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=Public Roleplays=
This is information on the daily religious life, and it is shared by those who came in contact with it ingame.

==The Temple, the Priestess and the Ring==
==Public Roleplays==
===The Temple, the Priestess and the Ring===

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==Conversion of Mormeg Garayoa==
|Sender=Casimir Godfrey
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (36 recipients)
[Casimir's Journey to giving his family name a place in Luria Nova]<br>
[A Large Chance presented to him by someone quite greater then him]<br>
[A woman and child that he thinks about recently on a daily basis]<br>
[And now a journey to help save the lifes of his Region the people of Thar Gortauth]
The road to greatness has been hard on Casimir. Though his thoughts are on saving his Region and slaying monsters he also knows that this cannot be done alone. His thoughts are on his region, his kingdom, as well as the other nobles who also feel his pain when monsters crawl over the Kingdom. "Where is the King." He hears the people of Luria Nova ask saddens Casimir's heart. "Where is my friend Torpius he asks. What is their to do with all these Monsters. His orders state Gather Scouts and scout around Shinnen Purlieus locate all monsters around him Prepare the armies so they can come in with an Idea and not blindly. Casimir agrees with these orders that his marshal has placed upon him and will gladly execute the orders as fast as possible. His travel to Sulorte was a mistake and he had to turn back realizing there are scouts in Shinnen Purlieus. Not only are their scouts. His Romantic Relationship with the Priestess Nathalie Kruss and His friendship with her daughter Stefanie. Who he thinks about more then they could possibly know. Over the hill he can see Shinnen Purlieus though he notices Nathalie and Stefanie riding on horses towards them.<br>
"Greetings, Sir Casimir." Priestess Nathalie said softly with a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Untold that he was promoted to Earl.<br>
"Greeting Galope." Said Stefanie.
"I'm not a knight anymore Nathalie I'm the Earl of Thar Gortauth I take care of them as they ought to be taken care of." Casimir said with a smile happy to see them and not knowing of her current position.<br>
"I didn't know you where promoted. Congratulations. It is well deserved in my opinion. I always saw much more in you." Nathalie said hugging Casimir and kissing him on the cheek.<br>
Confused about the kiss he looked at her. "What bring you over the hill?" He asked unsure of how she knew he was their.<br>
"Oh I was told you where on your way back to Shinnen Purlieus and wanted to ride in with you. I have missed you and you said you'd see me next time you where in. I take it your last time you where busy going to your new region." She looked at him telling him that she wasn't pleased that he didn't stop to see her.<br>
"Oh I am truly sorry. I meant too I was very busy with the orders and then getting the promotion has caused all my attention to protect my region now that it's winter and monsters terrorize the lands my lady." He knew he was telling the truth he hoped that she could see it as well.<br>
"Oh and that is more important then to see someone who truly loves you?" She stopped as she realized what she said.
"Truly loves me? Have you thought of me this whole time?" Casimir looked at her unsure of what else to say.
"Thought about you? You mean Dream of us together. You do not know? My daughter has been talking about you none stop since you left. I have cried many times. I have had to see your friend Torpius priest of Aetheris Pyrism because I work with him as the priestess. You have no Idea how I felt watching you leave on your Journey to make sure everyone was safe." She huffed as she was starting to cry. "You cannot tell me your truly didn't know. Can you?" She stared at him knowing he really didn't know her feelings for him.<br>
"Nathalie you’re a Priestess of Aetheris Pyrism? When did that happen? Last I knew you where working for Torpius as his hostess of the Lords Manor he took you under his arm as requested by your late husband Maddox.” He was very confused to find out she was a Priestess now. Though her status was greater he was more relieved.<br>
“He asked me to help him. I accepted to be able to be closer to you. On that note I have a relic for you.” She presented the ring to him. “I cannot tell you the rings history.” As she knew if he accepted the ring it was because of what Torpius was talking about and started the Krauss-Godfrey and her hopes that meant a marriage. Casimir looked at the ring Held it in his hands. Nodding after a hard thought and placed it on his hand. It was a perfect fit as if crafted to be so. Nathalie knew that was the sign Torpius was talking about.<br>
“I have to see Torpius I need an explanation for all this.” Casimir looked into Nathalies eyes. “I have to know. He is the only one that can answer my questions now. I have thought about you and little Stefanie throughout my adventures I have to know what he thinks about that.” He stared at her and leaned over to kiss her. It was a kiss he knew for sure she love him.
|Title=Earl of Thar Gortauth
|Sender=Casimir Godfrey
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (36 recipients)
“Yes, I understand you have to know. And I’m sure he’ll know what to say. I love you Casimir.” She looked at him.
“As I you my lady I would like to take you with me but I would understand if you need to stay.” Casimir looked at her though a different light because his words where true.
“If Torpius needs me He knows to send someone to find me. I truly have my heart set on you and I will go where you go.” She said understanding him. They rode to Shinnen Purlieus together His army behind him protect their Commanders new Lady.
|Title=Earl of Thar Gortauth
===Conversion of Mormeg Garayoa===

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==Conquering of the Smokey Hills==
===Conquering of the Smokey Hills===

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==Battle Taint==
===Battle Taint (Part I)===

