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Jenred was happy. Almost to Lantzas, with full caravans, a deal in the works with Greater Aenilia...Life was looking good. Especially since he planned to stop by Nocaneb to, ahem, visit with Edara.

Life was looking good.

And Jenred realized that emphasis was on the was as one of those very disturbing Messengers...appeared...Right next to him, deposited a letter directly into his hands, and...disappeared...again. He'd never get used to those...WHAT?!? The Queen, Duchess Marle, Baron Goff-EDARA?!?! NO!

Jenred called an immediate halt, and furiously began dictating letters.

"Send word to the rest of the garrisons, get them there NOW!"

"I want every guard we have running that damn takeover in that inn, won't matter a damn if we take the region and lose my lo-council."

"Use my damn Council seal, you blasted Sartan-worshipper! That will settle in authority disputes!"

As he continued sending out letters and dispatching orders, appearing in control, inside he was gibbering in fear. If anything happened to Edara...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

"Your sensibilities be damned for all I care! You will stay with that gods-be-damned guard captain until he sights Lady Edara! I don't care if you've already found the Queen and Duchess, I want to know what happened to my-!"

Jenred turned as another Messenger suddenly appeared, delivering a short missive. Jenred scanned it quickly before his face went slack with relief.

"Oh, thank the gods..."

His scribe, quickly glimpsing the letter over Jenred's shoulder, offered a quick prayer of thanksgiving to the Aenil and dismissed the rest of the Messengers. He then excused himself with a muttered phrase, and left his lord alone.

Jenred sank to his knees as his legs suddenly gave out, and his breath came in long, wracking almost-sobs. After a long, long moment, he stood, wiping his face clean, and turned. His men, expecting to see him happy and relieved, were horrified to see his eyes burning with hatred.

"That captain said it was the innkeeper who tipped the mob off? Very well. Find out if he was one of the slain. If not, find him. You have my Seal, you may use it as necessary to release funds for informants, trackers, bribes, anything. But no one is to touch him, just find him, and keep track of his movements."

That innkeeper had tried to have Edara killed. Jenred grinned without any hint of mirth. He wondered if Faulcon would notice if he borrowed a few of the implements from the dungeon...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Jenred was somewhat nonplussed to discover that he would have to wait in Remton until Duchess Marle arranged the paperwork correctly, but while he waited, he might as well go check on the new outfits he had ordered. He hoped they were ready...

Ah, yes. Now, these were more to his liking. Jenred looked them over approvingly. Dark grey leathers, but in an imperial mode, instead of his previous adventuring or infiltrating wear. Long cloaks, that could be worn with or without the hood, of a dark forest green that matched the grey perfectly. Good boots that could stand up to the road while still looking well enough for a Court appearance.

And, on the left breast of each piece, a Phoenix Ascendant, rising from the ashes of the grey leathers, with flames the exact shade of his cinnamon eyes. He had chosen the emblem as a fitting sign for himself and the nation he now called his own. But as happy as he was with the emblem...He was even happier with what he had under it. A secret pocket, that could be sealed water-tight, with plenty of padding...Made for the braid Edara had given him. Now...He could always keep it on him, and so long as he didn't go directly into a battle it would be safe.

He admired himself in one of the costly mirrors in the palace, and hoped Edara would like it. With the red-gold of the pendant and ring settling nicely with the greys and greens, and the flash of the rubies matching that of the Phoenix and his own eyes...Yes. Very good indeed.

It diverted him a while from his thoughts of vengeance, which was also good. Although...He reminded himself to pack one of his old adventuring tunics. The business with that innkeeper was going to be messy, and he very much did not want to ruin his new clothes. And...Oh, yes. The skinning knife. Meant for monsters, but should work for a human in a pinch. After all, it wasn't as if he needed to keep this skin...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea


Jenred turned at this shaky address. He needed to tone down his anger, it wasn't good to frighten his servants.

"Milord...We checked with the Du-duchess's servants...And she c-c-c-c-can't change the t-t-trading orders from No-nocaneb."

Jenred restrained his first impulse, which was to turn and smash his dagger through the mirror. He limited himself to a low snarl.

"Six Aenil-be-damned days to handle one Aenil-be-damned piece of paperwork, and apparently it just can't be done. Bah!"

Jenred strode off, cloak swirling. He made a mental note that managing the proper swirl was harder than it appeared, although easier for him than most since he had no sword, only his long knives.

To Sasat, then. Which would delay him at least a day. This trading run had just been one piece of bad news after another. Cooling his heels in Colasan, dealing with incompetent lords, his Edara almost being killed...!

Oh, Aenil damn it...Another damned day before he could hold her, and reassure his still fearful arms that she was alright. Jenred sighed deeply. He just hoped Goffrey had his offer set up properly.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Edara had returned to Remton to refit. Now...It was time to deal with that innkeeper. Lady Jocasta had apparently captured the man, he'd have to thank her later. On his orders, the man had not been hung with the rest of those who had survived the ambush attempt.

Jenred nodded, dismissing the guards, and he was alone with the man. Jenred watched as the innkeeper began quivering. He smiled. The man cowered.

"You know...You tried to kill many people with that little ambush of yours...One of them...Is the woman I will be marrying shortly."

Jenred lifted the skinning knife from its sheathe. The man began a quiet litany of crying and begging.

"It's quite amazing, really...I've skinned any number of monsters in my time. I wonder how well I could do with a human..."

The man gulped, eyes wide and his voice suddenly lost. Jenred turned, fixing the innkeeper with his eyes. But...There was no flame in that gaze. Jenred stood, thinking...

Days ago, he would have gladly skinned the man alive. Now...He just wanted the man kept from setting up another ambush.

He sighed, and signaled for the guards.

"Hang him in the morning. I'm done here."

Jenred stalked off, looked at his knife, and tossed it to the side. It seems Edara had done more to him than he'd first suspected...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea