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title =Current politics|
title =Current politics|
article = <i>September 19th, 2006</i>
article = <i>October 30th, 2006</i>

Little has changed in politics over the last month for Ikalak, however the situation in Taselak has changed greatly since Penny was elected to become the new queenA highly populer choice for the Taselakian people where Penny is reguarded as one of the greatest generals of Taselaks history.
The political balance in the South-East Island has changed dramatically in the past month with death of two of the greatest heros of the first SEI war and the appointment of two new rulers.  Zack the Great was elected priminister after Moonglum stepped down bringing with him new ideas and changes in the hierarchy of IkalakMischa was declared Queen of Taselak  after Penny was killed in the heat of battle.

Little word has been heard from Toren and the political situation seems to be solid.  Clearly Phear has proved more then adequate in running the mountain realmSandalak also seems to be suprisingly stable and there appears to be little unrest however this may soon change as the occupation of Sandalak city for the second time takes its toll.  
The death of Moonglum duke of Sandalak - former Priminister of Ikalak; struck down by a freak lightning bolt has the realm currently in mourning wondering if there is a possible way he can return; and Penny - Queen of Taselak dieing in battle to a massive Toren army that outnumbered her own in strength 2-1This had led to Mischa taking the throne and Penny's sister Yanzi arriving on the Island challenging Phear - Pontifex of Toren to a duel to the death in honour of her sisters name.

Revision as of 23:01, 30 October 2006

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png News from the glorious realm of Ikalak
Price: 2 Gold Coins Creator and Editor: Kainaq Issue Number: 3
Three realms now remain, only one can be victorious, there can be only war.

Editorial note: Articles from other realms will be welcome, more information is available in the discussion section

Previous Editions

Ikalakian Times First Edition

Ikalakian Times Second Edition

= Taselak Invasion forces defeated! =
Date: October 30th, 2006

Taselak threw a way its army in a wasted looting party and an attack on Sandalak city. In this two part attempted ambush, Taselak moved aproximatley half its force into Aldrelhia completley ignoring the takeover in Saenna and preceaded to loot for the next few days in an attempt to draw out the force in Sandalak city. However looting Aldrelhia, currently Ikalaks lowest income provider proved to be fruitless and when the force moved out of Aldrehia deaper into Ikalak they were cut down. Eventually Taselak manouvered its troops back into Aldrelhia when the Ikalakian force posted in Sandalak moved to oppose them however at the same time the other half of Taselaks army moved on the city itself in a suprise attack.

This however is when details get sketchy, all that is known to be the true is that Taselak arrived at Sandalak city but no battle occured. According to local peasents a massive storm is said to have appeared between the two forces making visability impossible. Believeing a small outskirting village was actually Sandalak the Taselak army set up camp while mildly bemused Ikalakian nobles looked out through the walls wondering why the Taselakian army had not attacked. This however is when disaster struck Ikalak. A massive lightning bolt is said to of struck the duke of Sandalak, Moonglum down, coinciding with these events several Taslekian nobles were also hit and were said to be in serious condition. Apparently several Taselakian nobles had managed to find several rare artifacts rumoured to contain powerfuls magiks. Local peasents claim that some of these nobles attempted to lift the storm using these weapons however such magiks are unstable resulting in the unnatural thunderbolts. When the storm finnaly lifted Taselak relised the city they had thought they were occuping was actually a minor outskirting village, realising there foley they moved on Sandalak city. When they arrived however they were utterly slaughtered by the reinforced army of Ikalak that had returned from Aldrelhia. They are currently fleeing for there very lives into the safety of Gwohadda. During this time the remains of the Taselakian looting party still hiding in Adrelhia were mericlessly cut down by a small strike force from Saenna. It remains to be seen how Taselak plans to fend of both Ikalak and Toren with a heavily depleted army.

The Fallen!
Date: September 19th, 2006

Although the casualties have been high for the soldiers involved in this war, many forget that the nobles face just as great a risk as the soldiers themselves.

Hassan a great Sandalakian hero was killed during a battle in Gwohadda on the 26th last month during a vicous battle between Sandalak and Taselak. Although Sandalak did win the battle, Hassans wounds proved to great for him to survive. There is no higher honour then to die in the service of ones realm in battle. Truly one of the great hero's in Sandalaks history.

The Infiltraitor Trystrem was captured for the second time on the 29th last month. As he had already prieviouly been banned, the judge of Ikalak deemed him to be to dangerous to be left alive. Although deportation was considered there was a high chance that he would merely come back on the next ship to the South-East Island and pose just as high an assasination threat as he had in the past. With that in mind Jair decided his fate would be death. A harsh judgment, but one that will keep this proud nation safe from men of the shadows such as Trystrem.

The next death occured today when a relativly new Ikalakian noble, Vinatyfir dueled Sienna (a highly skilled swordsman of Sandalak and a veteran of the first war) to the death. His reasons are currently unknown. May he find peace in the next life.

Current politics
October 30th, 2006

The political balance in the South-East Island has changed dramatically in the past month with death of two of the greatest heros of the first SEI war and the appointment of two new rulers. Zack the Great was elected priminister after Moonglum stepped down bringing with him new ideas and changes in the hierarchy of Ikalak. Mischa was declared Queen of Taselak after Penny was killed in the heat of battle.

The death of Moonglum duke of Sandalak - former Priminister of Ikalak; struck down by a freak lightning bolt has the realm currently in mourning wondering if there is a possible way he can return; and Penny - Queen of Taselak dieing in battle to a massive Toren army that outnumbered her own in strength 2-1. This had led to Mischa taking the throne and Penny's sister Yanzi arriving on the Island challenging Phear - Pontifex of Toren to a duel to the death in honour of her sisters name.

Date: September 19, 2006

A ranking system developed by Lestat - Count of Unlib

This space war origanally intended for foreign nobles to write there views however due to the lack of interest currently this space has been hijacked by a ranking system introduced by Lestat. This will be updated on a reguler basis.

Every 20 hits is worth one helmet - This is purely an Ikalakian ranking system. If any noble on the island wants to join it can be arranged, just ask in the discussion area.


Feanor -- 2895 -- 144.75

Aramil -- 1470 --- 73.5

SG ------ 1239 --- 61.95

Fingolfin 861 --- 43.05

Athys II - 843 --- 42.15

Cosmos --- 599 --- 29.95

Scylla --- 597 --- 29.85

Louis ---- 532 --- 26.6

Lestat --- 520 --- 26

Guntharr - 258 --- 12.9

Jargon --- 219 --- 10.95

Deorwulf - 178 ---- 8.9

Shadow --- 108 ---- 5.4

Helmet Total

Recent events on the South-East Island
October 30th, 2006

Huge battle in Sandalak - Taselak vs Ikalak - Ikalak victory

Ikalak takes Saenna and Yayhan

Taselak takes Seggelin

Huge battle in Moeth - Taselak vs Sandalak - Taselak victory

Taselak takes Falens and Lesthem

Ikalak takes Sandalak city

Huge battle in Endelee - Taselak vs Toren - Taselak victory

Mischa elected as Queen of Taselak

Huge Battle in Sandalak - Ikalak vs Sandalak - Ikalak victory

Penny Queen of Taselak Killed in the battle in Endelee

Huge battle in Endelee - Taselak vs Toren - Toren victory

Zack the Great elected Priminister of Ikalak