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The '''Big Battle of Kazakh''' was a pivotal battle that took place on November 26, 2005, striking the final deathblow the the now-lost realm of [[Rancagua]]. This battle was part of the larger [[Sirion]]-[[Perdan]]-[[Oligarch]] war.

Scribe Note, fresh this turn:
Scribe Note, fresh this turn:

Battle in Kazakh
Battle in Kazakh
No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS
1 A Peace Keepers Lexon Old Rancagua 38 Inf box   400
2 A veni, vidi, vici Brandan Old Rancagua 20 Inf line   284
<tr><td>1</td><td>A</td><td>Peace Keepers</td><td>Lexon</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>38 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  400</td></tr>
3 A last stand oracle Old Rancagua 18 Arch line   122
<tr><td>2</td><td>A</td><td>veni, vidi, vici</td><td>Brandan</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>20 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  284</td></tr>
4 A Primus Family Guard Doc Sirion 52 Arch skirmish   715
<tr><td>3</td><td>A</td><td>last stand</td><td>oracle</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>18 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  122</td></tr>
5 A Light Cavalry Jean-Luc Old Rancagua 27 Cav wedge   388
<tr><td>4</td><td>A</td><td>Primus Family Guard</td><td>Doc</td><td>Sirion</td><td>52 Arch</td><td>skirmish</td><td>  715</td></tr>
6 A Haunacauri Warriors Jaguar Old Rancagua 20 Inf line   283
<tr><td>5</td><td>A</td><td>Light Cavalry</td><td>Jean-Luc</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>27 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  388</td></tr>
7 A Elven Sentinels Adrian Sirion 16 MI line   374
<tr><td>6</td><td>A</td><td>Haunacauri Warriors</td><td>Jaguar</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>20 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  283</td></tr>
8 A Guards of Oroya Atmar Old Rancagua 30 Inf box   335
<tr><td>7</td><td>A</td><td>Elven Sentinels</td><td>Adrian</td><td>Sirion</td><td>16 MI</td><td>line</td><td>  374</td></tr>
9 A Anvil Crushers Aurodu Old Rancagua 25 Inf line   234
<tr><td>8</td><td>A</td><td>Guards of Oroya</td><td>Atmar</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>30 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  335</td></tr>
10 A ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers Tzarmeister Sirion 54 Arch skirmish   578
<tr><td>9</td><td>A</td><td>Anvil Crushers</td><td>Aurodu</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>25 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  234</td></tr>
11 A Berserkergang Heinrich Sirion 21 MI line   279
<tr><td>10</td><td>A</td><td>~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers</td><td>Tzarmeister</td><td>Sirion</td><td>54 Arch</td><td>skirmish</td><td>  578</td></tr>
12 A Oroyan Guard Marcus Pius Old Rancagua 4 Cav box   110
<tr><td>11</td><td>A</td><td>Berserkergang</td><td>Heinrich</td><td>Sirion</td><td>21 MI</td><td>line</td><td>  279</td></tr>
13 A Ora Sugary Food Movlat Old Rancagua 33 Inf line   378
<tr><td>12</td><td>A</td><td>Oroyan Guard</td><td>Marcus Pius</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>4 Cav</td><td>box</td><td>  110</td></tr>
14 A Titan Prometheus Old Rancagua 20 Inf line   267
<tr><td>13</td><td>A</td><td>Ora Sugary Food</td><td>Movlat</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>33 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  378</td></tr>
15 A Personal Guard Janos Sirion 30 MI line   278
<tr><td>14</td><td>A</td><td>Titan</td><td>Prometheus</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>20 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  267</td></tr>
16 A Ajax Dogs of WAR Ajax Old Rancagua 21 Inf line   224
<tr><td>15</td><td>A</td><td>Personal Guard</td><td>Janos</td><td>Sirion</td><td>30 MI</td><td>line</td><td>  278</td></tr>
17 A Guards of Oroya Dikc Old Rancagua 9 Inf line   145
<tr><td>16</td><td>A</td><td>Ajax Dogs of WAR</td><td>Ajax</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>21 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  224</td></tr>
18 A dagger of dracilis Dracilis Old Rancagua 17 Inf line   197
<tr><td>17</td><td>A</td><td>Guards of Oroya</td><td>Dikc</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>9 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  145</td></tr>
19 A Red Legion XII Thalanteus Old Rancagua 49 Cav wedge   370
<tr><td>18</td><td>A</td><td>dagger of dracilis</td><td>Dracilis</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>17 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  197</td></tr>
20 A Silver Elves Fangir Sirion 50 Inf box   498
<tr><td>19</td><td>A</td><td>Red Legion XII</td><td>Thalanteus</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>49 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  370</td></tr>
21 A Personal Guard Mel Sirion 5 Cav wedge   144
<tr><td>20</td><td>A</td><td>Silver Elves</td><td>Fangir</td><td>Sirion</td><td>50 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  498</td></tr>
22 A Royal Sentinels Vornamen Old Rancagua 30 Inf line   434
<tr><td>21</td><td>A</td><td>Personal Guard</td><td>Mel</td><td>Sirion</td><td>5 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  144</td></tr>
23 A Jack's Kazan Guard Jack Old Rancagua 25 Inf line   253
<tr><td>22</td><td>A</td><td>Royal Sentinels</td><td>Vornamen</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>30 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  434</td></tr>
24 A Toogoodoos Papier Sirion 39 Inf box   339
<tr><td>23</td><td>A</td><td>Jack's Kazan Guard</td><td>Jack</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>25 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  253</td></tr>
25 A Horsemen of An Najaf lolaap Fontan 41 Cav wedge   469
<tr><td>24</td><td>A</td><td>Toogoodoos</td><td>Papier</td><td>Sirion</td><td>39 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  339</td></tr>
26 A Oroyan Police Charlie Murphy Old Rancagua 2 Inf box   36
<tr><td>25</td><td>A</td><td>Horsemen of An Najaf</td><td>lolaap</td><td>Fontan</td><td>41 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  469</td></tr>
27 A Protectors of the star Phavian Fontan 24 Inf line   231
<tr><td>26</td><td>A</td><td>Oroyan Police</td><td>Charlie Murphy</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>2 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  36</td></tr>
28 A Inafantry Shadowbeast Old Rancagua 20 Inf line   170
<tr><td>27</td><td>A</td><td>Protectors of the star</td><td>Phavian</td><td>Fontan</td><td>24 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  231</td></tr>
29 A Startshiptroopers Brigo Old Rancagua 18 Arch line   203
<tr><td>28</td><td>A</td><td>Inafantry</td><td>Shadowbeast</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>20 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  170</td></tr>
30 A 9th Golden Legion Palandro Old Rancagua 19 Inf line   211
<tr><td>29</td><td>A</td><td>Startshiptroopers</td><td>Brigo</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>18 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  203</td></tr>
31 A Killer Tofu Areku Sirion 30 Inf line   344
<tr><td>30</td><td>A</td><td>9th Golden Legion</td><td>Palandro</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>19 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  211</td></tr>
32 A The Templars Pride bell Sirion 32 Cav wedge   512
<tr><td>31</td><td>A</td><td>Killer Tofu</td><td>Areku</td><td>Sirion</td><td>30 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  344</td></tr>
33 A Glacies Preliator Glacious Sirion 26 Inf line   297
<tr><td>32</td><td>A</td><td>The Templars Pride</td><td>bell</td><td>Sirion</td><td>32 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  512</td></tr>
34 A Percy's Duskriders percy Sirion 33 Cav wedge   375
<tr><td>33</td><td>A</td><td>Glacies Preliator</td><td>Glacious</td><td>Sirion</td><td>26 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  297</td></tr>
35 A Dark Riders Billy Bob Brubaker Old Rancagua 8 Cav wedge   238
<tr><td>34</td><td>A</td><td>Percy's Duskriders</td><td>percy</td><td>Sirion</td><td>33 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  375</td></tr>
36 A Promethien Guard Achanarius Old Rancagua 25 Inf box   264
<tr><td>35</td><td>A</td><td>Dark Riders</td><td>Billy Bob Brubaker</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>8 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  238</td></tr>
37 A Gondolin Elves Turgon Sirion 28 Inf line   305
<tr><td>36</td><td>A</td><td>Promethien Guard</td><td>Achanarius</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>25 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  264</td></tr>
38 A Bladesingers Azran T'alynn Sirion 13 MI line   276
<tr><td>37</td><td>A</td><td>Gondolin Elves</td><td>Turgon</td><td>Sirion</td><td>28 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  305</td></tr>
39 A Pop goes the weazel Popsi Sirion 40 MI line   438
<tr><td>38</td><td>A</td><td>Bladesingers</td><td>Azran T'alynn</td><td>Sirion</td><td>13 MI</td><td>line</td><td>  276</td></tr>
40 A Fallen Angels Tyrael Sirion 25 Inf line   263
<tr><td>39</td><td>A</td><td>Pop goes the weazel</td><td>Popsi</td><td>Sirion</td><td>40 MI</td><td>line</td><td>  438</td></tr>
41 A Argonian Warriors SY Old Rancagua 15 Inf line   165
<tr><td>40</td><td>A</td><td>Fallen Angels</td><td>Tyrael</td><td>Sirion</td><td>25 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  263</td></tr>
42 A Oroya Rangers Domicus Old Rancagua 23 Arch skirmish   184
<tr><td>41</td><td>A</td><td>Argonian Warriors</td><td>SY</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>15 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  165</td></tr>
43 A Ciaran Chargers Hunter Sirion 26 Cav wedge   272
<tr><td>42</td><td>A</td><td>Oroya Rangers</td><td>Domicus</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>23 Arch</td><td>skirmish</td><td>  184</td></tr>
44 A Guards of Oroya Olaf Old Rancagua 20 Inf line   265
<tr><td>43</td><td>A</td><td>Ciaran Chargers</td><td>Hunter</td><td>Sirion</td><td>26 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  272</td></tr>
45 A 10th Mountain Division Talius Old Rancagua 40 Inf box   384
<tr><td>44</td><td>A</td><td>Guards of Oroya</td><td>Olaf</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>20 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  265</td></tr>
46 A Avian's Till Death Avian Fontan 25 Arch skirmish   278
<tr><td>45</td><td>A</td><td>10th Mountain Division</td><td>Talius</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>40 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  384</td></tr>
47 A Minions Asdrubal Sirion 44 Inf box   408
<tr><td>46</td><td>A</td><td>Avian's Till Death</td><td>Avian</td><td>Fontan</td><td>25 Arch</td><td>skirmish</td><td>  278</td></tr>
48 A Witch Blades The Witch Old Rancagua 35 Inf box   262
<tr><td>47</td><td>A</td><td>Minions</td><td>Asdrubal</td><td>Sirion</td><td>44 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  408</td></tr>
49 A Takeover Boom 2 Old Rancagua 102 Arch line   437
<tr><td>48</td><td>A</td><td>Witch Blades</td><td>The Witch</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>35 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  262</td></tr>
50 A Aslan II ausom Sirion 30 Inf box   293
<tr><td>49</td><td>A</td><td>Takeover</td><td>Boom 2</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>102 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  437</td></tr>
51 A Human Shield Henri Fontan 51 Inf box   548
<tr><td>50</td><td>A</td><td>Aslan II</td><td>ausom</td><td>Sirion</td><td>30 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  293</td></tr>
52 A Frog Throwers High Guard Old Rancagua 27 MI line   321
<tr><td>51</td><td>A</td><td>Human Shield</td><td>Henri</td><td>Fontan</td><td>51 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  548</td></tr>
53 A Kazakh Siegemen Amelia Old Rancagua 23 Inf line   256
<tr><td>52</td><td>A</td><td>Frog Throwers</td><td>High Guard</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>27 MI</td><td>line</td><td>  321</td></tr>
54 A Evyls cuthroats Evylears Sirion 35 Inf line   431
<tr><td>53</td><td>A</td><td>Kazakh Siegemen</td><td>Amelia</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>23 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  256</td></tr>
55 A Minions of Cthulhu Sizz Lor Fontan 20 SF line   454
<tr><td>54</td><td>A</td><td>Evyls cuthroats</td><td>Evylears</td><td>Sirion</td><td>35 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  431</td></tr>
56 A Trainee Knights Lycastus Fontan 36 Cav wedge   438
<tr><td>55</td><td>A</td><td>Minions of Cthulhu</td><td>Sizz Lor</td><td>Fontan</td><td>20 SF</td><td>line</td><td>  454</td></tr>
57 A The Answer diablo Sirion 49 Inf line   488
<tr><td>56</td><td>A</td><td>Trainee Knights</td><td>Lycastus</td><td>Fontan</td><td>36 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  438</td></tr>
58 A Cirthalion ShadowWolf Old Rancagua 41 Inf box   459
<tr><td>57</td><td>A</td><td>The Answer</td><td>diablo</td><td>Sirion</td><td>49 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  488</td></tr>
59 A the men from ironbark larneg Fontan 15 SF line   356
<tr><td>58</td><td>A</td><td>Cirthalion</td><td>ShadowWolf</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>41 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  459</td></tr>
60 A {TOR} Vindicators Dekion Old Rancagua 1 Inf skirmish   24
<tr><td>59</td><td>A</td><td>the men from ironbark</td><td>larneg</td><td>Fontan</td><td>15 SF</td><td>line</td><td>  356</td></tr>
61 A New Blessed Arrows Ragnell Old Rancagua 21 Arch line   246
<tr><td>60</td><td>A</td><td>{TOR} Vindicators</td><td>Dekion</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>1 Inf</td><td>skirmish</td><td>  24</td></tr>
62 A Blaastambar expedition Ju Sirion 64 MI wedge   523
<tr><td>61</td><td>A</td><td>New Blessed Arrows</td><td>Ragnell</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>21 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  246</td></tr>
63 A Fuinur's Elite Haradrim Fuinur Old Rancagua 37 Inf box   423
<tr><td>62</td><td>A</td><td>Blaastambar expedition</td><td>Ju</td><td>Sirion</td><td>64 MI</td><td>wedge</td><td>  523</td></tr>
64 A Elite Kaydron Dragons Kaydron Sirion 14 Cav wedge   343
<tr><td>63</td><td>A</td><td>Fuinur's Elite Haradrim</td><td>Fuinur</td><td>Old Rancagua</td><td>37 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  423</td></tr>
65 D The General's Men Rhino Rancagua 45 Arch line   355
<tr><td>64</td><td>A</td><td>Elite Kaydron Dragons</td><td>Kaydron</td><td>Sirion</td><td>14 Cav</td><td>wedge</td><td>  343</td></tr>
66 D Hand of Khan (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 19 Arch line   196
<tr><td>65</td><td>D</td><td>The General's Men</td><td>Rhino</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>45 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  355</td></tr>
67 D Blood thirst Yoan Rancagua 30 Inf box   259
<tr><td>66</td><td>D</td><td>Hand of Khan</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>19 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  196</td></tr>
68 D Hitachi Guard (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 13 Inf line   169
<tr><td>67</td><td>D</td><td>Blood thirst</td><td>Yoan</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>30 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  259</td></tr>
69 D Kentian Guard (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 20 Inf line   226
<tr><td>68</td><td>D</td><td>Hitachi Guard</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>13 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  169</td></tr>
70 D Hiatchi Guard (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 18 Inf line   219
<tr><td>69</td><td>D</td><td>Kentian Guard</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>20 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  226</td></tr>
71 D `Silent Slayers` Kay Z Rancagua 24 Arch line   204
<tr><td>70</td><td>D</td><td>Hiatchi Guard</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>18 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  219</td></tr>
72 D Crusaders (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 14 Inf line   179
<tr><td>71</td><td>D</td><td>`Silent Slayers`</td><td>Kay Z</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>24 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  204</td></tr>
73 D Kazakh Patrol Raath Rancagua 5 Inf line   80
<tr><td>72</td><td>D</td><td>Crusaders</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>14 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  179</td></tr>
74 D Blessed Arrows of Light (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 14 Arch skirmish   167
<tr><td>73</td><td>D</td><td>Kazakh Patrol</td><td>Raath</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>5 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  80</td></tr>
75 D John Paul's Saints JOHN PAUL Rancagua 9 Arch line   186
<tr><td>74</td><td>D</td><td>Blessed Arrows of Light</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>14 Arch</td><td>skirmish</td><td>  167</td></tr>
76 D Skilled Arrows Esperos Rancagua 36 Arch line   297
<tr><td>75</td><td>D</td><td>John Paul's Saints</td><td>JOHN PAUL</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>9 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  186</td></tr>
77 D The General's Men (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 27 Inf box   301
<tr><td>76</td><td>D</td><td>Skilled Arrows</td><td>Esperos</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>36 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  297</td></tr>
78 D Night Lights (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 33 Arch line   302
<tr><td>77</td><td>D</td><td>The General's Men</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>27 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  301</td></tr>
79 D Kazakh City Guards Jake the second Rancagua 15 Inf box   128
<tr><td>78</td><td>D</td><td>Night Lights</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>33 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  302</td></tr>
80 D Kazakh City Guards (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 7 Inf box   127
<tr><td>79</td><td>D</td><td>Kazakh City Guards</td><td>Jake the second</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>15 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  128</td></tr>
81 D Demon Killers 2 (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 41 Inf line   368
<tr><td>80</td><td>D</td><td>Kazakh City Guards</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>7 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  127</td></tr>
82 D FireGaurd Isawa Rancagua 3 Arch line   64
<tr><td>81</td><td>D</td><td>Demon Killers 2</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>41 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  368</td></tr>
83 D Personal Guard (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 22 Inf line   247
<tr><td>82</td><td>D</td><td>FireGaurd</td><td>Isawa</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>3 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  64</td></tr>
84 D The Forsaken Belgarion Rancagua 6 Inf box   102
<tr><td>83</td><td>D</td><td>Personal Guard</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>22 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  247</td></tr>
85 D Merlin II's Fighters Merlin II Rancagua 28 Inf box   291
<tr><td>84</td><td>D</td><td>The Forsaken</td><td>Belgarion</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>6 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  102</td></tr>
86 D Light Guardians (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 24 Arch line   215
<tr><td>85</td><td>D</td><td>Merlin II's Fighters</td><td>Merlin II</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>28 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  291</td></tr>
87 D Kazakh Golf Association William Rancagua 6 Arch line   89
<tr><td>86</td><td>D</td><td>Light Guardians</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>24 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  215</td></tr>
88 D Underworldlings (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 20 Inf line   239
<tr><td>87</td><td>D</td><td>Kazakh Golf Association</td><td>William</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>6 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  89</td></tr>
89 D Delphin Guard Delphin Rancagua 6 Arch box   100
<tr><td>88</td><td>D</td><td>Underworldlings</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>20 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  239</td></tr>
90 D Guardians of the Citadel I (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 38 Arch line   313
<tr><td>89</td><td>D</td><td>Delphin Guard</td><td>Delphin</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>6 Arch</td><td>box</td><td>  100</td></tr>
91 D The Underlost Osiris Rancagua 15 Inf box   210
<tr><td>90</td><td>D</td><td>Guardians of the Citadel I</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>38 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  313</td></tr>
92 D Launchers of Light (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 30 Arch line   252
<tr><td>91</td><td>D</td><td>The Underlost</td><td>Osiris</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>15 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  210</td></tr>
93 D Kazakh City Guards (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 46 Inf line   465
<tr><td>92</td><td>D</td><td>Launchers of Light</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>30 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  252</td></tr>
94 D Guardians of the Light 1 (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 15 Arch line   171
<tr><td>93</td><td>D</td><td>Kazakh City Guards</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>46 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  465</td></tr>
95 D Kazakh Bowmen (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 12 Arch box   151
<tr><td>94</td><td>D</td><td>Guardians of the Light 1</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>15 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  171</td></tr>
96 D Raath's Wrath (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 41 Arch line   401
<tr><td>95</td><td>D</td><td>Kazakh Bowmen</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>12 Arch</td><td>box</td><td>  151</td></tr>
97 D Merlin II's warriors (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 32 Inf box   299
<tr><td>96</td><td>D</td><td>Raath's Wrath</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>41 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  401</td></tr>
98 D Ayashi no Ceres (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 32 Inf line   327
<tr><td>97</td><td>D</td><td>Merlin II's warriors</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>32 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  299</td></tr>
99 D Mushroom Guard Eltharion Rancagua 16 Arch line   156
<tr><td>98</td><td>D</td><td>Ayashi no Ceres</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>32 Inf</td><td>line</td><td>  327</td></tr>
100 D Omnia (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 19 Arch line   210
<tr><td>99</td><td>D</td><td>Mushroom Guard</td><td>Eltharion</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>16 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  156</td></tr>
101 D City Guard III (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 25 Arch line   219
<tr><td>100</td><td>D</td><td>Omnia</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>19 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  210</td></tr>
102 D Kazakh City Guards OGRE Rancagua 35 Inf box   342
<tr><td>101</td><td>D</td><td>City Guard III</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>25 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  219</td></tr>
103 D Merlin's Grunts (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 22 Inf wedge   265
<tr><td>102</td><td>D</td><td>Kazakh City Guards</td><td>OGRE</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>35 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  342</td></tr>
104 D Raath's Wrath (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 36 Arch line   329
<tr><td>103</td><td>D</td><td>Merlin's Grunts</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>22 Inf</td><td>wedge</td><td>  265</td></tr>
105 D Demon Killers 1 (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 20 Arch line   186
<tr><td>104</td><td>D</td><td>Raath's Wrath</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>36 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  329</td></tr>
106 D Excalibur's Warriors Excalibur Rancagua 33 Inf box   335
<tr><td>105</td><td>D</td><td>Demon Killers 1</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>20 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  186</td></tr>
107 D City Guard II (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 26 Arch line   252
<tr><td>106</td><td>D</td><td>Excalibur's Warriors</td><td>Excalibur</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>33 Inf</td><td>box</td><td>  335</td></tr>
108 D Seishin Tsuyoi (militia/guard unit) Rancagua 22 Arch line   207
<tr><td>107</td><td>D</td><td>City Guard II</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>26 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  252</td></tr>
<tr><td>108</td><td>D</td><td>Seishin Tsuyoi</td><td>(militia/guard unit)</td><td>Rancagua</td><td>22 Arch</td><td>line</td><td>  207</td></tr>
64 attackers (997 Inf, 211 MI, 313 Arch, 275 Cav, 35 SF)
* 64 attackers (997 Inf, 211 MI, 313 Arch, 275 Cav, 35 SF)
44 defenders (481 Inf, 519 Arch)
* 44 defenders (481 Inf, 519 Arch)
Total combat strengths: 20519 vs. 10200
* Total combat strengths: 20519 vs. 10200

Blood thirst tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted.
* Blood thirst tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted.
The region owner Rancagua and their allies defend.
* The region owner Rancagua and their allies defend.
The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with Rancagua.
* The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with Rancagua.
The Old Rancagua troops attack because they are at war with Rancagua.
* The Old Rancagua troops attack because they are at war with Rancagua.
Minions of Cthulhu have attack orders.
* Minions of Cthulhu have attack orders.
Trainee Knights have attack orders.
* Trainee Knights have attack orders.
Human Shield have attack orders.
* Human Shield have attack orders.
the men from ironbark have attack orders.
* the men from ironbark have attack orders.
Protectors of the star have attack orders.
* Protectors of the star have attack orders.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
* It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
The defenders have the benefit of fortified positions (level 6).
* The defenders have the benefit of fortified positions (level 6).
Sir Dekion, the High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Marshal of the army of Oroya takes command of the attacker forces.
* Sir Dekion, the High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Marshal of the army of Oroya takes command of the attacker forces.
Rhino, the Paladin Primus of Rancagua, Duke of Kazakh, Marshal of the army of Kazakh takes command of the defender forces.
* Rhino, the Paladin Primus of Rancagua, Duke of Kazakh, Marshal of the army of Kazakh takes command of the defender forces.
The defender are set up in Fortification Defense formation.
* The defender are set up in Fortification Defense formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)