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|Title=Knight of Shinnen
|Title=Knight of Shinnen
===Path of the Priest===
|Sender=Caldric Tyr-Sog
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)
It was a sunny day as Caldric walked out of the temple. It had been a long time since he was outside. He smiled and covered his eyes as the first rays of the sun touched his eyes. After a short time he was used to the light and he laughed. Even though he studied the flames, the sun was still much brighter. Caldric prayed and then walked away, to bring the word of the flames to the people.
|Title=Noble of Luria Nova
===Conversion of Eddard Huntington===
|Sender=Eddard Huntington
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (37 recipients)
<u>'''The Night of the Conversion'''</u>
The Knight Eddard Huntington was walking the hilly landscape from Shinnen Purlieus almost at midnight. The cold was unbearable for the average person, but what saddens and freeze is inside him because he lost all his military unit... there isn’t any warrior survivor, everybody is dead. Now he is alone in the dark, the sky is completely black in new moon phase, all this makes him feel as if stone pressed on the throat. His eyes are clouded ... and suddenly feel he can no longer stand the weight of the armor he wears. He takes off his armor, and bare-chested Eddard gives a few more steps with arms outstretched to the sides.<br>
Almost inadvertently a light bright comes approaching from the front, until the Knight realized that he was actually in front of a ignis fatuus. It blinked for a moment and then moved to a small temple that was on a close hill. The Knight did not hesitate to follow it, so he entered the sanctuary, Eddard could see a legend of the entrance door: ''Advoco Caelum. Opsecro Caeles.''
Eddard followed the ignis fatuus until to be in front of altar. Suddenly he saw a great Flame floating. He felt respect for that signal of the gods, and then he fell on his knees, drawing strength from the depths of his heart, with the most sacred of his soul, Eddard cried with all his might...
“Gods from heaven, I praise and salute you, as all the dead of my father and mother of Huntington family.”
Then he recited the following prayer...
“Katrina give me peace and prosperity.”<br>
“Holy Spirits give me long life.”<br>
“Waren give me money.”<br>
“Korroth give me honor.”<br>
“Nasia give me prestige.”<br>
“Tyka give me victory.”<br>
“Nalucht give me wisdom.”<br>
“Charkh give me good behavior and character.”<br>
“Nemordiabel give me patience.”<br>
“Vlan give me strength.”<br>
“Ancestors keep me away from poverty.”<br>
“Lower Spirits keep me away to the disease.”<br>
“Saints keep me away to death.”<br>
“Higher Spirits keep me away with curses.”<br>
“Gods keep me away to evil.”
“Gods all these blessings can pass to me.”
Past these prayers, Eddard stood up. He felt purified with an inner peace, and he felt full of strength. Is that he really was. The heaven had listened to him, the Gods had blessed him. Since then, '''Eddard Huntington became a Spark Seeker... he became an Aetheris Pyrism believer.'''
|Title=Knight of Mellifera
===Birth of the Brotherhood===
|Sender=Bipel Coldchest
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (36 recipients)
It was a cold night, Lord Bipel was sleeping in his usual room at the RedHorse inn, on the way to Giask. Suddenly he woke up, there was an intense light, an a tall man standing before him.<br>
-"Bipel, there's no need of your sword" - he said, at this time Bipel felt his power, he had the impression that this man could kill him just by thinking it, the power was so intense that even talk was a tremendous effort.<br>
-"who are you?" - he asked<br>
-"At this time just your guide. Why are you traveling in the wrong direction Bipel?"<br>
- "I'm heading to giask to join my Army"<br>
- "NO! you are running from your destiny! You must go back to Orz, in the coast, a couple of miles south of Shepherds Wells there's a cliff, there you will find a cave, get in there, alone and the truth will be revealed"<br>
- Right after that, the light dissapeared the room was completely obscure,<br>
-"It might be a dream" - bipel said , but it seemed so real<br>
-"My Lord! Are you all right?" - It was the voice of Alfreid, the captain of his guard<br>
- No Alfreid it was just a bad dream, I'm fine - Bipel answered<br>
- " With all the respect My Lord, but there was a strange light coming from you room, and Leonard, my second in command told me that there was another voice too. Can I come in?"<br>
- "Yes Alfrid, you can get into the room, but before call all the men, we are heading back to Orz"
|Title=Earl of Orz
===Theosophy Delving (Part II)===
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (26 recipients)
Hendrick sat at the desk provided for him in his temporary quarters in Shinnen and wrote out his notes.
I read the letter of his holiness with a mix of fear and trepidation. If this being Nethezim is a Lower Spirit than I can only imagine what happened to the man who wrote these records. Perhaps this being was a benevolent spirit as far as things go, but I am in no hurry to contact it, despite its potential use as an intermediary.
The spirit claiming to be one of the Higher Sphere speaks of many thing to my unnamed predecessor. He talks of those wreathed in brilliant fire who tend the lighthouses the guide the heavens. He speaks of those who sail the seas of stars, whose who watch over our kind. He speaks of being trapped below us, of prisoners we are bound to watch.
The spirit speaks of those who stand ready in the Celestial World above, to cast back the evil, those who have been created should humanity fail and the evil spring forth from this mimicked world.
He speaks here of power, of a way to claim a piece of the most divine. His words are recorded verbatim and they, even though mere words on a page, are filled with persuasion and temptation. The words almost lure me to follow his madness. The record ends here, with the writer claiming that he will go and find the power that Nethezim speaks of, that he will succumb.
Doubt fills my heart. Am I a fool for believing these words committed to paper by a nameless adherent listening to a being beyond our comprehension? Am I merely following the game of an...evil thing that seeks to derail me? As always I feel the truth rests just beyond my fingertips and that I am mocked from on high. This man, the man who came before me, fell prey to this being, to some luster of power. What were these words? They mean nothing, written by a traitor, and unnamed madman and I am left to read them. I cannot continue.
Hendrick Madigan set down his quill and covered his face with his hands. He peeked through his fingers at the ancient papers of the man who came before him and was seized with the urge to throw them into the fire - but he knew such action would achieve nothing. The path was more obscured to him now than ever before. He needed help. Swiftly, a penned a note and gathered together his findings and journal. He passed the bundle of pages off to his squire with words of desperation "Bring these to Torpius d'Arricarrère. I am in crisis". The boy departed, and Hendrick was left with the demons his mind conjured.
|Title=Earl of Thar Gortauth
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)
In a large market square in Shinnen, more than a hundred citizens listen two men debating. One of them, which appears as a non-ordained preacher, or perhaps a deacon, is saying: " you see, should you follow this abomination-hating credo, what will you accomplish? By simple logic should its principles be true you will gain little if not nothing, but should they be false you will lose your own soul!". By his side Torpius silently observes.<br>The other debater, with the semblance of an wealthy and instructed layman, probably a merchant, defends an opposite opinion: "You have no proofs, have you ever seen a God? Show me their power and I will believe!". He gesticulates and speaks loud, provokingly, and many of the listeners nod and agree with him.<br>Irritated, the preacher retorts: "Have you ever seen a Daimon? How do you know they are evil? Or is it only the stories you hear from others? There is much you do not know, and it is by ignorance you speak ill of the Gods. Do not make a fool out of yourself, and go back to your petty trading!". The listeners murmur, some agree, others shrug, and many follow the other debater when he shows himself offended and leaves. The preacher smiles, pleased.<br>
"Have you ever seen one?" Torpius asks him.<br>
"A Daimon, your holiness?" asks the surprised preacher.
"Yes, a Daimon, have you ever seen one?" he repeats.<br>
"Then do not speak about them so lightly. You made two important mistakes just now. First, your beliefs were criticized, and you chose to call him an ignorant instead of showing him where he erred. Could you not answer his question?"<br>
"But he was clearly trying to provoke me!"<br>
"And he succeeded, making you commit the second mistake, which was to attack his beliefs by imprudently speaking of what you ignore. You were lucky he was not well versed in the Path's theology, or he could have easily retorted. Remember that you are preaching for the Truth of the Gods, not against the Path. It is irrelevant if their beliefs are right or wrong, the Truth remains true nevertheless, and that is what you must show them."<br>
During this short exchange of words between the prophet and the preacher a boy arrives, announcing himself at the end of their conversation as Lord Hendrick's squire. He delivers a small pile of writings to the prophet, adding: "My liege requires you, your holiness."<br>
Torpius starts reading, and without taking his eyes of the pages asks the preacher: "Have you dispatched the letter to my cousin?"<br>
"It is already on its way to Beluaterra."<br>
"Very well, it seems I have matters to attend, so you will have to continue without me." Torpius says, adding to the squire: "Lead on, boy", and starts following him while still reading.
|Title=Earl of Shinnen Purlieus
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (29 recipients)
Hendrick began pacing the room manically. Fear began to wind tendrils around his mind as the ancient papers seemed to take on a life of their own in the room. What began as fear of failure and falling into the hands of darkness had spiralled out of control. All fears that plagued Hendrick surfaced: fear of being an inept lord, fear of being ignored, fear of not being good enough. He feared, at that moment, for and of everything imaginable, until he simply feared with no target or ending.<br>
His gaze returned to the table with the records found in the temple of Grodno - with their false hope and their tale of human fallacy and weakness for power. 'Those papers really aught to be burned', he thought and moved towards them, until the sound of voices in the courtyard made him freeze. It seems his squire had no been remiss in finding His Holiness. Salvation at last. He snatched his hand away from the papers and forced himself to sit and wait.
|Title=Earl of Thar Gortauth
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)
As he moved through the city guided by the squire, Torpius began to feel a subtle tingling sensation. At first he ignored it, but it grew stronger as he advanced, finally turning into outright nausea. When he reached the courtyard he had no further doubts: this place was cursed. As he vomited he reprimanded himself for not having brought any purification instruments, nor even a single holy symbol. The stench of corruption was floating in the air, though only those spiritually-sensitive would notice it by what it was.<br>
Entering the room while muttering a prayer, he saw Lord Hendrick in a unusually distressed state, along with a not excessively disordered room, but whose mess-pattern screamed a battle had been fought here, a battle of the mind. This, of course and again, perceptible by few.<br>
Torpius grabbed Lord Hendrick by the arm with a short "quick, follow me!", and as he left with him he added to the squire: "gather his things, we are travelling, <i>now</i>".
|Title=Earl of Shinnen Purlieus
===Sacrifice for Pathroq===
|Sender=Kamron Lorganson
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (24 recipients)
Seven days. Seven days since he entered the woods of Maraba and had given the order.
“Run free, men.” He had told them. “Slaughter and kill. Pillage and burn. Run free now and let loose your darkest desires.” A small hut was the first to go up in smoke. He still heard the screams of the family barricaded inside. Such soft voices… All was quiet when muffled by death, fire and smoke. Only the peaceful sound of war remained.
His men slew without remorse and his own warhammer was quickly covered in blood and plucks of hair. When they finally set up camp in some small abandoned castle of some insignificant noble – maybe the Lord – the ale and wine flowed plentifully and the smell of roasted meat filled the halls. Some poor servant girls hadn’t had the wits to flee in time. Kamron didn’t care. He didn’t march his army all this way through the cold winter weather to deny them their pleasures. Pleasure was in fact ''exactly'' why they marched all that way. To strengthen the bond of his men.
It was only when a fight broke out between two of them – one so resembling a bear he could’ve been easily lost in the woods, the other more approaching the looks of a bull – that he looked up from his beer and put an end to it. The bear, who went by the name of Brossus, had not immediately grasped the situation in his drunken anger and lost a tooth.
The six days that followed melted together into one seemingly endless binge of killing and drinking. Only once had they had to face a real army of real soldiers and though many a man was lost, it was the blood of the enemy that soaked the fertile fields of Nuas. As slow as they were to arrive on the battlefield, as fast were they to leave. He had captured the Grand Duke himself in the midst of battle and sent him to Giask but the man had bought his freedom already. The thought made Kamron smile. His steel hadn’t saved his subjects, and neither did his gold.
Half of the peasantry of Nuas lay dead, the other half was hiding in what little hiding-places these coastal plains had to offer. The other day he had pulled out a couple of Fissoan deserters out of a shipwreck and the day before that a seemingly abandoned farmhouse turned out not to be so empty after all. But it was getting harder, the region was vast and he had already sent most of his army home. They couldn’t stay much longer now. The peasants seemed to know it too. What little hope remained still laid with their Fissoan Lords and all of the killing, all of the destruction, had not changed that.
''Let them have it''. thought Kamron as he stood on top of the encircled mill, the only one not burnt-out for miles to see. Smoke filled the air and the Fissoan bodies – those that had not risen, hungry for their comrades – were still spread across the battlefield. The soldiers’ steel had been robbed by his forces or by the rebellious peasants and many laid naked in the dull spring sun, rotten and eaten. Wherever he looked he saw the fruit of destruction, the price of treachery. He even ''dreamt'' of it now. Ever since that first hut went up in smoke, he dreamt of the killing, the fire, the destruction, the… Pathroq. He relived it every night since then. The feeling of adrenaline and ultimate power as he charges through the lines of his enemies, Brossus Gold-tooth at his right, Captain Oldred at his left and blood all around. He relived the Fire, holy master of destruction. He relived the death, leaving a void that only more death could fill. Pathroq had shown him the path and he would answer His call. Blood will be spilled, Fire will spread and death will follow.
|Title=High Commander of Luria Nova
|Sender=Kamron Lorganson
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (24 recipients)
Having walked past the day’s catch, he left the mill and locked the door. Grabbing a torch from one of his men he turned his back to their orderly formation and threw it through a window. His men followed his example and soon the entire building was cracking under the destructive power of the Flames, muffling a symphony of screams.
Lifting his hands to the waning sun behind the mill, Kamron spoke only few words as the warriors behind him looked at the spectacle with frozen faces.
“In the name of the Holy Flame, I awaken thee, Devourer.”
With a thunderous sound the roof came crushing down, collapsing the walls on it’s path and covering the whole area in a thick, black smoke. A million sparks filled the emptiness the mill had left and ashes came raining down from the sky.
In the midst of it all, Kamron walked forward and kneeled in the smoke, raising his right arm towards the raging flames before him. As they consumed his flesh his horrifying growls kept his men from entering the smoke, when it finally lifted they found him lying on the black grass. The chainmail on his right arm had melted and the leather beneath it was still smouldering but the scars on his arm were already slowly sinking into his flesh. By the time the night had fallen, Kamron had returned to consciousness and no sign of his scars remained.
''Now go forth and spread the Fire.''
|Title=High Commander of Luria Nova
|Sender=Kamron Lorganson
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (24 recipients)
(OOC: small addition to the last rp because it has been pointed out to me by another player that in line with Dwilight's SMA policy, it's probably not appropriate to assign magical powers to flames, not even if supposedly a god manifests himself through them. I of course neglected that in all excitement of introducing AP's newest god, so well, here it is. :) )
As the night progressed Kamron woke up with a paralyzing pain, screaming for the healers. Though at first the adrenaline of feeling Pathroq's presence had made him lose sight of his right arm and the scarring he had suffered by the flames. Now he looked at it with a clear mind, it was clearly red and festering, especially where the steel had molten into his flesh. Pathroq had given him the strength to ignore the pain at first but He could not deny Katrina's reason and it were Her well-learned servants that had to save him now.
As they started their work on his arm he could feel the flames burn through his flesh again. Their warmth spread to his heart as he drank the healers' potions and prayed for strength.
|Title=High Commander of Luria Nova
===Cursed King===
|Sender=Kamron Lorganson
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (24 recipients)
Before the sun fully climbed over the horizon, Kamron was already awake, holding the letters from the Elders of the Halls in his hands that he had gotten during the night. As always King Bipel pretended as if he was unheard and sticked to his original ideas, now putting them forward as a compromise. As he walked through the columned corridors of his estate in Giask he squeezed the papers more tightly with every step and with every step he felt the dream of an Empire slip away. When he finally walked into the shrine of Pathroq, he had but dust remaining in his palm.
The oval-shaped walls of the shrine were filled with scorched skeletons of human and monstrous form all staring at him with hollow eyes. In the center a small but bright fire burned as the fading stars struggled to shine in the dawning sky above. It only took a few steps before he reached the flame and fell down on his knees, he didn't come here to waste his time nor that of the Gods.
With one hand he swiftly threw the paper-dust in the fire while with the other he pulled the sacrificial dagger out of it's marble socket and cut his palm with it above the fire, where he could feel the warmth of the flame in the air, the touch of his God. After laying the dagger carefully in the flames he bowed his head and squeezed his fist together tightly.
"Oh Devourer, Lord of the Flames of Death, Master of Destruction... Pathroq, I speak Thy name."
As he lowered his fist his voice started trembling.
"Hear me now, Your humble servant. I offer You, who owns my soul, now my blood. May it feed Your Fire ever stronger."
After a only a few drops at first, the blood now started streaming into the fire and still he lowered his hand.
"By the power of Blood and Flame I curse the one who is called King Bipel of Luria Vesperi. May his lifeless body be swallowed by the waves. May his fire be forever extinguished from this world. May he drown in the meaningless chatter of fish as he has tried to drown me.
On his name I call death, on his soul I call destruction and on his body everlasting disgrace. See my call answered, oh Scorched God, and I will set this world ablaze with the strength of many nations. From Candiels to Darfix the land will be renewed in Your Fire.
May Your All-Devouring Flame consume my soul if it is not so."
The last word spoken, he opened his hand and waved it quickly through the fire. Then he pulled out the dagger and closed the wound.
As he left the shrine behind him, the new day had broken.
|Title=High Commander of Luria Nova
===Nasia's justice in Irvington===
|Sender=Lucini Talratheon
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Irvington (9 recipients)
High Justice Lucini stepped down from the platform, her face relaxed some might say indifferent her complexion pale as if death had claimed her already. Many commoners considered her death by her public judgments as it was however those close to her would know it was her majority of time spent indoor with quills and parchments rather than in the sun or with a sword or rapier as most noblemen conducted their leisure time with. She wore a coal grey gown and matching color bodice that complimented her narrow and petite figure however rather than the bulky livery collar that bestowed her royal office she wore a black silk stole barring a single red line.
Before her knelt in chains here nearly two dozens commoners, and a wealthy merchant her personal guardsmen bore spears aimed at them as she begin to unravel a scroll lightly bound in her fists, her green eyes staring coldly over them while curious commoners looked on with piqued curiosity.
"''Attention, Novans of the Common class here before the seat of the King's Justice and one member of the Gentry class, spice merchant. You've all been gathered here today to answer for the crimes of treason against your Lord in Irvington, conspiracy to rebel, multiple counts of murder, larceny, rape and illegal taxation upon other members of the Common class, as well as theft of realm taxes. You are all to be executed at the whim of the High Justice, upon sentencing.''"
Lucini paused for a moment rolled the scroll back up and handing it off to her scribe, before bowing her head in silence for a mere moment. She began to speak softly and reverently as if in prayer.
"''May Nasia, accept this token of Justice and may she in lives beyond, grant you mercy and penance for your crimes in this life. May Warren in her glorious service to eternal administration accept this token as a boon of efficiency as the tinker removes the broken cog that the entire machination be fluid in it's workings.''"
She opened her eyes, smiling as if a burden had been lifted from her, before turning to the Captain of her Guard, nodding as he utterly softly and gently as a mother would to her child. "''Captain Dieter, commence.''"
Without hesitation he turned to the woman he'd had his speak aimed at, she could have been no younger than twenty as he quickly thrust his spear into her chest, a spurt of vermilion essence shot from the wound as she gasped falling to her side unable to react as the hands and ankles were shackled with chains.
The rest of the guard followed in examples each slaying one of the chained commoners one by one the sounds of metal spears breaking through bone and flesh and the gasps of lost life and gurgled moans being the only that filled the air far beyond the shocked gasps of the crowd. Lucini only watched, as the final man was  stabbed in his body by five guards simultaneously a few of the guards began to stab a few of the survivors who desperately clung to life, ensure there were no survivors among the convicted.
Crimson painted the cobblestone at the scene as she looked on finally looking to her Captain as he approached himself not saying a word only listening as he had always done under her command. It was a bond they shared as Liege and soldier he never had to speak only listen. "''Collect and rinse off the chains, burn the bodies to prevent plague leave the blood as a reminder to anymore whom would steal.''" ​He bowed his head in acknowledgement as Lucini walked away slowly a few guardsmen in flank as protection as she returned to her temporary estate quietly pulling the hood of her gown over her head the soft smile never leaving her dark burgundy colored lips.
|Title=High Justice of Luria Nova, Margravine of Giask
|Sender=Lucini Talratheon
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Irvington (9 recipients)
Lucini stood atop a makeshift podium quickly made for the purposes of judgement, before her a man forcibly knelt by her guards bows his head to her perhaps in defeat, shame or fatigue. Dried blood crusted from his nose and a gash near his brow, his clothing made of simple yet filthy burlap a pair of short pants, leather shoes and a tunic. Lucini dressed in her usual gown of coal grey linens with the black stole drooping loosely around her shoulders. She watched him curiously before looking to the crowd, her green eyes vigilantly over looking the poor destitute commoners.
"''Lurians of Irvington, your liege lord grants you protection grant you wage and work to fed yourselves and your families and you in turn offer him treachery, theft and mistrust and even revolt. This man of common birth plead guilty to the theft of grain a man without family and now a man without name or honor. However I feel merciful he will not hang from the gallows as thieves should nor shall he be burned for his treachery or flayed of flesh for treason to Lord Kenwood. No, he shall have life.. life imprisoned in Giask until the end of his days.''"
With it said she clasped her hands behind her back, and nodded to the guard who dragged away the nearly limp commoner away out of sight. Before turning to the crowd again, her usual gentle expression turning to one of strengthened resolve.
"''Tell your families and all whom question this judgement that there will be no more thefts, or violations of the law. You will all fall in line, we will have solidarity the crime for theft in my presence in Irvington will be to burn at the stake.''"
She stepped back quietly before slowly stepping off the podium, two guards following her as she departed from the crowd to conduct further business.
|Title=High Justice of Luria Nova, Margravine of Giask
=== '''Disciples of Destruction''' ===
=== Part 1: The Offering ===
|Sender=Kamron Lorganson
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (27 recipients)
The sun was setting over the Silver City as Kamron entered the temple of Aetheris Pyrism through it's large marble gate. The great fire, over 2 meters in diameter, in the middle of the large hall burst with life and light, keeping the creeping darkness away and flickering over the stone faces and depictions of the Gods, standing in a circle staring into the eternal flames. Clergy and laymen alike bent before their Gods and silently prayed, filling the hall with whispers. As usual Pathroq had no depiction, no statue and certainly no one praying for His divine mercy.
Kamron ignored them. Visitors in my temple, worshiping only Gods whose existence they dare to acknowledge.
He walked straight ahead coming to a halt at the black stone encircling the fire, there he bowed his head and spread his arms, his leisurely clothing spreading wide out. He bellowed, turning many a head in the hall.
"Oh Devourer, hear me Your loyal servant. Many souls have I brought You. Forests, fields and villages have all burned in Your name. I have turned earth to ash and clouds to smoke yet Your hunger has not stilled. Show me, Lord of Fiery Death. Show me my path and I shall tread it till my feet are bare."
He nodded backwards and two young slaves stepped forward and took his mantle off his shoulders, leaving him bare-chested. It was a beautiful luxurious piece with flaming motives fitting a man of his station they had told him. It didn't look too shabby though he had to admit. The slaves folded it respectfully on the chest with offerings they had been dragging behind him and stood to attention on either side. Carefully he opened the chest, making sure not to move the mantle and pulled out a ceremonial dagger.
He stepped onto the black stone and felt the leather under his feet cringe from the heat. Without hesitation he took the dagger and started carving in silence. Two circles around his left and one around his right nipple. The blood flowed down his chest and stomach, onto his luxurious pants but more importantly it fell hissing onto the fire from the dagger.
Kamron stared into the fire till his eyes went dry and when the last drop fell from the red steel, time stopped. He turned around and with one quick move slashed the throat of the slave-girl standing to his right, in what seemed to be the exact same moment, he ripped the slave-boy's stomach open and gave his entrails a good pull. Screams filled the air as the visitors' faces turned from timid interest to straight out horror. Some of them fled in panic, others watched bedazzled at the corpses and the bloody man besides them, minding his own business.
He diligently removed their clothes then took a golden dress from the chest and put it on the girl. Despite the unfortunate day she just had, she still looked graceful in it. The boy received the pretty mantle to warm him. He was still gurgling when Kamron laid them both in the fire.
Drenched in blood from head to toe he watched them burn. The few people who remained in the temple silently whispered Pathroq's name, praying almost, as they watched the corpses burn. Do they know nothing? Pathroq doesn't answer prayers. Only blood and fire.
Kamron did not know when to expect His answer though, only that it'd demand more blood and more fire.
|Title=Devotee of Fire
==Church Roleplays==
===Battle Taint (Part II)===
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (10 recipients)
Arriving at the temple, Sir Rhino finds the two face-covered monks awaiting him in the entrance. They silently greet him with a bow and without a word proceed to guide him to where the pre-ceremony of the [[Aetheris Pyrism/Practices#Temple_Rites|purification rite]] is already happening.
They escort him through the halls of the temple and arrive to a large entrance. After a brief and silent pause of a couple of seconds the doors open and a dense fog comes out of the doors, which allied to the dim illumination in the room effectively conceals anything not in a very short distance of the observer. While outside the temperature could hardly be described as freezing in these lands, it is low enough to ensure that any reasonable man seeks the cover of warming clothes, at the very least. In this place, however, the temperature is very high. The fog is actually steam, and sweat rapidly mixes with the condensed steam attaching to the noble's body.
As Sir Rhino steps forward and as he walks he finds himself in a large room in front of a hot pool, which starts shallow and goes deeper the further it goes. To his back, the now closed doors from where he came from. He cannot see far away, nor the roof nor any of the other walls. He can, though, notice far away in the mist several bright illuminated spots in where candles flicker, diffusely expanding their light through the steam. Sad laments of women and the voice of men singing monophonic liturgical music can be heard echoing in the room, making it hard to determine if their proximity or location. Between him and the pool he sees to his left a marble sculpture designed to leave his clothes in, and to his right, on top of a finely sculpted and ornamented marble pedestal, a crude-looking ceramic vase with black earth, partially turned into mud by the room's humidity.
|Title=Fire Prophet
|Sender=Rhino Tsoutsoulis
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (10 recipients)
The young knight shed his armor, weapons, and clothes. In tears the knight covered himself in the mud scoop by scoop as his scribe gingerly shaved his long locks of black hair against the quick jerks of the knight's sobbing head. When the knight was finally bald the scribe continued covering the knight's head and back while the knight stood motionless and stared into space. Even as the mud dripped into his eyes and mouth, the knight dared not move.
|Title=Flame Seeker
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (10 recipients)
As the knight soils himself with mud and earth, the hidden chorus' music starts a crescendo, accompanied by the lamentations of women, reaching a climax when the last drop of hair falls. Then the music suddenly stops. As the scribe finishes covering the knight in dripping mud and recedes, the women voices starts to fade, until complete silence is reached.
For what seems like an eternity, Sir Rhino awaits naked and soiled in the dark and foggy room, until a bell sounds five times and the echo of a grave voice reaches him. He can hear the distorted sound saying "''come forward, my child... wash your sins away''".
As Sir Rhino steps into the pool and advances forward, getting gradually deeper, a new song breaks the silence, this time sang by both men and women. He advances until the water covers his chest and proceeds to wash all the dirt away. As he continues, the depth starts decreasing until he can see the other end of the pool. In it he sees, to his right, a marble pedestal seemingly identical to the one in where he left his old clothes, including the fact of having them in it, along with a towel, a new set of slightly brighter-colored clothes and his armor and belongings. To his left a large [[Aetheris Pyrism/Practices#Temple_Structures|Turibulum]] hanging from the unseen ceiling by three metal chains emits a diffuse light, coming from the red live coals exposed in it. To his front he can see the blurred-by-the-steam shape of an offerings altar. Yet unseen, behind the altar, lays the room's back door.
|Title=Fire Prophet
|Sender=Rhino Tsoutsoulis
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (10 recipients)
The young knight threw his clothes in the fire and signaled his scribe to donate a pouch of coins. He then dipped himself lower into the water. The knight stopped just below his eyes and watched his clothes burn.
|Title=Flame Seeker
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (10 recipients)
Once again, Sir Rhino hears a bell breaking the silence five time before the same voice from before, this time closer and more clear, announces: "The four steps of the Purification Rite have been successfully performed", when four others reply "''mea culpa''", "''purgare''", "''exuraro''" and "''expiare''".<br>
Then the voice continues: "From this day on, in the eyes of the Gods, you are a new man. You may rise proudly and wear your new garments, Flame Protector".
|Title=Fire Prophet
===Fissoa's Conversion===
|Sender=Shin Shenron
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (17 recipients)
Shin's face was cold that morning. He had broken into a sweat although he had no fever; surely the work of the gods, he thought. He looked upon a new robe today although he could not yet wear it. It was white with a dark velvet trim and a large red symbol of the flamma on the back. He had sent a note out to the elders, he wished to ascend the faith; it was his calling.
The building he sat in today was also not his usual location. Instead of his private estate, Shin sat before an altar today. Although the hall he inhabited now was only small, there was already huge pieces of scaffolding around the outer layer of the building. Builders sat around on call but doing nothing, they were waiting for something.
Shin looked on and smiled a serene smile. He said outloud (as if to catch the ear of the gods,) finally my people will know faith.
|Title=Duke of Fissoa and Flame Seeker
===Theosophy Delving (Part I)===
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (16 recipients)
Hendrick Madigan, wounded as he had been in the battle of Grodno, had taken his convalescence in the temple of the region. Small, and seemingly sparringly used, he expected to find nothing of interest there, save for books he had already read and kindly brothers of the faith. Not so. He discovered, on his arrival, a lone serious priest who, after hearing of the tale of his conversion to the faith, guided him to a basement archive. Tomes and scrolls lined the walls, a fine layer of dust comfortably settled on every surface. The priest left without a word and Hendrick Madigan settled among the records of Aetheris Pyrism. After a few minutes of searching he found something that made his heart cease beating for a moment. As he read, he could feel heat suffusing his body, purpose flowing through his veins. So, his journey would begin here, it seems. He spent the next two days taking notes and pouring over the mysterious document, before sending one of his few remaining men to find the one man who could use this information.
Enclosed in the letter was the beginning of what Hendrick had begun calling the Madigan Study of Theosophy
Research Journal of Hendrick Madigan, Flame Protector and Apprentice of Theosophy
The Study of the Divine is a field unlike any other. To know the face of God, it was said, is to know the face of madness. Can one truly understand the beings that watch us humans? We can but try. I, for my part, am honored to be allowed to follow this path of scholarship. I bore my correspondence with his holiness to the temple of Grodno and they admitted me to every part of the achieves. So many writings untouched for so long. I will write here what I learn.
The Holy Spirits are the divine beings who inhabit the Celestial Sea. They dwell as intermediaries between the Great Gods and the world of Men. On solar winds and ships of stars they travel, keeping the Lighthouse Stars that orient and guide the world.
I have read the tomes of old and memorized the tenants and myths of faith and through all, the Holy Spirits remain elusive and ephemeral. Their mentions are brief, their presence insubstantial, their thread hard to follow. I have contemplated contacting them, but I am but a youth and their ears will not be turned towards me. Perhaps they know I seek to understand them and stay hidden from my sight. My flame burns to know them, to question the unknown, but it seems I am yet unworthy..
