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He was in the region of Obtal for nearly three weeks now. And still it didn't feel like home to him. The rain was pouring down outside the window of his office. The landscape looked very sad to him. The end of the day was approaching, but he was still at work. His messenger brought him just half an hour ago the reports of his scouts.
He knew that his men had to have something at hand, for any battles were not fought out here. That's why he choose eacht day another set of men, to go out and scout some of the surrounding regions. The reports lay now before him.
He thought over the results of this day. His scout told him that Tuhpos was full of troopsleaders, and their troops. That he had managed to escape could be called a miracle. The battle about to be fought out there, would send out a shockwave through the Island. It could be that this battle would start the end of Sartania, or had that already started with the Great War between Arcaea and Sartania?
And there was Tapaliez, a former region of Sartania, which had suddenly turned rogue. He coudl only think of one thing, this should be the time to strike, and take another region from their Arch enemy. But he could not see that the council would decide to that. So he took his quill and started on a letter:
'Dear Council,
As all of us could have seen in my scout reports I send you, Tuhpos is now a rogue region, with no clear goverment. I think this is the time to take it.
With the upcoming battle in Tapaliez, Sartania will have to refit first for it can mobilize a army to come and defend, what was theirs.
Also am I finished here in Obtal and I would love to take Tuhpos under my supervision. For any Lord of course.
I hope to hear from you at dawn,
May the Gods walk with you!
Tatham Aldaríon (Bureaucrat and Knight of Lantzas)'
'Messenger, it is time for you to take a trip to our Capital. I would like you to stay there till the Council has reached to an anwser or verdict about this matter. Bring it then back to me, understood?' 'Yes, m'Lord' 'Oh, and on your way out please call for one the housemaids, I could use a good glass of wiskey.' 'Of course, m'Lord' The messenger turned his back to him, and left quietly the room. After a couple of minutes his lovely housemaid showed up with his wanted wiskey. 'My excuses, for the dely, m'Lord, but the cellar was locked, and I had to find the housekeeper first..' 'No problem, Marushka, it's fine' 'Thank you, m'Lord'
He took his time, when he finaly reached for his glass. He moved his ass to a chair near the window, to have a good look at the still pouring rain. He knew that taking time for himself would do him a great deal of good, especially after being gone for so long now. He hadn't seen anybody of his Goverment or realm for nearly 2 weeks now, and he missed a good conversation.
He took his quill again. 'Dear Galdor, I would love to see you soon, as we speak I'm still at Obtal, we are you right now? I hope we can meet each other in about a week in Remton, when I go there for a quick refit. May the Gods walk with you! Tatham' He knew this letter had to wait for an normal messenger for it could be sent. But that didn't matter as days where nothing out here. He finished his glass and head out for his bed.
Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)

Latest revision as of 10:01, 6 July 2008

Walking through his estate, after the exhausting fight with some local monsters, he sees a lot which he doesn't like. This place could use a bit of renovation after all, it looks like it hasn't been used for a decade. Most of all it misses a place to stay for his soldiers, which in his mind is critical. It is something they can speak of as home, very crucial for men who normally haven't got one.

He summons a messenger. 'Go and fetch my liege, ask him for about 75 golden pieces, to enlarge and renovate my estate. I can't invite anyone here friend or foe, this place needs a redecoration. Oh, and don't forget to ask him, if he wants to have my estate either support the production or authority in this region.'

He walks back to his study, the only place in his estate, which he founds nearly up to his standard. Sitting behind his desk, he starts on a letter to his best friend Sir Galdor, who has just been appointed as knight of Remton. He knows he will be traveling to the city of Nocaneb, and a short stop at Remton doesn't hurt his cause.

Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)

As Galdor arrived in Remton, he wished to get straight to business. He told his shield-bearer to see to his horse, the great Kephera, who he loved most.

Then Galdor started to walk to the Palace with only one intention, to get his offer of fealty accepted. once arrived at the castle he asked for the one in charge, by which he meant not the Queen, but the Duchess of Remton.

After an hour he was sent in to meet with her, and he made his offer clear. The only thing he left open was the salary, which meant tax distribution, for her to fill in. Not to his surprise she accepted it with a reasonable salary offer.

Happy with his progression within the Remton walls he returned walked towards the Stavbles where he left his shield-bearer.

"Shield-bearer, how is Kephera doing?" "Sir, she is doing fine, and she is eating well" "Good, thank you." Galdor replied.

When turning and walking away the shield-bearer called: "Sir Galdor, I was told to tell you that your estate, in the estern part of Remton, is ready for your arrival." Galdor reacted a bit stunned "News flies fast here. Can you show me where it is?" The boy answered "Of course Mylord, please do follow me."