Turn No. 1
===Turn No. 1===
43 (26-C)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">43 (26-C)<br>
56 (36-C)
56 (36-C)<br>
49 (102-A)
49 (102-A)<br>
64 (14-C)
64 (14-C)<br>
60 (1-I)
60 (1-I)<br>
12 (4-C)
12 (4-C)<br>
19 (49-C)
19 (49-C)<br>
5 (27-C)
5 (27-C)<br>
21 (5-C)
21 (5-C)<br>
34 (33-C)
34 (33-C)<br>
35 (8-C)
35 (8-C)<br>
32 (32-C)
32 (32-C)<br>
25 (41-C)
25 (41-C)<br>
47 (44-I)
</td><td width="9%">47 (44-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
15 (30-M)
15 (30-M)<br>
11 (21-M)
11 (21-M)<br>
7 (16-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
20 (50-I)
20 (50-I)<br>
22 (30-I)
22 (30-I)<br>
37 (28-I)
37 (28-I)<br>
38 (13-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
31 (30-I)
31 (30-I)<br>
52 (27-M)
</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
51 (51-I)
51 (51-I)<br>
61 (21-A)
61 (21-A)<br>
62 (64-M)
62 (64-M)<br>
13 (33-I)
13 (33-I)<br>
14 (20-I)
14 (20-I)<br>
18 (17-I)
18 (17-I)<br>
26 (2-I)
26 (2-I)<br>
27 (24-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
28 (20-I)
28 (20-I)<br>
29 (18-A)
29 (18-A)<br>
30 (19-I)
30 (19-I)<br>
41 (15-I)
41 (15-I)<br>
55 (20-S)
</td><td width="9%">55 (20-S)<br>
53 (23-I)
53 (23-I)<br>
50 (30-I)
50 (30-I)<br>
48 (35-I)
48 (35-I)<br>
46 (25-A)
46 (25-A)<br>
45 (40-I)
45 (40-I)<br>
44 (20-I)
44 (20-I)<br>
57 (49-I)
57 (49-I)<br>
58 (41-I)
58 (41-I)<br>
63 (37-I)
63 (37-I)<br>
59 (15-S)
59 (15-S)<br>
1 (38-I)
1 (38-I)<br>
16 (21-I)
16 (21-I)<br>
17 (9-I)
17 (9-I)<br>
10 (54-A)
10 (54-A)<br>
2 (20-I)
2 (20-I)<br>
3 (18-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
4 (52-A)
4 (52-A)<br>
6 (20-I)
6 (20-I)<br>
42 (23-A)
42 (23-A)<br>
8 (30-I)
8 (30-I)<br>
9 (25-I)
9 (25-I)<br>
33 (26-I)
33 (26-I)<br>
36 (25-I)
36 (25-I)<br>
39 (40-M)
39 (40-M)<br>
40 (25-I)
40 (25-I)<br>
23 (25-I)
23 (25-I)<br>
24 (39-I)
24 (39-I)<br>
83 (22-I)
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">83 (22-I)<br>
78 (33-A)
78 (33-A)<br>
80 (7-I)
80 (7-I)<br>
75 (9-A)
75 (9-A)<br>
74 (14-A)
74 (14-A)<br>
72 (14-I)
72 (14-I)<br>
71 (24-A)
71 (24-A)<br>
85 (28-I)
85 (28-I)<br>
101 (25-A)
101 (25-A)<br>
103 (22-I)
103 (22-I)<br>
104 (36-A)
104 (36-A)<br>
107 (26-A)
107 (26-A)<br>
98 (32-I)
98 (32-I)<br>
97 (32-I)
97 (32-I)<br>
89 (6-A)
89 (6-A)<br>
91 (15-I)
91 (15-I)<br>
95 (12-A)
95 (12-A)<br>
93 (46-I)
93 (46-I)<br>
92 (30-A)
92 (30-A)<br>
86 (24-A)
86 (24-A)<br>
108 (22-A)
108 (22-A)<br>
99 (16-A)
99 (16-A)<br>
100 (19-A)
100 (19-A)<br>
102 (35-I)
102 (35-I)<br>
105 (20-A)
105 (20-A)<br>
96 (41-A)
96 (41-A)<br>
90 (38-A)
90 (38-A)<br>
94 (15-A)
94 (15-A)<br>
88 (20-I)
88 (20-I)<br>
87 (6-A)
87 (6-A)<br>
106 (33-I)
106 (33-I)<br>
84 (6-I)
84 (6-I)<br>
73 (5-I)
73 (5-I)<br>
70 (18-I)
70 (18-I)<br>
69 (20-I)
69 (20-I)<br>
68 (13-I)
68 (13-I)<br>
66 (19-A)
66 (19-A)<br>
82 (3-A)
82 (3-A)<br>
79 (15-I)
79 (15-I)<br>
77 (27-I)
77 (27-I)<br>
76 (36-A)
76 (36-A)<br>
65 (45-A)
65 (45-A)<br>
81 (41-I)
81 (41-I)<br>
67 (30-I)
67 (30-I)

John Paul's Saints (75) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 51 hits.
* John Paul's Saints (75) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 51 hits.
City Guard III (101) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 29 hits.
* City Guard III (101) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 29 hits.
Night Lights (78) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 50 hits.
* Night Lights (78) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 50 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 49 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 49 hits.
Blaastambar expedition (62) move closer to get better shots.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) move closer to get better shots.
Bladesingers (38) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Bladesingers (38) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
The General's Men (65) fire on The Answer (57), scoring 78 hits.
* The General's Men (65) fire on The Answer (57), scoring 78 hits.
Primus Family Guard (4) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 453 hits.
* Primus Family Guard (4) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 453 hits.
Mushroom Guard (99) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 18 hits.
* Mushroom Guard (99) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 18 hits.
last stand (3) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 8 hits.
* last stand (3) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 8 hits.
Light Guardians (86) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 64 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 64 hits.
Omnia (100) fire on Cirthalion (58), scoring 69 hits.
* Omnia (100) fire on Cirthalion (58), scoring 69 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 24 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 24 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 7 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 7 hits.
Personal Guard (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Personal Guard (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 41 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 41 hits.
Elven Sentinels (7) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Elven Sentinels (7) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 29 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 29 hits.
New Blessed Arrows (61) move closer to get better shots.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) move closer to get better shots.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 32 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 32 hits.
Frog Throwers (52) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 33 hits.
* Frog Throwers (52) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 33 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 24 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 24 hits.
Avian's Till Death (46) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 125 hits.
* Avian's Till Death (46) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 125 hits.
`Silent Slayers` (71) fire on Peace Keepers (1), scoring 71 hits.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) fire on Peace Keepers (1), scoring 71 hits.
Pop goes the weazel (39) move closer to get better shots.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) move closer to get better shots.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 47 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 47 hits.
Raath's Wrath (96) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 104 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (96) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 104 hits.
Oroya Rangers (42) fire on Kazakh City Guards (102), scoring 16 hits.
* Oroya Rangers (42) fire on Kazakh City Guards (102), scoring 16 hits.
Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Excalibur's Warriors (106), scoring 201 hits.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Excalibur's Warriors (106), scoring 201 hits.
Berserkergang (11) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Berserkergang (11) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 79 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 79 hits.
Startshiptroopers (29) fire on Ayashi no Ceres (98), scoring 45 hits.
* Startshiptroopers (29) fire on Ayashi no Ceres (98), scoring 45 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 76 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 76 hits.
Launchers of Light (92) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 79 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 79 hits.
City Guard II (107) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 58 hits.
* City Guard II (107) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 58 hits.
FireGaurd (82) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 16 hits.
* FireGaurd (82) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 16 hits.
Hand of Khan (66) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 34 hits.
* Hand of Khan (66) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 34 hits.
Ciaran Chargers (43), Dark Riders (35), The Templars Pride (32), Trainee Knights (56), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Elite Kaydron Dragons (64), Percy's Duskriders (34), Red Legion XII (19), Personal Guard (21), Oroyan Guard (12) and Light Cavalry (5) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
* Ciaran Chargers (43), Dark Riders (35), The Templars Pride (32), Trainee Knights (56), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Elite Kaydron Dragons (64), Percy's Duskriders (34), Red Legion XII (19), Personal Guard (21), Oroyan Guard (12) and Light Cavalry (5) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
There is one siege engine at the wall.
* There is one siege engine at the wall.
The General's Men (77) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* The General's Men (77) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Hitachi Guard (68) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Hitachi Guard (68) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Underworldlings (88) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Underworldlings (88) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Kazakh City Guards (80) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Merlin II's warriors (97) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Hiatchi Guard (70) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Hiatchi Guard (70) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Merlin's Grunts (103) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Kazakh City Guards (93) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Blood thirst (67) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Blood thirst (67) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Kentian Guard (69) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kentian Guard (69) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
The Underlost (91) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* The Underlost (91) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Crusaders (72) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Crusaders (72) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Kazakh City Guards (79) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
* Kazakh City Guards (79) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
The Forsaken (84) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* The Forsaken (84) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Witch Blades (48) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Witch Blades (48) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Kazakh City Guards (102) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Kazakh Patrol (73) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Demon Killers 2 (81) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Personal Guard (83) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Personal Guard (83) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Aslan II (50) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Aslan II (50) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Guards of Oroya (44) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Guards of Oroya (44) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Promethien Guard (36) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Promethien Guard (36) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23), Ajax Dogs of WAR (16), Glacies Preliator (33), Titan (14), Guards of Oroya (17), Gondolin Elves (37), Guards of Oroya (8), Evyls cuthroats (54), Minions (47), dagger of dracilis (18), Oroyan Police (26), 9th Golden Legion (30), Killer Tofu (31), the men from ironbark (59), veni, vidi, vici (2), Toogoodoos (24), Peace Keepers (1), {TOR} Vindicators (60), Human Shield (51), Protectors of the star (27), Ora Sugary Food (13), Kazakh Siegemen (53), 10th Mountain Division (45), Fallen Angels (40), Cirthalion (58), Anvil Crushers (9), Inafantry (28), The Answer (57), Royal Sentinels (22), Silver Elves (20) and Argonian Warriors (41) advance towards the enemy.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23), Ajax Dogs of WAR (16), Glacies Preliator (33), Titan (14), Guards of Oroya (17), Gondolin Elves (37), Guards of Oroya (8), Evyls cuthroats (54), Minions (47), dagger of dracilis (18), Oroyan Police (26), 9th Golden Legion (30), Killer Tofu (31), the men from ironbark (59), veni, vidi, vici (2), Toogoodoos (24), Peace Keepers (1), {TOR} Vindicators (60), Human Shield (51), Protectors of the star (27), Ora Sugary Food (13), Kazakh Siegemen (53), 10th Mountain Division (45), Fallen Angels (40), Cirthalion (58), Anvil Crushers (9), Inafantry (28), The Answer (57), Royal Sentinels (22), Silver Elves (20) and Argonian Warriors (41) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
4 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 4 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
9 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
* The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 96 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 96 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 107 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 107 hits.
Glacies Preliator (33) score 158 hits.
* Glacies Preliator (33) score 158 hits.
Guards of Oroya (17) score 60 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (17) score 60 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 134 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 134 hits.
the men from ironbark (59) score 129 hits.
* the men from ironbark (59) score 129 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 138 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 138 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 102 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 102 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 235 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 235 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 96 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 96 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 133 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 133 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 127 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 127 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 203 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 203 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 85 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 85 hits.
Pop goes the weazel (39) score 159 hits.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) score 159 hits.
The Answer (57) score 229 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 229 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (79) score 37 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (79) score 37 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 37, Defenders: 373 (2191 before overkill)
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 37, Defenders: 373 (2191 before overkill)

Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 50 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 50 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 37 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 37 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blaastambar expedition (62) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Primus Family Guard (4) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
* Primus Family Guard (4) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Peace Keepers (1) take 71 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
* Peace Keepers (1) take 71 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 113 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 113 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Cirthalion (58) take 69 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
* Cirthalion (58) take 69 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Pop goes the weazel (39) take 534 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) take 534 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
The Answer (57) take 78 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
* The Answer (57) take 78 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 11 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 11 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (79) take 373 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (79) take 373 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (96) take 10 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (96) take 10 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 32 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 32 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 4 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 4 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 31 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 31 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) take 104 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) take 104 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 48 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 48 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 2
===Turn No. 2===
49 (102-A)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">49&nbsp;(102-A)<br>
60 (1-I)
43 (26-C)
</td><td width="9%">43&nbsp;(26-C)<br>
56 (36-C)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
52 (27-M)
64 (14-C)
12 (4-C)
15 (30-M)
19 (49-C)
11 (21-M)
5 (27-C)
7 (16-M)
20 (50-I)
21 (5-C)
22 (30-I)
34 (33-C)
35 (8-C)
37 (28-I)
38 (13-M)
32 (32-C)
31 (30-I)
25 (41-C)
29 (18-A)
55 (19-S)
</td><td width="9%">55&nbsp;(19-S)<br>
51 (51-I)
50 (30-I)
48 (35-I)
46 (25-A)
44 (20-I)
63 (36-I)
61 (21-A)
62 (61-M)
13 (33-I)
14 (20-I)
18 (17-I)
10 (50-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (48-A)
6 (20-I)
42 (23-A)
36 (25-I)
26 (2-I)
27 (24-I)
28 (20-I)
30 (19-I)
41 (15-I)
53 (23-I)
</td><td width="9%">53&nbsp;(23-I)<br>
45 (40-I)
57 (46-I)
58 (39-I)
59 (15-S)
1 (36-I)
16 (21-I)
17 (9-I)
2 (20-I)
8 (30-I)
9 (25-I)
33 (26-I)
39 (21-M)
40 (25-I)
23 (24-I)
24 (39-I)
79 (5-I)
83 (22-I)
</td><td width="9%">83&nbsp;(22-I)<br>
78 (33-A)
80 (7-I)
75 (9-A)
74 (14-A)
72 (14-I)
71 (24-A)
85 (28-I)
101 (25-A)
103 (22-I)
104 (36-A)
107 (26-A)
98 (32-I)
97 (32-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (15-I)
95 (12-A)
93 (43-I)
92 (30-A)
86 (24-A)
108 (22-A)
99 (16-A)
100 (19-A)
102 (35-I)
105 (20-A)
96 (41-A)
90 (38-A)
94 (15-A)
88 (20-I)
87 (6-A)
106 (32-I)
84 (6-I)
73 (5-I)
70 (18-I)
69 (20-I)
68 (13-I)
66 (19-A)
82 (3-A)
77 (27-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (45-A)
81 (40-I)
67 (30-I)
<td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td>

John Paul's Saints (75) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 39 hits.
* John Paul's Saints (75) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 39 hits.
Frog Throwers (52) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
* Frog Throwers (52) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
Frog Throwers (52) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 49 hits.
* Frog Throwers (52) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 49 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 17 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 17 hits.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 251 hits.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 251 hits.
Raath's Wrath (96) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 57 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (96) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 57 hits.
Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Launchers of Light (92) fire on Human Shield (51), scoring 93 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) fire on Human Shield (51), scoring 93 hits.
Hand of Khan (66) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 30 hits.
* Hand of Khan (66) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 30 hits.
The General's Men (65) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 59 hits.
* The General's Men (65) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 59 hits.
Oroya Rangers (42) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 19 hits.
* Oroya Rangers (42) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 19 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 30 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 30 hits.
FireGaurd (82) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 17 hits.
* FireGaurd (82) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 17 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 11 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 11 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 22 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 22 hits.
Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
* Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
Avian's Till Death (46) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 105 hits.
* Avian's Till Death (46) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 105 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 56 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 56 hits.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 75 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 75 hits.
Startshiptroopers (29) fire on Kazakh City Guards (102), scoring 41 hits.
* Startshiptroopers (29) fire on Kazakh City Guards (102), scoring 41 hits.
Mushroom Guard (99) fire on Ora Sugary Food (13), scoring 46 hits.
* Mushroom Guard (99) fire on Ora Sugary Food (13), scoring 46 hits.
Berserkergang (11) move closer to get better shots.
* Berserkergang (11) move closer to get better shots.
Blaastambar expedition (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
Blaastambar expedition (62) fire on Ayashi no Ceres (98), scoring 63 hits.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) fire on Ayashi no Ceres (98), scoring 63 hits.
Omnia (100) fire on Human Shield (51), scoring 52 hits.
* Omnia (100) fire on Human Shield (51), scoring 52 hits.
Primus Family Guard (4) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 255 hits.
* Primus Family Guard (4) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 255 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 47 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 47 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) fire on Aslan II (50), scoring 73 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) fire on Aslan II (50), scoring 73 hits.
New Blessed Arrows (61) fire on Excalibur's Warriors (106), scoring 85 hits.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) fire on Excalibur's Warriors (106), scoring 85 hits.
Night Lights (78) fire on Ora Sugary Food (13), scoring 55 hits.
* Night Lights (78) fire on Ora Sugary Food (13), scoring 55 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Haunacauri Warriors (6), scoring 61 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Haunacauri Warriors (6), scoring 61 hits.
Bladesingers (38) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
* Bladesingers (38) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
Bladesingers (38) fire on The General's Men (77), scoring 53 hits.
* Bladesingers (38) fire on The General's Men (77), scoring 53 hits.
Elven Sentinels (7) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
* Elven Sentinels (7) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
Elven Sentinels (7) fire on Merlin II's warriors (97), scoring 60 hits.
* Elven Sentinels (7) fire on Merlin II's warriors (97), scoring 60 hits.
City Guard III (101) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 62 hits.
* City Guard III (101) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 62 hits.
`Silent Slayers` (71) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 48 hits.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 48 hits.
City Guard II (107) fire on Titan (14), scoring 46 hits.
* City Guard II (107) fire on Titan (14), scoring 46 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) fire on Guards of Oroya (44), scoring 64 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) fire on Guards of Oroya (44), scoring 64 hits.
Light Guardians (86) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 73 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 73 hits.
last stand (3) fire on Merlin II's Fighters (85), scoring 6 hits.
* last stand (3) fire on Merlin II's Fighters (85), scoring 6 hits.
Ciaran Chargers (43), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Light Cavalry (5), Dark Riders (35), The Templars Pride (32), Percy's Duskriders (34), Personal Guard (21), Oroyan Guard (12), Trainee Knights (56), Red Legion XII (19) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
* Ciaran Chargers (43), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Light Cavalry (5), Dark Riders (35), The Templars Pride (32), Percy's Duskriders (34), Personal Guard (21), Oroyan Guard (12), Trainee Knights (56), Red Legion XII (19) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
There are 18 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 18 siege engines at the walls.
Aslan II (50) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Aslan II (50) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Blood thirst (67) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Blood thirst (67) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Oroyan Police (26) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Oroyan Police (26) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Kazakh City Guards (80) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Kazakh City Guards (102) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Promethien Guard (36) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Promethien Guard (36) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Personal Guard (83) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Personal Guard (83) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Demon Killers 2 (81) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Witch Blades (48) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Witch Blades (48) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Kentian Guard (69) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kentian Guard (69) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Inafantry (28) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Inafantry (28) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Argonian Warriors (41) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Argonian Warriors (41) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Merlin II's warriors (97) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Hitachi Guard (68) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Hitachi Guard (68) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Kazakh City Guards (93) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Titan (14) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Titan (14) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
The General's Men (77) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* The General's Men (77) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Merlin's Grunts (103) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Guards of Oroya (44) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Guards of Oroya (44) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Underworldlings (88) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Underworldlings (88) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Hiatchi Guard (70) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Hiatchi Guard (70) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Protectors of the star (27) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Protectors of the star (27) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Kazakh Patrol (73) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Ora Sugary Food (13) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
dagger of dracilis (18) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* dagger of dracilis (18) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Human Shield (51) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Human Shield (51) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
The Underlost (91) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* The Underlost (91) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Crusaders (72) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Crusaders (72) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
The Forsaken (84) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
* The Forsaken (84) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
9th Golden Legion (30) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Evyls cuthroats (54), Killer Tofu (31), Minions (47), Royal Sentinels (22), Silver Elves (20), Gondolin Elves (37) and {TOR} Vindicators (60) advance towards the enemy.
* Evyls cuthroats (54), Killer Tofu (31), Minions (47), Royal Sentinels (22), Silver Elves (20), Gondolin Elves (37) and {TOR} Vindicators (60) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
12 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 12 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
* The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Ciaran Chargers (43) score 145 hits.
* Ciaran Chargers (43) score 145 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 635 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 635 hits.
the men from ironbark (59) score 137 hits.
* the men from ironbark (59) score 137 hits.
Light Cavalry (5) score 458 hits.
* Light Cavalry (5) score 458 hits.
Glacies Preliator (33) score 132 hits.
* Glacies Preliator (33) score 132 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 127 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 127 hits.
Dark Riders (35) score 390 hits.
* Dark Riders (35) score 390 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 167 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 167 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 122 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 122 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 254 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 254 hits.
Pop goes the weazel (39) score 102 hits.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) score 102 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (79) score 16 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (79) score 16 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 93 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 93 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 142 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 142 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 108 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 108 hits.
Blaastambar expedition (62) score 78 hits.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) score 78 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 1078 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 1078 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 554 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 554 hits.
Personal Guard (21) score 190 hits.
* Personal Guard (21) score 190 hits.
Guards of Oroya (17) score 63 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (17) score 63 hits.
Oroyan Guard (12) score 98 hits.
* Oroyan Guard (12) score 98 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 100 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 100 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 161 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 161 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 72 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 72 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 507 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 507 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 239 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 239 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 761 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 761 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 202 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 202 hits.
The Answer (57) score 233 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 233 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 16, Defenders: 471 (7348 before overkill)
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 16, Defenders: 471 (7348 before overkill)

Ciaran Chargers (43) take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Ciaran Chargers (43) take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Aslan II (50) take 73 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
* Aslan II (50) take 73 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) take 48 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) take 48 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (96) take 63 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (96) take 63 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 10 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 10 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 16 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 16 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 69 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 69 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (79) take 471 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kazakh City Guards (79) take 471 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 15 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 15 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Blaastambar expedition (62) take 135 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) take 135 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 61 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 61 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Titan (14) take 46 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
* Titan (14) take 46 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Primus Family Guard (4) take 172 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
* Primus Family Guard (4) take 172 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
The General's Men (77) take 13 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* The General's Men (77) take 13 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 159 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 159 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Guards of Oroya (44) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
* Guards of Oroya (44) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 21 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 21 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Ora Sugary Food (13) take 101 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) take 101 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Human Shield (51) take 145 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
* Human Shield (51) take 145 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 2 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 2 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.

Turn No. 3
===Turn No. 3===
49 (102-A)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">49 (102-A)<br>
60 (1-I)
60 (1-I)<br>
15 (30-M)
15 (30-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
29 (18-A)<br>
55 (15-S)
</td><td width="9%">55 (15-S)<br>
47 (44-I)
47 (44-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
52 (27-M)
52 (27-M)<br>
51 (47-I)
51 (47-I)<br>
50 (28-I)
50 (28-I)<br>
48 (35-I)
48 (35-I)<br>
46 (25-A)
46 (25-A)<br>
44 (18-I)
44 (18-I)<br>
63 (32-I)
63 (32-I)<br>
61 (21-A)
61 (21-A)<br>
13 (30-I)
13 (30-I)<br>
14 (19-I)
14 (19-I)<br>
18 (17-I)
18 (17-I)<br>
11 (21-M)
11 (21-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
3 (18-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
6 (18-I)
6 (18-I)<br>
42 (23-A)
42 (23-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
20 (50-I)
20 (50-I)<br>
22 (30-I)
22 (30-I)<br>
36 (25-I)
36 (25-I)<br>
37 (28-I)
37 (28-I)<br>
38 (13-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
31 (30-I)
31 (30-I)<br>
26 (2-I)
26 (2-I)<br>
27 (24-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
28 (20-I)
28 (20-I)<br>
30 (19-I)
30 (19-I)<br>
41 (15-I)
41 (15-I)<br>
43 (25-C)
</td><td width="9%">43 (25-C)<br>
56 (36-C)
56 (36-C)<br>
53 (23-I)
53 (23-I)<br>
45 (40-I)
45 (40-I)<br>
64 (14-C)
64 (14-C)<br>
57 (46-I)
57 (46-I)<br>
58 (39-I)
58 (39-I)<br>
59 (15-S)
59 (15-S)<br>
62 (56-M)
62 (56-M)<br>
1 (36-I)
1 (36-I)<br>
12 (4-C)
12 (4-C)<br>
16 (21-I)
16 (21-I)<br>
17 (9-I)
17 (9-I)<br>
19 (49-C)
19 (49-C)<br>
2 (20-I)
2 (20-I)<br>
5 (27-C)
5 (27-C)<br>
8 (30-I)
8 (30-I)<br>
9 (25-I)
9 (25-I)<br>
21 (5-C)
21 (5-C)<br>
33 (26-I)
33 (26-I)<br>
34 (33-C)
34 (33-C)<br>
35 (8-C)
35 (8-C)<br>
39 (21-M)
39 (21-M)<br>
40 (25-I)
40 (25-I)<br>
32 (32-C)
32 (32-C)<br>
23 (24-I)
23 (24-I)<br>
24 (39-I)
24 (39-I)<br>
25 (41-C)
25 (41-C)<br>
83 (22-I)
</td><td width="9%">83 (22-I)<br>
78 (33-A)
78 (33-A)<br>
80 (7-I)
80 (7-I)<br>
75 (9-A)
75 (9-A)<br>
74 (14-A)
74 (14-A)<br>
72 (14-I)
72 (14-I)<br>
71 (24-A)
71 (24-A)<br>
85 (28-I)
85 (28-I)<br>
101 (25-A)
101 (25-A)<br>
103 (22-I)
103 (22-I)<br>
104 (36-A)
104 (36-A)<br>
107 (26-A)
107 (26-A)<br>
98 (32-I)
98 (32-I)<br>
97 (32-I)
97 (32-I)<br>
89 (6-A)
89 (6-A)<br>
91 (15-I)
91 (15-I)<br>
95 (12-A)
95 (12-A)<br>
93 (42-I)
93 (42-I)<br>
92 (30-A)
92 (30-A)<br>
86 (24-A)
86 (24-A)<br>
108 (22-A)
108 (22-A)<br>
99 (16-A)
99 (16-A)<br>
100 (19-A)
100 (19-A)<br>
102 (35-I)
102 (35-I)<br>
105 (20-A)
105 (20-A)<br>
96 (39-A)
96 (39-A)<br>
90 (38-A)
90 (38-A)<br>
94 (15-A)
94 (15-A)<br>
88 (20-I)
88 (20-I)<br>
87 (6-A)
87 (6-A)<br>
106 (31-I)
106 (31-I)<br>
84 (6-I)
84 (6-I)<br>
73 (5-I)
73 (5-I)<br>
70 (18-I)
70 (18-I)<br>
69 (20-I)
69 (20-I)<br>
68 (13-I)
68 (13-I)<br>
66 (19-A)
66 (19-A)<br>
82 (3-A)
82 (3-A)<br>
77 (27-I)
77 (27-I)<br>
76 (36-A)
76 (36-A)<br>
65 (45-A)
65 (45-A)<br>
81 (38-I)
81 (38-I)<br>
67 (30-I)
67 (30-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

