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OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer [[User:Qmasterflex86/Project_Dwi_01/Notes|here]].
OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer [[User:Qmasterflex86/Project_Dwi_01/Notes|here]].

Latest revision as of 19:24, 21 November 2010

OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer here.

Darkness Infinite

Event from Bahmet
Somewhere, lost in the darkness that no light could repel, something moved. If darkness had life, then it would have felt hunger, an overwhelming eagerness to devour. The world was still full of light, even in the lands that this primeval darkness had implanted itself. It waited for ages past all understanding, for it was older than the world itself. The pretenders who used fragments of its power would soon learn the true meaning of the darkness whose burning corrosion they borrowed. The darkness stirred. Soon it would rise, leading the world back to its origins in the Infinite Nothing.

Event from Bahmet
It remembered the pure darkness from which it originated. It was not the first, and would not be the last, but it was among the greatest. It recalled the vastness, the very impossibility of the grand Infinite Nothing. To describe it as an endless abyss was an understatement. All that existed outside and before all that existed came into being was formless and formed within the Infinite. None could comprehend its unlimited design. Few could survive encountering it. The one among the Infinite Nothing that moved beyond its random orderly patterns began to take form. Out of the Nothing came substance. Out of darkness came blinding light, and into the unknown Infinite became a being without image, yet horrendous to behold.

Event from Akesh
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Dragon’s Roost
Something was amiss. The reclusive daimon who stayed in hidden caves of Dragon’s Roost felt an invisible force coursing through his body. For many long moments he felt his body burn uncontrollably with arcane fires, feeling as though the very flames he once manipulated easily were being wrested from his command. But almost as quickly as it came, it was gone, leaving the golden-armored daimon, wearing his artificial skin that made him appear human, breathing heavily and kneeling in exhaustion.

Event from Bahmet
Long ago it recalled how the thieves of fire stole the brilliant flames that balanced the infinite darkness. Only the pure fire of golden radiance could glow in the maw of the overwhelming infinity of nothing. It was still forming amidst the chaotic order of the Infinity when the first thieves of fire arrived. It did not remember everything, but it remembered everything that occurred.

There were three who originally breached to boundary to the infinite darkness. Only one escaped the vengeance of the crushing hatred, released unto limitless fury at the loss of the only flames that could burn brightly within the otherwise impenetrable fortress of blackness. But the ones of neither worlds of form nor ether managed to discover the path to the flame. One among them learned how to contain all of the golden fire’s power, and took it away. It could feel the warmth escape as the thief tore a rift in its field, slipping through while the darkness trailed in its wake.

The lone survivor on that incursion to the infinite realm must have shared the fire. For though it could not intervene in the Netherworld, it could sense what was occurring. Those ignorant creatures who stole the greatest treasure of the Infinite realm took the power for their own, gaining immense abilities, and unnatural immortality. They traveled the many worlds of form and ether, striking fear into those who were susceptible to it, and burning away those who were not. The arrogant thieves grew to forget their past and the very origin of their powers. Such bright fire, a fire that blazed through even death itself, was not their own. They were merely borrowers, and as the one amidst the darkness began to awaken, it knew that the time to reclaim the golden fire was imminent.

Event from Lendan
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Dragon’s Roost
A golden-armored daimon similar to Akesh landed atop one of the peaks. But as he flexed the armored wings composed of countless layers of compound metal-encased parts, it was clear that the similarities in appearance ended at the gold armor both wore. “Akesh, salum maneijas. Mon lut kidajin?” ‘Akesh, in your presence I am honored. Why have you called me?’ Said the daimon in words that sent dissonant echoes across the peaks.

Event from Akesh
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Dragon’s Roost
The human-like daimon looked at the newcomer who had flown to such a height with ease. Though Akesh understood Lendan’s words, he replied in the mortal tongue, “Greetings, friend. I have felt something terrible, surely you must have felt it as well? That is the reason I have called you here, to ask you to call on the Golden Host. We might need them soon.”

Portending ominous things to come, dark clouds drifted silently past the shrouded mountains of Dragon’s Roost. The sky appeared no different than days in the past, but somehow Akesh could feel subtle tremors moving beneath the surface.

He glanced again at the proud winged daimon, waiting for his reply.

Event from Lendan
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Dragon’s Roost
At Akesh’s use of a mortal tongue to answer him, Lendan nearly attacked the other daimon. His burning yellow eyes flared in anger, for he hated how degenerate and weak the mortal tongues all sounded. But he restrained himself, as he reminded himself that the human-like daimon before him was in fact much more powerful and held a higher rank than him. For the moment, he suffered to speak in a mortal language. “That is an impossible request, even for you, elder. The council has been debating recently. They do not approve of the exile who has escaped here. And yet you stay here, so close to her influence, and watch as she manipulates the worthless creatures of these lands. To enter such a request now, especially one for the Golden Host, would likely lead to your dismissal as an elder. But I know of what you speak. I, too, have felt the fires slip my control into chaos.”