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The Imperceptible Saint (Saint of Long Living Kings, Patient Faith, Mystery, and the Second Awakening)

No prognostocese.

The Lord in Occultation is the Last King of Men before the Second Awakening. It has been written that as the Great Father selected Men to maintain order by ruling as Kings, he also preselected the final man to be the Final King. This Final King is the Imperceptible Saint.

No one knows who he is or when he will live, not even he will know. Whoever he is, his life will be lived as a warrior-saint-in-silence. We can gather that his reign will be a time of terrible strife and chaos over the land, with rulers being overthrown and wars raging from sea to sea. These of course are said to be the conditions in which trigger the Second Awakening. Many scholars have studied ancient manuscripts and fragmented scrolls to discover more information, and it has been concluded that when he is anointed King, his reign will be the last days Earth ever sees. Upon his death the Sleeping Father will awake and all will be undone as it has been written. An Order of Monks, who have been pejoratively named the Cult of Occultation, dedicated to solving more of this mystery have deciphered and revealed that the Last King of Men will die at an early hour, the twilight of the final day. Hence, followers say his life will end at the Last Dawn.

The Order of Monks and followers of this Saint pay great attention to the lives of Kings, keenly observing and studying the reigns and times of deaths. They believe that if they were to observe the events of a King’s life they may be able to determine if he will be the one to die at the twilight hour, and will thereby be the Last King and the presage to the Second Awakening.

It was assumed by all that because this King was preselected to be the Final King he would live his life as a Warrior Saint and follow the tenets. They expect him to be a man of many deeds and pious faith to the Sleeping Father, but, these qualities were later additions to the lore and may not be accurate. His life is such a mystery that the Last King could be any crowned man, living for any length of time in any location. It was never explicitly said that the Lord in Occultation will even follow the ways of the Warrior Saints. These are things assumed and attributed by the Cult of Occultation, not facts. All facts are unknown except the specified time of death, and that his life will be the last before the end.

Because of this, the Lord in Occultation has become the Patron Saint of long living Kings, as each King hopes that if they are to be the Final King, then they would at least like to live as long as they could to delay the Second Awakening.

He has also become the Saint of patient faith, because no one knows the exact hour he will be known and so all his followers wait patiently to witness the death of a King at the twilight hour, which will mark him to be the Imperceptible Saint.

Finally, he has become the Saint of mystery because very little is known beyond these apocalyptic details and all await the Great Prestige, which is a phrase used to describe the time when the whole world witnesses the death of a King at that exact hour and realize his life was exactly that of the Imperceptible. At that moment, all things will fall into place and the whole world shall know that it is the end time.

A cryptic saying the Monks and followers of the Cult of Occultation like to use is this: “Life goes on until that twilight hour.”

These are more sayings attributed to followers of the Lord in Occultation :-

“Until what’s hidden is known.”

“Until the occultation passes.”

“Until the imperceptible is perceived.”

“Until that twilight hour.”