`Silent Slayers` (71) fire on The Templars Pride (32), scoring 37 hits.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) fire on The Templars Pride (32), scoring 37 hits.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 223 hits.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 223 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 81 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 81 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Horsemen of An Najaf (25), scoring 33 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Horsemen of An Najaf (25), scoring 33 hits.
New Blessed Arrows (61) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 86 hits.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 86 hits.
Blaastambar expedition (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
Blaastambar expedition (62) fire on The General's Men (65), scoring 100 hits.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) fire on The General's Men (65), scoring 100 hits.
Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Personal Guard (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
* Startshiptroopers (29) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
Pop goes the weazel (39) retreat towards safer positions.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) retreat towards safer positions.
Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
* Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
* Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
* Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
The Templars Pride (32), Ciaran Chargers (43), Light Cavalry (5), Red Legion XII (19), Elite Kaydron Dragons (64), Trainee Knights (56), Percy's Duskriders (34), Dark Riders (35), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Personal Guard (21) and Oroyan Guard (12) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
* The Templars Pride (32), Ciaran Chargers (43), Light Cavalry (5), Red Legion XII (19), Elite Kaydron Dragons (64), Trainee Knights (56), Percy's Duskriders (34), Dark Riders (35), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Personal Guard (21) and Oroyan Guard (12) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
There are 17 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 17 siege engines at the walls.
10th Mountain Division (45) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Guards of Oroya (8) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Guards of Oroya (8) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Guards of Oroya (17) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Guards of Oroya (17) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Glacies Preliator (33) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Glacies Preliator (33) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Fallen Angels (40) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Fallen Angels (40) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
veni, vidi, vici (2) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Anvil Crushers (9) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Anvil Crushers (9) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Toogoodoos (24) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Toogoodoos (24) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
the men from ironbark (59) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* the men from ironbark (59) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Cirthalion (58) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Cirthalion (58) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Killer Tofu (31), Silver Elves (20), Minions (47), Titan (14), Haunacauri Warriors (6), Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), Aslan II (50), Minions of Cthulhu (55), Ora Sugary Food (13), {TOR} Vindicators (60), Evyls cuthroats (54), Guards of Oroya (44), Witch Blades (48), 9th Golden Legion (30), Inafantry (28), Gondolin Elves (37), Oroyan Police (26), Royal Sentinels (22), Protectors of the star (27), Argonian Warriors (41), Promethien Guard (36), dagger of dracilis (18) and Human Shield (51) advance towards the enemy.
* Killer Tofu (31), Silver Elves (20), Minions (47), Titan (14), Haunacauri Warriors (6), Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), Aslan II (50), Minions of Cthulhu (55), Ora Sugary Food (13), {TOR} Vindicators (60), Evyls cuthroats (54), Guards of Oroya (44), Witch Blades (48), 9th Golden Legion (30), Inafantry (28), Gondolin Elves (37), Oroyan Police (26), Royal Sentinels (22), Protectors of the star (27), Argonian Warriors (41), Promethien Guard (36), dagger of dracilis (18) and Human Shield (51) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
5 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 5 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
9 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
`Silent Slayers` (71) score 25 hits.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) score 25 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 104 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 104 hits.
Hitachi Guard (68) score 61 hits.
* Hitachi Guard (68) score 61 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 59 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 59 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 30 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 30 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 129 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 129 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 12 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 12 hits.
Blaastambar expedition (62) score 77 hits.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) score 77 hits.
FireGaurd (82) score 12 hits.
* FireGaurd (82) score 12 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 20 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 20 hits.
Underworldlings (88) score 84 hits.
* Underworldlings (88) score 84 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 54 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 54 hits.
Light Guardians (86) score 43 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) score 43 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 93 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 93 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 95 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 95 hits.
Crusaders (72) score 68 hits.
* Crusaders (72) score 68 hits.
Launchers of Light (92) score 45 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) score 45 hits.
Guards of Oroya (17) score 28 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (17) score 28 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 46 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 46 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 82 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 82 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 41 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 41 hits.
The Forsaken (84) score 33 hits.
* The Forsaken (84) score 33 hits.
Glacies Preliator (33) score 64 hits.
* Glacies Preliator (33) score 64 hits.
John Paul's Saints (75) score 38 hits.
* John Paul's Saints (75) score 38 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 62 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 62 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 86 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 86 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (80) score 41 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) score 41 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 95 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 95 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 64 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 64 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 39 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 39 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 29 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 29 hits.
Mushroom Guard (99) score 27 hits.
* Mushroom Guard (99) score 27 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 108 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 108 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 53 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 53 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 28 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 28 hits.
The Underlost (91) score 74 hits.
* The Underlost (91) score 74 hits.
Kazakh Patrol (73) score 31 hits.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) score 31 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 98 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 98 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 21 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 21 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 82 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 82 hits.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 40 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 40 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 44 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 44 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 50 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 50 hits.
Hiatchi Guard (70) score 90 hits.
* Hiatchi Guard (70) score 90 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 144 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 144 hits.
the men from ironbark (59) score 63 hits.
* the men from ironbark (59) score 63 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 48 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 48 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 88 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 88 hits.
Omnia (100) score 35 hits.
* Omnia (100) score 35 hits.
The Answer (57) score 78 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 78 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 43 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 43 hits.
Hand of Khan (66) score 31 hits.
* Hand of Khan (66) score 31 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 130 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 130 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 46 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 46 hits.
Raath's Wrath (96) score 51 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (96) score 51 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 48 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 48 hits.
Blood thirst (67) score 78 hits.
* Blood thirst (67) score 78 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2485, Defenders: 927
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2485, Defenders: 927
* `Silent Slayers` (71) take 108 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 67 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Hitachi Guard (68) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) take 647 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 5 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
* The Templars Pride (32) take 37 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) take 58 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) take 412 hits (331 in close combat, 81 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* FireGaurd (82) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) take 57 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Underworldlings (88) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Guards of Oroya (8) take 362 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Light Guardians (86) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Personal Guard (83) take 45 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Crusaders (72) take 12 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Launchers of Light (92) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Guards of Oroya (17) take 333 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Dikc of Old Rancagua has been wounded.
* Night Lights (78) take 27 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Glacies Preliator (33) take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Glacious of Sirion has been wounded.
* Fallen Angels (40) take 112 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) take 129 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) take 64 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
* Anvil Crushers (9) take 95 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Toogoodoos (24) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Peace Keepers (1) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 56 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 33 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
* the men from ironbark (59) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Cirthalion (58) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* The Answer (57) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (96) take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 25 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

`Silent Slayers` (71) take 108 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
===Turn No. 4===
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 67 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="7"><tr><td width="9%">
Hitachi Guard (68) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
10th Mountain Division (45) take 647 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 5 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
49 (102-A)<br>
The Templars Pride (32) take 37 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
46 (25-A)<br>
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
61 (21-A)<br>
Merlin's Grunts (103) take 58 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
60 (1-I)<br>
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
15 (30-M)<br>
Blaastambar expedition (62) take 412 hits (331 in close combat, 81 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
11 (21-M)<br>
FireGaurd (82) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
10 (48-A)<br>
Demon Killers 1 (105) take 57 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
3 (18-A)<br>
Underworldlings (88) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
4 (43-A)<br>
Guards of Oroya (8) take 362 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
42 (23-A)<br>
Light Guardians (86) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
7 (16-M)<br>
Personal Guard (83) take 45 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
38 (13-M)<br>
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
39 (21-M)<br>
Crusaders (72) take 12 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Launchers of Light (92) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Guards of Oroya (17) take 333 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Dikc of Old Rancagua has been wounded.
Night Lights (78) take 27 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Glacies Preliator (33) take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Glacious of Sirion has been wounded.
Fallen Angels (40) take 112 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
veni, vidi, vici (2) take 129 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) take 64 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Anvil Crushers (9) take 95 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Toogoodoos (24) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Peace Keepers (1) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 56 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 33 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
the men from ironbark (59) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Cirthalion (58) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
The Answer (57) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (96) take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The General's Men (65) take 25 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Turn No. 4
52 (27-M)
49 (102-A)
46 (25-A)
61 (21-A)
60 (1-I)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)
29 (18-A)
55 (15-S)
</td><td width="9%">55 (15-S)<br>
43 (25-C)
43 (25-C)<br>
56 (36-C)
56 (36-C)<br>
47 (44-I)
47 (44-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
53 (20-I)
53 (20-I)<br>
51 (47-I)
51 (47-I)<br>
50 (28-I)
50 (28-I)<br>
48 (35-I)
48 (35-I)<br>
45 (14-I)
45 (14-I)<br>
44 (18-I)
44 (18-I)<br>
64 (14-C)
64 (14-C)<br>
57 (42-I)
57 (42-I)<br>
58 (38-I)
58 (38-I)<br>
63 (32-I)
63 (32-I)<br>
59 (13-S)
59 (13-S)<br>
62 (40-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
1 (32-I)
1 (32-I)<br>
12 (4-C)
12 (4-C)<br>
13 (30-I)
13 (30-I)<br>
14 (19-I)
14 (19-I)<br>
16 (16-I)
16 (16-I)<br>
17 (1-I)
17 (1-I)<br>
18 (17-I)
18 (17-I)<br>
19 (49-C)
19 (49-C)<br>
2 (17-I)
2 (17-I)<br>
5 (27-C)
5 (27-C)<br>
6 (18-I)
6 (18-I)<br>
8 (17-I)
8 (17-I)<br>
9 (21-I)
9 (21-I)<br>
20 (50-I)
20 (50-I)<br>
21 (5-C)
21 (5-C)<br>
22 (30-I)
22 (30-I)<br>
33 (20-I)
33 (20-I)<br>
34 (33-C)
34 (33-C)<br>
35 (8-C)
35 (8-C)<br>
36 (25-I)
36 (25-I)<br>
37 (28-I)
37 (28-I)<br>
40 (19-I)
40 (19-I)<br>
32 (31-C)
32 (31-C)<br>
31 (30-I)
31 (30-I)<br>
24 (37-I)
24 (37-I)<br>
25 (40-C)
25 (40-C)<br>
26 (2-I)
26 (2-I)<br>
27 (24-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
28 (20-I)
28 (20-I)<br>
30 (19-I)
30 (19-I)<br>
41 (15-I)
41 (15-I)<br>
83 (21-I)
</td><td width="9%">83 (21-I)<br>
78 (32-A)
78 (32-A)<br>
80 (7-I)
80 (7-I)<br>
75 (9-A)
75 (9-A)<br>
74 (14-A)
74 (14-A)<br>
72 (14-I)
72 (14-I)<br>
71 (21-A)
71 (21-A)<br>
85 (28-I)
85 (28-I)<br>
101 (25-A)
101 (25-A)<br>
103 (20-I)
103 (20-I)<br>
104 (36-A)
104 (36-A)<br>
107 (26-A)
107 (26-A)<br>
98 (32-I)
98 (32-I)<br>
97 (32-I)
97 (32-I)<br>
89 (6-A)
89 (6-A)<br>
91 (15-I)
91 (15-I)<br>
95 (12-A)
95 (12-A)<br>
93 (40-I)
93 (40-I)<br>
92 (29-A)
92 (29-A)<br>
86 (23-A)
86 (23-A)<br>
108 (22-A)
108 (22-A)<br>
99 (16-A)
99 (16-A)<br>
100 (19-A)
100 (19-A)<br>
102 (35-I)
102 (35-I)<br>
105 (18-A)
105 (18-A)<br>
96 (38-A)
96 (38-A)<br>
90 (36-A)
90 (36-A)<br>
94 (13-A)
94 (13-A)<br>
88 (18-I)
88 (18-I)<br>
87 (6-A)
87 (6-A)<br>
106 (30-I)
106 (30-I)<br>
84 (6-I)
84 (6-I)<br>
73 (5-I)
73 (5-I)<br>
70 (18-I)
70 (18-I)<br>
69 (20-I)
69 (20-I)<br>
68 (11-I)
68 (11-I)<br>
23 (24-I)
23 (24-I)<br>
66 (19-A)
66 (19-A)<br>
82 (2-A)
82 (2-A)<br>
77 (27-I)
77 (27-I)<br>
76 (36-A)
76 (36-A)<br>
65 (44-A)
65 (44-A)<br>
81 (36-I)
81 (36-I)<br>
67 (30-I)
67 (30-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) move closer to get better shots.
* Primus Family Guard (4) move closer to get better shots.
Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
* Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
* Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
* Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Blaastambar expedition (62) retreat towards safer positions.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) retreat towards safer positions.
Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
* Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
Light Cavalry (5), Dark Riders (35), Red Legion XII (19), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Personal Guard (21), The Templars Pride (32), Percy's Duskriders (34), Trainee Knights (56), Oroyan Guard (12), Ciaran Chargers (43) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* Light Cavalry (5), Dark Riders (35), Red Legion XII (19), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Personal Guard (21), The Templars Pride (32), Percy's Duskriders (34), Trainee Knights (56), Oroyan Guard (12), Ciaran Chargers (43) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 21 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 21 siege engines at the walls.
Guards of Oroya (44) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Guards of Oroya (44) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Ora Sugary Food (13) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Human Shield (51) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Human Shield (51) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
veni, vidi, vici (2) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Gondolin Elves (37) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Gondolin Elves (37) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Royal Sentinels (22) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Royal Sentinels (22) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
9th Golden Legion (30) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Titan (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Titan (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Protectors of the star (27) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Protectors of the star (27) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Minions (47) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Minions (47) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Killer Tofu (31) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Killer Tofu (31) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Aslan II (50) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Aslan II (50) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Promethien Guard (36) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Promethien Guard (36) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Fallen Angels (40) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Fallen Angels (40) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Anvil Crushers (9) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Anvil Crushers (9) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
the men from ironbark (59) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* the men from ironbark (59) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Glacies Preliator (33) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Glacies Preliator (33) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Minions of Cthulhu (55) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Evyls cuthroats (54) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Evyls cuthroats (54) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
10th Mountain Division (45) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* 10th Mountain Division (45) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Witch Blades (48) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Witch Blades (48) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
dagger of dracilis (18) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* dagger of dracilis (18) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Toogoodoos (24) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Toogoodoos (24) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Guards of Oroya (8) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Guards of Oroya (8) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
The Answer (57) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* The Answer (57) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Guards of Oroya (17) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Guards of Oroya (17) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Oroyan Police (26) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Oroyan Police (26) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Cirthalion (58) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Cirthalion (58) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Inafantry (28) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Inafantry (28) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kazakh Siegemen (53) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
{TOR} Vindicators (60) advance towards the enemy.
* {TOR} Vindicators (60) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
9 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
21 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 21 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
Guards of Oroya (44) score 49 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (44) score 49 hits.
Light Cavalry (5) score 248 hits.
* Light Cavalry (5) score 248 hits.
Hiatchi Guard (70) score 91 hits.
* Hiatchi Guard (70) score 91 hits.
Launchers of Light (92) score 51 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) score 51 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 131 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 131 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 124 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 124 hits.
Underworldlings (88) score 96 hits.
* Underworldlings (88) score 96 hits.
`Silent Slayers` (71) score 42 hits.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) score 42 hits.
Dark Riders (35) score 184 hits.
* Dark Riders (35) score 184 hits.
Mushroom Guard (99) score 26 hits.
* Mushroom Guard (99) score 26 hits.
Ora Sugary Food (13) score 68 hits.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) score 68 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 56 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 56 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 22 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 22 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 129 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 129 hits.
The Underlost (91) score 84 hits.
* The Underlost (91) score 84 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 57 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 57 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 83 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 83 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 72 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 72 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 94 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 94 hits.
Raath's Wrath (96) score 62 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (96) score 62 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 125 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 125 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 24 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 24 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 43 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 43 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (80) score 49 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) score 49 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 108 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 108 hits.
Argonian Warriors (41) score 32 hits.
* Argonian Warriors (41) score 32 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 301 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 301 hits.
Titan (14) score 58 hits.
* Titan (14) score 58 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 49 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 49 hits.
Minions (47) score 103 hits.
* Minions (47) score 103 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 63 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 63 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 41 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 41 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 102 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 102 hits.
Kazakh Patrol (73) score 29 hits.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) score 29 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 90 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 90 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 55 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 55 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 100 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 100 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 56 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 56 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 126 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 126 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 83 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 83 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 48 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 48 hits.
Personal Guard (21) score 77 hits.
* Personal Guard (21) score 77 hits.
Hand of Khan (66) score 31 hits.
* Hand of Khan (66) score 31 hits.
FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
* FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 18 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 18 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 93 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 93 hits.
the men from ironbark (59) score 69 hits.
* the men from ironbark (59) score 69 hits.
Glacies Preliator (33) score 62 hits.
* Glacies Preliator (33) score 62 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 49 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 49 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 111 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 111 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 160 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 160 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 42 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 42 hits.
Blood thirst (67) score 71 hits.
* Blood thirst (67) score 71 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 92 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 92 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) score 18 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) score 18 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 484 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 484 hits.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 42 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 42 hits.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 139 hits.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 139 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 35 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 35 hits.
Hitachi Guard (68) score 64 hits.
* Hitachi Guard (68) score 64 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 18 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 18 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 185 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 185 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 197 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 197 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 85 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 85 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 32 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 32 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 46 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 46 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 67 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 67 hits.
Crusaders (72) score 71 hits.
* Crusaders (72) score 71 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 45 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 45 hits.
John Paul's Saints (75) score 40 hits.
* John Paul's Saints (75) score 40 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 151 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 151 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 47 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 47 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 103 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 103 hits.
Oroyan Guard (12) score 54 hits.
* Oroyan Guard (12) score 54 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 72 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 72 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 107 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 107 hits.
Ciaran Chargers (43) score 64 hits.
* Ciaran Chargers (43) score 64 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 62 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 62 hits.
Light Guardians (86) score 41 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) score 41 hits.
The Answer (57) score 121 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 121 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 106 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 106 hits.
The Forsaken (84) score 36 hits.
* The Forsaken (84) score 36 hits.
Guards of Oroya (17) score 8 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (17) score 8 hits.
Omnia (100) score 39 hits.
* Omnia (100) score 39 hits.
Oroyan Police (26) score 9 hits.
* Oroyan Police (26) score 9 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 147 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 147 hits.
Inafantry (28) score 52 hits.
* Inafantry (28) score 52 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 42 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 42 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 59 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 59 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 272 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 272 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2593, Defenders: 4916
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2593, Defenders: 4916

Guards of Oroya (44) take 752 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Guards of Oroya (44) take 752 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Light Cavalry (5) take 479 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
* Light Cavalry (5) take 479 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Hiatchi Guard (70) take 681 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Hiatchi Guard (70) take 681 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Launchers of Light (92) take 496 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 22 casualties.
* Launchers of Light (92) take 496 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 22 casualties.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 469 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 469 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 385 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 385 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
Underworldlings (88) take 438 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties.
* Underworldlings (88) take 438 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties.
`Silent Slayers` (71) take 302 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) take 302 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Dark Riders (35) take 314 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Dark Riders (35) take 314 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Mushroom Guard (99) take 112 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Mushroom Guard (99) take 112 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Ora Sugary Food (13) take 137 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) take 137 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 146 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 146 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 126 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 126 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Human Shield (51) take 184 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Human Shield (51) take 184 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
The Underlost (91) take 155 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* The Underlost (91) take 155 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
veni, vidi, vici (2) take 105 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) take 105 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Gondolin Elves (37) take 58 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
* Gondolin Elves (37) take 58 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Peace Keepers (1) take 55 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Peace Keepers (1) take 55 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Red Legion XII (19) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
* Red Legion XII (19) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (96) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (96) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Royal Sentinels (22) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Royal Sentinels (22) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
9th Golden Legion (30) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kazakh City Guards (80) take 92 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) take 92 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Argonian Warriors (41) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Argonian Warriors (41) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Titan (14) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Titan (14) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 78 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 78 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
City Guard II (107) take 47 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* City Guard II (107) take 47 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Kazakh Patrol (73) take 46 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) take 46 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Kentian Guard (69) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kentian Guard (69) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 41 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 41 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Hand of Khan (66) take 29 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Hand of Khan (66) take 29 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
FireGaurd (82) take 12 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* FireGaurd (82) take 12 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 5
===Turn No. 5===
49 (102-A)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">
61 (21-A)
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">49 (102-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
15 (30-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
11 (21-M)
15 (30-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
39 (21-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
52 (27-M)
29 (18-A)<br>
51 (40-I)
</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
46 (25-A)
51 (40-I)<br>
60 (1-I)
46 (25-A)<br>
1 (30-I)
60 (1-I)<br>
13 (25-I)
1 (30-I)<br>
14 (18-I)
13 (25-I)<br>
19 (40-C)
14 (18-I)<br>
2 (14-I)
19 (40-C)<br>
4 (43-A)
2 (14-I)<br>
5 (9-C)
4 (43-A)<br>
6 (14-I)
5 (9-C)<br>
22 (27-I)
6 (14-I)<br>
37 (24-I)
22 (27-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
37 (24-I)<br>
30 (17-I)
23 (22-I)<br>
41 (12-I)
30 (17-I)<br>
55 (15-S)
41 (12-I)<br>
83 (21-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (15-S)<br>
43 (25-C)
83 (21-I)<br>
78 (32-A)
43 (25-C)<br>
80 (4-I)
78 (32-A)<br>
56 (36-C)
80 (4-I)<br>
75 (9-A)
56 (36-C)<br>
74 (13-A)
75 (9-A)<br>
72 (14-I)
74 (13-A)<br>
71 (13-A)
72 (14-I)<br>
85 (28-I)
71 (13-A)<br>
47 (44-I)
85 (28-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
47 (44-I)<br>
53 (20-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
101 (25-A)
53 (20-I)<br>
103 (20-I)
101 (25-A)<br>
104 (36-A)
103 (20-I)<br>
50 (28-I)
104 (36-A)<br>
107 (24-A)
50 (28-I)<br>
98 (18-I)
107 (24-A)<br>
97 (31-I)
98 (18-I)<br>
48 (35-I)
97 (31-I)<br>
89 (6-A)
48 (35-I)<br>
91 (11-I)
89 (6-A)<br>
45 (14-I)
91 (11-I)<br>
95 (8-A)
45 (14-I)<br>
64 (14-C)
95 (8-A)<br>
57 (42-I)
64 (14-C)<br>
58 (38-I)
57 (42-I)<br>
93 (40-I)
58 (38-I)<br>
92 (7-A)
93 (40-I)<br>
63 (32-I)
92 (7-A)<br>
59 (13-S)
63 (32-I)<br>
86 (23-A)
59 (13-S)<br>
108 (22-A)
86 (23-A)<br>
12 (4-C)
108 (22-A)<br>
99 (12-A)
12 (4-C)<br>
100 (19-A)
99 (12-A)<br>
102 (35-I)
100 (19-A)<br>
105 (18-A)
102 (35-I)<br>
96 (35-A)
105 (18-A)<br>
90 (34-A)
96 (35-A)<br>
16 (16-I)
90 (34-A)<br>
17 (1-I)
16 (16-I)<br>
18 (17-I)
17 (1-I)<br>
94 (8-A)
18 (17-I)<br>
88 (5-I)
94 (8-A)<br>
87 (6-A)
88 (5-I)<br>
8 (17-I)
87 (6-A)<br>
9 (21-I)
8 (17-I)<br>
20 (50-I)
9 (21-I)<br>
21 (5-C)
20 (50-I)<br>
106 (30-I)
21 (5-C)<br>
33 (20-I)
106 (30-I)<br>
34 (33-C)
33 (20-I)<br>
36 (25-I)
34 (33-C)<br>
40 (19-I)
36 (25-I)<br>
32 (31-C)
40 (19-I)<br>
84 (6-I)
32 (31-C)<br>
73 (4-I)
84 (6-I)<br>
31 (30-I)
73 (4-I)<br>
69 (19-I)
31 (30-I)<br>
68 (11-I)
69 (19-I)<br>
66 (18-A)
68 (11-I)<br>
24 (37-I)
66 (18-A)<br>
25 (39-C)
24 (37-I)<br>
82 (2-A)
25 (39-C)<br>
26 (2-I)
82 (2-A)<br>
27 (24-I)
26 (2-I)<br>
28 (20-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
77 (27-I)
28 (20-I)<br>
76 (36-A)
77 (27-I)<br>
65 (44-A)
76 (36-A)<br>
81 (25-I)
65 (44-A)<br>
67 (30-I)
81 (25-I)<br>
67 (30-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
* Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
Primus Family Guard (4) retreat towards safer positions.
* Primus Family Guard (4) retreat towards safer positions.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
Elven Sentinels (7) move closer to get better shots.
* Elven Sentinels (7) move closer to get better shots.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
* Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
* Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
* Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Red Legion XII (19) and Light Cavalry (5) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* Red Legion XII (19) and Light Cavalry (5) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 9 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 9 siege engines at the walls.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Human Shield (51) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Human Shield (51) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Ora Sugary Food (13) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Ora Sugary Food (13) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Titan (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Titan (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Gondolin Elves (37) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Gondolin Elves (37) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Royal Sentinels (22) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Royal Sentinels (22) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
{TOR} Vindicators (60) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* {TOR} Vindicators (60) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
9th Golden Legion (30) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* 9th Golden Legion (30) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
9 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
20 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 20 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
Glacies Preliator (33) score 100 hits.
* Glacies Preliator (33) score 100 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 84 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 84 hits.
Oroyan Police (26) score 12 hits.
* Oroyan Police (26) score 12 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 216 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 216 hits.
Blood thirst (67) score 77 hits.
* Blood thirst (67) score 77 hits.
Light Cavalry (5) score 133 hits.
* Light Cavalry (5) score 133 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 54 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 54 hits.
Argonian Warriors (41) score 33 hits.
* Argonian Warriors (41) score 33 hits.
Mushroom Guard (99) score 18 hits.
* Mushroom Guard (99) score 18 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 165 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 165 hits.
The Answer (57) score 189 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 189 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 197 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 197 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 107 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 107 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 41 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 41 hits.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 46 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 46 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 87 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 87 hits.
Crusaders (72) score 66 hits.
* Crusaders (72) score 66 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 68 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 68 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 53 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 53 hits.
Guards of Oroya (17) score 15 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (17) score 15 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 170 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 170 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 168 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 168 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 90 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 90 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 88 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 88 hits.
Ora Sugary Food (13) score 82 hits.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) score 82 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 239 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 239 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 88 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 88 hits.
Raath's Wrath (96) score 52 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (96) score 52 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 82 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 82 hits.
Titan (14) score 76 hits.
* Titan (14) score 76 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 98 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 98 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 111 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 111 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 92 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 92 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 124 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 124 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 95 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 95 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 57 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 57 hits.
The Forsaken (84) score 31 hits.
* The Forsaken (84) score 31 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 51 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 51 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 280 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 280 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 436 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 436 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 19 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 19 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 18 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 18 hits.
The Underlost (91) score 67 hits.
* The Underlost (91) score 67 hits.
Light Guardians (86) score 44 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) score 44 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 51 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 51 hits.
the men from ironbark (59) score 250 hits.
* the men from ironbark (59) score 250 hits.
Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
Omnia (100) score 35 hits.
* Omnia (100) score 35 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 285 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 285 hits.
Ciaran Chargers (43) score 70 hits.
* Ciaran Chargers (43) score 70 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 63 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 63 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 115 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 115 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 41 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 41 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 122 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 122 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 78 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 78 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 124 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 124 hits.
Underworldlings (88) score 35 hits.
* Underworldlings (88) score 35 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 188 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 188 hits.
FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
* FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
Minions (47) score 188 hits.
* Minions (47) score 188 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 48 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 48 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 155 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 155 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 85 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 85 hits.
{TOR} Vindicators (60) score 2 hits.
* {TOR} Vindicators (60) score 2 hits.
Hand of Khan (66) score 29 hits.
* Hand of Khan (66) score 29 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) score 17 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) score 17 hits.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 208 hits.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 208 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 263 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 263 hits.
Oroyan Guard (12) score 57 hits.
* Oroyan Guard (12) score 57 hits.
Personal Guard (21) score 82 hits.
* Personal Guard (21) score 82 hits.
Inafantry (28) score 88 hits.
* Inafantry (28) score 88 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 111 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 111 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 123 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 123 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 73 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 73 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 103 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 103 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 52 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 52 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 105 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 105 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 66 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 66 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 246 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 246 hits.
Kazakh Patrol (73) score 22 hits.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) score 22 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 18 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 18 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 20 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 20 hits.
`Silent Slayers` (71) score 34 hits.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) score 34 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 77 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 77 hits.
Hitachi Guard (68) score 58 hits.
* Hitachi Guard (68) score 58 hits.
John Paul's Saints (75) score 40 hits.
* John Paul's Saints (75) score 40 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (80) score 36 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) score 36 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2227, Defenders: 6130
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2227, Defenders: 6130

