Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Duchess Talex's Trepidation: Difference between revisions

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Jenred stood, grinning down at his slightly nervous wife.

"Oh, come now love, it's not like you haven't been made a Duchess before...And Talex is in much better shape than Nocaneb was when you got it. We go through a brief ceremony, I introduce you to the city, they cheer, you beam, they fall in love with their new Duchess, and I take you back to our rooms to show you how much I've missed you...Sound like a good plan?"

Edara nodded, grinning up at him, and pulled him down for a long kiss.

"Alright, we can go now. Couldn't become a Duchess again without a kiss first!"

She winked at him as they strode out together, and they shared a chuckle. As they entered the Duchal throne room, Jenred's face underwent that strange transformation from man to King, and his steps became more purposeful. He turned, facing Edara, with the assembled court of Talex at his back, and lifted the coronet of the Dukes of Talex in his hands. It had...amused him greatly that the populace had taken that when they had revolted against Ethiala...Of course, Jenred had no way of knowing whether he held the true coronet or whether the locals had just told Dren that...Dren was too gullible, and Jenred obviously couldn't doubt their claim after Dren accepted it...

"Lady Edara Kindon, as the King of Arcaea, Sovereign of this Realm, I now proclaim you Duchess of Talex!"

Jenred placed the coronet on Edara's head, and turned to face the cheers and applause from the crowd. Edara grinned, dimpling, and true to Jenred's guess, he could see the court melting, and knew it would only be a matter of time before the people of Talex loved her as much as those of Nocaneb did.

Jenred leaned down and whispered, still smiling and waving for the crowd...

"Ready to see how much I've been wanting you, lover?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara basked in the warm glow from the cheering crowd, even though she suspected at least half of it was for Jenred. She looked over at her husband—husband…there was something she never grew tired of saying—her heart swelling with pride. He always looked so tall and beautiful and…regal…when he was being the King.

She smiled and waved for her new people. Edara loved Nocaneb, and it would always hold a special place in her heart, but here was a new challenge…and a new advancement. She had been the Duchess of a stronghold…now she was the Duchess of a real, proper city. As always, she thought back to the girl that she had been…before Arcaea…before Jenred. Her dreams had been only to be a good troop leader, a credit to her Uncle’s teachings; she had never imagined that her star could rise so far…to be Queen and Duchess and now, Marshal of the TCA. How thrilled she had been just to be allowed to join that fine company…

Uncle Dougal beamed at her from amongst the assembled nobles; and, though she could not see them, she knew that Idelle and the rest of the staff she had brought from Noca were here somewhere, cheering with the rest. She hoped that Goffrey wouldn’t be too annoyed at how many of the castle staff had chosen to relocate their lives toTalex rather than stay behind. Her only disappointment was that her mother hadn’t made the journey yet and wasn’t here to see.

Edara shook off this small blot on her day and leaned into Jenred.

“My loveliest love…my King…have you seen my new suite of rooms? I do believe that I am quite eager to give you a tour…”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Talex, Marshal of the Tribute Collecting Army