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==Dinner at Lady Chi's==
==Dinner at Lady Chi's==

===Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa===
===Chi makes preparations===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

Having receive word that the invitation for the dinner were sent, chi began preparing Iris. Having scoured the city of Barad Lacirith the morning before she stopped at every shop that offered the finest clothes. It took the whole day but she finally found a dress that caught her eye. It was a white and blue gown that she he had found stunning earings to match.
Having receive word that the invitation for the dinner were sent, chi began preparing Iris. Having scoured the city of Barad Lacirith the morning before she stopped at every shop that offered the finest clothes. It took the whole day but she finally found a dress that caught her eye. It was a white and blue gown that she he had found stunning earrings to match.

Laying it down on the bed, she walked over to Iris who was sitting in front of the mirror. After applying her makeup she started to work on her hair. As chi worried Iris spoke in her kind voice. " Lady Chi, did you also fix your daughters hair when she was little?"
Laying it down on the bed, she walked over to Iris who was sitting in front of the mirror. After applying her makeup she started to work on her hair. As chi worried Iris spoke in her kind voice. " Lady Chi, did you also fix your daughters hair when she was little?"
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With Iris's hair now done, Chi took her leave of the room. "My queen, your gown is on the bed, I will check to see I'd the servants have finished with the dinner."
With Iris's hair now done, Chi took her leave of the room. "My queen, your gown is on the bed, I will check to see I'd the servants have finished with the dinner."

===Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa===
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Chi returned to a more sour face and walked up to the servants franticly setting up the dinner. They knew if it was not to their masters liking then they would surely receive an earful of her wrath.
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, chi returned to a more sour face and walked up to the servants franticly setting up the dinner. They knew if it was not to their masters liking then they would shurly receive an earful of her wrath.
As she rushed the servants, a knocking could be heard at the door. Thinking to herself that it must be a guest arriving early. She shouted to one if the servant girls next to her.

As she rushed the servents, a knocking could be herd at the door. Thinking to herself that it must be a quest arriving early. She shouted to one if the servent girls next to her.
"Answer the damn door and offer the guest a seat in the study and I will entertain them until dinner is ready."
"Answer the damn door and offer the guest a seat in the study and I will entertain them until dinners is ready."

Taking her leave she made her way to the study. It was filled with padded chairs and Chi placed herself in one that rested on the opposite side of the room facing the door so she would be the first the thing anyone saw as they walked in.
Taking her leave she made her way to the study. It was filled with padded chairs and Chi placed herself in one that rested on the opposite side of the room facing the door so she would be the first the thing anyone saw as they walked in.

===Roleplay from Elessa Hammerfel===
===Elessa Hammerfel joins the party===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

Elessa pacing as here men continue to spread the word of Freedom in Barad Lacerith begins to think of how she will approach her cousin without full contempt.
Elessa pacing as her men continues to spread the word of Freedom in Barad Lacirith begins to think of how she will approach her cousin without full contempt.

"That fool, that damn fool" she was mumbling. A moment later her Captain came forward
"That fool, that damn fool" she was mumbling. A moment later her Captain came forward
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Elessa still lost her thoughts began walking the streets of Barad lacerith, after a few blocks it dawned on her she needed to speak with a friend to clear her head even if it's a old cantankerous one. She picked up pace and head straight to Lady Chi's and Knocked.
Elessa still lost her thoughts began walking the streets of Barad lacerith, after a few blocks it dawned on her she needed to speak with a friend to clear her head even if it's a old cantankerous one. She picked up pace and head straight to Lady Chi's and Knocked.

===Roleplay from Wyscot Odinians===
===Wyscot Odinians and his brother join unnanounced===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

As they approached the manor at which Lady Chi was staying, they saw a woman appearing to be in her late 20's waiting at the door, she was of nobility, and a solider given the way she dress, and as protocol dictated, he motioned for Locke to hold up and wait until after she entered.
As they approached the manor at which Lady Chi was staying, they saw a woman appearing to be in her late 20's waiting at the door, she was of nobility, and a solider given the way she dress, and as protocol dictated, he motioned for Locke to hold up and wait until after she entered.

Locke frowned at this, he may play the fool for the public, but that just made many think him a weak fool, and while Locke was no genius, he was quite skilled and knowledgeable. Upon seeing someone he was not familiar with at Chi's place made him realize that his and his brothers return from the dead would end up public knowledge before long as soon as thing dinner gathering ended. It looked as though Wyscot was right, tonight was no time for his usual trouble making brand on fun, he would have to play the part proper knight and noble, at least the fact the he had his great sword with him, and he could easily wield it one handed would keep some of the lesser fools from want conversation's with him, come on, who want to get involved with a guy who wield a sword as large as a man. He glance over at Wys, and sure enough, he was signaling for them to wait until this unknown entered.
Locke frowned at this, he may play the fool for the public, but that just made many think him a weak fool, and while Locke was no genius, he was quite skilled and knowledgeable. Upon seeing someone he was not familiar with at Chi's place made him realize that his and his brothers return from the dead would end up public knowledge before long as soon as thing dinner gathering ended. It looked as though Wyscot was right, tonight was no time for his usual trouble making brand on fun, he would have to play the part proper knight and noble, at least the fact the he had his great sword with him, and he could easily wield it one handed would keep some of the lesser fools from want conversation's with him, come on, who want to get involved with a guy who wield a sword as large as a man. He glance over at Wys, and sure enough, he was signalling for them to wait until this unknown entered.

Wyscot saw that Locke was thinking, but for the life of him he knew not what. He knew his brother to have a brain, but when he actually used it, all planning for what could happen was out the window. Wyscot himself was a strait forward man, what you saw was what you got, a man who wished for peace but knew it did not come without war. Locke though, he was the wind, he had pattern to be sure, but you never knew when he would blow, from where, how long, or how strongor why when he was actually thinking, and it's what made him dangerous, both on and off the battlefield. Thankfully, he never made grievous errors when he thought things out.
Wyscot saw that Locke was thinking, but for the life of him he knew not what. He knew his brother to have a brain, but when he actually used it, all planning for what could happen was out the window. Wyscot himself was a strait forward man, what you saw was what you got, a man who wished for peace but knew it did not come without war. Locke though, he was the wind, he had pattern to be sure, but you never knew when he would blow, from where, how long, or how stronger why when he was actually thinking, and it's what made him dangerous, both on and off the battlefield. Thankfully, he never made grievous errors when he thought things out.

===Roleplay from Ham Hormondson===
===Ham Hormondson arrives===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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Ham walked in and realised he recognised some of the younger nobles present. Quickly grabbing a brandy, he drained it, his alarm only showing with a slight tremor in his hand.
Ham walked in and realised he recognised some of the younger nobles present. Quickly grabbing a brandy, he drained it, his alarm only showing with a slight tremor in his hand.

===Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa===
===Chi Motosuwa welcomes the guests===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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"I was not expecting to see you tonight, what business do you have with me?"
"I was not expecting to see you tonight, what business do you have with me?"

Gestering for Elessa to have a seat, Chi began to listen to Elessa's problems. After the concluded their conversation Chi decided that this was the perfect chance to win over Elessa's support for Iris. " It would seem that they night is aproching fast and I am hosting a dinner for Ham and another honored guest, if you would like you may stay and join us." Chi called for a serven girl to set another chair at the tabke , but to her surprise the young Maid brought two more guests.
Gesturing for Elessa to have a seat, Chi began to listen to Elessa's problems. After the concluded their conversation Chi decided that this was the perfect chance to win over Elessa's support for Iris. " It would seem that they night is approaching fast and I am hosting a dinner for Ham and another honored guest, if you would like you may stay and join us." Chi called for a serving girl to set another chair at the table , but to her surprise the young Maid brought two more guests.

