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Latest revision as of 07:38, 17 October 2006

This is a proposed revised draft to Lasanar/Constitution


We, the nobility of Lasanar, charged with the safekeeping of our lands and stations by the Creator since time immemorial, do establish the government of Lasanar for the collective safety, prosperity, and good.


The overall policy of Lasanar, both domestic and foreign, shall be the strict perrogative of its legislative bodies. Policy encompasses all of the broad principles and laws that form a society from a group of nobles, and are necessary for the society's continued function.

The Grand Council of Lasanar shall be the supreme and sole legislative body in the realm, charged with the creation and application of all the realm's laws.

Composition of the Council

The Grand Council shall be composed of the following members:

  • The Prime Minister
  • The Grand Justiciar
  • The Minister of Defense
  • The Minister of Finances
  • Each recognized Duke of the realm

The Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar shall be elected by the recognized nobles of the realm. The other members of the council shall be appointed.

Appointments to the Council

Each appointment shall be confirmed by a vote of the entire council as then sitting, with the recusement of any ministers with a conflict of interest.

The vote, conducted in the manner set forth below, shall confirm the appointment. The Prime Minister or Grand Justiciar must additionally register an 'aye' vote for the appointment to pass.

Each noble may hold only one ministerial office at a time, except as is necessary to fill a temporary vacancy to conduct important business.


Each member of the Council is expected to maintain the confidence of the entire council. Should confidence be lost, or suspected to be lost, a vote of non-confidence in that council member shall be taken.

Should a majority of votes cast (with the recusement of the member in question) be in favour of removing the council member, he or she is expected to resign immediately.

Should the council member not resign, he or she will be guilty of the Minor Treason of Improperly Holding Government Office.


Matters of ordinary law will be handled by council vote, as set out below. A law may be passed or repealed by majority of votes cast.

Treaties with foreign powers, as well as declarations of war, shall be considered equal in force to domestic Lasanar law. It is equally a matter for the council.

Emergency powers

Should the council be prevented from sitting, or an emergency arise and require immediate action, the Prime Minister shall be empowered to act on behalf of Lasanar as a whole.

When the council may be reconvened, any continuing policies set by the Prime Minister shall be held to a vote before the council, as any other legislative proposal.


The Council shall also act as a body of advice to Dukes and ministers, as needed. It is expected to offer advice on region appointments, and any forthcoming ministerial acts that will have a large impact on Lasanar as a whole.

The advice of the Council shall be set by vote of all members.

As is suggested by the name, the council acts in only an advisory role in this capacity, unless a binding resolution is requested by the responsible Duke or minister.

Ministerial Office

The Prime Minister, Grand Justiciar, Minister of Defense, and Minister of Finances (the Ministers) shall hold several responsibilities and duties for Lasanar as a whole.

Collective responsibilities and privileges

Each minister is responsible for informing the council of the overall state of Lasanar, within his sphere of influence. For example, the Prime Minister is expected to keep the council abreast of the diplomatic situation.

Each minister shall also have broad authority to act within his or her sphere of influence, according to overall Lasanar policy. Individual actions of a ministry are not subject to retrospective debate by the council as a whole, although the wisdom of the minister himself or herself is always up for debate.

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister's chief responsibility is conducting diplomatic dialogue with foreign realms. He or she shall serve as the lead public voice of Lasanar on matters of forgeign affairs, remaining within the bounds of relations set by the council.

Additionally, the Prime Minister shall appoint lords to imperial regions.

The Grand Justiciar

The Grand Justiciar is responsible for the fair and just enforcement of Lasanar's laws, and is responsible for assessing guilt and carrying out appropriate punishment.

Additionally, the Grand Justiciar is responsible for any prisoners held by Lasanar.


In the event that a Lasanarian noble disagrees with the Grand Justiciar's sentence, he or she may appeal to the full council. On a majority vote, the council may conduct a fuller investigation into matters, and allow the convicted a chance to show the Grand Justiciar's actions unjust.

If an appeal is conducted, the Grand Justiciar, or another appointed by him or her to do so, shall serve as chief prosecutor. Statements from the Justiciar, convicted, and any other relevant parties will be taken and considered by the full council.

After considering the statements, at a majority vote (including the Grand Justiciar's) the council may overturn the Justiciar's initial ruling. If it does so, the Grand Justiciar is expect to remedy the penalties assessed, such as by lifting a ban.

Minister of Defense

The Minister of Defense is charged with maintaining battle-readiness of Lasanar's armed forces. In a time of war, his or her powers expand to include army movement, battlefield tactics, and overall war conduct.

The Minister of Defense shall additionally act as Marshal to any unaligned nobles.


Marshals are responsible for the organization of the troop leaders in their duchy. In wartime, they are below the Minister of Defense in the chain of command and are the first point of contact for nobles at the front.

A marshal is expected to remain abreast of the strategic situation, and to properly update standing orders to keep troop leaders as focused as possible. He or she should make regular report of his army's status to the Minister of Defense.

Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance is responsible for ensuring an adequate supply of food and wood to all of Lasanar's regions, and for profitably dealing with any surpluses.

Additionally, the Minister of Finance is tasked with ensuring an equitable distribution of Lasanar's tax gold, and of setting a healthy and maintainable tax rate.

Landed Nobility

Although insulated from policy decisions, the landed nobility are equally important in Lasanar's hierarchy.

The land is the source of Lasanar's strength. It is the responsibility of the military to defend Lasanar's land in times of war, and it is the responsibility of the landed nobility to keep the land healthy in times of peace.


Dukes are the chief landed noble in Lasanar, appointed by the council for a term of good behaviour. They are ultimately responsible for the health and safety of their duchies, and in exchange receive a share of the tax collected in their duchy.

Dukes may appoint a marshal for the duchy's army at his or her pleasure, however because of the close working relationship an appointee is subject to the approval of the Minister of Defense.

Dukes may also appoint lords for any vacant regions in their duchy. They may appoint any eligible noble, although dukes are encouraged to heed the council's advice on the matter. Additionally, it is traditional (although by no means required) to appoint a troop leader from the same duchy to lead a region. The Prime Minister may make the appointment at the Duke's direction, if he or she is unavailable.

Region Lords

Region lords, appointed for a term of good behaviour, are responsible for the safety and well-being of their region. They are expected to keep their region productive and within Lasanar's control.

In return, region lords are awarded a share of the tax income from their region.

Council Procedure

Any council member may call for a vote on a topic within the council's scope. From the official declaration, at most thirty-six hours shall elapse until the end of the vote, unless otherwise lengthened for extenuating circumstances.

Ordinarily, a proposal shall pass if a majority of council members vote for it. If a majority of council members do not vote for the proposal, then the proposal will pass if it receives more 'yea' than 'nay' votes, and more than forty percent of the council has cast a vote. In a council of nine, this gives a quorum of four.

In the event of a tie, such that the same number of 'yea' and 'nay' votes are received, the Prime Minister's vote shall be the tiebreaker. If he or she did not cast a vote, then the proposal shall not pass.

If a majority of council members vote 'yea' before the voting period has elapsed, then the proposal may be considered passed as soon as the majority is reached.

Style of Address

The following shall be used for official styles of address in Lasanar:

Title Second Person Third Person
Prime Minister Your Excellency His/Her Excellency
Grand Justiciar Your Honour His/Her Honour
Minister of Defense Your Lordship His/Her Lordship
Minister of Finance Your Lordship His/Her Lordship
Duke/Duchess Your Grace His/Her Grace
Baron/Baroness Baron/Baroness Baron/Baroness
Count/Countess Count/Countess Count/Countess


The Grand Justiciar has broad authority to set punishment for violations of Lasanar law, but there are broad categories that crimes fall into (by severity):

  • High Treason is Lasanar's only capital offense, and it is reserved for leading rebellion against the realm, or actively conducting violent rebellion.
  • Minor Treason involves peaceful membership in a rebellion, or actively obstructing the government's rule.
  • Felonies are breaches of major Lasanarian law, or disobedience of military orders in wartime.
  • Misdemeanors are breaches of minor Lasanarian law, or merely technical breaches of major Lasanarian law.

Rights of Nobles

No Lasanarian shall be punished for privately held views.

No Lasanarian shall be punished for mere disagreement with a Council decision, provided that disagreement is expressed with appropriate respect and without incitement to disobedience.

No Lasanarian shall be punished for application to any open position from which he or she has not explicitly been ruled ineligible. This is not a guarantee that the application will be successful, but the right to apply is sacrosanct.