I have unearthed in the temple archives of Grodno, however, a series of writings by an anonymous predecessor to my research. The first words on the page are directed as such: "To all who follow where I tread, I beg you turn back". Undeterred, I poured over his notes. He had, it seemed, successfully communed with a holy spirit through dreams, a being which called itself Nethezim of the Outer Seas - words which meant nothing to him and mystify me. This anonymous follower wasted no time in asking questions of the being, which replied in what is called a "lilting and flowing voice". He gleaned little from the words, but enough to provide a starting point for my studies.This man had learned the following:
That the Celestial Seas flow in a perfect circle around the core of the Solar Realm, the home of the gods, and that the Holy Spirits, or as Nethezim called his people "TABELLARIUS", traverse these seas and maintain the Heavens. He further says that certain members of his kind commune directly or indirectly to humanity, who dwell in the world Nethezim calls "PRAESIDIUM". Finally, the Holy Spirit hinted that there was a hierarchy of his kind, before vanishing from the dreams of this man.
I am mystified. The words used by this being Nethezim are not found in any other text of our records and I am almost tempted to believe that Nethezim is a deceitful and unholy being. It is easier to swallow than the alternative, that this anonymous man successfully communicated with a formerly elusive being and learned facts that are revelatory to the study of Theosophy. If this is true, then it is essential I record my findings and deliver them. These words cannot be lost again.
|Title=Flame Protector
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (16 recipients)
As Torpius prepared to descend from the horse, with the aid of his servants, a messenger announced his presence. He awaited patiently until the Fire Prophet reached the ground and imparted orders both to his personal escort as to the temple men, and then finally delivered it, bowed respectfully and departed. <br/>Torpius saw the sender and smiled. He was tired from all the work in Shinnen Purlieus, in where he had been delivering justice day and night to fix the mess left by the monsters, and he was still not satisfied. On the other hand, his preaching on the peasants was finally giving fruits, and a shrine had been erected. But now it was time for him to retire into the solitude of the temple of the Smokey Hills, a much quieter place. And what would be better for resting his mind than the theological studies of the faithful Hendrick? "A man with certainly a brilliant future" Torpius thought. <br/>After taking a room in the temple, and a scribe ready, he started dictating: <br/>"Brother Hendrick, <br/>Your letter is a candle in these dark times of political unrest and monster invasions. Your understanding of the theology is impressive, and your research very interesting. There are some matters about the text you have found that I feel I must comment. <br/>The being who called himself Nethezim is certainly not a Higher (or Holy) Spirit, but a Lower one, which does not in any way make him less dangerous. In fact, I suspect this one to be of colossal power. The point in where we can cast no doubt about his essence is when he introduces himself. <br/>You see, the Higher Spirits are beings of another order, and while we mere mortals try to categorize, name and describe them, we are always left lacking the words to do so. The Higher Spirits are entities of the Spiritual Realm, which we are not yet able to clearly perceive, or even understand, and the way we notice and interact with them is not through their presence, but through their ''absence'' and their effects on reality. In order to better understand it, we can say that we do not ''see'' the wind, but we do feel it in our skin, and see as the leaves are carried by it, or the trees move. In the same sense, we can notice the Higher Spirits by perceiving the ''void'' in where there should be something, and receiving their occult messages in our world, subtle as the flight of a bird or the pattern formed by accidentally dropping some coins in the ground. Of course that 'void' is not a suitable word, but once again, in such abstract matters the worlds used to describe the mundane reality are not sufficient. <br/>In such way, a Higher Spirit would have never named himself, a need we inferior beings have for communication purposes, but they do not. There was an interesting representation I found made by a monk in Maf, a wise man, in which a Higher Spirit was represented as a masked man. It was a small wooden statue, and the symbolism it contained was truly inspiring. <br/>But I digress.. Regarding Nethezim, he seems to be among the few Lower Spirits, half-spiritual and half-material beings paradoxically present in either or both Realms, that attain such power that can afford to proclaim themselves Higher Spirits. While such is not true, their power allows them to defend their claim against their peers, and their insignificance frees them from the Gods' attention. This particular individual could be the spirit of one of the great outer seas, or another force of not at all trivial might. <br/>His claims, however, are not necessarily lies, and may be as well mostly true. It is no secret that the Lower Spirits have a much more direct access to the Spiritual Realm, and incomparable better understanding of it. Depending on his agenda, the knowledge he shared could be the literal truth, a symbolic account of matters of his own reality, or simply lies. Which one of them is, I cannot tell, and it will be up to you to discover through your research, as well as his true nature and mundane links with the world. <br/>Should you be interested in a deeper account regarding the Lower Spirits, or any other matter, do not doubt in contacting me. I would also recommend extreme caution when dealing with them, and either aid from a spiritual brother versed in the arts of Demonology, or the possession of said knowledge. <br/>With your permission I shall make this letters public to our brothers-in-faith, so they can partake with the knowledge you are bringing forth, and perhaps feel inspired to begin their own researches. <br/>Dei te incolumen custodiant,"
|Title=Fire Prophet
===Honor the Ancestors===
|Sender=Zena Jadewarrior
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (16 recipients)
A crash of lightening was followed by the loud boom of distant thunder as Zena entered the temple in Orz. She couldn't help but think that perhaps the greater Gods were angry about something.
She had often wondered about the greater Gods. To Zena they were a mystery only felt in their absence in the world.
She entered further into the temple and knelt before the altar. First she laid her sword horizontally on the ground in front of her knees. Then she placed some bread, berries and incense on the altar as an offering to her ancestors.
For much of her life Zena had felt a strong connection with her ancestors. It was to them she prayed for strength and protection whenever she went to battle. Today she would offer them her gratitude. Her most recent battle they had been ambushed by undead hordes and severely out numbered. And Zena knew that the battle may have gone quite differently without her ancestors aid.
She became lost in thought as she remembered how as a young maiden, her father had bestowed upon her the importance of aiding the ancestors and allowing them to bless her daily life.
He had said to her, "Zena our ancestors are vested with mystical powers. Their spirit continues to exist after death and can gain the power to govern our destiny."
He had continued as they knelt together in their family shrine, a small tribute to the ancestors.
"Their spirit retains a functional role in the world of the living, especially in the life of their living relations. The dead have a sacred journey to make, as they bestow positive deeds for their dear ones."
He had looked at his daughter his loving eyes piercing to see that she understood. "Our ancestors can mark great miracles in your life Zena."
She suddenly realized that it was those teachings that had allowed her to be so open minded and ready when Aetheris Pyrism was introduced to her. In a way it was another gift from her great ancestors. She smiled and then bowed her head in thanksgiving.
|Title=Flame Protector
===Giask Conversion===
|Sender=Fulco D`Este
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (17 recipients)
Fulco entered the small shack of Aetheris Pyrism and slowly walked towards the altar where he saw Earl Torpius standing. Right for the altar Fulco stopped and slightly bowed.
Torpius looked upon Fulco and asked: ''Duke Fulco, would you be able to honestly and wholeheartedly profess our credo?''
Fulco responded by saying the creed just read a few hours ago
''I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.<br>I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.<br>I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.<br>I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.<br>I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.<br>I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul.''
|Title=Spark Seeker
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (17 recipients)
Torpius smiled and opened his arms, signaling their surrounding space: ''Then welcome to the family of Aetheris Pyrism, brother, I hope in time this becomes your home. Rise and follow me.''
|Title=Fire Prophet
===Proclamation of Credo===
|Sender=Henrik Leitdorf
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (17 recipients)
Henrik pushed open the grand doors to the temple of Aetheris Pyrism in the city of Fissoa. He was struck immediately by a wave of strong smelling incencse and smoke that made him sway slightly with dizzyness. Regaining his composure, the young knight strode swiftly down the main aisle of the temple and approached a marble altar, decorated with the religious signs and insignia of Aetheris Pyrism. Standing infront of this altar was a functionary similarly garbed in robes bearing fire related designs and, Henrik noticed, he held in his hand a roll of parchment. Sitting off to the side was a scribe at a desk with quill and parchment set in front of him. As Henrik approached the altar, the man greeted him warmly then began to read from the scroll.
"''In the absence of a senior member of Aetheris Pyrism, this servant is entitled to recieve any and all proclamations of our Credo, which will be promptly sent to the appropriate members for recognition.''"
Rolling up the scroll and stowing it in a pocket, the functionary indicated to Hendrik to begin.
"''I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.<br>I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.<br>I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.<br>I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.<br>I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.<br>I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul.'' "
After his proclamation, Henrik spent a while discussing a few matters with the functionary and he was given several books on Aetheris Pyrism and it's beliefs, practices and ways. Taking his leave of the Temple, Henrik felt better for having dedicated himself to the church and set off with a lightened heart.
|Title=Smokeless Fire
===The Sacrifice of Hendrick Madigan===
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (17 recipients)
Hendrick Madigan knelt in the temple he had built, letting the heavy incense and warmth sweep over him. There had been no temple of Aetheris Pyrism in Thar Gortauth when he had arrived, but he had met His Holiness that day, and Torpius had welcomed him into the faith himself. His fire had been kindled here, fed until it was a strong flame, strong enough to serve the faith in another manner. He had, in a way, always known he would take this step, ever since His Holiness had first spoken to him of the tenants of faiths and the beauty of the light. He had simply not expected it to come so soon and be such a happy occasion. He spoke a quick prayer to Nalucht, the Sweet Tongue, who had guided him so well thus far and would watch over him still. He stared into the pool of water before him and spoke aloud:
"I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.
I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.
I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.
I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.
I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.
I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul."
He grasped the sword next to him. Of course, there was the sacrifice to be made. His Holiness, when he had made his ritual, had offered the symbolic token of a family ring and Hendrick had considered sacrificing the same sword he held now, along with all it connoted, but he had remembered what his father had told him "Ours was not always as we are now. The name Madigan was forged in blood and fear". Blood and fear. He prayed the gods would be familiar with the former.
He grasped the sword clumsily in his left hand and held out his dominant right out above the pool, and extended his little finger. He had once dreamed of being a knight, a warrior, of noble quests of the blade. But he had seen the products of iron and war: death, brutality, sorrow, darkness - all these things born of blades. And so, he was determined to never hold another. To use a sword properly, even the smallest finger is needed. He narrowed his eyes and spoke.
"I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.
I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.
I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.
I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.
I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.
I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul."
The sword severed the finger effortlessly and the flesh fell into the water, staining the pure surface with blood, before vanishing into the depths. Hendrick dropped the blade at his side and swiftly bound his finger, gritting his teeth against the pain. Never a knight, never a warrior, no more dreams of glory and war - the entire martial history of the fearsome Madigan and Jazuma lost to the depth of the pool. They would call him a coward, say he wasn't a man, a craven who could not properly hold a blade, but Hendrick Madigan held to a higher truth. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath and with it spoke a last time.
"I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.
I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.
I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.
I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.
I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.
I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul."
Attendants came forth and covered him with robes and he could almost hear the somewhat mocking voice of Nalucht saying ''"Arise Hendrick Madigan, Priest of Aetheris Pyrism"''.
|Title=Smokeless Pyre
===The Purification of Jeffrey Norrel===
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick gazed into the brazier before him, as the incense so characteristic to the faith filled the air around him. He had not eaten now for some time, but he felt no pangs of hunger, only the call of the divine - a purity suffusing his body and mind. He had felt fear, at first, when he thought of this task. It was not his life, after all, but the path of another he was to aid. It was a responsibility as great as he had known and he would prove equal to it. He had to.
Hendrick drew in a great breath and cast an eye over the attendants of the temple of Askileon as they waited for his final preparations.
"Prepare more fires and more incense, if you would be so kind. And when Brother Jeffrey arrives, bar the doors and seal the temple and leave us be".
The attendants bowed, muttering "As you will, Blaze Guide", before hurrying off to complete their tasks.
Hendrick was soon alone in the great room, waiting for Jeffrey to appear. He could feel a presence around him and knew the Sweet Tongued looked down on him as always. The Blaze Guide looked down at the four fingers of his right hand, as he compulsively did when thoughts turned to that day. A fitting sacrifice for the gods and in return Nalchut had never let his side, after a fashion. But here, in the heat and smoke and incense, the god felt closer than ever - as did his pantheon of fellows. Hendrick wondered which Brother Jeffrey would pledge himself to and what he would offer up as a sacrifice.
|Title=Blaze Guide
|Sender=Jeffrey Norrel 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Jeffrey was miserable.
He had no divine call to protect him from his fasting pains, nor from the cold. The monsoon rain, characteristic of the season, had even soaked through his heavy cloak and frozen him to the bone. Even atop a horse, trudging through a cobblestone street made slippery from mud and torrents of water was no easy feat. His horse whined in pain and frustration each time he spurred it, urging it faster in vain. His world was turned into a jumble of shades as his visibility dampened with starvation and mist.
He spied one such shade off in the distance - a colorful interplay of light, shifting and turning in the rain. He had been told that suffering brought about divine revelation- was this the apparition of a god, sent to guide him? He was stunned by it's beauty, and stared idly as his horse approached.
Once he had closed the distance, the truth of the matter revealed itself. No god had shown itself, but he had found his destination. The apparition was nothing more than dancing flame seen through the stained glass of the Askileon temple. The general was bewildered that something so mundane could have enraptured him so.
He hopped off his horse with a splash, tied it up, and entered the church.
As the wooden doors creaked open, Jeffrey found his senses bombarded. Replacing his world of dreary cold was one of light, color, heat, and incense. As the alien substance filled his lungs, he thrust his sodden cloak to the side, and shook himself clean like a dog.
He heard a slam behind himself, turned, and saw that two servants had ominously barred the doors behind him. Turning back to his front, he saw what could only have been Hendrick.
"My brother! A pleasure to meet you at last."
He took a few steps forward, and offered his hand in greeting.
|Title=Flame Seeker
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick grasped Jeffrey's hand, only belatedly realizing he had shaken with the four fingers of his right which was bound to disconcert the man. No, he reminded himself, his fingers were a mark of the faith, of his devotion - one severed digit for a lifetime of service to the gods. There was no reason to feel ashamed of his missing finger. The Blaze Guide felt peace settle over him and smiled.
"The pleasure is mine, Brother Jeffrey. I pray you were not harmed by the fiercesome weather. Fear not, the gods have provided us with warmth and shelter from the storm".
Hendrick clapped Jeffrey on the shoulder and guided him further to the temple. The incense grew heavier and heavier as they walked and the heat more intense, until it was unclear if they still walked the world of men and not some strange, otherworldly plane. The smoke coiled around them as two giant braziers smoldered with innumerable coals.
"Come, we will sit here in the main hall for our meditation. I trust you have forsaken sustenance for a time and are thus ready for our reflection?".
Hendrick felt his head swim in the head for a moment. Soon. The gods were near, but first they must become one with their own minds, as pure of thought as they were of body.
|Title=Blaze Guide
|Sender=Jeffrey Norrel 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Jeffrey frowned in disgust as his little finger brushed against Hendrick's stump, and was quickly replaced with a reserved smile as they walked through the incense-filled hall. His hand fidgeted over the pommel of his sword, nervously, as he spoke.
"Aye, I've fasted for two days, now, and I am as prepared as I can be."
|Title = Flame Seeker
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick smiled, trying to project his calm to the other man. He too remembered the pangs of fear and trepidation that accompanied the first tests of faith. Those feelings were necessary, for they must be present in order to be shed and cast away. To transcend fear, one must accept fear.
"I commend your faith, Brother, and your determination". Hendrick noted the nervous movement of Jeffery's finger and gestured to the floor.
"Come, sit. And do not worry. The gods watch over you now, as do I, and your trials are eminently within your power to overcome. Now...".
Hendrick sat cross-legged on the floor and clapped his hands, the sound ringing throughout the temple. Attendants, unseen, sealed the entirety of the temple and at last the silence and heat became complete.
"Now sit, Brother, and look inwards. Now is the second trial, the Purification of the Mind".
|Title=Blaze Guide
|Sender=Jeffrey Norrel 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Jeffrey nodded as Hendrick spoke. He unbuckled his scabbard, laid it down, and sat down beside it, facing Hendrick.
"Let us begin, then."
|Title = Flame Seeker
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick smiled slightly "Indeed. Now, close your eyes and breath deep the incense of our faith. Close out the outside world and conquer any tumult that exists in your mind. It is only once you have attuned your mind and body that the divine can appear".
Hendrick closed his eyes and took a long slow breath. His body had been purified and now his mind was to follow. He cast aside all thoughts of the outside world, of his life outside the faith, of darkness and fear. He entered the stillness of his own mind and found it clear of turmoil and conflict. All was as one here, where his thoughts were clear and his focused on the matters beyond this world. He felt the light of the divine upon him and the peace that came from following one's path descend on his mind. Slowly, his mind and body aligned and moved in harmony and a calm informed his every action. He smiled to himself and savored the tranquility until he was sure that Jeffery was ready and collected.
|Title=Blaze Guide
|Sender=Jeffrey Norrel 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Jeffrey felt the strange scent of incense - and, perhaps, something else - in his throat, and tried to lay his thoughts to rest.
He was a man of many worries and rest did not come easy, but rest, or, at least, something resembling it, did come. The relative silence of the room, only broken by the soft crackling of the brazier, had a hypnotizing effect. Jeffrey did not know how much time had passed before he felt, finally, tranquil.
|Title=Flame Seeker
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick could see the calm settle over Jeffrey and smiled. They were ready at last, it seemed. He drank in the hot air of the temple.
"Brother Jeffery. You are now clear of mind and pure of body. Now let us turn to your soul. Open yourself to the divine, my brother. Cast out your mind and seek out the gods, those who watch over us all. Now, while your body and mind are in tune, seek out the one who has watch over you always, who has guided your path since you were born, even without your knowledge".
Hendrick, for his part, could feel the presence of Nalucht near him and drew strength from his patron. He prayed Jeffery could do the same in his own right.
|Title=Blaze Guide
|Sender=Jeffrey Norrel 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Jeffrey sat still for some time, not responding to Hendrick, sitting in quiet contemplation. The smoke shifted and the braziers continued to burn for some time until he stirred himself.
"I have felt the presence you spoke of. The Sweet Tongue, your own patron, made himself known, clad in bloodied scepter and golden clothes, and another beside him, in the form of a lion, roaring... Nasia, that might be," he opened his eyes, "two fitting gods, I think."
Jeffrey's usual verbose self seemed to have quieted down, and much of the previous intensity that burned in his eyes seemed quelled or, at the very least, suppressed.
|Title=Flame Seeker
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick nodded and contemplated the incense around them. "The Sweet Tongued and the Lioness, the patron of the politician and the orator and the lady of justice and law. One who wields words and pen, cunning words and pragmatic action. The other, who wields the blade of righteousness, of honor, and even of revenge for transgressions. A portentous pair indeed, speaking of a path of tumult and transition. Not an easy road, but one where hard decisions must be made, temptations resisted, honor held to".
Hendrick looked directly at Jeffrey.
"What ever happens, you must always hold fast to the ideal of justice. Sometimes the manifestation of justice might not be clear and the correct action may elude you. But follow the gods and follow your flame and the proper course will reveal itself".
Hendrick fell silent for a moment, before gesturing to a great roaring fire at the other end of the room. "The time has come. You have been made pure of body, mind, and soul. Now is the time for the sacrifice".
|Title=Blaze Guide
|Sender=Jeffrey Norrel 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Jeffrey breathed deeply, before grabbing his sword out of his scabbard and standing up. He inspected it for a moment. The sword was a brilliant piece of work, with a silver hilt jeweled with rubies. He recalled having it made the day he had been made a general. He remembered the smithy's face as he worked at the blade, and his own reverence as he swung it for the first time. Jeffrey felt nothing but disgust for it now.
He walked up to the fire, felt the burning heat on his face, and kneeled.
"I have failed. Because of my selfishness- for revenge, for power, for fame and recognition- I have allowed great travesties to befall the world. A Kingdom has burned, in part, because of me. Babes have been put to the sword, their mothers taken by brutes. Even my queen... Even she was taken from me, taken because of my foolishness. The Sweet-Tounged pities me for my lack of tact and prudence, and Nasia herself holds me in contempt for the injustices I have brought to my homeland.
To the flames I offer myself. With no self to serve, greed is rendered inconsequential."
Jeffrey held up his sword before his face for a few moments, before gripping the bladed edge with his left hand, tightening down until the blade bit to the bone and blood drenched the blade.
"I offer to the gods my life's blood. All that I am and all that I shall be will be used in service to the divine. Henceforward, I am naught but a vessel for the divine will."
He held the sword up to the dancing flames, and felt the searing heat on his hand. The blood on the blade itself sizzled and boiled away as the flames licked away at it.
"I offer them my sword, as well. My levies and armies, and those of my allies, I will use only in service to the Church. When I look north and south, I see mirrors of myself- who I could be. I will never, now, be a man who offers up the lives of other men without divine cause. Mine own is too imperfect."
He dropped the blade into the flames, then plucked out a golden coin from a purse. This was a rare coin, one of very few minted with Katerina Arundel's face. Her reign had been too short for many to be commissioned. Jeffrey gripped the coin in his left hand until blood ran red over her shining face.
"Finally, I offer my material possessions. All of my titles and lands, all of my ships and estates, all of my coin and any other things men lay claim to, I give to my patrons."
He dropped the golden coin into the fire, but held his hand out for a few moments afterwards until the searing pain forced it backwards.
"Now, it is done. All that I am, all that I command, and all that I own has been given to the Gods. I am left with nothing but their divine, august presence within me. I am as all men are meant to be."
|Title=Flame Seeker
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick's left hand clutched at his maimed right. He had thought his own sacrifice to be severe, even extreme - but here before him he witnessed a man surrendering the entirety of himself to the flames and the gods. Coin and possessions may be replaced, blades reforged, but the blood of one's body is their life, the continuation of existence. There can be no greater sacrifice.
Hendrick smiled and slowly walked down the hall to where Jeffrey knelt, clapping as he went to summon the attendants and cast open the windows and doors of the temple. He placed a hand on his Brother's shoulder as the hall filled with faithful and the sun streamed into the temple.
"A mere man knelt, but now a burning flames rises. Stand, Bother Jeffery, and bathe in the love of your brethren and the light of the gods. You have cross a threshold few can imagine and fewer can manage. You have given more of your self to the fire and to the gods than any before and stand as a exemplar of our faith. Rise, Jeffrey, devout and brother of Aetheris Pyrism".
|Title=Blaze Guide
|Sender=Jeffrey Norrel 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Jeffrey clutched at his hand. In the heat of the moment, he hadn't felt the blade, but now the deep cuts in his fingers and palm began to cloud his mind with pain. He kept his face resolute, however, not betraying the agony he felt.
"You flatter me, my lord. Good men give their lives away in the field every day. The only difference between us is that I have the good fortune to continue breathing afterwards." he said as he stood, "I am exhausted from the trials today. I hope you will forgive my returning to my estate. Mayhaps we could speak again soon?"
|Title=Flame Seeker
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan 
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (20 recipients)
Hendrick smiled and nodded "Of course, my brother. Go and rest. You have crossed through a fire unlike any before and you have emerged transcendent and devout - and rightfully taxed". He helped Jeffrey to his feet and guided him down the long hall of the temple. As they walked, the attendants and faithful bowed their heads and mouthed the same phrase over and over again: "Zealot of the Flame".
The reached, in time, the great doors of the temple, now unsealed and revealing the light of a new day. Outside, more gathered - some appearing as exhausted and sleepless as the two men emerging from the temple. Hendrick cast a glance over the assembled faithful and heard, for a fleeting moment, the mocking chuckle of his patron. He smiled and clapped Jeffrey's shoulder. "Now, Zealot of the Flame, your true work begins".
|Title=Blaze Guide
===Advoco Caelum, Opsecro Caeles===
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (33 recipients)
Travelling through the fields of winter in his journeys, Torpius met a delegation of students of the faith. They invited him to share a meal with them and questioned about the principles of ''Advoco Caelum'' and ''Opsecro Caeles''. They claimed not having had proper answers in the temples and from their betters, so had decided to consult the Prophet directly. Torpius meditated on the question for a short time before answering them:
"The mind of the young is inquisitive, and often wanders farther away than it should. Ranks and hierarchy exist for a reason, and a system without them is like a sloppy bridge without barriers. Pursue your own paths with caution and steadiness. The abyss is deep, and its borders ill-defined. Too many have fallen to warn us of its dangers.
What I can safely tell you is that those are two ways and states of relationship with the Divine, and with everything else by proxy. An ''opsecrans'' is often one who focuses on the ways of study, seeking to further his comprehension on the Divine mysteries, maybe looking for himself in them. They share a more personal relationship with the Higher Ones, and their mind is detached from this world. The ''advocantes'', on the other hand, are those who have received a mission from Above. They bring Divinity into the mortal world, embodying the Holy and turning their Truth into act. It may be the most dangerous path of them, usually trailed with the support of ''opsecrantes''. An ''advocans'' may further a simple cause, by simply living in the way of the Gods, or may carry a more complex mission. To put one path above the other is a tricky thing at best.
Should you feel the call within your heart you may delve into [[Aetheris Pyrism/Theology|deeper study]] of Aetheris Pyrism, but remember to always seek aid and guidance in your enlightenment process. Many have fallen victims of their own self-confidence, trying to overcome alone forces greater than themselves. May the Gods have pity on their ''flammae''."
|Title=Fire Prophet
===Pyre Patron Lucini===
|Sender=Lucini Talratheon
|Recipients=Message sent to all full members of "Aetheris Pyrism" (30 recipients)
In the Irvington Temple..
Builders are in a bustle, masons, carpenters, artists and engravers working on the inner marble workings of the temple Lady Talratheon stands silently flank by two guardsmen of her household as she watches respectfully. A scribe approached from behind catching the vigilant eyes of her guards before bowing his head and offering a scroll to her.
"Lady Talratheon, the work upon the temple is underway however the costs to the laborers and for the building materials will be substantial are you truly willing to press your own coin for this temple?"
Her eyes hadn't sway nor broken contact with the workers of the temple until he ended his inquiry. she looked over to the scribe then down to the scroll. "The price for this temple, a dedication and honor to the Gods is of no consequence to me this life is meaningless to the divine after. Pay the men, buy the materials it will be done, am I understood?"
The scribe merely nodded, wishing not to question her lest he end up as many of the caught criminal of Luria Nova do. Lady Lucini turns back to see the growing glory of the temple and bowed her head slowly. "May Waren bless this work, and ensure it forever serves those of the faith.
|Title=High Justice of Luria Nova, Margravine of Giask
==Public Letters==
===Giask's allegiance crisis===
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)
The fire of passion is clearly burning in many of our eloquent debaters, and I have no doubt that all of them are seeking what they think what is the greater good, envisioning the Greater Luria. But let us take one step back at our current situation: brothers are accusing each other of seeking nothing but to empower themselves, risking a fratricide outcome. Is that what we really want?
There are two truths I cannot avoid admitting. The first one is that we have two opposing dreams, that cannot be both entirely fulfilled. So, we have two options: we can either seek to crush each other and spill Lurian blood, or we can both sides cede some claims and find a common ground. The second truth is that regardless of the outcome of this crisis, there will be no winners among us. The best we can hope for will be for wounds and scars, and the worst I dare not imagine.
Those who are familiar with the [[Aetheris_Pyrism/Mythology|Pyrist myth]] might recall the first war of the Gods and its outcome. Is this something we want to repeat?
Dabit Di his quoque finem
|Title=Earl of Shinnen Purlieus
|Sender=Hendrick Madigan
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)
I am but a young man, new to this realm, but it is plain to see what Lord Torpius says is the truth.
As in the Age of Charkh, two opposing camps find themselves at odds - each armed with their own vision of the future and righteous sword of rhetoric. Between the clash of these supreme and powerful factions, we find ourselves at risk of permanent sundering of our unity and greater Lurian Dream.
As in the First War of the Gods, we are blind to the real danger of the conflict. As we accuse each other of power-hungry deceit and subterfuge, we lose sight of the worst damage of all: Not one side winning above another, but of neither triumphing and both being cast down. There is no doubt that there is a difference in thoughts, but if that is allowed to become a rift or schism then we are all truly damned and lost.
As the Lord of Demons did exploit the divide between Charkh and Vlander, so too will danger and discord be sown from our own opposition to one another.
I pray that our most noble and enlightened leaders stay the course of reason and compassion and not slip into the realm of discord.
In Faith,
==Church Letters==
===Incoming Storm===
|Sender=Torpius d'Arricarrère
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "Aetheris Pyrism" (17 recipients)
Brothers and Sisters,
Dark times are approaching, I have been sensing indications of it for a while, but now I have no longer doubts about it. If you focus your attention in the ways of the wind and birds you may notice it too. Daimons invade our brethren in Beluaterra and threaten the very existence of the much closer Maroccidentals. Men fall ill to previously uncommon or even unknown conditions, as has just happened with our Brother Shin as well, may the Gods protect him. Mistrust sweeps the land, and former friends become enemies... No, this is not the time for doubts, indecision or resting. The sleepers might find no awakening after the storm.
To all this, I am forced to make a ''mea culpa''. For too long have I let mundane matters take my time from my sacred duties. This world is filled with sweet poisonous fruits that divert our attentions from what is most important, consuming our ''flammas'' while pleasing our bodies. But what good does flesh make without warmth? It is better not to find the answer too late. By ignoring the call of the Gods to trail a purer path I may have come to miss the signs of the calamities that were approaching, which would have been otherwise much clearer. I hope to put an end now to this alienation.
I shall abdicate of my land and title, and follow the pilgrim's call, for as long as the Gods order me to. While my body may miss the warmth of the fireplace and the comfort of my bed, it is my soul's well being, and the safety of the Church, which worry me most.
You are all welcome to partake of this journey, should that be your calling. Should the Gods guide you in a different direction, make sure to put all your mind and heart to it, and you will find the Holy Ones aiding and watching over you.
Adeste fideles!
|Title=Fire Prophet of Aetheris Pyrism, Earl of Shinnen Purlieus
[[Category:Aetheris Pyrism]]