Glacies Preliator (33) take 557 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack. One Sirion banner is lost.
* Glacies Preliator (33) take 557 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack. One Sirion banner is lost.
Red Legion XII (19) take 251 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 5 casualties.
* Red Legion XII (19) take 251 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 5 casualties.
Oroyan Police (26) take 355 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Oroyan Police (26) take 355 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Charlie Murphy (Knight of Juazeiro) has been captured by Rancagua forces.
* Charlie Murphy (Knight of Juazeiro) has been captured by Rancagua forces.
Trainee Knights (56) take 181 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Trainee Knights (56) take 181 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Blood thirst (67) take 1085 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 30 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Blood thirst (67) take 1085 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 30 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Light Cavalry (5) take 265 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Light Cavalry (5) take 265 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Argonian Warriors (41) take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Argonian Warriors (41) take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Mushroom Guard (99) take 618 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Mushroom Guard (99) take 618 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Eltharion of Rancagua has been wounded.
* Eltharion of Rancagua has been wounded.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 724 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 22 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 724 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 22 casualties.
The Answer (57) take 126 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* The Answer (57) take 126 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Percy's Duskriders (34) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Peace Keepers (1) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Peace Keepers (1) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
The General's Men (65) take 229 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 229 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 474 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 15 casualties.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 474 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 15 casualties.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Crusaders (72) take 207 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* Crusaders (72) take 207 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
veni, vidi, vici (2) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Witch Blades (48) take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Witch Blades (48) take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Guards of Oroya (17) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Guards of Oroya (17) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Dikc of Old Rancagua has been killed.
* Dikc of Old Rancagua has been killed.
Merlin's Grunts (103) take 290 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) take 290 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 142 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 142 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
City Guard II (107) take 162 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* City Guard II (107) take 162 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Personal Guard (83) take 197 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* Personal Guard (83) take 197 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (96) take 101 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (96) take 101 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) take 108 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) take 108 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Sir William of Rancagua has been wounded.
* Sir William of Rancagua has been wounded.
Kentian Guard (69) take 80 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Kentian Guard (69) take 80 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Forsaken (84) take 51 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* The Forsaken (84) take 51 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Night Lights (78) take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Demon Killers 1 (105) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 6
===Turn No. 6===
52 (27-M)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%"> &nbsp;
49 (102-A)
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
46 (25-A)
49 (102-A)<br>
61 (21-A)
46 (25-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
15 (30-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
11 (21-M)
15 (30-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
39 (21-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
56 (28-C)
29 (18-A)<br>
57 (37-I)
</td><td width="9%">56 (28-C)<br>
1 (28-I)
57 (37-I)<br>
16 (14-I)
1 (28-I)<br>
19 (25-C)
16 (14-I)<br>
2 (13-I)
19 (25-C)<br>
5 (0-C)
2 (13-I)<br>
6 (11-I)
5 (0-C)<br>
7 (16-M)
6 (11-I)<br>
34 (30-C)
7 (16-M)<br>
41 (9-I)
34 (30-C)<br>
55 (15-S)
41 (9-I)<br>
83 (15-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (15-S)<br>
43 (25-C)
83 (15-I)<br>
78 (31-A)
43 (25-C)<br>
80 (4-I)
78 (31-A)<br>
75 (9-A)
80 (4-I)<br>
74 (13-A)
75 (9-A)<br>
72 (8-I)
74 (13-A)<br>
71 (13-A)
72 (8-I)<br>
85 (27-I)
71 (13-A)<br>
47 (44-I)
85 (27-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
47 (44-I)<br>
53 (20-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
101 (25-A)
53 (20-I)<br>
51 (40-I)
101 (25-A)<br>
103 (10-I)
51 (40-I)<br>
104 (36-A)
103 (10-I)<br>
50 (28-I)
104 (36-A)<br>
107 (18-A)
50 (28-I)<br>
98 (18-I)
107 (18-A)<br>
97 (30-I)
98 (18-I)<br>
48 (34-I)
97 (30-I)<br>
89 (6-A)
48 (34-I)<br>
91 (11-I)
89 (6-A)<br>
45 (14-I)
91 (11-I)<br>
95 (7-A)
45 (14-I)<br>
64 (14-C)
95 (7-A)<br>
58 (38-I)
64 (14-C)<br>
93 (18-I)
58 (38-I)<br>
92 (7-A)
93 (18-I)<br>
63 (32-I)
92 (7-A)<br>
59 (13-S)
63 (32-I)<br>
60 (1-I)
59 (13-S)<br>
86 (23-A)
60 (1-I)<br>
108 (7-A)
86 (23-A)<br>
12 (4-C)
108 (7-A)<br>
13 (25-I)
12 (4-C)<br>
100 (19-A)
13 (25-I)<br>
102 (34-I)
100 (19-A)<br>
105 (17-A)
102 (34-I)<br>
14 (18-I)
105 (17-A)<br>
96 (31-A)
14 (18-I)<br>
90 (34-A)
96 (31-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
90 (34-A)<br>
94 (8-A)
18 (17-I)<br>
88 (5-I)
94 (8-A)<br>
87 (2-A)
88 (5-I)<br>
8 (17-I)
87 (2-A)<br>
9 (21-I)
8 (17-I)<br>
20 (50-I)
9 (21-I)<br>
21 (5-C)
20 (50-I)<br>
106 (30-I)
21 (5-C)<br>
22 (27-I)
106 (30-I)<br>
36 (25-I)
22 (27-I)<br>
37 (24-I)
36 (25-I)<br>
40 (19-I)
37 (24-I)<br>
32 (31-C)
40 (19-I)<br>
84 (4-I)
32 (31-C)<br>
73 (4-I)
84 (4-I)<br>
31 (30-I)
73 (4-I)<br>
69 (17-I)
31 (30-I)<br>
68 (11-I)
69 (17-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
68 (11-I)<br>
66 (18-A)
23 (22-I)<br>
24 (37-I)
66 (18-A)<br>
25 (39-C)
24 (37-I)<br>
82 (2-A)
25 (39-C)<br>
27 (24-I)
82 (2-A)<br>
28 (20-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
77 (27-I)
28 (20-I)<br>
76 (36-A)
77 (27-I)<br>
65 (37-A)
76 (36-A)<br>
81 (21-I)
65 (37-A)<br>
30 (17-I)
81 (21-I)<br>
30 (17-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
* Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
* Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
* Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
Elven Sentinels (7) retreat towards safer positions.
* Elven Sentinels (7) retreat towards safer positions.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
* Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
Percy's Duskriders (34), Light Cavalry (5), Trainee Knights (56) and Red Legion XII (19) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* Percy's Duskriders (34), Light Cavalry (5), Trainee Knights (56) and Red Legion XII (19) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Peace Keepers (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Peace Keepers (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Haunacauri Warriors (6) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
20 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 20 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
The Answer (57) score 84 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 84 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 97 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 97 hits.
Ciaran Chargers (43) score 69 hits.
* Ciaran Chargers (43) score 69 hits.
`Silent Slayers` (71) score 29 hits.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) score 29 hits.
Omnia (100) score 38 hits.
* Omnia (100) score 38 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 43 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 43 hits.
Argonian Warriors (41) score 30 hits.
* Argonian Warriors (41) score 30 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 76 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 76 hits.
Ora Sugary Food (13) score 176 hits.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) score 176 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 104 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 104 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 214 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 214 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 219 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 219 hits.
the men from ironbark (59) score 217 hits.
* the men from ironbark (59) score 217 hits.
Light Guardians (86) score 40 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) score 40 hits.
Hand of Khan (66) score 27 hits.
* Hand of Khan (66) score 27 hits.
FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
* FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 204 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 204 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 71 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 71 hits.
Personal Guard (21) score 85 hits.
* Personal Guard (21) score 85 hits.
John Paul's Saints (75) score 36 hits.
* John Paul's Saints (75) score 36 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 104 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 104 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 61 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 61 hits.
Inafantry (28) score 87 hits.
* Inafantry (28) score 87 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 174 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 174 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 308 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 308 hits.
The Underlost (91) score 63 hits.
* The Underlost (91) score 63 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 90 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 90 hits.
Crusaders (72) score 44 hits.
* Crusaders (72) score 44 hits.
Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
* Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 63 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 63 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
Titan (14) score 123 hits.
* Titan (14) score 123 hits.
Raath's Wrath (96) score 44 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (96) score 44 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 75 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 75 hits.
Hitachi Guard (68) score 62 hits.
* Hitachi Guard (68) score 62 hits.
{TOR} Vindicators (60) score 6 hits.
* {TOR} Vindicators (60) score 6 hits.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 19 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 19 hits.
Kazakh Patrol (73) score 27 hits.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) score 27 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 100 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 100 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 270 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 270 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 15 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 15 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 220 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 220 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 114 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 114 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 16 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 16 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 91 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 91 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 81 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 81 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 50 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 50 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) score 17 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) score 17 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 18 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 18 hits.
Minions (47) score 183 hits.
* Minions (47) score 183 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 130 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 130 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 266 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 266 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 83 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 83 hits.
Underworldlings (88) score 36 hits.
* Underworldlings (88) score 36 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 135 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 135 hits.
Oroyan Guard (12) score 59 hits.
* Oroyan Guard (12) score 59 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 156 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 156 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 99 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 99 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 42 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 42 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 69 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 69 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 188 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 188 hits.
The Forsaken (84) score 30 hits.
* The Forsaken (84) score 30 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 355 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 355 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 47 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 47 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 159 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 159 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 116 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 116 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (80) score 35 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) score 35 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 118 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 118 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 54 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 54 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 65 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 65 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 215 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 215 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 50 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 50 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 55 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 55 hits.
Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 15 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 15 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 97 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 97 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 39 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 39 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 112 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 112 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 81 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 81 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 101 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 101 hits.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 232 hits.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 232 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 61 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 61 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1931, Defenders: 5876
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1931, Defenders: 5876

The Answer (57) take 309 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* The Answer (57) take 309 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 768 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 20 casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 768 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 20 casualties.
Ciaran Chargers (43) take 438 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Ciaran Chargers (43) take 438 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
`Silent Slayers` (71) take 601 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* `Silent Slayers` (71) take 601 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Omnia (100) take 378 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties.
* Omnia (100) take 378 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties.
City Guard III (101) take 278 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
* City Guard III (101) take 278 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Argonian Warriors (41) take 190 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Argonian Warriors (41) take 190 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
veni, vidi, vici (2) take 130 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) take 130 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Ora Sugary Food (13) take 165 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Ora Sugary Food (13) take 165 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Peace Keepers (1) take 147 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Peace Keepers (1) take 147 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Killer Tofu (31) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Killer Tofu (31) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Silver Elves (20) take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Silver Elves (20) take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
the men from ironbark (59) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* the men from ironbark (59) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Light Guardians (86) take 574 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 18 casualties.
* Light Guardians (86) take 574 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 18 casualties.
Hand of Khan (66) take 327 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
* Hand of Khan (66) take 327 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
FireGaurd (82) take 192 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* FireGaurd (82) take 192 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Isawa of Rancagua has been wounded.
* Isawa of Rancagua has been wounded.
Cirthalion (58) take 78 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Cirthalion (58) take 78 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 253 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 253 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Personal Guard (21) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Personal Guard (21) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
John Paul's Saints (75) take 242 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
* John Paul's Saints (75) take 242 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Fallen Angels (40) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Fallen Angels (40) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
10th Mountain Division (45) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Inafantry (28) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Inafantry (28) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Percy's Duskriders (34) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
The Underlost (91) take 164 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
* The Underlost (91) take 164 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 149 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 149 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Crusaders (72) take 113 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Crusaders (72) take 113 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Merlin's Grunts (103) take 111 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) take 111 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 85 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 85 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (96) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (96) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Kentian Guard (69) take 36 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kentian Guard (69) take 36 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Hitachi Guard (68) take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Hitachi Guard (68) take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh Patrol (73) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The General's Men (77) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* The General's Men (77) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 7
===Turn No. 7===
49 (102-A)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">&nbsp;
61 (21-A)
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">49 (102-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
11 (21-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
39 (21-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
52 (27-M)
29 (18-A)<br>
46 (25-A)
</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
45 (13-I)
46 (25-A)<br>
57 (26-I)
45 (13-I)<br>
58 (34-I)
57 (26-I)<br>
59 (8-S)
58 (34-I)<br>
1 (24-I)
59 (8-S)<br>
15 (30-M)
1 (24-I)<br>
2 (9-I)
15 (30-M)<br>
20 (47-I)
2 (9-I)<br>
21 (3-C)
20 (47-I)<br>
40 (15-I)
21 (3-C)<br>
31 (26-I)
40 (15-I)<br>
55 (15-S)
31 (26-I)<br>
83 (15-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (15-S)<br>
78 (31-A)
83 (15-I)<br>
80 (4-I)
78 (31-A)<br>
56 (28-C)
80 (4-I)<br>
75 (1-A)
56 (28-C)<br>
74 (12-A)
75 (1-A)<br>
72 (5-I)
74 (12-A)<br>
85 (7-I)
72 (5-I)<br>
47 (44-I)
85 (7-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
47 (44-I)<br>
53 (20-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
101 (16-A)
53 (20-I)<br>
51 (40-I)
101 (16-A)<br>
103 (6-I)
51 (40-I)<br>
104 (36-A)
103 (6-I)<br>
50 (28-I)
104 (36-A)<br>
107 (18-A)
50 (28-I)<br>
98 (18-I)
107 (18-A)<br>
97 (29-I)
98 (18-I)<br>
48 (34-I)
97 (29-I)<br>
89 (6-A)
48 (34-I)<br>
91 (6-I)
89 (6-A)<br>
95 (7-A)
91 (6-I)<br>
64 (14-C)
95 (7-A)<br>
93 (13-I)
64 (14-C)<br>
92 (7-A)
93 (13-I)<br>
63 (32-I)
92 (7-A)<br>
60 (1-I)
63 (32-I)<br>
86 (5-A)
60 (1-I)<br>
108 (6-A)
86 (5-A)<br>
12 (4-C)
108 (6-A)<br>
100 (6-A)
12 (4-C)<br>
102 (34-I)
100 (6-A)<br>
105 (17-A)
102 (34-I)<br>
14 (18-I)
105 (17-A)<br>
96 (29-A)
14 (18-I)<br>
90 (31-A)
96 (29-A)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (31-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
19 (25-C)
18 (17-I)<br>
94 (8-A)
19 (25-C)<br>
5 (0-C)
94 (8-A)<br>
6 (11-I)
5 (0-C)<br>
88 (5-I)
6 (11-I)<br>
87 (2-A)
88 (5-I)<br>
8 (17-I)
87 (2-A)<br>
9 (21-I)
8 (17-I)<br>
106 (30-I)
9 (21-I)<br>
22 (27-I)
106 (30-I)<br>
34 (29-C)
22 (27-I)<br>
36 (25-I)
34 (29-C)<br>
37 (24-I)
36 (25-I)<br>
32 (31-C)
37 (24-I)<br>
84 (4-I)
32 (31-C)<br>
73 (3-I)
84 (4-I)<br>
69 (16-I)
73 (3-I)<br>
68 (10-I)
69 (16-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
68 (10-I)<br>
66 (6-A)
23 (22-I)<br>
24 (37-I)
66 (6-A)<br>
25 (39-C)
24 (37-I)<br>
27 (24-I)
25 (39-C)<br>
28 (19-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
77 (26-I)
28 (19-I)<br>
76 (36-A)
77 (26-I)<br>
65 (37-A)
76 (36-A)<br>
81 (14-I)
65 (37-A)<br>
30 (17-I)
81 (14-I)<br>
30 (17-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
* Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) retreat towards safer positions.
* Personal Guard (15) retreat towards safer positions.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
* Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
* Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) move closer to get better shots.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) move closer to get better shots.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (21) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* Personal Guard (21) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
the men from ironbark (59) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* the men from ironbark (59) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Fallen Angels (40) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Fallen Angels (40) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
10th Mountain Division (45) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* 10th Mountain Division (45) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Cirthalion (58) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Cirthalion (58) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Killer Tofu (31) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Killer Tofu (31) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
19 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 19 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
Promethien Guard (36) score 94 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 94 hits.
Raath's Wrath (96) score 46 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (96) score 46 hits.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 208 hits.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 208 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 122 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 122 hits.
The Forsaken (84) score 27 hits.
* The Forsaken (84) score 27 hits.
Oroyan Guard (12) score 61 hits.
* Oroyan Guard (12) score 61 hits.
Hand of Khan (66) score 11 hits.
* Hand of Khan (66) score 11 hits.
John Paul's Saints (75) score 5 hits.
* John Paul's Saints (75) score 5 hits.
Underworldlings (88) score 41 hits.
* Underworldlings (88) score 41 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 34 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 34 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 113 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 113 hits.
{TOR} Vindicators (60) score 6 hits.
* {TOR} Vindicators (60) score 6 hits.
the men from ironbark (59) score 69 hits.
* the men from ironbark (59) score 69 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 46 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 46 hits.
Omnia (100) score 20 hits.
* Omnia (100) score 20 hits.
Crusaders (72) score 42 hits.
* Crusaders (72) score 42 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 17 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 17 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 51 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 51 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 160 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 160 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 253 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 253 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 70 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 70 hits.
Inafantry (28) score 101 hits.
* Inafantry (28) score 101 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 58 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 58 hits.
Hitachi Guard (68) score 58 hits.
* Hitachi Guard (68) score 58 hits.
Light Guardians (86) score 14 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) score 14 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 15 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 15 hits.
The Answer (57) score 73 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 73 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 48 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 48 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 139 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 139 hits.
Titan (14) score 126 hits.
* Titan (14) score 126 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 24 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 24 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 384 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 384 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 212 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 212 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 407 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 407 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 35 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 35 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 147 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 147 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 52 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 52 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 116 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 116 hits.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 16 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 16 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 99 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 99 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (80) score 38 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) score 38 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 88 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 88 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
Personal Guard (21) score 44 hits.
* Personal Guard (21) score 44 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 71 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 71 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 59 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 59 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 48 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 48 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 95 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 95 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 86 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 86 hits.
Minions (47) score 186 hits.
* Minions (47) score 186 hits.
Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
* Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 84 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 84 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 37 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 37 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 92 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 92 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 98 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 98 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 80 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 80 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 99 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 99 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 76 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 76 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 29 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 29 hits.
The Underlost (91) score 42 hits.
* The Underlost (91) score 42 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 47 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 47 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 68 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 68 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 60 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 60 hits.
Kazakh Patrol (73) score 19 hits.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) score 19 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 155 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 155 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 68 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 68 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 50 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 50 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 111 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 111 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 35 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 35 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 280 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 280 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 210 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 210 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 134 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 134 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 101 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 101 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 14 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 14 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 195 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 195 hits.
Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 192 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 192 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 44 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 44 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1591, Defenders: 5207
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1591, Defenders: 5207

Promethien Guard (36) take 223 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Promethien Guard (36) take 223 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Raath's Wrath (96) take 842 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 29 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Raath's Wrath (96) take 842 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 29 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 356 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 356 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 317 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 317 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
The Forsaken (84) take 285 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* The Forsaken (84) take 285 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Oroyan Guard (12) take 264 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Oroyan Guard (12) take 264 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Hand of Khan (66) take 615 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Hand of Khan (66) take 615 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
John Paul's Saints (75) take 409 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* John Paul's Saints (75) take 409 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
JOHN PAUL of Rancagua has been wounded.
* JOHN PAUL of Rancagua has been wounded.
Underworldlings (88) take 154 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Underworldlings (88) take 154 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
City Guard III (101) take 346 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
* City Guard III (101) take 346 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
Silver Elves (20) take 128 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 6 casualties.
* Silver Elves (20) take 128 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 6 casualties.
{TOR} Vindicators (60) take 100 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* {TOR} Vindicators (60) take 100 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
the men from ironbark (59) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One Fontan banner is lost.
* the men from ironbark (59) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One Fontan banner is lost.
larneg of Fontan has been wounded.
* larneg of Fontan has been wounded.
Raath's Wrath (104) take 218 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (104) take 218 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Omnia (100) take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Omnia (100) take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Crusaders (72) take 131 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Crusaders (72) take 131 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Demon Killers 1 (105) take 117 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) take 117 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Witch Blades (48) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
* Witch Blades (48) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
Trainee Knights (56) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Trainee Knights (56) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Human Shield (51) take 85 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Human Shield (51) take 85 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Inafantry (28) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Inafantry (28) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Hitachi Guard (68) take 62 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Hitachi Guard (68) take 62 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Light Guardians (86) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Light Guardians (86) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Answer (57) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* The Answer (57) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Night Lights (78) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Aslan II (50) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Aslan II (50) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Titan (14) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Titan (14) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 25 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 25 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 18 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 18 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Skilled Arrows (76) take 17 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 17 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 24 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 24 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 8
===Turn No. 8===
52 (27-M)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">
49 (102-A)
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
46 (25-A)
49 (102-A)<br>
61 (21-A)
46 (25-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
15 (30-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
11 (21-M)
15 (30-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
39 (21-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
56 (24-C)
29 (18-A)<br>
51 (38-I)
</td><td width="9%">56 (24-C)<br>
48 (27-I)
51 (38-I)<br>
57 (22-I)
48 (27-I)<br>
10 (48-A)
57 (22-I)<br>
20 (37-I)
10 (48-A)<br>
36 (18-I)
20 (37-I)<br>
28 (17-I)
36 (18-I)<br>
55 (15-S)
28 (17-I)<br>
83 (15-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (15-S)<br>
78 (29-A)
83 (15-I)<br>
80 (4-I)
78 (29-A)<br>
74 (11-A)
80 (4-I)<br>
72 (1-I)
74 (11-A)<br>
85 (7-I)
72 (1-I)<br>
47 (44-I)
85 (7-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
47 (44-I)<br>
53 (20-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
101 (5-A)
53 (20-I)<br>
103 (6-I)
101 (5-A)<br>
104 (27-A)
103 (6-I)<br>
50 (27-I)
104 (27-A)<br>
107 (18-A)
50 (27-I)<br>
98 (15-I)
107 (18-A)<br>
97 (29-I)
98 (15-I)<br>
89 (6-A)
97 (29-I)<br>
91 (6-I)
89 (6-A)<br>
45 (13-I)
91 (6-I)<br>
95 (7-A)
45 (13-I)<br>
64 (13-C)
95 (7-A)<br>
58 (34-I)
64 (13-C)<br>
93 (11-I)
58 (34-I)<br>
92 (7-A)
93 (11-I)<br>
86 (3-A)
92 (7-A)<br>
108 (5-A)
86 (3-A)<br>
1 (24-I)
108 (5-A)<br>
100 (2-A)
1 (24-I)<br>
102 (26-I)
100 (2-A)<br>
105 (13-A)
102 (26-I)<br>
14 (17-I)
105 (13-A)<br>
90 (31-A)
14 (17-I)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (31-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
19 (25-C)
18 (17-I)<br>
94 (7-A)
19 (25-C)<br>
2 (9-I)
94 (7-A)<br>
5 (0-C)
2 (9-I)<br>
6 (11-I)
5 (0-C)<br>
87 (2-A)
6 (11-I)<br>
8 (17-I)
87 (2-A)<br>
9 (21-I)
8 (17-I)<br>
21 (3-C)
9 (21-I)<br>
106 (29-I)
21 (3-C)<br>
22 (27-I)
106 (29-I)<br>
34 (29-C)
22 (27-I)<br>
37 (24-I)
34 (29-C)<br>
40 (15-I)
37 (24-I)<br>
32 (31-C)
40 (15-I)<br>
73 (3-I)
32 (31-C)<br>
31 (26-I)
73 (3-I)<br>
69 (16-I)
31 (26-I)<br>
68 (8-I)
69 (16-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
68 (8-I)<br>
24 (37-I)
23 (22-I)<br>
25 (39-C)
24 (37-I)<br>
27 (24-I)
25 (39-C)<br>
77 (26-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
76 (35-A)
77 (26-I)<br>
65 (37-A)
76 (35-A)<br>
81 (14-I)
65 (37-A)<br>
30 (17-I)
81 (14-I)<br>
30 (17-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
Oroya Rangers (42) move closer to get better shots.
* Oroya Rangers (42) move closer to get better shots.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
* Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
Berserkergang (11) move closer to get better shots.
* Berserkergang (11) move closer to get better shots.
New Blessed Arrows (61) move closer to get better shots.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) move closer to get better shots.
Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
* Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
* Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) retreat towards safer positions.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) retreat towards safer positions.
Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
* Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
Elven Sentinels (7) move closer to get better shots.
* Elven Sentinels (7) move closer to get better shots.
Trainee Knights (56) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* Trainee Knights (56) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 3 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 3 siege engines at the walls.
Human Shield (51) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Human Shield (51) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Inafantry (28) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Inafantry (28) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Silver Elves (20) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Silver Elves (20) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
The Answer (57) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* The Answer (57) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Promethien Guard (36) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Promethien Guard (36) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Witch Blades (48) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Witch Blades (48) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
Kazakh City Guards (80) score 32 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) score 32 hits.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 13 hits.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 13 hits.
Anvil Crushers (9) score 79 hits.
* Anvil Crushers (9) score 79 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 59 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 59 hits.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 96 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 96 hits.
Omnia (100) score 9 hits.
* Omnia (100) score 9 hits.
Launchers of Light (92) score 21 hits.
* Launchers of Light (92) score 21 hits.
Light Guardians (86) score 11 hits.
* Light Guardians (86) score 11 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 15 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 15 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 81 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 81 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 43 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 43 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 49 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 49 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 137 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 137 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 91 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 91 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 48 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 48 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 488 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 488 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 28 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 28 hits.
Inafantry (28) score 23 hits.
* Inafantry (28) score 23 hits.
Personal Guard (21) score 38 hits.
* Personal Guard (21) score 38 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 77 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 77 hits.
Kazakh Patrol (73) score 20 hits.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) score 20 hits.
Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
* Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 103 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 103 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 43 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 43 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 51 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 51 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 58 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 58 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 94 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 94 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 53 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 53 hits.
Minions (47) score 188 hits.
* Minions (47) score 188 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 16 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 16 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 115 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 115 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 92 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 92 hits.
The Answer (57) score 48 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 48 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 154 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 154 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 193 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 193 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 157 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 157 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 235 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 235 hits.
The Underlost (91) score 45 hits.
* The Underlost (91) score 45 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 101 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 101 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 139 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 139 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 105 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 105 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 297 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 297 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 35 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 35 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 15 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 15 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 72 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 72 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 158 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 158 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 66 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 66 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 21 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 21 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 60 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 60 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 15 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 15 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 40 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 40 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 90 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 90 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 31 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 31 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 121 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 121 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 190 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 190 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 88 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 88 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 233 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 233 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 257 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 257 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 75 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 75 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 79 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 79 hits.
Hitachi Guard (68) score 42 hits.
* Hitachi Guard (68) score 42 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 44 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 44 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 19 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 19 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 341 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 341 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 62 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 62 hits.
Titan (14) score 124 hits.
* Titan (14) score 124 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 94 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 94 hits.
Crusaders (72) score 11 hits.
* Crusaders (72) score 11 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1303, Defenders: 4845
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1303, Defenders: 4845

