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After a week at sea, Katrina looked out over the bow of the ship searching for land. She had heard the call from the crows nest of Land Ho…and knew they had at last almost reached the harbor of Port Nebel. She turned and saw her trusted aide Thorrson, and her Captain Reuban standing just behind her. She motioned them to move up beside her.
After a week at sea, Katrina looked out over the bow of the ship searching for land. She had heard the call from the crows nest of Land Ho…and knew they had at last almost reached the harbor of Port Nebel. She turned and saw her trusted aide Thorrson, and her Captain Reuban standing just behind her. She motioned them to move up beside her.
[[Image:Katrina and Fafnir.jpg|left]]
Suddenly there was a stir on the waters like a great wind rising. The sailors all looked terrified as a large red form loomed up beside the ship. It was a huge red dragon!
Suddenly there was a stir on the waters like a great wind rising. The sailors all looked terrified as a large red form loomed up beside the ship. It was a huge red dragon!
The Dragon moved around to the bow of the ship and hovered there. He stared directly into Katrina’s eyes, and she could see all the wisdom of all the ages in his look.
The Dragon moved around to the bow of the ship and hovered there. He stared directly into Katrina’s eyes, and she could see all the wisdom of all the ages in his look.
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''Nobles of D'Hara,
''Nobles of D'Hara,
''I am Katrina Dragul, I have traveled here from Springdale in hopes of making a new start here in this beautiful realm of dreams and dragons. I have sworn my loyalty to the Queen and also will publicly now swear my loyalty to Marshal Cenarious as I become a member of the Queen's Dragon Guard.  
''I am Katrina Dragul, I have traveled here from Springdale in hopes of making a new start here in this beautiful realm of dreams and dragons. I have sworn my loyalty to the Queen and also will publicly now swear my loyalty to Marshal Cenarious as I become a member of the Queen's Dragon Guard.  
''Lord Cenarious, I swear to follow your orders in service to the Queen to my last breath if necessary. I will do what ever it takes to defend Her Majesty, My Marshal, the regions of D'Hara, and D'Hara itself with all that I have. So swear I, Katrina Dragul; Dame of Port Raviel.
''Lord Cenarious, I swear to follow your orders in service to the Queen to my last breath if necessary. I will do what ever it takes to defend Her Majesty, My Marshal, the regions of D'Hara, and D'Hara itself with all that I have. So swear I, Katrina Dragul; Dame of Port Raviel.

Latest revision as of 23:31, 2 November 2008

Katrina’s Voyage to a New Life

For some time, Marshal Sejieda had professed an interest in Katrina, but she felt out of place in Springdale, the realm where she had been born and her family had lived since the time before any were here save giants and dragons. The recent marriage of her sister KatalynFae to Sir Jon Paul Ogren, the brother of the Dragon Queen of D’Hara, had opened up opportunities to her. She had spoken of them with Sejieda, but he had dismissed them out of hand. Then Sejieda had disappeared for over a week. When he returned, he gave the excuse of an inept scout and being lost. From that time on, he became distant and Katrina realized that her path lie in a different direction. Her heart could not allow her to remain where she would have to bear the pain of that loss, so she resigned her commission in the Sword and Shield, and made her way to her family’s home in Aegir’s Deep. She had to see her family one last time before she left to follow her destiny.

As she stared out into the harbor in Aegir, Katrina remembered looking out at the harbor from her parents' home in Aegir's Deep. She loved the sea, it always brought a peace to her, even in the mightiest storms. She had said her goodbyes to them and would soon be on her way. Upon leaving the Sword and Shield, she had released Thorrson to go back to Sir Sejieda, but the kindly older man had declined, preferring to stay with her. She smiled at him now. She thought of Sejieda, and smiled fondly, but sadly for what might have been. She looked one last time at the land she truly loved, where her roots were and where her heart would stay.

It was time for her and her men to board the ship that would take them far away. "Rueban, she said. "Get the men on board, and pay them. Make sure the caravans are loaded as well. With that she said farewell to Springdale.

She stopped in Astrum and purchased food. She would use this to finance her journey south. She could sell it in D’Hara, and use the money to pay her men and start anew in a strange land. During the long sea voyage, she received messages from Lady Evangelina Driscoll and Sir Orris Morton, both wishing her well and telling her that they would miss her.

After a week at sea, Katrina looked out over the bow of the ship searching for land. She had heard the call from the crows nest of Land Ho…and knew they had at last almost reached the harbor of Port Nebel. She turned and saw her trusted aide Thorrson, and her Captain Reuban standing just behind her. She motioned them to move up beside her.

