Talk:Plergoth Press/Issue Six: Difference between revisions

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====Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen====
===Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen===
Congratulations, Mendrugo, since this article I no longer bear the Plergoth Press in high esteem. I used to enjoy reading these articles, but now I do not anymore, because of this nonsense.
Congratulations, Mendrugo, since this article I no longer bear the Plergoth Press in high esteem. I used to enjoy reading these articles, but now I do not anymore, because of this nonsense.

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==Re: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen==
===Re: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen===

Thousands of Plergothians met their end at Heenite hands during the past six months in the battles of Reeds.  Far more than we've lost to the Undead or Monsters in the past year.  Without Heenite assistance to the Vlaanderen rebels, the war would have been over months ago.  That cannot be simply forgotten.  The Necromancer's Servants have thus far been open with us and we have allied with them in good faith to deal with the scourge from the Netherworld.  As you support your allies, we support ours.
Thousands of Plergothians met their end at Heenite hands during the past six months in the battles of Reeds.  Far more than we've lost to the Undead or Monsters in the past year.  Without Heenite assistance to the Vlaanderen rebels, the war would have been over months ago.  That cannot be simply forgotten.  The Necromancer's Servants have thus far been open with us and we have allied with them in good faith to deal with the scourge from the Netherworld.  As you support your allies, we support ours.
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(OOC: You are correct - it's Mendrugo's personal anti-Heen bias intentionally put into spinning the article.  If you check the link to his profile, he's good and pissed that his mission of "food for friendship" failed so miserably.  No OOC slights against the Heen players or their realm were intended - it's all Mendrugo's IC grudge.  The retraction will come from Fiorello, since he and Mendrugo rarely see eye-to-eye and Mendrugo's nowhere near ready to apologize.)
(OOC: You are correct - it's Mendrugo's personal anti-Heen bias intentionally put into spinning the article.  If you check the link to his profile, he's good and pissed that his mission of "food for friendship" failed so miserably.  No OOC slights against the Heen players or their realm were intended - it's all Mendrugo's IC grudge.  The retraction will come from Fiorello, since he and Mendrugo rarely see eye-to-eye and Mendrugo's nowhere near ready to apologize.)

===RE: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen==
===RE: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen===

Well, i just have one query (can't spell that?!). What's this talk about Heen moving back from Creasur? We never entered any lands that weren't occupied by Khthon or Vlaanderen - ever. The agreement i thought was that we were entirely defensive, and could only move into lands once they'd been TO'd by Vlaanderen/Khthon (and i'm not sure that happened!!). The furthest south we got was Weghie, where Plergoth attacked our stationary forces. Don't remember anything about a siege on Creasur, and you can check [[Heen/Heenite Highlights]] to see if there's anything there, as we usually document troop movements there. --[[User:Crazylozda|Crazylozda]] 23:38, 12 July 2007 (CEST)
Well, i just have one query (can't spell that?!). What's this talk about Heen moving back from Creasur? We never entered any lands that weren't occupied by Khthon or Vlaanderen - ever. The agreement i thought was that we were entirely defensive, and could only move into lands once they'd been TO'd by Vlaanderen/Khthon (and i'm not sure that happened!!). The furthest south we got was Weghie, where Plergoth attacked our stationary forces. Don't remember anything about a siege on Creasur, and you can check [[Heen/Heenite Highlights]] to see if there's anything there, as we usually document troop movements there. --[[User:Crazylozda|Crazylozda]] 23:38, 12 July 2007 (CEST)

===RE: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen==
===RE: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen===

