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Monsters were first spotted on May 26th, with 4 regions flying their banner. They were lead by an alpha named Epic. They later signed a secret alliance with [[/Enweil|Enweil]], and rapidly began expanding their empire.
<font size= 3><i><center>We have the walls, they just have claws.  <sub>Lansour Valon Date</sub></center></i></font>
Monsters were first spotted on May 26th, with 4 regions flying their banner. They were lead by an alpha named Epic. They later signed a [[/Enweil|secret pact with Enweil]], and rapidly began expanding their empire. A few days later, they moved into [[/Twillen|Twillen]], claiming to defend it from daimons. Monsters had split their armies into two, one of 50 k cs into Mesh, lead by Wisdom, and another army of 100 k cs into Southern Beluaterra, who they were encouraged to attack by Enweil.
Battle Chronicle can be found '''[[/Battles|in this tome.]]'''
Epic sat down on his throne just after he decided that he would take his armies to the human island once again.
Epic thought back to his origins, why he was chosen. He was but third in his lineage. He had no outstanding accomplishments, no praiseworthy conduct, and surely no significantly better leadership than his brothers, First and Second. He had but one advantage, his ambition. An endless desire to conquer and excel where the others cannot.
He will achieve something none of his kind had achieved before. The name of Epic of Gilgamesh will remain in history. That much he knew. It was a matter of how long that name would last. His thirst for such recognition was unending and this raw ambition drives him to achieve ever more.
Epic cannot stand the sight of undead. They are less than humans, so he finds no reason at all to even be in the presence of such. Worst of all, he cannot eat them or feed them to the young.
The others, the Daimons of old, many stories have been told about this race, being the only one to retains an almost constant presence on the island now filled with humans. Epic respected their conduct, their actions, and their abilities. He knew of their strict laws and forceful tendencies.
However much he admired the daimons, the ones today are but a shadow of what used to be. He was sure of it. They will be crushed as a tribute to his fame, a stepping stone to greatness.
Epic felt the hunger rise again. Blood and flesh to feed himself, to feel the young, the future warriors. Much food is to be had in the lands of the humans, food that makes the warriors mature quickly. Epic needs more warriors for his ambitions.
==Southern Front==
Meanwhile, huge armies of monsters (100 k cs) ravaged the South of Beluaterra. They were commanded by monster Sword, who made rapid advances in Dominion territory, despite suffering numerous defeats to Southern armies, kept reinforcing his armies by somehow draining Jidington of peasants. The Monsters sacked Eno with their entire southern armies, but then moved out of the city, leaving behind 35k cs of militia, who were defeated by the armies of Riombara and Dominion. Dominion was soon left only with Eno, and decided to surrender to the monsters. After Riombara rejected their offer of alliance, Monsters attacked Riombara, swiftly taking over all their regions on the Mainland, save Grehk, where they were defeated. Duchy of Rines accepted an alliance with monsters in return for help fighting daimons, and seceded into the [[Meridian Republic]].
==Western Front==
After Reeds was sacked by daimons, who had begun a takeover there, the Monster armies stationed in Twillen began moving toward Reeds, seemingly to intercept and defend the city. A daimon troop leader, Palla, was left behind in Reeds to command the militia and continue the take-over (with 34 k cs), while the remaining 10 daimon leaders commanding 610 daimons (55 k cs) left for Watto. Meanwhile, two monster troops lead by Wisdom and Justice (3200 monsters, 30 k cs) arrived in Naraka. 3680 monsters lead by Power moved to Bajit. The Monsters assaulted Reeds at sunrise, but apparently failed to defeat the daimons. A series of battles ensued, in which monsters were defeated again and again, but managed to kill Cimmerian, Marshal of the Dead. These forces then moved east.
==Enweilian Front==
After Dominion accepted monster terms, Monsters turned their attention back North, ending their non-aggression pact with Enweil. Power broke off from western front to storm Enweilieos along with Shield, Sword, Bow and Wisdom. Enweilieos was sacked, and taken over by the monsters, who then took a number of Enweilian regions, sacking Fengen and Fwuvoghor along the way.
After Enweil signed its alliance with the daimons on July 26, there were a number of large battles in Fengen, in which monsters fought against combined forces of Bara'Khur, Enweil and the daimons. After both sides suffered horrible casualties, monsters retreated their forces back to the South.

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|Sender=Mordred Lefanis
|Sender=Mordred Lefanis
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Bym (28 recipients)
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Bym (28 recipients)
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===June 6-10===
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Twillen (23 recipients)
|Content=Wisdom was annoyed to say the least. This Chancellor of Mesh is so like Sword. Wisdom has no time for such beasts, and absolutely no time for such men. They are all fools. Wisdom slammed the letter from the Chancellor on the table in front of him after he sent his reply. All his servants in the room shuddered, for they only see this side of Wisdom when a matter involving Sword and Shield came up.
The door suddenly opened and a ladylike figure entered. In his rage he did not recognize who it was before yelling, ''Get out!''
My Wisdom, child, what irrates you so? Queen of Epic, Justice said in a maternal, soothing voice and quickly walked over to Wisdom. Wisdom recognized her voice and collapsed on to the floor with shame and exhaustion. He was tired of these diplomatic matters, he wanted to be like Sword, merely following the orders of my Epic and cutting down opposition with force rather than words. He was very tired and fell asleep almost immediately...something soft...
''Your powers are still extraordinary, my Queen.'' Power jotted over to Justice and Wisdom, peacefully lying in the arms of Justice.
Justice laughed softly, ''What powers do you talk about? I merely calmed him with my words, who knew the child was so exhausted...'' She signed. She saw similar situations in the dungeons. At first she did not want to talk to those small creatures called humans, but slowly she got to know some of them, and they were just as scared and excited as any of these children. She wondered why all these creatures are so agitated all the time. What was there to fear? There being no tomorrow?
Power walked over and took Wisdom and almost threw him onto the bed across the room.
''You can be a little more reserved, my Power.'' Justice chuckled and smiled at Power. Wisdom groaned but remained asleep. Justice walked over to the table, where the letter from the Chancellor was crunched up. Bring me all the letters Wisdom has sent and received over these few days. Justice ordered the servants.
Quickly, a pile of letters was produced, a rather large pile at that, there must be tens if not hundreds of letters piled together neatly on the table. Some scrunched up like this one but some kept very neatly and tidy.
''Who knew...'' Power was surprised as she flipped over some letters, a few of them were extremely long and tedious for her to read.
After examining the exchanges between Wisdom and this Chancellor of Mesh, Justice muttered, ''So this is the problem. Why must we have these treaties to proceed? I do not recall my Epic liking treaties at all. He always just did what he wanted.'' She paused for a while, and said towards the sleeping Wisdom. ''What a child you really are, little one. There is no need to be so cautious and defensive.''
''My Power, let us leave, you're bored of the city already, and there is nothing more for us here. I'll let Wisdom work out his own little problems with the good Chancellor. He is merely trying to protect his people.'' Justice turned to leave, and Power followed soon after, instructing the servants on how to act when Wisdom wakes. It will be like they were never there. Power took one last look at the sleeping Wisdom and signed, muttering, ''If only you retained your sleeping grace all the time, little one, perhaps even my Shield would take notice of you.'' She shook her head and left his room.
|Title= Justice of Gilgamesh
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Twillen (23 recipients)
|Content=It was a day after that Wisdom slowly woke up. His long arms and shoulders were sore. He was quite a tall beast, but not as well built as a beast more suitable on the fields of battle. He did not remember much of what happened yesterday, but he could remember becoming angry with a letter, though he forgot its content or who it was from. Wisdom slowly looked around his room. There was a letter neatly folded on his table. He usually has all the new letters he receives that are in need of replies on that table.
''How long was I asleep? And is that all the letters there are?'' Wisdom asked one of his servants.
''It has only been a day. My Wisdom, there are many others, but my Queen suggested that you read this before you do anything else.'' The servant responded.
''Why would my Queen Justice send me a letter and suggest that? This is somewhat bizzarre.'' Wisdom slowly moved closer to the table. His limbs were still not fully functional after such an unusually long time spent asleep. He took the letter, and on the cover:
'''To my Wisdom, the child and little one.'''
Wisdom smiled, it was rare for him to smile. He remembered the old days when Justice would take care of him, and always call him a child or a little one, like all the others. Those were the carefree days of his youth, he treasured those times, but Justice didn't call him like that very often now since he was almost twice her height and she did not look a day older.
''My Dear Wisdom, you are much too tired. Join us for a battle with these Daimons, my Power and I will not be far ahead. Do not worry about diplomacy, and leave your letters behind until after the battle. Your mind will be refreshed.
--- Your Loving Queen of Epic, the Justice of Gilgamesh.''
Wisdom was shocked. This was an order from the Queen, though it does not look like an order. Justice never gave out actual orders, but when she puts her full title at the end of the letter it means just as much. He did not know why she decided this or when, but he quickly gave the appropriate orders to his servants, and left immediately. His servants sent notes of his leaving as a reply to all the letters that were sent to Wisdom.
''My Queen, what is it that you desire?'' Wisdom quietly asked himself, for he was puzzled.
|Title= Wisdom of Gilgamesh
===June 11-15===
|Recipients= Mordred
|Content=Wisdom's army retreated from the field, scattering. He has never seen such a scene before. Battle was not something he experienced often in his weak physique. Though he was abnormally tall, he was nowhere strong enough to take combat seriously. He has been reading various letters from various leaders. It seems that there were some misunderstandings causing some unnecessary battles, but he did not mind that. If the leaders were really interested in what they talked about before then such small hinderances would not be much. Wisdom signed, and gave the official order to retreat to the woods surrounding the city.
He was surprised that the Daimons would be so afraid, almost, of battle, retreating and shooting what seemed to be human arrows. These humans arrows Sword described to him, but of course, the fool that Sword is he never bothered to ask a human regarding what they are. They are but hinderances to the advance of his armies. He looked across to Power and Justice's armies. The only one of note was Justice, his Queen. Though she was not very capable as a fighter due to her physique as well, she led her army successfully.
Indeed, though they lost the battle, they understood more about their enemies. Epic sometime talked about the Daimons of old, though these do not seem to live up to his stories. Wisdom wondered whether the Great King Gilgamesh taught Epic regarding these enemies. He did not think anymore, and led his army away, or what's left of it. He knew what he had to do, and he did it without any thoughts at all. Such enemies must be attacked without thought, from all angles, before their rain of arrows prevented advance.
He did not recall seeing any Daimon fly, though he was informed they can on occasions, and he did not see any especially great. He faintly heard something in the old tongue of a leader named Palla, but he was unable to see her. As the armies continued retreating he pondered, why are we fighting these ones? This is foreign soil, and we have not reached agreements with the humans here. Why are we even here, for that matter? He put these thoughts behind him as he caught up with Power and Justice. One day he will learn this from them.
|Title= Wisdom of Gilgamesh
|Recipients= Mordred
|Content=Justice looked out at the battlefield in front of the fortifications, it was laiden with bodies of beasts and daimons alike. She noticed fire in the same shape and form as rocks flying towards her army still. She had recently split up her army so they would all be harmed by such fiery power. Wisdom had called these fire rocks 'arrows'. It seems that humans are capable of producing such arrows against Sword as well. Justice was surprised that humans had such power in their tiny bodies, well, her size was comparable to that of a tall human female but they were still small in comparison to the average beast.
She quickly went over to Power's tent and looked in to see how Power was doing. It seems that she has now recovered enough to move a little bit at a time.
My Queen, I have failed you. </i>Power spoke feebly now that she has regained consciousness.
My Power, my good friend, do not speak in such ways. You have not failed me, but have done your best. I thought they were weaker, but it seems that their powers are not to be overlooked. My Wisdom will come up with something, he is a bright one. </i>Justice caressed Power's long, flowing hair and continued.<i> We will go, for I would like to lose no more of our beasts to these futile battles. I'd like to see my Sword and my Shield. It's been so long since I last talked well with them. Of course, I also want to kiss my own daughter. We have never been separated for so long, I wonder how my Armour is. Don't you want to see your mate my First and your son my Bow as well?</i>
Power blushed slightly, turned away, and said in a tender voice,<i> why would I want to see them?</i>
Justice shook her head, for she knew that Power was always like this, with her mind on the battlefield Power rarely was able to enjoy the serenity and pleasure of simply talking and being with her mate and her son. Well, it seems it's time to go. Justice heard a call from outside, most likely a call from Wisdom.
As Justice was leaving the tent she felt Power tug at her leg, so Justice turned around. Power muttered with her face turned away, <i>will you help me to get ready when we arrive to meet them?</i>
Justice smiled and almost chuckled. Power was quite a bit younger than her, and was assigned to First by the Great King Gilgamesh a long time ago. She did not know the exact circumstances, for she was equally young at the time. Justice always wondered how Power was assigned to someone much older than her, but Justice never thought to ask before.
Perhaps she can ask Power then. <i>Of course, my dear Power, of course. Let us get ready.</i> Justice left on that remark, still smiling brilliantly as always.
|Title= Justice of Gilgamesh
|Recipients= Mordred
|Content=While travelling, a messenger brought to Justice a letter claiming to be from the Marshal of the Arms of Creasur, someone in Hetland. Justice glanced over the letter and it seems that Hetland is eager to fight the Daimons as well. Justice shook her head, for they do not know what they are up against. It is not a simple matter of having the will to fight but the means to defeat them as well.
She did not want to reply to his letter, for it means disappointment for him. Rather, this way he can assume something happened and be happier for it. She did not know when she will be back, for she longed to see Epic and Sword. Sword was like a son to her...this is a painful memory to recall. Her eyes became moist as she thought of the memories and handed the letter to her servant. She will not reply.
Justice looked over to Power. She was not looking well, drifting in and out of consciousness as they travelled. Hopefully they will meet Wisdom soon and perhaps he can think of something. Perhaps Power will become well when she sees First and Bow, Justice thought.
|Title= Justice of Gilgamesh
|Recipients= Mordred
|Content=Sword looked out from the estate he took in Brovyl. The land looked peaceful, yet he knew his troops were securing the region for their eventual rule. Shield was sleeping soundly in the room, they had just talked about various matters, including their childhood. It had been a while before they were in the same location for so long. Now that this war is going to be over soon perhaps they can still be together for some more time. Sword relished that idea and thought about the happy days ahead.
He looked at the setting sun, and knew that Shield would go out to see the sunrise again by herself. He strived to follow her for her protection every morning, but sometimes he would sleep late and be unable to wake up, in which case his trusted servant would do so in his place. He always felt guilty after that, but Shield always laughed it off as if she did not need protection at all. Sword knew that she needed to be protected, for she was one of the most frail beast that he had ever come across. As a child he always thought Shield was simply much younger and thus so much smaller than him, but he soon realized that she was in fact not too many years younger than him by decades.
She had an extraordinarily small and frail figure, and would not have been allowed on the battlefield if not for her insistance on fighting with him. Sword did not want to compare Shield to humans, but when he was forced to look and see the human females, he could not help but notice that Shield was shorter and more fragile than even their average figures. Sword signed, for he wondered why she was so weak, yet so brave in spirit to make him so worried.
Shield shifted in her bed and Sword looked back at her sleeping face. Her face was bright and beautiful, the most beautiful face Sword had ever seen. She was relaxed and happy in her sleep and Sword was happy for her as well. He put another layer of blankets on top of her and looked at her one last time before leaving for his room. He resolved to wake up every morning from now on to accompany her for the sunrise.
|Title= Sword of Gilgamesh
|Sender=Celyn Haerthorne
|Recipients=Everyone in the region Brovyl (7 recipients)
|Content=Even though Celyn had told his unit that they had nothing to fear they showed a great deal of agitation preparing their camp for the night's rest. The guards would be stationed as usual although if they were truly in danger it would give them greater peace of mind to be taken in their sleep than woken in time for one last glance at what might coming. The beasts had given their sign that no more fighting would occur.
Lighting a brand to guide his way deeper into the gathering of monsters, Celyn took up his cloak from where it lay next to his helm and gave a last warning to the man who had been through the worst of his fights. "Keep their heads on. You'll see me safe again soon." He put the effort into a smile, something he could do with a bit of humour now he was well enough to move. The triple hauberk had returned to normal wear again as if the fight for Eno was any indication then there would not be a time of peace for a long while yet. One should always be used to the arms and armour he desires to bear.
There was not much else to say. Wolfram nodded, too weary after the past few days to salute when not in front of a troop. Turning to the darkness, the King left his guard and passed like a single flame into the growing night spreading westwards across Brovyl. For a while he passed into an isolated patch of twilight and night blindness - and he could have let himself think that this was all there was to the world now. But a whisper on the wind grew to become sounds in the undergrowth. As a hill was crested it quickly became the sounds of a horde. A large one at that.
Spotting the glow ahead, Celyn descended towards the camp of those who had brought his kingdom to its knees. ''Now where would this 'Sword' be...''
|Title= King of the Dominion of Alluran
===June 16-25===
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (41 recipients)
|Content=''A duel? What kind of thing is that? Let me see, meet him at the north east corner outside the city.'' Lance laughed. A human seemed to want to fight him with a little metal stick-like weapon, alone. He wondered whether he should ask for Sword's permission to engage in such fruitless actions.
Lance gruntled, he did not want to be restricted by Sword. For why does it matter if he should kill this human or not?
''Send note back, I'll meet him.'' Lance smiled.
|Title= Lance of Gilgamesh
'''Duel  '''
Lance meets his challenger Stan Spiff, Viscount of Ardmore for the agreed duel till death.
Both participants are using the 'aggressive' strategy, so that neither has an advantage.
The duel goes as planned, then badly for Stan. He suffers several slight wounds, then a final, fatal blow. The healers hurry, but they are too late.
'''Duel Death'''
Stan has suffered a fatal blow in a duel against Lance. He died quickly.
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (45 recipients)
|Content=''Did you see my killing blow, my Armour? Was not my move fantastic? I beat him at his own game with these human metal sticks. They are quite dangerous too, you see.'' Lance showed his arm where Stan slashed, it was bleeding profusely. As Lance looked up to Armour, who was standing quite a ways away from him, he noticed she was not looking at him but in the direction of the city of Grehk.
''Still thinking about that, my dear Armour? Why worry for him, it does not matter what happens to him.'' Lance walked towards Armour, throwing the sword he used to duel away like it was a toy, stained with the blood of a dead human. As he approached he took Armour's hand and said softly,'' My dear Armour...''
Armour seemed to just notice Lance's presence and promptly drew her hand away and in the process slashed Lance's hand. ''Don't touch me, and don't you dare call me that again. What of it, you killed a human, so that is why you asked me so persistently to come? Don't be a fool.'' Armour was annoyed.
At her last word Lance seemed to flare up and his face gained a crimson glow. He took hold of Armour's wrist by force, wrung it and pulled it away from her. ''I hate being called that.'' Armour could feel his hot breath pulsating against her face, and tears welled up in her eyes and a few traced her smooth face.
Lance quickly regained his composure, massaged Armour's wrist and apologized, ashamed of what came over him. ''I'm sorry, my dear Armour...I just didn't want you to think of me that way...'' Armour wiped her tears from her face, turned, and without a word left, throwing down a letter from Queen Justice, asking her to move towards Lopa.
Lance saw the falling letter and remembered why Armour was looking at the city and muttered vehemently as he walked towards his camp, ''Why does that matter, even if my Wisdom fails and my Sword wages war, why do you worry for him? He is our 'great' general, who cares what happens to him? Why do you want to help him so badly...''
|Title= Lance of Gilgamesh
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Ardmore (46 recipients)
|Content=Power looked towards the city. It was a large and prosperous one, similar to Eno. She remembered Wisdom in his critical condition. Wisdom scribbled a letter to her even in such times. His writing was always handsome, but his wounds caused this letter to be very poorly written.
''Send a letter to the King of Riombara. Tell him that the treaty will be extended another 7 days giving them 14 days in total. Do not tell him about my Wisdom's state. I cannot make any decisions for my Wisdom nor do I want to. Make haste.'' The servant quickly scurried off. Power wondered whether he will find the way to the King of Riombara.
''My Epic...why have you left matters to me?'' Power thought to herself. ''Get better soon, my Wisdom, for no matter how much you wish me to make your decisions, I am no diplomat, I am a warrior.''
|Title= Power of Gilgamesh
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (46 recipients)
Sword crushed the letter challenging him to a duel. He despised these ones who think they can match up to him in either battles or individual fights, wasting their lives away. Though he was sure of victory, there were always uncertainties in fights and battles. He would rather die on the battlefield than throw his life away.
He had just heard of Lance's impudent actions and killing the human who challenged him. Lance will be punished, and none shall do such stupid deeds while he commands them.
''My Sword, I am called.'' Shield called out to Sword as she moved towards her camp from watching the sunset.'' My Queen Justice wishes for my presence. I hope to see you soon.'' Shield hopped a little like a young one, showing her excitement at being by Justice's side again. Sword smiled as Shield waved at him from her camp, now far away.
''How I wish to see her majesty,'' Sword thought quietly and to himself. ''It will be like the olden days...''
Sword remembered his duty, and marched towards Lance's camp and soon began disciplining Lance and his servants who failed to stop Lance from fighting the human.
|Title= Sword of Gilgamesh
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Thromegor (26 recipients)
|Content=Justice held the letter from Annaej for a long time, a few tears welling up in her eyes and falling on the letter. She hoped that this Annaej girl would take care of herself, for Justice did not want to see what happened decades ago occurring all over again.
''Send for my Armour, my Bow, and my Shield. I wish to see them, and inform my Sword and my Power to manage with what they have for now.'' Justice ordered after she got control of her emotions. ''He knows what I must do. My Wisdom awaits.''
|Title= Justice of Gilgamesh
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (47 recipients)
|Content=Sword received information from a few close servants of Shield who used to be his own servants. He chose the strongest and the most able beasts to protect Shield. Their loyalty is still with him, so they came back to report the matters. Sword was furious. This will not go unanswered, his armies will trample over all the lands of these filthy assassins and they will pay for their attack on Shield.
As he ordered his troops and those of Lance to move towards Enweil, he recalled that Epic's camp must be close. <i>My majesty, the Epic of Gilgamesh, there is something I must do, let me see to it before the march north.</i> Sword's servant wrote his words in a letter and delivered it to Epic as the armies were getting ready to leave.
Without regard for Epic's response, as Sword's army was very disciplined, they left for Enweilieos. His desire to see that Shield is well trumped all else. With his brow furrowed and determination shining from his complexion, Sword marched with his army, and Lance's followed unwillingly behind.
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (36 recipients)
|Content=<i>Why are we leaving?</i> Lance asked the attendant from Sword.
<i>My Lance, my Sword ordered such. He respects the men here who fought brilliantly. Please follow his orders promptly.</i> The attendant was not afraid of Lance unlike most of Lance's servants.
<i>Just because you are my Sword's, you can show me disrespect? Why should I follow your orders?</i> Lance's look was filled with a killing intent, but the attendant did not waver even the tiniest bit. <i>Tell my Sword that I shall not give up such a fortress, they captured me, and I shall lay waste to this land.</i>
The attendant felt that he has done his duty, and quickly began to leave. He knew that Lance did not dare touch him, but this disregard for Sword's orders must be punished. As he turned and before he walked four steps, he felt something cold against his back, then sharp pain and blackness in front of his eyes. He heard a faint whisper, but could not recognize the voice. <i>Not so fast, disrespect warrants discipline. Tell that to my Sword. Hehe, hahahaha.</i> Cold laughter followed the whisper, as the attendant recognized that it was Lance who struck his claw and ripped out his heart from behind him.
As the attendant's eyes closed for the final time, he wondered why none of the other servants stopped Lance. He hoped, no knew, that Sword would avenge him. <i>Sword will avenge...</i> The attendant died, unable to complete his last sentence with his remaining breath.
<i>'Follow my Sword's orders or perish', isn't that what you wanted to say? Everyone adores my Sword... my Armour, what do you see in that stupid brute?</i> Lance muttered vehemently after shaking away the attendant's blood and flesh left on his claws. <i>I could match a thousand of him, I will one day rule, just you watch. And then you will surely fall for me, surely.</i>
<i>Collect the beasts here, I shall create an army for myself. No one ever saw this attendant, there was no message from my Sword, and we shall claim this city and rule over it!</i> Lance yelled towards his army, and received a subdued growl from all his beasts.
|Recipients= The Rulers of Beluaterra (16 recipients)
|Content=Chancellor of Enweil,
You have colluded with the Daimons and therefore rejected our proposal for peace. We shall no longer hold back. You have been warned and ignored such warnings. Enweil will cease to exist, you have my word.
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Orombo (34 recipients)
|Content=After a quick ritual, another command seal disappeared from Annaej's hand. There is only one left for one disappeared right after the dispersion of her previous unit.
|Recipients= The Rulers of Beluaterra (16 recipients)
|Content=The first droplets began to rain down from the overcast sky. Annaej left the stronghold leading her beasts into the mire, marching northward towards the unknown. The humans of the north had been exchanging blows with the dead, but where were the daimons she wondered. Had their elders decided as she did that humans were not worth fighting for. Perhaps the monsters toxins had served their purpose and no more would come to die for an unworthy cause. She sincerely hoped this were true, for how do you fight fire with a blade and armour. But too little was known about the north to be complacent and she made certain she always carried her banishment scroll by her side. The claws of her beasts sank deep in the mud, but they moved swiftly across the land. She sat on the shoulder of one, wondering what fate would bring. She had turned her back on humanity and they would turn their back on her. There was only one path for her now, forward.
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Cteduul (32 recipients)
|Content=Sword looked over the hills surrounding Cteduul, the city is almost taken. There is no doubt of that, though if it resists even longer then they must leave it be. He has received many disheartening reports of the beasts leaving this area and returning to the wild due to the lack of action here. This problem must be coped with.
Sword thought and looked back to his tent. He must avenge Wisdom, but it is merely a sense of duty towards Epic and his race. Sword has not forgotten the humiliation in Bara'Khur, when his armies were growing thin, their dungeon and cruel judge who hurt Shield. They will pay.
Another of his servants arrived after those thoughts roamed his mind and swirled around for another night. He brings news of further beasts dissipating. Sword must deal with this, and fast.
|Content=Lady Annaej has my support. These light followers must be eliminated. That is why we have crushed every temple in our path.
'''November 15'''
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (23 recipients)
|Content=Mesh allowed his troops to look for further beasts.
''I assume since these humans are our allies, they should understand all the more so that if it comes to choosing between their survival versus a few peasants, the choice should be obvious.'' Mesh thought as he proceeded to rally more and more beasts.
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (23 recipients)
|Content=Power looked around her, the beasts from the vincinity have gathered together, but the undead were nowhere to be found. She never liked these wild beasts, and still do not. She looked on ahead, the city was safe for the time being, but for how long? Will what's left of its inhabitants survive the onslaught of the undead and Daimons? She did not know, but these new beasts shall obey her from now on, and they shall protect these people.
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Wilwau (26 recipients)
There was a small figure limping past the hills of Wilwau after the last engagement with the undead. The beasts were scattered as the undead retreated into the shadows.
A serf noticed the figure and called out, but received no noticeable response.
Shield heard some voice from afar calling out, but she could not bring herself to respond. How could she continue to live in this world now that Sword has perished, carried away by the undead swarm. It was unthinkable that he would fall in battle, let alone to the loathsome, inhuman, and disgusting swarm of used-to-be-human beings.
The sun was shining, the dawn is coming, and she can no longer bring herself to continue this worthless and pointless struggle. Shield walked towards the sun, not knowing what to do or where to go, she kept walking.
'''December 4- The sacrifice referred to is allowing monsters to recruit wild beasts by devouring peasants.'''
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (24 recipients)
|Content=Justice laughed, it was a cold and hard laugh. No, there are no further beasts coming. She was saddened by the attitudes of those whom she tried to save, risking not only her life but also losing that of Sword and Mesh in the process.
No, there will be no further reinforcements until the Meridians are ready to make the same sacrifices as she has already made.
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (24 recipients)
|Content=Justice laughed, it was a cold and hard laugh. No, there are no further beasts coming. She was saddened by the attitudes of those whom she tried to save, risking not only her life but also losing that of Sword and Mesh in the process.
No, there will be no further reinforcements until the Meridians are ready to make the same sacrifices as she has already made.
'''December 10'''
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (25 recipients)
|Content=Justice watched Celyn get closer and closer. She heard him say cautiously to her attendant, ''I am here to meet with your Justice of Gilgamesh... sir.
She chuckled lightly, for it has been a while since any human has been close enough to her, let alone mistaken her as male. She remembered the fond memories of Annaej, who was like a daughter to her. Justice enjoyed very much the stories of the humans, their struggles and achievements, she longs to go back and tell these stories to the next generation of beasts.
As a cloud temporarily loomed over her, preventing the moon from shining, Justice remembered Sword. She used to tell these very tales to him about both Beasts and other beings, but he is no more. A few drops of tears flowed down her smooth cheeks, quickly absorbed the tiny layer of fur around her neck. Her complexion was of one who has weathered much suffering and warfare. The tears soon disappeared, even their trail vanished into the night, it was as if they were never shed in the first place.
Celyn was led into her tent, she quickly followed after. Before Celyn got up to greet her she quickly said, ''I know what you are concerned about. There are no more wild beasts worthy to tame around this side of the island, rest assured that your peasants shall remain with you, be it life or death.'' She sat down on her throne, a throne not fit for a queen like her, but she did not mind, for the encampment was a temporary one at best.
It seems that the words made Celyn both relieved and worried, but Justice's mind was on another matter already. Epic will be here soon, what shall his arrival entail?
'''December 16- Departure?'''
Shield was last seen walking over the mountains in Cteduul, and was never seen again.
|Recipients=The Rulers of Beluaterra (12 recipients)
|Content=Justice overlooked the departure. She has lost the will to continue, for there was no end in sight of the sufferings of her children. She must stay by her Epic's side, but she has granted leave to the others.
''They should not have come.'' Justice noted as a few turned to leave this dreaded island that took so many of them. ''My Epic and I shall be the only ones having to bear these tribulations.''
Upon hearing of this dismissal, Last, Speed, and Wings left immediately. Justice could not find Shield to confirm her decision, but she knows that Lance simply took his troops and marched on, with no regard for her words. Armour and Power chose to stay, Armour by Epic's side as his daughter, and Power as Justice's sister.
My Epic, what do you see for the future? Justice asked as the day finally drew to a conclusion. Epic, by her side, responded,'' War. What else?
Justice paused for a moment, and asked again cautiously, ''Do you disapprove of my actions?''
Epic signed and turned to watch his guards.'' Never.''

Line 346: Line 794:

== Conversations ==
=== Sword ===
==== May 28th ====
I (Sendan Falcore) spoke with Sword today as he left Jidington.  Yes some of the monsters can actually speak.  Some interesting thinks he said.
''No man gives me orders, not even beasts. I only follow my Epic. Reluctantly at that.''
''Move on. Leave my Lance here if he so keenly wants this land. I see no reason for this land and I'm glad to be rid of him''
All the monsters have left,  it appears they are under some sort of orders to test us humans to see if we are fit for some sort of task.

===June 1===

'''Huge Battle Fought'''
=== Wisdom ===
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Epinotke:

High Chancellor Delvin's correspondence with Wisdom of Gilgamesh.

Dominion of Alluran vs. Monsters
|Sender=Delvin Anaris
|Content=O Puissant Wisdom of Gilgamesh,

Estimated strengths: 430 men vs. 770 men
A day ago, I sent a letter to your Epic, seeking information. I have not heard from him, and from my limited understanding of your people, this may be because he does not deal directly with ours. This is part of what I seek to understand.  

Annaej Urominiel, Judicial Arbiter of Dominion of Alluran was captured by Sword of Gilgamesh's unit.
Therefore, as you have corresponded regularly with my Ambassador, I reproduce here to you in its entirety my letter to your Epic, in hopes that you will be willing and able to answer it.  

Dafydd Cadwalader, Count of Ovujemeh was captured by Sword of Gilgamesh's unit.

Defender Victory!
O Mighty Epic of Gilgamesh,

===June 2===
I am Delvin Anaris, High Chancellor of Riombara. Your Wisdom has proposed a treaty between our peoples, but I cannot in good conscience bind my people to yours without a full and complete understanding of your purpose and goal here on Beluaterra,

'''[[/Battle in Bym|Huge Battle Fought]]'''
If you would have our lands, then I would have knowledge, and proof that you are ''not'' here to cause the downfall of humanity.

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Eylmon:
I cannot guarantee that even with this knowledge, Riombara will agree to what you wish, because I cannot command my people to follow. I can only ask them, and let them decide. However, there have been very few cases over the past six years of my rule when my people have chosen to go against what I have advised.

Dominion of Alluran, Riombara vs. Monsters
Show me proof that you can be trusted, and I will do my utmost to make my people agree.  

Estimated strengths: 1170 men vs. 420 men
Fail to show me such proof, and Riombara will fight you to our last breath—Riombara that has fought for years against larger, stronger foes, and always emerged victorious; Riombara that defied the Daimons, and won.  

The Army of Riombara (Riombara), sponsored by Sir Delvin Anaris, High Chancellor of Riombara, were led into battle by Marshal Evander Geronus.
For a free Beluaterra, <br/>
Sir Delvin Anaris <br/>
High Chancellor of Riombara  

Lansour Valon Date (Knight of Rii) is spotted wielding the Dazzling Buckler against Fire.

Olivier von Genf, High Constable of Riombara is spotted wielding the Ebony Scythe of Bloodletting.
For a free Beluaterra,
|Title=High Chancellor of Riombara}}

Lansour Valon Date (Knight of Rii) is spotted wearing the White Ring of Command.
|Recipients=Delvin Anaris
|Content=High Chancellor of Riombara,

Attacker Victory!
Purpose, Goals, what are they to an unstoppable might? You are correct in that my Epic does not respond to humans, but I shall talk in his place as his representative. My Epic does not need such things that may or may not take place. What he has is his desires, and they will always be satisfied, just in one way or another.

He desires land for our beasts, and I have convinced him to allow you to retain Rines and the cities my Sword will conquer in the north. There is something more than land here, and that is why I propose a cooperation rather than taking your lands as we have taken those of the Dominion. Daimons and Undead are nuisances, for the Daimons have allowed themselves to be governed by mere humans and the Undead have lost their supreme leadership. They will be crushed in time, yet there is something more than that.

'''Huge Battle Fought'''
You desire proof of our cause? There is no such proof. My Epic does not need to prove to you the strength of his Royal Guardians of Epic, does he now? You can see our armies, and that is the proof that what his majesty desires will become truth. I think you understand that we could have taken Eno, the most prosperous city this side of the island, but yet I, alone, stood to advise my Epic on giving the Dominion another chance at cooperation before eliminating them. They decided to trust my Epic and my words.

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Eylmon:
I believe that my treaty outlines the conditions for trust to be mutual. We agree to give you northern lands we conquer after you hand over the southern city and a few regions, and you agree to hand over the rest of the regions and cities as the campaign north progresses. All this along with cooperation in the future as a federation.

(rogue), Monsters vs. Dominion of Alluran
Remember, we are not as weak as these Daimons have become. Do pride yourself with your limited powers, for it is good to see such confidence in you. I shall let you decide.

Estimated strengths: 1320 men vs. 320 men
|Sender=Delvin Anaris
|Content=O Sagacious Wisdom of Gilgamesh,
What you are saying amounts to, "We need not prove anything to anyone, for we are strong enough to take all we want."

Defender Victory!
These are the words of brutal conquerors, and not those who are worthy of trust. Those whose strength is in force of arms alone are not worthy allies for any men of goodwill—for any, indeed, who are worthy of trust. Those who would be trusted must provide more in return for that trust than, "We will kill you if you do not trust us." Such trust, if it were to be given, would always be false, and would break the moment your power did. And ''all'' power breaks one day. Even "We will use our power for your benefit" is a poor substitute for true mutual trust: for that is simply a bribe, and the same power that brought us new lands could be turned upon us at any instant on a whim.

===June 3===
Furthermore, the treaty offers us land in the north: but do you understand what the price of that land would be?

'''Huge Battle Fought'''
To gain it, Riombara would have to be the beneficiary of an ally with a nonhuman realm. Upon this land, the penalty for such an alliance, against human realms, is death. If we were to agree to this, and Riombara spread from Avengmil north to Stempleto, we would become the traitors to humanity who destroyed Avalon. And one day, when your purpose here was finished, you would leave—and Riombara would perish at the hands of every other realm on the continent. And it would perish justly, for its grievous betrayal of humanity.

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Brovyl:
Finally, you did not answer my question: or rather, you answered it only with absurdities.

Monsters vs. Dominion of Alluran
You were not here. Now you are here. Why is this? Why did you come here?

Estimated strengths: 1210 men vs. 700 men
Was it solely to find a home? If so, what was your home before, and why did you leave it?

The Raven's Regiment (Dominion of Alluran), sponsored by Lady Belinde Crowley, Duchess of Eno, were led into battle by Marshal Celyn Haerthorne.
Was it to fight against the Daimons?

Defender Victory!
Was it to seek something that was taken from you?

O Perspicacious Wisdom of Gilgamesh, I am sure that you cannot fail to understand that the people of Riombara will not—cannot—accept an alliance to a power whose desires, aims, and goals we know ''nothing'' about. If you want our lands—and do not make the mistake of underestimating our ability to defend our lands—then tell us: '''Why are the Monsters on Beluaterra?'''

===June 5===
For a free Beluaterra,
|Title=High Chancellor of Riombara}}

'''[[/Second Battle in Bym|Huge Battle Fought]]'''
|Recipients=Delvin Anaris
|Content=High Chancellor of Riombara,

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bym:
Your questions are excellent. My Epic was pleased after hearing of them. As you question my intent, I will be frank with you. I do not know of his majesty's goals. I feel comfortable telling you that because I believe you are one of the few humans who may possibly understand my Epic.

Dominion of Alluran, Riombara vs. Monsters
The King of the Dominion has asked a similar question, which I cannot in all honesty answer completely. I know of my Epic's current goals and what he seeks to achieve in the near future, and thus I formulate these treaties and decisions that he approves of, yet I know not of the underlying intent.  

Estimated strengths: 870 men vs. 1660 men
If there is one thing you must not consider an obstacle, that would be the support of his majesty once given. Do not think that the other humans will look down upon you, for when their time comes they shall not be given such an option. Betrayal of humanity? What is the meaning of that? It is defined by the majority, is it not? When the day comes that the majority will be Riombara and the Dominion, I see no reason for there to be a usage of such a word.  

The Army of Riombara (Riombara), sponsored by Sir Delvin Anaris, High Chancellor of Riombara, were led into battle by Marshal Evander Geronus.
I will now answer your last question to the best of my knowledge. You often speak of a free Beluaterra, but what does that mean? I gather you mean that it is free for humans to roam and wander about, yet why is there so much strife and hatred among these humans? The land is itself not theirs to take, much less freely. I gather that my Epic wishes to unite the lands and give it back the peace and wonder it once had. Our tales of old were excellent. I still recall sitting near my Queen Justice, listening to her tell such tales that she heard from the Great King Gilgamesh. I believe that even though you may not trust us now, given the circumstances you must, and in time, you will find that all your questions will be given answers, be they satisfactory or not. This is the best answer I know of, the rest you would have to ask the older ones, my Epic, my Queen, or perhaps even my Power may know of things I do not.  

Lansour Valon Date (Knight of Rii) is spotted wielding the Dazzling Buckler against Fire.
I convey this to you from his majesty. After the two regions and your southernmost city are given to my Epic, he will meet you in Jidington. His majesty is intrigued, and desires to speak to you and the King, alone, after your armies march with my Sword north.

Olivier von Genf, High Constable of Riombara is spotted wielding the Ebony Scythe of Bloodletting.
|Sender=Delvin Anaris
O Most Insightful Wisdom of Gilgamesh,  

Lansour Valon Date (Knight of Rii) is spotted wearing the White Ring of Command.
I thank you for your replies. My Advisory Council is considering them now.  

Khaludh Telrunya (Knight of Rueffilo, Riombara) was captured by Sword of Gilgamesh's unit.
However, I do have some additional questions for you: hopefully they will only require a simple "yes," "no," or "I cannot answer that" in reply.  

Defender Victory!
# Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Daimons?
# Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Undead?
# Do the Monsters desire the destruction or subjugation of humanity?
# Do the Monsters intend to leave Beluaterra once some particular goal has been fulfilled, even if you cannot yet communicate that goal to us?
# If Riombara does not accede to the Monsters' proposals, do you intend to destroy us utterly, or merely take the land south of Avengmil by force?

For a free Beluaterra,
|Title=High Chancellor of Riombara}}

|Recipients=Delvin Anaris
|Content=High Chancellor of Riombara,

'''Huge Battle Fought''' 
Your questions are simple, and I shall respond simply as our time is precious.

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Epinotke:
1) Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Daimons? <br/>
2) Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Undead? <br/>
3) Do the Monsters desire the destruction or subjugation of humanity? <br/>

Monsters vs. Dominion of Alluran
All of them will be defeated or subjugated, this cannot be questioned. The question is whether any humans will retain favour of my Epic.

Estimated strengths: 1410 men vs. 290 men
4) Do the Monsters intend to leave Beluaterra once some particular goal has been fulfilled, even if you cannot yet communicate that goal to us?

The Raven's Regiment (Dominion of Alluran), sponsored by Lady Belinde Crowley, Duchess of Eno, were led into battle by Marshal Celyn
You shall talk to my Epic regarding that, along with the King of the Dominion. This matter will not be made known to many.  

Kerowyn Starblade, Countess of Bolkenia was captured by Armour of Gilgamesh's unit.
5) If Riombara does not accede to the Monsters' proposals, do you intend to destroy us utterly, or merely take the land south of Avengmil by force?

Attacker Victory!
What do you suppose will happen? I do not dictate my Epic's reactions but I do not recall him ever being happy or kind at being rejected. You know what will happen.

I hope these answers are enough for you and your council and you make your decisions speedily. My Epic's patience wanes.

===June 6===
|Recipients=Delvin Anaris

'''[[/Battle in Droxago|Huge Battle Fought]]'''
I am losing confidence in your people's sincerity to negotiate after repeated instances of attacks and sabotages by your nobles on our Beasts and lands. You talk of trustworthiness, it goes both ways, for I have received many letters stating your people desire to cooperate and then back stab.

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Droxago:
Please explain in a reasonable manner.

Enweil vs. Monsters
Trust must go both ways, thus I have a few questions to ask you, hopefully the answers to which will be a quick response.  

Estimated strengths: 1540 men vs. 700 men
# Why does Riombara not desire the northern lands?
# Why do I receive copies of letters stating ways of betraying our proposed treaties?
# Do you support our cooperation?
# Will you humans defend our lands and not act as spies for our enemies as we will defend yours? How will you guarantee this?

The Army of Fengen (Enweil), sponsored by Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen, were led into battle by Marshal Valic Schumacher.
|Sender=Delvin Anaris
|Content=O Most Astute Wisdom of Gilgamesh,  

The Liberators of Beluaterra (Enweil), sponsored by Terence Kidd, Duke of Enweilieos, were led into battle by Marshal Thefal Tezokian.
I cannot say that I am sorry that you are starting to understand how my people feel. We have no proof that you are trustworthy, and when I ask for some, you simply state that you need give none, for you are powerful. Now you must simply believe that we will be trustworthy if we agree to accept your terms.

Nicolas Chénier, Field Marshal of Enweil, Viscount of Wheling is spotted wearing the Legendary Breastplate of Strength.
In answer to your questions,  

Arthur Quincey, Duke of Fheuvenem is spotted wearing the Long-lost Flute of Ice.
# We do desire them. We do not, however, desire to betray our deepest principles and obtain them by using nonhuman troops as our weapon against other humans. This is one of the most terribly reviled things that anyone on Beluaterra can do.
# Because some of our nobles believe that that is the best thing for Riombara to do—because, again, they do not trust you, and your talk is the talk of tyrants.
# I support whatever is best for Riombara in the long run.
# We will fulfill any and all obligations under treaty. The only guarantee you have is the guarantee you have given us: none.  

Terence Kidd, Duke of Enweilieos is spotted reading from the Old Compendium of Betrayal.
O Most Discerning Wisdom of Gilgamesh, I think that you have, thus far, failed to understand Riombara's goals in this. Riombara's highest goal is to rid the continent of evil. Some among us still believe that you and your Beasts are evil. All (or nearly all) believe that the Daimons are evil. Almost all, even those who believe that you are evil, believe that the Daimons are ''more'' evil than you.
The vast majority of Riombarans who are even considering agreeing to a treaty with your people believe that its purpose could only ever be to further Riombara's goals of eliminating the Daimons. Once that goal has been achieved, it will be very hard to convince any Riombaran that it is worthwhile to maintain any cordial arrangement with Monsters, Undead, or any other power that would normally be our enemy.
Some may think me foolish for stating this so baldly to you; however, one of my ''personal'' principles is honesty in dealings with other powers. After all, if you were to discover this later, it could only make you believe we had been hiding it from you all along, and cause great anger.
For a free Beluaterra,
|Title=High Chancellor of Riombara}}
|Recipients=Delvin Anaris
|Content=High Chancellor of Riombara,

Terence Kidd, Duke of Enweilieos is spotted wearing the Golden Cloak of Beauty.
My scribes have been busy and I overlooked this letter of yours and assumed that you did not respond to my questions. Now that you have I feel more inclined to be frank to you as well just as you have with me. Though I dislike these inclinations of your people, bordering on betrayal, I do realize that your people do not know who we are.  

Callandor Harte (Knight of Pahk) is spotted wielding the Sword of War.
You spoke of Tyranny, I agree that it may seem that way to you, but my Epic has always been a wise and understanding ruler to us, otherwise we would have trampled your armies and cities by now, for you yourself knew how easy that would have been when our armies were there a few days ago.  

First has been killed Arthur Quincey's unit.
I have offered you and the King an audience with my Epic once you agreed to the treaty, but perhaps I should specify first what that would be about. Though I do not know the full details, I know that my Epic has visions of a free Beluaterra where our Beasts can roam about like the olden days before these other creatures came and disrupted our peace.  

Attacker Victory!
You humans came much later, at a time when our ancestors were weakened through the ages. You took advantage of the time and conquered most of what is known to be Beluaterra, killing many of our Beasts in the process.

== Conversations ==
My Epic seeks to create anew a glorious empire surpassing those of the olden times. You humans have taken care of the land well, but you have been cruel to our fellow Beasts. My Epic will see an end to that, but whether you humans stay or not is a different matter.

=== Sword ===
Of course, you will not be allowed to be in his empire if you continue to treat our Beasts the same way you will perish. But my Epic does recognize that you humans can be of help in ridding this land of the foul creatures of Undead and Daimons who have long disrupted the plans of our ancestors, and you do have certain skills in taking care of the land. This is the reason that I decipher behind my Epic requesting me to offer you such treaties and going to these lengths to conform to your likings.

==== May 28th ====
There will be no further compromises. You will take the treaty or be gone from this land, for if you cannot trust us, who have taken so much time and given you such consideration, we cannot trust you to take care of our land.  
I (Sendan Falcore) spoke with Sword today as he left Jidington. Yes some of the monsters can actually speak.  Some interesting thinks he said.

''No man gives me orders, not even beasts. I only follow my Epic. Reluctantly at that.''
There will be war, but depending on which side you stand you will either perish first or remain after.  
''Move on. Leave my Lance here if he so keenly wants this land. I see no reason for this land and I'm glad to be rid of him''

All the monsters have left,  it appears they are under some sort of orders to test us humans to see if we are fit for some sort of task.
It is ''my duty'' to be our ambassador and to allow you humans to learn of some of my Epic's thoughts. I hope that my explanation is enough to allow you to grasp the grand scheme of things.

Latest revision as of 05:14, 17 December 2010

We have the walls, they just have claws. Lansour Valon Date

Monsters were first spotted on May 26th, with 4 regions flying their banner. They were lead by an alpha named Epic. They later signed a secret pact with Enweil, and rapidly began expanding their empire. A few days later, they moved into Twillen, claiming to defend it from daimons. Monsters had split their armies into two, one of 50 k cs into Mesh, lead by Wisdom, and another army of 100 k cs into Southern Beluaterra, who they were encouraged to attack by Enweil.

Battle Chronicle can be found in this tome.

Epic sat down on his throne just after he decided that he would take his armies to the human island once again.

Epic thought back to his origins, why he was chosen. He was but third in his lineage. He had no outstanding accomplishments, no praiseworthy conduct, and surely no significantly better leadership than his brothers, First and Second. He had but one advantage, his ambition. An endless desire to conquer and excel where the others cannot.

He will achieve something none of his kind had achieved before. The name of Epic of Gilgamesh will remain in history. That much he knew. It was a matter of how long that name would last. His thirst for such recognition was unending and this raw ambition drives him to achieve ever more.

Epic cannot stand the sight of undead. They are less than humans, so he finds no reason at all to even be in the presence of such. Worst of all, he cannot eat them or feed them to the young.

The others, the Daimons of old, many stories have been told about this race, being the only one to retains an almost constant presence on the island now filled with humans. Epic respected their conduct, their actions, and their abilities. He knew of their strict laws and forceful tendencies. However much he admired the daimons, the ones today are but a shadow of what used to be. He was sure of it. They will be crushed as a tribute to his fame, a stepping stone to greatness.

Epic felt the hunger rise again. Blood and flesh to feed himself, to feel the young, the future warriors. Much food is to be had in the lands of the humans, food that makes the warriors mature quickly. Epic needs more warriors for his ambitions.

Southern Front

Meanwhile, huge armies of monsters (100 k cs) ravaged the South of Beluaterra. They were commanded by monster Sword, who made rapid advances in Dominion territory, despite suffering numerous defeats to Southern armies, kept reinforcing his armies by somehow draining Jidington of peasants. The Monsters sacked Eno with their entire southern armies, but then moved out of the city, leaving behind 35k cs of militia, who were defeated by the armies of Riombara and Dominion. Dominion was soon left only with Eno, and decided to surrender to the monsters. After Riombara rejected their offer of alliance, Monsters attacked Riombara, swiftly taking over all their regions on the Mainland, save Grehk, where they were defeated. Duchy of Rines accepted an alliance with monsters in return for help fighting daimons, and seceded into the Meridian Republic.

Western Front

After Reeds was sacked by daimons, who had begun a takeover there, the Monster armies stationed in Twillen began moving toward Reeds, seemingly to intercept and defend the city. A daimon troop leader, Palla, was left behind in Reeds to command the militia and continue the take-over (with 34 k cs), while the remaining 10 daimon leaders commanding 610 daimons (55 k cs) left for Watto. Meanwhile, two monster troops lead by Wisdom and Justice (3200 monsters, 30 k cs) arrived in Naraka. 3680 monsters lead by Power moved to Bajit. The Monsters assaulted Reeds at sunrise, but apparently failed to defeat the daimons. A series of battles ensued, in which monsters were defeated again and again, but managed to kill Cimmerian, Marshal of the Dead. These forces then moved east.

Enweilian Front

After Dominion accepted monster terms, Monsters turned their attention back North, ending their non-aggression pact with Enweil. Power broke off from western front to storm Enweilieos along with Shield, Sword, Bow and Wisdom. Enweilieos was sacked, and taken over by the monsters, who then took a number of Enweilian regions, sacking Fengen and Fwuvoghor along the way.

After Enweil signed its alliance with the daimons on July 26, there were a number of large battles in Fengen, in which monsters fought against combined forces of Bara'Khur, Enweil and the daimons. After both sides suffered horrible casualties, monsters retreated their forces back to the South.


May 26

  • Jidington
  • Shifgrethor
  • Hep Monga
  • Rinqen.


May 25-31

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
You all might want to take a quick look at our map and notice Shifgrethor and the two rogue regions around it. They are not rogue anymore, so to speak. They have been taken over by monsters. This is more bad news. I traveled to Shifgrethor to make contact with them to find who they are, but I received a rather hateful response from them. Now after seeing recent scout reports and our map, I know who they really are. Scribe Note Scout Report (Hep Monga)
Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
Well, more trouble coming. If they start this arrest they are talking about immediately, then I will be the first person in their dungeons for going and meeting them in person haha.

Roleplaying Event (just in) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Shifgrethor (10 recipients) It is strange, my Wisdom, these humans. Epic growled at Wisdom. Wisdom merely nodded in a strange manner resembling half bowing.

Make haste, my Sword, for you have your mission yet. I will look into what these humans are made of, and if they are worthy to be of any use to me. Epic smiled at Armour. You too, my Armour, go with him and return when your mission is completed.

As the few left the large throne room Epic lowered his head. He was thinking of the humans who will inevitably stumble upon his newfound estate. What will become of them? He was not like the others, for they merely thought of war and food. He had bigger plans, he wanted more than that, and was wiser for that.

Justice, arrest any passersby and take them to my Dungeon. I wish knowledge of the humans, just as they wish knowledge of me. After this command Epic left the throne room to make preparations to organize some monsters that were hiding in the hills. They were untamed, yet strong due to frequent battles with humans in these regions. He will tame them, and they will serve only him.

Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
I already set my travel out of Shifgrethor, but I already see 4000cs monsters in Shifgrethor led by some of those monster commanders.

Alex Kidd Supreme Chancellor of Enweil

Scribe Note Scout Report (Tsamn)

Scribe Note Scout Report (Shifgrethor)
Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Jidington (13 recipients)
My Shield, news arrived from my Epic to advance on the river banks. I do not the meaning of this, only I must obey. I await your return. Sword looked outside the window at his vast army and said softly to Shield who was away.

What's wrong, my Sword? Do you have a problem with his majesty's decisions? Lance walked into his room without knocking. Sword hated that.

I know that my Wisdom must be manipulating things. In the letter he mentioned this strange realm of Enweil, the same words as those border posts said when we sailed here. Sword grinned. It seems that my Epic has taken a liking to their ways. I don't know who's behind these orders these days.

