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::I'll break it down for you one more time just to close with... I wrote two big articles way ahead of time, and you need to let that go - I put the tag up, haven't taken it down (except for Everguard, which SHOULD be down) and am completely fine with doing it for any future articles I write ahead of time that people will be confused about.  But for regions, sometimes if I have time and can write them, if we start a TO or I somehow know that a region will be ours in a matter of a day or something, I just might write the wiki for it when I have the chance to, and not screw around and leave it for later.  Big f*cking deal - it will all be true in a matter of hours, and if it REALLY bothers you this much, you have probably the biggest stick in your ass of any living human being in the universe.  So for the love of god, just relax and focus on your own sh*t for once.  [[User:Arylon|Arylon]] 05:47, 4 April 2008 (CEST)
::I'll break it down for you one more time just to close with... I wrote two big articles way ahead of time, and you need to let that go - I put the tag up, haven't taken it down (except for Everguard, which SHOULD be down) and am completely fine with doing it for any future articles I write ahead of time that people will be confused about.  But for regions, sometimes if I have time and can write them, if we start a TO or I somehow know that a region will be ours in a matter of a day or something, I just might write the wiki for it when I have the chance to, and not screw around and leave it for later.  Big f*cking deal - it will all be true in a matter of hours, and if it REALLY bothers you this much, you have probably the biggest stick in your ass of any living human being in the universe.  So for the love of god, just relax and focus on your own sh*t for once.  [[User:Arylon|Arylon]] 05:47, 4 April 2008 (CEST)
:::Hey, hey, chill out. When you use ugly bad mean words, you are actually making a lot of people stop giving you any reason, you having it or not. This should probably be modded out, or the most of it anyway. And by the way, when I can, I use .txt archives to keep my wiki articles until I finish them and can post them. Perhaps could be better, but it's just a friendly suggestion. - [[User:Bluelake|Bluelake]] 06:03, 4 April 2008 (CEST)

Revision as of 04:03, 4 April 2008

Aquitain was the fifth region conquored by the realm of Everguard as it expanded its territory in the days following its founding, and the realm maintains control over the region to this day.

OK, this is really going way too far. It can't be the fifth region, because your realm only has three regions! The day after Tom warns you to stop posting this kind of stuff as fact, you upload a whole brand-spankin'-new page stating that rogue regions have been conquered by Everguard, and that lords have already been appointed. Can't you even wait until after you actually run the TO before you post this stuff? --Indirik 20:06, 28 March 2008 (CET)

Man dude, you REALLY need to chill the f*ck out... I wrote the article after we started our friendly takeover of the region. Yeah, it hadn't switched loyalty yet - but there hasn't been one failed friendly takeover on Dwilight yet, and it succeeded like what, ONE day after I threw up the text there? And I didn't add the region to the Everguard footer or update the Everguard page to reflect this region until after it became ours... do you SERIOUSLY have nothing better to do than trail around behind me and bitch about me writing an article a day or two early? Tom told me to put a tag on the Everguard page saying the contents of the page weren't up to date or accurate, and turns out the reason he told me to do that is because the image he had cached of our regions showed we had a lot, when I had LONG AGO uploaded a new version of the image file to reflect the REAL region count... he said nothing about anything even coming close to resembling this.
I'll never understand what has crawled so far up your ass that you need to constantly complain about this kind of crap... I could be like 99% of the people on this wiki and completely ignore it and let all of the information in the articles I write decay and be completely unupdated, horribly written and totally unupdated over time... but no - I get the gift of you on my ass for trying to actually WRITE and CONTRIBUTE. Yeah... I started the Everguard and Torenism pages a little early... f*cking sue me... those pages had a lot of content I needed/wanted to write, so I didn't want to wait until AFTER it was done and then spend weeks dragging it together - I wanted the people who joined the realm/religion to have some stuff to use right away when they joined... I didn't know about the "hypothetical tag" until it was pointed out to me, and since it was, I put it up on those big articles. But now that all of that sh*t is done, I may write an article 12 hours or a day or two ahead of time - just because I write when I have time and know that if I put it off I'll end up not doing it right - but they are minor articles containing information that will be true in a matter of 24-48 hours (I'm not writing wiki pages for regions we INTEND to conquer - I wrote these when we started the TOs... ie, I knew they were going to be ours)... wow, how outrageous and stunning.
So for the love of Christ - LAY OFF... man... spend the time you take to try to pick apart my stuff and write your own stuff. I've been a member of this wiki for almost two years now, and I haven't ONCE gone to anyone else's article's and bitched...
I'll break it down for you one more time just to close with... I wrote two big articles way ahead of time, and you need to let that go - I put the tag up, haven't taken it down (except for Everguard, which SHOULD be down) and am completely fine with doing it for any future articles I write ahead of time that people will be confused about. But for regions, sometimes if I have time and can write them, if we start a TO or I somehow know that a region will be ours in a matter of a day or something, I just might write the wiki for it when I have the chance to, and not screw around and leave it for later. Big f*cking deal - it will all be true in a matter of hours, and if it REALLY bothers you this much, you have probably the biggest stick in your ass of any living human being in the universe. So for the love of god, just relax and focus on your own sh*t for once. Arylon 05:47, 4 April 2008 (CEST)
Hey, hey, chill out. When you use ugly bad mean words, you are actually making a lot of people stop giving you any reason, you having it or not. This should probably be modded out, or the most of it anyway. And by the way, when I can, I use .txt archives to keep my wiki articles until I finish them and can post them. Perhaps could be better, but it's just a friendly suggestion. - Bluelake 06:03, 4 April 2008 (CEST)