Latest revision as of 22:56, 22 May 2013


This is information on the daily religious life, and it is shared by those who came in contact with it ingame.

Public Roleplays

The Temple, the Priestess and the Ring

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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On the bottom of a hill, around four dozens of men dressed in dark colors circumvent it while staring at its top, carrying lit torches as the sun falls in the sky.

On the top of the hill, a small group of figures with lighter colored clothes chat by the large pyre waiting to be ignited.
"The evil spirits should have been cleared by now", a feminine voice comments, with a hint of worry.
"But by your tone they may not", a masculine one replies, smiling.
"Indeed, should we sacrifice another goat? Perhaps in the moon-shaped rock?"
"A peasant boy told me he knew about an abandoned cave with leftovers from small animals not far away from here."
"How could have we missed it?"
"The locals have had years of advantage to better know the region, it is no mystery."
"Maybe sacrificing a pork...?"
"Raising your bet?", Torpius comments with a laugh, "You are this temple's Spark Guardian after all, Priestess Nathalie, so it is up to you".
"No, a goat should suffice", Nathalie answers, regaining the security in her tone.
"I would stay to enjoy this pleasant weather, but see those people in there?" Torpius points to the horizon, in where a crowd looks at the coming spectacle with curiosity. "Well, most of them want to know what is going on, and are ready to accept the divine truths, but will not if someone does not turn that potentiality into act..." He adds, while casually taking of a ring and throwing it into the pyre.
"But your eminence, the ceremony is about to start..." The priestess protests.

"I have already made my sacrifice for this temple-inauguration ceremony" Torpius replies sighing. "There is nothing left for me to sacrifice now, you will do fine without me, Lady Krauss... Or should I say Lady Godfrey?" He adds with a wink and a bow while walking away.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Casimir Godfrey
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[The Pass few days of Casimir's Journey]

"Sir Casimir." Captain Stephan calls as they march from Ciarin Tut to Garuck Udor. "Yes Captain. What is it you are summoning me for?" Asked Casimir Knowing his orders would lead him to someone he's been thinking about since they left to fight monsters. "Sir we have 10hours Travel before we get to Shinnen Purlieus." His captain said riding along side his Knight. "Are you telling me we are behind Captain?" Casimir asked as if not terribly concerned. "No sir, I am reporting the length we have left sir." His Captain looked Casimir in the eyes as if trying to see if Casimir was Concerned or he was Faking his disappointment. "Captain what have I told you about trying to study me?" Casimir Looked at his Captain unaffected by his stare. "Sir, You said that how ever long that I look at you that I will never figure out that you are being Serious or Entertaining." His captain dropped his stair remembering. "Did I tell you to stop Captain?" Casimir kept his stare on his captain knowing he has won whatever Battle that a man could win to another man. "Sir, I am your captain It is not my right to try to figure you out." His captain said head still lowered. "Captain You have to learn to look me in the eyes. I don't mind that you try to study me. That is what is going to keep you alive and not dead. But do not stare at me when I am not looking back at you." Casimir said as if trying to point out something to his captain. "Yes sir." His captain looked back up into his Knight's eyes. And for a second thought he knew what his Knight ment. "Get the men ready We Still have hours away before we reach Shinnen Purlieus. I want them in top shape when we arrive. I expect alot out of you Captain. Lets' Lead togeather and I'm sure you will learn." Casimir placed his hand on his Captains' shoulders to encourage him more. His captain nodded and left to ready the men for the lasting of the March to Shinnen Purlieus.

"Oh to see My Nathalie and Her Daughter who named my horse.." He thought and smiled.

[Meanwhile in Shinnen Purlieus a few days Earlier]

"Mommy, Is it alright I go and play?" Asked Stefanie. "Yes, But come back before the sun lowers." Said the Priestess. "Yes Mommy." Stefanie left without saying another word. She walked to the hill where the First Sacrifice was done by Her mother Nathalie and the new Priest Torpius of Aetheris Pyrism. To Stefanie it looked like some people where having a large fire she really didn't understand what that site was truly about or for. She didn't know that was where the First Sacrifices where made and since no one told her that she couldn't play up there she did just that. She gathered twigs, Flowers, Leafs, rocks, Played in the ashes of the sacrifices Stirring the dirt Picking up more rocks and finding a Clump of dirt with a large greenish-bluish stone shining dimly in the shadow of the trees. Upon seeing the Stone she placed everything she had in a Basket she found on her way up the Hill. Reaching out to touch the ring it shocked her but when she tried again it let her pick it up. "Mommy would know how to clean up this rock." She said putting it into her basket and continued looking around gathering flowers for her mom and hoping to see Sir Casimir again. "He told us he would be back. I have to believe that he will." She said to herself. "Mommy misses him so much." She danced around the top of the hill tell the sun started to go down and it started to get dark. She picked up her basket filled with rocks and flowers and walked home like her mother told her to do she was home before dark. "Stefanie, Come eat your just in time for Dinner." She heard her mom yell. "And leave your findings by the door I don't want it to be like last time when you brought home worms and they where everywhere." "Yes Mommy." Stefanie said leaving her findings by the door and ran to the table to sit down and eat. "Your a mess Stefanie!" Nathalie was in total shock. "Stefanie Hurry upstairs and fix yourself up." "Yes Mommy." Stefanie hurried upstairs and cleaned herself up a bit before returning to her mother and the food on the table. "That's better." Nathalie said. They started to eat dinner and Having not eaten almost all day Stefanie was quite hungry. "Mommy, This is really good. After this I want to give you your flowers I found for you." Stefanie said happily. "Flowers huh. Did you collect alot of them?" Nathalie smiled. "Yep and I need your help in cleaning up a rock i found mommy." Stefanie said with a smile.

