Dwilight University/Theology/Belief and Service to Bloodstars: Difference between revisions

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(New page: {{Template:Private|are full members of Dwilight University}} This was due to a discussion in Morek that was brought to the halls of Dwilight University for more intellectual analysis. {{...)

Latest revision as of 16:15, 17 June 2009

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In short, the contents of this page are to be considered OOC knowledge, except for characters who are full members of Dwilight University.

This was due to a discussion in Morek that was brought to the halls of Dwilight University for more intellectual analysis.

Letter from Sejieda Vita
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
For non-Morek members, this is a discussion moving from Morekian channels to more scholarly channels. I will preface this with the addition that I am not a theologian, but this is my belief. You assume that the bloodstars are reality. If they are not reality, then one cannot serve something that does not exist. Of course, we are both merely stating our beliefs and we have not concluded whether they do or do not exist. You assert they do and I serve them as a result. I assert they don't and cannot serve them as a result. To state that just because I don't believe them means I still serve them continues to assume your position that they do exist.
Sejieda Vita (Dean of Military Studies)
Letter from Elsebeth Evans
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
I will concede that if one serves the actual Bloodstars is a matter of faith, however, that does not change the fact that you do serve the religion that believes they do exist.

To the Bloodstars, I imagine that if you believe you serve them or not makes a difference. Then again, perhaps it does not, I am not learned enough in theology to grasp if the Bloodstars care about our motivations, or if they are even capable of caring. Perhaps one who better understands the Bloodstars than I can answer that -- or perhaps only the Bloodstars can answer it.

However, to the purposes of the religion that is devoted to the Bloodstars, your belief or lack of belief does not, I think, make a difference in and of itself. Certainly your public belief or public lack of belief can be either a service or disservice, and certainly to have you believe is a goal of the religion. But aside from its influence upon others, your actual belief is irrelevant to the fact that you serve a religion that believes it serves the Bloodstars, and thus that all who serve it serve the Bloodstars.

Unless you are quite vocal about it, then, what you personally believe you serve is irrelevant to Morek and Sangius Astroism -- and that was what I had intended the context to be.
Elsebeth Evans (Student)
Letter from Rohk Darksun
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
Dean Sejieda,

The issue is one of relativity. One can say that relative to their own position that here is no such thing as the Bloodstars. Through that, they can infer that no action can be taken to aid a force that they deem does not exist. However, in a different frame of mind, one that believes that the Stars influence those mortals upon Dwilight, your aid - by definition beneficial - would in fact be strengthening the grip of Sanguis Astroism.

Arguably, one cannot do disservice to the Stars (or any religion for that matter) if they are surrounded by and aid those who do believe. It is truly a case of cause and effect.

Rohk Darksun (Student)
Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University

Is it a question on the existence of the stars or the validity in practicing a religion centred around them?

If they do not exist then why is there an Astromancer religion? If they do exist, what reason does anyone have to worship them?

The Prince in Exile,
Bowie Ironsides (Student)
Letter from Rohk Darksun
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
I see the the Viscountess' scribe is faster than my own. I do not think that even vocal opposition to a religion is particularly bad. It challenges those who do believe to educate others on the basis of their faith. It turns loose those who believed only for the most superficial reasons such as social normality. Finally it makes it known that there exists other viewpoints that can be weighed against your own.
Rohk Darksun (Student)
Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
Marquess Rohk,

Here is a question to your reply, (and it may be one from uneducation on the subject) does Astromancy not believe in heresy? If so, there should be no other viewpoints expressed. What opposition?

The Prince in Exile,
Bowie Ironsides (Student)
Letter from Sejieda Vita
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
It is most excellent to see conversation finally started. To be honest, this was my true goal. In recent days, my work has been to further the university and I am glad to see it progressing well. Thank you all for your assistance in this.
Sejieda Vita (Dean of Military Studies)
Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
On Dean Sejieda's discussion about serving the Bloodstars while not believing in them I would say that no you are not serving the Bloodstars. This is due to the differance between service and influance. It is the doctrine of Sanguis Astroism that each star influances a persons emotions however there is no mention of this influance causing them to serve in Bloodstars. In short a non-believers emotions may change with the stars however this may not serve a higher purpose, meaning that you are not actually serving them.

Also to answer Student Bowie's question on wheether the "Astromancers" (the correct term is followers of the Bloodstars) believe in heresy is as follows: Heresy is when a belief is directly opposed to the Bloodstars. This is very rare and the only faith to have such status is the Way of the Dragons. All other beliefs are permissable in realm dedicated to the Bloodstars as long as they are kept private.

Also to clarfiy on somthing that has been debated in Morek recently: Morek is a theocracy of Sanguis Astroism. Sanguis Astroism is its state religion and while other non-heretical faiths are permitted in private it is not a "secular state" but rather a religous one.

And lastly (sorry is I'm boring people) Lady Elisabeth's essays sound most fasinating and I can't wait to read them.

In Faith,
Constantine Meneldur (Student)
Letter from Sejieda Vita
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
Thank you for another perspective on this. I look forward to reading the replies. However, I do wish to point out that Torenism, my faith, has been declared heretical.
Sejieda Vita (Dean of Military Studies)
Letter from Constantine Meneldur
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
Dean Sejieda, I wish to correct you on the point you made about Torenism. Although many beleivers despise Torenism due to its percieved warlike nature it has never been declaired a heresy by the Holy Prophet and his Cardainals. This means that it is not a heresy.
Constantine Meneldur (Student)
Letter from Sejieda Vita
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
This is interesting. I was informed the Prophet considered it evil and that was why I couldn't publicly discuss my faith within Morek.
Sejieda Vita (Dean of Military Studies)
Letter from Sammael Haine
Message sent to Full Members of Dwilight University
If I am not mistaken...The Prophet has repeatedly stated that he is willing to discuss the ideals, thoughts and beliefs behind Torenism with the elders of the religion. However, until then, he does not wish the spread of an unknown religion, any unknown religion...not just Torensism...with a realm/theocracy of SA.

It was the same thing with The Order of Seven. Before he was willing to allow the continued public spread of such a religion, he wanted to make certain that it was not detrimental to the faithful of SA.

After all, if you are going to invite a stranger into your house, it is prudent to learn something about them before simply letting them in your door.

From what I understand, no elders of the religion were able (or willing) to speak with him, so he had made the statment about not allowing the public preaching of the religion.

If the priests and elders of Torenism wish to change this, I would encourage them to speak with the Holy Prophet.

Ex Oblivione,
Sammael Haine (Executor)