Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/2008/February: Difference between revisions

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"That Siara is what I'm afraid of..."
"That Siara is what I'm afraid of..."
<hr />
The slow, strains of elegant court music wafted from the banqueting hall as Brigdha and her honour guard climbed the impressive stone staircase. Two sober rangers flanked her, their sable livery framing her emerald gown, each with his hand resting on the hilt of a heavy short-bladed sword. Their eyes scanned the shadows tirelessly.
"Oh do stop acting like we're walking into a trap," she turned and placed her palms on their chests. "Tonight is a festive occasion, and if I can manage a smile then so can you."
"Yes Ma'am," Kelvin and Gallorn answered in unison.
"Now there will be soldiers from other companies here, also playing nursemaid, so behave yourselves. Chosen men or not, the honour of Clan Dubhaine is paramount," and she swept up the stairs with all the grace and dignity of a Dame of The Empire.

Revision as of 23:22, 10 February 2008

February 6th - Cagil

Brighda sat in the gloom of her bivouac studying the letter. It had arrived as her men were pitching their tents by the river, carried by a messenger from far-off Alebad, and as she took it from his hand and slipped him a couple of silver coins for his trouble she recognised her sister's seal.

Months had passed since Aoifa set off for the colonies and not a word had been heard of her, unlike Moira who sent a constant stream of reports on the war in Fontan: a war in which she had already covered herself in considerable glory. Admittedly Aoifa had never really taken to letters, but surely they had scribes even in that barbarous continent?

"Dearest Brigdha,

I trust the Empire's glory is as untarnished as my memories. Have you heard from Moira? If so then please pass on my best wishes and ask her to contact me.

I have settled in Alebad, one of the capitals of the Southern Theocratic Alliance, and established a small estate on our mother's behalf. This is a wealthy and fertile land but there is much war here. I was recently wounded in a major battle on our northern marches with the realm of Lukon, but I seem to have recovered with indecent haste and am now commanding a fine company of light infantry. I hope we will soon be back on the offensive, but that is in the hands of our generals.

However that is not the reason I am writing. Rather I thought you might wish to hear news of young Cathal, who it seems has followed me to this distant land. I doubt he did so with your knowledge or that of our mother, impetuous lad. Anyway, I heard reports that he had been captured in battle against the realm of Oritolon, but as of yet no further word has come my way. When I catch up with the young pup I'll be certain to remind him of his duty to the Empire and ship him back home on the first available ship.



So that was where young Cathal had got himself to. Her mother had lost many nights' sleep over the impulsive lad, and expended considerable gold in making enquiries throughout Atamara. Well at least once Aoifa caught up with him he'd be in good hands. Brigdha was almost tempted to make the journey herself and collect the young rascal, but someone had to stay at home and look after the family's interests...

February 10th - Trassing

Brigdha stood before the flap of her tent, chewing on a strip of venison jerky from her trail rations. The Black Swans were making good time on their march to Nida and the men were in high spirits, using their spare hours to catch some fresh game and show off their incredible skill with the longbow.

When she'd first turned her mind to policing she'd worried that the sombre rangers would find the transition difficult, but they seemed to be developing a taste for the work. Perhaps it was the hunt-like nature of detection, allowing them to put their initiative and training to good use on a novel battlefield, or maybe it was the trust that the people of both Calis and Cagil had place in them? Their black livery was already becoming well known amongst the criminal element and she hoped it would one day strike a deep fear in the hearts of those who preyed on the peaceful citizens of the Empire she loved.

Of course as a detachment of the Army of Ered Luin they would still be expected to fight the twin evils of monsters and undead as the necessity arose, and Brigdha enjoyed varying their patrol routes to suit this duty, but she had come to realise that her heart lay with the Empire and that enforcing its laws was a higher calling than any she had previously aspired to. Her sisters would doubtless find that amusing, as the family was not known for its peaceful or law-abiding ways.

"My Lady," sergeant Berek saluted smartly and came to attention.

"At ease sergeant," Brigdha shot him a warm, easy smile. She was the consummate professional officer.

"The first of the hunting parties has returned Ma'am. They say the game around here is pretty scarce, so it looks like we've hare pottage for dinner again."

"Again? I know hares are a good test of the lads' aim Berek, but do you think you could encourage them to catch something else for a change? Maybe something with wings? Or a wild pig? Or a juicy young buck?"

"I have tried Ma'am. Believe me, I really have. But you know what they're like. After all, they're all chosen men," and the look of exasperation caused Brigdha to stifle a snigger. She liked the men to think she was stern, even though there wasn't a one of them she wouldn't gladly risk her life for. All of them had been serving the Dubhaine family since she was a young child and she knew at least half of them were in some way related to her, although unravelling the tangled web of the clan's familial relations was a task that would tax the most dedicated genealogist.

"Well then hare pottage it is. Although I'm half tempted to stick to my trail rations just for the variety. Still, tomorrow we'll be in Nida and I don't doubt the banquet to celebrate Duke Tsubasa's inauguration will more than make up for tonight's culinary shortcomings."

