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As Madelena sat in her carriage, under piles of blankets, desperate to keep out the chilly winter air, she read the correspondence that had been going back and forth between the Lady Redemption and Sir Jenred. Despite the fact that harsh words had passed between them, and fines had been issued all over the place, Madelena couldn't help but find humor in the proceedings. She opened her diary and began to write...

"Dear Diary,

I am finally on my way from Orbeh to Nocaneb for a huge party which my Duchess and new friend Edara is hosting. I hope I shall be well enough for it for I look forward to it enormously. There have been such silly exchanges going on in this realm about proper titles and what defines the true actions of a noble that I almost feel as if I am back at the Duke of Niel's court. But no, this place is so much lighter, freer so to speak. I am so thankful I am here. There is a line that I once heard which comes to mind with all of this... A rose by any other name is still a rose... I think that was it. Oh well, off to sleep if I can. Maybe we shall reach the gates of the city by dawn."

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Jenred ran into the hall, dispatching several servants.

"Get the horses ready, now. Enough for my Guard, myself, and Housekeeper Idelle. You! Take me to Idelle!"

Jenred ran out after the servant, coming to a skittering halt in the kitchens, and gasping out a few words.

"Idelle! I need your assistance. Please, get whatever herbs or medicines you need to help with some sort of fever, I'll explain the rest in the hall."

He made a gesture, explaining that he wanted this private. After Idelle grumbled, made sure the cooks were going to keep following her instructions, and grumbled more about they were sure to muck it up, she followed him out, and demanded to know what on earth was going on.

"It's Countess Madelena. She's sick, has some sort of a fever, and was exhausted by writing letters. That worries me, and I'd grab more of the Healers, but she didn't want me to make it known, and, well, you were the only one I could trust."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Idelle narrowed her eyes at Jenred, “I’ve got several things for fever, depends on what’s causing it and what else she’s sick with…and who is this Countess and why doesn’t she want anyone to know that she’s sick? And how on earth do you get exhausted writing letters?”

She looked at his face and grumbled her way back to the pantry to gather an assortment of roots and herbs. Idelle sacked them up and returned to Jenred.

“Here’s everything that I have for fevers…but you won’t know what to give her—depending on what’s making her sick—and some of them require preparation. You’d be better off getting her back here quickly so that I can take care of her. Gods bless…you can’t be treating her…you haven’t a clue what to do.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred grinned. He did like Idelle...

"I wouldn't dream of treating her. I plan to get her to Nocaneb, or her estate, whichever is closer, and then keep her there until you or the other Healers can treat her properly. As for the rest, that's her story to tell if she chooses. Let's go!"

Jenred strode out, and mounted with his Guard, with a sedate mule for Idelle. They set out immediately, and pushed hard. Jenred was worried. He couldn't think of many sicknesses that could make one that weak...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Madelena awoke with a start to the sound of her carriage man knocking on the door.

"Madam, Madam, it is Sir Jenred! He has brought a healer with him!"

Madelena feebly instructed Sarah to open the door and Sarah stepped outside. There she was, the woman turned traitor, who had been strong enough to bring a whole region into a new realm with hardly any major incident, shivering under furs and blankets with nothing but the top of her raven hair and her piercingly blue eyes to be seen.

"I am sorry Sir that you fund me in such a state. Why the devil would you come all this way? Surely out meeting can wait for my arrival in Nocaneb?..." He voice trailed off as she spoke. Despite her best efforts Madelena was failing miserably at convincing Sir Jenred of the lack of severity of her illness.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Idelle pushed past Jenred to inspect the woman inside the carriage. “Rest easy, milady; I’m just going to poke at you a little bit, and see if we can figure out what you need,” She felt her brow: the Lady was burning up with fever. Idelle pushed down the blankets despite the Lady’s resistance and began running her hands over her…hmmm…lumps under her jaw…Idelle ran her hands to the Countess’s armpits…yes…lumps there, too.

Idelle rummaged in one of her sacks, withdrew a quantity of a powerdered herb. She uncorked a small bottle and added the herbs to it and shook it well. “Here, Milady,” she proffered the bottle to her, “Drink this down. It’s just some Salix bark in brandy, but it will help with the fever.”

Idelle got Jenred’s attention, “Lord Jenred, we should get her back quickly…this cold air isn’t good for her. She’s got the Lump fever. Not too much we can do for her ‘cept put her to bed and give her lots to drink. Keep her comfortable and keep her from exerting herself…that’s what causes problems.”

Idelle watched as Jenred went about getting them organized for travel. She still didn’t know what was going on here.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Goffrey stirred in his sleep, coming awake violently once again. He moved his hands to his eyes and removed any left over sleep with them. He had been having intense nightmares as of late, some involving his past, others involving events that had not yet transpired, some involving Goffrey fighting himself.

They were disturbing to say the least, but the last one had been particularly hard to deal with. In it he saw his brother, laying dead at his fathers feet, he asked only one thing before death, why, the shadows around Siegfried parted, reveling that it had been Goffrey standing there all along, the same demonic glint in his eyes as in Siegfried's.

Goffrey visibly shook, as he warded the memory of the nightmare off, telling himself it was merely a bad dream. Somehow he didn't quite believe himself, and he lay there shaking for a moment, desperate for something else to focus his attention on. Casting his eyes about he found that he was alone in the great hall, laying on a table layered in his own dried blood.

With an effort Goffrey pulled himself into an upright position, his spine creaking from a combination of misuse and the hard wooded table he had been laying on.

'To hell with this table,' thought Goffrey as he swung himself to a sitting positio, biting back a snarl of pain, 'I'm going for a walk, need to clear my head.'

