Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Lady Madelena's Second Flight of Fancy: Difference between revisions

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Madelena slumped into her favorite chair by the fireside and took off her boots. Her feet were sore from being on them all day. First there had been the monsters in the woods to pick off one by one, and then she and her men had gone through the town and helped with various and sundry work. One old and frail lady had been particularly impressed when her own Countess' guards had offered to help re-roof her cottage. She had promised to tell everyone in the village what a gem the Countess was. Madelena hoped she would. She was still nervous at the sideways glances some people gave her as she rode around.
Her feet were throbbing as she removed the boots so she rang the bell for Sarah. Sarah came immediately.
"Sarah I would like a foot bath."
"A what madam?" replied Sarah.
"You know, like a bowl of warm water and smelling salts for my feet to soak in."
"Ah, yes madam" was Sarah's reply as she left the room to fulfill the errand.
Madelena stood up and hobbled over to the table which held her decanted wine. Once the foot bath arrived she would order dinner to be prepared. She decided on roast chicken with potatoes and a delicious white wine gravy which her cook made, and fresh vegetables. Then she would sit down to a good book and not worry about anything until the morrow.
Lady Madelena Rossini
Countess of Orbeh
Madelena was glad to be home again. All this travel between Remton and Orbeh was wearing her out, and every time she left Fangs would sulk and refuse to eat which never did his old bones any good.
After changing out of her riding clothes, having a small supper, and sitting down with the housekeeper to go over a few pieces of business, Madelena sat down to write a letter to the realm.
"Your Majesty, Your Graces, Your Excellencies, my Lords and Ladies, friends, I want to take this opportunity to express my extreme gratitude to you for all of the tremendous hard work you have done in Orbeh. I know that it has not been easy working with the people to bring them on board in the realm and I thank you for perseverance from the bottom of my heart. I thank you too for patience with me as I seek to serve the people of Orbeh and Arcaea as a whole.
After sending the letter with instructions that copies should be made and dispatched forthwith she invited Sarah to come and sit with her that she might have some company for the evening and they spoke of designing a new rose garden to the left of the orchard at the back of the kitchen garden until the light failed and they went to bed.
Lady Madelena Rossini
Countess of Orbeh

Revision as of 10:07, 6 July 2008

Madelena had been riding in her carriage in a kind of a daze. She had needed to travel back to Nocaneb for the day to cash bonds and despite the protestations of her maid, Sarah, who felt she was still too weak to travel, she and her men had set out early in the morning.

She had slept for the most part, her carriage rocking gently on the soft earth of the road. However, she was awoken by her captain around noon.

"M'Lady there seems to be a problem."

"What kind of problem?" she replied.

"Well madam, we seem to be in Niel."

"What! Madelena, despite her weakness after weeks of suffering with the lump fever, leaped out of the carriage and stood on the road. Looking up and down she saw the streets of the city she knew all too well and shivered.

"How in the blazes did we get here?" she cried out but was stopped in mid-sentence as her gaze fell upon someone who she never thought she would see again - Sir Tenal - the man she loved. Next to him was Sir Tomaso and shortly after Sir Roberd charged up on a horse and challenged her to a dual.

Madelena knew she couldn't fight, but she also knew she wasn't going quietly. It was bad enough that she had to see Sir Tenal and know that he had betrayed her, without having the added humiliation of her being a guest in his prison and possibly exiled or executed by his hand.

She spoke briefly to Sir Roberd and then without a word, and as swiftly as the wind, mounted her captains horse and kicked it into a gallop out of the city. Her men followed, with only her captain, and her carriage remaining behind.

Lady Madelena Rossini (Lord)

Madelena slumped into her favorite chair by the fireside and took off her boots. Her feet were sore from being on them all day. First there had been the monsters in the woods to pick off one by one, and then she and her men had gone through the town and helped with various and sundry work. One old and frail lady had been particularly impressed when her own Countess' guards had offered to help re-roof her cottage. She had promised to tell everyone in the village what a gem the Countess was. Madelena hoped she would. She was still nervous at the sideways glances some people gave her as she rode around.

Her feet were throbbing as she removed the boots so she rang the bell for Sarah. Sarah came immediately.

"Sarah I would like a foot bath."

"A what madam?" replied Sarah.

"You know, like a bowl of warm water and smelling salts for my feet to soak in."

"Ah, yes madam" was Sarah's reply as she left the room to fulfill the errand.

Madelena stood up and hobbled over to the table which held her decanted wine. Once the foot bath arrived she would order dinner to be prepared. She decided on roast chicken with potatoes and a delicious white wine gravy which her cook made, and fresh vegetables. Then she would sit down to a good book and not worry about anything until the morrow.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Madelena was glad to be home again. All this travel between Remton and Orbeh was wearing her out, and every time she left Fangs would sulk and refuse to eat which never did his old bones any good.

After changing out of her riding clothes, having a small supper, and sitting down with the housekeeper to go over a few pieces of business, Madelena sat down to write a letter to the realm.

"Your Majesty, Your Graces, Your Excellencies, my Lords and Ladies, friends, I want to take this opportunity to express my extreme gratitude to you for all of the tremendous hard work you have done in Orbeh. I know that it has not been easy working with the people to bring them on board in the realm and I thank you for perseverance from the bottom of my heart. I thank you too for patience with me as I seek to serve the people of Orbeh and Arcaea as a whole.


After sending the letter with instructions that copies should be made and dispatched forthwith she invited Sarah to come and sit with her that she might have some company for the evening and they spoke of designing a new rose garden to the left of the orchard at the back of the kitchen garden until the light failed and they went to bed.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh