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= <center><b>Concerning The Windsoul Family</b></center> =
= <center><b>Concerning The Windsoul Family</b></center> =
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== <b>Thaliithilion</b> ==

Note should be made promptly about the strange spelling and pronunciation of the name of this family member. From those who I have spoken to who knew him, I have determined the pronunciation to be; "Thaa-liith-ill-e-on." Many witnesses insist that Thaliithilion was of the mythological Elven race, but there is no evidence to support these outlandish claims, only scattered hearsay.
Note should be made promptly about the strange spelling and pronunciation of the name of this family member. From those who I have spoken to who knew him, I have determined the pronunciation to be; "Thaa-liith-ill-e-on." Many witnesses insist that Thaliithilion was of the mythological Elven race, but there is no evidence to support these outlandish claims, only scattered hearsay.
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The trail ends here, and neither Thaliithilion nor his wife surface in any other realm on any other continent after this appearance. I can only assume that they are both alive and well, though there is no evidence to prove this one way or the other. If ever more evidence arises, it shall be recorded here as it is obtained and studied by the dedicated Touselborough Abbey sisterhood.
The trail ends here, and neither Thaliithilion nor his wife surface in any other realm on any other continent after this appearance. I can only assume that they are both alive and well, though there is no evidence to prove this one way or the other. If ever more evidence arises, it shall be recorded here as it is obtained and studied by the dedicated Touselborough Abbey sisterhood.
[[Image:Windsoul CoatofArms.jpg]]

Revision as of 02:02, 21 February 2008

Concerning The Windsoul Family

Windsoul CoatofArms.jpg

(This work is compiled by Recorders Seronver, Crylgha and Llainadan of Touselborough Abbey.)

I, Seronver Maranina, hereby begin the recording of the history of this family and its members. The writings contained herein I know to be truth insofar as I have learned from respective realms and people. This history shall be held within the Abbey's Upper Library, for perusal by any who choose to do so.

I begin with a list of the family members, and if they be living or dead, and if living, their whereabouts. This list will have been changed by myself or other Recorders so that it pertains to the current time. This list is made in order of appearance into these lands.

Thaliithilion - Presumed alive, whereabouts unknown.

Tarawethion - Deceased, killed during The Defense of Portion in the Colonies. (See "Battle Accounts" in this history.)

Telpefenion - Presumed alive, whereabouts unknown.

Nysissyer Lietough - Alive, currently serving as a knight in The Principality of Zonasa in the Far East.

Ardrryn Dynrode - Alive, currently serving as Pontifex of Alebad in the Colonies.

Riar Dynrode - Alive, currently serving as King of Arcaea in the Far East.

Agha Dynrode - Alive, currently residing in Heen in the Beluaterra as a common merchant.

I now hereby enter into a detailed history of each family member, including titles, battles, feuds, marriages, etc.



Note should be made promptly about the strange spelling and pronunciation of the name of this family member. From those who I have spoken to who knew him, I have determined the pronunciation to be; "Thaa-liith-ill-e-on." Many witnesses insist that Thaliithilion was of the mythological Elven race, but there is no evidence to support these outlandish claims, only scattered hearsay.

Thaliithilion is also known by other names, including; "The Betrayer" and "The Disloyal." The origin of these less than flattering terms is based in event that transpired in the lost realm of Fallangard, the fall of which it is widely agreed that Thaliithilion is partly responsible. These events will be covered later in this history.

Thaliithilion is known to have first made landfall upon the shores of the East Continent, in the Summer of Wilted Crops, along with his younger wife, Dimsiriel, seeking an honourable realm to pledge his sword to. After a short overland trek, he happened upon the realm of Fallangard, (a realm now lost to the mists of time,) where he entered the capital city of Isadril. A captain of the gate guard wrote of his arrival in a journal;