Seeing the two men in the door way, felt as if Chi had seen a ghost but one could not tell this by the look on her face for it made no expression except her eyes locked on to the two men with a causaus uncertintay. Calling to the maid. " You are to seat lady Elessa at the side next to Lord Ham, prepare two more plates for these two and leave us to speak. Do not forget to close the door!"
Seeing the two men in the door way, felt as if Chi had seen a ghost but one could not tell this by the look on her face for it made no expression except her eyes locked on to the two men with a causaus uncertainty. Calling to the maid. " You are to seat lady Elessa at the side next to Lord Ham, prepare two more plates for these two and leave us to speak. Do not forget to close the door!"

The frightened maid did as she was commanded and escorted Elessa to her seat.
The frightened maid did as she was commanded and escorted Elessa to her seat.

===Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa===
As the door closed behind Elessa, Chi waisted little time in the interrogation.
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
As the door closed behind Elessa, Chi waisted little time in the intergration.

In a stern intimidating voice Chi spoke " By what sorcery have you two come by? Or should I slay the two imposters before me!"
In a stern intimidating voice Chi spoke " By what sorcery have you two come by? Or should I slay the two impostors before me!"

===Roleplay from Elessa Hammerfel===
===Elessa Hammerfel enters the room===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

After Elessa was escorted out of the room she turned to the maid
After Elessa was escorted out of the room she turned to the maid

"Who were those men that just entered" although Lady Chi did not immediately show it, Elessa new she was rattled.
"Who were those men that just entered" although Lady Chi did not immediately show it, Elessa knew she was rattled.

"Im sorry My Lady I do not know"
"Im sorry My Lady I do not know"
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"Greetings Lord Ham, It appears I will be joining you all tonight"
"Greetings Lord Ham, It appears I will be joining you all tonight"

===Roleplay from Wyscot Odinians===
===Wyscot Odinians and his brother explain their being alive===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

Imposters or sorcery, well she wasn't calling for their heads yet, but as long as Locke kept his mouth shut for awhile longer, this might turn into a productive evening that wouldn't end with them dead or run off the continent. Wyscot chose to speak up.
Imposters or sorcery, well she wasn't calling for their heads yet, but as long as Locke kept his mouth shut for awhile longer, this might turn into a productive evening that wouldn't end with them dead or run off the continent. Wyscot chose to speak up.

"Well Lady Chi, imposters we are not, though I figured you'd say that just to cover you bases, our return to the living as long men is a rather long tale so I will give you the short of it since you seem to have other pressing matters at hand, we did indeed die, then we were reborn into this world using the Great Wolf's power to be born again as my niece Rebecca's twin, though most sadly she died on complication, we were raised ignorant of our of our return until our 17th birthdays, when our memories returned to us, as well as our mission from the Great Wolf, return to Atamara, bring change as she has grown stagnat and corrupt. Will this suit you for now Lady Chi?" Wyscot mirrored Chi's calm and collect attitude, while Locke merely looked bored, as if this was just another meeting with Chi. Before Chi could comment, Wyscot had the servant bring in to cases. "These are our offerings for the inconvenience of tonight, a case of 24 bottles of Falasani wine, aged 73 years now, and though I know not if you still favor them but I had a local baker make a case of cinnamon buns for you, and as a special bonus, I will be going blind and deaf for what I believe would be three strike of you cane across Locke's head for his bit of fun with you earlier today." Wyscot just closed his eyes and covered his ears while Locke looked betrayed at Wyscot and slightly fearful at Chi.
"Well Lady Chi, imposters we are not, though I figured you'd say that just to cover you bases, our return to the living as long men is a rather long tale so I will give you the short of it since you seem to have other pressing matters at hand, we did indeed die, then we were reborn into this world using the Great Wolf's power to be born again as my niece Rebecca's twin, though most sadly she died on complication, we were raised ignorant of our of our return until our 17th birthdays, when our memories returned to us, as well as our mission from the Great Wolf, return to Atamara, bring change as she has grown stagnant and corrupt. Will this suit you for now Lady Chi?" Wyscot mirrored Chi's calm and collect attitude, while Locke merely looked bored, as if this was just another meeting with Chi. Before Chi could comment, Wyscot had the servant bring in to cases. "These are our offerings for the inconvenience of tonight, a case of 24 bottles of Falasani wine, aged 73 years now, and though I know not if you still favor them but I had a local baker make a case of cinnamon buns for you, and as a special bonus, I will be going blind and deaf for what I believe would be three strike of you cane across Locke's head for his bit of fun with you earlier today." Wyscot just closed his eyes and covered his ears while Locke looked betrayed at Wyscot and slightly fearful at Chi.
Locke held his hands up defensvily, "Now just a minute hear, I never agreed to this Wys... Wys? Come now Chi, you've inflicted plenty of pain to me over the years, beating with you training sword when you were suppose to be training me, using me as target practice for you arrows, we both served with Queen Illya did we not, fought and killed many a Caligan and Taran during the war along side Ham and the rest, so there's no need to hit me right Chi? Chi?" He received no verbal answer, and just braced himself for what was to come.
Locke held his hands up defensvily, "Now just a minute hear, I never agreed to this Wys... Wys? Come now Chi, you've inflicted plenty of pain to me over the years, beating with you training sword when you were suppose to be training me, using me as target practice for you arrows, we both served with Queen Illya did we not, fought and killed many a Cagilan and Taran during the war along side Ham and the rest, so there's no need to hit me right Chi? Chi?" He received no verbal answer, and just braced himself for what was to come.

===Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa===
===Chi takes the story rather well===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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Slowly walking Twords the the two, Chi stopped beside locky who had his eyes closed and Chi could see his had trembling. Chi lightly hit the side of Locke's leg with her cane.
Slowly walking Twords the the two, Chi stopped beside locky who had his eyes closed and Chi could see his had trembling. Chi lightly hit the side of Locke's leg with her cane.

" You uninvited guests must be a sign of good things to come. Come now let us put your gifts to good use and you will dine with us."
"You uninvited guests must be a sign of good things to come. Come now let us put your gifts to good use and you will dine with us."

Chi pushed the door open and made her way to the dinning room where Elessa was already sitting.
Chi pushed the door open and made her way to the dinning room where Elessa was already sitting.

===Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa===
==Chi presents Iris to the room==
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

The chair at the head of the table was left open for Chi guess who was still upstairs as Chi took her seat to the right of the tables head, Elessa was seated across the table from Chi and next to her was the seat set aside for ham.
The chair at the head of the table was left open for Chi guess who was still upstairs as Chi took her seat to the right of the tables head, Elessa was seated across the table from Chi and next to her was the seat set aside for ham.

As the odians followed Chi in to the room, Locke quickly took the seat furthest from chi "knowing us was a canes length away. Wyscot took the seat next to Chi knowing he had little to fear from her wrath and could keep a better eye on Locke know he was separated from Chi.
As the Odinians followed Chi in to the room, Locke quickly took the seat furthest from chi "knowing us was a canes length away. Wyscot took the seat next to Chi knowing he had little to fear from her wrath and could keep a better eye on Locke know he was separated from Chi.

As the servants finished placing the food on the have along with the cinnamon buns, the only guest who was invited showed up and entered the room with drink in hand.

As the servants finished placing the food on the have along with the cinnamon bunns, the only guest who was invited showed up and entered the room with drink in hand.
"Its about time you showed up, let's hope you're not to drunk to sit properly " Chi said sternly and as Ham took a set Chi call for one of the servants to fetch Iris.
" Its about time you showed up, let's hope your not to drunk to sit properly " Chi said sernly and as Ham took a set Chi call for one of the servants to fetch Iris.