Lance moved about the room, picking up the things left there by the previous owners. It is not time to contemplate, this is my Epic's will. It does not matter what his motivations is or where it is from. We must follow it. Come, it's time to go.

Lance quickly walked out of the room, knocking some vases and china from the shelves as he passed. Sword never liked Lance very much and reluctantly began organizing the ranks of his army.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Jidington (22 recipients)
My Shield, we have arrived in Jidington. Sword said softly to Shield, who was beside him, looking towards the ocean.

My Sword, it will be time to move on soon. My Epic does not wait for our pleasures or rest. Shield replied to Sword firmly.

You have always been so dedicated to him. I bet he does not even know we can speak the language of the land, of Beluaterra. Sword said vehemently, he did not like being ordered around by Epic.

All the better to keep it that way, my Sword. Shield replied in a low tone. We still have to obey, he is the Epic of Gilgamesh, so we must follow him until our lives are spent. For he must contend with something greater that will be. Don't you want to see the streams that he talked about in the south?

Shield smiled and Sword took her hand as they walked towards the new estate they took over in Jidington. It was quite a majestic estate, though fairly torn down. Countless beasts of their army are scattered in the forests around the estate.

Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Scribe Reports from Jidington- May 28 Scribe Note Scout Report (Jidington) Half Day Old

Scribe Note Scout Report (Jidington) Fresh

Event from Shield
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Epinotke (20 recipients)
Sword received news of declaration of war against Enweil and the take overs happening over two regions and smiled, wondering whether the rest of the world would understand what is happening.

My lord, news from my Epic. A servant brought over some parchment, upon which my Epic's orders were written in the olden language.

Sword scowled, for the letter reads as follows:

My Sword, your progress is slow. Look to the west, the fires and smoke rising is the beginning of the successful plan with Enweil. My Wisdom makes haste, while you are idling in the south. I see no smoke from where your scribes say you are. Why are you not conquering for my might? This will be the last of my letters to you. My Wisdom will directly lead you from now on.

Epic never understood the pains of war. He looked towards the north west and saw nothing. He did not expect to see anything, for he knew that Epic was simply tired of him. Wisdom was gaining favour. He simply hoped that Shield was doing well at her duties, for my Epic has nothing against her, where as for was a long story. He thought about it for a long time, and realized that he has never told Shield about it yet. Perhaps one day when they meet again...

For now Sword has to do as Epic says. As my Epic wills, prepare to take over this land. Make haste. He was glad Lance was not around to speak in sarcastic tones regarding his disfavour with Epic, for Lance did not know...
Shield (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Event from Shield
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Epinotke (20 recipients)
My lord, a message from my Wisdom. Another messenger arrived right away.

Sword wondered...what could my Wisdom want with him? Mocking his disfavour so soon?

My Sword, cooperate with Enweil when they give you orders. They will meet with your armies in time. I have maintained contact with their Supreme Chancellor and Field Marshal, and as a result they have given two regions to our care and led us to such a fresh and bountiful land. Send them your best captain for they want a test of their strength to show the world and my Epic. Give them consideration so that they do not become discouraged, and remember, I have my Epic's favour now. Be careful what you try to do, my Sword. How is my Shield, if you happen to know?

Sword could feel Wisdom's snicker at the end of that letter. So that's how he gained favour, by playing diplomacy with Enweil on behalf of Epic. He doubt that Epic even knows of what Wisdom is up to. He tore the parchment in pieces and growled. Another night without sleep was upon him.
Shield (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Letter from Mordred Lefanis
Message sent to Everyone in the region Epinotke (8 recipients)
Sword of Gilgamesh,

Why do you attack the South? What is it you desire?

For the South,
Mordred Lefanis (Great Chamberlain of Riombara, Ambassador of Riombara)

Roleplay from Celyn Haerthorne
Message sent to Everyone in the region Epinotke (8 recipients)
"Damnable beasts!", he roared through the heavy visor of his helm.

Barely hours ago he had been proclaimed King before the light of dawn, and it was a ceremony that had been performed with a sense of triumph through the struggle to come. Celyn's winged helm had stood proud against the sun as the golden inlay upon the feathers and royal band shone with a glimmering grandeur. Some scouts then came in, telling the few defenders in Epinotke that the enemy was upon them. Before he even had time to say anything to the men and women who were now his vassals, the invaders were upon them. His majestic helm was specked with blood, monster ichor and dark human red, and what moisture that had been in his throat before the battle was spittle hanging from the bars in front of his eyes.

Somewhere in that mass of heaving flesh and rending claws, amidst the smell of a thousand unwashed, wild and dying bodies, his broken lance was resting with the tip lodged in a giant lizard's eye. The head of a horse was thrown up in the air amongst those monsters not already fighting and four of the terrifying creatures leapt up after it. A frenzy was upon them as they sought devour what they could, grabbing hold of one another with their snapping fangs. The humans had been forced back into a running retreat as the enemy pelted down the inevetibly ever smaller distancec between them. One beast ran ahead of the pack, a giant bear with red eyes and scales over its arms and forehead. Desperately Celyn slammed his foot down to stop running and turned with his sword held ready. He threw himself into the bear and pushed the tip of the blade through the roughened skin, scraped against a bone and felt it sink with a sickening squelch deeper in. At that moment he felt death would join the two of them, but several spears thrust into the flesh beside him.

Unfortunately though he was spared, the bear gored the bodies and faces of three of the spearmen, whilst a giant wolf took the head of another in its maw.

Celyn took his chance and ran for all he could, along with several other men. Once it seemed like there would be no more breath in his lungs and the sounds of grunting and roaring faded somewhat, he turned. They had stopped chasing. For reasons he couldn't fathom, they were to live. And at that he turned to see how many men remained.

A rage filled him. The King turned from the few living and the many wounded who were worse than dead with the poison now seeping through them to the horde amassed in Epinotke's valleys. It was a strange anger, for it found no outlet in pure aggression. Rather, it sought reasons for the terrible slaughter. Veangance desired to be voiced, but survival struck his throat dry.
Celyn Haerthorne (King of Dominion of Alluran)

Letter from Celyn Haerthorne
Message sent to Everyone in the region Epinotke (8 recipients)
Sword. I have heard your army muttering this name, but it does not seem to be for fear of I hold in my hand right now. Is this your name?
Celyn Haerthorne (King of Dominion of Alluran)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Epinotke (20 recipients)
Upon receiving a letter from someone claiming to be the Great Chamberlain, Sword laughed heartily. What a strange name. He wondered if Wisdom could have come up with such a ridiculous name. He soon received another letter from a King, a much clearer title in his opinion, though all these are useless human titles full of haughtiness and so he scoffed at them with disgust.

What is this madness, they seem to try to communicate. He laughed alongside his servants and captains. Let them die in vain. I have enough to deal with from my Epic. He tore the letters apart and sent the messengers back. He had enough sense to not kill the messengers. He knew that Wisdom would be furious if he tried any diplomacy, and he recalled that the only realm he should take note of is Enweil. He wasn't sure what cooperation with them meant, but he was sure that nothing good for him can come from Wisdom.

He looked at the abandoned estates in Epinotke and thought of Shield. If only she was here with him to enjoy the spoils. He ordered his army to divide up and hunt the humans, recalling Epic's distaste at his slowness, and walked towards the estates.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

June 1-5

Event from Epic
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Thromegor (24 recipients)
Epic looked at her daughter in her brilliant, shining, battle armour and smiled. She was as radiant as ever. He did not want to bring her to these battlefields, but she insisted. Now that she's here, he could not stop worrying about her, even after he gave his largest army to protect her and placed her far behind the battlefront.

Dear Father, when will I fight? Armour looked at her father with her large, round, and glistening eyes, beautiful to behold to any beast.

Epic did not have a response. Soon, dear Daughter, soon, do not fret, for the real battles have yet commenced. Your uncle, my First, will be testing these humans you see all around you, they call their land Enweil. Do not go close, I fear for your safety.

Do you not trust my combat abilities, Father? Armour looked hurt.

My Armour, your time will come yet. Do you feel so against spending time with your father? When my time comes... Epic's voice trailed off.

Father! What are you talking about, you have yet countless years in your future! Armour cut off Epic's last sentence with moist eyes. Mother will be so sad that you've brought this up again.

She ran off in the direction of the sunset, and in the reflected light off her armour Epic seemed to see a figure.

No...who are you? Epic's eyes were blinded by the light and the figure was gone.

My Epic, please take care. One of his servants spoke to him.

Epic looked about him. The figure was gone as fast as it appeared. He thought he saw...
Epic (Epic of Gilgamesh)

Event from Shield
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Bym (42 recipients)
It was over as soon as it started. Shield realized her defeat and pulled the army back according to how Sword taught her. It was pointless to continue then and it is pointless to continue now. She did not have the strength.

With a deep sign, she held her wounded slender arm tightly to her and gracefully followed the retreating army, leaving those unable to escape with tears in her eyes. She did not want to continue to be a burden to Sword, and did not know what she can do now. Her army would all but perish here by the hands of the humans if she stayed. She must move on, though word has reached her that Epic is nearby. She wondered if he came to see Armour in battle, but she knows that he cannot participate in a battle without mocking Sword.

She slowly made the orders to retreat further, up north, where the air is fresher and the mountains higher. Perhaps that will be enough.
Shield (Shield of Gilgamesh)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Thromegor (47 recipients)
Sword was furious. How could he have not seen their attack coming, why did he not order Shield's units away in time. Why is he not by her side? These questions plagued his mind as the day bore on.

He wanted to go save Shield in Bym and finally be with her again. So many choices. He knew what he had to do to avenge her defeat. It was good that reports showed that she had only been lightly wounded. He repressed reports to Wisdom, as he did not want Wisdom's interference in his battles. He sent orders for all to rest and rejuvenate their armies as the regions had finally become theirs, and gave orders for appropriate for his liking.

I will see the end to these humans, I will. Sword proclaimed vehemently towards the north.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Eylmon (33 recipients)
Sword scowled as he retreated his army from the fort of Elymon.

What are these walls the humans built? And these painful wooden sticks with pointed ends, why do they exist if not to torment me? Sword muttered as he pulled one from his shoulder. Interesting, so these small sticks have been hurting my beasts.

Sword called his army back to refit. He lost many fine beasts to the walls and rain of pointed projectiles. He circled around the fort and wondered. There must be a way, there is always a way.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Bym (50 recipients)
Sword looked with sadness at the end of the battle. It was a victory, but in his mind it was a defeat. His army was not able to keep Shield behind the front lines, but he wanted her to be with him so that he could prevent this from happening in the future. He hated himself for these contradictions existing in his mind.

Sword looked at the slim figure of Shield near sunrise. She always loved watching the sun rise in the east. He did not mind it, for he was here to protect her. From his position it seemed that Shield looked even remotely human in her figure, slim yet muscular. He realized that most of them looked remotely similar to humans, albeit some proportions are different and even among themselves they looked remarkably different. Shield was perhaps the most human like of them all, and strangely enough he liked her all the more for such a form he could call beauty.

He shook his head shamefully after these thoughts. He did not often reveal his emotions, and when he did it was always for Shield. They were always together, and he will make sure they always will be. With this thought he looked ahead to the horizon, now darkest before dawn.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Roleplay from Mordred Lefanis
Message sent to Everyone in the region Bym (28 recipients)
Mordred read the latest letter from Wisdom, immediately beckoning his scribe to forward it to the Advisory Council. He then called for his two healers, a vestige of his days as a warrior. They hadn't been prepared to leave him, and had stayed at his side even as he took up the cloth.

"I have a urgent duty for you. You see the monster camp at the base of the hill to the north? It is Shields camp, the favored one of Wisdom, one of their leaders. You will tend to her, and her wounded. I want them to know we mean them no harm, we wish for peace."

The healers nodded mutely, one of them shook a bit. They gathered their equipment, and set of to the camp of Shield.
Mordred Lefanis (Great Chamberlain of Riombara, Ambassador of Riombara)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Bym (50 recipients)
Stop, humans. This is not a place for you. Return to where you were. A few guards stopped the healers.

We were sent by our Great Chamberlain, and we mean no harm. We are here to tend to the Shield of Gilgamesh and her wounded, such as those over there. The healers were scared and did not know what to call the beasts lying on the ground, seemingly in pain.

Wait here. The guardian beast went over to the camp of Sword, or what could be barely called a camp, for it was much less organized than Shield's camp and beasts were lying here and there.

My Sword, supposed men able to cure our wounded are here from the enemies. They have been stopped, what would you desire? The guards bowed in respect.

Sword rose out of his tent after a while. He was one of the few residing in what could be construed as a tent. Lead them to me. Sword said as he moved towards where Shield resided. She was actually not in her tent, but there was no need to disclose her whereabouts to these men of the enemy.

Who ordered you here and what is your purpose? Sword's voice boomed across the plains and the healers were as flustered as ever.

We...we were commanded by our Great Chamberlain to tend to the Shield of Gilgamesh and her troops...we mean no harm, and hope that it will gain the favour the Wisdom of Gilgamesh... The healers' voice trailed off as they saw Sword's face becoming one of great anger and annoyance.

Why! What does the great Wisdom of Gilgamesh want with my Shield! Leave, I have a habit of not killing apart from on the battlefield. Tell your Great Chamberlain and this Wisdom you speak of, he will have nothing to do with my Shield, not now, not ever. Now BE GONE! His roar almost made the healers crumble in fear, the beasts around him moved away in apprehension, even his most trusted servants shied away from his face and rage.

