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While he was traveling to Orbeh, he wondered of his services could be of any use. There was enough proof of his experience in the city's he had worked, but Orbeh was a woodland area. He wasn't quite sure his experience would be of use to Dame Madelena.

His captain Guido, of his Flying Daggers, came to him. 'Sir, if I may speak so bold, what are you worring about?' 'Guido, speak freely, for I'm not sure of I can be of any use in Orbeh. You know my experience in city's, but I have never tried my services in any woodland region.' 'Don't be afraid m'Lord, for the peasants in woodland regions are more sensitive for any bureaucratic words. I know this from my own experience as a man of the region of Lantzas.' 'Thank you for this kind words, Guido, will you do something for me? Please make sure the men are looked after properly and promise them their pay when we arrive. I'm sure it will speed up our journey.'

Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)

When he heard that Tatham was on his way, he called for Waldred. "Could you send a messenger to find Sir Aldaríon? I would like to meet with him. Let him tell Sir Aldaríon that he can meet me here at the border of Saex. I want the messenger back by tomorrow evening." "Yes Sir, consider it done!"

While turning his back to the tent entrance he motioned Waldred to leave. He needed to contemplate his next actions, what should he do until the next order?!

He thought that maybe he should send a message to Lady Rossini, whether there was something he could do to help her region. At least until further orders, but he decided to keep quiet; she knew he was there, didn't she? Yes he would definitely wait until he heard something from her side. Although he knew there was a good chance he wouldn't get a message at all.

Galdor Stormwind (Knight of Remton)

Thalathafn rode slightly behind his unit, watching in amusement as Captain Ruprecht and the Keepers attempted to fend off the snow ambush of the village children. They had be instructed to not harm the locals, never the less it was rare to see the men at such ease. Peace was on the horizon.

Their pace was slow as his horses hoves left deep imprints in the soft snow which covered the forest path. The occasional breeze brought down a truffle of snow from the branches of the towering hemlocks before him. The sun shone through the canopy but its rays cold and bleak. Thalathafn pulled his heavy cloak tighter around his neck as he swayed in the saddle. Another year had come to pass and unlike the previous, Arcaea had turned the tides. Having been reduced to a mere capital and the perimeter woodland, Arcaea had grown immensely during the year. Then the thought hit him, like the bushel of snow that broke over his dark blond hair. It was done, Arcaea was safe. He never thought it was possible when he left Cathay to defend his mothers homeland, besieged on all sides. Now it was done, his sense of accomplishment was quickly overshadowed by a sense of emptiness. What more was there for him in Arcaea? It was his sense of honour that brought him there and his sense of duty that retained him. Now what will the future hold to keep him? Thalathafn pondered as his horse trudged through the snow laden path westward.

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel General of Arcaea, Marshal of the Field of Honour

Arriving at one of the palisades of Orbeh, his men looked eagerly at their Captain. Guido seemed not interested but knew what was going on, their lord had promised them their pay when they arrived at this very palisade. Guido didn't thought twice and stepped forward to his lord.

'm'Lord?' 'Yes Guido, what is it that you want to ask me?' 'Sir, you made a promise during our travel, and your men seemed not to have forgotten about it.' 'Neither have I, Guido, tell them I will come over for some words as well.' He reached for one of the saddlebacks of his horse, where he normally stored his money on his travels. When he had found what he needed, he strode back to his men.

His men formed a neat line, next to their Captain. For he had only 6 men left, it was a bit disappointing to him, as he had commanded forces up to 40 men in the past. Nevertheless, these were fine men, and they did their jobs well.

'My men, I want to thank you for the speed during the travel. I'm very content that there hasn't been any delay. I know there isn't much entertainment around here, especially in comparison to the city's where I normally work, but make yourself at home, for I will be needed around here for some time. If you get lucky, we will either have a fight with some Sartains down here, which I hope, or either I will be called back to Nocaneb or Remton soon. But for now make yourself at home. In the morning I will take another roll-call, I suggest you take some rest till then.'

For the sun was already setting and the journey had been exhausting, his men took his words and their payment with ease. His Captain led them to their barracks, which were in fact no more then some empty stables. He went himself to the local inn, where he had rent a room and a study, to do his work the following days.

A single knock on the door got his attention. 'Come in, and reveal yourself.' A messenger came stumbling through the door. He looked like a peasant, but some of his clothes suggested a better payment, and one moment later he recognized the coat the boy was wearing. 'What's up, boy, are you gonna stand there all eve or did you come with a message?' The boy was actually quite young still, he hadn't past his 17th summer. But the boy showed him some letters now, and he knew for sure that there was one of Galdor, for the coat had been his. Galdor had worn it when they were both enforced to leave Ipsosez.

The letters laid down on his desk, the boy seemed to wait for something, a reward of some kind. The hesitation on the boys face was clear, normally he just have left the room. 'Oh God, it's Galdor again isn't it? He promised you a little payment, which I would pay you if you brought this letters to me, isn't it?' The boy smiled faintly now, he seemed still unable to speak, and he made a single nod. While reaching for his inner pocket, he spoke to the boy once more. 'You are not a man of lots of words are you? Do you ever speak?' Handing over a small amount of money, the boy stepped forward, and showed him the inside of his mouth, where a tongue should have been wasn't anything of that kind. It was a horrible sight. 'Close your mouth, please boy. Galdor once again found the perfect men for his jobs. If you wait downstairs, I will bring you in about an hour or so some letters to return to him.' The boy now did as he was supposed to, and left the room.

He wondered what his friend had to tell them, they hadn't heard from each other since their dinner at Remton. Therefore he started on Galdor’s letter with great interest, not knowing what had become of his friend.

Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)

Opening the letter Galdor sent him, he wondered what him was sent. Galdor told him he had entered the 'fast' army of Arcaea, which gave him much satisfaction. In contrast to Tatham, Galdor was a bit more a man of brutal force then the force of a quill. This could be the consequence of Galdor being a few years younger, and a little more eager to make it here. Also Galdor told him he was near Orbeh, in the region of Saex. It was his intention to meet each other for a duel, and to just see each other once again, for it was a long time ago they had met.

He thought he could see Galdor the next day, after a short visit of the Dame of Orbeh, Madelena. He started on a quick note to Galdor, before turning his attention to an official letter to Dame Madelena, for his visit still had to be arranged. When finished he walked downstairs, to call the messenger who had brought the letters to him. 'Messenger, I have some work for you.' The messenger stood up, and walked back to the bar, to pay for his drinks. 'Leave that to me, my boy, you were told that I would pay for you, and so will it be. Take this letters, and make sure Galdor is ready to compete with me once again.' The messenger walked back to him, took the letters, bowed and left the inn.

He walked himself to the bar, to order a beer, and to pay for the other drinks. When he finished his beer, he went to his bed for tomorrow would be a long day.

Tatham Aldaríon (Knight of Lantzas)

Thalathafn stood in the frigid swamp drawing his sword though an old cloth to clean the blood from the blade. A light snow drifted over the battlefield where the carcasses lay. The slain beasts were large and bore a heavy coat but had a duckbill and flat muscular tail. It would appear the monsters wandered into the villages of Lantzas in search of food to pass the winter months. Now they themselves would make for a nice meal. Thalathafn has his men load the carcasses onto carts from the local village. Soon after they had forged forward over the frozen bog, the peasantry gathered to marvel at the sight. Their banners flapping in the frosty wind, the carts yielding to their wooly burden. Thalathafn shared the tale with the growing entourage of peasants as he, Baron Euran and Morain strode from the battlefield.

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel General of Arcaea, Marshal of the Field of Honour