Moments latter Iris could be seen slowly walking down the stairs in the outfit Chi picked out. As she walked in to to room Chi left her set and kneled to the floor next to the table and shouted to the others.
Moments latter Iris could be seen slowly walking down the stairs in the outfit Chi picked out. As she walked in to to room Chi left her set and kneled to the floor next to the table and shouted to the others.
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Lifting her head, a few tears could be seen and she motioned to the chair next to her.
Lifting her head, a few tears could be seen and she motioned to the chair next to her.

" My queen, please take your seat and know we are at your command."
"My queen, please take your seat and know we are at your command."

===Roleplay from Iris Bluelake===
===Iris Bluelake is embarrassed===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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"Please, milords and ladies, remain seated. I'm not queen of anything" she forced herself to add "yet. I haven't even ruled my own estate for more than a couple of weeks. I'm extremely honoured by the deference everyone has shown towards me so far, and I only hope to live up to a few of your expectations." She smiled at Chi and Ham at this point, then turned her eyes to the other three. "Now, if Lady Chi would be so kind as to make our introductions, I'd love knowing more about you."
"Please, milords and ladies, remain seated. I'm not queen of anything" she forced herself to add "yet. I haven't even ruled my own estate for more than a couple of weeks. I'm extremely honoured by the deference everyone has shown towards me so far, and I only hope to live up to a few of your expectations." She smiled at Chi and Ham at this point, then turned her eyes to the other three. "Now, if Lady Chi would be so kind as to make our introductions, I'd love knowing more about you."

===Roleplay from Elessa Hammerfel===
===Surprise from Elessa Hammerfel===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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The silence is still thick until finally a deep old sigh was given.
The silence is still thick until finally a deep old sigh was given.

===Roleplay from Ham Hormondson===
===No Nonsense from Ham Hormondson===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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"I will not be here long ... the span of my life is coming to the end, every day it is a little closer. But until I am gone, or Falasan is reborn and a monarch duly elected, I lead."
"I will not be here long ... the span of my life is coming to the end, every day it is a little closer. But until I am gone, or Falasan is reborn and a monarch duly elected, I lead."

===Roleplay from Locke Odinians===
===Poignant Question from Locke Odinians===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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Wyscot just stared in at Locke, though on the outside he was the vision of calm, inside he was awestruck that Locke would stand against Chi, he usually went with what she said to avoid her wrath, at least when he wasn't trying to annoy her. All eyes were now on Chi and Iris after what Locke just said.
Wyscot just stared in at Locke, though on the outside he was the vision of calm, inside he was awestruck that Locke would stand against Chi, he usually went with what she said to avoid her wrath, at least when he wasn't trying to annoy her. All eyes were now on Chi and Iris after what Locke just said.

===Roleplay from Elessa Hammerfel===
===Reason from Elessa Hammerfel===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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Elessa stopped and waited to feel the wrath from one side or the other.
Elessa stopped and waited to feel the wrath from one side or the other.

===Roleplay from Ham Hormondson===
===Discussion from Ham Hormondson===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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"And what of Rieleston? It has kept us and protected us. Let us be honourable members of the realm until such a time as we are given a country of our own. Let us be loyal and dependable. Let us have honour as Falasani. Let us build trust with our friends. "
"And what of Rieleston? It has kept us and protected us. Let us be honourable members of the realm until such a time as we are given a country of our own. Let us be loyal and dependable. Let us have honour as Falasani. Let us build trust with our friends. "

===Roleplay from Elessa Hammerfel===
===Agreement from Elessa Hammerfel===
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''Message sent to everyone in your realm''

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Elessa new it was bold of her to speak of her hatred and bloodlust towards the realm residing where Falasan was but she was not alone with this feeling.
Elessa new it was bold of her to speak of her hatred and bloodlust towards the realm residing where Falasan was but she was not alone with this feeling.
===Iris explains herself and Ham brings out a symbol===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Iris watched the exchange between the attendees with interest. She was a bit relieved that milord Ham didn't throw all the responsibility of leadership on her back, but after a few of his phrases she started wondering if he expected anything of her at all. For a moment it felt like she wasn't even in the room, which was a glad relief from the attention she had been getting in the last few days. Iris sat at the table with all of them and when the conversation started to turn to Rieleston, she interrupted, kindly.
"Milords and ladies... Before we turn to a different subject, I would just like to add a few words of my own."
She turned to Ham: "Milord, you are right that I'm not a queen. I'm young and inexperienced, and most importantly I don't have enough knowledge of politics to be a suitable leader. I came to Rieleston to try and restore my family's prestige, and found many more friends than I thought possible. When I met Lady Chi was the first time I ever thought it possible to rekindle the Falasani spirit, and if my presence... and my appearance... serve as inspiration to make this work, then it's all I dare to expect." She smiled to Dame Elessa. "In the meantime, I'll do all I can to serve Rieleston to the best of my abilities, and perhaps learn enough to be of actual help to those gathered here tonight."
Feeling this matter was set, Ham looked over to servant he had barked at earlier ... "Capashin Brandy!"
"Huh, yessir!" the servant bounded away. He came back with the Brandy and Hotchkiss, the ex-soldier. After an exchange of words, Ham excused himself.
He came back a few minutes later with Storm clouds in his eyes.
"It seems that Minas Leon is hungrily looking at our ancestral lands ... we must strike Silnaria with everything we have. Who needs gold for troops? We take our lands back and then we can talk with the government."
He was also carrying a package. Opening it, he quickly unfurled the banner of Falasan. The White Rabbit. "We shall raise this standard on top of the walls of Barad Falas. ... but not before."
==Outrage from Chi Motosuwa==
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Chi remained silent as the others spoke but inside her anger grew as to he the others were belittling her Queen.
As ham was walking to the door and revilved her old flag. Chi slamed her fist on the table "How dare you speak such noncess you old fool! By your gods you must know that she is destined to rule. If not then why have the embodiment of our queen return as well as the odians?"
Standing up from the table she eyes the group who soon fall silent.
" You dare say that she has no claim? You deniey her blood! Your words are but spit on the honor of the Bluelake name. She will be our queen and by our strengths we will make it so."
Now looking into hams eyes with a fireery passion that the Motosuwa's hold, let let her anger flow in to ham and the group.
" You will hold no flame over my Queen! You are old and we both will soon not be of this world. Falasan is the only thing keeping our hearts beating and will not rest until she is returned to us. If you dare say your blood is thicker than our queens then I will spill it here and now!"
Chi's had motions at Iris as she spoke her hostile tounge.
Chi contained with her speach as she walked closer to ham looking into his very soul and placed her hand on the end if her sword that was attached by her waist.
" We all will grant her our knowlage and we the remaining Falasani will make her our queen. You and your kin will not decide this matter! You want us to fight for our home land, then we shall but it will be under our old banner and for our new Queen, not so you can be its king!"
Chi grabbed the banner and walked over to Iris and knelt down.
" My queen, please have faith in us and yourself. You will have my sword and knowlage until I can no longer stand. You Will have the full support of the Falasani behind you." Chi turned and stairs at ham when she said this.
She then turned to the Odians" You will have our undying support" Turning to Elessa " You will have the unwavering love of every Falasani generation"
Leaving the banner by her queen she walks back to ham. "We will fight with the Estons but not for them and not for their gain for we have already do so. We will fight for our home land and they will grant us the aid we gave givent them these past years."
Placing her hand back on her sword " And we will honor the Bluelake blood and Iris will be our queen! Any who whish to challenge this step forward! For this I shall not yeld!"
===Last Resource from Iris Bluelake===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
At that, Iris erupted from her seat.
She stared hard at lady Chi and each of the others.
"This is not the Falasan I heard about, with bickering and disputes. Lady Chi, Lord Ham is right: the kingship of Falasan isn't transmitted by bloodlines, they are always elected. Both my grandparents were King and Queen in their due time, but their blood had never sat on the throne before. Lord Ham, similarly, you having been Arch-Priest does not grant you leadership if the others do not agree with you. Lady Chi, wait until I finish."
Iris took a dagger from her belt and held the blade to her right hand.
"This blood is precious to most of you. Today happened unexpectedly, but if we don't leave here as one, what chance do we have?"
Cutting the palm of her hand with focused ardor, Iris continued.
"I will share my Bluelake blood with each of you who wants to join, and together we will swear by this Fellowship." She looked at Ham "And then, we will elect our second King in Exile."
Looking from Ham to Chi, Iris took a step forward. "Milady, Milord, please give me your hands."
===Subjugation from Chi Motosuwa===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
As Iris stepped forward Chi knelt down and lifted her hands. Chi's expression changed as soon as she saw the blood drip from Iris's hand. All her rage had subsided when given an order by Iris.
" By your command my Queen, the Motosuwa's are yours to command."
Looking again at ham "We will hold the election here and now to decide as the last of the Falasani , who will lead us."
===A Vision from Ham Hormondson===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Ham was very angry now. Just as he was about to accept Chi's challenge, Iris spoke.
Instantly the anger vanished. Ham took a knife and slashed his palm. Approaching Iris with tears in his eyes, he saw a vision.
Queen Ilya, sitting in the throne room in Barad Gardor with light shining all around, was before him. Ham fell to his knees. "Do not speak." she told him.
Murdo walked in and approached his brother. "It is for you my brother to formally lead the Falasanis in exile. But someday you will have to hand the scepter over. Then you will join us in eternity." Ham noticed the sash denoting the rank of Duke and the crest of the city of Tucha. He went and took his place to the side of the Queen. "Do not worry Lord Ham. You still have time to be a king over my people." The Queen smiled and Ham could see them as they were in their youth ... happy and carefree. He longed to stay.
And then he became aware of where he was. Iris was taking a chance. He knew it and she knew he knew it too. His admiration for her went up a notch or ten.
Reaching out with his hand he placed it over theirs. The blood mingled. "Let us now prove our loyalty to each other, to Falasan, and to our friends. Let us forge a bond that cannot be broken. Let us break Silnaria once and for all."
===Oath from Locke Odinians===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Locke smiled honesty, not a playful smirk as was his norm, at Iris's statement, he saw the potential it both her response to Ham and to Chi, she wasn't there yet, but he saw the spark of Queen Ilya, it just needed time to grow, Locke stood up from his seat, and remove his great-sword from it's place, knelt down head bowed, sword before him, before the 3 ahead of him and spoke. "I, Locke Odinians swear this sword of mine to the cause, I fill follow thee to the bright new future, while first I believe Ham should lead us until Lady Iris is ready, I will follow the will of Falasan to the end."
Wyscot nodded to his brother, and followed suit, "I, Wyscot Odinians, head of the Odinians, pledge this family's loyalty to thee, to see the rise of New Falasan, a future kingdom bright and better than any before it have ever been." Wyscot may never have served with the Falasani before, but he knew them to be amongst the most honorable he'd ever met, and he saw the bright future of peace at the end that the Great Wolf spoke of as their mission.
===Promise from Elessa Hammerfel===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Lady Chi's reaction was harsher than expected. Elessa stood to intercept to stop the inevitable fight between Lord Ham and Lady Chi but before any action could be taken Lady Iris spoke.
With Lord Ham, Lady Chi, and the Odinians kneeling before Lady Iris, Elessa joined
"Until my blood runs dry I will fight for all my fellow Falasani. I will remained united with all of you."
After a few moments Elessa stood.
"I must take my leave now Lady chi, Lord Ham, and Lady Iris. I must speak with my cousin it seems his identity crisis needs to be rectified. Thank you all and may the white rabbit forever beat in our hearts"
She turned and left.
===The new King in Exile===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Iris almost cried when she saw Lady Chi come forward, then Lord Ham, the Odinians and dame Elessa. Her blood fused to theirs in the palm of their hands (kids, don't try this at home) and for a moment there she felt like everything was possible. When dame Elessa turned to go, Iris stopped her with a last question:
"Dame Elessa, please, before you go, who's your vote for our leader in exile?" she looked at everyone gathered together and to the servants bringing them linen to wipe their hands with. "Well, actually, you may go... for I think that's settled even without you. The Odinians think Lord Ham should lead us for now... and so do I." She turned to Chi "I'm too inexperienced yet, milady, please forgive me." Turning to Ham "So, milord, if you'd vote for yourself, then I think we can say you're our second Monarch in Exile."
Iris bowed. "By the oaths all of us swore today, we are at your will until the time comes to change the tides." All heads lowered in respect for a moment.
As each one wiped the blood from their hands, Elessa left and the others sat to finally start eating, Iris took the white linen and folded them carefully. "Now, I think we have enough time ahead that you can tell us all about the journey of your reappearance, Sir Locke and Sir Wyscot... I am really curious!"
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
For a moment they were united in harmony, the rebirth of Falasan at hand, Wyscot could smile peacefully knowing their mission had begun. Then Lady Iris spoke asking of their journey.
Locke's smile turn to a smirk, it was his time to shine as Wyscot stumbled at the rather to be expected question. He jumped to his feet heaving his massive sword into the air with a single hand.
"That is a fine question my dear, a glorious tale to be told indeed, with both joy and sorrow to be spoken of." Locke was in his element, being the center of attention. " To begin this tale, we must go back 20 years ago when Wyscot and myself were with Carelia after the fall of Falasan, Carelia had been betray by Suville after the joint assault on the Cagilans, now Carelia was nothing more than a shadow of her former self, Wys and I went and confronted and overwhelming number of Suville troops ourselves to hold against so that others may recruit more to face the traitors. Alas, as men in our 50s against such ruthless odds, we stood little chance and perished a their hands. As we were welcomed into The Great Garden, meet by family generations before our, we were met by the Great Wolf, the family's guardian deity. He said we could enjoy peace for but a time, for we had died before ours was finished. Soon though my daughter Rebecca came to be with child in the Far East, twins in fact, and at soon as they were to be born the Great Wolf thrust us into the bodies and sealed our memories of our previous lives for our protection until we were 17. Sadly my daughter did not survive child birth, as she was a petite girl." Locke grew quite for a time, Rebecca had been the greatest thing in his life, she had changed him, from a flirtatious noble the caused nothing but trouble, into a man who would do what was right without thinking, a man any would be proud to call a friend, though he stay playful in nature, he never caused trouble that would hurt his daughter. Locke resumed his story a bit of his fire now gone. "After 17 years raised by cousins and other family, we came to our memories, and our mission, return to Atamara, bring the winds of change with us, bring down the old evils and bring forth a untied land, and upon find where Chi was, we knew where to begin our effort, and now with the Bluelakes, Hormondsons, Motosuwas, and the Hammerfels, be have the fine beginning of the bright future within out sights!" He finished on a high note, the entire time he told the tale, he careful moved about the room, swinging his sword without hit anything or anyone, and finishing with pointing at each noble as he said their names, and then pointing the sword to the heavens themselves.
===Uncomfortable agreement from Chi Motosuwa===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Seeing that Elessa was taking her leave before she could eat Chi summoned a maid. "Take Elessa's plate and prepare her meal to go for she has other business to attend to" Motioning to the servant and Elessa "You may both leave now"
Chi face was till unhappy for the tidings of events that folded but after everyone had given there vows she made her way back to the chair. Banged her cane on the floor she spoke to ham who had juts taken his seat. "Though I am not please in this matter, you have my Queens trust but you will not get my vote"
Speaking in a more stern tone "But know this Ham, should Iris be ready for the throne at any time, I will remove who ever stands there. Event if it is you." With that final speach, Chi relaxed in her chair and started to eat while she listened to Locke explain his story to Iris.
As the night progressed Chi began telling her own stories of Falasan and the time she spent with Queen Ilya. She talked about the Queens weeding and even the birth of Iris's father in the Motosuwa manor. The night seemed to calm down except for bitter looks and remarks from Chi every once and awhile.
===Veiled enmity from Ham Hormondson===
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Ham looked coldly at Chi. Then he smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.
"You are no longer good enough to kill me Chi." He said softly. "It is precisely because of Ilya, that I seek to protect Iris now. She will be Queen when she is ready. You and I will be long gone by then ... it has been too long, and we are far too old."
As he turned to his food, a Falasani pasta dish, he looked at Chi again. "We are not happy with each other ... if you wish to settle it with swords, let me know." He said quietly. Tasting the food, he said more loudly "Mmm, The food from your kitchens is excellent as always, Lady Chi. You must let me borrow your kitchen staff sometime."

