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Ancient History

The beginning of the ShadowStalker family has been lost in history. All that is known is the first mention of their name comes from the ancient history of the East Continent, in the realm of Caligus. they prospered in this realm for the time being, but as the continent of Atamara was discovered, the ShadowStalker family soon embedded themselves in the history of doomed realm of Barony of Icegate. The blood of thousands of Barony of Makar warriors was soon on their hands, and were forced to flee after the realm was absorbed by the Barony of Makar.

Recorded History

The ShadowStalker family has made its influence known across the colonies and Beluaterra, as well as the Far East island. In the colonies, Mothman ShadowStalker founded the order of the ShadowKnights, to pursue the will of the trinity of Alowca.


After Icegate, Mothman ShadowStalker arrived on the shores of the great city of Alowca on the newly settled Colonies continent. At this time Alowca was under the glorious rule of Rhysten, given the opportunity Mothman soon rose to hold the position of baron in the small realm, and first met a man by the name of Always. Soon Always became ruler, and Mothman had dedicated his life and that of his ShadowKnights to follow and protect the new Pontifex. Mothman had many glorious years in Alowca and held various offices including Paladin Primus, but alas all good things must come to an end and Always was banned from the once great realm. Mothman, disgusted by what had occurred boarded a boat in Alowca, and bid farewell to the realm that held his heart as it disappeared into the mist. Rumors are a brew that he may have returned to the colonies under the guise as a commoner...


The beginning of Lantel's career is shady, involving many lands and assassins, but he finally found his place when he joined the new realm of Arcaea. Not really his place in this realm, but he fell in love with northern isle and its people. This love fueled his hatred of his new realm, and the way they treated the people he cared so deeply for. Needlessly to say, when approached by Seraphina with an offer to help free the dark isle, Lantel quickly sent notice to his Longtime friend Octavio and began his crusade. Once successful Lantel served the realm of Arcachon for years, but slowly weaved in and out of the nobility of the realm, keeping a close eye on the need of the people of the isle. (more on Lantel's history with the ShadowKnights and Arcachon to come)