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I am going to create Scenarios and use the information from this article to conclude certain moves and so forth. Feel free to make comments in the discussion page for the scenarios that I create I will be using maps from the islands. I'll include a link to the map so you can look at it yourself.
~~I am going to create Scenarios and use the information from this article to conclude certain moves and so forth. Feel free to make comments in the discussion page for the scenarios that I create I will be using maps from the islands. I'll include a link to the map so you can look at it yourself.

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Revision as of 21:47, 30 August 2006

Combat Strength(CS)

~~Combat Strength, or CS, is a numerical representation of the strength of your unit. The five direct factors that effect it are:

  • Training % (how experienced your men are)
  • Weapons/Armour % (how high quality your weapons and armour are.)
  • Equipment damage
  • Morale (how happy your men are)
  • Cohesion (how well your men know each other).

~~Training is good, clearly, so you want that to be as high as possible. It will increase with training and battle. ~~Weapons/Armour quality depends on what your men were when you recruited. You can't increase or decrease this unless you add better/worse men (adding better men increasing, and worse men decreasing).

~~Equipment damage comes with anything except when you are in a city. Travel, training, battle, even sitting dug in a region can cause equipment damage. You want this as low as possible, clearly. If your damage gets too high it can start injuring or even killing your men as they use badly damaged equipment or fight each other for the best equipment. You can repair equipment in most cities and some towns land regions.

~~Morale varies on the unit. Typically, entertainment will have it rise, as will normal turn change. Being far from your realm will see it fall, and training will see it fall. Battle can either see it rise or fall, depending on what your unit is like. From there, it depends on the unit. Paying your men will only ever have it rise (if there is any effect at all). Clearly, more content men fight better than annoyed men, so keep it high.

~~Cohesion is increased with training, battle and sometimes entertainment (if you find what kind of entertainment your men really like, but you can only use entertainment when morale is less than 100%). It is decreased by adding new men, since these new men won't know the men in your unit very well. Cohesion is good, so try and have it high.

~~If you have high weapons/armour values, high training, high morale, high cohesion and low damage, your unit is at optimum fighting strength. However, you will rarely use such a unit in battle, for your men will be picky. All of these values together put together your 'Combat Strength'. I don't know how it's actually calculated, and I doubt anyone does except the developers.

~~Some standard and good CS/man values are as follows: Infantry/Archers/MI: Average/standard: 10, Good: 20 Cavalry/SF: Average/standard: 15-20, Good: 20-25

~~Now, having a huge CS does not mean you have won the battle. You can have a unit of 1000 CS Infantry, but that infantry might be 200 men, with 20% cohesion. They are very weak individually and the unit will break and flee the battlefield very easily. Compare a unit of 50 men with 95% cohesion, these men trust each other more and will fight better alongside men they know and have trained with, so will fight better and be much harder to make flee from the battlefield. Not only that, they are individually a match for at least 4 men from the other unit.

~~Just use some common sense. If your enemy have units that reach 60 men or more but only have a CS of 500, they aren't that good or have some serious issues (morale low, high equipment damage, just crappy men, etc). If your enemy have 40-man units that are 800 CS, you better watch out, those are some very well prepared and coherent forces that will be hard to break. Those judgements have to be made yourself.

Tatical Maneuvers

~~Tatical moves can be many things ,Good ,Bad ,Suicidal ,Intelligent ,Bold , those are the ones I am covering for now.

~~Good tatical maneuvers would consist of the ones where the enemy does not really predict, like when there are two regions they think you are going to attack one so they are heading there but send a small force to the other just in case and you attack the other destroying a small force of the enemy. That would be a good maneuver for these reasons, One) you now control the field Two)You destroyed a small force of enemy soilders Three)There army must now turn towards your army to get you off there land and without having the max number of soilders that they could have.

~~Bad maneuvers would be those that you attack even though you should defend or avoid the battle. Like moving out from your walls and attacking there pallisade with close to even forces.

~~Suicidal maneuvers are close to that of bad but the difference is the enemy know sits coming(predicts it) and has more men, better men, walls, and pretty much everything else in there advantage. There is next to no chance of victory for you and yet you attack or still try to defend when they outnumber you massively instead of retreating and waiting for reinforcements for a counter attack.

~~Intelligent maneuvers would be attack where the enemy does not expect it, attacking in a place where there army is far away from. Another intelligent maneuver would be getting 5k cs in open field out fo the way for a 20k cs enemy attacking, other words retreating since you know that you will just lose your 5k cs only kill 2k cs.

~~Bold maneuvers are those of even battles maybe less or more then the enemy by a little bit. You attack with 20k cs against a 21k cs in open field while the enemy does not think the attack is going to happen or you could be even more less tehn them and do that, it all matters as bold maneuvers can be considered many things.

~~All in all you should avoid bad and suicidle maneuvers and mix up bold and intelligent manuevers and you can destroy the enemy or atleast put up one heck of a fight.


~~I am going to create Scenarios and use the information from this article to conclude certain moves and so forth. Feel free to make comments in the discussion page for the scenarios that I create I will be using maps from the islands. I'll include a link to the map so you can look at it yourself.

Other pages

  • Unit Settings - If you want unit settings and some other information go there, had information about unit settings on here but due to people not wanting doubles I took it off.
  • Battle - another page with some information