Latest revision as of 03:08, 19 April 2014

Dinner at Lady Chi's

Chi makes preparations

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Having receive word that the invitation for the dinner were sent, chi began preparing Iris. Having scoured the city of Barad Lacirith the morning before she stopped at every shop that offered the finest clothes. It took the whole day but she finally found a dress that caught her eye. It was a white and blue gown that she he had found stunning earrings to match.

Laying it down on the bed, she walked over to Iris who was sitting in front of the mirror. After applying her makeup she started to work on her hair. As chi worried Iris spoke in her kind voice. " Lady Chi, did you also fix your daughters hair when she was little?"

With little care in her voice chi responded. " let us not talk about such things my queen. For now you are the only thing that matters in this word. You have the support of your people and loyal followers, I am sure your grandmother would be proud."

With Iris's hair now done, Chi took her leave of the room. "My queen, your gown is on the bed, I will check to see I'd the servants have finished with the dinner."

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Chi returned to a more sour face and walked up to the servants franticly setting up the dinner. They knew if it was not to their masters liking then they would surely receive an earful of her wrath.

As she rushed the servants, a knocking could be heard at the door. Thinking to herself that it must be a guest arriving early. She shouted to one if the servant girls next to her.

"Answer the damn door and offer the guest a seat in the study and I will entertain them until dinner is ready."

Taking her leave she made her way to the study. It was filled with padded chairs and Chi placed herself in one that rested on the opposite side of the room facing the door so she would be the first the thing anyone saw as they walked in.

Elessa Hammerfel joins the party

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Elessa pacing as her men continues to spread the word of Freedom in Barad Lacirith begins to think of how she will approach her cousin without full contempt.

"That fool, that damn fool" she was mumbling. A moment later her Captain came forward

"My lady we will be finishing up for the day in merely an hour with your permission id like to begin sending our men to camp"

"as you see fit captain you all have been doing a fine job" and the captain walked away

Elessa still lost her thoughts began walking the streets of Barad lacerith, after a few blocks it dawned on her she needed to speak with a friend to clear her head even if it's a old cantankerous one. She picked up pace and head straight to Lady Chi's and Knocked.

Wyscot Odinians and his brother join unnanounced

Message sent to everyone in your realm

As they approached the manor at which Lady Chi was staying, they saw a woman appearing to be in her late 20's waiting at the door, she was of nobility, and a solider given the way she dress, and as protocol dictated, he motioned for Locke to hold up and wait until after she entered.

Locke frowned at this, he may play the fool for the public, but that just made many think him a weak fool, and while Locke was no genius, he was quite skilled and knowledgeable. Upon seeing someone he was not familiar with at Chi's place made him realize that his and his brothers return from the dead would end up public knowledge before long as soon as thing dinner gathering ended. It looked as though Wyscot was right, tonight was no time for his usual trouble making brand on fun, he would have to play the part proper knight and noble, at least the fact the he had his great sword with him, and he could easily wield it one handed would keep some of the lesser fools from want conversation's with him, come on, who want to get involved with a guy who wield a sword as large as a man. He glance over at Wys, and sure enough, he was signalling for them to wait until this unknown entered.

Wyscot saw that Locke was thinking, but for the life of him he knew not what. He knew his brother to have a brain, but when he actually used it, all planning for what could happen was out the window. Wyscot himself was a strait forward man, what you saw was what you got, a man who wished for peace but knew it did not come without war. Locke though, he was the wind, he had pattern to be sure, but you never knew when he would blow, from where, how long, or how stronger why when he was actually thinking, and it's what made him dangerous, both on and off the battlefield. Thankfully, he never made grievous errors when he thought things out.

Ham Hormondson arrives

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Ham walked with calm dignity to the gathering.

He felt tired. All the early enthusiasm for gathering Falasani was tempered with years of disappointment. Murdo was really very keen, even if he had never held high office. Then Ham realised with surprise, that he had really given up when Ilya had died.

He missed his Queen. Even though Iris was a shadow of what was and perhaps a foreshadowing of what might be, she was not a Queen. He was deeply worried about what kind of nonsense Chi was filling Iris's mind with.

He approached the front door. The servant paused, not recognising the mantle of the Arch-Priest of Falasan. "Let me in you fool!" Ham barked.

"Huh, sorry your honour!" the servant bowed deeply, to the correct position too. Ham was mollified a little. "At least your mistress has taught you properly ... she was always obsessive about such things. Very Good."

Ham walked in and realised he recognised some of the younger nobles present. Quickly grabbing a brandy, he drained it, his alarm only showing with a slight tremor in his hand.

Chi Motosuwa welcomes the guests

Message sent to everyone in your realm

As Chi sat in her chair she could hear the servant girl leading one of the guests to the study. To her surprise it was Elessa Hammerfel.

"I was not expecting to see you tonight, what business do you have with me?"

Gesturing for Elessa to have a seat, Chi began to listen to Elessa's problems. After the concluded their conversation Chi decided that this was the perfect chance to win over Elessa's support for Iris. " It would seem that they night is approaching fast and I am hosting a dinner for Ham and another honored guest, if you would like you may stay and join us." Chi called for a serving girl to set another chair at the table , but to her surprise the young Maid brought two more guests.

Seeing the two men in the door way, felt as if Chi had seen a ghost but one could not tell this by the look on her face for it made no expression except her eyes locked on to the two men with a causaus uncertainty. Calling to the maid. " You are to seat lady Elessa at the side next to Lord Ham, prepare two more plates for these two and leave us to speak. Do not forget to close the door!"

The frightened maid did as she was commanded and escorted Elessa to her seat.

As the door closed behind Elessa, Chi waisted little time in the interrogation.

In a stern intimidating voice Chi spoke " By what sorcery have you two come by? Or should I slay the two impostors before me!"

Elessa Hammerfel enters the room

Message sent to everyone in your realm

After Elessa was escorted out of the room she turned to the maid

"Who were those men that just entered" although Lady Chi did not immediately show it, Elessa knew she was rattled.

"Im sorry My Lady I do not know"

They continued into the dining room and took her seat next to lord ham still filled with many questions not about Tyr but Lady Chi's unexpected visitors.

"Greetings Lord Ham, It appears I will be joining you all tonight"

Wyscot Odinians and his brother explain their being alive

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Imposters or sorcery, well she wasn't calling for their heads yet, but as long as Locke kept his mouth shut for awhile longer, this might turn into a productive evening that wouldn't end with them dead or run off the continent. Wyscot chose to speak up.