"Resplendent was he in such pure white armour! It gleamed as would snow on the tallest peak, not a mark nor dent. What manner of smith procured and worked such impressive material is much beyond me. He wore no helmet, and his brown hair fell about his shoulders, marred by travel. The face though, not weathered and pockmarked, nay, it was smooth and pale as the new day! The eyes were of brightest blue, frightening to look upon, yet not of malice. He carried with him in his right hand a graceful longsword, silver and with a hilt encrusted with many jewels. He had slung across his bag a leather bag of provisions. While this man was an astounding sight to behold, the creature which stood so fairly beside him was of a beauty I have never seen before nor since! A wonderous melody of slight figure, hair to her waist as dark as the night, such delicate features as to have been chiseled from crystal, and eyes that were angular, like almonds, and the palest blue. Indeed, she was so beautiful as to make us all forget ourselves and our duties! Not a man spoke for a good few moments, as each man stared down in wonder from the gatehouse. Whence we had recovered ourselves, we bade them to enter. So very tall, the two of them, as they passed. The strangest of things, but I could have sworn that they bore ears that tapered to a point at the tips. I have put the matter aside, but I dearly hope that they will travel forth through this gate once again!"

From the journal of Drel Wardyn, Captain of the West Gate of Isadril.

Thaliithilion and his wife swore fealty to the King of Fallangard, Panther II, in the magnificent Palace at the centre of the city and from that point on served in many campaigns with the Fallangardian Army against many different foes, including Itorunt, Ibladesh and Ubent. In exchange for this, they received gold, lavish quarters within one of the tallest towers of the city and garnered favour with the noble council of the realm. Thaliithilion is reported to have fought in the famous Battle of the Red Horizon, a confrontation between Fallangard and Ibladesh that was disasterous for the former, although his wife is strangely not mentioned in the text upon this subject.

It is known that both Thaliithilion and his wife Dimsiriel were captured by Ibladesh at some point during their service to Fallangard, though the exact date is unknown. They were held in cells that were beside each other, though Thaliithilion did not know this until he heard Dimsiriel playing her silver flute. There was much talk among the prison guards of "the most beautiful music ever heard," and that Dimsiriel and her husband talked until well after nightfall. It was while they languished in these prisons that the then Pontifex of Ibladesh, Lady Rhianna, came to them in person and spoke to them much of her realm and its values, and begged them to join the Ibladeshian ranks instead of continuing their service to Fallangard. Both Thaliithilion and Dimsiriel declined, yet Lady Rhianna had them both pardoned and released. They returned to Isadril and remained in their service to Fallangard and King Panther II, but it is this stay in the Ibladeshian prison that is widely acknowledged to be the beginning of events that would lead to Thaliithilion and Dimsiriel's deadly betrayal.

In the following years, Thaliithilion garnered much favour with the noble families of Fallangard, taking part in many pivotal battles of that time alongside his wife and by now, long-time friend Lord Rainor. He had become a trusted confidant of the High Marshal, Celeborn. During this time, there was much unrest in the realm, and many thought that the King had become a tyrant, oppressing his people. High Marshal Celeborn confided in Thaliithilion that he would see the King deposed, and himself upon the throne, ruling more justly and without corruption. He promised Thaliithilion that he would be made High Marshal in his stead. His plan would be to hire an assassin to kill King Panther II, and then step forward as the logical choice to take his place, as the King had no heir. Thaliithilion agreed to this plot, but it is now known that he had other plans already in motion. An extract from a priest's diary tells us of the social situation in Fallangard at this time;

"No man comes to church anymore, it seems. At any other time, I would put it to you that it was the fierce winter weather keeping them indoors, for even as I write this the wind whips a blizzard against the stone walls of this church. I am glad for my fire and the comfort of my candles. Yet I do not think it is the weather. I fear that it is this terrible blight which has overtaken this city as of late. His Majesty the King is fast losing support in his rule, and I cannot feign surprise, what with such extortionate taxes and such like! The noble houses spend all their time muttering and plotting, even more so than usual, and the peasantry trudges around with no sign of mirth or care. The pews remain empty, almost, with only a scattering of worshippers even on the holiest of days. How are we supposed to bring faith to a city full of people without any, answer me that?"

From the personal diary of Father Essus Oldsban, Priest of Fallangard.