Creasur wasn't actually attacked, but I recall the panic that it would be when a large Vlaanderen/Khthonian force moved into Xinjin shortly after taking over Weghie.  The tide of the war was definitely against us at that point, and it seemed as though we might lose until Mesh showed up with reinforcements for Creasur at the 11th hour.  As an unarmed trader back then, I wasn't on the front lines - just getting reports that Heen forces were advancing with the Vlaanderen and Khthon forces.  I'm sure that you did obey the strictures of the agreements you made - it just felt to this editor that your presence in Weghie (which we considered the frontlines of a defensive battle for our territory at that point) placed you in the role of aggressor alongside Vlaanderen and Khthon.  (Guarding Reeds is one thing, but garrisoning a recently TO'd territory to free up your allies - a sound strategy, of course - is somewhat more attack-oriented)
Creasur wasn't actually attacked, but I recall the panic that it would be when a large Vlaanderen/Khthonian force moved into Xinjin shortly after taking over Weghie.  The tide of the war was definitely against us at that point, and it seemed as though we might lose until Mesh showed up with reinforcements for Creasur at the 11th hour.  As an unarmed trader back then, I wasn't on the front lines - just getting reports that Heen forces were advancing with the Vlaanderen and Khthon forces.  I'm sure that you did obey the strictures of the agreements you made - it just felt to this editor that your presence in Weghie (which we considered the frontlines of a defensive battle for our territory at that point) placed you in the role of aggressor alongside Vlaanderen and Khthon.  (Guarding Reeds is one thing, but garrisoning a recently TO'd territory to free up your allies - a sound strategy, of course - is somewhat more attack-oriented)
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He must come to Gaxano so I can "free" him of his evils... *cough* human sacrifice *cough*. -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 16:14, 13 July 2007 (CEST)
He must come to Gaxano so I can "free" him of his evils... *cough* human sacrifice *cough*. -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 16:14, 13 July 2007 (CEST)
:I've got him now... It's quite fun, actually. :) -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 01:01, 16 July 2007 (CEST)
::This is all your fault, isn't it?  You killed Alfredo and unleashed a massive Daimonic infestation.  You blew it all up!!! - [[User:Mendrugo|Mendrugo]] 19:29, 16 July 2007 (CEST)
:::Nonsense, Dyomoque's guards detained him before I could convince him to join me in my temple in Gaxano. Never too late though, I guess. -[[User:Chénier|Chénier]] 21:04, 16 July 2007 (CEST)
===War of Attrition Continues in Heen===
Quite a change of tone, isn't it?
- What can I say?  The Heenites put up quite an impressive fight, charging in again and again as the numbers game turned against them.  More importantly, as dedicated practitioners of sensationalist (not to mention yellow) journalism, the battles gave us something to report, and there's nothing we like to sink our teeth into more than a doomed struggle against overwhelming odds.  As for the Heen-centric spin, for some reason our readers seem to identify more with the human side of the battle, rather than wanting to read about the inner turmoil and determination of Glurh the Zombie Thrall.  Without the Heenite will to perservere, we'd be back to reporting that "Puppies are nice".
Also, the Heen battles are (IC) quite appealing to the followers of Daishi. You ride forth each tick to face the Great Death That Comes For You All and battle heroically, earning an honorable death in defense of your homeland.  Moreover, you permanently dispatch hundreds of reanimated corpses, releasing them from Koshi and sending them into the final embrace of Daishi. Though we find your taste in Federation partners highly questionable, and are on opposite sides of the regional political divide, from a religious perspective, you're doing a bang-up job.  - Mendrugo
"Many Iknopatans died to bring us this information"... LOL. May the force be with your paper, Mendrugo. [[User:Vellos|Vellos]] 21:43, 16 July 2007 (CEST)
===Monstrous Coalition Defeats Netherworld in Yokk===
Ya might want to be checkin' the facts of this story. The most basic facts actually because it ain't no Nethercritter scout force that was intercepted but a legion of Necromancer's Servants. - Tarajist [[User:Balewind|Balewind]]
* Yep. Screwed up on that one.  Saw the "N" at the front and, given the direction the Netherworlders were moving, just read it wrong.  Fixing it now.

Latest revision as of 11:02, 20 July 2007

Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen

Congratulations, Mendrugo, since this article I no longer bear the Plergoth Press in high esteem. I used to enjoy reading these articles, but now I do not anymore, because of this nonsense.

First of all, despite a deal brokered between Plergoth and Heen to stay out of the Reeds-Creasur battle in exchange for shipments of food to their starving realm.. Check your resources about agreements. There was never an agreement that Heen would not get involved in the war between Plergoth and Vlaanderen and Khthon. There was an agreement that Heen would not attack Plergoth along with Vlaanderen troops. That is something different. I know, I was the one that signed that agreement as Royal Treasurer of Heen with Sir Artevan, who was a good friend of mine. A Heenite never set foot on Plergothian soil during the war, as was also agreed between the rulers of your and my realm. Heen however did join in the war, but on another way, to help defending its ally Vlaanderen. There was also an agreement between Heen and Mesh to not enter each other's lands, and apart from one Meshian infiltrator once attacking a Heenite, and one Meshian noble entering Apokh, there were no infractions to that agreement ever made. And that agreement was still upheld when Mesh joined into the war. You may not recall that, Mendrugo, but after the agreement between Heen and Plergoth was signed, Mesh joined into the war and attacked Vlaanderen. Therefore, Heen joined into the war as well, by defending Reeds and the surrounding regions that were under Vlaanderen's claims. Heen never set foot in Mesh's regions, Heen never set foot in Plergoth's regions. Heen never broke either of these agreements. Do NOT blame Heen for helping its ally.