On unsteady feet Goffrey hobbled about the hall for a bit, eventually finding the torn remains of the shirt he had worn before the healers had torn it open in the midst of surgery. Worthless in its current state, Goffrey tossed it aside, and headed outside anyway. He was dismayed only a little to find the snow falling from the sky, but pressed on, figuring the cold air would clear his head all the better.

He got half way across the court yard when a procession of horses, lead by Jenred, and a carriage made its way inside the palace walls. Realizing what a daft fool he must look like, half naked in the snow, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and tried his best not look embarrassed.

"Jenred," he said acknowledging the lord, "You'll forgive me for interrupting, but might I ask what's going on here."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Aeriel drew the cloak tighter around her body, failing to understand how her brother was able to survive the chill. Aerywyn had strode out of his apartments with a coat hanging off his arm and dressed as if he was embracing the first green days of Spring, his collar even left open to the bite of the wind. Aerywyn glanced over his shoulder at his little sister wrapped in all her layers of clothes, flashing a mocking smile to her fury. All she could do was wrap herself deeper into her cloak and trudge on behind him.

This winter is nothing... maybe I'll take her with me to the frozen tundra of Thalmarkin next time I leave...

Ahead he spied a half-naked man before the procession of horses, and for a moment he was stunned with the realisation of who it was. There had been no fighting recently except in Saex, and yet here was someone wrapped in bandages as if having suffered from wounds as grievous as he had experienced not long before. Grinning at Goffrey, he turned to Jenred high upon his horse and offered the magistrate a respectful bow.

"Good 'morrow to you my lords", he greeted. "May my sister and I ride with you, Sir Jenred? I assume you are headed to the capital". Meanwhile Aeriel too had bowed with a bit more stiffness than her brother had. Afterwards she turned and bowed to her Lord, blushing a bit at his bare chested majesty.

She had even forgotten to offer him her brothers coat.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Jenred had to think fast. He still didn't understand why Madelena was so desperate to hide her illness, but...

"Goffrey, what in the names of all the Aenil are you doing up and about, and in this cold too! The Healer's will have my head if I let you wander about like this. Lord Aerywyn, Lady Aeriel, greetings and good day! Actually, I was merely escorting the Lady Madelena to Nocaneb. I was out taking a morning ride, training with my Guard, and came across her. We had a pleasant chat for some time, but I'm afraid I kept her up a little too long, she had been planning on sleeping during the journey, and is resting at the moment. I will certainly enjoy your company soon, but I must see her safely to her room before I can count my duties discharged. Perhaps I could meet the lord and lady in my sitting room in perchance half an hour? In the meantime, I'd very much appreciate it if you could escort the still badly wounded Lord Goffrey to, at the least, his chambers?"

Jenred kept a pleasant but slightly worried face on. This was becoming more complicated by the minute, and explaining this all to Idelle was going to be...problematic...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Madelena drank down the mixture the healer gave her and collapsed back on the pillows which had been supporting her in her carriage. Her head was spinning and she could barely hear the sound of voices outside the carriage. After some time the carriage jolted into motion once again and Madelena drifted in and out of a fitful consciousness.

During her sleep she kept dreaming of Sir Tenal, the times they had met, his face, his eyes, and his arm around her, and as she did so she murmured his name out loud. Sarah looked at her with enormous concern on her face. She was so afraid that her mistress would not make it. If the fever did not break soon she was sure that Madelena would die.

Eventually there could be heard the sound of hooves on stone as the carriage reached the city. It came to a stop outside the castle and Madelena was carried inside to a make shift healer's room where she was laid on one of the beds. She was barely conscious.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Goffrey shivered slightly as he turned to address Jenred.

"My apologizes Jenred, I was just so damn tired of lying about. I needed some fresh air, and damn it if I'm not sick to death of that table," said Goffrey sighing slightly as he paused to catch his breath, "Lord Aerywyn, Lady Aeriel, nice to see you. Aerywyn nice to have you back in Arcaea after such a long absence. If your ever on Arcaea's eastern boarder, feel free to stop by my estate in Sasat, and we'll pop open a wine bottle to celebrate your safe return."

He stopped suddenly as figure was pulled from the carriage. As the figure was carried towards the castle by healers, who all gave Goffrey looks of minor irritation as they passed, Goffrey realized that the person in their arms was a woman of dark hair and a pale complexion commonly associated with illness. Despite her obvious illness, Goffrey would still describe her as beautiful, he shook such thoughts out his mind though, refocusing his attention elsewhere.

He eventually came to the realization that he was still half naked, outside, in the snow. Turning back to Aerywyn, and his strangely red faced sister, he motioned towards the door.

"I think it might be prudent to fallow Jenred's suggestion, after all his wife to be has been my gracious host for nearly five days now," he said with a wiry grin, as he marched his slowly freezing, and slightly limping, body back towards the hall.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Aerywyn nodded at the suggestion, his mind on how a good cup of hot spiced wine would taste now. He was also stunned by the passage of the woman, astounded at how beautiful and ghost-like she looked agaisnt the backdrop of the snow, though he snuck a quick glance at Goffrey's face. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"That sounds like a good idea Goffrey, if only for yours and", he motioned to Aeriel, "my dear sister's sake. Also..."

After noticing that the flush in Aeriel's cheeks was not just due to the cold, he placed his coat in her hands with a half-mocking smile. She almost looked like she was going to kick him for making fun of her, but that only made his smile bigger, the more so because she had always been the cool headed and thoughtful child of them all.

"I am sure it is rather unbefitting for someone of Lord Goffrey's rank to be garbed so, especially in his condition." Aerywyn turned his head towards Goffrey. "Would you like to offer him my coat and make sure he isn't left wanting for help getting back inside. I shall order the servants to prepare a warm meal."

