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==Old and New Mementos of Falasan==
==Old and New Mementos of Falasan==

Latest revision as of 12:46, 7 May 2014

Old and New Mementos of Falasan

Gift from Ham Hormondson

Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

"Ah, Hotchkiss I want you to see this" said Ham as Hotchkiss wandered in. Still a soldier, Hotchkiss had his old sword slung on a well-worn belt. He kept everything a good condition.

"What is it Sir?"

"Your great-Uncle Aldo, a very gifted Artist, never got the chance to make something more of himself sadly ... Falasan was about to fall ... but he painted this" Ham handed the small portrait of Queen Ilya, recently alone on the Throne of Falasan, still looking sad, albeit commanding and in control. It was a stunning piece of artwork.

"This is incredible Sir." Hotchkiss exclaimed.

"It is, and I never got the chance to present it to her." Hotchkiss looked at Ham. "Well, alright, I wanted to keep it for myself ... and I did. But I wanted you to see it, before I send it to Iris."

"Oh ..."

"Anyway ... onto other matters ... Marlo is coming into his own at last. He is like a young Murdo reborn. I am very proud of that young man." Ham smiled a little smugly.

"But Sir, what of young Hamson?"

Ham looked sharply at Hotchkiss then "what of him?"

"He is nearly of age, Sir"

"He is NOT. He is merely big for his age as I was." Ham said indignantly.

"Sir, Hamson is already 7 inches taller than you, it is time you presented him at court."

"Absolutely NOT. It will be several years before he is ready. Now, I want you to deliver that gift to Lady Iris as quickly as possible."

Hotchkiss came to attention and saluted sharply, did a sharp about-turn and marched smoothly out. Ham, so used to commanding troops forgot that Hotchkiss was not supposed to be a soldier anymore and returned to his correspondence.

Tokens from Iris Bluelake

Message sent to: Alma, Chi, Elessa, Ham, Justin, Kai, Locke, Marlo, Wylla, Wyscot

Iris finally finished the last of her items and smiled, relieved. This was done. Now there was one other thing in queue, and it would kill all her happiness to do it. Sitting quietly, she took her favourite feather, lined with the grey hair from her traditional family horse breed, and a piece of parchment. First the happy.

She stared for a long while at the jewelry in front of her. They all had small clear glass rocks, with a red tinge inside, cast in iron, not silver or gold. She was happy for the craftsmanship. Iris didn't shape glass and was bad with a needle, but she could shape metal in tiny details. And there were really long winters in the north. These rocks were held by a rabbit in one side and the falasani crown in the other. The dame smiled. Ham's was a ring, like Elessa's and Wyscot's. Locke's, Wylla's and Marlo's were clasps for their scabbards. Lady Chi's was a button to add to the hilt of her dagger.

"Friends of Falasan in Exile,

I have prepared a small gift for each of you. It's a token to remind you of the oath sworn in Lady Chi's home, and each one contains the tiniest piece of cloth with my blood and yours. I have sent them all under the care of the Falasani Fellowship messengers. If you send word, they should be waiting for you in the nearest guildhouse. Those who aren't yet members of the guild can enjoy the opportunity to join.

Alma and the Allards: I would need to meet with you and swear the oath should you wish to join. I already met with Wylla for this (though she carries my own blood, so it felt a bit pointless). Alma, I'll be happy to make you a medallion to join the ring you always carry on your neckstring.

I took the liberty to add a few words to the back of the tokens:
"Sworn on Bluelake blood, we are the destiny of Falasan."

I'm sure Sir Wyscot could give me better words to write, but this is all I could come up with on my own. I can change it later.

Iris Bluelake,

Roleplay from Elessa Hammerfel

Message sent to: Alma, Chi, Ham, Iris, Locke, Marlo, Tyr, Wylla, Wyscot

Elessa folded the piece of parchment in which a letter from Lady Iris was written. After a brief moment of reflection, she was taken over but elation of the sense of belonging that has been lost since she was a child.

Falasani blood united...Hammerfel blood united with Bluelake in a unbreakable vow. Elessa's heart began to race and with out hesitation... "Scribe!" "yes, my lady" "get the captain here at once and don't go too far I will need you as well"

She began to plan a trip to the guildship in Mormaroth. She will need companions with her this time the cold ones have been dwelling there for too long. Her last encounter took many good men and she wishes not to make the same mistake. The demons will die and she will retrieve her trinket. She will at all costs retrieve this symbol, this symbol showing she is not alone.

Letter from Elessa Hammerfel

Message sent to everyone in your realm


I am looking to move into Mormarath and attack the cold ones again. Who will keep me company? Elessa Hammerfel Dame of Barad Riel

Letter from Tyr Hammerfel

Message sent to everyone in your realm


I shall go with you. The cold ones must be put at bay. Sir Rylde ask will you join us? How about you Lady Chi? It may be good to blow of some steam in light of the elections ending.

