Taselak (SEI)/Tribune/3rd Edition: Difference between revisions

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(Anslem falls in battle)
m (added battles and region TO to news)
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title =Latest News|
title =Latest News|
article =Huge Battle Fought  (2007-01-04 18:05:45)
article =Region Takeover  (2007-01-10 06:08:24)
Taselak has taken control of Lesthem (formerly part of Toren)
Huge Battle Fought  (2007-01-09 18:04:48)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Belus:  Ikalak vs. Taselak
Estimated combat strengths: 14000 CS vs. 11000 CS
Anslem hero of Taselak and Count of Seggelin was killed during the battle.
Taselak Victory!
Huge Battle Fought  (2007-01-09 06:00:54)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Belus:  Ikalak vs. Taselak
Estimated combat strengths: 17000 CS vs. 15000 CS
Taselak Victory!
Huge Battle Fought  (2007-01-04 18:05:45)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem: Toren vs. Taselak
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem: Toren vs. Taselak
Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 7000 CS
Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 7000 CS

Revision as of 20:43, 10 January 2007

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/TaselakIcon_large.gif News from Glorious Taselak!
Price: Free for Taselakians, 5 coppers for everyone else Editors: Dennis, Jet, Lynsey and others from Taselak! Issue Number: 3
Troops pile up along our borders, but we stand firm in the face of such might

Previous Issues of the Taselak Tribune:

The Hero Anslem Falls
9 January 2007 by Lynsey Habap

Badly wounded during the defense of the walls of Belus, Anslem Wexler mounted his trusty charger, blood flowing from his wounds and tears flowing from his eyes. Every man from Death By Lance was done, but their leader, Anslem. "By the gods of my fathers, you shall pay!" he roared, as he raced out the gate. The young Marshal, Roran Thirdlight, tried to stop him, shouting, "Wait, we will all ride them down together!" But alas, the Hero was unstoppable, his thirst for vengeance unquenchable.

He cantered out, alone.

They may have only been archers, but there still more than 200 of them.

A cheer rose from the walls and Anslem turned to them, shouting through his tears and blood, "For Taselak!" Then, he charged.

The hail of arrows darkened the sky and Anslem and his charger tumbled to the earth.

A silence descended upon the field for a long minute....

Then a roar went up among the Taselakians and they surged out as one into the now-terrified archers of Ikalak. Most of the archers did not escape.

While it was a victory and may have been glorious, the walls of Belus were draped in black for the fallen Hero. Anslem, you will be missed.

Tide Turning?
3 January 2007 by Lynsey Habap

After two more battles in Seggelin, Taselak retains control of the region. The Toren attempt at a Hostile Takeover has failed and their troops are tumbling back to Toren Stronghold. One has to wonder at the wisdom or at least the skill of the Toren leaders, to fail when serving as the weaker sister in a two-on-one fight. Toren gets smaller every week, it seems, with regions and team leaders slowly leeching away. Can the tide have turned against Toren already?

Latest News
Region Takeover (2007-01-10 06:08:24)

Taselak has taken control of Lesthem (formerly part of Toren)

Huge Battle Fought (2007-01-09 18:04:48) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Belus: Ikalak vs. Taselak Estimated combat strengths: 14000 CS vs. 11000 CS Anslem hero of Taselak and Count of Seggelin was killed during the battle. Taselak Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2007-01-09 06:00:54) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Belus: Ikalak vs. Taselak Estimated combat strengths: 17000 CS vs. 15000 CS Taselak Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2007-01-04 18:05:45) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem: Toren vs. Taselak Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 7000 CS Sir Hawkwood (Knight of Bieth, Toren) (Toren) was seriously wounded. Taselak Victory!

Ruler election in Ikalak (2007-01-01 06:04:43) The realm of Ikalak has elected Maximus as its new Prime Minister.

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-31 18:05:38) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Seggelin: Taselak vs. Toren Estimated combat strengths: 9000 CS vs. 5000 CS Taselak Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-31 06:03:52) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Falens: Ikalak, Toren vs. Taselak Estimated combat strengths: 14000 CS vs. 6000 CS papewaio (Imperial Knight) (Ikalak) was captured by Taselak forces. Toren & Ikalak Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-31 06:03:45) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Seggelin: Taselak vs. Toren Estimated combat strengths: 15000 CS vs. 15000 CS Piotr (Noble) (Toren) was captured by Taselak forces. Lynsey (Dame of Taselak) (Taselak) was captured by Toren forces Toren Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-29 06:05:13) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Belus: Ikalak vs. Taselak Estimated combat strengths: 12000 CS vs. 7000 CS Taselak Victory!

Region Takeover (2006-12-28 06:03:45) Taselak has taken control of Seggelin (formerly part of Toren)

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-21 06:01:38) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Eledrir: Toren vs. Taselak Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 6000 CS Taselak Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-18 18:05:48) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Eraus: Taselak vs. Ikalak Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 5000 CS Roran (Knight of Endelee) (Taselak) was captured by Ikalak forces.Louis (Knight of Ikalak) (Ikalak) was captured by Taselak Forces Taselak Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-15 18:03:04) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Moeth: Taselak vs. Toren Estimated combat strengths: 8000 CS vs. 8000 CS Devastation (Knight of Toren Stronghold) (Toren) was captured by Taselak forces. Taselak Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (2006-12-09 18:03:28) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Cirannor: Taselak vs. Ikalak Estimated combat strengths: 11000 CS vs. 12000 CS Jandh (Knight of Ikalak) (Ikalak) was captured by Taselak forces. Taselak Victory!

Formatted by: Mischa 00:00, 5 January 2007 (CET)