"Well Lady Chi, imposters we are not, though I figured you'd say that just to cover you bases, our return to the living as long men is a rather long tale so I will give you the short of it since you seem to have other pressing matters at hand, we did indeed die, then we were reborn into this world using the Great Wolf's power to be born again as my niece Rebecca's twin, though most sadly she died on complication, we were raised ignorant of our of our return until our 17th birthdays, when our memories returned to us, as well as our mission from the Great Wolf, return to Atamara, bring change as she has grown stagnant and corrupt. Will this suit you for now Lady Chi?" Wyscot mirrored Chi's calm and collect attitude, while Locke merely looked bored, as if this was just another meeting with Chi. Before Chi could comment, Wyscot had the servant bring in to cases. "These are our offerings for the inconvenience of tonight, a case of 24 bottles of Falasani wine, aged 73 years now, and though I know not if you still favor them but I had a local baker make a case of cinnamon buns for you, and as a special bonus, I will be going blind and deaf for what I believe would be three strike of you cane across Locke's head for his bit of fun with you earlier today." Wyscot just closed his eyes and covered his ears while Locke looked betrayed at Wyscot and slightly fearful at Chi.

Locke held his hands up defensvily, "Now just a minute hear, I never agreed to this Wys... Wys? Come now Chi, you've inflicted plenty of pain to me over the years, beating with you training sword when you were suppose to be training me, using me as target practice for you arrows, we both served with Queen Illya did we not, fought and killed many a Cagilan and Taran during the war along side Ham and the rest, so there's no need to hit me right Chi? Chi?" He received no verbal answer, and just braced himself for what was to come.

Chi takes the story rather well

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Chi griped tightly to her cane and did not take her eyes off the two young men as they spoke.

I will be going blind and deaf for what I believe would be three strike of you cane across Locke's head for his bit of fun with you
earlier today." Wyscot just closed his eyes and covered his ears while Locke looked betrayed at Wyscot and slightly fearful at Chi. 

When Wyscot finished, she found it hard to believe that the two men before her were the actual Odinian brothers but there offering and soon to be known knowledge from the pleading Locke.

Standing up from her chair she could see the fear in Locke's eyes and she then knew he was real. For only he knew that we would receive a beating for the little indiscretion.

Locke held his hands up defensively, "Now just a minute hear, I never agreed to this Wys... Wys? Come now Chi, you've inflicted 
plenty of pain to me over the years, beating with you training sword when you were suppose to be training me, using me as 
target practice for you arrows, we both served with Queen Illya did we not, fought and killed many a Caligan and Taran during 
the war along side Ham and the rest, so there's no need to hit me right Chi? Chi?" He received no verbal answer, and just braced 
himself for what was to come. 

Slowly walking Twords the the two, Chi stopped beside locky who had his eyes closed and Chi could see his had trembling. Chi lightly hit the side of Locke's leg with her cane.

"You uninvited guests must be a sign of good things to come. Come now let us put your gifts to good use and you will dine with us."

Chi pushed the door open and made her way to the dinning room where Elessa was already sitting.

Chi presents Iris to the room

Message sent to everyone in your realm

The chair at the head of the table was left open for Chi guess who was still upstairs as Chi took her seat to the right of the tables head, Elessa was seated across the table from Chi and next to her was the seat set aside for ham.

As the Odinians followed Chi in to the room, Locke quickly took the seat furthest from chi "knowing us was a canes length away. Wyscot took the seat next to Chi knowing he had little to fear from her wrath and could keep a better eye on Locke know he was separated from Chi.

As the servants finished placing the food on the have along with the cinnamon buns, the only guest who was invited showed up and entered the room with drink in hand.

"Its about time you showed up, let's hope you're not to drunk to sit properly " Chi said sternly and as Ham took a set Chi call for one of the servants to fetch Iris.

Moments latter Iris could be seen slowly walking down the stairs in the outfit Chi picked out. As she walked in to to room Chi left her set and kneled to the floor next to the table and shouted to the others.

"Pay your respect to our Queen!"

Lifting her head, a few tears could be seen and she motioned to the chair next to her.

"My queen, please take your seat and know we are at your command."

Iris Bluelake is embarrassed

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Iris had dressed the gown Lady Chi picked for her with conflicting feelings of both honouring and distress. When she came into the dining room and saw not two, but five people sitting at the table, she suddenly realized how much hope Lady Chi had been putting on her, the enormity of her plans, how many people would be involved. How in the world would she be what they wanted? When Chi knelt and practically ordered everyone else to do the same, Iris's heart jumped. She automatically made a hand gesture to stop everyone else from doing so, and reached out to lift Lady Chi from the floor.

"Please, milords and ladies, remain seated. I'm not queen of anything" she forced herself to add "yet. I haven't even ruled my own estate for more than a couple of weeks. I'm extremely honoured by the deference everyone has shown towards me so far, and I only hope to live up to a few of your expectations." She smiled at Chi and Ham at this point, then turned her eyes to the other three. "Now, if Lady Chi would be so kind as to make our introductions, I'd love knowing more about you."

Surprise from Elessa Hammerfel

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Elessa watched as Lady Chi and the men she did not know take their seats. Lord Ham came in and sat down after a snarky comment from Lady Chi.

As the food began coming out she spoke

"I am Elessa Hammerfel and if i may be so bold who are you?"

They stared at each other for a moment and before a reply could be uttered Lady Chi spoke as Iris walked in.

"Pay your respect to our Queen!"

Elessa choked on her drink, a moment later she blurted out

"our Queen? I don't quit understand who she is!?" Everyone stopped and looked at the now blushing Elessa. "I am sorry for my outburst, and humbly beg for all your forgiveness. I have not met this woman or them either" as she pointed to each.

The silence is still thick until finally a deep old sigh was given.

No Nonsense from Ham Hormondson

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"Chi ... you speak too quickly" Ham stood up.

"Iris is a vision of our long dead Queen Ilya ... a woman I would gladly have shed my own blood for." Ham looked around.

"However, this young girl cannot lay claim to rule Falasan or Falasani's ... We elected our rulers. It is not fair to Iris. She must make her own way and gain honour and recognition for herself."

"Were Queen Ilya present, I would bow the knee. But she is not." Ham walked around the table. "Let me be very clear here. If anyone can claim to be the leader of the Falasani Diaspora, it is me."

He paused in front of the brothers. "I see the Warrior Saints have brought you back ... I hope you keep yourselves alive this time."

"I will not be here long ... the span of my life is coming to the end, every day it is a little closer. But until I am gone, or Falasan is reborn and a monarch duly elected, I lead."

Poignant Question from Locke Odinians

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Locke stopped worrying about Chi after they were seated, and as Lady Iris came down, Locke could of sworn this was Queen Ilya for a moment, until he realized that the feeling was wrong, Queen Ilya was quite just the same, but held the air of royalty, where as this young woman seemed a bit more hesitant in her way of speaking and moving. He bowed as he would to anyone when first introduced. Then as Elessa questioned who she was, and Chi snipped at her, to be expected, and Ham spoke of how she was not a Queen yet and how Falasani elected there Queen, and he couldn't help but to agree, even as he took the knowledge of the two returning from the dead as a day to day occurrence.. Wyscot stayed silent and observing of the event as it unfolded, he had been part of Carelia his whole life, though he did visit Falasan often, he had met many of her people, and even met Queen Ilya several times. This was not his place to interject.

