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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Special #2
Previous Issue Mar. 31 - Apr. ?? Next Issue
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Realms of Dwilight
March 31st Zanaras
We've all heard rumors of these cities across the seas and thousands of miles away from our lands, but how much do we really know about them? Well, I sent several of the Press's scribes on horseback to these distant lands. Each of them was instructed to find the rulers of these distant lands and learn a bit more about them. This issue is a completion of what they returned with.
March 31st High King Fisc Arylon
The origins of Everguard are born from the ashes of a distant continent called the South-East Island, which was a land completly consumed by war, strife and betrayal. As we watched our land die, many of us came to these shores as refugees, being taken in by the realm of Springdale and given a home. We found once we got here that we were a different breed of people - our time on that continent had somehow changed us, and we were unsettled and uncomfortable with simply staying inside the safe borders of Springdale, no longer living a rough life of war.

And so, former adversaries from different realms on that blasted land came together and formed a delegation. 17 nobles strong - with people from not only the south-east, but also people who had grown tired of life in an established kingdom, did leave for the city of Valkyrja and establish a new realm, dedicated to the principles for which we lived our lives for so long.

In this land we are given a unique opportunity - we need not fight men to satisfy our nobility and honor in battle. In the blackness that is the west, we face untamed land, monsterous hordes of beings intend on our death. We are the frontiersmen of this continent, dedicated to civilizing the west and ridding the continent of the black hearted beasts once and for all. We view the northwest corridor as our manifest destiny to control - but we do not wish any ill will on any other human realm.

You ask of goals - it is our goal to carve out a splendid and grand kingdom - one built on our OWN sweat and labor, built on our OWN rugged frontiersmanship - one built on our own ingenuity of spirit. We did not begin as an established realm on this continent, but we will take our place amongst the greatest nations of the world, and we will have done so on our own terms.

April 1st Grandmaster Deverka Cryfdwr
The Oder of Morek is a Feudal theocracy under the fuedal Lord Grandmaster. The Religion is strongly influenced by Sanguis Astroism. The High Prophet of Sanguis Astroism even has the religions right to appoint the High Inquisitor(judge), the The hand of secular justice and head of regligious justice within Morek.

Morek is committed to rulership of the Easterners over the native Dwilishmen through the guidance of Sanguis Astroism. Saguis Astroism is a universal religion that seeks to stake its place in all governments on Dwilight. It should be noted that the Morek is more likely to be influenced by Sanguis Astroism than vice-verse. Sanguis Astroism is centered on the reverence of the three perpetually hanging Bloodstars (http://www.traption.org/cgi/bloodstar).

Those with the conviction to serve the stars in guarding the bodies or conquering the souls of the peoples of Dwilight are most welcome here.