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-Just a suggestion. For "The Order" put it as balance between light and dark. Because that's the basis of The Order and The Order of Ered Luin.-Telemchus, priest of The Order
====The Order====
Definitely not followers of the Great Dragon. If anything, The Order is the exact opposite. They fight the evil/misguided followers of the Great Dragon and those who've been subverted to worshiping similar beasts (i.e. Da Goat and Magna Serpaentsism).
More work does need to be done on The Order's wiki page to help clarify this obvious misconception, I just don't have the time to do it.


Latest revision as of 20:39, 28 May 2007

The Order

Definitely not followers of the Great Dragon. If anything, The Order is the exact opposite. They fight the evil/misguided followers of the Great Dragon and those who've been subverted to worshiping similar beasts (i.e. Da Goat and Magna Serpaentsism).

More work does need to be done on The Order's wiki page to help clarify this obvious misconception, I just don't have the time to do it.


Darkanism revolves around three gods Sigrid, Darka and Lodril. Together these three gods create the needed elements for their holy volcano. Worship is centered around these three, even though there are other gods in the mythology. They are mainly treated as side players in the religion and are used to scare children and generally treated as being evil, though they might not really be.

May I correct that? Darka, Sigrid and Lodril are the main gods. Jordfan, Sigund and Brigith are the side gods. Sigund and Brigith are evil, because they are fighting the main gods to bring them back into Sigund's womb. Their followers are not tolerated, because they are simply evil and worshippers of evil are not welcome. We do not wish to scare children with that, we wish to hold them for their evil. Sigund and Brigith are the ones scaring the children. Jordfan on the other hand is not evil. He is the creator of everything, but has lost many of his worshippers since he decided to not get involved in the conflict between Sigund and Brigith on the one hand and Darka, Sigrid and Lodril on the other hand. His followers are of course fully tolerated, but there are much less of them. Easy, High Priest of Darka, God of Ashes.


Share our faith, and be blessed. Share not, and may Rosegarden Guy take you from behind. It is our duty to praise Da Great Goat whenever we can. As Da Great One once said, "Da Way is not a straight path to Eternal Happiness. It crosses many dangers, and has many curves .... shiny, sexy curves .... what was I saying ?" -ry2n BloodDiver

I'd like to see this changed a little. First, we're Da Way not Da Word. What you have included here is simply the message from the original founder. Perhaps the following would be more suited to describe Da Way: "Da Way was founded to honor Da Great Goat and spread his teachings, to all inhabitants of the world. We accept all nobles wishing to discover Da Way and devote their lives to it. Members initiated into our religion are given a set of specific tasks designed by Da Goat to teach them about Da Way so that when their training is completed, they may in turn teach it to others."

OOOPS! Sorry. That's strange

Very well done description - compliments! TanSerrai 13:49, 21 May 2007 (CEST)