Locke cleared his voice as ham finished speaking, time to act the proper noble he thought before he spoke, "Ham's right Chi, she's not Queen... yet, but she may someday be, I do see in her the potential to be great like Queen Ilya but, she has to earn that title, like all those before her, though as a comrade, I'd be willing to lay my life down for her, as I would any at this table tonight, the question is Chi, what does Lady Iris want, does she wish to be Queen, or is that your wish for her? I ask of you Lady Iris, what is it you want from this life?" Locke finsihed knowing he just stirred up a nest of dragons that was know a Chi Motosuwa, but it was what needed to be done.

Wyscot just stared in at Locke, though on the outside he was the vision of calm, inside he was awestruck that Locke would stand against Chi, he usually went with what she said to avoid her wrath, at least when he wasn't trying to annoy her. All eyes were now on Chi and Iris after what Locke just said.

Reason from Elessa Hammerfel

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Awe struck by her own ignorance Elessa bowed her head.

"I am sorry Lady Bluelake, I had no idea. I was fairly young when our realm fell I meant no harm."

Elessa turned now to her friend Lady Chi. "I did not mean any disrespect in your home. and it appears you and these young men go back farther than any one could know."

Elessa paused to assess whether to continue or not. "I must say I feel both Lady Chi and Lord Ham are correct. I will say Lady Iris is a Bluelake which gives her a strong influence even enough to contend with our dear Lord Ham."

Elessa stopped and waited to feel the wrath from one side or the other.

Discussion from Ham Hormondson

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"My Dear Elessa, you are free to both voice your opinion and indeed have your own opinion. You are a Falasani of noble birth. You have the right and the honour to express yourself. I am very proud of you dear."

Ham looked at Chi. "Why are you always in such a rush? Ilya was no child when she became Queen ... she was seasoned. Honourable and Prestigious. She earned the right to stand for election and she was loved by all. We all trusted her. But Iris is not Ilya ... even though she has the highest royal blood, she is not a Queen yet."

Ham looked at the others. "I say again, that the only person fit to lead the exiles is me. I still carry my badges of honour, the mantle of the Arch-Priest. I am the government in exile."

"And what of Rieleston? It has kept us and protected us. Let us be honourable members of the realm until such a time as we are given a country of our own. Let us be loyal and dependable. Let us have honour as Falasani. Let us build trust with our friends. "

Agreement from Elessa Hammerfel

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"Hastiness will lead to merely a new weakness. I agree Rieleston has been our home and we must continue to do our part both as Falasani and Reilestonites." Elessa said in agreement.

"I honor all here we have time to figure things out until then we are preparing for war against former coria and I dare say I am pleased of this."

Elessa new it was bold of her to speak of her hatred and bloodlust towards the realm residing where Falasan was but she was not alone with this feeling.

Iris explains herself and Ham brings out a symbol

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Iris watched the exchange between the attendees with interest. She was a bit relieved that milord Ham didn't throw all the responsibility of leadership on her back, but after a few of his phrases she started wondering if he expected anything of her at all. For a moment it felt like she wasn't even in the room, which was a glad relief from the attention she had been getting in the last few days. Iris sat at the table with all of them and when the conversation started to turn to Rieleston, she interrupted, kindly.

"Milords and ladies... Before we turn to a different subject, I would just like to add a few words of my own."

She turned to Ham: "Milord, you are right that I'm not a queen. I'm young and inexperienced, and most importantly I don't have enough knowledge of politics to be a suitable leader. I came to Rieleston to try and restore my family's prestige, and found many more friends than I thought possible. When I met Lady Chi was the first time I ever thought it possible to rekindle the Falasani spirit, and if my presence... and my appearance... serve as inspiration to make this work, then it's all I dare to expect." She smiled to Dame Elessa. "In the meantime, I'll do all I can to serve Rieleston to the best of my abilities, and perhaps learn enough to be of actual help to those gathered here tonight."

Feeling this matter was set, Ham looked over to servant he had barked at earlier ... "Capashin Brandy!"

"Huh, yessir!" the servant bounded away. He came back with the Brandy and Hotchkiss, the ex-soldier. After an exchange of words, Ham excused himself.

He came back a few minutes later with Storm clouds in his eyes.

"It seems that Minas Leon is hungrily looking at our ancestral lands ... we must strike Silnaria with everything we have. Who needs gold for troops? We take our lands back and then we can talk with the government."

He was also carrying a package. Opening it, he quickly unfurled the banner of Falasan. The White Rabbit. "We shall raise this standard on top of the walls of Barad Falas. ... but not before."

Outrage from Chi Motosuwa

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Chi remained silent as the others spoke but inside her anger grew as to he the others were belittling her Queen.

As ham was walking to the door and revilved her old flag. Chi slamed her fist on the table "How dare you speak such noncess you old fool! By your gods you must know that she is destined to rule. If not then why have the embodiment of our queen return as well as the odians?"

Standing up from the table she eyes the group who soon fall silent.

" You dare say that she has no claim? You deniey her blood! Your words are but spit on the honor of the Bluelake name. She will be our queen and by our strengths we will make it so."

Now looking into hams eyes with a fireery passion that the Motosuwa's hold, let let her anger flow in to ham and the group.

" You will hold no flame over my Queen! You are old and we both will soon not be of this world. Falasan is the only thing keeping our hearts beating and will not rest until she is returned to us. If you dare say your blood is thicker than our queens then I will spill it here and now!"

Chi's had motions at Iris as she spoke her hostile tounge.

Chi contained with her speach as she walked closer to ham looking into his very soul and placed her hand on the end if her sword that was attached by her waist.

" We all will grant her our knowlage and we the remaining Falasani will make her our queen. You and your kin will not decide this matter! You want us to fight for our home land, then we shall but it will be under our old banner and for our new Queen, not so you can be its king!"

Chi grabbed the banner and walked over to Iris and knelt down.

" My queen, please have faith in us and yourself. You will have my sword and knowlage until I can no longer stand. You Will have the full support of the Falasani behind you." Chi turned and stairs at ham when she said this.

She then turned to the Odians" You will have our undying support" Turning to Elessa " You will have the unwavering love of every Falasani generation"

Leaving the banner by her queen she walks back to ham. "We will fight with the Estons but not for them and not for their gain for we have already do so. We will fight for our home land and they will grant us the aid we gave givent them these past years."

Placing her hand back on her sword " And we will honor the Bluelake blood and Iris will be our queen! Any who whish to challenge this step forward! For this I shall not yeld!"

Last Resource from Iris Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

At that, Iris erupted from her seat.


She stared hard at lady Chi and each of the others.

"This is not the Falasan I heard about, with bickering and disputes. Lady Chi, Lord Ham is right: the kingship of Falasan isn't transmitted by bloodlines, they are always elected. Both my grandparents were King and Queen in their due time, but their blood had never sat on the throne before. Lord Ham, similarly, you having been Arch-Priest does not grant you leadership if the others do not agree with you. Lady Chi, wait until I finish."

Iris took a dagger from her belt and held the blade to her right hand.

"This blood is precious to most of you. Today happened unexpectedly, but if we don't leave here as one, what chance do we have?"

Cutting the palm of her hand with focused ardor, Iris continued.

"I will share my Bluelake blood with each of you who wants to join, and together we will swear by this Fellowship." She looked at Ham "And then, we will elect our second King in Exile."

Looking from Ham to Chi, Iris took a step forward. "Milady, Milord, please give me your hands."

Subjugation from Chi Motosuwa

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As Iris stepped forward Chi knelt down and lifted her hands. Chi's expression changed as soon as she saw the blood drip from Iris's hand. All her rage had subsided when given an order by Iris.

" By your command my Queen, the Motosuwa's are yours to command."

Looking again at ham "We will hold the election here and now to decide as the last of the Falasani , who will lead us."