"Yes after we have eaten." Nathalie said with a smile.
Casimir Godfrey (Knight of Irvington)

Roleplay from Casimir Godfrey
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[To continue]

[After Dinner]

"Mommy here's your flowers and heres the rock I found." Stefanie said with excitement. "Oh thank you for the flowers Lets see what kind of rock you found sweetheart." Nathalie took the rock and started to clean it realizing who it looked like it belonged too. "Stefanie, Where did you find this ring?" Nathalie asked. "On top of a Hill mommy." Stefanie explained. The ring was made from a metal called "silver gold" and had a dog with something indistinguishable on his back carved, a large greenish-bluish stone, and had a motto: "frangar sed non flectar" Though this one had an Odd shape P and H in front and behind of the Motto as if scratched into on accident. "This ring belongs to Someone I know Stefanie. I will have to show him it. I'm not sure if he'll let us keep it." Nathalie explained. "Momma." Stefanie started to cry. "But I was the one that found it." "Sweetheart, It belongs to someone else. I will make sure that that person knows you Found it. Now off to bed we'll talk about this in the morning." Nathalie hugged her daughter. "I love you sweetheart. Please understand that I am not taking the ring away from you but I should show it to the Owner of such a marvelous ring." Nathalie walked her daughter to her bed and tucked her in. "Goodnight sweetheart." "Night mommy." She replied and fell to sleep.

Nathalie walked downstairs to the table where the ring laid. "Wonder what he's going to think of this? He did throw it in the fire but it wasn't harmed? It was hot enough to melt most metals. My late husband would of been so proud. I wonder where Casimir is I hope he's OK. What will he think of me being a priestess? So much to talk about when I see him next." She went to bed waiting to talk to Priest Torpius in the morning...
Casimir Godfrey (Knight of Irvington)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Returning to Shinnen Purlieus and its temple, Torpius is greeted by the high priestess of the temple.

"How were your travels, your eminence?" Nathalie asks, while accompanying the prophet to the chambers reserved for him.
"Less fruitful than I expected, I must admit. I have spread the word around the regions, though not as effectively as I wished. There seems to be something missing..." Torpius replies.
"Regarding missing objects, my daughter has fund an object that I suspect might belong to you..." Nathalie says before revealing the very-slightly damaged ring.
"Spark Keeper!" Torpius exclaims with a horror analogue of that someone might feel by seeing a dead man back coming to life.
"Fire Profet..." the Priestess bows respectfully handling the ring.
The man reaches to grab it but stops before touching it. Indecisively he reaches out for it again, and stops before concluding the action. Then he walks a step back, joins his hands, closes his eyes and sighs. The priestess stands from the bow and awaits silently, though confused. Then Torpius starts talking:
"I gained that ring gained from my mother, and she gained it from her father who gained it from his father. It is the symbol of my mother's family, House Kimbrogue, and a very important relic for them. It is one of the items said to have been property of the ruling Kimbrogue King, of a lost realm in a very distant past. It is, in a certain way, a symbol of its aristocratic blood."
That said, Torpius opens up his eyes again, with a firm and resolute look and extends his hand toward the ring, which is placed in it by the silent Priestess. He examines it, smiles, and continues:
"You see, frangar sed non flectar, that is the motto of House Kimbrogue. It means 'I break, but I do not bend'. They are warriors, and very proud ones, and it seems the ring has lived up to their values", he comments, showing the cracks in the ring. "And this is a sign that the Gods have sealed its destiny. Before the temple inauguration ceremony, I spent some days preparing myself spiritually, during which time I was told by the Holy Ones that I would have to make a sacrifice, a painful one. I meditated a lot on the matter, and in the end resolved giving up this family treasure. It is something most of my family would kill for, and it is very dear to me. The cracks prove that the Gods have ended the Kimbrogue-d'Arricarrère reign over the ring, and that it now belongs to the Krauss-Godfrey", he adds handling back the ring. "This temptation also tells me that the life of a simple noble or priest is not enough for the Gods. I need to achieve more, I need to seek for... heroism."

Walking to his chambers, he finishes the conversation: "There is much I need to think about. The path of those that bring divinity upon the world is a hard one. Dis te incolumen custodiant", and after joining his hands and performing a slight bow he enters the room and closes the door.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Casimir Godfrey
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[Casimir's Journey to giving his family name a place in Luria Nova]

[A Large Chance presented to him by someone quite greater then him]
[A woman and child that he thinks about recently on a daily basis]
[And now a journey to help save the lifes of his Region the people of Thar Gortauth]

The road to greatness has been hard on Casimir. Though his thoughts are on saving his Region and slaying monsters he also knows that this cannot be done alone. His thoughts are on his region, his kingdom, as well as the other nobles who also feel his pain when monsters crawl over the Kingdom. "Where is the King." He hears the people of Luria Nova ask saddens Casimir's heart. "Where is my friend Torpius he asks. What is their to do with all these Monsters. His orders state Gather Scouts and scout around Shinnen Purlieus locate all monsters around him Prepare the armies so they can come in with an Idea and not blindly. Casimir agrees with these orders that his marshal has placed upon him and will gladly execute the orders as fast as possible. His travel to Sulorte was a mistake and he had to turn back realizing there are scouts in Shinnen Purlieus. Not only are their scouts. His Romantic Relationship with the Priestess Nathalie Kruss and His friendship with her daughter Stefanie. Who he thinks about more then they could possibly know. Over the hill he can see Shinnen Purlieus though he notices Nathalie and Stefanie riding on horses towards them.
"Greetings, Sir Casimir." Priestess Nathalie said softly with a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Untold that he was promoted to Earl.
"Greeting Galope." Said Stefanie. "I'm not a knight anymore Nathalie I'm the Earl of Thar Gortauth I take care of them as they ought to be taken care of." Casimir said with a smile happy to see them and not knowing of her current position.
"I didn't know you where promoted. Congratulations. It is well deserved in my opinion. I always saw much more in you." Nathalie said hugging Casimir and kissing him on the cheek.
Confused about the kiss he looked at her. "What bring you over the hill?" He asked unsure of how she knew he was their.
"Oh I was told you where on your way back to Shinnen Purlieus and wanted to ride in with you. I have missed you and you said you'd see me next time you where in. I take it your last time you where busy going to your new region." She looked at him telling him that she wasn't pleased that he didn't stop to see her.
"Oh I am truly sorry. I meant too I was very busy with the orders and then getting the promotion has caused all my attention to protect my region now that it's winter and monsters terrorize the lands my lady." He knew he was telling the truth he hoped that she could see it as well.
"Oh and that is more important then to see someone who truly loves you?" She stopped as she realized what she said. "Truly loves me? Have you thought of me this whole time?" Casimir looked at her unsure of what else to say. "Thought about you? You mean Dream of us together. You do not know? My daughter has been talking about you none stop since you left. I have cried many times. I have had to see your friend Torpius priest of Aetheris Pyrism because I work with him as the priestess. You have no Idea how I felt watching you leave on your Journey to make sure everyone was safe." She huffed as she was starting to cry. "You cannot tell me your truly didn't know. Can you?" She stared at him knowing he really didn't know her feelings for him.
"Nathalie you’re a Priestess of Aetheris Pyrism? When did that happen? Last I knew you where working for Torpius as his hostess of the Lords Manor he took you under his arm as requested by your late husband Maddox.” He was very confused to find out she was a Priestess now. Though her status was greater he was more relieved.
“He asked me to help him. I accepted to be able to be closer to you. On that note I have a relic for you.” She presented the ring to him. “I cannot tell you the rings history.” As she knew if he accepted the ring it was because of what Torpius was talking about and started the Krauss-Godfrey and her hopes that meant a marriage. Casimir looked at the ring Held it in his hands. Nodding after a hard thought and placed it on his hand. It was a perfect fit as if crafted to be so. Nathalie knew that was the sign Torpius was talking about.

“I have to see Torpius I need an explanation for all this.” Casimir looked into Nathalies eyes. “I have to know. He is the only one that can answer my questions now. I have thought about you and little Stefanie throughout my adventures I have to know what he thinks about that.” He stared at her and leaned over to kiss her. It was a kiss he knew for sure she love him.
Casimir Godfrey (Earl of Thar Gortauth)

Roleplay from Casimir Godfrey
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“Yes, I understand you have to know. And I’m sure he’ll know what to say. I love you Casimir.” She looked at him.

“As I you my lady I would like to take you with me but I would understand if you need to stay.” Casimir looked at her though a different light because his words where true.

“If Torpius needs me He knows to send someone to find me. I truly have my heart set on you and I will go where you go.” She said understanding him. They rode to Shinnen Purlieus together His army behind him protect their Commanders new Lady.
Casimir Godfrey (Earl of Thar Gortauth)

Conversion of Mormeg Garayoa

Roleplay from Mormeg Garayoa
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The battles in the North had left Mormeg an emptyness he couldn´t understand. This wasn’t the first battlefield he had been in nor the first time he had spilled blood. He liked destroying Luria Nova’s enemies, his enemies.

Yet he felt empty, alone, logic couldn’t even begin to describe his feelings. Explaining them was tough too. He had never been good at expressing feelings to himself.

Shinnen Purlieus wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Just another place of the many he had been visited. Then he saw, in the middle of the night, torches on the top of a hill. There was a temple far away enough to be unnoticed but close enough to hear some whispers.

At the doorstep he felt warmth run throughout his body just to extinguish a second later. He had never experienced such thing and in search for more, he closed the distance to the temple’s entrance. That time he felt it better, bigger, warmer. It was just like having a fire burning inside.

Finally, he entered the temple determined not to turn back. He would learn to understand himself better by understanding first the gods and flame of Aetheris Pyrism...
Mormeg Garayoa (Knight of Giask)

Conquering of the Smokey Hills

Roleplay from Levon Arrakis
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Levon left his men back in the small central village in Smokey Hills, where they were helping the small population recover from the days of continuous anarchy. They have befriended the locals rather well, and all Lurian troops were tasked with rebuilding the mills, mines and roads for this communion of hunters that were soon to embrace the Lurian Crown.

Parting ways from the crowd and bringing only several guards with him, he isolates himself from others in order to examine the terrain. Seeking good tactical positions for defense was his duty, after all. Slowly riding through the hills of this new province he was tasked to conquer for the Crown, Levon observes the nature around him. Much was destroyed. The green was devastated and the small rivers he occasionally stumbled upon were almost dry. "The hand of Ukhra has ruled this place for too long", he mutters. As he was about the curse the nothingness and chaos of Ukhra, he quickly stops, remembering the warnings that the monks gave him about even mentioning the name of the unholy one. Levon was godfearing enough not to meddle with the evocation of Ukhra and his rise from his dormant position.

Reaching the outskirts with his small entourage he observes the horizon to the west. Scouts reported a large gathering of beasts in Moon Bay. The legions of Fz'Ar and Najch'Akuy were only around 250 miles away, and although his scimitars have tasted their blood before numerous times, he makes a short prayer to Nemordiabel to protect these hills at least until such a time when the takeover is done.

When the observation of the most important tactical positions were done, Levon and his entourage start their trek back. Commotion and panic meets them upon their return, as the peasants and soldiers were seemingly wanting to hit something from afar. Peasants were throwing rocks and other rubbish but they were clearly out of range. His own sharpshooters gave it a go, too, but even their keen eagle eyes could not hit the black shape that was running away from them, seeking salvage in the hills. "What is it?" Levon cries. "A single monster, my Lord", his faithful Captain Engelhart replies. "The beast ate two farmers and destroyed an entire field of grain. Somehow he eluded our guards. My apologies, my Lord, I have no idea how..." With a sharp movement of his hand Levon silences the Captain and motions for the bow and arrow, and the Captain quickly hands them to him. Levon was never a great shooter, still, he felt an inner fire firmly guiding his hands. As the crowd of enthusiastic peasants and soldiers gather around him in awe, Levon screams to the sky. "Almighty rulers of the heavens, hear my plea! I pray to you, oh mighty god Korroth, to imbue this arrow with a celestial fire that will burn the beast trying to escape your vengeance, and to give this bow the strength of hundred men so that my arrow can reach this follower of Fz'Ar! I pray to you, divine Tyka, to guide my hand so that my arrow hits with precision, and that upon its fall the harborer of Ukhra is no more!" With that, he fires the arrow away and keeps the gaze on his prey. Several minutes later, scout reported the beast to be dead, mortally wounded by a single shot from an amazing distance.
Levon Arrakis (High Commander of Luria Nova, Marshal of the Lurian Vanguard)

Battle Taint (Part I)

Roleplay from Rhino Tsoutsoulis
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The young knight was back on the road again, but this time he was alone. He spent the last night in the woods of Aveston building a bustum to cremate his men, at least the ones with enough remains to be identified. The rest were represented by their own igneum and the knight blew out the candles one by one to mark the passing of their soul to the eternal flame.

The next morning his scribe shuffled behind him as he walked a funeral march back to Thar Gortauth. He was headed for Giask to recruit more men, but as he clutched his Girdle of Life he wondered if it was the ring that saved him or the twenty men who were slaughtered in the name of Tsoutsoulis and the wretched Path, as he now liked to call it.

The battle repeated over and over in his head: First, his Marshall's cavalry were scattered or unsaddled by the horde. Then, alongside The Silent Ones and the only lord as foolhardy as himself, Jens, his men were cut down rank by rank like grain to the grindstone.

The knight halted, "Scribe, write this letter: Sir Torpius, when I arrive at your temple on my way to Giask, will you perform on me the Rite of Purification? I have just sent twenty men to the Holy Flame and I cannot forget their screams. Yours, Rhino." The scribe finished writing, but would not look up at the knight.

Rhino turned, spit on the path before him, and marched.
Rhino Tsoutsoulis (Knight of Shinnen)

Path of the Priest

Roleplay from Caldric Tyr-Sog
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It was a sunny day as Caldric walked out of the temple. It had been a long time since he was outside. He smiled and covered his eyes as the first rays of the sun touched his eyes. After a short time he was used to the light and he laughed. Even though he studied the flames, the sun was still much brighter. Caldric prayed and then walked away, to bring the word of the flames to the people.
Caldric Tyr-Sog (Noble of Luria Nova)

Conversion of Eddard Huntington

Roleplay from Eddard Huntington
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The Night of the Conversion

The Knight Eddard Huntington was walking the hilly landscape from Shinnen Purlieus almost at midnight. The cold was unbearable for the average person, but what saddens and freeze is inside him because he lost all his military unit... there isn’t any warrior survivor, everybody is dead. Now he is alone in the dark, the sky is completely black in new moon phase, all this makes him feel as if stone pressed on the throat. His eyes are clouded ... and suddenly feel he can no longer stand the weight of the armor he wears. He takes off his armor, and bare-chested Eddard gives a few more steps with arms outstretched to the sides.
Almost inadvertently a light bright comes approaching from the front, until the Knight realized that he was actually in front of a ignis fatuus. It blinked for a moment and then moved to a small temple that was on a close hill. The Knight did not hesitate to follow it, so he entered the sanctuary, Eddard could see a legend of the entrance door: Advoco Caelum. Opsecro Caeles.

Eddard followed the ignis fatuus until to be in front of altar. Suddenly he saw a great Flame floating. He felt respect for that signal of the gods, and then he fell on his knees, drawing strength from the depths of his heart, with the most sacred of his soul, Eddard cried with all his might...

“Gods from heaven, I praise and salute you, as all the dead of my father and mother of Huntington family.”

Then he recited the following prayer...

“Katrina give me peace and prosperity.”
“Holy Spirits give me long life.”
“Waren give me money.”
“Korroth give me honor.”
“Nasia give me prestige.”
“Tyka give me victory.”
“Nalucht give me wisdom.”
“Charkh give me good behavior and character.”
“Nemordiabel give me patience.”
“Vlan give me strength.”
“Ancestors keep me away from poverty.”
“Lower Spirits keep me away to the disease.”
“Saints keep me away to death.”
“Higher Spirits keep me away with curses.”
“Gods keep me away to evil.”

“Gods all these blessings can pass to me.”

Past these prayers, Eddard stood up. He felt purified with an inner peace, and he felt full of strength. Is that he really was. The heaven had listened to him, the Gods had blessed him. Since then, Eddard Huntington became a Spark Seeker... he became an Aetheris Pyrism believer.
Eddard Huntington (Knight of Mellifera)

Birth of the Brotherhood

Roleplay from Bipel Coldchest
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It was a cold night, Lord Bipel was sleeping in his usual room at the RedHorse inn, on the way to Giask. Suddenly he woke up, there was an intense light, an a tall man standing before him.

-"Bipel, there's no need of your sword" - he said, at this time Bipel felt his power, he had the impression that this man could kill him just by thinking it, the power was so intense that even talk was a tremendous effort.
-"who are you?" - he asked
-"At this time just your guide. Why are you traveling in the wrong direction Bipel?"
- "I'm heading to giask to join my Army"
- "NO! you are running from your destiny! You must go back to Orz, in the coast, a couple of miles south of Shepherds Wells there's a cliff, there you will find a cave, get in there, alone and the truth will be revealed"
- Right after that, the light dissapeared the room was completely obscure,
-"It might be a dream" - bipel said , but it seemed so real
-"My Lord! Are you all right?" - It was the voice of Alfreid, the captain of his guard
- No Alfreid it was just a bad dream, I'm fine - Bipel answered
- " With all the respect My Lord, but there was a strange light coming from you room, and Leonard, my second in command told me that there was another voice too. Can I come in?"

- "Yes Alfrid, you can get into the room, but before call all the men, we are heading back to Orz"
Bipel Coldchest (Earl of Orz)

Theosophy Delving (Part II)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick sat at the desk provided for him in his temporary quarters in Shinnen and wrote out his notes.

I read the letter of his holiness with a mix of fear and trepidation. If this being Nethezim is a Lower Spirit than I can only imagine what happened to the man who wrote these records. Perhaps this being was a benevolent spirit as far as things go, but I am in no hurry to contact it, despite its potential use as an intermediary.

The spirit claiming to be one of the Higher Sphere speaks of many thing to my unnamed predecessor. He talks of those wreathed in brilliant fire who tend the lighthouses the guide the heavens. He speaks of those who sail the seas of stars, whose who watch over our kind. He speaks of being trapped below us, of prisoners we are bound to watch.

The spirit speaks of those who stand ready in the Celestial World above, to cast back the evil, those who have been created should humanity fail and the evil spring forth from this mimicked world.

He speaks here of power, of a way to claim a piece of the most divine. His words are recorded verbatim and they, even though mere words on a page, are filled with persuasion and temptation. The words almost lure me to follow his madness. The record ends here, with the writer claiming that he will go and find the power that Nethezim speaks of, that he will succumb.

