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It was a torment. Greater than not having know her at all.
It was a torment. Greater than not having know her at all.
Lucius had been surprised to receive the letter carrying the duchal seal.
"<i>Sir Curs
I apologize for your loss. I did not know your mother, but from your grief I can tell she was a great leader, and a loving mother.
I know little of the shifting sands of Heen. I know more of my eldest, now deceased, brothers exploits in the area before Heen existed, but not much since he left the realm of the living some time before Heen was created.
Word has reached me recently, that my eldest still alive brother, has moved to the realm of Heen. I shall probably receive word from him in a week or so. Such long travel times between the islands and all.
Once again, I mourn your loss, should you need anything, you need only ask the Fallan Family.
Zyrrin Fallan
Duchess of Springdale</i>"
After an hour of silent staring into the darkness, Lucius composed a reply.
"<i>Dear Duchess,
I'm very... humbled by your letter. I do not know how to react, nor how to accept your condolences for the death of a woman I have never met nor hardly knew. But it means something to me, oddly enough. It's somehow less confusing now, like a weight lifted from my shoulders.
I still have trouble acknowledging her as my mother, but I see that I must, as her blood is mine and as you have addressed me as her son, others will too, soon enough.
I thank you for your sympathies,
Knight Curs</i>"
"<i>Kenric, do you think I should... go?</i>"<br>
Lucius' servant sighed, "<i>That's hardly a fair question, Milord, and if you can forgive me for it, I will not answer it either.</i>"<br>
Nodding, Lucius bowed over his desk again, "<i>Yes, I understand, but it is all so unclear to me... Should I serve the Maiden further, in these silent and uneventful lands? Or should I seek my past? I know, you cannot possibly consider this issue with the same reasoning as I, but you must have some opinion?</i>"<br>
Kenric approached from the shadows he had been waiting in, taking a personal -- rather than purely professional -- interest in his master's question, "<i>Is this truly the choice you must make, Milord? Or the choice people expect you to make? I can imagine that the urge is great for you, to seek out your mother's final resting, and to learn about her. To feel the things she felt, to hear the words she had spoken, to love what she had loved. To </i>live<i> what she lived. Your...</i>", his hand floated through the air as he tried to find the right words, "<i>desire to comprehend why she left you, and to know who and what she was, must be overwhelming.</i>"<br>
Lucius quietly sat down in his chair and waited for his servant to continue.<br>
"<i>And I can honestly not see how a goddess could be bound to a place, Milord, and that that place be more important than your past. But then, you must ask, what is it that is truly keeping you here, doubting so deeply?</i>"<br>
"<i>Are you implying that I do not know my own thoughts, servant?</i>"<br>
Kenric smiled bitterly, "<i>Not your thoughts, Milord. Perhaps your sentiments...</i>"<br>
"<i>You mean?</i>"<br>
"<i>Maybe you mistake your affinity to this place, Milord. Maybe the Maiden isn't in this particular </i>place<i>, but in a woman. And it is </i>her<i> you wish to stay close to.</i>"<br>
Lucius sat still for a while, pondering, "<i>So what do you suggest?</i>"<br>
"<i>I suggest nothing, Milord. I am but a servant.</i>" Kenric disappeared in the shadows again.
Lucius left the city of Springdale on horseback, leaving his servants and esquire behind. He had a long road ahead, so he had packed lightly and bought the fastest horse he could find.
He knew he had a decision to make, but he could not make it on his own. He could not find the answer within himself, but he had to find it somewhere else.
He did not know what to expect.
It had taken Lucius more than thirty-five hours to reach his destination. Aegir's Deep was still in turmoil because of the newly constructed cavalry center, which had made people celebrate in the various suburban towns the region counted.
He was hungry and tired, but even so he quickly made his way through the crowed streets of the most central town to search the mansion of the Marchioness. He needed an answer, a conclusion that would ease his mind and end his doubts and confusion.
His arrival at the mansion was greeted with disappointment: The marchioness was currently absent, assisting in the takeover of Nidhogg's Mark.
Fortunately, the head of the servants had been willing to prepare Lucius a room to rest and he had send out a messenger towards his mistress concerning his arrival.
Lucius was too tired to go any further anymore, so he gladly took the offer and secluded himself to his room.

