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==First World War==
==First World War==

As it turned out the Caligan Empire’s attack on Southasland released a tension long build up on Atamara. The strong diplomatic defensive started by Tokanan di Saladi’ilm, King of Southasland against the Cagilan Empire invading Southasland, brought the true face forth in many realms. Soon it was clear that many was angry at Hasland and feared the expansion they clamed Hasland was making. As the war was rolling in Southasland the South Darka and Eston turned against Hasland and Norland, forcing the Hasland ally Falasan to enter that the war by attacking Easton and South Darka. Talerium unofficially supported their two northern neighbours but did not openly declare war on Falasan.  
As it turned out the Cagilan Empire’s attack on Southasland released a tension long build up on Atamara. The strong diplomatic defensive started by Tokanan di Saladi’ilm, King of Southasland against the Cagilan Empire invading Southasland, brought the true face forth in many realms. Soon it was clear that many was angry at Hasland and feared the expansion they claimed Hasland was making. As the war was rolling in Southasland the South Darka and Eston turned against Hasland and Norland, forcing the Hasland ally Falasan to enter that the war by attacking Easton and South Darka. Talerium unofficially supported their two northern neighbours but did not openly declare war on Falasan.  

If you look at the diplomatic relations this is what you can see as openly declared but if you look at the alliances you will find that Atamara is split in two. On one side we have Cagilan Empire, South Darka, Eston, Barony of Icegate, Lamar, Abington, Talerium and Tochanon II. On the other side you have Callaway, Hasland, Southasland and Fallasan, Ash Sea Islands and Kanzum. Then you have just Barony of Makar and Norland left. These two is a bit tricky. At the moment you should place them amoung the first group of realms but espessially Norland have strong ties to Hasland.  
If you look at the diplomatic relations this is what you can see as openly declared but if you look at the alliances you will find that Atamara is split in two. On one side we have Cagilan Empire, South Darka, Eston, Barony of Icegate, Lamar, Abington, Talerium and Tochanon II. On the other side you have Callaway, Hasland, Southasland and Fallasan, Ash Sea Islands and Kanzum. Then you have just Barony of Makar and Norland left. These two is a bit tricky. At the moment you should place them amoung the first group of realms but espessially Norland have strong ties to Hasland.  

Latest revision as of 14:47, 14 April 2008

This is the second edition of the Atamara Times. First published in the spring of 2003 as an article.

Atamara Times

2nd Edition

By Erasmus Episcopus (EE)

The Baronies of the north

First there where just the Barony in Icegate - strong and proud as they were. Formed by the ice and biting cold wind of the far north, they came down to the south causing terror as they went. No realm was really sure they would not come to their home next, as far away realms as South Darka, Callaway, Cagilan Empire and Tuchanon was hit. The following letter shows perfectly how this was done and the fear it must have caused:

“Just after the Barony of Icegate had been formed, the fierce warriors of the north started looking for a fight and wealth. They heard tales of the rich warm countries of the south that have lots of gold and other treasures. Without thinking too much, they set south. The Baron of Icegate, Falcon, showed him the target: Tuchanon. They set out as an unorganised mob but later Wulfstan took command of the hordes from the north. They marched through Falasan, visiting inns and brothels. Finally they reached Chuca. And then they started looting, damaging, killing, raping. Chuca was Utterly devastated when wild warriors of the north moved south. They didn't encounter too much Tuchanon resistance. They won many battles on the way killing Tuchanon soldiers. They looted Picnu, Chato and Corniel and even attacked the stronghold of Aja. Their horde was getting smaller and smaller but they didn't return. At the end they moved west, to Callaway, where they were finally defeated by overwhelming enemy forces. But the north Tuchanon was in ruins and it took Tuchanon some time to recover. This was the beginning of Tuchanon wars.

Wulfstan Szymon

But lately none have come from the frozen north. Why? Well they have been struck by internal conflicts and flooded by enemies in pursuit of cheap ski resorts. First a new barony was formed in Sale. This was quickly threatened from the south by Eston and Hasland leading to it’s destruction and the beginning of a war between Hasland and Barony of Icegate. Then the people of Makar form their own Barony as a protest to the actions of the tyrannical Baron in Icegate. They joined the Hasland side but now with the formation of Norland and the attacks from Eston and Darka anything can happen in that region. It is still uncertain if Barony of Icegate will survive with just Icegate remaining and Eston and Darka pressing up from the south. EE

Darkan War – The end to a rebellion

From the last article about the Darkan war an end have come to North Darka and the rebels. Last time it did look dark for them but not all had been tried and hope still lived among them. It did not last long though. Help did not come and when the last rural region was lost to South Darka the future was short for the brave rebels in the north. They had lost to the better organised military of the south and finally Eston took hold of Saler – The last fortress of the North Darkans had fallen. EE

The First Tuchan War – The fall of a nation

Some of you may ask why a long forgotten war in a small realm few remembers is important. The answer lies in the lesson the fall of Tuchanon teach us about how actions by a unimportant ruler can have large effects on the world.

The Tuchanon war started as a border conflict between Tuchanon and Callaway. Some say this was caused by the plundering of barbarians from Barony of Icegate, lead by Wulftan (see The Baronies of the north). Others say by a declaration of war from Ash Sea Island. Ash Sea Islands and Tuchanon was at war for weeks but the real fighting started with Callaway entering it, as they wanted the western Tuchanon regions. At the same time Ash Sea Islands was forced to defend their southern border from Abington and therefore pulled their troops south to this still ongoing war.

Now the war was fought in the regions of Chato, Chagasu and Jaglu. The Tuchans fought well and pressed Callaway back from the regions giving them new and fertile lands.

Hasland entering the war a cold winter day was the beginning of the end for Tuchanon. With the Hasland hordes coming in from the north the only logical thing for the Tuchanons would be to leave the war with Callaway and defend Tucha. For some reason the king of Tuchanon decided not to keep the defence at the front and only send a few troops against Hasland. Therefore Hasland soon took control of the northern Tuchanon regions (Chuca and Cori) and was treating the capital, Tucha. Tokanan di Saladi’ilm, the commander of the Hasland forces at the moment, have stated that he think Tucha would have be captured by the second wave of the Hasland attack. This part of his plan was not that effective as many nobles in York thought the war was going fine and they did not have to take part in it. Therefore the second wave was too little to effect Tucha and the city survived until the 3rd wave of Haslanders hit Tucha and the Tuchanon king surrendered what was left of Tuchanon to Hasland. In return he got a high post among the Hasland nobles and commandership of Leohampton. The gain for Hasland was not all of Tuchanon as Callaway had profited by the Hasland invasion to retake their lost regions along with Aja and Inxi. Callaway also took the southern most regions of Tuchanon but these were turned over to Ash Sea Island as a gift.

Haslands interference in the war shows us how important even the small realms is to the balance of the world and how important it is for small realms to pick their friends right. Boeth Relak, king of Hasland have informed New World Times Hasland entered the war as they saw Tuchanon loosing and found the regions easy to take. At the same time Hasland thought that Tuchanon was going to attack Ash Sea Islands and thereby tipping the war in favour of Abington. Hasland therefore helped both of their allies Ash Sea Islands and Callaway, who had called for help. Also rumours tell of some shady interests in Kanzum. But New World Times have been unable to confirm that.

This was the educational fall of Tuchanon. The area is still active and have great importance as you can read in “The Southasland war” and “First World War”. EE

First World War

As it turned out the Cagilan Empire’s attack on Southasland released a tension long build up on Atamara. The strong diplomatic defensive started by Tokanan di Saladi’ilm, King of Southasland against the Cagilan Empire invading Southasland, brought the true face forth in many realms. Soon it was clear that many was angry at Hasland and feared the expansion they claimed Hasland was making. As the war was rolling in Southasland the South Darka and Eston turned against Hasland and Norland, forcing the Hasland ally Falasan to enter that the war by attacking Easton and South Darka. Talerium unofficially supported their two northern neighbours but did not openly declare war on Falasan.

If you look at the diplomatic relations this is what you can see as openly declared but if you look at the alliances you will find that Atamara is split in two. On one side we have Cagilan Empire, South Darka, Eston, Barony of Icegate, Lamar, Abington, Talerium and Tochanon II. On the other side you have Callaway, Hasland, Southasland and Fallasan, Ash Sea Islands and Kanzum. Then you have just Barony of Makar and Norland left. These two is a bit tricky. At the moment you should place them amoung the first group of realms but espessially Norland have strong ties to Hasland.

But then as the beginning of the World War shows you cannot really trust any alliance or friendship.

Most of the actual fighting was started with the argument of stopping the Hasland aggression and expansion. But at the moment, with the formation of Tuchanon II, it seems like Hasland is falling apart and the rest of that side is pressed by the opponents. Now you could say that Cagilan Empire (who started the war) and allies are the aggressors and are expanding. At least this is what Boeth Relak, King of Hasland states to New World Times:

“…If nobody has eyes to see, the CE and her allies are looking to take over the world. If there is a slave on this island it is those who have been dragged along in those nations of backstabbing fools and tyrants. As I've said all along, if and possibly when all of their enemies disappear they will find themselves looking at a room full of liars and cheats. And at that time nobody will know whom to trust, least of all themselves.

Boeth King and High Protector of Hasland.”

Of cause this is statement to gain allies but at the same time it shows that at least Hasland is not the realm it once were. EE

Hasland – Now three realms

Since last Boeth Relak, king of Hasland, have desided to split his kingdom into three parts: Norland, Hasland and Southasland. Southasland was split of first and trusted to Tokanan di Saladi’ilm, the former duke of Tucha, Shanandoah and king of Omsk (a former realm on the Eastern Continent). Norland was first given to Capt. Nemo but during an Eston attack in Brackhead, Capital of Norland, he was found death. Now Dreadnaught is ruling in Brackhead. Boeth have said the following as a response to critique of Hasland just creating puppy realms:

“Norland was created because my realm had grown too large. The same as Southasland. I willfully split up my realm and left them to determine their own fate. They are under Hasland protection because they were going to be small to start off with.”

At the moment neither of the realms are doing good; Southasland is under heavy attacks by Cagilan Empire, Norland is attaked by Eston and Barony of Icegate and rebels have set up a new realm in Leohampton a former Hasland city. Latest new speak of Norland declaring war on Hasland. Is this the fall of Hasland? Only time will tell. EE

The Southasland war

Not long after the creation of Southasland they was face by the great force of the Cagilan Empire. Southasland had not even gotten full control of all the regions they are made of today, when the Cagilans knocked on the door with a thousand men still bloody from the ended war against Falasan. They delivered an ultimatum to the Southasland king: Leave the old Tuchanon regions with all your men or we will take them from you as we take your life! The Cagilan Empire claimed that they were going to liberate the Tuchanon people from the tyranny of Hasland (they see Southasland and Hasland as the same. red). Tokanan di Saladi’ilm, king of Southasland, now face the same threat of destruction he had escaped on the East Continent. But this time he, and the people of Southasland, decided to stay to the bitter end. They rushed home to raise a defence in the capital, Tucha.

The brave men from Southasland almost managed to defend the capital but eventually they had to flee to the northern region of Chuca. Some of the nobles managed to hind in Tucha, though and started to organise a resistance against the Cagilan forces. They must have succeeded in this as the Cagilan Empire tried long and hard to gain full control of Tucha but time after time the public was against. Eventually the Cagilan forces gave up and started to pull back to refresh their men and repair their equipment. At the same time Southasland received the city of Shanandoah and surrounding regions from Hasland and an army was raised in Tucha as the fled troops returned. The Cagilans had on their way back taken over Picnu, the region just west of Tucha but soon they left that too and the Southaslanders was able to regain control of that too.

Long time passed before the Cagilan Empire returned and much happened in the world (see First World War). This time the invaders had changed their strategy. Now they did not attack the capital, where the Southaslanders were hiding, directly. Therefore they did not meet much resistance and quickly took hold of Picnu again and then moved north to Chuca. This they also took but in the mean time the Southaslanders had regained control, though fragile, over Picnu due to the little defence the Cagilans had left behind.

Then cames the second attack of Tucha. This time the Cagilans was utterly defeated and we have gotten the following comment from Tokanan di Saladi’ilm: “The Cagilans came less superior this time and their infantry was unable to climb our new and improved walls. Our archers had a great time shooting down the enemy one by one. I hope our next encounter will be as pleasant as this.”

We will see what the Cagilan Empire comes up with next time they attack the still strong Southaslanders. EE