Doubt fills my heart. Am I a fool for believing these words committed to paper by a nameless adherent listening to a being beyond our comprehension? Am I merely following the game of an...evil thing that seeks to derail me? As always I feel the truth rests just beyond my fingertips and that I am mocked from on high. This man, the man who came before me, fell prey to this being, to some luster of power. What were these words? They mean nothing, written by a traitor, and unnamed madman and I am left to read them. I cannot continue.

Hendrick Madigan set down his quill and covered his face with his hands. He peeked through his fingers at the ancient papers of the man who came before him and was seized with the urge to throw them into the fire - but he knew such action would achieve nothing. The path was more obscured to him now than ever before. He needed help. Swiftly, a penned a note and gathered together his findings and journal. He passed the bundle of pages off to his squire with words of desperation "Bring these to Torpius d'Arricarrère. I am in crisis". The boy departed, and Hendrick was left with the demons his mind conjured.
Hendrick Madigan (Earl of Thar Gortauth)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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In a large market square in Shinnen, more than a hundred citizens listen two men debating. One of them, which appears as a non-ordained preacher, or perhaps a deacon, is saying: " you see, should you follow this abomination-hating credo, what will you accomplish? By simple logic should its principles be true you will gain little if not nothing, but should they be false you will lose your own soul!". By his side Torpius silently observes.
The other debater, with the semblance of an wealthy and instructed layman, probably a merchant, defends an opposite opinion: "You have no proofs, have you ever seen a God? Show me their power and I will believe!". He gesticulates and speaks loud, provokingly, and many of the listeners nod and agree with him.
Irritated, the preacher retorts: "Have you ever seen a Daimon? How do you know they are evil? Or is it only the stories you hear from others? There is much you do not know, and it is by ignorance you speak ill of the Gods. Do not make a fool out of yourself, and go back to your petty trading!". The listeners murmur, some agree, others shrug, and many follow the other debater when he shows himself offended and leaves. The preacher smiles, pleased.

"Have you ever seen one?" Torpius asks him.
"A Daimon, your holiness?" asks the surprised preacher. "Yes, a Daimon, have you ever seen one?" he repeats.
"Then do not speak about them so lightly. You made two important mistakes just now. First, your beliefs were criticized, and you chose to call him an ignorant instead of showing him where he erred. Could you not answer his question?"
"But he was clearly trying to provoke me!"
"And he succeeded, making you commit the second mistake, which was to attack his beliefs by imprudently speaking of what you ignore. You were lucky he was not well versed in the Path's theology, or he could have easily retorted. Remember that you are preaching for the Truth of the Gods, not against the Path. It is irrelevant if their beliefs are right or wrong, the Truth remains true nevertheless, and that is what you must show them."

During this short exchange of words between the prophet and the preacher a boy arrives, announcing himself at the end of their conversation as Lord Hendrick's squire. He delivers a small pile of writings to the prophet, adding: "My liege requires you, your holiness."
Torpius starts reading, and without taking his eyes of the pages asks the preacher: "Have you dispatched the letter to my cousin?"
"It is already on its way to Beluaterra."

"Very well, it seems I have matters to attend, so you will have to continue without me." Torpius says, adding to the squire: "Lead on, boy", and starts following him while still reading.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Earl of Shinnen Purlieus)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick began pacing the room manically. Fear began to wind tendrils around his mind as the ancient papers seemed to take on a life of their own in the room. What began as fear of failure and falling into the hands of darkness had spiralled out of control. All fears that plagued Hendrick surfaced: fear of being an inept lord, fear of being ignored, fear of not being good enough. He feared, at that moment, for and of everything imaginable, until he simply feared with no target or ending.
His gaze returned to the table with the records found in the temple of Grodno - with their false hope and their tale of human fallacy and weakness for power. 'Those papers really aught to be burned', he thought and moved towards them, until the sound of voices in the courtyard made him freeze. It seems his squire had no been remiss in finding His Holiness. Salvation at last. He snatched his hand away from the papers and forced himself to sit and wait.
Hendrick Madigan (Earl of Thar Gortauth)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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As he moved through the city guided by the squire, Torpius began to feel a subtle tingling sensation. At first he ignored it, but it grew stronger as he advanced, finally turning into outright nausea. When he reached the courtyard he had no further doubts: this place was cursed. As he vomited he reprimanded himself for not having brought any purification instruments, nor even a single holy symbol. The stench of corruption was floating in the air, though only those spiritually-sensitive would notice it by what it was.

Entering the room while muttering a prayer, he saw Lord Hendrick in a unusually distressed state, along with a not excessively disordered room, but whose mess-pattern screamed a battle had been fought here, a battle of the mind. This, of course and again, perceptible by few.

Torpius grabbed Lord Hendrick by the arm with a short "quick, follow me!", and as he left with him he added to the squire: "gather his things, we are travelling, now".
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Earl of Shinnen Purlieus)

Sacrifice for Pathroq

Roleplay from Kamron Lorganson
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Seven days. Seven days since he entered the woods of Maraba and had given the order.

“Run free, men.” He had told them. “Slaughter and kill. Pillage and burn. Run free now and let loose your darkest desires.” A small hut was the first to go up in smoke. He still heard the screams of the family barricaded inside. Such soft voices… All was quiet when muffled by death, fire and smoke. Only the peaceful sound of war remained. His men slew without remorse and his own warhammer was quickly covered in blood and plucks of hair. When they finally set up camp in some small abandoned castle of some insignificant noble – maybe the Lord – the ale and wine flowed plentifully and the smell of roasted meat filled the halls. Some poor servant girls hadn’t had the wits to flee in time. Kamron didn’t care. He didn’t march his army all this way through the cold winter weather to deny them their pleasures. Pleasure was in fact exactly why they marched all that way. To strengthen the bond of his men. It was only when a fight broke out between two of them – one so resembling a bear he could’ve been easily lost in the woods, the other more approaching the looks of a bull – that he looked up from his beer and put an end to it. The bear, who went by the name of Brossus, had not immediately grasped the situation in his drunken anger and lost a tooth.

The six days that followed melted together into one seemingly endless binge of killing and drinking. Only once had they had to face a real army of real soldiers and though many a man was lost, it was the blood of the enemy that soaked the fertile fields of Nuas. As slow as they were to arrive on the battlefield, as fast were they to leave. He had captured the Grand Duke himself in the midst of battle and sent him to Giask but the man had bought his freedom already. The thought made Kamron smile. His steel hadn’t saved his subjects, and neither did his gold.

Half of the peasantry of Nuas lay dead, the other half was hiding in what little hiding-places these coastal plains had to offer. The other day he had pulled out a couple of Fissoan deserters out of a shipwreck and the day before that a seemingly abandoned farmhouse turned out not to be so empty after all. But it was getting harder, the region was vast and he had already sent most of his army home. They couldn’t stay much longer now. The peasants seemed to know it too. What little hope remained still laid with their Fissoan Lords and all of the killing, all of the destruction, had not changed that.

Let them have it. thought Kamron as he stood on top of the encircled mill, the only one not burnt-out for miles to see. Smoke filled the air and the Fissoan bodies – those that had not risen, hungry for their comrades – were still spread across the battlefield. The soldiers’ steel had been robbed by his forces or by the rebellious peasants and many laid naked in the dull spring sun, rotten and eaten. Wherever he looked he saw the fruit of destruction, the price of treachery. He even dreamt of it now. Ever since that first hut went up in smoke, he dreamt of the killing, the fire, the destruction, the… Pathroq. He relived it every night since then. The feeling of adrenaline and ultimate power as he charges through the lines of his enemies, Brossus Gold-tooth at his right, Captain Oldred at his left and blood all around. He relived the Fire, holy master of destruction. He relived the death, leaving a void that only more death could fill. Pathroq had shown him the path and he would answer His call. Blood will be spilled, Fire will spread and death will follow.
Kamron Lorganson (High Commander of Luria Nova)

Roleplay from Kamron Lorganson
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Having walked past the day’s catch, he left the mill and locked the door. Grabbing a torch from one of his men he turned his back to their orderly formation and threw it through a window. His men followed his example and soon the entire building was cracking under the destructive power of the Flames, muffling a symphony of screams.

Lifting his hands to the waning sun behind the mill, Kamron spoke only few words as the warriors behind him looked at the spectacle with frozen faces.

“In the name of the Holy Flame, I awaken thee, Devourer.”

With a thunderous sound the roof came crushing down, collapsing the walls on it’s path and covering the whole area in a thick, black smoke. A million sparks filled the emptiness the mill had left and ashes came raining down from the sky. In the midst of it all, Kamron walked forward and kneeled in the smoke, raising his right arm towards the raging flames before him. As they consumed his flesh his horrifying growls kept his men from entering the smoke, when it finally lifted they found him lying on the black grass. The chainmail on his right arm had melted and the leather beneath it was still smouldering but the scars on his arm were already slowly sinking into his flesh. By the time the night had fallen, Kamron had returned to consciousness and no sign of his scars remained.

Now go forth and spread the Fire.
Kamron Lorganson (High Commander of Luria Nova)

Roleplay from Kamron Lorganson
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(OOC: small addition to the last rp because it has been pointed out to me by another player that in line with Dwilight's SMA policy, it's probably not appropriate to assign magical powers to flames, not even if supposedly a god manifests himself through them. I of course neglected that in all excitement of introducing AP's newest god, so well, here it is. :) )

As the night progressed Kamron woke up with a paralyzing pain, screaming for the healers. Though at first the adrenaline of feeling Pathroq's presence had made him lose sight of his right arm and the scarring he had suffered by the flames. Now he looked at it with a clear mind, it was clearly red and festering, especially where the steel had molten into his flesh. Pathroq had given him the strength to ignore the pain at first but He could not deny Katrina's reason and it were Her well-learned servants that had to save him now.

As they started their work on his arm he could feel the flames burn through his flesh again. Their warmth spread to his heart as he drank the healers' potions and prayed for strength.
Kamron Lorganson (High Commander of Luria Nova)

Cursed King

Roleplay from Kamron Lorganson
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Before the sun fully climbed over the horizon, Kamron was already awake, holding the letters from the Elders of the Halls in his hands that he had gotten during the night. As always King Bipel pretended as if he was unheard and sticked to his original ideas, now putting them forward as a compromise. As he walked through the columned corridors of his estate in Giask he squeezed the papers more tightly with every step and with every step he felt the dream of an Empire slip away. When he finally walked into the shrine of Pathroq, he had but dust remaining in his palm.

The oval-shaped walls of the shrine were filled with scorched skeletons of human and monstrous form all staring at him with hollow eyes. In the center a small but bright fire burned as the fading stars struggled to shine in the dawning sky above. It only took a few steps before he reached the flame and fell down on his knees, he didn't come here to waste his time nor that of the Gods. With one hand he swiftly threw the paper-dust in the fire while with the other he pulled the sacrificial dagger out of it's marble socket and cut his palm with it above the fire, where he could feel the warmth of the flame in the air, the touch of his God. After laying the dagger carefully in the flames he bowed his head and squeezed his fist together tightly.

"Oh Devourer, Lord of the Flames of Death, Master of Destruction... Pathroq, I speak Thy name."

As he lowered his fist his voice started trembling.

"Hear me now, Your humble servant. I offer You, who owns my soul, now my blood. May it feed Your Fire ever stronger."

After a only a few drops at first, the blood now started streaming into the fire and still he lowered his hand.

"By the power of Blood and Flame I curse the one who is called King Bipel of Luria Vesperi. May his lifeless body be swallowed by the waves. May his fire be forever extinguished from this world. May he drown in the meaningless chatter of fish as he has tried to drown me. On his name I call death, on his soul I call destruction and on his body everlasting disgrace. See my call answered, oh Scorched God, and I will set this world ablaze with the strength of many nations. From Candiels to Darfix the land will be renewed in Your Fire. May Your All-Devouring Flame consume my soul if it is not so."

The last word spoken, he opened his hand and waved it quickly through the fire. Then he pulled out the dagger and closed the wound.

As he left the shrine behind him, the new day had broken.
Kamron Lorganson (High Commander of Luria Nova)

Nasia's justice in Irvington

Roleplay from Lucini Talratheon
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High Justice Lucini stepped down from the platform, her face relaxed some might say indifferent her complexion pale as if death had claimed her already. Many commoners considered her death by her public judgments as it was however those close to her would know it was her majority of time spent indoor with quills and parchments rather than in the sun or with a sword or rapier as most noblemen conducted their leisure time with. She wore a coal grey gown and matching color bodice that complimented her narrow and petite figure however rather than the bulky livery collar that bestowed her royal office she wore a black silk stole barring a single red line.

Before her knelt in chains here nearly two dozens commoners, and a wealthy merchant her personal guardsmen bore spears aimed at them as she begin to unravel a scroll lightly bound in her fists, her green eyes staring coldly over them while curious commoners looked on with piqued curiosity.

"Attention, Novans of the Common class here before the seat of the King's Justice and one member of the Gentry class, spice merchant. You've all been gathered here today to answer for the crimes of treason against your Lord in Irvington, conspiracy to rebel, multiple counts of murder, larceny, rape and illegal taxation upon other members of the Common class, as well as theft of realm taxes. You are all to be executed at the whim of the High Justice, upon sentencing."

Lucini paused for a moment rolled the scroll back up and handing it off to her scribe, before bowing her head in silence for a mere moment. She began to speak softly and reverently as if in prayer.

"May Nasia, accept this token of Justice and may she in lives beyond, grant you mercy and penance for your crimes in this life. May Warren in her glorious service to eternal administration accept this token as a boon of efficiency as the tinker removes the broken cog that the entire machination be fluid in it's workings."

She opened her eyes, smiling as if a burden had been lifted from her, before turning to the Captain of her Guard, nodding as he utterly softly and gently as a mother would to her child. "Captain Dieter, commence."

Without hesitation he turned to the woman he'd had his speak aimed at, she could have been no younger than twenty as he quickly thrust his spear into her chest, a spurt of vermilion essence shot from the wound as she gasped falling to her side unable to react as the hands and ankles were shackled with chains.

The rest of the guard followed in examples each slaying one of the chained commoners one by one the sounds of metal spears breaking through bone and flesh and the gasps of lost life and gurgled moans being the only that filled the air far beyond the shocked gasps of the crowd. Lucini only watched, as the final man was stabbed in his body by five guards simultaneously a few of the guards began to stab a few of the survivors who desperately clung to life, ensure there were no survivors among the convicted.

Crimson painted the cobblestone at the scene as she looked on finally looking to her Captain as he approached himself not saying a word only listening as he had always done under her command. It was a bond they shared as Liege and soldier he never had to speak only listen. "Collect and rinse off the chains, burn the bodies to prevent plague leave the blood as a reminder to anymore whom would steal." ​He bowed his head in acknowledgement as Lucini walked away slowly a few guardsmen in flank as protection as she returned to her temporary estate quietly pulling the hood of her gown over her head the soft smile never leaving her dark burgundy colored lips.
Lucini Talratheon (High Justice of Luria Nova, Margravine of Giask)

Roleplay from Lucini Talratheon
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Lucini stood atop a makeshift podium quickly made for the purposes of judgement, before her a man forcibly knelt by her guards bows his head to her perhaps in defeat, shame or fatigue. Dried blood crusted from his nose and a gash near his brow, his clothing made of simple yet filthy burlap a pair of short pants, leather shoes and a tunic. Lucini dressed in her usual gown of coal grey linens with the black stole drooping loosely around her shoulders. She watched him curiously before looking to the crowd, her green eyes vigilantly over looking the poor destitute commoners.

"Lurians of Irvington, your liege lord grants you protection grant you wage and work to fed yourselves and your families and you in turn offer him treachery, theft and mistrust and even revolt. This man of common birth plead guilty to the theft of grain a man without family and now a man without name or honor. However I feel merciful he will not hang from the gallows as thieves should nor shall he be burned for his treachery or flayed of flesh for treason to Lord Kenwood. No, he shall have life.. life imprisoned in Giask until the end of his days."

With it said she clasped her hands behind her back, and nodded to the guard who dragged away the nearly limp commoner away out of sight. Before turning to the crowd again, her usual gentle expression turning to one of strengthened resolve.

"Tell your families and all whom question this judgement that there will be no more thefts, or violations of the law. You will all fall in line, we will have solidarity the crime for theft in my presence in Irvington will be to burn at the stake."

She stepped back quietly before slowly stepping off the podium, two guards following her as she departed from the crowd to conduct further business.
Lucini Talratheon (High Justice of Luria Nova, Margravine of Giask)

Disciples of Destruction

Part 1: The Offering

Roleplay from Kamron Lorganson
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The sun was setting over the Silver City as Kamron entered the temple of Aetheris Pyrism through it's large marble gate. The great fire, over 2 meters in diameter, in the middle of the large hall burst with life and light, keeping the creeping darkness away and flickering over the stone faces and depictions of the Gods, standing in a circle staring into the eternal flames. Clergy and laymen alike bent before their Gods and silently prayed, filling the hall with whispers. As usual Pathroq had no depiction, no statue and certainly no one praying for His divine mercy.

Kamron ignored them. Visitors in my temple, worshiping only Gods whose existence they dare to acknowledge. He walked straight ahead coming to a halt at the black stone encircling the fire, there he bowed his head and spread his arms, his leisurely clothing spreading wide out. He bellowed, turning many a head in the hall. "Oh Devourer, hear me Your loyal servant. Many souls have I brought You. Forests, fields and villages have all burned in Your name. I have turned earth to ash and clouds to smoke yet Your hunger has not stilled. Show me, Lord of Fiery Death. Show me my path and I shall tread it till my feet are bare."

He nodded backwards and two young slaves stepped forward and took his mantle off his shoulders, leaving him bare-chested. It was a beautiful luxurious piece with flaming motives fitting a man of his station they had told him. It didn't look too shabby though he had to admit. The slaves folded it respectfully on the chest with offerings they had been dragging behind him and stood to attention on either side. Carefully he opened the chest, making sure not to move the mantle and pulled out a ceremonial dagger. He stepped onto the black stone and felt the leather under his feet cringe from the heat. Without hesitation he took the dagger and started carving in silence. Two circles around his left and one around his right nipple. The blood flowed down his chest and stomach, onto his luxurious pants but more importantly it fell hissing onto the fire from the dagger.