Tyr Hammerfel Knight of Barad Lacirith

Sparring from Wyscot Odinians

Message sent to: Alma, Chi, Elessa, Ham, Iris, Locke, Marlo, Tyr, Wylla

Before they set down for the night, the brother decide to have a spar and discuss recent tidings. Locke's great sword, Wolf's Fang, was special, it seem inhuman of Locke, a man of average build to wield it one handed, but when he forged the blade, it was made of an alloy that was both very strong and very light, but it was so rare many did not know of it existence, Locke himself stumbled across it by chance. But to those ignorant of it, they thought him a monster, being able wiled such a large weapon so easily. Wyscot used the only weapon to not be buried with it's owner, the ancestral blade of the Odinians, the Frozen Flame, the blade of the founder of their family, it was only to be used by the head of the family, it was a bastard sword that he chose to use two-handed for better control, at first glance it was just another sword, but to those who were familiar with weapons, you could see the power in it, a weapon that had seen countless battles, but had never dulled, never scratched, it twas a peculiar weapon forged using now all but lost techniques known only to the Odinians.

Soon the spar had turned it a battle of wills, neither brother giving an inch to the other, Wyscot, as always stoic on the battlefield, Locke, grinning ear to ear, loving the heat of battle, but men dripped sweat. Again they clashed, again neither could best the other, soon a page came to let them know that dinner was ready, both men nodded to one another, agreeing to finish it another time. Locke returned his sword to it scabbard, the clasp from Iris proudly displayed, Wyscot doing the same with his, admiring the ring, and the attention to detail and the craftsmanship involved in it, very similar to the works of old. Locke, noticing the intense admiration, decided to get back at Wyscot for his teasing at the tavern none to long ago.

"Wyscot, just because you stare at it, doesn't mean Iris is gonna suddenly appear before you." Wyscot jumped a bit, not realizing how much he'd be looking at the ring on his hand, but chose to poke right back at Locke, "Well Locke, at least I'd have the courage to ask her if she would mind being courted by me, she it a stunning young woman, and a proper noble, in fact maybe I will next we meet." Wyscot didn't realize until he spoke that part of him meant it, which would create some waves with many people it he chose to speak up. Locke himself was shocked at this coming form Wys, the way he spoke was that of teasing, but that tone toward the end, had a tint of thoughtfulness to it, which meant Wys was actually considering it. Locke spoke " You have got to be kidding me Wys, you've become smitten with her as well, well damn, she is definitely something if we both can agree on that. But Wyscot, if we both chose to pursue her, know that regardless of how things go, you're still my brother, and nothing changes that." Wyscot stared back at Locke mildly surprised, while he was the brains of most their goings on, Locke was most definitely the heart. "Right you are Locke, thought whether we chose to or not remains to be seen." Locke nodded in agreement their, courting was something Locke never really did before, having just sort of ended up in relationships before he knew it, and Wyscot had always been to busy with family business to attempt it. They grew silent as they continued to their dinner, wonder what may come of all this.

Acceptance from Iris Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Iris was just about to leave Barad Riel when she saw a messenger arriving. It wasn't the usual lean runner or horse rider coming, but a heavier, somewhat older man. When he got closer, she could see the horse was good and the rider was probably a soldier. He dismounted near her and she recognised Lord Ham's servant. Iris greeted him with a smile.

- Hotchkiss, right?
- Yes, milady Iris. Lord Ham sent me with a gift for you.
- Really? Is there a special occasion?
- Not that I know of, but here it is.

The dame was surprised as she received the small package from Hotchkiss. For a moment, she looked at him.

- Do you think I should open it alone in my tent, Hotchkiss? Or is it not a secret?
- There's no need at all, milady! You can open it right here if you will.

Iris smiled at his eagerness and thought he might want to report her reaction to his master. She mentally prepared her greatest smile and carefully unwrapped the packaging. She could see it was a frame, and wondered if it might be a mirror. For better impact, she opened it backwards and turned it fully unwrapped. Nothing could have prepared her for that.

It was like looking into a mirror, a mirror who made you older, more beautiful, smarter, more confident, regal and honey eyed. Iris started blinking back tears. Ilya seemed amazing. How could anyone look at Iris and think she would ever fit these shoes? She then realized the sadness, the loneliness of the empty throne room and the scar on her neck. Life hadn't been easy for the woman in the portrait. Ilya's eyes looked like they were exploring Iris's soul and asking "Can you handle it? Are you prepared? The journey is hard, full of sad and lonely moments, but you get out of it stronger." Iris gulped. I'm not ready! she wanted to say I don't know anything of nothing and am being dragged into this! But those eyes wanted a different answer and Iris finally nodded and muttered.

- Okay. I'll be ready.
- What?

Iris startled. Hotchkiss, right.

- Oh, nothing. Thank you so much, Hotchkiss, for bringing this to me! Please tell Lord Ham that it will be an inspiration and a reminder to me at all times. I hope he likes his token as well.

As Hotchkiss prepared to leave, Iris added:

- And please convey him my deepest thanks, and that I appreciate how hard it must be to give me such a treasured memory. Thank you.