Unbeknownst to Celeborn, Thallithilion had been in correspondance with Pontifex Rhianna of Ibladesh for over the half the time since his imprisonment there. He had become disillusioned with Panther II and his government, viewing it as corrupt and stagnant, and leading Fallangard to ruin. There was much friction between Dimsiriel and Fallangard's council at this time, and it is thought that this also played a part in Thaliithilion's decision. Using merchants as messengers to avoid suspicion, Thaliithilion wrote letters to Lady Rhianna, admitting that he saw a better future for Fallangard were it under Ibladeshian rule. He told her of Celeborn's coup, and put forward a suggestion. Ibladesh's army would move to beseige Isadril, and once Celeborn had established himself as King and made Thaliithilion the High Marshal, Thaliithilion would disband the militia across the entire city, thereby leaving Isadril undefended against the Ibladeshian Army, who would then take it at their leisure. Thaliithilion confided in his wife of this plot, and she agreed, sharing the sentiments of her husband.

In this fiercest of winters, Celeborn's plot went ahead. A heavy snowfall had ensured that the city's residents had retired indoors, and the hired assassin, by the name of; "Nystas," according to rumour, gained entrance to the King's Palace by way of disguise and falsified documents, and felled King Panther II with a poisoned blowdart. An account of this is included in following pages of this history;

The Touch of Winter - Anonymous author. (It is said that the assassin may have even written this himself in his memoirs, but if such a complete document exists, it has long since vanished.)

Though the poison did not kill Panther II, he remained unconscious for several days, allowing the coup to transpire without hinderance. As shock descended over the city of Isadril, Celeborn stepped forward as planned and announced himself the righteous choice to serve as monarch. The nobles of the realm, seeking a leader, voted for him to take the throne. He did so without ceremony, and promptly made Thaliithilion High Marshal, as he had promised. By now, the Ibladeshian Army had surrounded the city to the ocean on both sides. It was now that Thalithilion betrayed Fallangard, forcing the militia to disband, and leaving the city open to attack. As soon as King Celeborn learned of this, he realised the treachery and immediately dispatched an assassin to slay the High Marshal before he and his wife could leave the city. It was Dimsiriel who slew the assassin who came for them, before she and her husband both rode forth from the west gate and to the safety of the Ibladeshian ranks. A version of the betrayal was written by the Fallangardian Storyteller, Ashema Huskel. While elaborated, the events contained within the story have been verified by many other accounts. The story can be found here;

The Betrayal - Ashema Huskel, Storyteller. (Note must be made of the numerous "Elvish" references within this text. These can be construed as imaginative elaboration on the part of the author.)

It was said that Celeborn's fury transcended that of any normal man, and he vowed to kill both Thaliithilion and Dimsiriel. He was powerless to stop the Ibladeshian Army from swamping the city, however, and Fallangard fell to the invading soldiers while Thaliithilion and his wife rode for Ibladesh City. Celeborn disappeared at this time, as did Panther II, and Ibladesh installed its own officials to govern over the city. It was soon after this that Thaliithilion began to be referred to as the "Betrayer."

The transition into the Ibladeshian ranks was not to be a smooth one, however, and there was soon bitter conflict between Reyes, the Paladin Primus of Ibladesh, and the new arrivals. Many accusations and insults were exchanged between Dimsiriel and Reyes, whom she considered a fool. When Reyes continued his tirade and even fined Dimsiriel for not following orders that she had already followed, Thaliithilion stepped in and threatened to remove Reyes' head if he continued to dishonour his wife's name. This led to both Thaliithilion and Reyes being brought before Pontifex Rhianna in her throne room. One of the Pontifex's advisors described the confrontation;

"The two were like mountain lions, straining at the leashes of morality before the glorious Pontifex. Each, you could see, wanted desperately to spill the other's blood upon the rugs that graced the fair chamber. Thaliithilion, he who betrayed his own realm, stood to one side, stock still, and yet rage was scarcely contained behind those blue eyes. The Paladin Primus actually snarled from opposite him, balancing from foot to foot. Both men has their swords freed from their sheaths. No guard would dared have stopped them had they duelled! I myself stood at my Lady's right elbow, and she watched most impassively the scene before her. I bent to offer counsel, but she lifted a hand and stood. This action interrupted both soldiers from their murderous glaring, and they looked to her with respect.

