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Euran Yetisbane Kandurell
Euran Yetisbane Kandurell
Baron of Lantzas
Baron of Lantzas
Darius gazed out over the landscape before him, truly a majestic sight. He had never been this far north, and the view of the lands was breathtaking. Everything from the plains of Mrauxalon and even the isle of Apasur, other the cities, distant yet fairly clear.
Darius scanned the city below, smiling at all the bustling trade and repairs that were going on as people went about their daily business. Though much of the city still lay ravaged, that would heal with time... darius spied a familiar colour on the road south towards remton, and with a start, relaised who the purple banner belonged to.
"Son of a-" Darius caught himself and remembered in time who he was in the presence of.
"My apologies, my liege, but I have noticed that my men have, once again, failed to understand basic orders while we have tarried here. I fear they are already halfway to the brothels and whorehouses of Remton, and I must catch them as s0on as may be."
"Bah, discipline them and get a better captain. You are experienced in battle; I need not tell you that men who will disobey your orders are barely worth keeping. Then again, we both have duties to see to. Good luck; we shall be reacquainted soon, I hope." Euran replied.
"My thanks. Good luck in all your endeavours and I will attempt to let you know when am free of these damnable lackeys."
Darius bowed hastily and then darted out of the tower, jumping down the steps three at a time. reaching the bottom, he stumbled slightly but recovered himself well and ran off full pelt to find the fastest horse he could.
Sir Darius Exiled (Knight of Lantzas)

Revision as of 22:15, 30 April 2008

"What do you mean, you don't want to?" Darius yelled at the unlucky soldier who had been caught grumbling.

"Well just hard work, no pay... and there's a festival tomorrow, everyone else is slacking, why not us?" The soldier mumbled defiantly.

Darius glared at him.

"All fighting and looting to you lot, honestly. Have you never been taught how to scavenge properly?"


"Look, everyone else is busy fixing the mills and tax offices. What you have to do is find a market and go help the traders who're packing up. If you pocket stuff, do it quietly and you won't lose your hand. Got it? good."

The soldier still looked somewhat mutinous but Darius turned on his heel and left his unit behind, muttering to each other with dark looks at him. He strode into his lodging and kicked in the door of his would-be chamber.

"Scribe! Get in here." Darius shouted to his scribe, who promptly came running.

"Nocaneb is boring me. My men are complaining and I'm being ignored which is doing nothing for my temper. Do you have any news for me?"

The scribe shuffled through papers quickly.

"Well, there are some new arrivals... nobles from Svunnetland, two off the boat, the sister of a duchess and brotehr of the ambassador I believe."

Darius snorted with disdain.

"Who are doubtless busy with people more important, hm?"

The scribe flicked through some more papers, looking somewhat strained, and then noticed something.

"Ah, sir? Have you spoken with your liege yet?"

"Eh?" Darius thought. "No, don't think I have. I know I should but I don;t think I've seen him around."

"Well, it turns out he's in Nocaneb..."

Darius jumped to his feet.

"Why didn't you say so earlier? Take me to him and effect an introduction. Why wait?"

Sir Darius Exiled (Knight of Lantzas)

Euran had returned from his inspection of Nocaneb's impressive fortress. He was looking to improve Castle Lantze's defenses, and while it would never be a tenth the size or scale of Nocaneb, he still hoped to add something. The gate system in particular was something he might hope to incorporate; gates were the weak point of any fortress, but when they consisted of a series of portcullises and thick oak doors, interspersed with traps and murder holes... well, they became a killing ground no sane man would want to attack. The reputation was enough to cause unease by itself.

The barracks he had assigned his men consisted of a burned out house with some hasty ox hide roofing. Euran wasn't about to waste good money on letting the men go soft! He pushed aside the broken bit of wood that served as a door and entered the hot and oppressive atmosphere of thirty five exhausted men confined to a single building. They had been aiding repair work on various buildings around Nocaneb; a task which left them neither happy nor rewarded.

The door swung open, and in stepped a scribe, followed by a harrowed looking nobleman. Euran turned, sweeping his Yetiskin cloak around his huge shoulders, ready for some possibility of an attack. One massive scarred fist raised, poised like the wrath of a god. Then his grim crisscrossed face relaxed from its snarl into an expression of slight confusion.

"Do I..." he began, before being interrupted by Darius' scribe.

"Sir Darius Exiled, Knight of Lantzas!" he announced.

Grinning broadly, Euran laughed and boomed, "Well why didn't you say that before? Euran Yetisbane Kandurell, Baron of Lantzas, and its good to meet you. He extended one vast bone crushing hand to Darius, the insignificant scribe forgotten. "So you're the new knight! Sorry, old knight now; the turnover seems to be increasing. Now we number an ex-King amongst us! Lets go outside, the stench is simply appaling in here."

Slapping an arm down across Darius' shoulders, he turned the knight around and marched them both back outside.

Euran Yetisbane Kandurell Baron of Lantzas

Darius grinned at his booming liege as he led him outside. He waved off his scribe and walked in step with the towering man down the road.

"It is good to meet you, my liege. I must admit, I was expecting someone.... different, to yourself."

They approached the towering keep with its mighty spires, and Darius glanced up at it.