Now secondly, you seem to be bothered that Heen chose to fight the Undead and not the Monsters. I have heard it often enough that it was not good to ally with either of the parties. Yet we chose to ally up with the Monsters. Why? Because our allies had done the same thing. Because the spawning portal of the monsters is far closer so more of a threat to Heen. And because thus far our "alliance" with the monsters has proven benefits. The monsters do not ask us to attack other realms, they do not ask regions from us, they do not ask us to stop defending our regions. In fact, they help us defending against Undead and Necromancers, and they do so very well. They do exactly as our General orders them, and that is a blessing. Undead may be closer bound to humans, but from what I've seen thus far, the Monsters have more honour than the Undead, and I've already seen both in battle. Now, is it a pity that Heen and Plergoth don't have the same "ally"? Who knows... In any case, don't come whining in Heen when the Undead betray you.

You seem to be pleased that the Undead are "victorious" over Heen. May you sink to the bottom of the ocean and may many curses come over you. You are no human if you enjoy seeing a human nation defeaten by a bunch of undead. Do you Plergothians all carry the undeads in higher esteem than any human nation, or are you the only lunatic with these thoughts? You have failed to see the right reason of these alliances with the rogues. The only just reasons are simply to avoid them attacking you, for there are no disadvantages of an alliance with any of them, they ask nothing. All the alliance was was a choice as to which party you wanted to not attack you but defend you instead. The reasons why Heen chose for the Monsters are mentioned instead. But that doesn't mean that we would enjoy it if the Monsters would enter Creasur and kill every citizen in that city. We would not, we would be devastated, because we feel united with the other nations now in the face of this invasion. We would not be happy with Monsters attacking any other nation. "But they don't" Indead, they don't. Do you know why? Because Heen and its allies had the guts to chose the right side. Because Heen and its allies are the only realms at war with the undead, and as a conclusion all the undead hordes are in Heen now, and all the Monster hordes as well, they are helping us to defend ourselves, instead of rampaging freely. Nearly all Monsters and Undeads are in Heen, and those not in Heen are heading there. Heen in getting all the rogues together and managing that they kill each other, and all you can say is cheer that the Undead have managed to succesfully attack Heen City? I hope that you are the only Plergothian with such a mad mind, and I hope that mercy will not come to you when this is over!

Lastly, the Undead are not victorious over Heen. They have simply taken out the militia that was in Heen. The 5000 CS Heenites that were killed today -- May Qyrvagg have their souls and not Hannibal -- were militia, bravily defending their city because Hannibal and his puppies had cowardly tricked the Heenites away from their capital and attacked Heen. But Heen's army together with several Monster hordes are now next to Heen, and will deal with the Undead, for that combined army is now large enough to handle the Undead.

I hope I never have to read any more of this nonsense anymore...


Re: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen

Thousands of Plergothians met their end at Heenite hands during the past six months in the battles of Reeds. Far more than we've lost to the Undead or Monsters in the past year. Without Heenite assistance to the Vlaanderen rebels, the war would have been over months ago. That cannot be simply forgotten. The Necromancer's Servants have thus far been open with us and we have allied with them in good faith to deal with the scourge from the Netherworld. As you support your allies, we support ours.

As to your specific complaints, you are correct in your interpretations. A retraction will be published.

While Heenite forces did not actually attack Plergothian forces on Plergothian soil, they were present in large numbers marching with the Vlaanderen and Khthonian troops as they made their aborted attempt to besiege Creasur in March/April - maneuvers which certainly didn't appear (from our perspective) to be "defensive" in any sense of the word. Also, I was unaware of the exact terms of the agreement. As the agent who actually delivered the food to Heen, I was only told that it was goodwill aid sent to secure Heenish neutrality and/or alliance. When the army of Heen instead appeared on the battlefield supporting the enemy, it was taken as a dark betrayal - literally biting the hand that fed you.

July 12, 1007 | Mendrugo

(OOC: You are correct - it's Mendrugo's personal anti-Heen bias intentionally put into spinning the article. If you check the link to his profile, he's good and pissed that his mission of "food for friendship" failed so miserably. No OOC slights against the Heen players or their realm were intended - it's all Mendrugo's IC grudge. The retraction will come from Fiorello, since he and Mendrugo rarely see eye-to-eye and Mendrugo's nowhere near ready to apologize.)

RE: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen

Well, i just have one query (can't spell that?!). What's this talk about Heen moving back from Creasur? We never entered any lands that weren't occupied by Khthon or Vlaanderen - ever. The agreement i thought was that we were entirely defensive, and could only move into lands once they'd been TO'd by Vlaanderen/Khthon (and i'm not sure that happened!!). The furthest south we got was Weghie, where Plergoth attacked our stationary forces. Don't remember anything about a siege on Creasur, and you can check Heen/Heenite Highlights to see if there's anything there, as we usually document troop movements there. --Crazylozda 23:38, 12 July 2007 (CEST)

RE: Necromancer's Servants Triumph Over Heen

Creasur wasn't actually attacked, but I recall the panic that it would be when a large Vlaanderen/Khthonian force moved into Xinjin shortly after taking over Weghie. The tide of the war was definitely against us at that point, and it seemed as though we might lose until Mesh showed up with reinforcements for Creasur at the 11th hour. As an unarmed trader back then, I wasn't on the front lines - just getting reports that Heen forces were advancing with the Vlaanderen and Khthon forces. I'm sure that you did obey the strictures of the agreements you made - it just felt to this editor that your presence in Weghie (which we considered the frontlines of a defensive battle for our territory at that point) placed you in the role of aggressor alongside Vlaanderen and Khthon. (Guarding Reeds is one thing, but garrisoning a recently TO'd territory to free up your allies - a sound strategy, of course - is somewhat more attack-oriented)

Fair enough :) Guess i didn't realise that they were attacking Creasur - we just moved into Weghie when Khthon had taken it. But i like the articles btw. They're supposed to be biased - although yours was pretty harsh this time :P --Crazylozda 11:28, 13 July 2007 (CEST)

Possessed Adventurer Detained in Creasur

Or move to Heen/Sint and spawn Daimons right? ;) --Crazylozda 15:16, 13 July 2007 (CEST)

--I sure hope not. Every time daimons show up, they tend to make one hell of a mess of Plergoth. The only time we beat them was due to a glitch in the combat system that let us hit Invisible but didn't let him hit back, and he immediately respawned and came back to smash us. He's apparently staying in Creasur for the moment, and Mendrugo hopes to get an interview with him next tick when he returns to the capital. More info to come. -Mendrugo

To be honest, i'm going to bet that its Hannibal respawning - so he will probably head for Heen...hehe. Unless its Arcane coming back (if he hasn't already?) of course.--Crazylozda 15:22, 13 July 2007 (CEST)
It's not Hannibal. Alfredo showed up in Eg Tutnu a few days ago, before Hannibal died. When Invisible came back, there wasn't any "possessed adventurer" chrysalis stage - he was just back in a puff of brimstone with a fresh army. -- Mendrugo

He must come to Gaxano so I can "free" him of his evils... *cough* human sacrifice *cough*. -Chénier 16:14, 13 July 2007 (CEST)

I've got him now... It's quite fun, actually. :) -Chénier 01:01, 16 July 2007 (CEST)
This is all your fault, isn't it? You killed Alfredo and unleashed a massive Daimonic infestation. You blew it all up!!! - Mendrugo 19:29, 16 July 2007 (CEST)
Nonsense, Dyomoque's guards detained him before I could convince him to join me in my temple in Gaxano. Never too late though, I guess. -Chénier 21:04, 16 July 2007 (CEST)

War of Attrition Continues in Heen

Quite a change of tone, isn't it?

- What can I say? The Heenites put up quite an impressive fight, charging in again and again as the numbers game turned against them. More importantly, as dedicated practitioners of sensationalist (not to mention yellow) journalism, the battles gave us something to report, and there's nothing we like to sink our teeth into more than a doomed struggle against overwhelming odds. As for the Heen-centric spin, for some reason our readers seem to identify more with the human side of the battle, rather than wanting to read about the inner turmoil and determination of Glurh the Zombie Thrall. Without the Heenite will to perservere, we'd be back to reporting that "Puppies are nice".

Also, the Heen battles are (IC) quite appealing to the followers of Daishi. You ride forth each tick to face the Great Death That Comes For You All and battle heroically, earning an honorable death in defense of your homeland. Moreover, you permanently dispatch hundreds of reanimated corpses, releasing them from Koshi and sending them into the final embrace of Daishi. Though we find your taste in Federation partners highly questionable, and are on opposite sides of the regional political divide, from a religious perspective, you're doing a bang-up job. - Mendrugo

"Many Iknopatans died to bring us this information"... LOL. May the force be with your paper, Mendrugo. Vellos 21:43, 16 July 2007 (CEST)

Monstrous Coalition Defeats Netherworld in Yokk

Ya might want to be checkin' the facts of this story. The most basic facts actually because it ain't no Nethercritter scout force that was intercepted but a legion of Necromancer's Servants. - Tarajist Balewind

  • Yep. Screwed up on that one. Saw the "N" at the front and, given the direction the Netherworlders were moving, just read it wrong. Fixing it now.