Kazakh City Guards (80) take 672 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kazakh City Guards (80) take 672 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 550 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 550 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Anvil Crushers (9) take 313 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
* Anvil Crushers (9) take 313 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
Human Shield (51) take 179 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Human Shield (51) take 179 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Kazakh Golf Association (87) take 552 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kazakh Golf Association (87) take 552 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sir William of Rancagua has been seriously wounded.
* Sir William of Rancagua has been seriously wounded.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 274 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 274 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Omnia (100) take 218 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Omnia (100) take 218 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Launchers of Light (92) take 337 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Launchers of Light (92) take 337 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Light Guardians (86) take 282 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Light Guardians (86) take 282 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Demon Killers 1 (105) take 186 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) take 186 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
The General's Men (77) take 92 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* The General's Men (77) take 92 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
The General's Men (65) take 96 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 96 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Night Lights (78) take 75 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 75 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Aslan II (50) take 155 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Aslan II (50) take 155 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 151 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 151 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Amelia of Old Rancagua has been wounded.
* Amelia of Old Rancagua has been wounded.
Merlin's Grunts (103) take 63 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) take 63 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
The Templars Pride (32) take 96 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* The Templars Pride (32) take 96 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 83 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 83 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Inafantry (28) take 123 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Inafantry (28) take 123 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Personal Guard (21) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Personal Guard (21) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh Patrol (73) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Light Cavalry (5) take 65 hits in close combat. No casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Light Cavalry (5) take 65 hits in close combat. No casualties, wiping the unit out.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Skilled Arrows (76) take 31 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 31 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Silver Elves (20) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Silver Elves (20) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
veni, vidi, vici (2) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
10th Mountain Division (45) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 26 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 26 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The Underlost (91) take 11 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* The Underlost (91) take 11 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Delphin Guard (89) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Delphin Guard (89) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 9
===Turn No. 9===
52 (27-M)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">
49 (102-A)
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
62 (40-M)
49 (102-A)<br>
15 (30-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
15 (30-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
4 (43-A)<br>
39 (21-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
53 (15-I)
29 (18-A)<br>
51 (32-I)
</td><td width="9%">53 (15-I)<br>
50 (22-I)
51 (32-I)<br>
46 (25-A)
50 (22-I)<br>
45 (12-I)
46 (25-A)<br>
61 (21-A)
45 (12-I)<br>
11 (21-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
2 (8-I)
11 (21-M)<br>
6 (9-I)
2 (8-I)<br>
42 (23-A)
6 (9-I)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
20 (34-I)
7 (16-M)<br>
21 (1-C)
20 (34-I)<br>
55 (15-S)
21 (1-C)<br>
83 (15-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (15-S)<br>
78 (26-A)
83 (15-I)<br>
56 (24-C)
78 (26-A)<br>
74 (11-A)
56 (24-C)<br>
72 (1-I)
74 (11-A)<br>
85 (5-I)
72 (1-I)<br>
47 (44-I)
85 (5-I)<br>
54 (35-I)
47 (44-I)<br>
101 (5-A)
54 (35-I)<br>
103 (4-I)
101 (5-A)<br>
104 (27-A)
103 (4-I)<br>
107 (18-A)
104 (27-A)<br>
98 (15-I)
107 (18-A)<br>
97 (22-I)
98 (15-I)<br>
48 (27-I)
97 (22-I)<br>
89 (5-A)
48 (27-I)<br>
91 (6-I)
89 (5-A)<br>
95 (7-A)
91 (6-I)<br>
64 (13-C)
95 (7-A)<br>
57 (22-I)
64 (13-C)<br>
58 (34-I)
57 (22-I)<br>
93 (11-I)
58 (34-I)<br>
1 (24-I)
93 (11-I)<br>
102 (25-I)
1 (24-I)<br>
105 (7-A)
102 (25-I)<br>
14 (17-I)
105 (7-A)<br>
90 (30-A)
14 (17-I)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (30-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
19 (25-C)
18 (17-I)<br>
94 (6-A)
19 (25-C)<br>
8 (17-I)
94 (6-A)<br>
106 (29-I)
8 (17-I)<br>
22 (27-I)
106 (29-I)<br>
34 (29-C)
22 (27-I)<br>
36 (18-I)
34 (29-C)<br>
37 (24-I)
36 (18-I)<br>
40 (15-I)
37 (24-I)<br>
32 (29-C)
40 (15-I)<br>
73 (2-I)
32 (29-C)<br>
31 (26-I)
73 (2-I)<br>
69 (16-I)
31 (26-I)<br>
68 (8-I)
69 (16-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
68 (8-I)<br>
24 (37-I)
23 (22-I)<br>
25 (39-C)
24 (37-I)<br>
27 (24-I)
25 (39-C)<br>
77 (24-I)
27 (24-I)<br>
76 (34-A)
77 (24-I)<br>
65 (34-A)
76 (34-A)<br>
81 (14-I)
65 (34-A)<br>
81 (14-I)<br>
30 (17-I)
30 (17-I)
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
* Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
* Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
Oroya Rangers (42) retreat towards safer positions.
* Oroya Rangers (42) retreat towards safer positions.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
Berserkergang (11) retreat towards safer positions.
* Berserkergang (11) retreat towards safer positions.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
* Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
* Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
Elven Sentinels (7) retreat towards safer positions.
* Elven Sentinels (7) retreat towards safer positions.
New Blessed Arrows (61) retreat towards safer positions.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) retreat towards safer positions.
Personal Guard (21) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* Personal Guard (21) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 4 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 4 siege engines at the walls.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
10th Mountain Division (45) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Human Shield (51) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Human Shield (51) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Aslan II (50) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Aslan II (50) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Silver Elves (20) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Silver Elves (20) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Kazakh Siegemen (53) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
The General's Men (65) score 38 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 38 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 184 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 184 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 255 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 255 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 257 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 257 hits.
Hitachi Guard (68) score 52 hits.
* Hitachi Guard (68) score 52 hits.
Kazakh Patrol (73) score 16 hits.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) score 16 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 371 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 371 hits.
The Underlost (91) score 49 hits.
* The Underlost (91) score 49 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 91 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 91 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 66 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 66 hits.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 13 hits.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 13 hits.
Minions (47) score 174 hits.
* Minions (47) score 174 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 118 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 118 hits.
Personal Guard (21) score 13 hits.
* Personal Guard (21) score 13 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 102 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 102 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 41 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 41 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 299 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 299 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 272 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 272 hits.
Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
* Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 99 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 99 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 93 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 93 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 172 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 172 hits.
Crusaders (72) score 8 hits.
* Crusaders (72) score 8 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 14 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 14 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 29 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 29 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 125 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 125 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 47 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 47 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 82 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 82 hits.
The Answer (57) score 120 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 120 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 114 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 114 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 65 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 65 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 74 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 74 hits.
Titan (14) score 133 hits.
* Titan (14) score 133 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 43 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 43 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 102 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 102 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 50 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 50 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 80 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 80 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 138 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 138 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 14 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 14 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 230 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 230 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 85 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 85 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 41 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 41 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 13 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 13 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 36 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 36 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 32 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 32 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 76 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 76 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 71 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 71 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 125 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 125 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 66 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 66 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 92 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 92 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 48 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 48 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 25 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 25 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 26 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 26 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 239 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 239 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 127 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 127 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 52 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 52 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 207 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 207 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 40 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 40 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 84 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 84 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 76 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 76 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 9 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 9 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1184, Defenders: 4643
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1184, Defenders: 4643

The General's Men (65) take 393 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 393 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
Killer Tofu (31) take 202 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Killer Tofu (31) take 202 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Cirthalion (58) take 246 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Cirthalion (58) take 246 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Royal Sentinels (22) take 133 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Royal Sentinels (22) take 133 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Hitachi Guard (68) take 509 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Hitachi Guard (68) take 509 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kazakh Patrol (73) take 348 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kazakh Patrol (73) take 348 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Raath, the Fiduciary of Rancagua has been wounded.
* Raath, the Fiduciary of Rancagua has been wounded.
The Templars Pride (32) take 157 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* The Templars Pride (32) take 157 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
The Underlost (91) take 418 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* The Underlost (91) take 418 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Fallen Angels (40) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Fallen Angels (40) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 248 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 248 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 166 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 166 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Minions (47) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
* Minions (47) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
Guards of Oroya (8) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Guards of Oroya (8) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Personal Guard (21) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Personal Guard (21) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 328 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 328 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Delphin Guard (89) take 198 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Delphin Guard (89) take 198 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Protectors of the star (27) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Protectors of the star (27) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
The General's Men (77) take 232 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* The General's Men (77) take 232 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Crusaders (72) take 81 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Crusaders (72) take 81 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 85 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 85 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 125 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 125 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Night Lights (78) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Kentian Guard (69) take 86 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Kentian Guard (69) take 86 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
City Guard III (101) take 64 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* City Guard III (101) take 64 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Skilled Arrows (76) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (104) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (104) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Merlin's Grunts (103) take 31 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) take 31 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 28 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 28 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 10
===Turn No. 10===
52 (27-M)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2"><tr><td width="9%">
49 (102-A)
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
46 (25-A)
49 (102-A)<br>
61 (21-A)
46 (25-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
15 (30-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
11 (21-M)
15 (30-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
39 (21-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
47 (37-I)
29 (18-A)<br>
58 (25-I)
</td><td width="9%">47 (37-I)<br>
6 (6-I)
58 (25-I)<br>
8 (15-I)
6 (6-I)<br>
22 (23-I)
8 (15-I)<br>
40 (9-I)
22 (23-I)<br>
32 (25-C)
40 (9-I)<br>
31 (20-I)
32 (25-C)<br>
27 (23-I)
31 (20-I)<br>
55 (14-S)
27 (23-I)<br>
83 (15-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (14-S)<br>
78 (24-A)
83 (15-I)<br>
56 (24-C)
78 (24-A)<br>
74 (9-A)
56 (24-C)<br>
85 (4-I)
74 (9-A)<br>
54 (35-I)
85 (4-I)<br>
53 (15-I)
54 (35-I)<br>
101 (3-A)
53 (15-I)<br>
51 (32-I)
101 (3-A)<br>
103 (3-I)
51 (32-I)<br>
104 (25-A)
103 (3-I)<br>
50 (22-I)
104 (25-A)<br>
107 (18-A)
50 (22-I)<br>
98 (7-I)
107 (18-A)<br>
97 (22-I)
98 (7-I)<br>
48 (27-I)
97 (22-I)<br>
45 (12-I)
48 (27-I)<br>
95 (4-A)
45 (12-I)<br>
64 (12-C)
95 (4-A)<br>
57 (22-I)
64 (12-C)<br>
93 (10-I)
57 (22-I)<br>
1 (24-I)
93 (10-I)<br>
102 (22-I)
1 (24-I)<br>
105 (7-A)
102 (22-I)<br>
14 (17-I)
105 (7-A)<br>
90 (30-A)
14 (17-I)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (30-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
19 (25-C)
18 (17-I)<br>
2 (8-I)
19 (25-C)<br>
20 (34-I)
2 (8-I)<br>
106 (20-I)
20 (34-I)<br>
34 (29-C)
106 (20-I)<br>
36 (18-I)
34 (29-C)<br>
37 (24-I)
36 (18-I)<br>
69 (13-I)
37 (24-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
69 (13-I)<br>
24 (37-I)
23 (22-I)<br>
25 (39-C)
24 (37-I)<br>
77 (18-I)
25 (39-C)<br>
76 (33-A)
77 (18-I)<br>
65 (22-A)
76 (33-A)<br>
81 (14-I)
65 (22-A)<br>
30 (17-I)
81 (14-I)<br>
30 (17-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
* Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
Takeover (49) move closer to get better shots.
* Takeover (49) move closer to get better shots.
Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
* Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) move closer to get better shots.
* Bladesingers (38) move closer to get better shots.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
* Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
The Templars Pride (32) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* The Templars Pride (32) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 4 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 4 siege engines at the walls.
Fallen Angels (40) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Fallen Angels (40) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Guards of Oroya (8) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Guards of Oroya (8) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Royal Sentinels (22) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Royal Sentinels (22) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Protectors of the star (27) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Protectors of the star (27) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Cirthalion (58) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Cirthalion (58) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Minions (47) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
* Minions (47) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
Killer Tofu (31) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Killer Tofu (31) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
The Answer (57) score 135 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 135 hits.
Demon Killers 1 (105) score 10 hits.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) score 10 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 36 hits.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 36 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 53 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 53 hits.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 11 hits.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 11 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 43 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 43 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 65 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 65 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 95 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 95 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 16 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 16 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 145 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 145 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 50 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 50 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 66 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 66 hits.
Fallen Angels (40) score 23 hits.
* Fallen Angels (40) score 23 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 90 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 90 hits.
City Guard III (101) score 10 hits.
* City Guard III (101) score 10 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 55 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 55 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 119 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 119 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 35 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 35 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 216 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 216 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 97 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 97 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 211 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 211 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 70 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 70 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 131 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 131 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 414 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 414 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 124 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 124 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 21 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 21 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 29 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 29 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 170 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 170 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 242 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 242 hits.
Titan (14) score 113 hits.
* Titan (14) score 113 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 48 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 48 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 70 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 70 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 24 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 24 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 28 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 28 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 74 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 74 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 327 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 327 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 79 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 79 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 31 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 31 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 71 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 71 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 213 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 213 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 167 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 167 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 62 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 62 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 102 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 102 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 52 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 52 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 72 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 72 hits.
Minions (47) score 71 hits.
* Minions (47) score 71 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 80 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 80 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 70 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 70 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 21 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 21 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 55 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 55 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 135 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 135 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 51 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 51 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 53 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 53 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 910, Defenders: 3973
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 910, Defenders: 3973

The Answer (57) take 255 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* The Answer (57) take 255 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Demon Killers 1 (105) take 734 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Demon Killers 1 (105) take 734 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
City Guard II (107) take 465 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
* City Guard II (107) take 465 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 465 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 465 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Witch Blades (48) take 132 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Witch Blades (48) take 132 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 168 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 168 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Night Lights (78) take 148 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 148 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 141 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 141 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Promethien Guard (36) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Promethien Guard (36) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 169 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 169 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Gondolin Elves (37) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
* Gondolin Elves (37) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
Skilled Arrows (76) take 146 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 146 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Personal Guard (83) take 131 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Personal Guard (83) take 131 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Fallen Angels (40) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Fallen Angels (40) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
City Guard III (101) take 93 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* City Guard III (101) take 93 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Aslan II (50) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Aslan II (50) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (104) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (104) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Evyls cuthroats (54) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
9th Golden Legion (30) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
Toogoodoos (24) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Toogoodoos (24) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
The Templars Pride (32) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* The Templars Pride (32) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Kentian Guard (69) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kentian Guard (69) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The General's Men (65) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Merlin's Grunts (103) take 39 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) take 39 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
The General's Men (77) take 25 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* The General's Men (77) take 25 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 29 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 29 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 11
===Turn No. 11===
46 (25-A)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">
61 (21-A)
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%"> </td><td width="9%"> </td><td width="9%"> </td><td width="9%">46 (25-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
11 (21-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
39 (21-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
53 (12-I)
29 (18-A)<br>
52 (27-M)
</td><td width="9%">53 (12-I)<br>
50 (18-I)
52 (27-M)<br>
49 (102-A)
50 (18-I)<br>
48 (22-I)
49 (102-A)<br>
57 (12-I)
48 (22-I)<br>
15 (30-M)
57 (12-I)<br>
36 (14-I)
15 (30-M)<br>
37 (18-I)
36 (14-I)<br>
38 (13-M)
37 (18-I)<br>
30 (15-I)
38 (13-M)<br>
55 (14-S)
30 (15-I)<br>
83 (11-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (14-S)<br>
78 (19-A)
83 (11-I)<br>
56 (24-C)
78 (19-A)<br>
74 (3-A)
56 (24-C)<br>
85 (3-I)
74 (3-A)<br>
47 (37-I)
85 (3-I)<br>
54 (33-I)
47 (37-I)<br>
51 (32-I)
54 (33-I)<br>
103 (2-I)
51 (32-I)<br>
104 (23-A)
103 (2-I)<br>
107 (1-A)
104 (23-A)<br>
97 (21-I)
107 (1-A)<br>
45 (12-I)
97 (21-I)<br>
64 (12-C)
45 (12-I)<br>
58 (25-I)
64 (12-C)<br>
93 (7-I)
58 (25-I)<br>
1 (24-I)
93 (7-I)<br>
102 (21-I)
1 (24-I)<br>
14 (17-I)
102 (21-I)<br>
90 (30-A)
14 (17-I)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (30-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
19 (25-C)
18 (17-I)<br>
2 (8-I)
19 (25-C)<br>
6 (6-I)
2 (8-I)<br>
8 (15-I)
6 (6-I)<br>
20 (34-I)
8 (15-I)<br>
106 (16-I)
20 (34-I)<br>
22 (23-I)
106 (16-I)<br>
34 (29-C)
22 (23-I)<br>
32 (24-C)
34 (29-C)<br>
31 (20-I)
32 (24-C)<br>
69 (12-I)
31 (20-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
69 (12-I)<br>
24 (36-I)
23 (22-I)<br>
25 (38-C)
24 (36-I)<br>
27 (23-I)
25 (38-C)<br>
77 (17-I)
27 (23-I)<br>
76 (28-A)
77 (17-I)<br>
65 (20-A)
76 (28-A)<br>
81 (14-I)
65 (20-A)<br>
81 (14-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) retreat towards safer positions.
* Personal Guard (15) retreat towards safer positions.
Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
* Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
* Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
* Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
Takeover (49) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
* Takeover (49) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
There are 5 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 5 siege engines at the walls.
9th Golden Legion (30) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Gondolin Elves (37) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Gondolin Elves (37) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Witch Blades (48) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Witch Blades (48) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Promethien Guard (36) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Promethien Guard (36) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Aslan II (50) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Aslan II (50) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 39 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 39 hits.
9th Golden Legion (30) score 39 hits.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) score 39 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 329 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 329 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 152 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 152 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 76 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 76 hits.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 10 hits.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 10 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 243 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 243 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 197 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 197 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 74 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 74 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 113 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 113 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 65 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 65 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 36 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 36 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 24 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 24 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 23 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 23 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 235 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 235 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 79 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 79 hits.
The Answer (57) score 37 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 37 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 59 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 59 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 21 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 21 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 200 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 200 hits.
Titan (14) score 123 hits.
* Titan (14) score 123 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 274 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 274 hits.
Merlin's Grunts (103) score 19 hits.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) score 19 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 58 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 58 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 35 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 35 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 83 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 83 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 108 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 108 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 55 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 55 hits.
City Guard II (107) score 4 hits.
* City Guard II (107) score 4 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 48 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 48 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 224 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 224 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 157 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 157 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 250 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 250 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 17 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 17 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 149 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 149 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 31 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 31 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 56 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 56 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 89 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 89 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 172 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 172 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 88 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 88 hits.
Minions (47) score 178 hits.
* Minions (47) score 178 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 118 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 118 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 80 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 80 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 61 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 61 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 62 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 62 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 50 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 50 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 63 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 63 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 206 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 206 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 747, Defenders: 4214
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 747, Defenders: 4214

Skilled Arrows (76) take 502 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 502 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
9th Golden Legion (30) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* 9th Golden Legion (30) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 152 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 152 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Peace Keepers (1) take 142 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Peace Keepers (1) take 142 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 582 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 16 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 582 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 16 casualties.
Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 480 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 480 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Evyls cuthroats (54) take 72 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) take 72 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Silver Elves (20) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Silver Elves (20) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
Toogoodoos (24) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Toogoodoos (24) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Red Legion XII (19) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Red Legion XII (19) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Raath's Wrath (104) take 246 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (104) take 246 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
The General's Men (65) take 393 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 393 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
Human Shield (51) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Human Shield (51) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
The General's Men (77) take 118 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* The General's Men (77) take 118 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Merlin's Grunts (103) take 202 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Merlin's Grunts (103) take 202 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 103 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 103 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 114 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 114 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Personal Guard (83) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Personal Guard (83) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
City Guard II (107) take 56 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* City Guard II (107) take 56 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 81 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 81 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Night Lights (78) take 74 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 74 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Kentian Guard (69) take 42 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
* Kentian Guard (69) take 42 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 12
===Turn No. 12===
52 (27-M)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">
46 (25-A)
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
61 (21-A)
46 (25-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
15 (30-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
11 (21-M)
15 (30-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
39 (21-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
53 (10-I)
29 (18-A)<br>
49 (102-A)
</td><td width="9%">53 (10-I)<br>
64 (7-C)
49 (102-A)<br>
1 (19-I)
64 (7-C)<br>
19 (23-C)
1 (19-I)<br>
6 (3-I)
19 (23-C)<br>
20 (32-I)
6 (3-I)<br>
38 (13-M)
20 (32-I)<br>
24 (34-I)
38 (13-M)<br>
55 (14-S)
24 (34-I)<br>
83 (8-I)
</td><td width="9%">55 (14-S)<br>
78 (16-A)
83 (8-I)<br>
56 (24-C)
78 (16-A)<br>
85 (1-I)
56 (24-C)<br>
47 (37-I)
85 (1-I)<br>
54 (31-I)
47 (37-I)<br>
51 (31-I)
54 (31-I)<br>
104 (13-A)
51 (31-I)<br>
50 (18-I)
104 (13-A)<br>
97 (18-I)
50 (18-I)<br>
48 (22-I)
97 (18-I)<br>
45 (12-I)
48 (22-I)<br>
57 (12-I)
45 (12-I)<br>
58 (25-I)
57 (12-I)<br>
93 (5-I)
58 (25-I)<br>
102 (5-I)
93 (5-I)<br>
14 (17-I)
102 (5-I)<br>
90 (27-A)
14 (17-I)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (27-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
2 (8-I)
18 (17-I)<br>
8 (15-I)
2 (8-I)<br>
106 (15-I)
8 (15-I)<br>
22 (23-I)
106 (15-I)<br>
34 (29-C)
22 (23-I)<br>
36 (14-I)
34 (29-C)<br>
37 (18-I)
36 (14-I)<br>
32 (24-C)
37 (18-I)<br>
31 (20-I)
32 (24-C)<br>
69 (11-I)
31 (20-I)<br>
23 (22-I)
69 (11-I)<br>
25 (38-C)
23 (22-I)<br>
27 (23-I)
25 (38-C)<br>
77 (14-I)
27 (23-I)<br>
76 (11-A)
77 (14-I)<br>
65 (8-A)
76 (11-A)<br>
81 (12-I)
65 (8-A)<br>
81 (12-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
* Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
Pop goes the weazel (39) move closer to get better shots.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) move closer to get better shots.
Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
* Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Takeover (49) retreat towards safer positions.
* Takeover (49) retreat towards safer positions.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
* Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
* Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) move closer to get better shots.
* Primus Family Guard (4) move closer to get better shots.
Red Legion XII (19) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
* Red Legion XII (19) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
There are 7 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 7 siege engines at the walls.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Toogoodoos (24) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Toogoodoos (24) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
Peace Keepers (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
* Peace Keepers (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 19 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 19 hits.
The Answer (57) score 79 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 79 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 70 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 70 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 174 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 174 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 232 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 232 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 292 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 292 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 81 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 81 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 242 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 242 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 277 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 277 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 192 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 192 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 90 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 90 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 30 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 30 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 153 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 153 hits.
Personal Guard (83) score 46 hits.
* Personal Guard (83) score 46 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 37 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 37 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (93) score 37 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) score 37 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 120 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 120 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 51 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 51 hits.
Kentian Guard (69) score 59 hits.
* Kentian Guard (69) score 59 hits.
Kazakh City Guards (102) score 24 hits.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) score 24 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 24 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 24 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 66 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 66 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 49 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 49 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 102 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 102 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 76 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 76 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 65 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 65 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 56 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 56 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 98 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 98 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 200 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 200 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 94 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 94 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 63 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 63 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 31 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 31 hits.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 7 hits.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 7 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 12 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 12 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 154 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 154 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 321 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 321 hits.
Minions (47) score 178 hits.
* Minions (47) score 178 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 198 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 198 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 71 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 71 hits.
Titan (14) score 132 hits.
* Titan (14) score 132 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 98 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 98 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 80 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 80 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 98 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 98 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 20 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 20 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 562, Defenders: 4088
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 562, Defenders: 4088

Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 85 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 85 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
The Answer (57) take 144 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
* The Answer (57) take 144 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
The General's Men (77) take 467 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
* The General's Men (77) take 467 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
Cirthalion (58) take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Cirthalion (58) take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Human Shield (51) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Human Shield (51) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Royal Sentinels (22) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Royal Sentinels (22) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 43 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 43 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Personal Guard (83) take 508 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Personal Guard (83) take 508 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kazakh City Guards (93) take 416 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kazakh City Guards (93) take 416 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kentian Guard (69) take 394 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kentian Guard (69) take 394 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kazakh City Guards (102) take 210 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Kazakh City Guards (102) take 210 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Raath's Wrath (104) take 164 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* Raath's Wrath (104) take 164 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 292 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 292 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 217 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 217 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 133 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 133 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Night Lights (78) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Merlin II of Rancagua has been wounded.
* Merlin II of Rancagua has been wounded.
The General's Men (65) take 79 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 79 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Skilled Arrows (76) take 66 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 66 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.