"Good, isn't it? But may I ask what have you been occupied with lately?"

Sir Darius Exiled (Knight of Lantzas)

"Hah! You were expecting some trumped up, self absorbed, etiquette obsessed rabbit, I have no doubt." He strode along confidently, admiring the citadel tower that dominated the fortress. "I am from the mountains of Moramroth, in Norland, where Yetis roam. Men from Moramroth may not use lilac scented napkins, but we are a tough sort." He refrained from mentioning the huge Yeti fur, which must have weighed almost as much as a suit of plate armour, that was draped over his shoulders. Scars were layered across his face.

The two men approached the massive construction that was at the center of Nocaneb. The tower reaching up into the sky was hard to miss, and it figuratively and literally dominated the landscape around it. As the pair neared the front gates, a thought came into Euran's head. "Let's climb the tower. Maps are fine things, but I've heard that the best way to view the North East of the continent is from the top of that tower. See what kind of shape you're in too, with all those steep steps!"

The gate guards admitted them into the citadel without a word - for all that Euran didn't appear to be your average noble, his appearance meant that he was easily recognised, and word tended to get around fast. As they began to climb the steep steps of Nocaneb tower, Euran decided to find out more about his new knight.

"So, where do you come from? Where have you been? What experience do you have?"

Euran Yetisbane Kandurell Baron of Lantzas

Darius smiled as the guides visibly scattered at the approach of Euran. Clearly the man was of a similar mind as he - something unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome.

"Hah! Sounds like an excellent idea, it's been a while since I've done anything quite like it."

"Where do you come from?" Euran asked the knight.

Darius pondered for a second.

"Hm. I suppose it would be most accurate to say that I come from everywhere, or certainly close to. My family had a small estate in the south, near the city of Ortedail, but I have not been there for many years now since I set out to prove myself. I spent many years wandering between the south of the island to the river, usually, though I often spent longer north - a particular fighting tournament comes to mind, something you might have enjoyed I dare say.

That really reflects a lot for what I did, too - small time trading on the side for the means fo transport and accomodation, as well as a lot (and I mean a lot of fighting. I dare say I could match most men with a sword in my hand - in case you have anyone in mind." Darius grinned not entirely nicely.

As the two approached the top room of the tower, a thought occurred to Darius.

"This climb reminds me a little of the peaks of Razrpot. Wonderful air. Ah... but enough about my gallivanting. Why, if you were such a great Viking, did you leave your homelands?"

Sir Darius Exiled (Knight of Lantzas)

"Such a great viking?" Euran chuckled, "No, my sense of humour does not match that of Norland's. I come from a branch of the family which has been hidden deep within the mountains of Moramroth for some time now. There are valleys there where the inhabitants have not heard from the wider world for decades. It seems a peculiar place to most. My cousin Dren - who's also in Arcaea - and his side of the family consider us more than a little weird. But then maybe we are!"

Shaking his shaggy scarred head, he continued, "I left because of a magician's prophecy. The clans are very superstitious... but with good reason. Noone knows the kinds of creatures that lurk in the mountains. There are Yetis, to be sure, but beyond that monsters and undead are also known to frequent the area. Placating the local gods seems to keep these at bay."

He took a few more steps, breathing hard by now. The stairway was steep, and it was a long climb. "I am glad to have a fighting man sworn to me. Never been much of a one for tournaments - give me a battlefield and a melee, and I'll match any man. Duels and tourney fights seem fripperies around the real business of war. Then again, they have their place, I suppose. Should I ever decide to try my hand at a tournament, I shall remember to bribe the officials not to place me against you." Euran seemed deadly serious, although there was a mischievous glint in his mismatched eyes.

The pair at last reached the top of the tower. "Here we are then!" announced Euran, somewhat out of breath. "The Far East laid out like a map before you."

Euran Yetisbane Kandurell Baron of Lantzas

Darius gazed out over the landscape before him, truly a majestic sight. He had never been this far north, and the view of the lands was breathtaking. Everything from the plains of Mrauxalon and even the isle of Apasur, other the cities, distant yet fairly clear.

Darius scanned the city below, smiling at all the bustling trade and repairs that were going on as people went about their daily business. Though much of the city still lay ravaged, that would heal with time... darius spied a familiar colour on the road south towards remton, and with a start, relaised who the purple banner belonged to.

"Son of a-" Darius caught himself and remembered in time who he was in the presence of.

"My apologies, my liege, but I have noticed that my men have, once again, failed to understand basic orders while we have tarried here. I fear they are already halfway to the brothels and whorehouses of Remton, and I must catch them as s0on as may be."

"Bah, discipline them and get a better captain. You are experienced in battle; I need not tell you that men who will disobey your orders are barely worth keeping. Then again, we both have duties to see to. Good luck; we shall be reacquainted soon, I hope." Euran replied.

"My thanks. Good luck in all your endeavours and I will attempt to let you know when am free of these damnable lackeys."

Darius bowed hastily and then darted out of the tower, jumping down the steps three at a time. reaching the bottom, he stumbled slightly but recovered himself well and ran off full pelt to find the fastest horse he could.

Sir Darius Exiled (Knight of Lantzas)