Before a response or a query could be uttered he had already turned on his heel, a parting bow in his wake. Striding back towards the main hall he was transfixed with the tantalising image of the wine gently gliding down his throat.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Darting a furious look at her brothers back, Aeriel gulped as she realised she was blushing furiously. She had seen Goffrey on several occasions, but even though he was her liege she had never had the opportunity to converse with him... and had never seen him in such a weak state. His gaunt form did little to hide the strength and pride, and his wounds only made him see the more experienced and noble. Quickly she held the greatcoat out to him.

"My lord... I think my brother is right in that. You won't help yourself by getting a cold now."

Aeriel Haerthorne (Dame of Sasat)

Idelle raised her brow at Jenred’s words…riding with his men? What was the rascal playing at then? She eyed the woman as she was lifted from the carriage and taken into the castle. Idelle could not mistake her great beauty, even as pale and sickly as she was…and Jenred’s face told her nothing. She certainly hoped his mouth planned on telling her more, later. She fussed her way inside with the Lady.

Idelle instructed the bearers to take her to one of the rooms that she had designated for sickness. It was near the servants quarters and not at all a fine guest chamber, but it was easier to attend to illness there…and to keep anything catching from spreading.

Once the Countess was laid onto the bed, Idelle ascertained her maid’s name and began giving her directions, “Get her out of her clothes, Sarah…all of them…we’re going to need to bathe her to try and get the fever down. I’ll make up some more of the salix preparation, and I have one or two other things that are useful…mostly, though, with the Lump Fever…all you can do is get the fever down and keep her resting. On no account must she strain herself…she can damage her insides that way…or get the Wet Lung.”

She moved towards the door, “I’m going to the kitchen to get some things made up…” Idelle realized that Jenred was still hovering in the doorway, “And what are you doing, then?” she asked him with asperity, “Do you want to be catching it? Go on with you and do something useful…I know what I’m doing here.”

She eyed him, “Unless you’d like to be walking with me and explaining a thing or two?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred had been watching Madelena with a worried eye. She looked so ill...And it became even more readily apparent as they started removing her clothes. Poor woman...At least they had some superb Healers here...

Jenred was startled out of his thoughts by Idelle's comments.

"Ah, yes...That would be a good idea. Shall we?"

He caught Idelle almost...glaring at him. Why was she glaring...? He'd been worried at the description of her illness, and judging from Idelle's reactions, he was right to have been so. Well, he should start explaining...

"Well, it all started with the Lady sending a letter of support over the recent uproar, which I responded to, and we began discussing a few matters...Then she mentioned her illness, and that she hadn't had it treated yet, but begging me not to inform anyone of it. I'm not really sure why, some strange nonsense about not wanting to lose her position as Countess. I was concerned, and wrote back urging her to let the Healers help, when she sent a final letter saying that she could write no more, as the writing had exhausted her. I sent a quick letter informing her that I was on my way...And the rest you know."

Jenred tapped his chin absently.

"I do hope she'll be alright..."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Idelle humphed as they walked briskly up the corridor. Standing around watching them undress the Lady. Though, his story was…reasonable enough…

“Don’t know why that durn-fooled woman wouldn’t get treated, though…never heard such a thing. She could have done herself an injury coming out in this weather,” she caught Jenred’s worried look, “She’ll be fine…Lump Fever almost never kills you…just makes you weak as a kitten. Now that we’ve got her here where we can get her fever down and keep her resting…there’ll be no worries…other than keeping it from spreading around.”

They had reached the kitchens and Idelle made to take her leave of him, “I did mean to metion to you…the conversation that we had the other day. We never really had a chance to speak after that…things have been…busy. But Gerda…she could be bought…and…I don’t think she’d care about Grafan.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred blinked at this.

"Oh. Really now...That...Is very good news."

Jenred flashed a fierce grin, his eyes showing a frightening degree of hatred.

"I'm...Very, very glad to hear that. Might have to consider...exactly...how to handle that..."

Jenred was lost for a time in thoughts of how he would kill Edara's step-father...worthless bastard that he was...Mmm...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Goffrey looked down at the great coat held out to him by Aeriel, before looking back up at Aeriel smiling warmly.

"Thank you Lady Aeriel," he said as he took the coat from his hands,"And please, call me Goffrey, Eugen always gets jealous when other people call me 'My Lord'," he finished smiling to show he was joking.

"Speaking of cold's, your looking a little red faced yourself," he said, holding a hand to her fore head in an attempt to gauge her temperature,"you don't seem to have a fever, well all the same lets get inside, the cold is starting to get to me."

Goffrey turned back towards the hall, swinging the coat onto his frame, as he hobbled back inside the great hall. He didn't realize just how cold it was outside until he noticed the sharp contrast between indoors and outdoors. He shivered as the once frozen blood came back to life with a vengeance, sending a tingling sensation coursing through his body.

He took a seat next to the fire place of the hall, currently the home to several red hot embers, resting his battered body realizing he had pushed himself to hard as it was.

"Don't mind me," he said, an edge of strain in his voice," I just need to rest for a bit, think I took it too fast there."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred was feeling quite invigorated. Idelle's news was excellent, and she had assured him Lady Madelena would be fine...Although she had still glared at him a bit. He shrugged it off, though, knowing that if Idelle had a real problem, she would have said something. Goffrey was walking...Which reminded him, he still needed to meet Lord Aerywyn and his sister...Aeriel? Yes, Lady Aeriel. He wondered if Goffrey would be with them...He was looking quite mulish. He turned into the great hall, intending to cut through on his way to his sitting room, when he spotted the whole group. Lady Aeriel was looking very flushed, he hoped she just wasn't a fan of snow and...Oh...Looking over at Goffrey...Ah, that would explain the flushing...And it looked like no one else had noticed...