Turn No. 13
===Turn No. 13===
52 (27-M)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">
49 (102-A)
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
46 (25-A)
49 (102-A)<br>
61 (21-A)
46 (25-A)<br>
62 (40-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
11 (21-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
29 (18-A)
7 (16-M)<br>
57 (6-I)
29 (18-A)<br>
58 (22-I)
</td><td width="9%">57 (6-I)<br>
15 (30-M)
58 (22-I)<br>
4 (43-A)
15 (30-M)<br>
6 (1-I)
4 (43-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
6 (1-I)<br>
39 (21-M)
38 (13-M)<br>
23 (21-I)
39 (21-M)<br>
55 (13-S)
23 (21-I)<br>
78 (14-A)
</td><td width="9%">55 (13-S)<br>
56 (24-C)
78 (14-A)<br>
47 (37-I)
56 (24-C)<br>
54 (31-I)
47 (37-I)<br>
53 (10-I)
54 (31-I)<br>
51 (29-I)
53 (10-I)<br>
104 (7-A)
51 (29-I)<br>
50 (18-I)
104 (7-A)<br>
97 (12-I)
50 (18-I)<br>
48 (22-I)
97 (12-I)<br>
45 (12-I)
48 (22-I)<br>
64 (7-C)
45 (12-I)<br>
1 (19-I)
64 (7-C)<br>
14 (17-I)
1 (19-I)<br>
90 (18-A)
14 (17-I)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (18-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
19 (23-C)
18 (17-I)<br>
2 (8-I)
19 (23-C)<br>
8 (15-I)
2 (8-I)<br>
20 (32-I)
8 (15-I)<br>
106 (11-I)
20 (32-I)<br>
22 (22-I)
106 (11-I)<br>
34 (29-C)
22 (22-I)<br>
36 (14-I)
34 (29-C)<br>
37 (18-I)
36 (14-I)<br>
32 (24-C)
37 (18-I)<br>
31 (20-I)
32 (24-C)<br>
24 (34-I)
31 (20-I)<br>
25 (36-C)
24 (34-I)<br>
27 (23-I)
25 (36-C)<br>
77 (2-I)
27 (23-I)<br>
76 (9-A)
77 (2-I)<br>
65 (5-A)
76 (9-A)<br>
81 (9-I)
65 (5-A)<br>
81 (9-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
* Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
Pop goes the weazel (39) retreat towards safer positions.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) retreat towards safer positions.
Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
* Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
Primus Family Guard (4) retreat towards safer positions.
* Primus Family Guard (4) retreat towards safer positions.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
* Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
Blaastambar expedition (62) move closer to get better shots.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) move closer to get better shots.
Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
* Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
There are 5 siege engines at the walls.
* There are 5 siege engines at the walls.
The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
Cirthalion (58) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
* Cirthalion (58) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
7 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 7 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
* The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Silver Elves (20) score 169 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 169 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 64 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 64 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 139 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 139 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 160 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 160 hits.
Raath's Wrath (104) score 16 hits.
* Raath's Wrath (104) score 16 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 216 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 216 hits.
Titan (14) score 115 hits.
* Titan (14) score 115 hits.
Personal Guard (15) score 91 hits.
* Personal Guard (15) score 91 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 72 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 72 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 188 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 188 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 54 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 54 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 213 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 213 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 53 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 53 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 141 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 141 hits.
Minions (47) score 169 hits.
* Minions (47) score 169 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 109 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 109 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 41 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 41 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 33 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 33 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 117 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 117 hits.
The Answer (57) score 25 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 25 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 6 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 6 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 81 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 81 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 28 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 28 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 39 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 39 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 31 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 31 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 209 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 209 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 260 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 260 hits.
Promethien Guard (36) score 80 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 80 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 96 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 96 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 17 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 17 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 118 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 118 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 47 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 47 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 8 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 8 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 54 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 54 hits.
The General's Men (77) score 14 hits.
* The General's Men (77) score 14 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 83 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 83 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 142 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 142 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 245 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 245 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 77 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 77 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 93 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 93 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 366 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 366 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 241, Defenders: 2156 (4038 before overkill)
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 241, Defenders: 2156 (4038 before overkill)

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.
The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Silver Elves (20) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Silver Elves (20) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Red Legion XII (19) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Red Legion XII (19) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Trainee Knights (56) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Trainee Knights (56) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Killer Tofu (31) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Killer Tofu (31) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Raath's Wrath (104) take 234 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Raath's Wrath (104) take 234 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Percy's Duskriders (34) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 267 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 267 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 258 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 258 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 260 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 260 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Night Lights (78) take 182 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
* Night Lights (78) take 182 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 149 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 149 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Skilled Arrows (76) take 113 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 113 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
The General's Men (65) take 107 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
* The General's Men (65) take 107 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
The General's Men (77) take 88 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* The General's Men (77) take 88 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.

Turn No. 14
===Turn No. 14===
49 (102-A)
<table bgcolor="#004000" border="2" cols="11"><tr><td width="9%">
61 (21-A)
&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">49 (102-A)<br>
11 (21-M)
61 (21-A)<br>
10 (48-A)
11 (21-M)<br>
3 (18-A)
10 (48-A)<br>
4 (43-A)
3 (18-A)<br>
42 (23-A)
4 (43-A)<br>
7 (16-M)
42 (23-A)<br>
39 (21-M)
7 (16-M)<br>
29 (18-A)
39 (21-M)<br>
52 (27-M)
29 (18-A)<br>
46 (25-A)
</td><td width="9%">52 (27-M)<br>
62 (40-M)
46 (25-A)<br>
38 (13-M)
62 (40-M)<br>
55 (13-S)
38 (13-M)<br>
78 (8-A)
</td><td width="9%">55 (13-S)<br>
56 (22-C)
78 (8-A)<br>
47 (37-I)
56 (22-C)<br>
54 (31-I)
47 (37-I)<br>
53 (10-I)
54 (31-I)<br>
51 (29-I)
53 (10-I)<br>
50 (18-I)
51 (29-I)<br>
97 (5-I)
50 (18-I)<br>
48 (22-I)
97 (5-I)<br>
45 (12-I)
48 (22-I)<br>
64 (7-C)
45 (12-I)<br>
57 (6-I)
64 (7-C)<br>
58 (22-I)
57 (6-I)<br>
1 (19-I)
58 (22-I)<br>
14 (17-I)
1 (19-I)<br>
15 (30-M)
14 (17-I)<br>
90 (13-A)
15 (30-M)<br>
16 (14-I)
90 (13-A)<br>
18 (17-I)
16 (14-I)<br>
19 (21-C)
18 (17-I)<br>
2 (8-I)
19 (21-C)<br>
6 (1-I)
2 (8-I)<br>
8 (15-I)
6 (1-I)<br>
20 (30-I)
8 (15-I)<br>
106 (4-I)
20 (30-I)<br>
22 (22-I)
106 (4-I)<br>
34 (27-C)
22 (22-I)<br>
36 (14-I)
34 (27-C)<br>
37 (18-I)
36 (14-I)<br>
32 (24-C)
37 (18-I)<br>
31 (19-I)
32 (24-C)<br>
23 (21-I)
31 (19-I)<br>
24 (34-I)
23 (21-I)<br>
25 (36-C)
24 (34-I)<br>
27 (23-I)
25 (36-C)<br>
76 (5-A)
27 (23-I)<br>
65 (2-A)
76 (5-A)<br>
81 (2-I)
65 (2-A)<br>
81 (2-I)<br>
</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;</td><td width="9%">&nbsp;

Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
* Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
Takeover (49) hold their fire.
* Takeover (49) hold their fire.
last stand (3) hold their fire.
* last stand (3) hold their fire.
Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
* Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
* Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
* Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
* Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
* Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
* ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
* Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
* Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
Blaastambar expedition (62) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
* Blaastambar expedition (62) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
* New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
* Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.

Close Combat:
'''Close Combat:'''
7 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
* 7 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
* 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
* 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
* The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Promethien Guard (36) score 60 hits.
* Promethien Guard (36) score 60 hits.
Trainee Knights (56) score 151 hits.
* Trainee Knights (56) score 151 hits.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 98 hits.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 98 hits.
Royal Sentinels (22) score 196 hits.
* Royal Sentinels (22) score 196 hits.
veni, vidi, vici (2) score 88 hits.
* veni, vidi, vici (2) score 88 hits.
Personal Guard (15) score 120 hits.
* Personal Guard (15) score 120 hits.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 28 hits.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 28 hits.
Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 227 hits.
* Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 227 hits.
Cirthalion (58) score 136 hits.
* Cirthalion (58) score 136 hits.
Silver Elves (20) score 168 hits.
* Silver Elves (20) score 168 hits.
Minions (47) score 186 hits.
* Minions (47) score 186 hits.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 24 hits.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 24 hits.
Skilled Arrows (76) score 12 hits.
* Skilled Arrows (76) score 12 hits.
dagger of dracilis (18) score 113 hits.
* dagger of dracilis (18) score 113 hits.
Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 171 hits.
* Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 171 hits.
Night Lights (78) score 19 hits.
* Night Lights (78) score 19 hits.
Evyls cuthroats (54) score 219 hits.
* Evyls cuthroats (54) score 219 hits.
Human Shield (51) score 203 hits.
* Human Shield (51) score 203 hits.
Toogoodoos (24) score 124 hits.
* Toogoodoos (24) score 124 hits.
Demon Killers 2 (81) score 18 hits.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) score 18 hits.
The Answer (57) score 45 hits.
* The Answer (57) score 45 hits.
Gondolin Elves (37) score 122 hits.
* Gondolin Elves (37) score 122 hits.
Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 15 hits.
* Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 15 hits.
Killer Tofu (31) score 153 hits.
* Killer Tofu (31) score 153 hits.
The General's Men (65) score 5 hits.
* The General's Men (65) score 5 hits.
Titan (14) score 128 hits.
* Titan (14) score 128 hits.
Percy's Duskriders (34) score 211 hits.
* Percy's Duskriders (34) score 211 hits.
Aslan II (50) score 83 hits.
* Aslan II (50) score 83 hits.
Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 259 hits.
* Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 259 hits.
Guards of Oroya (8) score 108 hits.
* Guards of Oroya (8) score 108 hits.
Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 55 hits.
* Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 55 hits.
Peace Keepers (1) score 137 hits.
* Peace Keepers (1) score 137 hits.
10th Mountain Division (45) score 58 hits.
* 10th Mountain Division (45) score 58 hits.
Red Legion XII (19) score 51 hits.
* Red Legion XII (19) score 51 hits.
Witch Blades (48) score 34 hits.
* Witch Blades (48) score 34 hits.
Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 66 hits.
* Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 66 hits.
Protectors of the star (27) score 118 hits.
* Protectors of the star (27) score 118 hits.
Merlin II's warriors (97) score 30 hits.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) score 30 hits.
The Templars Pride (32) score 378 hits.
* The Templars Pride (32) score 378 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 136, Defenders: 1143 (4281 before overkill)
* Total hits suffered: Attackers: 136, Defenders: 1143 (4281 before overkill)

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.
The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Promethien Guard (36) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Promethien Guard (36) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Trainee Knights (56) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Trainee Knights (56) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
* Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 289 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
* Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 289 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 151 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 151 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Skilled Arrows (76) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
* Skilled Arrows (76) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Night Lights (78) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
* Night Lights (78) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Demon Killers 2 (81) take 135 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
* Demon Killers 2 (81) take 135 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
The General's Men (65) take 42 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
* The General's Men (65) take 42 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Merlin II's warriors (97) take 72 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
* Merlin II's warriors (97) take 72 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
'''Attacker Victory!'''

Attacker Victory!
* The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 7 %.
* The battle has heavily damaged the fortifications, and reduced them to Fortress (5)

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 7 %.
The battle has heavily damaged the fortifications, and reduced them to Fortress (5)

Revision as of 20:14, 12 February 2007

The Big Battle of Kazakh was a pivotal battle that took place on November 26, 2005, striking the final deathblow the the now-lost realm of Rancagua. This battle was part of the larger Sirion-Perdan-Oligarch war.


Scribe Note, fresh this turn:

Battle in Kazakh

1APeace KeepersLexonOld Rancagua38 Infbox 400
2Aveni, vidi, viciBrandanOld Rancagua20 Infline 284
3Alast standoracleOld Rancagua18 Archline 122
4APrimus Family GuardDocSirion52 Archskirmish 715
5ALight CavalryJean-LucOld Rancagua27 Cavwedge 388
6AHaunacauri WarriorsJaguarOld Rancagua20 Infline 283
7AElven SentinelsAdrianSirion16 MIline 374
8AGuards of OroyaAtmarOld Rancagua30 Infbox 335
9AAnvil CrushersAuroduOld Rancagua25 Infline 234
10A~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate RangersTzarmeisterSirion54 Archskirmish 578
11ABerserkergangHeinrichSirion21 MIline 279
12AOroyan GuardMarcus PiusOld Rancagua4 Cavbox 110
13AOra Sugary FoodMovlatOld Rancagua33 Infline 378
14ATitanPrometheusOld Rancagua20 Infline 267
15APersonal GuardJanosSirion30 MIline 278
16AAjax Dogs of WARAjaxOld Rancagua21 Infline 224
17AGuards of OroyaDikcOld Rancagua9 Infline 145
18Adagger of dracilisDracilisOld Rancagua17 Infline 197
19ARed Legion XIIThalanteusOld Rancagua49 Cavwedge 370
20ASilver ElvesFangirSirion50 Infbox 498
21APersonal GuardMelSirion5 Cavwedge 144
22ARoyal SentinelsVornamenOld Rancagua30 Infline 434
23AJack's Kazan GuardJackOld Rancagua25 Infline 253
24AToogoodoosPapierSirion39 Infbox 339
25AHorsemen of An NajaflolaapFontan41 Cavwedge 469
26AOroyan PoliceCharlie MurphyOld Rancagua2 Infbox 36
27AProtectors of the starPhavianFontan24 Infline 231
28AInafantryShadowbeastOld Rancagua20 Infline 170
29AStartshiptroopersBrigoOld Rancagua18 Archline 203
30A9th Golden LegionPalandroOld Rancagua19 Infline 211
31AKiller TofuArekuSirion30 Infline 344
32AThe Templars PridebellSirion32 Cavwedge 512
33AGlacies PreliatorGlaciousSirion26 Infline 297
34APercy's DuskriderspercySirion33 Cavwedge 375
35ADark RidersBilly Bob BrubakerOld Rancagua8 Cavwedge 238
36APromethien GuardAchanariusOld Rancagua25 Infbox 264
37AGondolin ElvesTurgonSirion28 Infline 305
38ABladesingersAzran T'alynnSirion13 MIline 276
39APop goes the weazelPopsiSirion40 MIline 438
40AFallen AngelsTyraelSirion25 Infline 263
41AArgonian WarriorsSYOld Rancagua15 Infline 165
42AOroya RangersDomicusOld Rancagua23 Archskirmish 184
43ACiaran ChargersHunterSirion26 Cavwedge 272
44AGuards of OroyaOlafOld Rancagua20 Infline 265
45A10th Mountain DivisionTaliusOld Rancagua40 Infbox 384
46AAvian's Till DeathAvianFontan25 Archskirmish 278
47AMinionsAsdrubalSirion44 Infbox 408
48AWitch BladesThe WitchOld Rancagua35 Infbox 262
49ATakeoverBoom 2Old Rancagua102 Archline 437
50AAslan IIausomSirion30 Infbox 293
51AHuman ShieldHenriFontan51 Infbox 548
52AFrog ThrowersHigh GuardOld Rancagua27 MIline 321
53AKazakh SiegemenAmeliaOld Rancagua23 Infline 256
54AEvyls cuthroatsEvylearsSirion35 Infline 431
55AMinions of CthulhuSizz LorFontan20 SFline 454
56ATrainee KnightsLycastusFontan36 Cavwedge 438
57AThe AnswerdiabloSirion49 Infline 488
58ACirthalionShadowWolfOld Rancagua41 Infbox 459
59Athe men from ironbarklarnegFontan15 SFline 356
60A{TOR} VindicatorsDekionOld Rancagua1 Infskirmish 24
61ANew Blessed ArrowsRagnellOld Rancagua21 Archline 246
62ABlaastambar expeditionJuSirion64 MIwedge 523
63AFuinur's Elite HaradrimFuinurOld Rancagua37 Infbox 423
64AElite Kaydron DragonsKaydronSirion14 Cavwedge 343
65DThe General's MenRhinoRancagua45 Archline 355
66DHand of Khan(militia/guard unit)Rancagua19 Archline 196
67DBlood thirstYoanRancagua30 Infbox 259
68DHitachi Guard(militia/guard unit)Rancagua13 Infline 169
69DKentian Guard(militia/guard unit)Rancagua20 Infline 226
70DHiatchi Guard(militia/guard unit)Rancagua18 Infline 219
71D`Silent Slayers`Kay ZRancagua24 Archline 204
72DCrusaders(militia/guard unit)Rancagua14 Infline 179
73DKazakh PatrolRaathRancagua5 Infline 80
74DBlessed Arrows of Light(militia/guard unit)Rancagua14 Archskirmish 167
75DJohn Paul's SaintsJOHN PAULRancagua9 Archline 186
76DSkilled ArrowsEsperosRancagua36 Archline 297
77DThe General's Men(militia/guard unit)Rancagua27 Infbox 301
78DNight Lights(militia/guard unit)Rancagua33 Archline 302
79DKazakh City GuardsJake the secondRancagua15 Infbox 128
80DKazakh City Guards(militia/guard unit)Rancagua7 Infbox 127
81DDemon Killers 2(militia/guard unit)Rancagua41 Infline 368
82DFireGaurdIsawaRancagua3 Archline 64
83DPersonal Guard(militia/guard unit)Rancagua22 Infline 247
84DThe ForsakenBelgarionRancagua6 Infbox 102
85DMerlin II's FightersMerlin IIRancagua28 Infbox 291
86DLight Guardians(militia/guard unit)Rancagua24 Archline 215
87DKazakh Golf AssociationWilliamRancagua6 Archline 89
88DUnderworldlings(militia/guard unit)Rancagua20 Infline 239
89DDelphin GuardDelphinRancagua6 Archbox 100
90DGuardians of the Citadel I(militia/guard unit)Rancagua38 Archline 313
91DThe UnderlostOsirisRancagua15 Infbox 210
92DLaunchers of Light(militia/guard unit)Rancagua30 Archline 252
93DKazakh City Guards(militia/guard unit)Rancagua46 Infline 465
94DGuardians of the Light 1(militia/guard unit)Rancagua15 Archline 171
95DKazakh Bowmen(militia/guard unit)Rancagua12 Archbox 151
96DRaath's Wrath(militia/guard unit)Rancagua41 Archline 401
97DMerlin II's warriors(militia/guard unit)Rancagua32 Infbox 299
98DAyashi no Ceres(militia/guard unit)Rancagua32 Infline 327
99DMushroom GuardEltharionRancagua16 Archline 156
100DOmnia(militia/guard unit)Rancagua19 Archline 210
101DCity Guard III(militia/guard unit)Rancagua25 Archline 219
102DKazakh City GuardsOGRERancagua35 Infbox 342
103DMerlin's Grunts(militia/guard unit)Rancagua22 Infwedge 265
104DRaath's Wrath(militia/guard unit)Rancagua36 Archline 329
105DDemon Killers 1(militia/guard unit)Rancagua20 Archline 186
106DExcalibur's WarriorsExcaliburRancagua33 Infbox 335
107DCity Guard II(militia/guard unit)Rancagua26 Archline 252
108DSeishin Tsuyoi(militia/guard unit)Rancagua22 Archline 207


  • 64 attackers (997 Inf, 211 MI, 313 Arch, 275 Cav, 35 SF)
  • 44 defenders (481 Inf, 519 Arch)
  • Total combat strengths: 20519 vs. 10200
  • Blood thirst tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted.
  • The region owner Rancagua and their allies defend.
  • The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with Rancagua.
  • The Old Rancagua troops attack because they are at war with Rancagua.
  • Minions of Cthulhu have attack orders.
  • Trainee Knights have attack orders.
  • Human Shield have attack orders.
  • the men from ironbark have attack orders.
  • Protectors of the star have attack orders.
  • It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
  • The defenders have the benefit of fortified positions (level 6).
  • Sir Dekion, the High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Marshal of the army of Oroya takes command of the attacker forces.
  • Rhino, the Paladin Primus of Rancagua, Duke of Kazakh, Marshal of the army of Kazakh takes command of the defender forces.
  • The defender are set up in Fortification Defense formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)

Turn No. 1

 43 (26-C)

56 (36-C)
49 (102-A)
64 (14-C)
60 (1-I)
12 (4-C)
19 (49-C)
5 (27-C)
21 (5-C)
34 (33-C)
35 (8-C)
32 (32-C)
25 (41-C)

47 (44-I)

54 (35-I)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
7 (16-M)
20 (50-I)
22 (30-I)
37 (28-I)
38 (13-M)
31 (30-I)

52 (27-M)

51 (51-I)
61 (21-A)
62 (64-M)
13 (33-I)
14 (20-I)
18 (17-I)
26 (2-I)
27 (24-I)
28 (20-I)
29 (18-A)
30 (19-I)
41 (15-I)

55 (20-S)

53 (23-I)
50 (30-I)
48 (35-I)
46 (25-A)
45 (40-I)
44 (20-I)
57 (49-I)
58 (41-I)
63 (37-I)
59 (15-S)
1 (38-I)
16 (21-I)
17 (9-I)
10 (54-A)
2 (20-I)
3 (18-A)
4 (52-A)
6 (20-I)
42 (23-A)
8 (30-I)
9 (25-I)
33 (26-I)
36 (25-I)
39 (40-M)
40 (25-I)
23 (25-I)
24 (39-I)

 83 (22-I)

78 (33-A)
80 (7-I)
75 (9-A)
74 (14-A)
72 (14-I)
71 (24-A)
85 (28-I)
101 (25-A)
103 (22-I)
104 (36-A)
107 (26-A)
98 (32-I)
97 (32-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (15-I)
95 (12-A)
93 (46-I)
92 (30-A)
86 (24-A)
108 (22-A)
99 (16-A)
100 (19-A)
102 (35-I)
105 (20-A)
96 (41-A)
90 (38-A)
94 (15-A)
88 (20-I)
87 (6-A)
106 (33-I)
84 (6-I)
73 (5-I)
70 (18-I)
69 (20-I)
68 (13-I)
66 (19-A)
82 (3-A)
79 (15-I)
77 (27-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (45-A)
81 (41-I)
67 (30-I)

  • John Paul's Saints (75) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 51 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 29 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 50 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 49 hits.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) move closer to get better shots.
  • Bladesingers (38) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • The General's Men (65) fire on The Answer (57), scoring 78 hits.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 453 hits.
  • Mushroom Guard (99) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 18 hits.
  • last stand (3) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 8 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 64 hits.
  • Omnia (100) fire on Cirthalion (58), scoring 69 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 24 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 7 hits.
  • Personal Guard (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 41 hits.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 29 hits.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) move closer to get better shots.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 32 hits.
  • Frog Throwers (52) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 33 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 24 hits.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 125 hits.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) fire on Peace Keepers (1), scoring 71 hits.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) move closer to get better shots.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 47 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 104 hits.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) fire on Kazakh City Guards (102), scoring 16 hits.
  • Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Excalibur's Warriors (106), scoring 201 hits.
  • Berserkergang (11) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 79 hits.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) fire on Ayashi no Ceres (98), scoring 45 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 76 hits.
  • Launchers of Light (92) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 79 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 58 hits.
  • FireGaurd (82) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 16 hits.
  • Hand of Khan (66) fire on Pop goes the weazel (39), scoring 34 hits.
  • Ciaran Chargers (43), Dark Riders (35), The Templars Pride (32), Trainee Knights (56), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Elite Kaydron Dragons (64), Percy's Duskriders (34), Red Legion XII (19), Personal Guard (21), Oroyan Guard (12) and Light Cavalry (5) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
  • There is one siege engine at the wall.
  • The General's Men (77) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Underworldlings (88) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Hiatchi Guard (70) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Blood thirst (67) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Kentian Guard (69) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • The Underlost (91) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Crusaders (72) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Kazakh City Guards (79) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
  • The Forsaken (84) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Witch Blades (48) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Personal Guard (83) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Aslan II (50) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Guards of Oroya (44) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Promethien Guard (36) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23), Ajax Dogs of WAR (16), Glacies Preliator (33), Titan (14), Guards of Oroya (17), Gondolin Elves (37), Guards of Oroya (8), Evyls cuthroats (54), Minions (47), dagger of dracilis (18), Oroyan Police (26), 9th Golden Legion (30), Killer Tofu (31), the men from ironbark (59), veni, vidi, vici (2), Toogoodoos (24), Peace Keepers (1), {TOR} Vindicators (60), Human Shield (51), Protectors of the star (27), Ora Sugary Food (13), Kazakh Siegemen (53), 10th Mountain Division (45), Fallen Angels (40), Cirthalion (58), Anvil Crushers (9), Inafantry (28), The Answer (57), Royal Sentinels (22), Silver Elves (20) and Argonian Warriors (41) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:

  • 4 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 96 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 107 hits.
  • Glacies Preliator (33) score 158 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) score 60 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 134 hits.
  • the men from ironbark (59) score 129 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 138 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 102 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 235 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 96 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 133 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 127 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 203 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 85 hits.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) score 159 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 229 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (79) score 37 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 37, Defenders: 373 (2191 before overkill)
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 50 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 37 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
  • Peace Keepers (1) take 71 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 113 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Cirthalion (58) take 69 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) take 534 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
  • The Answer (57) take 78 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 11 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (79) take 373 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) take 10 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 32 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 4 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 31 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) take 104 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 48 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 2

  49 (102-A)

60 (1-I)

43 (26-C)

56 (36-C)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
52 (27-M)
64 (14-C)
12 (4-C)
15 (30-M)
19 (49-C)
11 (21-M)
5 (27-C)
7 (16-M)
20 (50-I)
21 (5-C)
22 (30-I)
34 (33-C)
35 (8-C)
37 (28-I)
38 (13-M)
32 (32-C)
31 (30-I)
25 (41-C)
29 (18-A)

55 (19-S)

51 (51-I)
50 (30-I)
48 (35-I)
46 (25-A)
44 (20-I)
63 (36-I)
61 (21-A)
62 (61-M)
13 (33-I)
14 (20-I)
18 (17-I)
10 (50-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (48-A)
6 (20-I)
42 (23-A)
36 (25-I)
26 (2-I)
27 (24-I)
28 (20-I)
30 (19-I)
41 (15-I)

53 (23-I)

45 (40-I)
57 (46-I)
58 (39-I)
59 (15-S)
1 (36-I)
16 (21-I)
17 (9-I)
2 (20-I)
8 (30-I)
9 (25-I)
33 (26-I)
39 (21-M)
40 (25-I)
23 (24-I)
24 (39-I)
79 (5-I)

83 (22-I)

78 (33-A)
80 (7-I)
75 (9-A)
74 (14-A)
72 (14-I)
71 (24-A)
85 (28-I)
101 (25-A)
103 (22-I)
104 (36-A)
107 (26-A)
98 (32-I)
97 (32-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (15-I)
95 (12-A)
93 (43-I)
92 (30-A)
86 (24-A)
108 (22-A)
99 (16-A)
100 (19-A)
102 (35-I)
105 (20-A)
96 (41-A)
90 (38-A)
94 (15-A)
88 (20-I)
87 (6-A)
106 (32-I)
84 (6-I)
73 (5-I)
70 (18-I)
69 (20-I)
68 (13-I)
66 (19-A)
82 (3-A)
77 (27-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (45-A)
81 (40-I)
67 (30-I)

  • John Paul's Saints (75) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 39 hits.
  • Frog Throwers (52) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
  • Frog Throwers (52) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 49 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 17 hits.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 251 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 57 hits.
  • Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • Launchers of Light (92) fire on Human Shield (51), scoring 93 hits.
  • Hand of Khan (66) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 30 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) fire on Primus Family Guard (4), scoring 59 hits.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 19 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 30 hits.
  • FireGaurd (82) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 17 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 11 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 22 hits.
  • Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 105 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 56 hits.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 75 hits.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) fire on Kazakh City Guards (102), scoring 41 hits.
  • Mushroom Guard (99) fire on Ora Sugary Food (13), scoring 46 hits.
  • Berserkergang (11) move closer to get better shots.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) fire on Ayashi no Ceres (98), scoring 63 hits.
  • Omnia (100) fire on Human Shield (51), scoring 52 hits.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) fire on Demon Killers 2 (81), scoring 255 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 47 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) fire on Aslan II (50), scoring 73 hits.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) fire on Excalibur's Warriors (106), scoring 85 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) fire on Ora Sugary Food (13), scoring 55 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Haunacauri Warriors (6), scoring 61 hits.
  • Bladesingers (38) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
  • Bladesingers (38) fire on The General's Men (77), scoring 53 hits.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) fire on Merlin II's warriors (97), scoring 60 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) fire on Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), scoring 62 hits.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) fire on ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10), scoring 48 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) fire on Titan (14), scoring 46 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) fire on Guards of Oroya (44), scoring 64 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) fire on Minions of Cthulhu (55), scoring 73 hits.
  • last stand (3) fire on Merlin II's Fighters (85), scoring 6 hits.
  • Ciaran Chargers (43), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Light Cavalry (5), Dark Riders (35), The Templars Pride (32), Percy's Duskriders (34), Personal Guard (21), Oroyan Guard (12), Trainee Knights (56), Red Legion XII (19) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
  • There are 18 siege engines at the walls.
  • Aslan II (50) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Blood thirst (67) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Oroyan Police (26) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Promethien Guard (36) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Personal Guard (83) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Witch Blades (48) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Kentian Guard (69) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Inafantry (28) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Titan (14) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • The General's Men (77) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Guards of Oroya (44) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Underworldlings (88) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Hiatchi Guard (70) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Protectors of the star (27) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Human Shield (51) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • The Underlost (91) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Crusaders (72) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • The Forsaken (84) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54), Killer Tofu (31), Minions (47), Royal Sentinels (22), Silver Elves (20), Gondolin Elves (37) and {TOR} Vindicators (60) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:

  • 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 12 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
  • Ciaran Chargers (43) score 145 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 635 hits.
  • the men from ironbark (59) score 137 hits.
  • Light Cavalry (5) score 458 hits.
  • Glacies Preliator (33) score 132 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 127 hits.
  • Dark Riders (35) score 390 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 167 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 122 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 254 hits.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) score 102 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (79) score 16 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 93 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 142 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 108 hits.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) score 78 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 1078 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 554 hits.
  • Personal Guard (21) score 190 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) score 63 hits.
  • Oroyan Guard (12) score 98 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 100 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 161 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 72 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 507 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 239 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 761 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 202 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 233 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 16, Defenders: 471 (7348 before overkill)
  • Ciaran Chargers (43) take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Aslan II (50) take 73 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) take 48 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) take 63 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 10 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 16 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 69 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (79) take 471 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 15 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) take 135 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 61 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 39 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Titan (14) take 46 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) take 172 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
  • The General's Men (77) take 13 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 159 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
  • Guards of Oroya (44) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 21 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) take 101 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
  • Human Shield (51) take 145 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 2 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.

Turn No. 3

   49 (102-A)

60 (1-I)
15 (30-M)
29 (18-A)

55 (15-S)

47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
52 (27-M)
51 (47-I)
50 (28-I)
48 (35-I)
46 (25-A)
44 (18-I)
63 (32-I)
61 (21-A)
13 (30-I)
14 (19-I)
18 (17-I)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
6 (18-I)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
20 (50-I)
22 (30-I)
36 (25-I)
37 (28-I)
38 (13-M)
31 (30-I)
26 (2-I)
27 (24-I)
28 (20-I)
30 (19-I)
41 (15-I)

43 (25-C)

56 (36-C)
53 (23-I)
45 (40-I)
64 (14-C)
57 (46-I)
58 (39-I)
59 (15-S)
62 (56-M)
1 (36-I)
12 (4-C)
16 (21-I)
17 (9-I)
19 (49-C)
2 (20-I)
5 (27-C)
8 (30-I)
9 (25-I)
21 (5-C)
33 (26-I)
34 (33-C)
35 (8-C)
39 (21-M)
40 (25-I)
32 (32-C)
23 (24-I)
24 (39-I)
25 (41-C)

83 (22-I)

78 (33-A)
80 (7-I)
75 (9-A)
74 (14-A)
72 (14-I)
71 (24-A)
85 (28-I)
101 (25-A)
103 (22-I)
104 (36-A)
107 (26-A)
98 (32-I)
97 (32-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (15-I)
95 (12-A)
93 (42-I)
92 (30-A)
86 (24-A)
108 (22-A)
99 (16-A)
100 (19-A)
102 (35-I)
105 (20-A)
96 (39-A)
90 (38-A)
94 (15-A)
88 (20-I)
87 (6-A)
106 (31-I)
84 (6-I)
73 (5-I)
70 (18-I)
69 (20-I)
68 (13-I)
66 (19-A)
82 (3-A)
77 (27-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (45-A)
81 (38-I)
67 (30-I)

  • `Silent Slayers` (71) fire on The Templars Pride (32), scoring 37 hits.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) fire on Kazakh City Guards (93), scoring 223 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) fire on Blaastambar expedition (62), scoring 81 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) fire on Horsemen of An Najaf (25), scoring 33 hits.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) fire on Raath's Wrath (96), scoring 86 hits.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) fire on The General's Men (65), scoring 100 hits.
  • Takeover (49) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
  • The Templars Pride (32), Ciaran Chargers (43), Light Cavalry (5), Red Legion XII (19), Elite Kaydron Dragons (64), Trainee Knights (56), Percy's Duskriders (34), Dark Riders (35), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Personal Guard (21) and Oroyan Guard (12) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
  • There are 17 siege engines at the walls.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Glacies Preliator (33) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Fallen Angels (40) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Toogoodoos (24) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • the men from ironbark (59) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Cirthalion (58) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Killer Tofu (31), Silver Elves (20), Minions (47), Titan (14), Haunacauri Warriors (6), Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63), Aslan II (50), Minions of Cthulhu (55), Ora Sugary Food (13), {TOR} Vindicators (60), Evyls cuthroats (54), Guards of Oroya (44), Witch Blades (48), 9th Golden Legion (30), Inafantry (28), Gondolin Elves (37), Oroyan Police (26), Royal Sentinels (22), Protectors of the star (27), Argonian Warriors (41), Promethien Guard (36), dagger of dracilis (18) and Human Shield (51) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:

  • 5 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) score 25 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 104 hits.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) score 61 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 59 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 30 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 129 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 12 hits.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) score 77 hits.
  • FireGaurd (82) score 12 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 20 hits.
  • Underworldlings (88) score 84 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 54 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) score 43 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 93 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 95 hits.
  • Crusaders (72) score 68 hits.
  • Launchers of Light (92) score 45 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) score 28 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 46 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 82 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 41 hits.
  • The Forsaken (84) score 33 hits.
  • Glacies Preliator (33) score 64 hits.
  • John Paul's Saints (75) score 38 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 62 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 86 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) score 41 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 95 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 64 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 39 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 29 hits.
  • Mushroom Guard (99) score 27 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 108 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 53 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 28 hits.
  • The Underlost (91) score 74 hits.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) score 31 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 98 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 21 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 82 hits.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 40 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 44 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 50 hits.
  • Hiatchi Guard (70) score 90 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 144 hits.
  • the men from ironbark (59) score 63 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 48 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 88 hits.
  • Omnia (100) score 35 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 78 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 43 hits.
  • Hand of Khan (66) score 31 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 130 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 46 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) score 51 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 48 hits.
  • Blood thirst (67) score 78 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2485, Defenders: 927
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) take 108 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 67 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) take 647 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 5 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
  • The Templars Pride (32) take 37 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) take 58 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) take 412 hits (331 in close combat, 81 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • FireGaurd (82) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) take 57 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Underworldlings (88) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) take 362 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Light Guardians (86) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Personal Guard (83) take 45 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Crusaders (72) take 12 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Launchers of Light (92) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) take 333 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Dikc of Old Rancagua has been wounded.
  • Night Lights (78) take 27 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Glacies Preliator (33) take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Glacious of Sirion has been wounded.
  • Fallen Angels (40) take 112 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) take 129 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) take 64 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) take 95 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Toogoodoos (24) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Peace Keepers (1) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 56 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 33 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
  • the men from ironbark (59) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Cirthalion (58) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • The Answer (57) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) take 22 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • The General's Men (65) take 25 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 4

    52 (27-M)

49 (102-A)
46 (25-A)
61 (21-A)
60 (1-I)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

55 (15-S)

43 (25-C)
56 (36-C)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
53 (20-I)
51 (47-I)
50 (28-I)
48 (35-I)
45 (14-I)
44 (18-I)
64 (14-C)
57 (42-I)
58 (38-I)
63 (32-I)
59 (13-S)
62 (40-M)
1 (32-I)
12 (4-C)
13 (30-I)
14 (19-I)
16 (16-I)
17 (1-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (49-C)
2 (17-I)
5 (27-C)
6 (18-I)
8 (17-I)
9 (21-I)
20 (50-I)
21 (5-C)
22 (30-I)
33 (20-I)
34 (33-C)
35 (8-C)
36 (25-I)
37 (28-I)
40 (19-I)
32 (31-C)
31 (30-I)
24 (37-I)
25 (40-C)
26 (2-I)
27 (24-I)
28 (20-I)
30 (19-I)
41 (15-I)

83 (21-I)

78 (32-A)
80 (7-I)
75 (9-A)
74 (14-A)
72 (14-I)
71 (21-A)
85 (28-I)
101 (25-A)
103 (20-I)
104 (36-A)
107 (26-A)
98 (32-I)
97 (32-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (15-I)
95 (12-A)
93 (40-I)
92 (29-A)
86 (23-A)
108 (22-A)
99 (16-A)
100 (19-A)
102 (35-I)
105 (18-A)
96 (38-A)
90 (36-A)
94 (13-A)
88 (18-I)
87 (6-A)
106 (30-I)
84 (6-I)
73 (5-I)
70 (18-I)
69 (20-I)
68 (11-I)
23 (24-I)
66 (19-A)
82 (2-A)
77 (27-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (44-A)
81 (36-I)
67 (30-I)

  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) move closer to get better shots.
  • Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • Light Cavalry (5), Dark Riders (35), Red Legion XII (19), Horsemen of An Najaf (25), Personal Guard (21), The Templars Pride (32), Percy's Duskriders (34), Trainee Knights (56), Oroyan Guard (12), Ciaran Chargers (43) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 21 siege engines at the walls.
  • Guards of Oroya (44) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Human Shield (51) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Titan (14) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Protectors of the star (27) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Minions (47) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Killer Tofu (31) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Aslan II (50) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Promethien Guard (36) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Fallen Angels (40) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Anvil Crushers (9) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • the men from ironbark (59) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Glacies Preliator (33) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Witch Blades (48) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • dagger of dracilis (18) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Toogoodoos (24) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Guards of Oroya (8) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • The Answer (57) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Guards of Oroya (17) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Oroyan Police (26) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Cirthalion (58) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Inafantry (28) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • {TOR} Vindicators (60) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:

  • 9 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 21 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • Guards of Oroya (44) score 49 hits.
  • Light Cavalry (5) score 248 hits.
  • Hiatchi Guard (70) score 91 hits.
  • Launchers of Light (92) score 51 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 131 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 124 hits.
  • Underworldlings (88) score 96 hits.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) score 42 hits.
  • Dark Riders (35) score 184 hits.
  • Mushroom Guard (99) score 26 hits.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) score 68 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 56 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 22 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 129 hits.
  • The Underlost (91) score 84 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 57 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 83 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 72 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 94 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) score 62 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 125 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 24 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 43 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) score 49 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 108 hits.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) score 32 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 301 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 58 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 49 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 103 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 63 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 41 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 102 hits.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) score 29 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 90 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 55 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 100 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 56 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 126 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 83 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 48 hits.
  • Personal Guard (21) score 77 hits.
  • Hand of Khan (66) score 31 hits.
  • FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 18 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 93 hits.
  • the men from ironbark (59) score 69 hits.
  • Glacies Preliator (33) score 62 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 49 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 111 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 160 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 42 hits.
  • Blood thirst (67) score 71 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 92 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) score 18 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 484 hits.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 42 hits.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 139 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 35 hits.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) score 64 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 18 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 185 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 197 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 85 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 32 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 46 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 67 hits.
  • Crusaders (72) score 71 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 45 hits.
  • John Paul's Saints (75) score 40 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 151 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 47 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 103 hits.
  • Oroyan Guard (12) score 54 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 72 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 107 hits.
  • Ciaran Chargers (43) score 64 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 62 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) score 41 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 121 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 106 hits.
  • The Forsaken (84) score 36 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) score 8 hits.
  • Omnia (100) score 39 hits.
  • Oroyan Police (26) score 9 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 147 hits.
  • Inafantry (28) score 52 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 42 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 59 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 272 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2593, Defenders: 4916
  • Guards of Oroya (44) take 752 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Light Cavalry (5) take 479 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
  • Hiatchi Guard (70) take 681 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Launchers of Light (92) take 496 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 22 casualties.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 469 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 385 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
  • Underworldlings (88) take 438 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) take 302 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
  • Dark Riders (35) take 314 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Mushroom Guard (99) take 112 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) take 137 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 146 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 126 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Human Shield (51) take 184 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • The Underlost (91) take 155 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) take 105 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) take 58 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
  • Peace Keepers (1) take 55 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Red Legion XII (19) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) take 92 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Titan (14) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 78 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • City Guard II (107) take 47 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) take 46 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kentian Guard (69) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 41 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Hand of Khan (66) take 29 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • FireGaurd (82) take 12 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 5

    49 (102-A)

61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

52 (27-M)

51 (40-I)
46 (25-A)
60 (1-I)
1 (30-I)
13 (25-I)
14 (18-I)
19 (40-C)
2 (14-I)
4 (43-A)
5 (9-C)
6 (14-I)
22 (27-I)
37 (24-I)
23 (22-I)
30 (17-I)
41 (12-I)

55 (15-S)

83 (21-I)
43 (25-C)
78 (32-A)
80 (4-I)
56 (36-C)
75 (9-A)
74 (13-A)
72 (14-I)
71 (13-A)
85 (28-I)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
53 (20-I)
101 (25-A)
103 (20-I)
104 (36-A)
50 (28-I)
107 (24-A)
98 (18-I)
97 (31-I)
48 (35-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (11-I)
45 (14-I)
95 (8-A)
64 (14-C)
57 (42-I)
58 (38-I)
93 (40-I)
92 (7-A)
63 (32-I)
59 (13-S)
86 (23-A)
108 (22-A)
12 (4-C)
99 (12-A)
100 (19-A)
102 (35-I)
105 (18-A)
96 (35-A)
90 (34-A)
16 (16-I)
17 (1-I)
18 (17-I)
94 (8-A)
88 (5-I)
87 (6-A)
8 (17-I)
9 (21-I)
20 (50-I)
21 (5-C)
106 (30-I)
33 (20-I)
34 (33-C)
36 (25-I)
40 (19-I)
32 (31-C)
84 (6-I)
73 (4-I)
31 (30-I)
69 (19-I)
68 (11-I)
66 (18-A)
24 (37-I)
25 (39-C)
82 (2-A)
26 (2-I)
27 (24-I)
28 (20-I)
77 (27-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (44-A)
81 (25-I)
67 (30-I)

  • Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) move closer to get better shots.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Red Legion XII (19) and Light Cavalry (5) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 9 siege engines at the walls.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Human Shield (51) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Titan (14) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Gondolin Elves (37) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Royal Sentinels (22) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • {TOR} Vindicators (60) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:

  • 9 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 20 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • Glacies Preliator (33) score 100 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 84 hits.
  • Oroyan Police (26) score 12 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 216 hits.
  • Blood thirst (67) score 77 hits.
  • Light Cavalry (5) score 133 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 54 hits.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) score 33 hits.
  • Mushroom Guard (99) score 18 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 165 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 189 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 197 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 107 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 41 hits.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 46 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 87 hits.
  • Crusaders (72) score 66 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 68 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 53 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) score 15 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 170 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 168 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 90 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 88 hits.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) score 82 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 239 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 88 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) score 52 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 10 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 82 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 76 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 98 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 111 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 92 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 124 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 95 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 57 hits.
  • The Forsaken (84) score 31 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 51 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 280 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 436 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 19 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 18 hits.
  • The Underlost (91) score 67 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) score 44 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 51 hits.
  • the men from ironbark (59) score 250 hits.
  • Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
  • Omnia (100) score 35 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 285 hits.
  • Ciaran Chargers (43) score 70 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 63 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 115 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 41 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 122 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 78 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 124 hits.
  • Underworldlings (88) score 35 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 188 hits.
  • FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 188 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 48 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 155 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 85 hits.
  • {TOR} Vindicators (60) score 2 hits.
  • Hand of Khan (66) score 29 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) score 17 hits.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 208 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 263 hits.
  • Oroyan Guard (12) score 57 hits.
  • Personal Guard (21) score 82 hits.
  • Inafantry (28) score 88 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 111 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 123 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 73 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 103 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 52 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 105 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 66 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 246 hits.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) score 22 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 18 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 20 hits.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) score 34 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 77 hits.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) score 58 hits.
  • John Paul's Saints (75) score 40 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) score 36 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2227, Defenders: 6130
  • Glacies Preliator (33) take 557 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack. One Sirion banner is lost.
  • Red Legion XII (19) take 251 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 5 casualties.
  • Oroyan Police (26) take 355 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Charlie Murphy (Knight of Juazeiro) has been captured by Rancagua forces.
  • Trainee Knights (56) take 181 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Blood thirst (67) take 1085 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 30 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Light Cavalry (5) take 265 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Mushroom Guard (99) take 618 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Eltharion of Rancagua has been wounded.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 724 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 22 casualties.
  • The Answer (57) take 126 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Peace Keepers (1) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • The General's Men (65) take 229 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 474 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 15 casualties.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Crusaders (72) take 207 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Witch Blades (48) take 16 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Guards of Oroya (17) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Dikc of Old Rancagua has been killed.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) take 290 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 142 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • City Guard II (107) take 162 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • Personal Guard (83) take 197 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) take 101 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) take 108 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Sir William of Rancagua has been wounded.
  • Kentian Guard (69) take 80 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • The Forsaken (84) take 51 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Night Lights (78) take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 6

     52 (27-M)

49 (102-A)
46 (25-A)
61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

56 (28-C)

57 (37-I)
1 (28-I)
16 (14-I)
19 (25-C)
2 (13-I)
5 (0-C)
6 (11-I)
7 (16-M)
34 (30-C)
41 (9-I)

55 (15-S)

83 (15-I)
43 (25-C)
78 (31-A)
80 (4-I)
75 (9-A)
74 (13-A)
72 (8-I)
71 (13-A)
85 (27-I)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
53 (20-I)
101 (25-A)
51 (40-I)
103 (10-I)
104 (36-A)
50 (28-I)
107 (18-A)
98 (18-I)
97 (30-I)
48 (34-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (11-I)
45 (14-I)
95 (7-A)
64 (14-C)
58 (38-I)
93 (18-I)
92 (7-A)
63 (32-I)
59 (13-S)
60 (1-I)
86 (23-A)
108 (7-A)
12 (4-C)
13 (25-I)
100 (19-A)
102 (34-I)
105 (17-A)
14 (18-I)
96 (31-A)
90 (34-A)
18 (17-I)
94 (8-A)
88 (5-I)
87 (2-A)
8 (17-I)
9 (21-I)
20 (50-I)
21 (5-C)
106 (30-I)
22 (27-I)
36 (25-I)
37 (24-I)
40 (19-I)
32 (31-C)
84 (4-I)
73 (4-I)
31 (30-I)
69 (17-I)
68 (11-I)
23 (22-I)
66 (18-A)
24 (37-I)
25 (39-C)
82 (2-A)
27 (24-I)
28 (20-I)
77 (27-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (37-A)
81 (21-I)
30 (17-I)

  • Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34), Light Cavalry (5), Trainee Knights (56) and Red Legion XII (19) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
  • The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Peace Keepers (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:

  • 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 20 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • The Answer (57) score 84 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 97 hits.
  • Ciaran Chargers (43) score 69 hits.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) score 29 hits.
  • Omnia (100) score 38 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 43 hits.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) score 30 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 76 hits.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) score 176 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 104 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 214 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 219 hits.
  • the men from ironbark (59) score 217 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) score 40 hits.
  • Hand of Khan (66) score 27 hits.
  • FireGaurd (82) score 10 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 204 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 71 hits.
  • Personal Guard (21) score 85 hits.
  • John Paul's Saints (75) score 36 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 104 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 61 hits.
  • Inafantry (28) score 87 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 174 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 308 hits.
  • The Underlost (91) score 63 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 90 hits.
  • Crusaders (72) score 44 hits.
  • Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 63 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 123 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) score 44 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 75 hits.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) score 62 hits.
  • {TOR} Vindicators (60) score 6 hits.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 19 hits.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) score 27 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 100 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 270 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 15 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 220 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 114 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 16 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 91 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 81 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 50 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) score 17 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 18 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 183 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 130 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 266 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 83 hits.
  • Underworldlings (88) score 36 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 135 hits.
  • Oroyan Guard (12) score 59 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 156 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 99 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 42 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 69 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 188 hits.
  • The Forsaken (84) score 30 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 355 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 47 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 159 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 116 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) score 35 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 118 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 54 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 65 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 215 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 50 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 55 hits.
  • Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 15 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 97 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 39 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 112 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 81 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 101 hits.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 232 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 61 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1931, Defenders: 5876
  • The Answer (57) take 309 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 768 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 20 casualties.
  • Ciaran Chargers (43) take 438 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • `Silent Slayers` (71) take 601 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Omnia (100) take 378 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 13 casualties.
  • City Guard III (101) take 278 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
  • Argonian Warriors (41) take 190 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) take 130 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Ora Sugary Food (13) take 165 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Peace Keepers (1) take 147 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Killer Tofu (31) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Silver Elves (20) take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • the men from ironbark (59) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Light Guardians (86) take 574 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 18 casualties.
  • Hand of Khan (66) take 327 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
  • FireGaurd (82) take 192 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Isawa of Rancagua has been wounded.
  • Cirthalion (58) take 78 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 253 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
  • Personal Guard (21) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • John Paul's Saints (75) take 242 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
  • Fallen Angels (40) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Inafantry (28) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • The Underlost (91) take 164 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 149 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
  • Crusaders (72) take 113 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) take 111 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 85 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Kentian Guard (69) take 36 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) take 30 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 35 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • The General's Men (77) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 7