"The two of you!" Said she, sharp and distinct, "This is foolishness! You will not desecrate my chambers!"

Neither man spoke. To do so would have been a deep wound on my Lady's honour. She blazed there, as would a match in a dungeon. I shrank back, for I have seen her in such moods.

"I care not for your petty arguments," And she sighed, "Thaliithilion, Reyes, you will serve this realm as allies. Put your differences aside, lest they get out of control. Go."

They left the room then, and I confess, after this, I was most glad to leave for my own quarters."

From a letter by Hintora Diris, Advisor to Pontifex Rhianna of Ibladesh, to his cousin, Ursula Feredan

After this, it was only a matter of time before Thaliithilion and Dimsiriel would leave the realm of Ibladesh, having grown tired with the persistant tension between them and members of the Ibladeshian council. Records obtained from the large merchant vessel, the Echo, show the couple to have travelled abroad from the East Continent in the Spring of Empty Meadows, landing several weeks later on the shores of Beluaterra. Details become hazy here, due to the loss of important documents and witnesses in the terrible wars against the undead that are the bane of the continent. Fortunately, scattered reports have filtered out from the infested lands that have told us part of the story. The remnants of a Quartermaster's diary found amid abandoned belongings on a road between the realms of Luz de Bia and Riombara makes reference to Thaliithilion and Dimsiriel pledging their service to Luz de Bia's King. There is no more mention of them for months, though tales emerged from those lands telling of dramatic battles between Luz de Bia and Riombara and against the undead that the couple are likely to have fought in. The last mention of the two on Beluaterra comes from a ship captain who fled the continent as the undead hoarde plundered and destroyed across it. A letter to a friend speaks of how he saw Thaliithilion and his wife boarding a ship for a destination unknown;

"You know, there was a strange couple through here the other day, they were dressed in Luz de Bian colours, and carrying a bloody ton of armour and weapons with them. Everything fancy, shining like solid silver. Man had a sword at the waist, nothing strange there, except it was covered in jewels! The woman that was with him, prettiest thing I've ever seen. If a soft summer's wind and a purely calm sea could be a woman, she'd have been it. They never approached me though, went to old Heral Parnot, you know him? His ship, she's in better condition than mine. I overheard them talking though, the man introduced himself as "Thaliithilion." Strange name, don't you think? They must have been going a long way, because they paid Heral with a lot of gold and I haven't seen him in months. I'm getting out of here, mind you, they said the undead be heading this way, and I don't want to be sitting here moored up when those grinning, rotting abominations show up! Wherever that shrewd whore-son Heral took those two, I hope they're well away from here, and I intend to be there myself soon enough!"

From a letter by Gero Shenan, Captain of the Drastic Turmoil, to an unknown recipient.

Tracking down the destination of Thaliithilion and his wife proved to be an arduous and ultimately fruitless task. We at the Abbey first attempted to contact Captain Heral Parnot to discover where he had travelled, but alas, found that he had returned from the journey alone, but had vanished on a later one and was presumed lost at sea in the ferocious storms that have claimed many ships around that coast. Upon searching out other members of the Parnot family, however, they informed me that he had confided in them that he was heading to the fabled "North Lands." Of course, they had assumed that he was speaking in jest, as it is well-known that the North Lands are nothing more than a myth, and with no other leads, I closed my investigations here. I assumed that Thaliithilion and Dimsiriel had quietly retired from being soldiers in another continent, far from those who pursued them following the events in Fallangard.

The trail ends here, and neither Thaliithilion nor his wife surface in any other realm on any other continent after this appearance. I can only assume that they are both alive and well, though there is no evidence to prove this one way or the other. If ever more evidence arises, it shall be recorded here as it is obtained and studied by the dedicated Touselborough Abbey sisterhood.