Katrina and Fafnir.jpg

Suddenly there was a stir on the waters like a great wind rising. The sailors all looked terrified as a large red form loomed up beside the ship. It was a huge red dragon! The Dragon moved around to the bow of the ship and hovered there. He stared directly into Katrina’s eyes, and she could see all the wisdom of all the ages in his look. The dragon opened his great mouth and spoke. “Well met daughter of the giants. I have waited long to speak to the one who was to come and bring the might of giants to the cause of the Dragon Queen I have placed on the throne of D’Hara. Your fathers were a great race, and an honorable people, I see that in you as well.” He looked at her captain and aide, “You have chosen your advisors well, and they will be a great help to you in what you are about to do, little one. Let me see your bow.” Katrina raised her bow so that the Dragon could see it closely. He opened his mouth and a stream of fire caressed it from the Dragon’s mouth. A line of runes appeared on the edge of the fine yew wood of the bow. Katrina could read them, they invoked protection, success, victory, long life, prosperity, and home. The Dragon started to move away, but could still be heard clearly as he left. “I am Fafnir, I have been the guardian to your family since before any have memories save only the giants from whence you come. I will be with you in all that you do, and I will guide you in all that is to come, my daughter.” And then he was gone.

Katrina turned to her close advisors, “Thorrson, please have a message sent to Her Majesty that we will arrive in port two days from now, and I will formally give her my vow of fealty at that time. Reuban, please make sure the men are ready for our entrance into Port Nebel. I do not wish to dishonor Her Majesty with anything but perfection from my troops.” They both turned on their heels to accomplish her orders. Katrina stared for a while longer into the deep waters in front of the ship, musing over the words of the Dragon Fafnir and what they could mean.

When the ship had finally docked and they were ready to depart Katrina fussed and primped, she had to look her absolute best. Today was the day she would finally meet Katyanna; Dragon Queen of D’Hara and she wasn't at all comfortable in this dress, much preferring the breeches and armor she wore to battle. She mentally went over her oath to make sure she had it perfect. Thorrson appeared at her cabin door. “My Lady,” the wonderful older gentleman spoke “We have arrived at Port Nebel. It is time to disembark.” “Very good, Thorrson, have Reuban ready the men, I want them sharp, have him make sure they are in perfect step as we march onto the dock. Also, make sure the caravans are unloaded and the cargo is unharmed, the Lord of Nebel has need of that cargo. We shall deliver it as soon as I have met with the queen.” “Right away My Lady.” Thorrson moved to make sure everything was in order. Once on deck, she moved forward to take the lead of her unit. Thorrson and Reuban fell in immediately behind her.

As she moved down the dock, she saw the busy interactions of the people of Port Nebel. At the end of the pier stood a contingent of the Queen’s Dragon Guard. They snapped to attention and escorted her to the pavilion where Queen Katayanna was seated waiting. “Enter Dame Katrina,” Queen Katayanna said with a smile. “If your sister is as beautiful as you are, then I know why my brother fell in love with her.” Suddenly Katrina’s mouth went dry and she wanted to drink the apple mead she had brought for the queen instead of giving it to her.

Remembering herself, she dropped into a deep curtsy. “Your Majesty, I am honored to finally meet you.” The queen told her to rise and come forward. Katrina moved to a place in front of the queen then dropped to one knee. She cleared her throat and began in a voice that did not tremble nearly as much as her hands holding aloft her sword to the one who soon be her liege.

“Before all who are assembled here, I solemnly swear that I will from this day forth faithfully serve Her Majesty, Katayanna Ogren; Dragon Queen of D’Hara and Duchess of Port Raviel. I will go at her bidding and do as she commands. I will protect her, her lands, and the realm with my last breath if necessary. I will make all her causes my own, be they just, and work to make her dreams a reality.” As she finished her oath, Katrina drew her sword along her palm and watched as a line of blood welled in her open palm. “I swear my loyalty to you My Queen this day by my own blood.” She rose and presented her sword to the queen.

Upon arriving in her new land she sent this message to her new realm.

Nobles of D'Hara,

I am Katrina Dragul, I have traveled here from Springdale in hopes of making a new start here in this beautiful realm of dreams and dragons. I have sworn my loyalty to the Queen and also will publicly now swear my loyalty to Marshal Cenarious as I become a member of the Queen's Dragon Guard. Lord Cenarious, I swear to follow your orders in service to the Queen to my last breath if necessary. I will do what ever it takes to defend Her Majesty, My Marshal, the regions of D'Hara, and D'Hara itself with all that I have. So swear I, Katrina Dragul; Dame of Port Raviel. The motto of my family is Service Before Self, and I will uphold that motto with all that is in me for the honor of my family.

Munus Supernus Praebo

And so begins Katrina’s new life.