Latest revision as of 12:04, 24 April 2008

The letter had troubled Lucius dearly.

Only a day ago, a dark-skinned foreigner had come to see him, speaking in the name of Martana Curs. He had known her to be his real mother, ever since his foster parents had given him the letter written by his real uncles. He had never met her though. He had not tried to find her. But then again, neither had she, did she?

She had become the Queen of a Desert Nation, named Heen. Lucius had heard this from merchants some time back now. Apparently, she had lived quite a life without the worries about her son. Or so he thought.

The announcement of her death and the foreigner delivering her last will to Lucius had turned his world around.

"This is the will and last words of Martana Curs, Great Malika of Heen. It will be send forth, four-fold.

First, to the Heenite people, my people, who I loved above all. Second to my brothers Cartor and Foreign, who -- even though how things turned out -- I know to have tried to always take my best interests at heart. Third, to all rulers, who have been my companions throughout this whole journey.

These words being read by you, means only one thing: I am no longer with you to tell them in person. Undoubtedly, the great warrior realm that Heen is, I have perished in battle, and I would not wish to end it any other way. I hope I died on the desert soil, the lands I would shed all my blood for. I do wonder whether I would hear the mourning song of the desert when I die. The song that all Heenites heard too many times, carried high through the wind, touching the harts of all it reached.

"A silent voice, flies overhead, speaking of words, that cannot be said. Only in dreams, they can be heard, when thoughts are pure, and left unstirr’d.

The lonely sleeper, within cloth held, the voice speaking, of what we felt. So will he, in his peaceful sleep, know the tears, shed while we weep."

Let me start the rest of this will by saying that I will not direct my last words to anyone specific, as there would be too many to say and too many to say it to. I go with the hope to have lived my life in such a way that those who I loved already know what I had wanted to say. Save one, who I will address later on.

My last will shall count four requests, which I hope to see fulfilled one day: The first would be not to bury me in any way. Find my remains on the battlefield and bring them to Taghalez. Then burn them on a fire so great it can be seen over the entire desert, and let the people be relieved of work to mourn. When the fire dies out, take my ashes, and spread them in the desert wind from the walls of Taghalez. Let my final resting place be my own country, so that I am always with you. So that I can guide those who I loved home in their times of need, and so that I can scorch the skins of those who trespass on my soil.

The second would be to place my armor and scimitar in one of Taghalez' caves, as a shrine for my people. In case of sorrow and despair, they can come to the cave and remember me, but more importantly: remember what I stood for.

Third, let the sword or arrow that ended my life, or the horns or scales of the Inferus lest the invasion had gotten the better of my old bones, be placed aside them. We must not fear it, but face it so we are always remembered of the Heenite way: strong, unwavering, and eternal, no matter what we face.

As fourth, I had hoped to have this will delivered to the fourth person I failed to mention above, and who I will address in person: Lucius Curs, my son and only child. Rumors have reached me that you have finally been acknowledged as a noble, which is all I ever wanted for you. I want you to know that I had wished to see history go differently. I want you to know that I regretted giving you away more than anything in my life, regardless of what the letter might have said that my brothers left with you as they gave you to the shipper's wife. I saw you sail away from my life, and it hurt me more than anything. I want you to know that I love you, always. Do not blame my brothers, as I learned to forgive them, in time. I can only hope that you will once forgive me too.

There is in fact a fifth wish, my only true last wish to which I will bind every Heenite in an irreversible oath: Never to forget me and what I stood for.

Whereas King Scion the Skilled Twinblade gave Heen life, I, Great Malika Martana Curs gave Heen a culture, an identity. Something worth dying for.

Martana Curs, Great Malika of Heen"

He had always wanted to believe she was a heartless, boring person. One who didn't care for him and who he did not care for back. She had to be an object of indifference; something he could hate, something he could resent. But not a person, not a woman with so much love in her. Love that he never had the chance to see. And it tormented him ever since he got the letter.

Her feelings had been so intense. Her love had been so righteous, he could tell.

