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The Cruel Axe of Flame was forged in the by a famous blacksmith in the days of yore, though his name has been long forgotten in the mists of time.

It is said that his works were the greatest of his time, prized by the fiercest warriors for their unbreakable strength and ever-keen edge. However, dissatisfied with his skill, he sought loftier heights of perfection which, which led his mind deeper into the depths of madness.

In his bid to surpass himself, he entered a pact with a daimon, that it might use its magickal arts to refine his works. Nightly did it whisper by his ear, telling of secrets and horrors which should never have been spoken. With the aid of the daimon, blacksmith's skill became even greater known, yea, even to lands over the seas. Yet the smith was still not satisfied, and the daimon convinced him to open a portal to the Netherworld.

With his daimon familiar at his side, he entered the Netherworld, and forged an unholy axe within its inferno. Long did he labour at the anvil, hammering the iron and bending it to his will.

Heeding the call of the daimon, did he remove it from the flames, and bid his family follow.

Blindly, in his lust for perfection, did he take the Axe -- glowing red from the heat -- and plunge it into his wife's heart, quenching it in her blood.

Uttering mystic chants, learnt in his fall from grace, did he test the edge upon his children -- slaying them in a single blow -- before pronouncing it complete.

Finally, as he gazed upon his work, entranced by its blood-drenched beauty and surrounded by his fallen family, the daimon came against him and wrested the Axe from his grasp.

"I have completed my part of the bargain, and now you shall complete yours. I will take this Axe...and your life."


  1. Keratin Merytis (first known owner since it was lost to the daimons, eons ago)