"Which reminds me Ma'am. Will you be wanting the men to help with policing the celebrations?"

"No. I think they've worked hard enough this last couple of weeks that they deserve to blow off steam for a day or two. I will be needing volunteers for an honour guard though, and have them all get their best livery in order just in case anything unexpected crops up. Dismissed."

"Very good Ma'am."

And that just left the question of what she would be wearing to the celebrations. She slipped inside her tent and unlocked the trunk which her squire Sarai had man-handled from the baggage cart. Inside were the few feminine treasures that accompanied her on patrol, although usually she lacked the excuse to wear them.

But there within the chest was the most sumptuous felt gown, green like emeralds and with an under-kirtle of silver samite. As she looked at the garments she imagined herself an elegant lady of the court, her every whim satisfied by eager suitors keen to win her heart. The spell lasted a brief moment and she was once again Dame Brigdha, captain of rangers. How she wished at times that she could be a little more like her peers, but colour and frivolity came so hard...

February 10th - Nida

Brigdha felt uncomfortable in the elegant gown. It pulled strangely as she moved, the weight of the skirt train trailing behind as she turned to and fro before the full-length mirror.

The Black Swans had arrived in Nida late in the afternoon, their baggage carts jostling for space with the many merchant wagons blocking every thoroughfare. Even the side alleys were packed with throngs of freeman and soldiers spilling from the city's many taverns. Half the armed might of the Empire was on display, their freshly pressed livery and burnished weapons a testament to the glory of Cagil. The Imperial flag flew from every tower and strings of bunting criss-crossed the roof-line in cheerful shades of red and gold, carrying glittering lanterns and pennants set with the arms of all the nobles houses of the Empire. Viscount Haine had surpassed himself.

The company worked their way through the backstreets to The Gryphon's Triumph, an inn owned by Sergeant Berek's uncle Fergal. He'd turned away a family of lesser nobility from Skalk to make room for the company, and Brigdha watched with some amusement as the harassed inn-keeper explained that the entire east wing had been requisitioned for a detachment of the Army of Ered Luin.

"The army!" the well-appointed magistrate looked askance, "And what care I for the sleeping arrangement of a gang of brutish thugs my good man! I paid you a handsome deposit on those apartments and I will have them."

"I have already returned your deposit sir, now kindly leave my premises before I call the constabulary."

"Do you know who I am you blaggard?" there was a purple hue to the man's cheeks midway betwixt gout and apoplexy.

"Excuse me," Brigdha swept through the tavern door as if she owned the place, flanked by two of her rangers, "but is there some trouble inn-keeper?"

The portly magistrate turned as if to unleash a torrent of abuse, but stopped in his tracks at sight of the young noblewoman, "I... I-wh-bu-I..."

"I apologise your honour if the needs of the Imperial Army have inconvenienced you, but as an officer of the law I am sure you appreciate that an event such as Duke Kurosaki's inauguration requires the highest security the Empire can offer."

"I... bu-ye-bu-yes My Lady. Of course!" the man spluttered, looking as if the Earth were about to open up and swallow him.

"Good, then you will kindly stop interfering with Imperial business," her deadpan expression brought sweat to his brow and he hurried from the building like the hosts of Suville were on his tail.

She turned to Sergeant Berek with a grin, "Tell the men to make themselves comfortable, I'll be in my room getting ready for tonight's ball."

"Yes ma'am."

And so it was that two hours later, she was stood here bathed, primped and preened, hair teased into an improbable mountain of curls by her squire and handmaid Sarai. Her emerald gown was accompanied by a necklace and earrings of vitreous rubies and fashionable court shoes of matching red satin. The lantern light caught the flecks of gold thread running through the light felt garment, a feature her mother had insisted on at the fitting.

"Brigdha, for once in your life you will dress like a young lady and not some black-robed sage," the voice had brooked no disagreement, as was always the way with Lady Sorcha Dubhaine. No wonder her oldest daughter preferred the company of books and the other Dubhaine children had fled overseas.

"Well, I suppose I'd better be heading to the ball," Brigdha sighed as Siara made a few last minute adjustments to her hair.

"You'll be the centre of attention Milady."

"That Siara is what I'm afraid of..."

The slow, strains of elegant court music wafted from the banqueting hall as Brigdha and her honour guard climbed the impressive stone staircase. Two sober rangers flanked her, their sable livery framing her emerald gown, each with his hand resting on the hilt of a heavy short-bladed sword. Their eyes scanned the shadows tirelessly.

"Oh do stop acting like we're walking into a trap," she turned and placed her palms on their chests. "Tonight is a festive occasion, and if I can manage a smile then so can you."

"Yes Ma'am," Kelvin and Gallorn answered in unison.

"Now there will be soldiers from other companies here, also playing nursemaid, so behave yourselves. Chosen men or not, the honour of Clan Dubhaine is paramount," and she swept up the stairs with all the grace and dignity of a Dame of The Empire.