"Lord Aerywyn, Lady Aeriel, Lord Goffrey, welcome and good day! You seem to have settled in here, I'll just have the food and drink brought to the hall instead."

He sent a servant off to make the arrangements, and then settled down next to Goffrey.

"It's good to see you walking, my friend, but...Wasn't that a bit much to start with?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Sarah was starting to grow concerned. Madelena had been sleeping for quite some time now and had not stirred. She simply lay there motionless on the bed looking more and more pale.

Sarah went and fetched some water and tried to wake her lady to give her something to drink.

"M'Lady you must try and drink," she said earnestly, shaking her by the shoulder. Madelena did not stir. "M'Lady?" Sarah shook harder and Madelena still did not move. Sarah immediately felt for a pulse, and eventually, with an enormous sigh of relief found a faint pulse coming from her mistress' wrist. Sarah then left the room looking for the healer. Madelena was unconscious and this could not be good.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Idelle hurried back to the sick room, followed by several servants bearing a large tub. She met a frantic Sarah in the hall, babbling about her mistress being unconscious. Idelle rushed in.

“Oh gods bless, why have you got her all covered up…we’re trying to cool her down!” Idelle dragged the blankets from the woman, “Get that tub in here!” she commanded.

The servants set up the tub and then began to trot back and forth filling it with cool water. While they were doing that, Idelle got some of the medicine that she had prepared into Madelena…tipping her head back and pouring it in, “This is a bit more powerful than the salix…we’ll knock this fever right out of her.”

She instructed the men to lift the limp woman into the tub once it was full. “Sarah, start bathing her…get the water onto her head and face…we’ll keep her in there until this fever breaks.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

After realising that the few servants around the place were going to obey and even recognise Jenred, Aerywyn reached close to the hearth and squatted on his haunches. An expression of satisfaction eased into his features as the heat of the hearth spread through his outstretched hands, after which he stoked the flames and placed another log on the fire. As he stared into the crackling flames he let his mind wander for a while...

"Jenred, who was that woman who was ushered past by the healers?", he said rising from his place. "I am sure they'll be time to get to know each other better soon, but shes..." Been on my mind. "...I am curious about her. Why are the healers letting this wounded lad risk injuring himself?".

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Sarah did as Idelle told her, although she was worried that this would made her mistress worse. They had funny habits in this new country. She held her lady's head in her arms and scooped the cold water over her head. She did this was almost half an hour.

At the end of this time Madelena slowly opened her eyes and looked at Sarah.

"M'Lady! Can you hear me?" cried Sarah with much concern.

"Yes" mumbled Madelena feebly. "But I am cold. What am I doing in this bath?"

Sarah got some of the women of the castle to help Madelena out of the bath and into a freshly made up bed. Madelena was exhausted by the move, but she felt like a huge cloud had lifted from her.

"Sarah" she spoke to her maid. "I think the fever has broken. I feel heavy, but I feel different."

"Praise be to Sartan!" Exclaimed Sarah, before she realized how loudly she had spoken and softened her voice to a whisper. "Shall I get Idelle for you again?"

"Who is Idelle?"

"That is her Grace's healer," replied Sarah.

Madelena was honored that the Duchess' own healer was waiting on her but she was also concerned. It meant that more than just Sir Jenred knew of her sickness. She hoped that Edara would not think badly off her for being so weak.

"You get some rest M'Lady" said Sarah softly. "I thinks you be through the worst of it by nows." she said with a smile.

Madelena smiled feebly back and drifted off to the most restful sleep she had had in a long time.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

"Ah...That would be the Lady Madelena...I'm afraid you'll have to wait for some time, she's very tired, hasn't had a good night's sleep since Orbeh joined...Oh, yes, I would like very much to know how Goffrey here managed to escape the Healers' clutches..."

Jenred rounded on his friend, desperately hoping to divert Aerywyn from Madelena.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Aerywyn eyes narrowed at the back of Jenred's head. It was clear for him to see but it piqued his curiosity the more because the womans illness was being covered up.

"Jenred, if you are so concerned for our dear Goffrey, then perhaps I will make sure that the healers do not trouble Lady Madelena", he spoke carefully.

With that he walked quickly towards the stairs, quickly asking a passing soldier where the healers had gone and moved around him so that he would get in the way of Jenred if he tried to stop him.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

"Milord Aery-oh damn and blast..."

Jenred trailed off into muttering and swearing under his breath. Well, nothing for it now. He just hoped Aerywyn didn't disturb the lady, or see anything he shouldn-oh. Ah. That would be why...Idelle had been glaring at him. Ah. Hm. This explained...yes. This was going to be a problem...But not for right now.

He turned to face the very pale looking Goffrey, and the still strangely flushed Lady Aeriel, awaiting Goffrey's answer.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

As Aerywyn was again acting on his suspicions, Aeriel simply sighed at her brothers impetuous melodrama. She had grown up being the younger sister, but had so often been responsible for keeping both Aerywyn and Tirilyn in line that she felt more a mother than anything. She sat herself next to Goffrey, a concerned look in her eyes which was more so for his wounds than any commotion that might occur upstairs.

"It shouldn't be long before we eat... Do you think you'll still be able to eat... Goffrey?".

She said the last hesitantly, still getting used to the informal use of it.

Aeriel Haerthorne (Dame of Sasat)

Goffrey shook his head, chuckling lightly under his breath.

"Never a dull moment around here is it Jenred," said Goffrey with a weak half smile.

