…noticeable the Farseers had become of late. While it was true that Rania had intended to speak with the Farseers collectively before their first true mission abroad, she had not meant to do so with all of them crammed inside her cozy study. She reasoned that Jheda’s arrival had had an unwitting domino effect that drew Antonia and thence Alacrix to the Solarium, both of whom believed that this was the meeting which she had referred. This indicated to Rania that Ferdinand had not discussed his arrival with any of them either. She concluded that he must have come the instant he learned she was holding audiences at all, not realizing that she’d meant the time for the Farseers exclusively, not unlike his smoke-wreathed mentor was want to do. The thought caused the corner of her lip to twist wryly upwards, releasing whatever tension in the race of her face and shoulders, imperceptible to most. Rania had been regarding Ferdinand for the entirety of her thought process and determined in that moment that Ferdinand had not meant to offer insult or overstep his perceived boundaries. But no, He was merely be earnest and diligent, leaving nothing to chance and less to speculation…the ideal Grey Knight. This Grand Templar was not seeking to challenge her decisions or authority, he merely wanted to be appraised of them. Rania nodded to herself as she concluded her little mental investigation and pleased by the results, despite her initial trepidation. Obeah had chosen no fool to act as Her voice, but too many Grand Councilmen had proven her worst fears true, so she did not begrudge herself for reacting negatively to Ferdinand initially. Now she would attempt to make up for it. She would make sure that the Grand Templar of Sacred Obia'Syela knew he had her ear. “For now” she continued once she’d reached her conclusion, “I have no intention initiating any additional changes within my duchy. I hope it has not cost you unduly.” If Ferdinand had noticed that she had dropped the Royal We she used when she desired to be formal. “I cannot say the same, however, for the Heralds. You bring up a very good point, I think. The faith has outgrown the original parameters I had set for each ranking besides my own and that of my Heralds. It does not surprise me that a Grey Knight thought to address it, though I certainly should have before now. I do have to address my Farseers before their departure, but if you do not mind an audience, I have some time now to discuss the matter.” She turned and looked up over her shoulder to make sure Sir Jheda, just formerly Count Jheda, who’s recent title changes factored perfectly into the matter. “Perhaps these others can lend their minds to the task as well.”
Rania Eastersand JeVondair

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian sat in his stuffed armchair and watched Rania'a mind whirl through her calculations and investigation. As conclusions were considered and dismissed he watched her demeanor visibly change. He probably knew her better than anyone in the realm, save for maybe Stheno. A small smile crept onto his face as her investigation came to a close. Her eyes had flicked between mentor and pupil more than once correctly surmising that if Ferdinand had come here with the intent to challenge Rania, he wouldn't have made it up the stair.

Vahanian wasn't totally convinced that Rania had correctly surmised that Vahanian had tried to coach Ferdinand in how he addressed his points. Ferdinand had of course taken Vahanian's advice and did practically the opposite. Vahanian nodded politely as Antiona poured and offered him a goblet of wine. He caught a glare from Stheno as he accepted the goblet and gently set it aside on a table next to his chair. Vahanian was confident that Rania had simply forgotten that he no longer drank alcohol, rather than thinking her offering him wine was a hidden message.

When Rania had suggested that her discussion with Ferdinand take place now, among the gathered Vahanian mentally swore. He wanted this conversation to be between the three of them. His mind whizzed as he searched for the answer.

He puffed on his pipe and finally spoke before Ferdinand or anyone else could respond to Rania, smoke pouring from his mouth and nose as he spoke "Holy One.. If you've matters of the Farseers to attend to, the Grand Templar and I can wait until you are slightly less burdened, this conversation would perhaps be best held without a wider audience at first.." Rania glanced over at Vahanian and his look told her everything she needed to know. It was a look that to her, clearly said "A little gentler, please."
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair
"Well then," Rania sniffed non-committedly at Vahanian’s interjection, "I suppose it would probably be a better conversation to be had among all the faithful at once…which is what I was going to do…” The Oracle’s tone was quizzical as her gaze turned toward her ducal counterpart. She was, Vahanian noted, completely unsurprised that he had not taken any of the drink. Her eyes sparkled at the private, ongoing joke.
Rania Eastersand JeVondair

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian absently traced the rim of the wine glass with his finger, catching the twinkle in Rania's eye. She knew it irked him that she kept tempting him with alcohol, but further more she knew how much he hated wastefulness on any level, and how much it irked him that she was willing to waste a goblet of fine, expensive wine, as a way to irk him.. He chewed on the end of his pipe, before tapping it out in his palm and depositing the ashes onto a small ashtray next to him. He pulled his pouch and selected a particularly fragrant tobacco leaf, one that was sure to permeate the entire room and ground it into his pipe before lighting it.

When she spoke he had to resist his instinct of pinching the bridge of his nose. It was unprofessional in this setting and he didn't want her to have the satisfaction. Vahanian's eyes searched Rania's, the two friends battled in a wordless, motionless duel, before finally Vahanian realized he didn't have a way to win. In his mind the voice of a long gone mentor echoed with the words "In Combat, victory and defeat are never the only two outcomes." He nodded slightly to her, conceding his point to her. His eyes flicked briefly over to Ferdinand who was staring at his mentor. Vahanian hoped the young general could read his look and understand that they would speak in private about the events of the day.

Vahanian schooled himself back to silence once more. After a while, he reached into his breast pocket of his tunic and pulled out a chess piece, he placed it on the windowsill next to his tobacco pouch, before tenting his fingers once more and returning to his observation of the room. Any who noticed the piece would take note that it was very clearly a hand carved marble piece, the White Queen. Rania's eyes flicked over the piece and then Vahanian who in his mind simply said "Queens to you, my friend."
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Alacrix Galar
Alacrix thought that he was here for a meeting with the Oracle. Now he was very sure that was not the case. But unfortunately for him he was trapped in her study. For good or bad he had to see it through. With a silent pray to Obeah he shuffled into a corner. He noticed that Vahanian had taken a chess piece out of his coat pocket and set it on the window ledge. He made a note to ask him about it later. Hopefully with luck and patience he might be able to get out of here with the skin still on his back.
Alacrix Galar

Roleplay from Jheda Orobar
Jheda was halfway to the door, when he felt a sudden urge to stop and turn around, as if an invisible hand was placed on his shoulder, forcing him to stay. Looking up, he saw the eyes of the Oracle resting on him, her look intense and filled with subtly hidden message. Wondering what she could possibly desire from him, he frowned. Then it occured, he was a Farseer, the Oracle wanted him by her side. She did not need protection, not here, in her own quarters, surrounded by her trusted and loyal servants. Jheda believed she made a silent statement, the Farseers were her personal Royal Guard, she trusted them even with sensitive matters as these. And maybe she wanted him here to watch and learn.

He went back the way he came, found a spot behind the couch from where he could see everyone, and made himself comfortable. As discussion continued, Jheda tried to read those taking part. He admired everyone in this room, for what they already achieved and for what they aspired for the future. These were the kind of people you could build success on. The Veiled Goddess chose wisely those to represent and defend Her interests.

One thing he noticed was that, while the Oracle and her guests were talking, a whole other, second discussion was talking place. This one was without words though. Jheda concluded two things. He was certain there were personal relationships between several of the people here, they knew eachother to a level they no longer needed words to communicate. Less certain, but an educated guess, was his suspicion they all were close friends to the Grand Mistress. Where else would they have mastered such excellent usage of body language.

As the Oracle finished talking, and it became clear she wouldn't send anyone away, Jheda first looked at Duke Vahanian. It seemed he was willing to throw in the towel, this time. He then looked at his Marshal and Vice-Marshal. He felt as if it was not his place to take the word among his superiors, so he kept his silence. He didn't really mind, as he wasn't that good with people. Talking was difficult for a dreamer who spent most of his time with prayer and study. Often his words were misunderstood. He didn't want to be the spark that lit up the place.

The growling noise coming from his empty stomach was hard to misunderstand. The sun almost reached her highest point, and he had already skipped breakfast this morning. If he did not eat, the guards outside the door would soon start thinking some kind of wild animal was inside the Oracle's chambers. Hopefully someone got the not so subtle hint his insides gave. Judging from the way they all looked at him, that wouldn't be a problem.
Jheda Orobar

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian sat back in his chair, resigned to silence until he had something else to say. His eyes flicked over and gauged Sir Jheda. The man stood at a relaxed attention slightly behind the Oracle, his arms were folded comfortably behind his back and his eyes surveyed the room.

Vahanian approved. The man understood his role in the production that was going on in the Oracle's chambers. His eyes fell on the Farseer insignia on the man's chest. A thought struck Vahanian like a thunderbolt. He filed away the thought, he would address it later, when he had time to turn it over and examine the issue. He also resolved himself, he would speak with the Oracle in private, later. He'd worked too hard and built too much to leave anything to assumptions..

Jheda noticed Vahanian's piercing gaze. If it bothered the young Farseer, he gave no indication. Vahanian gave the man a small, curt nod before turning his attention back to the rest of the room.
Vahanian Blint