A Vision from Ham Hormondson

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Ham was very angry now. Just as he was about to accept Chi's challenge, Iris spoke.

Instantly the anger vanished. Ham took a knife and slashed his palm. Approaching Iris with tears in his eyes, he saw a vision.

Queen Ilya, sitting in the throne room in Barad Gardor with light shining all around, was before him. Ham fell to his knees. "Do not speak." she told him.

Murdo walked in and approached his brother. "It is for you my brother to formally lead the Falasanis in exile. But someday you will have to hand the scepter over. Then you will join us in eternity." Ham noticed the sash denoting the rank of Duke and the crest of the city of Tucha. He went and took his place to the side of the Queen. "Do not worry Lord Ham. You still have time to be a king over my people." The Queen smiled and Ham could see them as they were in their youth ... happy and carefree. He longed to stay.

And then he became aware of where he was. Iris was taking a chance. He knew it and she knew he knew it too. His admiration for her went up a notch or ten.

Reaching out with his hand he placed it over theirs. The blood mingled. "Let us now prove our loyalty to each other, to Falasan, and to our friends. Let us forge a bond that cannot be broken. Let us break Silnaria once and for all."

Oath from Locke Odinians

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Locke smiled honesty, not a playful smirk as was his norm, at Iris's statement, he saw the potential it both her response to Ham and to Chi, she wasn't there yet, but he saw the spark of Queen Ilya, it just needed time to grow, Locke stood up from his seat, and remove his great-sword from it's place, knelt down head bowed, sword before him, before the 3 ahead of him and spoke. "I, Locke Odinians swear this sword of mine to the cause, I fill follow thee to the bright new future, while first I believe Ham should lead us until Lady Iris is ready, I will follow the will of Falasan to the end."

Wyscot nodded to his brother, and followed suit, "I, Wyscot Odinians, head of the Odinians, pledge this family's loyalty to thee, to see the rise of New Falasan, a future kingdom bright and better than any before it have ever been." Wyscot may never have served with the Falasani before, but he knew them to be amongst the most honorable he'd ever met, and he saw the bright future of peace at the end that the Great Wolf spoke of as their mission.

Promise from Elessa Hammerfel

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Lady Chi's reaction was harsher than expected. Elessa stood to intercept to stop the inevitable fight between Lord Ham and Lady Chi but before any action could be taken Lady Iris spoke.

With Lord Ham, Lady Chi, and the Odinians kneeling before Lady Iris, Elessa joined

"Until my blood runs dry I will fight for all my fellow Falasani. I will remained united with all of you."

After a few moments Elessa stood.

"I must take my leave now Lady chi, Lord Ham, and Lady Iris. I must speak with my cousin it seems his identity crisis needs to be rectified. Thank you all and may the white rabbit forever beat in our hearts"

She turned and left.

The new King in Exile

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Iris almost cried when she saw Lady Chi come forward, then Lord Ham, the Odinians and dame Elessa. Her blood fused to theirs in the palm of their hands (kids, don't try this at home) and for a moment there she felt like everything was possible. When dame Elessa turned to go, Iris stopped her with a last question:

"Dame Elessa, please, before you go, who's your vote for our leader in exile?" she looked at everyone gathered together and to the servants bringing them linen to wipe their hands with. "Well, actually, you may go... for I think that's settled even without you. The Odinians think Lord Ham should lead us for now... and so do I." She turned to Chi "I'm too inexperienced yet, milady, please forgive me." Turning to Ham "So, milord, if you'd vote for yourself, then I think we can say you're our second Monarch in Exile."

Iris bowed. "By the oaths all of us swore today, we are at your will until the time comes to change the tides." All heads lowered in respect for a moment.

As each one wiped the blood from their hands, Elessa left and the others sat to finally start eating, Iris took the white linen and folded them carefully. "Now, I think we have enough time ahead that you can tell us all about the journey of your reappearance, Sir Locke and Sir Wyscot... I am really curious!"


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For a moment they were united in harmony, the rebirth of Falasan at hand, Wyscot could smile peacefully knowing their mission had begun. Then Lady Iris spoke asking of their journey. Locke's smile turn to a smirk, it was his time to shine as Wyscot stumbled at the rather to be expected question. He jumped to his feet heaving his massive sword into the air with a single hand.

"That is a fine question my dear, a glorious tale to be told indeed, with both joy and sorrow to be spoken of." Locke was in his element, being the center of attention. " To begin this tale, we must go back 20 years ago when Wyscot and myself were with Carelia after the fall of Falasan, Carelia had been betray by Suville after the joint assault on the Cagilans, now Carelia was nothing more than a shadow of her former self, Wys and I went and confronted and overwhelming number of Suville troops ourselves to hold against so that others may recruit more to face the traitors. Alas, as men in our 50s against such ruthless odds, we stood little chance and perished a their hands. As we were welcomed into The Great Garden, meet by family generations before our, we were met by the Great Wolf, the family's guardian deity. He said we could enjoy peace for but a time, for we had died before ours was finished. Soon though my daughter Rebecca came to be with child in the Far East, twins in fact, and at soon as they were to be born the Great Wolf thrust us into the bodies and sealed our memories of our previous lives for our protection until we were 17. Sadly my daughter did not survive child birth, as she was a petite girl." Locke grew quite for a time, Rebecca had been the greatest thing in his life, she had changed him, from a flirtatious noble the caused nothing but trouble, into a man who would do what was right without thinking, a man any would be proud to call a friend, though he stay playful in nature, he never caused trouble that would hurt his daughter. Locke resumed his story a bit of his fire now gone. "After 17 years raised by cousins and other family, we came to our memories, and our mission, return to Atamara, bring the winds of change with us, bring down the old evils and bring forth a untied land, and upon find where Chi was, we knew where to begin our effort, and now with the Bluelakes, Hormondsons, Motosuwas, and the Hammerfels, be have the fine beginning of the bright future within out sights!" He finished on a high note, the entire time he told the tale, he careful moved about the room, swinging his sword without hit anything or anyone, and finishing with pointing at each noble as he said their names, and then pointing the sword to the heavens themselves.

Uncomfortable agreement from Chi Motosuwa

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Seeing that Elessa was taking her leave before she could eat Chi summoned a maid. "Take Elessa's plate and prepare her meal to go for she has other business to attend to" Motioning to the servant and Elessa "You may both leave now"

Chi face was till unhappy for the tidings of events that folded but after everyone had given there vows she made her way back to the chair. Banged her cane on the floor she spoke to ham who had juts taken his seat. "Though I am not please in this matter, you have my Queens trust but you will not get my vote"

Speaking in a more stern tone "But know this Ham, should Iris be ready for the throne at any time, I will remove who ever stands there. Event if it is you." With that final speach, Chi relaxed in her chair and started to eat while she listened to Locke explain his story to Iris.

As the night progressed Chi began telling her own stories of Falasan and the time she spent with Queen Ilya. She talked about the Queens weeding and even the birth of Iris's father in the Motosuwa manor. The night seemed to calm down except for bitter looks and remarks from Chi every once and awhile.

Veiled enmity from Ham Hormondson

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Ham looked coldly at Chi. Then he smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

"You are no longer good enough to kill me Chi." He said softly. "It is precisely because of Ilya, that I seek to protect Iris now. She will be Queen when she is ready. You and I will be long gone by then ... it has been too long, and we are far too old."

As he turned to his food, a Falasani pasta dish, he looked at Chi again. "We are not happy with each other ... if you wish to settle it with swords, let me know." He said quietly. Tasting the food, he said more loudly "Mmm, The food from your kitchens is excellent as always, Lady Chi. You must let me borrow your kitchen staff sometime."