After the healers stumbled off, Sword's mind began to become more stable and calm. He did not lose his temper so badly this often. It must be the stress of battles, but it never affected him so. He thought that it might have to do with Shield being on the front lines, but he quickly shook the thought away, for he will protect her, and there will never be a need for Wisdom to interfere. What did Wisdom want anyways...Sword slowly went back into his tent.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

June 6-10

Event from Justice
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Twillen (23 recipients)
Wisdom was annoyed to say the least. This Chancellor of Mesh is so like Sword. Wisdom has no time for such beasts, and absolutely no time for such men. They are all fools. Wisdom slammed the letter from the Chancellor on the table in front of him after he sent his reply. All his servants in the room shuddered, for they only see this side of Wisdom when a matter involving Sword and Shield came up.

The door suddenly opened and a ladylike figure entered. In his rage he did not recognize who it was before yelling, Get out!

My Wisdom, child, what irrates you so? Queen of Epic, Justice said in a maternal, soothing voice and quickly walked over to Wisdom. Wisdom recognized her voice and collapsed on to the floor with shame and exhaustion. He was tired of these diplomatic matters, he wanted to be like Sword, merely following the orders of my Epic and cutting down opposition with force rather than words. He was very tired and fell asleep almost immediately...something soft...

Your powers are still extraordinary, my Queen. Power jotted over to Justice and Wisdom, peacefully lying in the arms of Justice.

Justice laughed softly, What powers do you talk about? I merely calmed him with my words, who knew the child was so exhausted... She signed. She saw similar situations in the dungeons. At first she did not want to talk to those small creatures called humans, but slowly she got to know some of them, and they were just as scared and excited as any of these children. She wondered why all these creatures are so agitated all the time. What was there to fear? There being no tomorrow?

Power walked over and took Wisdom and almost threw him onto the bed across the room.

You can be a little more reserved, my Power. Justice chuckled and smiled at Power. Wisdom groaned but remained asleep. Justice walked over to the table, where the letter from the Chancellor was crunched up. Bring me all the letters Wisdom has sent and received over these few days. Justice ordered the servants.

Quickly, a pile of letters was produced, a rather large pile at that, there must be tens if not hundreds of letters piled together neatly on the table. Some scrunched up like this one but some kept very neatly and tidy.

Who knew... Power was surprised as she flipped over some letters, a few of them were extremely long and tedious for her to read.

After examining the exchanges between Wisdom and this Chancellor of Mesh, Justice muttered, So this is the problem. Why must we have these treaties to proceed? I do not recall my Epic liking treaties at all. He always just did what he wanted. She paused for a while, and said towards the sleeping Wisdom. What a child you really are, little one. There is no need to be so cautious and defensive.

My Power, let us leave, you're bored of the city already, and there is nothing more for us here. I'll let Wisdom work out his own little problems with the good Chancellor. He is merely trying to protect his people. Justice turned to leave, and Power followed soon after, instructing the servants on how to act when Wisdom wakes. It will be like they were never there. Power took one last look at the sleeping Wisdom and signed, muttering, If only you retained your sleeping grace all the time, little one, perhaps even my Shield would take notice of you. She shook her head and left his room.
Justice (Justice of Gilgamesh)

Event from Wisdom
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Twillen (23 recipients)
It was a day after that Wisdom slowly woke up. His long arms and shoulders were sore. He was quite a tall beast, but not as well built as a beast more suitable on the fields of battle. He did not remember much of what happened yesterday, but he could remember becoming angry with a letter, though he forgot its content or who it was from. Wisdom slowly looked around his room. There was a letter neatly folded on his table. He usually has all the new letters he receives that are in need of replies on that table.

How long was I asleep? And is that all the letters there are? Wisdom asked one of his servants.

It has only been a day. My Wisdom, there are many others, but my Queen suggested that you read this before you do anything else. The servant responded.

Why would my Queen Justice send me a letter and suggest that? This is somewhat bizzarre. Wisdom slowly moved closer to the table. His limbs were still not fully functional after such an unusually long time spent asleep. He took the letter, and on the cover:

To my Wisdom, the child and little one.

Wisdom smiled, it was rare for him to smile. He remembered the old days when Justice would take care of him, and always call him a child or a little one, like all the others. Those were the carefree days of his youth, he treasured those times, but Justice didn't call him like that very often now since he was almost twice her height and she did not look a day older.

My Dear Wisdom, you are much too tired. Join us for a battle with these Daimons, my Power and I will not be far ahead. Do not worry about diplomacy, and leave your letters behind until after the battle. Your mind will be refreshed.

--- Your Loving Queen of Epic, the Justice of Gilgamesh.

Wisdom was shocked. This was an order from the Queen, though it does not look like an order. Justice never gave out actual orders, but when she puts her full title at the end of the letter it means just as much. He did not know why she decided this or when, but he quickly gave the appropriate orders to his servants, and left immediately. His servants sent notes of his leaving as a reply to all the letters that were sent to Wisdom.

My Queen, what is it that you desire? Wisdom quietly asked himself, for he was puzzled.
Wisdom (Wisdom of Gilgamesh)

June 11-15

Event from Wisdom
Message sent to Mordred
Wisdom's army retreated from the field, scattering. He has never seen such a scene before. Battle was not something he experienced often in his weak physique. Though he was abnormally tall, he was nowhere strong enough to take combat seriously. He has been reading various letters from various leaders. It seems that there were some misunderstandings causing some unnecessary battles, but he did not mind that. If the leaders were really interested in what they talked about before then such small hinderances would not be much. Wisdom signed, and gave the official order to retreat to the woods surrounding the city.

He was surprised that the Daimons would be so afraid, almost, of battle, retreating and shooting what seemed to be human arrows. These humans arrows Sword described to him, but of course, the fool that Sword is he never bothered to ask a human regarding what they are. They are but hinderances to the advance of his armies. He looked across to Power and Justice's armies. The only one of note was Justice, his Queen. Though she was not very capable as a fighter due to her physique as well, she led her army successfully.

Indeed, though they lost the battle, they understood more about their enemies. Epic sometime talked about the Daimons of old, though these do not seem to live up to his stories. Wisdom wondered whether the Great King Gilgamesh taught Epic regarding these enemies. He did not think anymore, and led his army away, or what's left of it. He knew what he had to do, and he did it without any thoughts at all. Such enemies must be attacked without thought, from all angles, before their rain of arrows prevented advance.

He did not recall seeing any Daimon fly, though he was informed they can on occasions, and he did not see any especially great. He faintly heard something in the old tongue of a leader named Palla, but he was unable to see her. As the armies continued retreating he pondered, why are we fighting these ones? This is foreign soil, and we have not reached agreements with the humans here. Why are we even here, for that matter? He put these thoughts behind him as he caught up with Power and Justice. One day he will learn this from them.
Wisdom (Wisdom of Gilgamesh)

Event from Justice
Message sent to Mordred
Justice looked out at the battlefield in front of the fortifications, it was laiden with bodies of beasts and daimons alike. She noticed fire in the same shape and form as rocks flying towards her army still. She had recently split up her army so they would all be harmed by such fiery power. Wisdom had called these fire rocks 'arrows'. It seems that humans are capable of producing such arrows against Sword as well. Justice was surprised that humans had such power in their tiny bodies, well, her size was comparable to that of a tall human female but they were still small in comparison to the average beast.

She quickly went over to Power's tent and looked in to see how Power was doing. It seems that she has now recovered enough to move a little bit at a time. My Queen, I have failed you. Power spoke feebly now that she has regained consciousness. My Power, my good friend, do not speak in such ways. You have not failed me, but have done your best. I thought they were weaker, but it seems that their powers are not to be overlooked. My Wisdom will come up with something, he is a bright one. Justice caressed Power's long, flowing hair and continued. We will go, for I would like to lose no more of our beasts to these futile battles. I'd like to see my Sword and my Shield. It's been so long since I last talked well with them. Of course, I also want to kiss my own daughter. We have never been separated for so long, I wonder how my Armour is. Don't you want to see your mate my First and your son my Bow as well?

Power blushed slightly, turned away, and said in a tender voice, why would I want to see them?

Justice shook her head, for she knew that Power was always like this, with her mind on the battlefield Power rarely was able to enjoy the serenity and pleasure of simply talking and being with her mate and her son. Well, it seems it's time to go. Justice heard a call from outside, most likely a call from Wisdom.

As Justice was leaving the tent she felt Power tug at her leg, so Justice turned around. Power muttered with her face turned away, will you help me to get ready when we arrive to meet them?

Justice smiled and almost chuckled. Power was quite a bit younger than her, and was assigned to First by the Great King Gilgamesh a long time ago. She did not know the exact circumstances, for she was equally young at the time. Justice always wondered how Power was assigned to someone much older than her, but Justice never thought to ask before.

Perhaps she can ask Power then. Of course, my dear Power, of course. Let us get ready. Justice left on that remark, still smiling brilliantly as always.
Justice (Justice of Gilgamesh)

Event from Justice
Message sent to Mordred
While travelling, a messenger brought to Justice a letter claiming to be from the Marshal of the Arms of Creasur, someone in Hetland. Justice glanced over the letter and it seems that Hetland is eager to fight the Daimons as well. Justice shook her head, for they do not know what they are up against. It is not a simple matter of having the will to fight but the means to defeat them as well.

She did not want to reply to his letter, for it means disappointment for him. Rather, this way he can assume something happened and be happier for it. She did not know when she will be back, for she longed to see Epic and Sword. Sword was like a son to her...this is a painful memory to recall. Her eyes became moist as she thought of the memories and handed the letter to her servant. She will not reply.

Justice looked over to Power. She was not looking well, drifting in and out of consciousness as they travelled. Hopefully they will meet Wisdom soon and perhaps he can think of something. Perhaps Power will become well when she sees First and Bow, Justice thought.
Justice (Justice of Gilgamesh)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Mordred
Sword looked out from the estate he took in Brovyl. The land looked peaceful, yet he knew his troops were securing the region for their eventual rule. Shield was sleeping soundly in the room, they had just talked about various matters, including their childhood. It had been a while before they were in the same location for so long. Now that this war is going to be over soon perhaps they can still be together for some more time. Sword relished that idea and thought about the happy days ahead.

He looked at the setting sun, and knew that Shield would go out to see the sunrise again by herself. He strived to follow her for her protection every morning, but sometimes he would sleep late and be unable to wake up, in which case his trusted servant would do so in his place. He always felt guilty after that, but Shield always laughed it off as if she did not need protection at all. Sword knew that she needed to be protected, for she was one of the most frail beast that he had ever come across. As a child he always thought Shield was simply much younger and thus so much smaller than him, but he soon realized that she was in fact not too many years younger than him by decades.

She had an extraordinarily small and frail figure, and would not have been allowed on the battlefield if not for her insistance on fighting with him. Sword did not want to compare Shield to humans, but when he was forced to look and see the human females, he could not help but notice that Shield was shorter and more fragile than even their average figures. Sword signed, for he wondered why she was so weak, yet so brave in spirit to make him so worried.

Shield shifted in her bed and Sword looked back at her sleeping face. Her face was bright and beautiful, the most beautiful face Sword had ever seen. She was relaxed and happy in her sleep and Sword was happy for her as well. He put another layer of blankets on top of her and looked at her one last time before leaving for his room. He resolved to wake up every morning from now on to accompany her for the sunrise.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Roleplay from Celyn Haerthorne
Message sent to Everyone in the region Brovyl (7 recipients)
Even though Celyn had told his unit that they had nothing to fear they showed a great deal of agitation preparing their camp for the night's rest. The guards would be stationed as usual although if they were truly in danger it would give them greater peace of mind to be taken in their sleep than woken in time for one last glance at what might coming. The beasts had given their sign that no more fighting would occur.

Lighting a brand to guide his way deeper into the gathering of monsters, Celyn took up his cloak from where it lay next to his helm and gave a last warning to the man who had been through the worst of his fights. "Keep their heads on. You'll see me safe again soon." He put the effort into a smile, something he could do with a bit of humour now he was well enough to move. The triple hauberk had returned to normal wear again as if the fight for Eno was any indication then there would not be a time of peace for a long while yet. One should always be used to the arms and armour he desires to bear.

There was not much else to say. Wolfram nodded, too weary after the past few days to salute when not in front of a troop. Turning to the darkness, the King left his guard and passed like a single flame into the growing night spreading westwards across Brovyl. For a while he passed into an isolated patch of twilight and night blindness - and he could have let himself think that this was all there was to the world now. But a whisper on the wind grew to become sounds in the undergrowth. As a hill was crested it quickly became the sounds of a horde. A large one at that.

Spotting the glow ahead, Celyn descended towards the camp of those who had brought his kingdom to its knees. Now where would this 'Sword' be...
Celyn Haerthorne (King of the Dominion of Alluran)

June 16-25

Event from Lance
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (41 recipients)
A duel? What kind of thing is that? Let me see, meet him at the north east corner outside the city. Lance laughed. A human seemed to want to fight him with a little metal stick-like weapon, alone. He wondered whether he should ask for Sword's permission to engage in such fruitless actions.

Lance gruntled, he did not want to be restricted by Sword. For why does it matter if he should kill this human or not?

Send note back, I'll meet him. Lance smiled.
Lance (Lance of Gilgamesh)


Lance meets his challenger Stan Spiff, Viscount of Ardmore for the agreed duel till death.

Both participants are using the 'aggressive' strategy, so that neither has an advantage.

The duel goes as planned, then badly for Stan. He suffers several slight wounds, then a final, fatal blow. The healers hurry, but they are too late.

Duel Death

Stan has suffered a fatal blow in a duel against Lance. He died quickly.