Kamron stared into the fire till his eyes went dry and when the last drop fell from the red steel, time stopped. He turned around and with one quick move slashed the throat of the slave-girl standing to his right, in what seemed to be the exact same moment, he ripped the slave-boy's stomach open and gave his entrails a good pull. Screams filled the air as the visitors' faces turned from timid interest to straight out horror. Some of them fled in panic, others watched bedazzled at the corpses and the bloody man besides them, minding his own business. He diligently removed their clothes then took a golden dress from the chest and put it on the girl. Despite the unfortunate day she just had, she still looked graceful in it. The boy received the pretty mantle to warm him. He was still gurgling when Kamron laid them both in the fire.

Drenched in blood from head to toe he watched them burn. The few people who remained in the temple silently whispered Pathroq's name, praying almost, as they watched the corpses burn. Do they know nothing? Pathroq doesn't answer prayers. Only blood and fire.

Kamron did not know when to expect His answer though, only that it'd demand more blood and more fire.
Kamron Lorganson (Devotee of Fire)

Church Roleplays

Battle Taint (Part II)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Arriving at the temple, Sir Rhino finds the two face-covered monks awaiting him in the entrance. They silently greet him with a bow and without a word proceed to guide him to where the pre-ceremony of the purification rite is already happening.

They escort him through the halls of the temple and arrive to a large entrance. After a brief and silent pause of a couple of seconds the doors open and a dense fog comes out of the doors, which allied to the dim illumination in the room effectively conceals anything not in a very short distance of the observer. While outside the temperature could hardly be described as freezing in these lands, it is low enough to ensure that any reasonable man seeks the cover of warming clothes, at the very least. In this place, however, the temperature is very high. The fog is actually steam, and sweat rapidly mixes with the condensed steam attaching to the noble's body.

As Sir Rhino steps forward and as he walks he finds himself in a large room in front of a hot pool, which starts shallow and goes deeper the further it goes. To his back, the now closed doors from where he came from. He cannot see far away, nor the roof nor any of the other walls. He can, though, notice far away in the mist several bright illuminated spots in where candles flicker, diffusely expanding their light through the steam. Sad laments of women and the voice of men singing monophonic liturgical music can be heard echoing in the room, making it hard to determine if their proximity or location. Between him and the pool he sees to his left a marble sculpture designed to leave his clothes in, and to his right, on top of a finely sculpted and ornamented marble pedestal, a crude-looking ceramic vase with black earth, partially turned into mud by the room's humidity.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet)

Roleplay from Rhino Tsoutsoulis
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The young knight shed his armor, weapons, and clothes. In tears the knight covered himself in the mud scoop by scoop as his scribe gingerly shaved his long locks of black hair against the quick jerks of the knight's sobbing head. When the knight was finally bald the scribe continued covering the knight's head and back while the knight stood motionless and stared into space. Even as the mud dripped into his eyes and mouth, the knight dared not move.
Rhino Tsoutsoulis (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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As the knight soils himself with mud and earth, the hidden chorus' music starts a crescendo, accompanied by the lamentations of women, reaching a climax when the last drop of hair falls. Then the music suddenly stops. As the scribe finishes covering the knight in dripping mud and recedes, the women voices starts to fade, until complete silence is reached.

For what seems like an eternity, Sir Rhino awaits naked and soiled in the dark and foggy room, until a bell sounds five times and the echo of a grave voice reaches him. He can hear the distorted sound saying "come forward, my child... wash your sins away".

As Sir Rhino steps into the pool and advances forward, getting gradually deeper, a new song breaks the silence, this time sang by both men and women. He advances until the water covers his chest and proceeds to wash all the dirt away. As he continues, the depth starts decreasing until he can see the other end of the pool. In it he sees, to his right, a marble pedestal seemingly identical to the one in where he left his old clothes, including the fact of having them in it, along with a towel, a new set of slightly brighter-colored clothes and his armor and belongings. To his left a large Turibulum hanging from the unseen ceiling by three metal chains emits a diffuse light, coming from the red live coals exposed in it. To his front he can see the blurred-by-the-steam shape of an offerings altar. Yet unseen, behind the altar, lays the room's back door.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet)

Roleplay from Rhino Tsoutsoulis
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The young knight threw his clothes in the fire and signaled his scribe to donate a pouch of coins. He then dipped himself lower into the water. The knight stopped just below his eyes and watched his clothes burn.
Rhino Tsoutsoulis (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Once again, Sir Rhino hears a bell breaking the silence five time before the same voice from before, this time closer and more clear, announces: "The four steps of the Purification Rite have been successfully performed", when four others reply "mea culpa", "purgare", "exuraro" and "expiare".
Then the voice continues: "From this day on, in the eyes of the Gods, you are a new man. You may rise proudly and wear your new garments, Flame Protector".
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet)

Fissoa's Conversion

Roleplay from Shin Shenron
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Shin's face was cold that morning. He had broken into a sweat although he had no fever; surely the work of the gods, he thought. He looked upon a new robe today although he could not yet wear it. It was white with a dark velvet trim and a large red symbol of the flamma on the back. He had sent a note out to the elders, he wished to ascend the faith; it was his calling.

The building he sat in today was also not his usual location. Instead of his private estate, Shin sat before an altar today. Although the hall he inhabited now was only small, there was already huge pieces of scaffolding around the outer layer of the building. Builders sat around on call but doing nothing, they were waiting for something.

Shin looked on and smiled a serene smile. He said outloud (as if to catch the ear of the gods,) finally my people will know faith.
Shin Shenron (Duke of Fissoa and Flame Seeker)

Theosophy Delving (Part I)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick Madigan, wounded as he had been in the battle of Grodno, had taken his convalescence in the temple of the region. Small, and seemingly sparringly used, he expected to find nothing of interest there, save for books he had already read and kindly brothers of the faith. Not so. He discovered, on his arrival, a lone serious priest who, after hearing of the tale of his conversion to the faith, guided him to a basement archive. Tomes and scrolls lined the walls, a fine layer of dust comfortably settled on every surface. The priest left without a word and Hendrick Madigan settled among the records of Aetheris Pyrism. After a few minutes of searching he found something that made his heart cease beating for a moment. As he read, he could feel heat suffusing his body, purpose flowing through his veins. So, his journey would begin here, it seems. He spent the next two days taking notes and pouring over the mysterious document, before sending one of his few remaining men to find the one man who could use this information.

Enclosed in the letter was the beginning of what Hendrick had begun calling the Madigan Study of Theosophy

Research Journal of Hendrick Madigan, Flame Protector and Apprentice of Theosophy

The Study of the Divine is a field unlike any other. To know the face of God, it was said, is to know the face of madness. Can one truly understand the beings that watch us humans? We can but try. I, for my part, am honored to be allowed to follow this path of scholarship. I bore my correspondence with his holiness to the temple of Grodno and they admitted me to every part of the achieves. So many writings untouched for so long. I will write here what I learn.

The Holy Spirits are the divine beings who inhabit the Celestial Sea. They dwell as intermediaries between the Great Gods and the world of Men. On solar winds and ships of stars they travel, keeping the Lighthouse Stars that orient and guide the world. I have read the tomes of old and memorized the tenants and myths of faith and through all, the Holy Spirits remain elusive and ephemeral. Their mentions are brief, their presence insubstantial, their thread hard to follow. I have contemplated contacting them, but I am but a youth and their ears will not be turned towards me. Perhaps they know I seek to understand them and stay hidden from my sight. My flame burns to know them, to question the unknown, but it seems I am yet unworthy..

I have unearthed in the temple archives of Grodno, however, a series of writings by an anonymous predecessor to my research. The first words on the page are directed as such: "To all who follow where I tread, I beg you turn back". Undeterred, I poured over his notes. He had, it seemed, successfully communed with a holy spirit through dreams, a being which called itself Nethezim of the Outer Seas - words which meant nothing to him and mystify me. This anonymous follower wasted no time in asking questions of the being, which replied in what is called a "lilting and flowing voice". He gleaned little from the words, but enough to provide a starting point for my studies.This man had learned the following: That the Celestial Seas flow in a perfect circle around the core of the Solar Realm, the home of the gods, and that the Holy Spirits, or as Nethezim called his people "TABELLARIUS", traverse these seas and maintain the Heavens. He further says that certain members of his kind commune directly or indirectly to humanity, who dwell in the world Nethezim calls "PRAESIDIUM". Finally, the Holy Spirit hinted that there was a hierarchy of his kind, before vanishing from the dreams of this man.

I am mystified. The words used by this being Nethezim are not found in any other text of our records and I am almost tempted to believe that Nethezim is a deceitful and unholy being. It is easier to swallow than the alternative, that this anonymous man successfully communicated with a formerly elusive being and learned facts that are revelatory to the study of Theosophy. If this is true, then it is essential I record my findings and deliver them. These words cannot be lost again.
Hendrick Madigan (Flame Protector)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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As Torpius prepared to descend from the horse, with the aid of his servants, a messenger announced his presence. He awaited patiently until the Fire Prophet reached the ground and imparted orders both to his personal escort as to the temple men, and then finally delivered it, bowed respectfully and departed.
Torpius saw the sender and smiled. He was tired from all the work in Shinnen Purlieus, in where he had been delivering justice day and night to fix the mess left by the monsters, and he was still not satisfied. On the other hand, his preaching on the peasants was finally giving fruits, and a shrine had been erected. But now it was time for him to retire into the solitude of the temple of the Smokey Hills, a much quieter place. And what would be better for resting his mind than the theological studies of the faithful Hendrick? "A man with certainly a brilliant future" Torpius thought.
After taking a room in the temple, and a scribe ready, he started dictating:
"Brother Hendrick,
Your letter is a candle in these dark times of political unrest and monster invasions. Your understanding of the theology is impressive, and your research very interesting. There are some matters about the text you have found that I feel I must comment.
The being who called himself Nethezim is certainly not a Higher (or Holy) Spirit, but a Lower one, which does not in any way make him less dangerous. In fact, I suspect this one to be of colossal power. The point in where we can cast no doubt about his essence is when he introduces himself.
You see, the Higher Spirits are beings of another order, and while we mere mortals try to categorize, name and describe them, we are always left lacking the words to do so. The Higher Spirits are entities of the Spiritual Realm, which we are not yet able to clearly perceive, or even understand, and the way we notice and interact with them is not through their presence, but through their absence and their effects on reality. In order to better understand it, we can say that we do not see the wind, but we do feel it in our skin, and see as the leaves are carried by it, or the trees move. In the same sense, we can notice the Higher Spirits by perceiving the void in where there should be something, and receiving their occult messages in our world, subtle as the flight of a bird or the pattern formed by accidentally dropping some coins in the ground. Of course that 'void' is not a suitable word, but once again, in such abstract matters the worlds used to describe the mundane reality are not sufficient.
In such way, a Higher Spirit would have never named himself, a need we inferior beings have for communication purposes, but they do not. There was an interesting representation I found made by a monk in Maf, a wise man, in which a Higher Spirit was represented as a masked man. It was a small wooden statue, and the symbolism it contained was truly inspiring.
But I digress.. Regarding Nethezim, he seems to be among the few Lower Spirits, half-spiritual and half-material beings paradoxically present in either or both Realms, that attain such power that can afford to proclaim themselves Higher Spirits. While such is not true, their power allows them to defend their claim against their peers, and their insignificance frees them from the Gods' attention. This particular individual could be the spirit of one of the great outer seas, or another force of not at all trivial might.
His claims, however, are not necessarily lies, and may be as well mostly true. It is no secret that the Lower Spirits have a much more direct access to the Spiritual Realm, and incomparable better understanding of it. Depending on his agenda, the knowledge he shared could be the literal truth, a symbolic account of matters of his own reality, or simply lies. Which one of them is, I cannot tell, and it will be up to you to discover through your research, as well as his true nature and mundane links with the world.
Should you be interested in a deeper account regarding the Lower Spirits, or any other matter, do not doubt in contacting me. I would also recommend extreme caution when dealing with them, and either aid from a spiritual brother versed in the arts of Demonology, or the possession of said knowledge.
With your permission I shall make this letters public to our brothers-in-faith, so they can partake with the knowledge you are bringing forth, and perhaps feel inspired to begin their own researches.
Dei te incolumen custodiant,"
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet)

Honor the Ancestors

Roleplay from Zena Jadewarrior
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A crash of lightening was followed by the loud boom of distant thunder as Zena entered the temple in Orz. She couldn't help but think that perhaps the greater Gods were angry about something.

She had often wondered about the greater Gods. To Zena they were a mystery only felt in their absence in the world.

She entered further into the temple and knelt before the altar. First she laid her sword horizontally on the ground in front of her knees. Then she placed some bread, berries and incense on the altar as an offering to her ancestors.

For much of her life Zena had felt a strong connection with her ancestors. It was to them she prayed for strength and protection whenever she went to battle. Today she would offer them her gratitude. Her most recent battle they had been ambushed by undead hordes and severely out numbered. And Zena knew that the battle may have gone quite differently without her ancestors aid.

She became lost in thought as she remembered how as a young maiden, her father had bestowed upon her the importance of aiding the ancestors and allowing them to bless her daily life.

He had said to her, "Zena our ancestors are vested with mystical powers. Their spirit continues to exist after death and can gain the power to govern our destiny."

He had continued as they knelt together in their family shrine, a small tribute to the ancestors.

"Their spirit retains a functional role in the world of the living, especially in the life of their living relations. The dead have a sacred journey to make, as they bestow positive deeds for their dear ones."

He had looked at his daughter his loving eyes piercing to see that she understood. "Our ancestors can mark great miracles in your life Zena."

She suddenly realized that it was those teachings that had allowed her to be so open minded and ready when Aetheris Pyrism was introduced to her. In a way it was another gift from her great ancestors. She smiled and then bowed her head in thanksgiving.
Zena Jadewarrior (Flame Protector)

Giask Conversion

Roleplay from Fulco D`Este
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Fulco entered the small shack of Aetheris Pyrism and slowly walked towards the altar where he saw Earl Torpius standing. Right for the altar Fulco stopped and slightly bowed.

Torpius looked upon Fulco and asked: Duke Fulco, would you be able to honestly and wholeheartedly profess our credo?

Fulco responded by saying the creed just read a few hours ago

I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.
I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.
I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.
I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.
I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.
I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul.
Fulco D`Este (Spark Seeker)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Torpius smiled and opened his arms, signaling their surrounding space: Then welcome to the family of Aetheris Pyrism, brother, I hope in time this becomes your home. Rise and follow me.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet)

Proclamation of Credo

Roleplay from Henrik Leitdorf
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Henrik pushed open the grand doors to the temple of Aetheris Pyrism in the city of Fissoa. He was struck immediately by a wave of strong smelling incencse and smoke that made him sway slightly with dizzyness. Regaining his composure, the young knight strode swiftly down the main aisle of the temple and approached a marble altar, decorated with the religious signs and insignia of Aetheris Pyrism. Standing infront of this altar was a functionary similarly garbed in robes bearing fire related designs and, Henrik noticed, he held in his hand a roll of parchment. Sitting off to the side was a scribe at a desk with quill and parchment set in front of him. As Henrik approached the altar, the man greeted him warmly then began to read from the scroll.

"In the absence of a senior member of Aetheris Pyrism, this servant is entitled to recieve any and all proclamations of our Credo, which will be promptly sent to the appropriate members for recognition."

Rolling up the scroll and stowing it in a pocket, the functionary indicated to Hendrik to begin.

"I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.
I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.
I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.
I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.
I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.
I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul.

After his proclamation, Henrik spent a while discussing a few matters with the functionary and he was given several books on Aetheris Pyrism and it's beliefs, practices and ways. Taking his leave of the Temple, Henrik felt better for having dedicated himself to the church and set off with a lightened heart.
Henrik Leitdorf (Smokeless Fire)

The Sacrifice of Hendrick Madigan

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick Madigan knelt in the temple he had built, letting the heavy incense and warmth sweep over him. There had been no temple of Aetheris Pyrism in Thar Gortauth when he had arrived, but he had met His Holiness that day, and Torpius had welcomed him into the faith himself. His fire had been kindled here, fed until it was a strong flame, strong enough to serve the faith in another manner. He had, in a way, always known he would take this step, ever since His Holiness had first spoken to him of the tenants of faiths and the beauty of the light. He had simply not expected it to come so soon and be such a happy occasion. He spoke a quick prayer to Nalucht, the Sweet Tongue, who had guided him so well thus far and would watch over him still. He stared into the pool of water before him and spoke aloud:

"I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.

I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.

I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.

I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.

I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.

I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul."

He grasped the sword next to him. Of course, there was the sacrifice to be made. His Holiness, when he had made his ritual, had offered the symbolic token of a family ring and Hendrick had considered sacrificing the same sword he held now, along with all it connoted, but he had remembered what his father had told him "Ours was not always as we are now. The name Madigan was forged in blood and fear". Blood and fear. He prayed the gods would be familiar with the former. He grasped the sword clumsily in his left hand and held out his dominant right out above the pool, and extended his little finger. He had once dreamed of being a knight, a warrior, of noble quests of the blade. But he had seen the products of iron and war: death, brutality, sorrow, darkness - all these things born of blades. And so, he was determined to never hold another. To use a sword properly, even the smallest finger is needed. He narrowed his eyes and spoke. "I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.

I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.

I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.

I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.

I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.

I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul."

The sword severed the finger effortlessly and the flesh fell into the water, staining the pure surface with blood, before vanishing into the depths. Hendrick dropped the blade at his side and swiftly bound his finger, gritting his teeth against the pain. Never a knight, never a warrior, no more dreams of glory and war - the entire martial history of the fearsome Madigan and Jazuma lost to the depth of the pool. They would call him a coward, say he wasn't a man, a craven who could not properly hold a blade, but Hendrick Madigan held to a higher truth. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath and with it spoke a last time.

"I believe in the holy flames, which purify living and dead.

I honor my ancestors, who give me courage and strength.

I respect the spirits, who influence tides and seasons.

I worship the Gods, who rule heaven and earth.

I renounce the impurity, which corrupts mind and body.

I reject the underlords, who consume flesh and soul."