First he had been angry. How could she dare to bring these feelings of agony upon him, after never even having tried to reach him? Did she wish to confuse him further? Turn him darker? But he had soon realized that the words of a dying woman were not to be doubted. Not meant to irate. But to repent. To find peace. And as she had found peace, he found only confusion and a turmoil of thoughts.

Why had she given him up? Why had he been condemned to the life of a commoner? Who had she been? How would they have been, if still together?

It was a torment. Greater than not having know her at all.

Lucius had been surprised to receive the letter carrying the duchal seal.

"Sir Curs

I apologize for your loss. I did not know your mother, but from your grief I can tell she was a great leader, and a loving mother.

I know little of the shifting sands of Heen. I know more of my eldest, now deceased, brothers exploits in the area before Heen existed, but not much since he left the realm of the living some time before Heen was created.

Word has reached me recently, that my eldest still alive brother, has moved to the realm of Heen. I shall probably receive word from him in a week or so. Such long travel times between the islands and all.

Once again, I mourn your loss, should you need anything, you need only ask the Fallan Family.

Zyrrin Fallan Duchess of Springdale"

After an hour of silent staring into the darkness, Lucius composed a reply.

"Dear Duchess,

I'm very... humbled by your letter. I do not know how to react, nor how to accept your condolences for the death of a woman I have never met nor hardly knew. But it means something to me, oddly enough. It's somehow less confusing now, like a weight lifted from my shoulders.

I still have trouble acknowledging her as my mother, but I see that I must, as her blood is mine and as you have addressed me as her son, others will too, soon enough.

I thank you for your sympathies,

Knight Curs"

"Kenric, do you think I should... go?"
Lucius' servant sighed, "That's hardly a fair question, Milord, and if you can forgive me for it, I will not answer it either."
Nodding, Lucius bowed over his desk again, "Yes, I understand, but it is all so unclear to me... Should I serve the Maiden further, in these silent and uneventful lands? Or should I seek my past? I know, you cannot possibly consider this issue with the same reasoning as I, but you must have some opinion?"
Kenric approached from the shadows he had been waiting in, taking a personal -- rather than purely professional -- interest in his master's question, "Is this truly the choice you must make, Milord? Or the choice people expect you to make? I can imagine that the urge is great for you, to seek out your mother's final resting, and to learn about her. To feel the things she felt, to hear the words she had spoken, to love what she had loved. To live what she lived. Your...", his hand floated through the air as he tried to find the right words, "desire to comprehend why she left you, and to know who and what she was, must be overwhelming."
Lucius quietly sat down in his chair and waited for his servant to continue.
"And I can honestly not see how a goddess could be bound to a place, Milord, and that that place be more important than your past. But then, you must ask, what is it that is truly keeping you here, doubting so deeply?"
"Are you implying that I do not know my own thoughts, servant?"
Kenric smiled bitterly, "Not your thoughts, Milord. Perhaps your sentiments..."
"You mean?"
"Maybe you mistake your affinity to this place, Milord. Maybe the Maiden isn't in this particular place, but in a woman. And it is her you wish to stay close to."
Lucius sat still for a while, pondering, "So what do you suggest?"
"I suggest nothing, Milord. I am but a servant." Kenric disappeared in the shadows again.

Lucius left the city of Springdale on horseback, leaving his servants and esquire behind. He had a long road ahead, so he had packed lightly and bought the fastest horse he could find. He knew he had a decision to make, but he could not make it on his own. He could not find the answer within himself, but he had to find it somewhere else.

He did not know what to expect.

It had taken Lucius more than thirty-five hours to reach his destination. Aegir's Deep was still in turmoil because of the newly constructed cavalry center, which had made people celebrate in the various suburban towns the region counted.

He was hungry and tired, but even so he quickly made his way through the crowed streets of the most central town to search the mansion of the Marchioness. He needed an answer, a conclusion that would ease his mind and end his doubts and confusion.

His arrival at the mansion was greeted with disappointment: The marchioness was currently absent, assisting in the takeover of Nidhogg's Mark. Fortunately, the head of the servants had been willing to prepare Lucius a room to rest and he had send out a messenger towards his mistress concerning his arrival.

Lucius was too tired to go any further anymore, so he gladly took the offer and secluded himself to his room.