Event from Lance
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (45 recipients)
Did you see my killing blow, my Armour? Was not my move fantastic? I beat him at his own game with these human metal sticks. They are quite dangerous too, you see. Lance showed his arm where Stan slashed, it was bleeding profusely. As Lance looked up to Armour, who was standing quite a ways away from him, he noticed she was not looking at him but in the direction of the city of Grehk.

Still thinking about that, my dear Armour? Why worry for him, it does not matter what happens to him. Lance walked towards Armour, throwing the sword he used to duel away like it was a toy, stained with the blood of a dead human. As he approached he took Armour's hand and said softly, My dear Armour...

Armour seemed to just notice Lance's presence and promptly drew her hand away and in the process slashed Lance's hand. Don't touch me, and don't you dare call me that again. What of it, you killed a human, so that is why you asked me so persistently to come? Don't be a fool. Armour was annoyed.

At her last word Lance seemed to flare up and his face gained a crimson glow. He took hold of Armour's wrist by force, wrung it and pulled it away from her. I hate being called that. Armour could feel his hot breath pulsating against her face, and tears welled up in her eyes and a few traced her smooth face.

Lance quickly regained his composure, massaged Armour's wrist and apologized, ashamed of what came over him. I'm sorry, my dear Armour...I just didn't want you to think of me that way... Armour wiped her tears from her face, turned, and without a word left, throwing down a letter from Queen Justice, asking her to move towards Lopa.

Lance saw the falling letter and remembered why Armour was looking at the city and muttered vehemently as he walked towards his camp, Why does that matter, even if my Wisdom fails and my Sword wages war, why do you worry for him? He is our 'great' general, who cares what happens to him? Why do you want to help him so badly...
Lance (Lance of Gilgamesh)

Event from Power
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Ardmore (46 recipients)
Power looked towards the city. It was a large and prosperous one, similar to Eno. She remembered Wisdom in his critical condition. Wisdom scribbled a letter to her even in such times. His writing was always handsome, but his wounds caused this letter to be very poorly written.

Send a letter to the King of Riombara. Tell him that the treaty will be extended another 7 days giving them 14 days in total. Do not tell him about my Wisdom's state. I cannot make any decisions for my Wisdom nor do I want to. Make haste. The servant quickly scurried off. Power wondered whether he will find the way to the King of Riombara.

My Epic...why have you left matters to me? Power thought to herself. Get better soon, my Wisdom, for no matter how much you wish me to make your decisions, I am no diplomat, I am a warrior.
Power (Power of Gilgamesh)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (46 recipients)
Sword crushed the letter challenging him to a duel. He despised these ones who think they can match up to him in either battles or individual fights, wasting their lives away. Though he was sure of victory, there were always uncertainties in fights and battles. He would rather die on the battlefield than throw his life away.

He had just heard of Lance's impudent actions and killing the human who challenged him. Lance will be punished, and none shall do such stupid deeds while he commands them.

My Sword, I am called. Shield called out to Sword as she moved towards her camp from watching the sunset. My Queen Justice wishes for my presence. I hope to see you soon. Shield hopped a little like a young one, showing her excitement at being by Justice's side again. Sword smiled as Shield waved at him from her camp, now far away.

How I wish to see her majesty, Sword thought quietly and to himself. It will be like the olden days...

Sword remembered his duty, and marched towards Lance's camp and soon began disciplining Lance and his servants who failed to stop Lance from fighting the human.
Sword (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Event from Justice
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Thromegor (26 recipients)
Justice held the letter from Annaej for a long time, a few tears welling up in her eyes and falling on the letter. She hoped that this Annaej girl would take care of herself, for Justice did not want to see what happened decades ago occurring all over again. Send for my Armour, my Bow, and my Shield. I wish to see them, and inform my Sword and my Power to manage with what they have for now. Justice ordered after she got control of her emotions. He knows what I must do. My Wisdom awaits.
Justice (Justice of Gilgamesh)

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (47 recipients)
Sword received information from a few close servants of Shield who used to be his own servants. He chose the strongest and the most able beasts to protect Shield. Their loyalty is still with him, so they came back to report the matters. Sword was furious. This will not go unanswered, his armies will trample over all the lands of these filthy assassins and they will pay for their attack on Shield.

As he ordered his troops and those of Lance to move towards Enweil, he recalled that Epic's camp must be close. My majesty, the Epic of Gilgamesh, there is something I must do, let me see to it before the march north. Sword's servant wrote his words in a letter and delivered it to Epic as the armies were getting ready to leave.

Without regard for Epic's response, as Sword's army was very disciplined, they left for Enweilieos. His desire to see that Shield is well trumped all else. With his brow furrowed and determination shining from his complexion, Sword marched with his army, and Lance's followed unwillingly behind.

Event from Lance
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Grehk (36 recipients)
Why are we leaving? Lance asked the attendant from Sword.

My Lance, my Sword ordered such. He respects the men here who fought brilliantly. Please follow his orders promptly. The attendant was not afraid of Lance unlike most of Lance's servants.

Just because you are my Sword's, you can show me disrespect? Why should I follow your orders? Lance's look was filled with a killing intent, but the attendant did not waver even the tiniest bit. Tell my Sword that I shall not give up such a fortress, they captured me, and I shall lay waste to this land.

The attendant felt that he has done his duty, and quickly began to leave. He knew that Lance did not dare touch him, but this disregard for Sword's orders must be punished. As he turned and before he walked four steps, he felt something cold against his back, then sharp pain and blackness in front of his eyes. He heard a faint whisper, but could not recognize the voice. Not so fast, disrespect warrants discipline. Tell that to my Sword. Hehe, hahahaha. Cold laughter followed the whisper, as the attendant recognized that it was Lance who struck his claw and ripped out his heart from behind him.

As the attendant's eyes closed for the final time, he wondered why none of the other servants stopped Lance. He hoped, no knew, that Sword would avenge him. Sword will avenge... The attendant died, unable to complete his last sentence with his remaining breath.

'Follow my Sword's orders or perish', isn't that what you wanted to say? Everyone adores my Sword... my Armour, what do you see in that stupid brute? Lance muttered vehemently after shaking away the attendant's blood and flesh left on his claws. I could match a thousand of him, I will one day rule, just you watch. And then you will surely fall for me, surely.

Collect the beasts here, I shall create an army for myself. No one ever saw this attendant, there was no message from my Sword, and we shall claim this city and rule over it! Lance yelled towards his army, and received a subdued growl from all his beasts.

Event from Sword
Message sent to The Rulers of Beluaterra (16 recipients)
Chancellor of Enweil, You have colluded with the Daimons and therefore rejected our proposal for peace. We shall no longer hold back. You have been warned and ignored such warnings. Enweil will cease to exist, you have my word.

Event from Power
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Orombo (34 recipients)
After a quick ritual, another command seal disappeared from Annaej's hand. There is only one left for one disappeared right after the dispersion of her previous unit.

Event from Annaej
Message sent to The Rulers of Beluaterra (16 recipients)
The first droplets began to rain down from the overcast sky. Annaej left the stronghold leading her beasts into the mire, marching northward towards the unknown. The humans of the north had been exchanging blows with the dead, but where were the daimons she wondered. Had their elders decided as she did that humans were not worth fighting for. Perhaps the monsters toxins had served their purpose and no more would come to die for an unworthy cause. She sincerely hoped this were true, for how do you fight fire with a blade and armour. But too little was known about the north to be complacent and she made certain she always carried her banishment scroll by her side. The claws of her beasts sank deep in the mud, but they moved swiftly across the land. She sat on the shoulder of one, wondering what fate would bring. She had turned her back on humanity and they would turn their back on her. There was only one path for her now, forward.

Event from Sword
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Cteduul (32 recipients)
Sword looked over the hills surrounding Cteduul, the city is almost taken. There is no doubt of that, though if it resists even longer then they must leave it be. He has received many disheartening reports of the beasts leaving this area and returning to the wild due to the lack of action here. This problem must be coped with.

Sword thought and looked back to his tent. He must avenge Wisdom, but it is merely a sense of duty towards Epic and his race. Sword has not forgotten the humiliation in Bara'Khur, when his armies were growing thin, their dungeon and cruel judge who hurt Shield. They will pay.

Another of his servants arrived after those thoughts roamed his mind and swirled around for another night. He brings news of further beasts dissipating. Sword must deal with this, and fast.

Letter from Justice
Lady Annaej has my support. These light followers must be eliminated. That is why we have crushed every temple in our path.

November 15

Letter from Mesh
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (23 recipients)
Mesh allowed his troops to look for further beasts. I assume since these humans are our allies, they should understand all the more so that if it comes to choosing between their survival versus a few peasants, the choice should be obvious. Mesh thought as he proceeded to rally more and more beasts.

Letter from Power
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (23 recipients)
Power looked around her, the beasts from the vincinity have gathered together, but the undead were nowhere to be found. She never liked these wild beasts, and still do not. She looked on ahead, the city was safe for the time being, but for how long? Will what's left of its inhabitants survive the onslaught of the undead and Daimons? She did not know, but these new beasts shall obey her from now on, and they shall protect these people.

Letter from Mesh
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Wilwau (26 recipients)
There was a small figure limping past the hills of Wilwau after the last engagement with the undead. The beasts were scattered as the undead retreated into the shadows.

A serf noticed the figure and called out, but received no noticeable response.

Shield heard some voice from afar calling out, but she could not bring herself to respond. How could she continue to live in this world now that Sword has perished, carried away by the undead swarm. It was unthinkable that he would fall in battle, let alone to the loathsome, inhuman, and disgusting swarm of used-to-be-human beings.

The sun was shining, the dawn is coming, and she can no longer bring herself to continue this worthless and pointless struggle. Shield walked towards the sun, not knowing what to do or where to go, she kept walking.

December 4- The sacrifice referred to is allowing monsters to recruit wild beasts by devouring peasants.

Event from Justice
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (24 recipients)
Justice laughed, it was a cold and hard laugh. No, there are no further beasts coming. She was saddened by the attitudes of those whom she tried to save, risking not only her life but also losing that of Sword and Mesh in the process. No, there will be no further reinforcements until the Meridians are ready to make the same sacrifices as she has already made.

Event from Justice
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (24 recipients)
Justice laughed, it was a cold and hard laugh. No, there are no further beasts coming. She was saddened by the attitudes of those whom she tried to save, risking not only her life but also losing that of Sword and Mesh in the process. No, there will be no further reinforcements until the Meridians are ready to make the same sacrifices as she has already made.

December 10

Event from Justice
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (25 recipients)
Justice watched Celyn get closer and closer. She heard him say cautiously to her attendant, I am here to meet with your Justice of Gilgamesh... sir.

She chuckled lightly, for it has been a while since any human has been close enough to her, let alone mistaken her as male. She remembered the fond memories of Annaej, who was like a daughter to her. Justice enjoyed very much the stories of the humans, their struggles and achievements, she longs to go back and tell these stories to the next generation of beasts.

As a cloud temporarily loomed over her, preventing the moon from shining, Justice remembered Sword. She used to tell these very tales to him about both Beasts and other beings, but he is no more. A few drops of tears flowed down her smooth cheeks, quickly absorbed the tiny layer of fur around her neck. Her complexion was of one who has weathered much suffering and warfare. The tears soon disappeared, even their trail vanished into the night, it was as if they were never shed in the first place.

Celyn was led into her tent, she quickly followed after. Before Celyn got up to greet her she quickly said, I know what you are concerned about. There are no more wild beasts worthy to tame around this side of the island, rest assured that your peasants shall remain with you, be it life or death. She sat down on her throne, a throne not fit for a queen like her, but she did not mind, for the encampment was a temporary one at best.

It seems that the words made Celyn both relieved and worried, but Justice's mind was on another matter already. Epic will be here soon, what shall his arrival entail?

December 16- Departure?

Event from Shield
Shield was last seen walking over the mountains in Cteduul, and was never seen again.

Event from Justice
Message sent to The Rulers of Beluaterra (12 recipients)
Justice overlooked the departure. She has lost the will to continue, for there was no end in sight of the sufferings of her children. She must stay by her Epic's side, but she has granted leave to the others.

They should not have come. Justice noted as a few turned to leave this dreaded island that took so many of them. My Epic and I shall be the only ones having to bear these tribulations.

Upon hearing of this dismissal, Last, Speed, and Wings left immediately. Justice could not find Shield to confirm her decision, but she knows that Lance simply took his troops and marched on, with no regard for her words. Armour and Power chose to stay, Armour by Epic's side as his daughter, and Power as Justice's sister.

My Epic, what do you see for the future? Justice asked as the day finally drew to a conclusion. Epic, by her side, responded, War. What else? Justice paused for a moment, and asked again cautiously, Do you disapprove of my actions?

Epic signed and turned to watch his guards. Never.


Letter from Lansour Valon Date
Message sent to Everyone in the Military Council
I think we've figured out something terrible about the monster. Their recruitting abilities, I am afraid, is a disease like rabbies passed to local peasants, driving them mad and therefore become one of wild beasts.

Have a look at the population of Kuugl:

Scribe Note (Kuugl)2 days ago(4 turns) 4364 Starvation Scribe Note (Kuugl)2 days ago(3 turns) 4364 280 monster with shield, starvation Scribe Note (Kuugl)yesterday sunset(1 turn) 2425 Shield left, starvation Scribe Note (Kuugl)today sunrise (now) 2398 starvation (Shield now has 759 men)

Food obviously is excluded if we compare the Monster number and population number. In fact, a terrible disease or sorcery I would call is plaguing human's land, and Monster leader gain strength after devastating the land. If all of our fields and rural regions depopulates, then realms will still fall even though these beasts are weak while against our fortification.
Lansour Valon Date (Knight of Rii)

Letter from Mordred Lefanis
Message sent to Lunarion Lefanis
I am beginning to get a germ of an idea in my mind, though it seems a bit wild-

Daimons refer to magical regions, which calm them. These regions could very well be cities which have portals in them. Daimons can move around these cities, therefore monsters want to guard them.