Galdor followed the boy to his new Mansion and told him to get some rest. He saw that there was a cook in the kitchen and wanted to check what kind of meat was working at his place, so he deliberately bumped into him, sent the cook flying 2 meters backwards. "Oh I am truly sorry, Sir." came stumbling from the place where a chair was barred against the wall. Galdor replied: "And who might you be?" After a short moan "I am Salomon, I am the cook of a new lord. I believe his name was Galdor. I was sent here to give him a decent meal, for he has been traveling non-stop for days now."

While hearing his story Galdor couldn't ignore tiredness anymore. "Please, do take this afternoon free, for I will not be enjoying your food. At tghis moment I only want some rest. But tomorrow morning I expect some breakfast and make it rather large." and with a wink he vanished behind the door.

He called his scribe and spelled him a letter to Tatham Aldaríon stating that he had arrived and would like a rendez-vous before they would both travel in northern direction to Nocaneb.

"Tomorrow I will need you again, I am expecting you here at 11 AM and do not be late!" The scribe answered "Of course, Sir. You can count on me."

With this he dismissed the scribe and he fell on his bed still fully clothed. without any intend to make himself more comfortable he fell in a deep sleep.

Only to be woken up the following morning, with a monstrous headache and every limb still too tired to move.

Galdor Stormwind (Knight of Remton)

Galdor had fought with Tatham again. This time Monsters in lantzas were the target. He really liked the way they could work together, just like they are one.

then they traveled to Remton together. "I insist you to join me have some dinner at my mansion. I already told my cook of your coming. Don't let the food go to waste." and with a small wink Galdor rode through the Remton gates. Expecting Tatham to follow him.

When They arrived at Galdor's home dinner was ready, and they began to eat.

when they were done eating, Galdor went to his Eastern living room, closely followed by Tatham. He had let set up 2 chairs close by the window, so that they could see the sun set. "Would you like to have some new whiskey? I just bought some right here in Remton." Tatham nodded and Galdor ordered his servant to bring him two bottles.

When they were settled in front of the window, with a glass of whiskey in their hands, they looked back upon the glorious days of Svunnetland and how big a blow the fall had been. They kept bringing up memories and finally Galdor stood up and walked towards the window, masking the tear he had to wipe.

"Thank you for your visit, but I am very tired. Your room is the second door to the right. Have a nice sleep and breakfast is at 10 AM."

And with these words he left Tatham sitting alone.

Galdor Stormwind (Knight of Remton)

When he was left alone he thought about his day. Firstly, there was the conversation about Svunnetland, still close to his heart. He noticed that Galdor too had problems talking about the fall of Svunnetland. Due to these words, the whiskey tasted rather bitter. He put his glass aside and stood up. He paced up and down the room contemplating the events of the last few days.

Secondly, the fighting machine that they still form, marvelous. And it felt like natural standing in the front line with his friend Galdor, for many years to come they will stay and fight together.

And especially after a long day of fighting, coming to Galdor's mansion really feels like coming home. Even his men felt this way. This Hospitality is great. Their duel that evening was at it always had been. This time he had won, but it could go either way each time they crossed their swords. He didn't feel lucky, because he was the better fighter this time. Also his experience had helped him, for the young Galdor sometimes seemed somewhat reckless. But that could be considered natural, for Galdor was a good 2 years younger.

He grasped his glass again and took the last sip, He gave the dark hills one more glance and then he went to his bedroom as breakfast was planned early.

Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)

When he was done fighting for today he tried to get himself together. Yes, this fighting had taken a lot of strength from him. He decided it best to just walk around a bit and think the past few days over.

Firstly he kept walking next to the inner walls, until he saw something that looked like a nice park. It had a pond and there used to be some trees around, but all that was left were tree stumps. He hated the sight of those trees cut off, rudely disturbed nature and he walked on rather quickly.

After another hour of walking he saw something alike a tavern with a broken sign which read "Sartan's Den". The first thing he noticed was that the door had been broken and currently hung on three tiny strings. A little curious, he peeked inside just to find the inside even more a mess than the outside. It was abandoned, at least that's what he thought. When he walked to the bar he saw there was a huge man lying inside the wall, at least what used to be the wall. Galdor didn't know if the man was unconscious or dead and thought it better to not know. He really was thirsty, so he poured in some ale from the bar and threw some coins onto the counter.

He sat down on what seemed to be the only chair that was still intact. He wondered what could have happened here, and moreover, what or who could have floored that giant over there. Intrigued by these questions Galdor enjoyed his ale.

After sitting inside the tavern for half an hour he left, still wondering about what could have made this mess. And why there weren't people cleaning it.

He kept wandering about Nocaneb until he was standing at the foot of a great tower, he decided to rest in the shade of that monstrosity. Before he knew it he was in a deep sleep.

Galdor Stormwind (Knight of Remton)

He finnaly reaches Nocaneb with his exhausted men. They have had an hard time, traveling and fighting for more than a week without any rest. He brings them to several barracks, where some other Nobels have set their men as well. 'Have some rest my men, I will be back somewhere in the afternoon, and I take the roll-call very serious by then. So make sure all your stuff is kept in a good shape.'

His men grumble, to maintain their equipment is the last thing they want to do now. He already has turned his back to them and he walks back to the city. It's still early in the morning, and he knows he can still do a lot of good for this city today. He heads to the palace, to announce himself, before he gets to his work.

After a pleasant meeting with the local Lord Edara, he received a mandate to control and improve the administration of Nocaneb. After this formal part of his job, he headed straight to the other side of the road where the administration of Nocaneb was seated. Since he was not in the region of your lord, nor even your duchy, he was less efficient in this work. Also the fact of being very short in this realm didn't make his work easier.

But due his experience in Ipsosez and other regions of Svunnetland, he quickly found some improvements that could be made. Encouraged by this little succes, he started working on them. After a couple hours, he found his work done. He called for one of the clercs. 'Please make sure I will be able to work here again tomorrow, there is still much progress to be made. If possible arrange me a nice room with a large writing desk, so my work will be more efficient.' 'As you wish, Sir.' The clerc had some problems to adopt an attitude, when he left the room, for he was still partial a military officer.

When he entered the square in front of the barracks, his captain came down to see him. 'Guido, are my men ready?' 'I will call the men for your roll-call, Sir' His captain strode of to gather his men, or what was left of them, since their where just 6 of them. After less then a minute, all his men where gathered in front of the barrack. After a short inspection, and some remarks on their equipment, he gave a little speech.

'My men, you have done a great job the last few days. You have fought twice with the Monsters with great courage, you have covered 190 miles, in just a few days, without any word of complain. I'm proud to call you my men! Therefore I have decided, to take you all to a nice bar in this city and have a nice feast. On my costs of course.'

His men cheered, and his captain shouted 'Hurrah for our Lord!' Directly followed by the rest of his men. 'Alright gentlemen, I think it is time to bring your equipment inside, put on a fresh pair of trousers, and head to the city. For we have a long night in front of us.' He told his men.

After a long night in the local pub, he actually got to know his men better, and so did his men with him. When he finally met his bed, he didn't take out his clothes, but exhausted as he was, he fell right into very deep dreams.

Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)

He was in the region of Obtal for nearly three weeks now. And still it didn't feel like home to him. The rain was pouring down outside the window of his office. The landscape looked very sad to him. The end of the day was approaching, but he was still at work. His messenger brought him just half an hour ago the reports of his scouts.

He knew that his men had to have something at hand, for any battles were not fought out here. That's why he choose eacht day another set of men, to go out and scout some of the surrounding regions. The reports lay now before him.

He thought over the results of this day. His scout told him that Tuhpos was full of troopsleaders, and their troops. That he had managed to escape could be called a miracle. The battle about to be fought out there, would send out a shockwave through the Island. It could be that this battle would start the end of Sartania, or had that already started with the Great War between Arcaea and Sartania?

And there was Tapaliez, a former region of Sartania, which had suddenly turned rogue. He coudl only think of one thing, this should be the time to strike, and take another region from their Arch enemy. But he could not see that the council would decide to that. So he took his quill and started on a letter:

'Dear Council,

As all of us could have seen in my scout reports I send you, Tuhpos is now a rogue region, with no clear goverment. I think this is the time to take it. With the upcoming battle in Tapaliez, Sartania will have to refit first for it can mobilize a army to come and defend, what was theirs. Also am I finished here in Obtal and I would love to take Tuhpos under my supervision. For any Lord of course.

I hope to hear from you at dawn,

May the Gods walk with you!

Tatham Aldaríon (Bureaucrat and Knight of Lantzas)'

'Messenger, it is time for you to take a trip to our Capital. I would like you to stay there till the Council has reached to an anwser or verdict about this matter. Bring it then back to me, understood?' 'Yes, m'Lord' 'Oh, and on your way out please call for one the housemaids, I could use a good glass of wiskey.' 'Of course, m'Lord' The messenger turned his back to him, and left quietly the room. After a couple of minutes his lovely housemaid showed up with his wanted wiskey. 'My excuses, for the dely, m'Lord, but the cellar was locked, and I had to find the housekeeper first..' 'No problem, Marushka, it's fine' 'Thank you, m'Lord'

He took his time, when he finaly reached for his glass. He moved his ass to a chair near the window, to have a good look at the still pouring rain. He knew that taking time for himself would do him a great deal of good, especially after being gone for so long now. He hadn't seen anybody of his Goverment or realm for nearly 2 weeks now, and he missed a good conversation.

He took his quill again. 'Dear Galdor, I would love to see you soon, as we speak I'm still at Obtal, we are you right now? I hope we can meet each other in about a week in Remton, when I go there for a quick refit. May the Gods walk with you! Tatham' He knew this letter had to wait for an normal messenger for it could be sent. But that didn't matter as days where nothing out here. He finished his glass and head out for his bed.

Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)