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==Hyral Family Line==
==Hyral Family Line==

The Hyral Family originated from [[Sartania]] on the [[Far East]] Island. Most if not all the family has since left the island completely, leaving only the aging Lord Braga Hyral to tend to the family shrines. His son left long ago to travel the world over and his two daughters have also left the homestead, both in disgrace (well, according to him at least). All members of the family have a strong sense of honor and duty to one's realm, although Baiko has developed a tendency to get up and move on to fresh grounds recently. Her reputaion came as a suprise because she was always viewed as the most well-behaved of the siblings.
The Hyral Family originated in Mraulaxon, [[Sartania]] on the [[Far East]] Island. There are two houses of the Hyral Family; The Main House, headed by the patriarch, and the Side Branch. Both Houses contribute to the fame and wealth of the family.
===The Main House===


===The Sisters===
'''Baiko''': She is the elder of the two Hyral sisters. Growing up in [[Sartania]], she spent much time at prayer in the temple of Sartan. Her life was plain and unexciting in Sartania until a young man named Hireshmont Vellos surfaced, ready to serve Sartan. Although they got off to a rough start, the two became friends and began discussing thier views on the current philosophy of the realm. Baiko's spirit was lightened to find that another shared her views on war. The two eventually began a sect called the True Sartanians, devoted to the true ways of the God of War. It was during this time that Hireshmont had a vision, in this vision the God of War, Sartan, did batle with his younger brother, Qyrvagg, a demi-god. Sartan fell and Qyrvagg rose to power. Hireshmont became the first Phrophet of Qyrvagg (see [[The Church of Qyrvagg]] for more details). The group was eventually found out and banished by Sparticus, judge of the fallen god, for blasphemy. Hireshmont, after having been condemed to death for his words, told Baiko to flee and to spread the church of the new god, Qyrvagg, she would have to do it on her own unitl the next prophet arose. Baiko fled to [[Lasanar]] with a heavy heart, knowing that her friend and leader would soon die. After joining Lasanar, Baiko served the warring duchy of Ossaet under a true warrior, Lord Draban Trogain. After receiving news of the arrival of the Third Prophet, Amekal Vellos, in [[Valentia]], [[Beluaterra]], Baiko headed there to join her comrades. While Baiko was en route to Valentia, she received a message from her cousin that Hireshmont had been seen in Oligarch, alive and well. Her spirits soared at the news, her friend had escaped execution after all! After a trusted comrade betrayed the Church, framing them as rebels and accusing them of being cultists, Amekal and Baiko headed out for their new home [[Riombara]]...a land seen in a vision by Amekal as the place that a temple of Qyrvagg was to be built.

--The Church of Qyrvagg has recently be officially established in Riombara, a grand temple has finally been constructed to honor Qyrvagg. It was a blessed day for the church as the members have long suffered and toiled to reach this goal and their dream has finally been realized.
===The Side Branch===

*Baiko is the most traditional of the family. She wears distinctly eastern clothing and uses a naginata, a kind of polearm, in battle. Her eyes are of a golden color and her dark hair is always tied back. She also wears an orange cloth around her waist to signify her alligence to Qyrvagg. She is an accomplished duelist as well, challenging anyone who will answer to a duel for sport, she has won many a match. Baiko owns a small black fox called Kuro, he is usually off getting into trouble but at times he is quite useful.

'''Keiichi''': Growing up with her pious sister was no easy task for Keiichi, she desired to learn the way of the warrior in order to truely serve the gods. Her father was against her training from day one but his vassals taught her many sword techniques and skills without his permission anyway. Keiichi was always hot-tempered and that led to a row with her father after which she was told to leave and never return to her homeland. She did so gratefully. Keiichi boarded the first ship to Atamara and entered the port at Ser'quea. She decided to make the [[Ash Sea Islands]] her new home, swearing alligence to the Duke of Aja. She is fiercly loyal to ASI, always determined to fight on no matter the odds. She can often be heard saying "I will fight to my last breath, I'm in this until the bitter end!" Keiichi recently met a knight by the name of Omerus Killins, and after their first encounter in Ser'quea the two have become quite close, although Keiichi finds it hard to find a balance between Omerus and her duty to her realm, almost all of the times they spent together have been cut short by a messenger bearing orders for Keiichi to move out.

*Keiichi's beauty is often over looked due to her rather foul tounge and sometimes violent personality, she has long, flowing dark hair and eyes the color of night. She wears a long, black, vest-like garmet and underneath she typically wears very plain clothing, usually consisting of a simple sleveless shirt and long pants. To say the least, she is a little rough around the edges. Like her sister, she owns a small fox, Keiichi's is orange though, and was named Kaya by Omerus after he rescued the helpless/hapless creature after he strayed from Keiichi's camp. He is always getting into mischief, typically bothering the horses in their stables during the day and trying to eat random objects pulled from the sacks of Keiichi's men.

===The Beauty===
'''Araia''': Araia left her father on the Far East continent in the search of adventure. She met up with Baiko who told her of Keiichi's banishment. Upon hearing this Araia reasoned that wherever her hot-headed cousin went she was sure to find adventure. After a short stay with her cousin, Araia set off to Atamara where she met up with Keiichi. Araia had been staying in Aja for three days when the great war broke out. Keiichi told her not to leave the city if at all possible, she didn't want Araia getting caught in the war. These were not the words that Araia wanted to hear. After about two months of waiting around Araia decided to find her own adventure, she asked around a bit and found that the main army was in Ser'quea refitting. Araia travelled to Ser'quea and told Keiichi that she wanted to be trained as a warrior, Keiichi smiled her devious smile and agreed, as if she had been waiting for this. They toiled and trained hard for months, Araia was always by Keiichi's side and she met many of the nobles of ASI this way, learning the ropes quickly. When she was content with her skills she set off to find the homeland of her deceased mother, making her way to the ports in Ash'rily. She bid the fair islands a final farewell and set off to the east continent. After a short journey she came upon [[Sirion]], the realm of the elves. This was the place! It was exactly as her mother's childhood stories had described the land that she came from. She joined the realms service with haste. It is in Sirion that she recieved much attention from Darfix Firefox, a Lord of Sirion. She thought him trust worthy and swore alligence to him, and soon she began to fancy him, although admittedly jealous of his "friend" Julia Paparini.

--Personality wise Araia is much more gentle than her cousins, she can be seen playing the role of peacekeeper and is a provider of neutral grounds. She is a ''lot'' more caring than both Keiichi and Baiko, however, she has inheirited some of the family temper, she has been known to get very, very angry, not a pretty sight. Araia's gentlness leads the family to beileive she was not meant for war, especially since she tends to try to avoid conflict with others, even if they are in the wrong. She likes to hear both sides of a conflict before choosing sides, a difficult thing to do in war, which has lead her to just not take a side.
*[[/Hyral Family Tree|Hyral Family Tree]]
*[[/Other NPCs|Other NPCs]]

*Araia is quite beautiful, she has dark hair that is pulled back and tied in a loose braid and her eyes are the color of the deep forest. She typically dresses rather plainly in darker blues and is not one for very fancy clothing. She has slightly elfish characteristics because of her mother's elven blood. Before leaving the stranded city of Ash'rily, she witnessed the first food caravan to enter the island jewel since it's entrapment by Abbington forces. The man kept a small hawk with him on his trip but sold it to Araia as he could not afford to keep it for the return trip. Araia promptly named her new companion Falas to honor the Falasan trader that aided the fair city. She uses him to send letters to her family back home and in Atamara, he is also her beloved pet,and typically a mirror of herself.
[[Category: Families]]

Latest revision as of 01:44, 15 March 2011

Hyral Family Line

The Hyral Family originated in Mraulaxon, Sartania on the Far East Island. There are two houses of the Hyral Family; The Main House, headed by the patriarch, and the Side Branch. Both Houses contribute to the fame and wealth of the family.

The Main House







The Side Branch