Heen City has a portal, thats why Daimons magically arrived there. Eno must have a portal too, thats why the monsters are somehow attracted to it.

Whether the monsters are defending the region from the daimons, or taking it for the daimons, is something on which i can only speculate.
Mordred Lefanis (Great Chamberlain of Riombara, Ambassador of Riombara)



May 28th

I (Sendan Falcore) spoke with Sword today as he left Jidington. Yes some of the monsters can actually speak. Some interesting thinks he said.

No man gives me orders, not even beasts. I only follow my Epic. Reluctantly at that. Move on. Leave my Lance here if he so keenly wants this land. I see no reason for this land and I'm glad to be rid of him

All the monsters have left, it appears they are under some sort of orders to test us humans to see if we are fit for some sort of task.


High Chancellor Delvin's correspondence with Wisdom of Gilgamesh.

Letter from Delvin Anaris
Message sent to Wisdom
O Puissant Wisdom of Gilgamesh,

A day ago, I sent a letter to your Epic, seeking information. I have not heard from him, and from my limited understanding of your people, this may be because he does not deal directly with ours. This is part of what I seek to understand.

Therefore, as you have corresponded regularly with my Ambassador, I reproduce here to you in its entirety my letter to your Epic, in hopes that you will be willing and able to answer it.


O Mighty Epic of Gilgamesh,

I am Delvin Anaris, High Chancellor of Riombara. Your Wisdom has proposed a treaty between our peoples, but I cannot in good conscience bind my people to yours without a full and complete understanding of your purpose and goal here on Beluaterra,

If you would have our lands, then I would have knowledge, and proof that you are not here to cause the downfall of humanity.

I cannot guarantee that even with this knowledge, Riombara will agree to what you wish, because I cannot command my people to follow. I can only ask them, and let them decide. However, there have been very few cases over the past six years of my rule when my people have chosen to go against what I have advised.

Show me proof that you can be trusted, and I will do my utmost to make my people agree.

Fail to show me such proof, and Riombara will fight you to our last breath—Riombara that has fought for years against larger, stronger foes, and always emerged victorious; Riombara that defied the Daimons, and won.

For a free Beluaterra,
Sir Delvin Anaris
High Chancellor of Riombara


For a free Beluaterra,
Delvin Anaris (High Chancellor of Riombara)

Letter from Wisdom
Message sent to Delvin Anaris
High Chancellor of Riombara,

Purpose, Goals, what are they to an unstoppable might? You are correct in that my Epic does not respond to humans, but I shall talk in his place as his representative. My Epic does not need such things that may or may not take place. What he has is his desires, and they will always be satisfied, just in one way or another.

He desires land for our beasts, and I have convinced him to allow you to retain Rines and the cities my Sword will conquer in the north. There is something more than land here, and that is why I propose a cooperation rather than taking your lands as we have taken those of the Dominion. Daimons and Undead are nuisances, for the Daimons have allowed themselves to be governed by mere humans and the Undead have lost their supreme leadership. They will be crushed in time, yet there is something more than that.

You desire proof of our cause? There is no such proof. My Epic does not need to prove to you the strength of his Royal Guardians of Epic, does he now? You can see our armies, and that is the proof that what his majesty desires will become truth. I think you understand that we could have taken Eno, the most prosperous city this side of the island, but yet I, alone, stood to advise my Epic on giving the Dominion another chance at cooperation before eliminating them. They decided to trust my Epic and my words.

I believe that my treaty outlines the conditions for trust to be mutual. We agree to give you northern lands we conquer after you hand over the southern city and a few regions, and you agree to hand over the rest of the regions and cities as the campaign north progresses. All this along with cooperation in the future as a federation.

Remember, we are not as weak as these Daimons have become. Do pride yourself with your limited powers, for it is good to see such confidence in you. I shall let you decide.

Letter from Delvin Anaris
Message sent to Wisdom
O Sagacious Wisdom of Gilgamesh,

What you are saying amounts to, "We need not prove anything to anyone, for we are strong enough to take all we want."

These are the words of brutal conquerors, and not those who are worthy of trust. Those whose strength is in force of arms alone are not worthy allies for any men of goodwill—for any, indeed, who are worthy of trust. Those who would be trusted must provide more in return for that trust than, "We will kill you if you do not trust us." Such trust, if it were to be given, would always be false, and would break the moment your power did. And all power breaks one day. Even "We will use our power for your benefit" is a poor substitute for true mutual trust: for that is simply a bribe, and the same power that brought us new lands could be turned upon us at any instant on a whim.

Furthermore, the treaty offers us land in the north: but do you understand what the price of that land would be?

To gain it, Riombara would have to be the beneficiary of an ally with a nonhuman realm. Upon this land, the penalty for such an alliance, against human realms, is death. If we were to agree to this, and Riombara spread from Avengmil north to Stempleto, we would become the traitors to humanity who destroyed Avalon. And one day, when your purpose here was finished, you would leave—and Riombara would perish at the hands of every other realm on the continent. And it would perish justly, for its grievous betrayal of humanity.

Finally, you did not answer my question: or rather, you answered it only with absurdities.

You were not here. Now you are here. Why is this? Why did you come here?

Was it solely to find a home? If so, what was your home before, and why did you leave it?

Was it to fight against the Daimons?

Was it to seek something that was taken from you?

O Perspicacious Wisdom of Gilgamesh, I am sure that you cannot fail to understand that the people of Riombara will not—cannot—accept an alliance to a power whose desires, aims, and goals we know nothing about. If you want our lands—and do not make the mistake of underestimating our ability to defend our lands—then tell us: Why are the Monsters on Beluaterra?

For a free Beluaterra,
Delvin Anaris (High Chancellor of Riombara)

Letter from Wisdom
Message sent to Delvin Anaris
High Chancellor of Riombara,

Your questions are excellent. My Epic was pleased after hearing of them. As you question my intent, I will be frank with you. I do not know of his majesty's goals. I feel comfortable telling you that because I believe you are one of the few humans who may possibly understand my Epic.

The King of the Dominion has asked a similar question, which I cannot in all honesty answer completely. I know of my Epic's current goals and what he seeks to achieve in the near future, and thus I formulate these treaties and decisions that he approves of, yet I know not of the underlying intent.

If there is one thing you must not consider an obstacle, that would be the support of his majesty once given. Do not think that the other humans will look down upon you, for when their time comes they shall not be given such an option. Betrayal of humanity? What is the meaning of that? It is defined by the majority, is it not? When the day comes that the majority will be Riombara and the Dominion, I see no reason for there to be a usage of such a word.

I will now answer your last question to the best of my knowledge. You often speak of a free Beluaterra, but what does that mean? I gather you mean that it is free for humans to roam and wander about, yet why is there so much strife and hatred among these humans? The land is itself not theirs to take, much less freely. I gather that my Epic wishes to unite the lands and give it back the peace and wonder it once had. Our tales of old were excellent. I still recall sitting near my Queen Justice, listening to her tell such tales that she heard from the Great King Gilgamesh. I believe that even though you may not trust us now, given the circumstances you must, and in time, you will find that all your questions will be given answers, be they satisfactory or not. This is the best answer I know of, the rest you would have to ask the older ones, my Epic, my Queen, or perhaps even my Power may know of things I do not.

I convey this to you from his majesty. After the two regions and your southernmost city are given to my Epic, he will meet you in Jidington. His majesty is intrigued, and desires to speak to you and the King, alone, after your armies march with my Sword north.

Letter from Delvin Anaris
Message sent to Wisdom
O Most Insightful Wisdom of Gilgamesh,

I thank you for your replies. My Advisory Council is considering them now.

However, I do have some additional questions for you: hopefully they will only require a simple "yes," "no," or "I cannot answer that" in reply.

  1. Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Daimons?
  2. Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Undead?
  3. Do the Monsters desire the destruction or subjugation of humanity?
  4. Do the Monsters intend to leave Beluaterra once some particular goal has been fulfilled, even if you cannot yet communicate that goal to us?
  5. If Riombara does not accede to the Monsters' proposals, do you intend to destroy us utterly, or merely take the land south of Avengmil by force?
For a free Beluaterra,
Delvin Anaris (High Chancellor of Riombara)

Letter from Wisdom
Message sent to Delvin Anaris
High Chancellor of Riombara,

Your questions are simple, and I shall respond simply as our time is precious.

1) Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Daimons?
2) Do the Monsters desire the destruction or defeat of the Undead?
3) Do the Monsters desire the destruction or subjugation of humanity?

All of them will be defeated or subjugated, this cannot be questioned. The question is whether any humans will retain favour of my Epic.

4) Do the Monsters intend to leave Beluaterra once some particular goal has been fulfilled, even if you cannot yet communicate that goal to us?

You shall talk to my Epic regarding that, along with the King of the Dominion. This matter will not be made known to many.

5) If Riombara does not accede to the Monsters' proposals, do you intend to destroy us utterly, or merely take the land south of Avengmil by force?

What do you suppose will happen? I do not dictate my Epic's reactions but I do not recall him ever being happy or kind at being rejected. You know what will happen.

I hope these answers are enough for you and your council and you make your decisions speedily. My Epic's patience wanes.

Letter from Wisdom
Message sent to Delvin Anaris

I am losing confidence in your people's sincerity to negotiate after repeated instances of attacks and sabotages by your nobles on our Beasts and lands. You talk of trustworthiness, it goes both ways, for I have received many letters stating your people desire to cooperate and then back stab.

Please explain in a reasonable manner.

Trust must go both ways, thus I have a few questions to ask you, hopefully the answers to which will be a quick response.

  1. Why does Riombara not desire the northern lands?
  2. Why do I receive copies of letters stating ways of betraying our proposed treaties?
  3. Do you support our cooperation?
  4. Will you humans defend our lands and not act as spies for our enemies as we will defend yours? How will you guarantee this?

Letter from Delvin Anaris
Message sent to Wisdom
O Most Astute Wisdom of Gilgamesh,

I cannot say that I am sorry that you are starting to understand how my people feel. We have no proof that you are trustworthy, and when I ask for some, you simply state that you need give none, for you are powerful. Now you must simply believe that we will be trustworthy if we agree to accept your terms.

In answer to your questions,

  1. We do desire them. We do not, however, desire to betray our deepest principles and obtain them by using nonhuman troops as our weapon against other humans. This is one of the most terribly reviled things that anyone on Beluaterra can do.
  2. Because some of our nobles believe that that is the best thing for Riombara to do—because, again, they do not trust you, and your talk is the talk of tyrants.
  3. I support whatever is best for Riombara in the long run.
  4. We will fulfill any and all obligations under treaty. The only guarantee you have is the guarantee you have given us: none.

O Most Discerning Wisdom of Gilgamesh, I think that you have, thus far, failed to understand Riombara's goals in this. Riombara's highest goal is to rid the continent of evil. Some among us still believe that you and your Beasts are evil. All (or nearly all) believe that the Daimons are evil. Almost all, even those who believe that you are evil, believe that the Daimons are more evil than you.

The vast majority of Riombarans who are even considering agreeing to a treaty with your people believe that its purpose could only ever be to further Riombara's goals of eliminating the Daimons. Once that goal has been achieved, it will be very hard to convince any Riombaran that it is worthwhile to maintain any cordial arrangement with Monsters, Undead, or any other power that would normally be our enemy.

Some may think me foolish for stating this so baldly to you; however, one of my personal principles is honesty in dealings with other powers. After all, if you were to discover this later, it could only make you believe we had been hiding it from you all along, and cause great anger.

For a free Beluaterra,
Delvin Anaris (High Chancellor of Riombara)

Letter from Wisdom
Message sent to Delvin Anaris
High Chancellor of Riombara,

My scribes have been busy and I overlooked this letter of yours and assumed that you did not respond to my questions. Now that you have I feel more inclined to be frank to you as well just as you have with me. Though I dislike these inclinations of your people, bordering on betrayal, I do realize that your people do not know who we are.

You spoke of Tyranny, I agree that it may seem that way to you, but my Epic has always been a wise and understanding ruler to us, otherwise we would have trampled your armies and cities by now, for you yourself knew how easy that would have been when our armies were there a few days ago.

I have offered you and the King an audience with my Epic once you agreed to the treaty, but perhaps I should specify first what that would be about. Though I do not know the full details, I know that my Epic has visions of a free Beluaterra where our Beasts can roam about like the olden days before these other creatures came and disrupted our peace.

You humans came much later, at a time when our ancestors were weakened through the ages. You took advantage of the time and conquered most of what is known to be Beluaterra, killing many of our Beasts in the process.

My Epic seeks to create anew a glorious empire surpassing those of the olden times. You humans have taken care of the land well, but you have been cruel to our fellow Beasts. My Epic will see an end to that, but whether you humans stay or not is a different matter.

Of course, you will not be allowed to be in his empire if you continue to treat our Beasts the same way you will perish. But my Epic does recognize that you humans can be of help in ridding this land of the foul creatures of Undead and Daimons who have long disrupted the plans of our ancestors, and you do have certain skills in taking care of the land. This is the reason that I decipher behind my Epic requesting me to offer you such treaties and going to these lengths to conform to your likings.

There will be no further compromises. You will take the treaty or be gone from this land, for if you cannot trust us, who have taken so much time and given you such consideration, we cannot trust you to take care of our land.

There will be war, but depending on which side you stand you will either perish first or remain after.

It is my duty to be our ambassador and to allow you humans to learn of some of my Epic's thoughts. I hope that my explanation is enough to allow you to grasp the grand scheme of things.