Attendants came forth and covered him with robes and he could almost hear the somewhat mocking voice of Nalucht saying "Arise Hendrick Madigan, Priest of Aetheris Pyrism".
Hendrick Madigan (Smokeless Pyre)

The Purification of Jeffrey Norrel

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick gazed into the brazier before him, as the incense so characteristic to the faith filled the air around him. He had not eaten now for some time, but he felt no pangs of hunger, only the call of the divine - a purity suffusing his body and mind. He had felt fear, at first, when he thought of this task. It was not his life, after all, but the path of another he was to aid. It was a responsibility as great as he had known and he would prove equal to it. He had to.

Hendrick drew in a great breath and cast an eye over the attendants of the temple of Askileon as they waited for his final preparations.

"Prepare more fires and more incense, if you would be so kind. And when Brother Jeffrey arrives, bar the doors and seal the temple and leave us be".

The attendants bowed, muttering "As you will, Blaze Guide", before hurrying off to complete their tasks.

Hendrick was soon alone in the great room, waiting for Jeffrey to appear. He could feel a presence around him and knew the Sweet Tongued looked down on him as always. The Blaze Guide looked down at the four fingers of his right hand, as he compulsively did when thoughts turned to that day. A fitting sacrifice for the gods and in return Nalchut had never let his side, after a fashion. But here, in the heat and smoke and incense, the god felt closer than ever - as did his pantheon of fellows. Hendrick wondered which Brother Jeffrey would pledge himself to and what he would offer up as a sacrifice.
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel
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Jeffrey was miserable.

He had no divine call to protect him from his fasting pains, nor from the cold. The monsoon rain, characteristic of the season, had even soaked through his heavy cloak and frozen him to the bone. Even atop a horse, trudging through a cobblestone street made slippery from mud and torrents of water was no easy feat. His horse whined in pain and frustration each time he spurred it, urging it faster in vain. His world was turned into a jumble of shades as his visibility dampened with starvation and mist.

He spied one such shade off in the distance - a colorful interplay of light, shifting and turning in the rain. He had been told that suffering brought about divine revelation- was this the apparition of a god, sent to guide him? He was stunned by it's beauty, and stared idly as his horse approached.

Once he had closed the distance, the truth of the matter revealed itself. No god had shown itself, but he had found his destination. The apparition was nothing more than dancing flame seen through the stained glass of the Askileon temple. The general was bewildered that something so mundane could have enraptured him so.

He hopped off his horse with a splash, tied it up, and entered the church.

As the wooden doors creaked open, Jeffrey found his senses bombarded. Replacing his world of dreary cold was one of light, color, heat, and incense. As the alien substance filled his lungs, he thrust his sodden cloak to the side, and shook himself clean like a dog.

He heard a slam behind himself, turned, and saw that two servants had ominously barred the doors behind him. Turning back to his front, he saw what could only have been Hendrick.

"My brother! A pleasure to meet you at last."

He took a few steps forward, and offered his hand in greeting.
Jeffrey Norrel (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick grasped Jeffrey's hand, only belatedly realizing he had shaken with the four fingers of his right which was bound to disconcert the man. No, he reminded himself, his fingers were a mark of the faith, of his devotion - one severed digit for a lifetime of service to the gods. There was no reason to feel ashamed of his missing finger. The Blaze Guide felt peace settle over him and smiled.

"The pleasure is mine, Brother Jeffrey. I pray you were not harmed by the fiercesome weather. Fear not, the gods have provided us with warmth and shelter from the storm".

Hendrick clapped Jeffrey on the shoulder and guided him further to the temple. The incense grew heavier and heavier as they walked and the heat more intense, until it was unclear if they still walked the world of men and not some strange, otherworldly plane. The smoke coiled around them as two giant braziers smoldered with innumerable coals.

"Come, we will sit here in the main hall for our meditation. I trust you have forsaken sustenance for a time and are thus ready for our reflection?".

Hendrick felt his head swim in the head for a moment. Soon. The gods were near, but first they must become one with their own minds, as pure of thought as they were of body.
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel
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Jeffrey frowned in disgust as his little finger brushed against Hendrick's stump, and was quickly replaced with a reserved smile as they walked through the incense-filled hall. His hand fidgeted over the pommel of his sword, nervously, as he spoke. "Aye, I've fasted for two days, now, and I am as prepared as I can be."
Jeffrey Norrel (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick smiled, trying to project his calm to the other man. He too remembered the pangs of fear and trepidation that accompanied the first tests of faith. Those feelings were necessary, for they must be present in order to be shed and cast away. To transcend fear, one must accept fear.

"I commend your faith, Brother, and your determination". Hendrick noted the nervous movement of Jeffery's finger and gestured to the floor.

"Come, sit. And do not worry. The gods watch over you now, as do I, and your trials are eminently within your power to overcome. Now...".

Hendrick sat cross-legged on the floor and clapped his hands, the sound ringing throughout the temple. Attendants, unseen, sealed the entirety of the temple and at last the silence and heat became complete.

"Now sit, Brother, and look inwards. Now is the second trial, the Purification of the Mind".
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel
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Jeffrey nodded as Hendrick spoke. He unbuckled his scabbard, laid it down, and sat down beside it, facing Hendrick. "Let us begin, then."
Jeffrey Norrel (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick smiled slightly "Indeed. Now, close your eyes and breath deep the incense of our faith. Close out the outside world and conquer any tumult that exists in your mind. It is only once you have attuned your mind and body that the divine can appear". Hendrick closed his eyes and took a long slow breath. His body had been purified and now his mind was to follow. He cast aside all thoughts of the outside world, of his life outside the faith, of darkness and fear. He entered the stillness of his own mind and found it clear of turmoil and conflict. All was as one here, where his thoughts were clear and his focused on the matters beyond this world. He felt the light of the divine upon him and the peace that came from following one's path descend on his mind. Slowly, his mind and body aligned and moved in harmony and a calm informed his every action. He smiled to himself and savored the tranquility until he was sure that Jeffery was ready and collected.
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel
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Jeffrey felt the strange scent of incense - and, perhaps, something else - in his throat, and tried to lay his thoughts to rest. He was a man of many worries and rest did not come easy, but rest, or, at least, something resembling it, did come. The relative silence of the room, only broken by the soft crackling of the brazier, had a hypnotizing effect. Jeffrey did not know how much time had passed before he felt, finally, tranquil.
Jeffrey Norrel (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick could see the calm settle over Jeffrey and smiled. They were ready at last, it seemed. He drank in the hot air of the temple.

"Brother Jeffery. You are now clear of mind and pure of body. Now let us turn to your soul. Open yourself to the divine, my brother. Cast out your mind and seek out the gods, those who watch over us all. Now, while your body and mind are in tune, seek out the one who has watch over you always, who has guided your path since you were born, even without your knowledge".

Hendrick, for his part, could feel the presence of Nalucht near him and drew strength from his patron. He prayed Jeffery could do the same in his own right.
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel
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Jeffrey sat still for some time, not responding to Hendrick, sitting in quiet contemplation. The smoke shifted and the braziers continued to burn for some time until he stirred himself.

"I have felt the presence you spoke of. The Sweet Tongue, your own patron, made himself known, clad in bloodied scepter and golden clothes, and another beside him, in the form of a lion, roaring... Nasia, that might be," he opened his eyes, "two fitting gods, I think."

Jeffrey's usual verbose self seemed to have quieted down, and much of the previous intensity that burned in his eyes seemed quelled or, at the very least, suppressed.
Jeffrey Norrel (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick nodded and contemplated the incense around them. "The Sweet Tongued and the Lioness, the patron of the politician and the orator and the lady of justice and law. One who wields words and pen, cunning words and pragmatic action. The other, who wields the blade of righteousness, of honor, and even of revenge for transgressions. A portentous pair indeed, speaking of a path of tumult and transition. Not an easy road, but one where hard decisions must be made, temptations resisted, honor held to".

Hendrick looked directly at Jeffrey. "What ever happens, you must always hold fast to the ideal of justice. Sometimes the manifestation of justice might not be clear and the correct action may elude you. But follow the gods and follow your flame and the proper course will reveal itself".

Hendrick fell silent for a moment, before gesturing to a great roaring fire at the other end of the room. "The time has come. You have been made pure of body, mind, and soul. Now is the time for the sacrifice".
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel
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Jeffrey breathed deeply, before grabbing his sword out of his scabbard and standing up. He inspected it for a moment. The sword was a brilliant piece of work, with a silver hilt jeweled with rubies. He recalled having it made the day he had been made a general. He remembered the smithy's face as he worked at the blade, and his own reverence as he swung it for the first time. Jeffrey felt nothing but disgust for it now.

He walked up to the fire, felt the burning heat on his face, and kneeled.

"I have failed. Because of my selfishness- for revenge, for power, for fame and recognition- I have allowed great travesties to befall the world. A Kingdom has burned, in part, because of me. Babes have been put to the sword, their mothers taken by brutes. Even my queen... Even she was taken from me, taken because of my foolishness. The Sweet-Tounged pities me for my lack of tact and prudence, and Nasia herself holds me in contempt for the injustices I have brought to my homeland.

To the flames I offer myself. With no self to serve, greed is rendered inconsequential."

Jeffrey held up his sword before his face for a few moments, before gripping the bladed edge with his left hand, tightening down until the blade bit to the bone and blood drenched the blade.

"I offer to the gods my life's blood. All that I am and all that I shall be will be used in service to the divine. Henceforward, I am naught but a vessel for the divine will."

He held the sword up to the dancing flames, and felt the searing heat on his hand. The blood on the blade itself sizzled and boiled away as the flames licked away at it.

"I offer them my sword, as well. My levies and armies, and those of my allies, I will use only in service to the Church. When I look north and south, I see mirrors of myself- who I could be. I will never, now, be a man who offers up the lives of other men without divine cause. Mine own is too imperfect."

He dropped the blade into the flames, then plucked out a golden coin from a purse. This was a rare coin, one of very few minted with Katerina Arundel's face. Her reign had been too short for many to be commissioned. Jeffrey gripped the coin in his left hand until blood ran red over her shining face.

"Finally, I offer my material possessions. All of my titles and lands, all of my ships and estates, all of my coin and any other things men lay claim to, I give to my patrons."

He dropped the golden coin into the fire, but held his hand out for a few moments afterwards until the searing pain forced it backwards.

"Now, it is done. All that I am, all that I command, and all that I own has been given to the Gods. I am left with nothing but their divine, august presence within me. I am as all men are meant to be."
Jeffrey Norrel (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick's left hand clutched at his maimed right. He had thought his own sacrifice to be severe, even extreme - but here before him he witnessed a man surrendering the entirety of himself to the flames and the gods. Coin and possessions may be replaced, blades reforged, but the blood of one's body is their life, the continuation of existence. There can be no greater sacrifice.

Hendrick smiled and slowly walked down the hall to where Jeffrey knelt, clapping as he went to summon the attendants and cast open the windows and doors of the temple. He placed a hand on his Brother's shoulder as the hall filled with faithful and the sun streamed into the temple.

"A mere man knelt, but now a burning flames rises. Stand, Bother Jeffery, and bathe in the love of your brethren and the light of the gods. You have cross a threshold few can imagine and fewer can manage. You have given more of your self to the fire and to the gods than any before and stand as a exemplar of our faith. Rise, Jeffrey, devout and brother of Aetheris Pyrism".
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel
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Jeffrey clutched at his hand. In the heat of the moment, he hadn't felt the blade, but now the deep cuts in his fingers and palm began to cloud his mind with pain. He kept his face resolute, however, not betraying the agony he felt. "You flatter me, my lord. Good men give their lives away in the field every day. The only difference between us is that I have the good fortune to continue breathing afterwards." he said as he stood, "I am exhausted from the trials today. I hope you will forgive my returning to my estate. Mayhaps we could speak again soon?"
Jeffrey Norrel (Flame Seeker)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick smiled and nodded "Of course, my brother. Go and rest. You have crossed through a fire unlike any before and you have emerged transcendent and devout - and rightfully taxed". He helped Jeffrey to his feet and guided him down the long hall of the temple. As they walked, the attendants and faithful bowed their heads and mouthed the same phrase over and over again: "Zealot of the Flame". The reached, in time, the great doors of the temple, now unsealed and revealing the light of a new day. Outside, more gathered - some appearing as exhausted and sleepless as the two men emerging from the temple. Hendrick cast a glance over the assembled faithful and heard, for a fleeting moment, the mocking chuckle of his patron. He smiled and clapped Jeffrey's shoulder. "Now, Zealot of the Flame, your true work begins".
Hendrick Madigan (Blaze Guide)

Advoco Caelum, Opsecro Caeles

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Travelling through the fields of winter in his journeys, Torpius met a delegation of students of the faith. They invited him to share a meal with them and questioned about the principles of Advoco Caelum and Opsecro Caeles. They claimed not having had proper answers in the temples and from their betters, so had decided to consult the Prophet directly. Torpius meditated on the question for a short time before answering them:

"The mind of the young is inquisitive, and often wanders farther away than it should. Ranks and hierarchy exist for a reason, and a system without them is like a sloppy bridge without barriers. Pursue your own paths with caution and steadiness. The abyss is deep, and its borders ill-defined. Too many have fallen to warn us of its dangers.

What I can safely tell you is that those are two ways and states of relationship with the Divine, and with everything else by proxy. An opsecrans is often one who focuses on the ways of study, seeking to further his comprehension on the Divine mysteries, maybe looking for himself in them. They share a more personal relationship with the Higher Ones, and their mind is detached from this world. The advocantes, on the other hand, are those who have received a mission from Above. They bring Divinity into the mortal world, embodying the Holy and turning their Truth into act. It may be the most dangerous path of them, usually trailed with the support of opsecrantes. An advocans may further a simple cause, by simply living in the way of the Gods, or may carry a more complex mission. To put one path above the other is a tricky thing at best.

Should you feel the call within your heart you may delve into deeper study of Aetheris Pyrism, but remember to always seek aid and guidance in your enlightenment process. Many have fallen victims of their own self-confidence, trying to overcome alone forces greater than themselves. May the Gods have pity on their flammae."
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet)

Pyre Patron Lucini

Roleplay from Lucini Talratheon
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In the Irvington Temple..

Builders are in a bustle, masons, carpenters, artists and engravers working on the inner marble workings of the temple Lady Talratheon stands silently flank by two guardsmen of her household as she watches respectfully. A scribe approached from behind catching the vigilant eyes of her guards before bowing his head and offering a scroll to her.

"Lady Talratheon, the work upon the temple is underway however the costs to the laborers and for the building materials will be substantial are you truly willing to press your own coin for this temple?"

Her eyes hadn't sway nor broken contact with the workers of the temple until he ended his inquiry. she looked over to the scribe then down to the scroll. "The price for this temple, a dedication and honor to the Gods is of no consequence to me this life is meaningless to the divine after. Pay the men, buy the materials it will be done, am I understood?"

The scribe merely nodded, wishing not to question her lest he end up as many of the caught criminal of Luria Nova do. Lady Lucini turns back to see the growing glory of the temple and bowed her head slowly. "May Waren bless this work, and ensure it forever serves those of the faith.
Lucini Talratheon (High Justice of Luria Nova, Margravine of Giask)

Public Letters

Giask's allegiance crisis

Letter from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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The fire of passion is clearly burning in many of our eloquent debaters, and I have no doubt that all of them are seeking what they think what is the greater good, envisioning the Greater Luria. But let us take one step back at our current situation: brothers are accusing each other of seeking nothing but to empower themselves, risking a fratricide outcome. Is that what we really want?

There are two truths I cannot avoid admitting. The first one is that we have two opposing dreams, that cannot be both entirely fulfilled. So, we have two options: we can either seek to crush each other and spill Lurian blood, or we can both sides cede some claims and find a common ground. The second truth is that regardless of the outcome of this crisis, there will be no winners among us. The best we can hope for will be for wounds and scars, and the worst I dare not imagine.

Those who are familiar with the Pyrist myth might recall the first war of the Gods and its outcome. Is this something we want to repeat?

Dabit Di his quoque finem
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Earl of Shinnen Purlieus)

Letter from Hendrick Madigan
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I am but a young man, new to this realm, but it is plain to see what Lord Torpius says is the truth.

As in the Age of Charkh, two opposing camps find themselves at odds - each armed with their own vision of the future and righteous sword of rhetoric. Between the clash of these supreme and powerful factions, we find ourselves at risk of permanent sundering of our unity and greater Lurian Dream.

As in the First War of the Gods, we are blind to the real danger of the conflict. As we accuse each other of power-hungry deceit and subterfuge, we lose sight of the worst damage of all: Not one side winning above another, but of neither triumphing and both being cast down. There is no doubt that there is a difference in thoughts, but if that is allowed to become a rift or schism then we are all truly damned and lost.

As the Lord of Demons did exploit the divide between Charkh and Vlander, so too will danger and discord be sown from our own opposition to one another.

I pray that our most noble and enlightened leaders stay the course of reason and compassion and not slip into the realm of discord.

In Faith,
Hendrick Madigan (Noble)

Church Letters

Incoming Storm

Letter from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Brothers and Sisters,

Dark times are approaching, I have been sensing indications of it for a while, but now I have no longer doubts about it. If you focus your attention in the ways of the wind and birds you may notice it too. Daimons invade our brethren in Beluaterra and threaten the very existence of the much closer Maroccidentals. Men fall ill to previously uncommon or even unknown conditions, as has just happened with our Brother Shin as well, may the Gods protect him. Mistrust sweeps the land, and former friends become enemies... No, this is not the time for doubts, indecision or resting. The sleepers might find no awakening after the storm.

To all this, I am forced to make a mea culpa. For too long have I let mundane matters take my time from my sacred duties. This world is filled with sweet poisonous fruits that divert our attentions from what is most important, consuming our flammas while pleasing our bodies. But what good does flesh make without warmth? It is better not to find the answer too late. By ignoring the call of the Gods to trail a purer path I may have come to miss the signs of the calamities that were approaching, which would have been otherwise much clearer. I hope to put an end now to this alienation.

I shall abdicate of my land and title, and follow the pilgrim's call, for as long as the Gods order me to. While my body may miss the warmth of the fireplace and the comfort of my bed, it is my soul's well being, and the safety of the Church, which worry me most.

You are all welcome to partake of this journey, should that be your calling. Should the Gods guide you in a different direction, make sure to put all your mind and heart to it, and you will find the Holy Ones aiding and watching over you.

Adeste fideles!
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet of Aetheris Pyrism, Earl of Shinnen Purlieus)