Turning his head to regard Aeriel, noting the worried glint in her eyes, flashing a disarming smile more to calm her down then anything else.

"I suppose I should eat something, I mean 5 days of nothing but drugs and sleep will get to a man after awhile," he said jokingly.

His face darkened slightly slightly as he turned back to Jenred.

"And, it would give us the excuse to to talk,"he said grimly, "there are some things we need to discuss, about the incident that resulted in my extended visit to the castle."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred's attention snapped onto Goffrey immediately.

"Yes. What in the name of all the hells happened Goffrey? The blasted man faked death and then escaped from the damn dungeons. And he is scary for crying out loud! I've gone face-to-face with Aenil-be-damned alpha monsters and been less frightened than of that man lying supposedly dead!"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

She had heard of something happening, a Sartanian fanatic of sorts who had caused Goffrey his grievous wounds, but Aeriel had heard very little indeed of the actual circumstances surrounding the event. The way Sir Jenred took to the discussion so intently worried her, and she silently drew her cloak back from her head, letting a long wave of red cascade down her back. Biting her lip, as if to say something but thinking better of it, she decided to merely listen in to what had to be said.

Aeriel Haerthorne (Dame of Sasat)

Goffrey did not exactly relish the prospect of revealing so much information about himself and his family in such an open environment. He cast a look toward a half glance towards Aeriel, noting that she seemed intent on listening to what was about to be said. Goffrey sighed heavily, as if bearing some great weight on his shoulders, before turning his gaze upon Jenred.

"I don't know what happened Jenred," he said honestly keeping him face completely even through out, "the battle only comes back to me in brief images of pain and rage, I don't remember much of what happened or what the man look liked."

Silence filled the room so much so that it was almost deafening too Goffrey at least. He hardened himself and continued.

"I only remember one thing for certain, one thing I will never forget.....his eyes.....his damnable diamonic eyes," he said gravely, "There is only one man alive with eyes that cold shatter a man souls so effortlessly," he paused as if struggling with himself weather he dared speak what he knew to be true until a glint of determination broke through the hesitation and he looked at Jenred with a renewed intensity.

"Theres no question, the man that almost killed me, was my Father."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Edara approached the duchal chair with trepidation. The timing seemed right to hold court again, but she still felt so young and ridiculous in her robes. How could the people look at her and think that she would have any wisdom for their problems? She was only a girl…a girl with a title…but still just a girl.

She settled into her seat and arranged her robes. Her banner looked very nice behind her…but she would be so happy when she could have court properly in her own Hall. She really must talk to Idelle about having Goffrey moved to another room. It was so hard to be impressive in the tourney grounds.

The people seemed…a bit more settled this time…less openly disparaging…she even saw…yes…a few encouraging smiles. Edara felt a bit of a warm glow at that…there were at least some here that didn’t hate her then. That was something. She signalled her seneschal to have the first petitioners come forward.

Her head spun by the time she had heard all of the cases. Most were small things: disputes over who owned some chickens and if the fishmonger was encroaching on another’s hereditary location in the market. A few were more serious…a rather complicated argument over well-rights that apparently went back a few generations…and…a thief…caught in flagrante delicto.

Edara knew that this had to be punished…though it pained her…she had—creatively acquired—things in her time: the gleaming scythe beside her, for one. Still, she had never stolen food from hungry people…nor coin from those who could ill afford it.

“First offense,” she declared, trying to keep her voice steady, “The left hand shall be branded…and he shall be banned from my region,” Edara looked at the criminal seriously, “Go and do your thieving elsewhere if you must do it, Robert Millerson. If you’re caught in these lands pilfering again…you’ll lose that hand.”

Afterwards…yes…she thought there were more nods and smiles then frowns. She had done her best to be just…and to look as though she knew what she was doing. And this time…no one had spat at all.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred's eyes widened, and then he barked a harsh laugh.

"Well...I'm not the only one in Arcaea with a murderous father...Now, I'm going to need more details. I need to know everything you can tell me. Was he after you? Someone else? Is he likely to be employed by Sartania, Lasanar, or someone else?"

Jenred stopped, realizing that asking more questions at this point would be pointless. Hopefully this was just one lone madman...But if Goffrey's father was working for someone...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Aerywyn made his way to the room where the Lady Madelena was being tended to, and for a moment he hesitated just as his hand touched the door. Was it his business why Jenred was covering up her illness? She was Sartanian... maybe that had something to do with it. He had already scared one of the healers out of his wizened, old bones by storming up the stairs, and the man was standing there watching him tentatively, unsure of what the lord would do.

He sighed heavily, realising that his concern and curiosity would not forgive him if he backed away now. At least he could be tact about it. Knocking on the door, he pushed it open and entered the darkness of the room. For certain there was someone in the bed at the corner of the room though there was no one else present, and Aerywyn shut the door quietly behind him. Taking the empty chair next to the bed he looked closely at the body resting there, knowing now for certain this was the lady who had been ushered in not long before. He caught a glimpse of her face, still pale, and rested a hand agaisnt her head...

A fever... dying down but...

He suddenly didn't feel so hungry anymore, and decided to keep watch on her for a while.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Aeriel was astounded by Jenred's reaction, herself being slightly disturbed by the news that Goffrey's own father was out to kill him. Of course, Jenred was an outcast from his family, but already he was taking the matter to the level of the realms security. In a sense Aeriel admired that, but...

"My lord... what could have happened that he would attempt to kill you? Those wounds do not look like an argument between a father and son...", she asked Goffrey.

