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The next region towards Taselak city was Gwohadda. Zerool arrived there in order to continue his travel towards the capital.

"Gwohadda... the place where i first attacked a TL... and where i found Vanessa, once she followed me from Taselak."

"Sir Zerool Serra?"
"Again? Don't i have vacations at all?"
"I'm sorry, but this is an emergency: King Serindu has been wounded."
"Damn! Where was he?"
"Here, M'Lord; in Gwohadda..."
"Again a mission on an infil... But this time it's extremely needed. First of all we have to know who it was... How the hell did he manage our king?"
"It seems the guards went just a moment to get something to eat and the infil attacked precisely then"
"He seems to be a good infil; he knows to wait for a better ocasion. Scribe, get to know inmediatly his name."
"I already did, Sir. King Serindu recognized in his dagger the name of Trystrem."
"Great! Let's go searching him."

Zerool didn't know where to start searching him. The last infil wasn't careful, so it was easy to follow his steps. But Trystrem seemed to be different. He searched taberns, but he seemed not to have visited any.


Zerool turned around and saw a little child. He was the little child he once met in this region some days ago, when he tried to steal money from the infiltrator.

"Hey! How are ya?"
"Fine, M'Lord. Are you searching Trystrem?"

The taselakian infil was impressed.

"How the hell do you know that, lil' child?"
"Well, in my age it's easy to run through the city in search of information. I sit in taberns and on the streets and hear about what the people say. You wouldn't dare to know what i know about this region... I heard about that infil attack and got to know that a cloaked man was hiding outside the region in the woods behind the north hill. Actually they said it was because of economic problems, but i really doubt that someone hides that way because of those reasons."
"Hey, you are very clever for being a child, aren't you? Well, however, thank you for the information... here you have."
"Thank you, Sir. Count on me next time you pass through Gwohadda."

Zerool gave him a bunch of money and headed inmediatly towards the hill.

He arrived to the wood and silently started searching for a tent. Obviously Trystrem didn't thought to be searched in there, so he gave up the camuflage. Quickly Zerool approached the tent avoiding the guards. He entered the tent fast, got his dagger out and saw that Trystrem was waiting for him with his dagger.

"Shall the best of us win!" said Trystrem.

The fight wasn't long. Both attacked at the same time, but Zerool stepped on something unexpected and fell down due to the darkness of the tent when Trystrem got the lights out. Ironically he thought the darkness would give him advantage in his own tent, but once he had his oponent on the floor he noticed that Zerool was picking his dagger from down to his heart. He could react so to avoid a fatal wound, but the dagger got exactly under his rips, leaving him unconscious for a day. The same wound as for nightroad.
He left the unconscious body there and got out of the tent. He couldn't still believe the luck he had had, since that infil managed to wound his king, which shows quite a lot of skill.

The guards spotted him walking out of the tent and inmediatly started shouting and running towards him. That got him out of his thoughts. But vanishing without to be spotted in the middle of a wood for an infil... wasn't a problem at all.

Two hours later he send a letter to Lady Mischa.
"The infiltrator Trystrem who attacked King Serindu is officially knocked out for a while.

At your service,

Zerool Serra"