     49 (102-A)

61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

52 (27-M)

46 (25-A)
45 (13-I)
57 (26-I)
58 (34-I)
59 (8-S)
1 (24-I)
15 (30-M)
2 (9-I)
20 (47-I)
21 (3-C)
40 (15-I)
31 (26-I)

55 (15-S)

83 (15-I)
78 (31-A)
80 (4-I)
56 (28-C)
75 (1-A)
74 (12-A)
72 (5-I)
85 (7-I)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
53 (20-I)
101 (16-A)
51 (40-I)
103 (6-I)
104 (36-A)
50 (28-I)
107 (18-A)
98 (18-I)
97 (29-I)
48 (34-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (6-I)
95 (7-A)
64 (14-C)
93 (13-I)
92 (7-A)
63 (32-I)
60 (1-I)
86 (5-A)
108 (6-A)
12 (4-C)
100 (6-A)
102 (34-I)
105 (17-A)
14 (18-I)
96 (29-A)
90 (31-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (25-C)
94 (8-A)
5 (0-C)
6 (11-I)
88 (5-I)
87 (2-A)
8 (17-I)
9 (21-I)
106 (30-I)
22 (27-I)
34 (29-C)
36 (25-I)
37 (24-I)
32 (31-C)
84 (4-I)
73 (3-I)
69 (16-I)
68 (10-I)
23 (22-I)
66 (6-A)
24 (37-I)
25 (39-C)
27 (24-I)
28 (19-I)
77 (26-I)
76 (36-A)
65 (37-A)
81 (14-I)
30 (17-I)

  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) move closer to get better shots.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (21) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 6 siege engines at the walls.
  • Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • the men from ironbark (59) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Fallen Angels (40) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Peace Keepers (1) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Cirthalion (58) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Killer Tofu (31) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:

  • 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 10 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 19 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 94 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) score 46 hits.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) score 208 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 122 hits.
  • The Forsaken (84) score 27 hits.
  • Oroyan Guard (12) score 61 hits.
  • Hand of Khan (66) score 11 hits.
  • John Paul's Saints (75) score 5 hits.
  • Underworldlings (88) score 41 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 34 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 113 hits.
  • {TOR} Vindicators (60) score 6 hits.
  • the men from ironbark (59) score 69 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 46 hits.
  • Omnia (100) score 20 hits.
  • Crusaders (72) score 42 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 17 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 51 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 160 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 253 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 70 hits.
  • Inafantry (28) score 101 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 58 hits.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) score 58 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) score 14 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 15 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 73 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 48 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 139 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 126 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 24 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 384 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 212 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 407 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 35 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 147 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 52 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 116 hits.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 16 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 99 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) score 38 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 88 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
  • Personal Guard (21) score 44 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 71 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 59 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 48 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 95 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 86 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 186 hits.
  • Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 84 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 37 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 92 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 98 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 80 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 99 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 76 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 29 hits.
  • The Underlost (91) score 42 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 47 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 68 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 60 hits.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) score 19 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 155 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 68 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 50 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 111 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 35 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 280 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 210 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 134 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 101 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 14 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 195 hits.
  • Launchers of Light (92) score 23 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 192 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 44 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1591, Defenders: 5207
  • Promethien Guard (36) take 223 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Raath's Wrath (96) take 842 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 29 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Fuinur's Elite Haradrim (63) take 356 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 317 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
  • The Forsaken (84) take 285 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Oroyan Guard (12) take 264 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Hand of Khan (66) take 615 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • John Paul's Saints (75) take 409 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • JOHN PAUL of Rancagua has been wounded.
  • Underworldlings (88) take 154 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • City Guard III (101) take 346 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
  • Silver Elves (20) take 128 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 6 casualties.
  • {TOR} Vindicators (60) take 100 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • the men from ironbark (59) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties. One Fontan banner is lost.
  • larneg of Fontan has been wounded.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) take 218 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
  • Omnia (100) take 132 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Crusaders (72) take 131 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) take 117 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Witch Blades (48) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
  • Trainee Knights (56) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Human Shield (51) take 85 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Inafantry (28) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 50 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) take 62 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Light Guardians (86) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • The Answer (57) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Night Lights (78) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Aslan II (50) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Titan (14) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 23 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 25 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 18 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 17 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 22 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 24 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 8

    52 (27-M)

49 (102-A)
46 (25-A)
61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

56 (24-C)

51 (38-I)
48 (27-I)
57 (22-I)
10 (48-A)
20 (37-I)
36 (18-I)
28 (17-I)

55 (15-S)

83 (15-I)
78 (29-A)
80 (4-I)
74 (11-A)
72 (1-I)
85 (7-I)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
53 (20-I)
101 (5-A)
103 (6-I)
104 (27-A)
50 (27-I)
107 (18-A)
98 (15-I)
97 (29-I)
89 (6-A)
91 (6-I)
45 (13-I)
95 (7-A)
64 (13-C)
58 (34-I)
93 (11-I)
92 (7-A)
86 (3-A)
108 (5-A)
1 (24-I)
100 (2-A)
102 (26-I)
105 (13-A)
14 (17-I)
90 (31-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (25-C)
94 (7-A)
2 (9-I)
5 (0-C)
6 (11-I)
87 (2-A)
8 (17-I)
9 (21-I)
21 (3-C)
106 (29-I)
22 (27-I)
34 (29-C)
37 (24-I)
40 (15-I)
32 (31-C)
73 (3-I)
31 (26-I)
69 (16-I)
68 (8-I)
23 (22-I)
24 (37-I)
25 (39-C)
27 (24-I)
77 (26-I)
76 (35-A)
65 (37-A)
81 (14-I)
30 (17-I)

  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) move closer to get better shots.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
  • Berserkergang (11) move closer to get better shots.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) move closer to get better shots.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) move closer to get better shots.
  • Trainee Knights (56) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 3 siege engines at the walls.
  • Human Shield (51) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Inafantry (28) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Silver Elves (20) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • The Answer (57) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Promethien Guard (36) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Witch Blades (48) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:

  • 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) score 32 hits.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) score 13 hits.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) score 79 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 59 hits.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) score 6 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 96 hits.
  • Omnia (100) score 9 hits.
  • Launchers of Light (92) score 21 hits.
  • Light Guardians (86) score 11 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 15 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 81 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 43 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 49 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 137 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 91 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 48 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 488 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 28 hits.
  • Inafantry (28) score 23 hits.
  • Personal Guard (21) score 38 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 77 hits.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) score 20 hits.
  • Light Cavalry (5) score 0 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 103 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 43 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 51 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 58 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 94 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 53 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 188 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 16 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 115 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 92 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 48 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 154 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 193 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 157 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 235 hits.
  • The Underlost (91) score 45 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 101 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 139 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 105 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 297 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 35 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 15 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 72 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 158 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 66 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 21 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 60 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 15 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 40 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 90 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 31 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 121 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 190 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 88 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 233 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 257 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 75 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 79 hits.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) score 42 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 44 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 19 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 341 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 62 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 124 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 94 hits.
  • Crusaders (72) score 11 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1303, Defenders: 4845
  • Kazakh City Guards (80) take 672 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Seishin Tsuyoi (108) take 550 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Anvil Crushers (9) take 313 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, throwing them back from the fortifications. One siege engine is destroyed during the attack.
  • Human Shield (51) take 179 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh Golf Association (87) take 552 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Sir William of Rancagua has been seriously wounded.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 274 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
  • Omnia (100) take 218 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Launchers of Light (92) take 337 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Light Guardians (86) take 282 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) take 186 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • The General's Men (77) take 92 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • The General's Men (65) take 96 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Night Lights (78) take 75 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Aslan II (50) take 155 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 151 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Amelia of Old Rancagua has been wounded.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) take 63 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • The Templars Pride (32) take 96 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 83 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Inafantry (28) take 123 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Personal Guard (21) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) take 44 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Light Cavalry (5) take 65 hits in close combat. No casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 31 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Silver Elves (20) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 26 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • The Underlost (91) take 11 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Delphin Guard (89) take 38 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 9

   52 (27-M)

49 (102-A)
62 (40-M)
15 (30-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

53 (15-I)

51 (32-I)
50 (22-I)
46 (25-A)
45 (12-I)
61 (21-A)
11 (21-M)
2 (8-I)
6 (9-I)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
20 (34-I)
21 (1-C)

55 (15-S)

83 (15-I)
78 (26-A)
56 (24-C)
74 (11-A)
72 (1-I)
85 (5-I)
47 (44-I)
54 (35-I)
101 (5-A)
103 (4-I)
104 (27-A)
107 (18-A)
98 (15-I)
97 (22-I)
48 (27-I)
89 (5-A)
91 (6-I)
95 (7-A)
64 (13-C)
57 (22-I)
58 (34-I)
93 (11-I)
1 (24-I)
102 (25-I)
105 (7-A)
14 (17-I)
90 (30-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (25-C)
94 (6-A)
8 (17-I)
106 (29-I)
22 (27-I)
34 (29-C)
36 (18-I)
37 (24-I)
40 (15-I)
32 (29-C)
73 (2-I)
31 (26-I)
69 (16-I)
68 (8-I)
23 (22-I)
24 (37-I)
25 (39-C)
27 (24-I)
77 (24-I)
76 (34-A)
65 (34-A)
81 (14-I)
30 (17-I)

  • Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) retreat towards safer positions.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • Berserkergang (11) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) hold their fire.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) retreat towards safer positions.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Personal Guard (21) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 4 siege engines at the walls.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Human Shield (51) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Aslan II (50) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Silver Elves (20) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:

  • 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • The General's Men (65) score 38 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 184 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 255 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 257 hits.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) score 52 hits.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) score 16 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 371 hits.
  • The Underlost (91) score 49 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 91 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 66 hits.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) score 13 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 174 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 118 hits.
  • Personal Guard (21) score 13 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 102 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 41 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 299 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 272 hits.
  • Delphin Guard (89) score 14 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 99 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 93 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 172 hits.
  • Crusaders (72) score 8 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 14 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 29 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 125 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 47 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 82 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 120 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 114 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 65 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 74 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 133 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 43 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 102 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 50 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 80 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 138 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 14 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 230 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 85 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 41 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 13 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 36 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 32 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 76 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 71 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 125 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 66 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 92 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 48 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 25 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 26 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 239 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 127 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 52 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 207 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 40 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 84 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 76 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 9 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1184, Defenders: 4643
  • The General's Men (65) take 393 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
  • Killer Tofu (31) take 202 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Cirthalion (58) take 246 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) take 133 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Hitachi Guard (68) take 509 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Kazakh Patrol (73) take 348 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Raath, the Fiduciary of Rancagua has been wounded.
  • The Templars Pride (32) take 157 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • The Underlost (91) take 418 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Fallen Angels (40) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 248 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Light 1 (94) take 166 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Minions (47) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 4 casualties.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Personal Guard (21) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 328 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Delphin Guard (89) take 198 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Protectors of the star (27) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • The General's Men (77) take 232 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • Crusaders (72) take 81 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 85 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 125 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Night Lights (78) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Kentian Guard (69) take 86 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • City Guard III (101) take 64 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 37 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) take 31 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 20 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 28 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 10

    52 (27-M)

49 (102-A)
46 (25-A)
61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

47 (37-I)

58 (25-I)
6 (6-I)
8 (15-I)
22 (23-I)
40 (9-I)
32 (25-C)
31 (20-I)
27 (23-I)

55 (14-S)

83 (15-I)
78 (24-A)
56 (24-C)
74 (9-A)
85 (4-I)
54 (35-I)
53 (15-I)
101 (3-A)
51 (32-I)
103 (3-I)
104 (25-A)
50 (22-I)
107 (18-A)
98 (7-I)
97 (22-I)
48 (27-I)
45 (12-I)
95 (4-A)
64 (12-C)
57 (22-I)
93 (10-I)
1 (24-I)
102 (22-I)
105 (7-A)
14 (17-I)
90 (30-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (25-C)
2 (8-I)
20 (34-I)
106 (20-I)
34 (29-C)
36 (18-I)
37 (24-I)
69 (13-I)
23 (22-I)
24 (37-I)
25 (39-C)
77 (18-I)
76 (33-A)
65 (22-A)
81 (14-I)
30 (17-I)

  • Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
  • Takeover (49) move closer to get better shots.
  • Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) move closer to get better shots.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • The Templars Pride (32) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 4 siege engines at the walls.
  • Fallen Angels (40) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Protectors of the star (27) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Cirthalion (58) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Minions (47) squeeze through the heavily overcrowded siege engines.
  • Killer Tofu (31) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:

  • 8 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • The Answer (57) score 135 hits.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) score 10 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 32 hits.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) score 36 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 53 hits.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) score 11 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 43 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 65 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 95 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 16 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 145 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 50 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 66 hits.
  • Fallen Angels (40) score 23 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 90 hits.
  • City Guard III (101) score 10 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 55 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 119 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 35 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 216 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 97 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 211 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 70 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 131 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 414 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 124 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 21 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 29 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 170 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 242 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 113 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 48 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 70 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 24 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 28 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 74 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 327 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 79 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 31 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 71 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 213 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 167 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 62 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 102 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 52 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 72 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 71 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 80 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 70 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 21 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 55 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 135 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 51 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 53 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 910, Defenders: 3973
  • The Answer (57) take 255 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 1 (105) take 734 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • City Guard II (107) take 465 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
  • Ayashi no Ceres (98) take 465 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Witch Blades (48) take 132 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Kazakh Bowmen (95) take 168 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Night Lights (78) take 148 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 141 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Promethien Guard (36) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 169 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 3 casualties.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 146 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
  • Personal Guard (83) take 131 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Fallen Angels (40) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • City Guard III (101) take 93 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Aslan II (50) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) take 53 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 2 casualties.
  • Toogoodoos (24) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • The Templars Pride (32) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kentian Guard (69) take 32 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • The General's Men (65) take 52 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) take 39 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 34 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • The General's Men (77) take 25 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 29 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 11

  46 (25-A)

61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

53 (12-I)

52 (27-M)
50 (18-I)
49 (102-A)
48 (22-I)
57 (12-I)
15 (30-M)
36 (14-I)
37 (18-I)
38 (13-M)
30 (15-I)

55 (14-S)

83 (11-I)
78 (19-A)
56 (24-C)
74 (3-A)
85 (3-I)
47 (37-I)
54 (33-I)
51 (32-I)
103 (2-I)
104 (23-A)
107 (1-A)
97 (21-I)
45 (12-I)
64 (12-C)
58 (25-I)
93 (7-I)
1 (24-I)
102 (21-I)
14 (17-I)
90 (30-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (25-C)
2 (8-I)
6 (6-I)
8 (15-I)
20 (34-I)
106 (16-I)
22 (23-I)
34 (29-C)
32 (24-C)
31 (20-I)
69 (12-I)
23 (22-I)
24 (36-I)
25 (38-C)
27 (23-I)
77 (17-I)
76 (28-A)
65 (20-A)
81 (14-I)

  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.
  • Takeover (49) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • There are 5 siege engines at the walls.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Witch Blades (48) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Promethien Guard (36) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Aslan II (50) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:

  • 6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 39 hits.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) score 39 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 329 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 152 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 76 hits.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) score 10 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 243 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 197 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 74 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 113 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 65 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 36 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 24 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 23 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 235 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 79 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 37 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 59 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 21 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 200 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 123 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 274 hits.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) score 19 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 58 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 35 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 83 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 108 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 55 hits.
  • City Guard II (107) score 4 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 48 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 224 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 157 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 250 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 17 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 149 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 31 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 56 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 89 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 172 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 88 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 178 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 118 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 80 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 61 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 62 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 50 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 63 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 206 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 747, Defenders: 4214
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 502 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
  • 9th Golden Legion (30) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) take 152 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Peace Keepers (1) take 142 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 582 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 16 casualties.
  • Blessed Arrows of Light (74) take 480 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) take 72 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Silver Elves (20) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • Toogoodoos (24) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Red Legion XII (19) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) take 246 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • The General's Men (65) take 393 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
  • Human Shield (51) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • The General's Men (77) take 118 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Merlin's Grunts (103) take 202 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 103 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 114 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Personal Guard (83) take 84 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • City Guard II (107) take 56 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 81 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 68 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Night Lights (78) take 74 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 43 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Kentian Guard (69) take 42 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.

Turn No. 12

    52 (27-M)

46 (25-A)
61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
15 (30-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

53 (10-I)

49 (102-A)
64 (7-C)
1 (19-I)
19 (23-C)
6 (3-I)
20 (32-I)
38 (13-M)
24 (34-I)

55 (14-S)

83 (8-I)
78 (16-A)
56 (24-C)
85 (1-I)
47 (37-I)
54 (31-I)
51 (31-I)
104 (13-A)
50 (18-I)
97 (18-I)
48 (22-I)
45 (12-I)
57 (12-I)
58 (25-I)
93 (5-I)
102 (5-I)
14 (17-I)
90 (27-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
2 (8-I)
8 (15-I)
106 (15-I)
22 (23-I)
34 (29-C)
36 (14-I)
37 (18-I)
32 (24-C)
31 (20-I)
69 (11-I)
23 (22-I)
25 (38-C)
27 (23-I)
77 (14-I)
76 (11-A)
65 (8-A)
81 (12-I)

  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) move closer to get better shots.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Takeover (49) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • Frog Throwers (52) hold their fire.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) move closer to get better shots.
  • Red Legion XII (19) and Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) ride carefully through the breached fortifications.
  • There are 7 siege engines at the walls.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Silver Elves (20) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Toogoodoos (24) attack the fortifications with siege engines!
  • Peace Keepers (1) attack the fortifications with siege engines!

Close Combat:

  • 6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 19 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 79 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 70 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 174 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 232 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 292 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 81 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 242 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 277 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 192 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 90 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 30 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 153 hits.
  • Personal Guard (83) score 46 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 37 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) score 37 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 120 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 51 hits.
  • Kentian Guard (69) score 59 hits.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) score 24 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 24 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 52 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 66 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 49 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 102 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 76 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 65 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 56 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 98 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 200 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 94 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 63 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 31 hits.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) score 7 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 12 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 154 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 321 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 178 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 198 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 71 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 132 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 98 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 80 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 98 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 20 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 562, Defenders: 4088
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) take 85 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • The Answer (57) take 144 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 1 casualties.
  • The General's Men (77) take 467 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
  • Cirthalion (58) take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Human Shield (51) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) take 43 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Personal Guard (83) take 508 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Kazakh City Guards (93) take 416 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Kentian Guard (69) take 394 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Kazakh City Guards (102) take 210 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) take 164 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 292 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 217 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 133 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • Night Lights (78) take 55 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin II's Fighters (85) take 49 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Merlin II of Rancagua has been wounded.
  • The General's Men (65) take 79 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 66 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.

Turn No. 13

    52 (27-M)

49 (102-A)
46 (25-A)
61 (21-A)
62 (40-M)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
29 (18-A)

57 (6-I)

58 (22-I)
15 (30-M)
4 (43-A)
6 (1-I)
38 (13-M)
39 (21-M)
23 (21-I)

55 (13-S)

78 (14-A)
56 (24-C)
47 (37-I)
54 (31-I)
53 (10-I)
51 (29-I)
104 (7-A)
50 (18-I)
97 (12-I)
48 (22-I)
45 (12-I)
64 (7-C)
1 (19-I)
14 (17-I)
90 (18-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (23-C)
2 (8-I)
8 (15-I)
20 (32-I)
106 (11-I)
22 (22-I)
34 (29-C)
36 (14-I)
37 (18-I)
32 (24-C)
31 (20-I)
24 (34-I)
25 (36-C)
27 (23-I)
77 (2-I)
76 (9-A)
65 (5-A)
81 (9-I)

  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • Personal Guard (15) move closer to get better shots.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • Frog Throwers (52) move closer to get better shots.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) move closer to get better shots.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) move closer to get better shots.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • There are 5 siege engines at the walls.
  • The Answer (57) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.
  • Cirthalion (58) climb up through the overcrowded siege engines.

Close Combat:

  • 7 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
  • Silver Elves (20) score 169 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 64 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 139 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 160 hits.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) score 16 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 216 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 115 hits.
  • Personal Guard (15) score 91 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 72 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 188 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 54 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 213 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 53 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 141 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 169 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 109 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 41 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 33 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 117 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 25 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 6 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 81 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 28 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 39 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 31 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 209 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 260 hits.
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 80 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 96 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 17 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 118 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 47 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 8 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 54 hits.
  • The General's Men (77) score 14 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 83 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 142 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 245 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 77 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 93 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 366 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 241, Defenders: 2156 (4038 before overkill)

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

  • Silver Elves (20) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Red Legion XII (19) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Trainee Knights (56) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Killer Tofu (31) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Raath's Wrath (104) take 234 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 267 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 258 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 260 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
  • Night Lights (78) take 182 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 149 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 113 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
  • The General's Men (65) take 107 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
  • The General's Men (77) take 88 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.

Turn No. 14

    49 (102-A)

61 (21-A)
11 (21-M)
10 (48-A)
3 (18-A)
4 (43-A)
42 (23-A)
7 (16-M)
39 (21-M)
29 (18-A)

52 (27-M)

46 (25-A)
62 (40-M)
38 (13-M)

55 (13-S)

78 (8-A)
56 (22-C)
47 (37-I)
54 (31-I)
53 (10-I)
51 (29-I)
50 (18-I)
97 (5-I)
48 (22-I)
45 (12-I)
64 (7-C)
57 (6-I)
58 (22-I)
1 (19-I)
14 (17-I)
15 (30-M)
90 (13-A)
16 (14-I)
18 (17-I)
19 (21-C)
2 (8-I)
6 (1-I)
8 (15-I)
20 (30-I)
106 (4-I)
22 (22-I)
34 (27-C)
36 (14-I)
37 (18-I)
32 (24-C)
31 (19-I)
23 (21-I)
24 (34-I)
25 (36-C)
27 (23-I)
76 (5-A)
65 (2-A)
81 (2-I)

  • Frog Throwers (52) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Takeover (49) hold their fire.
  • last stand (3) hold their fire.
  • Primus Family Guard (4) hold their fire.
  • Avian's Till Death (46) retreat towards safer positions.
  • Elven Sentinels (7) hold their fire.
  • Berserkergang (11) hold their fire.
  • Startshiptroopers (29) hold their fire.
  • ~={E.E}=~ Sirion Senate Rangers (10) hold their fire.
  • Bladesingers (38) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
  • Oroya Rangers (42) hold their fire.
  • Blaastambar expedition (62) have no viable target and wait for one to appear.
  • New Blessed Arrows (61) hold their fire.
  • Pop goes the weazel (39) hold their fire.

Close Combat:

  • 7 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
  • 9 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
  • 16 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee.
  • The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
  • Promethien Guard (36) score 60 hits.
  • Trainee Knights (56) score 151 hits.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) score 98 hits.
  • Royal Sentinels (22) score 196 hits.
  • veni, vidi, vici (2) score 88 hits.
  • Personal Guard (15) score 120 hits.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) score 28 hits.
  • Elite Kaydron Dragons (64) score 227 hits.
  • Cirthalion (58) score 136 hits.
  • Silver Elves (20) score 168 hits.
  • Minions (47) score 186 hits.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) score 24 hits.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) score 12 hits.
  • dagger of dracilis (18) score 113 hits.
  • Minions of Cthulhu (55) score 171 hits.
  • Night Lights (78) score 19 hits.
  • Evyls cuthroats (54) score 219 hits.
  • Human Shield (51) score 203 hits.
  • Toogoodoos (24) score 124 hits.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) score 18 hits.
  • The Answer (57) score 45 hits.
  • Gondolin Elves (37) score 122 hits.
  • Haunacauri Warriors (6) score 15 hits.
  • Killer Tofu (31) score 153 hits.
  • The General's Men (65) score 5 hits.
  • Titan (14) score 128 hits.
  • Percy's Duskriders (34) score 211 hits.
  • Aslan II (50) score 83 hits.
  • Horsemen of An Najaf (25) score 259 hits.
  • Guards of Oroya (8) score 108 hits.
  • Kazakh Siegemen (53) score 55 hits.
  • Peace Keepers (1) score 137 hits.
  • 10th Mountain Division (45) score 58 hits.
  • Red Legion XII (19) score 51 hits.
  • Witch Blades (48) score 34 hits.
  • Ajax Dogs of WAR (16) score 66 hits.
  • Protectors of the star (27) score 118 hits.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) score 30 hits.
  • The Templars Pride (32) score 378 hits.
  • Total hits suffered: Attackers: 136, Defenders: 1143 (4281 before overkill)

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

  • Promethien Guard (36) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Trainee Knights (56) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
  • Jack's Kazan Guard (23) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
  • Guardians of the Citadel I (90) take 289 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
  • Excalibur's Warriors (106) take 151 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • Skilled Arrows (76) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
  • Night Lights (78) take 95 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
  • Demon Killers 2 (81) take 135 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out.
  • The General's Men (65) take 42 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
  • Merlin II's warriors (97) take 72 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.

Attacker Victory!

  • The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 7 %.
  • The battle has heavily damaged the fortifications, and reduced them to Fortress (5)