Aeriel Haerthorne (Dame of Sasat)

Madelena stirred from her sleep and could dimply make out the figure of a man by her bedside. She was momentarily confused as to her surroundings, thinking herself back in Sartania. She sat up suddenly..

"Tenal, is that you?"

But as the cloudiness in front of her eyes began to clear she realized she was in the castle in Nocaneb and that the man sitting beside her was a stranger. She pulled the covers up around her, raising her knees to her chest.

"If you have come to kill me sir, do it quickly!" Her heart was pounding as she realized she was completely defenseless. Madelena was sure that this man was an assassin and that her time in this world was coming to an end.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Goffrey smiled slightly, finding his own worries lessened if only a little. He paused for a moment considering both questions, before looking up at the two.

"I'm afraid it is in fact a bit more complicated then that Lady Aeriel, and please call me Goffrey," he said, hoping she wouldn't pry further, there were something about his past that he did not want to bring up, especially not in front of her.

"But yes," he said to Jenred, "He was after me, I could see that much in his eyes," said Goffrey a bit grimly.

"I feel I have to apologize to you Jenred, I brought this evil to your door step, and it resulted in death, I wasn't even able to stop him, after all I've been through I'm still but a child when compared to him," he continued, trailing off glumly before realizing just where he was.

"I don't think he was working for anyone, he was always a sort of lone wolf type, but that is by no means something you should take comfort in, he's more then dangerous enough alone," said Goffrey solemnly.

"He is not a man to be taken lightly, not even when working alone, especially not when working alone," said Goffrey, trying desperately to stress just how important it was that Jenred know what he was dealing with, "We're talking about a man who spars with daimons for the sport of it."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Jenred was somewhat relieved. A lone wolf, no matter how dangerous, could be dealt with...He wouldn't assume Goffrey was correct, but it was some relief. As for this sparring with Daimons...Jenred knew little about them, he'd have to ask Arlian what he thought about this claim. Jenred was more inclined to think it standard Heroic hyperbole. They were excellent tale-tellers, these Heroes, but they did exaggerate...

"Goffrey...He's one man. Especially with peace breaking out with Sartania...We can handle him. Lasanar is little threat. If I felt like it, I could probably convince almost all of Arcaea to join the hunt for Siegfried. He may be strong, but you can't tell me he could escape or beat our entire army with a loyal populace. We'll get him, and gut him, soon enough."

Jenred glared firmly at Goffrey.

"Now. You. Rest. The Healers will be having fits about your little stroll. I will, if I have to, sit on you. Or, better yet, delegate a minion to sit on you. I've become quite fond of minions. Being the one giving orders instead of the one on the receiving end of them does change one's attitude...In any case, you will rest and you will do what the Healer's tell you. To help pass the time, I'll spend as much time as I can with you, and ask Arlian and Harmony and Edara if they'll help as well. Understood?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Tenal... Tenal Quasath isn't it?

Aerywyn leant forward in his chair as he noticed Madelena stir in her sleep, and saw the confusion appear in her eyes shortly after they opened. Her reaction however took him aback and for a moment he sat there stunned, searching for words. After a brief second he relaxed himself and smiled apologetically.

"Calm yourself Lady Madelene... there are no daggers in the night here". A lie considering what happened to Goffrey. "And I am certainly not one of them", he sighed. "At least you seem to be feeling better than before."

He reached for her forhead again to test her temperature, slowly as to not scare her again.

"Aside from the fright I gave you, how are you feeling now?", Aerywyn asked her.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Madelena still did not know who this stranger was and yet he was full of confidence as he gently reached out and held the back of his hand to her brow.

"I, I, believe I am a little better" she said, almost shyly. "I feel so heavy though. Why are you here and who are you?"

Madelena lay there watching this man. She was exhausted. Ever movement wore her out. Even thinking was a strain.

Her dog fangs had been watching everything from his bad by the fire. Madelena's faithful old wolf house would not normally have allowed a stranger to touch his mistress but this had been happening a lot lately and so he was growing accustomed to abnormalities in routine. He did however want to give himself a closer look so stretched, climbed to his feeble feat, and wondered over to the bedside.

Madelena was please to see him.

"Fangs!" She gently reached out and touched the top of her old friend's head. He cocked his head to one side as if to shown concern for her and then turned to face the stranger.

"This is my dog, Fangs, said Madelena quietly. Fangs this is...?"

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

"Arry", he replied simply.

It was the name his sister and brother called him by. Yet the sight of the old hound filled Aerywyn's heart with warmth, bringing back memories of the dogs he had loved as a child. His eyes sparkled as the smile touched his eyes, and he attempted to show the hound he was no threat. He was completely focused with the task, hunching close to the ground to appear smaller and offered his hand for Fangs to sniff.

"Fangs, eh? Here old boy... I wont bite."

The hound tentatively sniffed his hand, before laying down beside the bed having decided the man to be of little danger for the moment. Finally his attention came back to Madelena, though he kept his eyes from meeting hers, mentally cursing his weakness.

There were tears in his eyes, though he hid them well.

"How long have you had such a fine companion?", he asked softly.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Edara returned home from her first really successful court session and breezed into the Hall to check up on Goffrey. She was extremely surprised to see him sitting up by the fire talking with Jenred and a lovely, young lady.

“Goodness, Goffrey—should you even be out of bed?” she asked, whilst worming her way under Jenred’s arm and wrapping her own around his waist. Turning her attention from Goffrey for a moment, she smiled up at her love and hugged him tightly. She looked back at the patient, who was looking at Jenred uncomfortably. Edara glanced between the two men, feeling as though she had walked in on the middle of something.

“You don’t look good; I’m getting Idelle,” she said, preparing to get a servant’s attention when she saw Idelle entering from the kitchen end. Edara was looking right at her when she saw Goffrey—Idelle’s face purpled and her normal bustling-pace picked up.

“Lord Goffrey! What are you still doing up? If you’ve torn those stitches…” her hands began feeling over his stomach, “No bleeding, thank the gods. Whatever are you playing at? Wandering about outside of a frosty morning and sitting up here pretty as you please? Are you of a mind to be dying then? I’ve spent days keeping you alive, and I’m not about to allow you to undo all my good work by dropping dead.”

Idelle waved a couple of servants over while she carried on, “Now then, milord, the boys here are going to help me get you into bed—where you’ll be staying until I say you can get up again. I’ve got a nice bed all ready for you…”

Edara smothered a grin at Goffrey’s discomfiture. Idelle really was too much—but Edara didn’t care a bit. She would have been happy to set her up with her own little cottage now that she had the means to do so, but Idelle wouldn’t hear of it: certain that only she could run the Castle properly.

Edara suddenly realized that she had forgotten the young woman, "OH...Hello there! I'm Edara," she smiled warmly at her, "You have red hair just like mine! How lovely!"

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Edara returned home from her first really successful court session and breezed into the Hall to check up on Goffrey. She was extremely surprised to see him sitting up by the fire talking with Jenred and a lovely, young lady.

“Goodness, Goffrey—should you even be out of bed?” she asked, whilst worming her way under Jenred’s arm and wrapping her own around his waist. Turning her attention from Goffrey for a moment, she smiled up at her love and hugged him tightly. She looked back at the patient, who was looking at Jenred uncomfortably. Edara glanced between the two men, feeling as though she had walked in on the middle of something.

“You don’t look good; I’m getting Idelle,” she said, preparing to get a servant’s attention when she saw Idelle entering from the kitchen end. Edara was looking right at her when she saw Goffrey—Idelle’s face purpled and her normal bustling-pace picked up.

“Lord Goffrey! What are you still doing up? If you’ve torn those stitches…” her hands began feeling over his stomach, “No bleeding, thank the gods. Whatever are you playing at? Wandering about outside of a frosty morning and sitting up here pretty as you please? Are you of a mind to be dying then? I’ve spent days keeping you alive, and I’m not about to allow you to undo all my good work by dropping dead.”

Idelle waved a couple of servants over while she carried on, “Now then, milord, the boys here are going to help me get you into bed—where you’ll be staying until I say you can get up again. I’ve got a nice bed all ready for you…”

Edara smothered a grin at Goffrey’s discomfiture. Idelle really was too much—but Edara didn’t care a bit. She would have been happy to set her up with her own little cottage now that she had the means to do so, but Idelle wouldn’t hear of it: certain that only she could run the Castle properly.

Edara suddenly realized that she had forgotten the young woman, "OH...Hello there! I'm Edara," she smiled warmly at her, "You have red hair just like mine! How lovely!"

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Despite the situation...Jenred had to laugh as he pulled Edara tight and kissed her. He could see the look of confusion on her face, but he mouthed "later" as he waved a suddenly cheery goodbye to the non-plussed Goffrey. At Edara's words to...Aeriel, yes, that was her name, Jenred looked over, and saw that yes, her hair was a similar colour. Fascinating...

He could think of a few things to say, but he wanted to hear Aeriel's response before piping up again. He was perfectly content to sit there with Edara wrapped up in his arms until sundown, when they could reasonably escape to their rooms...He would have to issue orders to hunt for this Siegfried, maybe even bring it before the Council for consideration of mobilizing troops to join the hunt, although he wanted to wait a bit before trying such a drastic measure...But that could wait for a few minutes. He had his arms full of Edara, and summoning a servant would involve changing that, at least for a moment, which he was not prepared to consider yet.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Madelena lay back down fully again, her head heavy on the pillow. She shifted sideways slightly and looked at Sir Aerywyn.

"Arry? Are you ok?" She could tell them something had upset him and she was immediately concerned.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Aerywyn smiled and waved his hand in dismissal, though he had to exert some effort to steady his voice a bit.

"Its nothing... just memories is all", he said quietly. "I was still a boy when these wars first started".

Yet he left it at that, the stark blue of his eyes dulled and glazed as they dropped from Madelena to the hound. In his mind he was quelling the pictures his subconscious was drawing up, forcing them back down where they belonged. But it was the image of the hunting dogs, slaughtered helplessly in their kennels as Aerywyn hid amongst the ****, piss and straw. He and his brother had been living with their uncle that autumn, and the two of them were lucky enough to be with the dogs when the Sartanian raiders came with their swords and fire.

It was not the pungent smell of fear that pained him, the blood or the ash and fire. He had grown up with war and was already used to the faults of men. Amidst the falling leaves of Autumn, it was the needless slaughter that saddened him more than anything. Yet as a the cows moaned and the dogs howled and yelped, it was the baby sparrow born late that summer learning to fly that finally caught his eye. The little red sparrow ascending from the flames, tiny in comparison to madness around it as the winds laugh with all their might...

Eventually he freed himself of such mournful thoughts. He shook his head with a self-mocking smile, keeping his strange mind to himself for another day. He motioned to stand, smelling the savoury aromours drifting from the kitchen.

"M'lady Madelena, you look like you still need some rest", Aerywyn spoke steadily. "Sleep a while and I shall make sure some food and warm wine is sent up to you".

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Madelena had seen that Sir Aerywyn was deep in thought, and she shuddered as she saw the look which passed across his face. She had an amazing capacity for empathizing with the feelings of others but she also knew when not to pry.

"I thank you Arry. I think I might perhaps be able to eat something like a light broth but nothing more. You are most kind to attend to my needs like this."

Upon which Aerywyn walked out the door.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Idelle was leading Goffrey--aided by two sturdy servants--to the room that she had prepared for him when she saw Lord Aerywyn coming out of Lady Madelena's room. Idelle wanted to cry. What was going on in the Castle today? Had she completely lost her grip on things? First the man who had been wounded nigh unto death wandering about in the snow and now her newest patient being fooled with. Someone should have come to tell her at once that someone was disturbing the sick room. And why, by all that breathed, was he in the Lady's room, anyway?

"Milord," Idelle adressed Aerywyn acerbically, "Is there something with which I could help you? Or are you just bound and determined to catch the Lump Fever and spread it all around?"

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Aeriel found herself watching the flames dance, considering all the words that Goffrey and Jenred had said, running trying to make sense of them. Siegfried? The name itself seemed foreboding. She was taken out of her reverie by Edara's words, lifting her head to the woman on Jenreds lap.

"Why... yes, darker than yours, but yes", she said smiling thoughtfully. "I am Aeriel, Aerywyn's sister".

Aeriel Haerthorne (Dame of Sasat)

As he was closing the door behind him, Aerywyn suddenly found himself accosted by a rather frightful women, the type who as a small child you learnt to fear and obey without question, the type who would probably make a better military commander than the strictest of the realms generals. Behind her he saw the curious eyes of Goffrey watching him. He cursed having come out of the room at that point. He smiled sweetly at Idelle.

"Good evening my gracious lady, it is a pleasure to meet you too", Aerywyn answered to her sarcasm. "I had merely been in to see if the Lady Madelena, who had seemed in such a state when she was ushered in, was feeling any better, and if there was anything I could do for her."

"It is a gentleman's duty of course", he added.

Now smiling in triumph, he moved swiftly before she could get another word in, looking over her shoulder at the trio standing behind her.

"Ah, my dear Goffrey! I hope you haven't taken a turn for the worse have you?".

Aerywyn Haerthorne Banker of Arcaea

Madelena drank a small amount of broth on the first day after her fever broke and spent the rest of the time resting. It was amazing how much she was able to sleep.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Edara smiled broadly, “Oh! Aeriel! You wrote me such a lovely letter…it’s so nice to meet you at last,” she enthused, unwrapping herself from Jenred so that she could shake Aeriel’s hand.

“When did you arrive? Have you had refreshments? Why didn’t anyone tell me that you were here? Goodness!” Edara laughed and looked at Jenred, “You should have had someone find me!” She returned her attention to the other girl, “Did you have a pleasant journey? Will you be staying here with us, then? Sometime we’re going to have a party…when Goffrey is well enough to attend. I guess he’s better than he was, so maybe we could pick a day…I hope that you’ll be staying for it. Really, I’ve never thrown a party, and this got so complicated with Goff getting all stabbed up and everything,” Edara’s face fell, and she turned to Jenred once more.

“Did Goffrey have anything to say about who attacked him…and what they were doing in my castle?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred winced.

"Yes...It appears Goffrey and I have more in common than I thought...Murderous fathers being the latest joining...But, it appears this Siegfried is working on his own, and is 'only' trying to kill Goffrey. I'll need to dispatch men to hunt him down soon, might ask a few nobles who are bored with fixing regions to join the hunt..."

Jenred trailed off, thinking. Might be a good way to keep people occupied...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Madelena awoke with a start. She had been dreaming about her childhood days in Orbeh, running amongst the corn fields with her sisters and brother. They were such happy memories when times were less complicated and the sun always seemed to shine. She would pick out the poppies from the fields for her mama and take them back and put them in a terracotta vase on the kitchen table.

But it was not the corn fields she missed the most about home when she was away, but rather the forest. The sounds of the woodpeckers drilling for bugs with their beaks, the crunch of dead twigs underfoot, and the swish and swoosh of the great oaks as they swayed to and fro in the breeze of a bright spring day were what she longed to see again.

"Sarah, are you there?"

No response.

"Sarah?" She called again, only this time a little louder. The face of a servant popped around the door.

"She is in the laundry room at present miss. Shall I fetch her for you?"

"Yes please."

The servant went on her errand and before long Sarah was at Madelena's bedside.

"Sarah we need to go home."

"Pardon me saying miss, but we have only just got here and in your state we won't be traveling no wheres for quite some time."

"But we must Sarah. I miss home, I feel miserable and sick and yucky. I miss my papa, my brother, and the woods. I need to do some work there. There is much to be done. I cannot stay here in bed all day."

Sarah eyed her before speaking.

"Why don't we try getting you up and in a chair for the morning and see how you do before we decide?"

Madelena agreed and she was, before long, ensconced in a comfortable chair with a book to read. However Madelena soon put the book down. It hurt her eyes to read too much and her glands were still swollen terribly. Before she knew it she was asleep again and there was no way she would be returning to Orbeh, at least not on that day.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

Edara blanched, “The killer was his…father?” She shivered a little and snuggled back into Jenred’s arms, “But…his…father? That’s horrible!” She felt a wave of pity for poor Goffrey, “What sort of father…tries to kill his own son? And murders anyone that gets in his way? Jenred...he simply must be stopped! What if he tries to kill Goffrey again? He must be…an amazing warrior to have…done what he did to Goff. Any men that go hunting him will have to be…extremely careful.”

She thought about this for a moment, “Yes…hunt in packs…and a guard should be on Goffrey at all times…you don’t think that…this Siegfried could…get back into the castle, do you?”

Edara looked over to Aeriel, “What a terrible way for us to welcome you! Goffrey on death’s door and murderers running about,’ she sighed, “I just wanted to have a party.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb