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In the 'BLIND BUZZARD' bar in Bescanon, just recently repatriated by Magnus, novack and Atticus..

"Sorry, just had to get Blen to send that little missive to an old "friend" of mine!" Magnus said with a grin.

"What old friend Mag?" novack asked.

"Why the little Fontanses noble Pepe of course! Maelg and I shared a few heart felt words with him awhile back, and since then we haven't been able to get close enough to him to return the favor!" "His troops keep getting wiped out and he has to limp home!" Magnus laughs.

"You know last time I spied him with leaves and grass stuck all over his helmet like he was a tree or something, Probably trying to get one of his Sirions mates to feel sorry for him!" HARHARHAR!

novack snorts ale out his nose and then coughs out,"His unit got wiped out again? Poor luck for him."

"Well with a unit name like "Pig Plighters" what do you expect? I mean would your morale be very high with a name like that? Wonder if Plighter is Fontanese word for Fornicators?" Magnus finishes with a quizzical look on his face then raises his drinking horn in salute to a laughing, coughing, sputtering novack.

Atticus ' Oh. Okay. Alright. I understand now. But ' Pig Plighters '? What? ' Atticus nodded when Magnus told him the story of Pepe. A man approached their table. He looked like any other commoner, but slightly more disheveled and abit more drunk. His words kind of fumbled out of his mouth when he talked. ' Well if it ishnt 3 great heroess of Perdian !! Well woop de dooooooooo!! ' Atticus looked up at the man and said ' Well, actually, I'm a cavalier, and my buddy across from me ' Atticus pointed towards novack ' He's just a solider. Magnus, to my right, is a hero. ' ' Are you being cheeky with me, shon? ' The man asked. ' Isn't it quite obivious, sir? ' Atticus sneered. He was bored out of his mind, the drinking bash had been quite uneventful. He was looking for some fun. The man slugged atticus right in the chin. It rolled off Atticus' face, and since the man was drunk, their wasn't much power behind it. Atticus smashed the glass tankard over his head, and kicked the man in the face on the way down. About 10 more commoners got up from their seats. Apparently, they were ' with ' the man, now sprawled out on the floor. ' Oh christ... Help me, Magnus? Novack? ' Novack was asleep, and Magnus was hitting on one of the bar wenches (or otherwise busy. ) ' Well, I can't take ALL of them! ' Atticus shouted. He picked up his chair, and broke it over the first man with the gonads to charge, then swung it across and cracked it against the next man's face. ' Guys? '

Maelg: Maelg swaggers into the 'Blind Buzzard' for a quiet mead after joining in the slaughter of the disorganised Sirion/Fontan assault on Bescanon.

As he walks through the door he's coated with a mixture of mead and snot as Atticus loses control of his mead.

"eeech. Thanks mate, i needed something to get all the blood off!"

Maelg wipes the mixture of blood, snot and mead off his shirt front.

"I was planning on having a quiet drink, but seeing as Atticus has brought his tabe with him, let's get DRUNK!"

Atticus: Atticus slugged another man in the face, stunning him for just long enough to get out these words. ' That's not mead I lost control of, that's whiskey. And you can't us tabe until you help me fight these other 7 guys!! '

Maelg: Maelg hears Atticus' words, walks over to him and with a mead in one hand, slugs him with the other.

"I can do both at once, tight arse..."

With that Maelg turns and headbutts the nearest brawler.

Magnus: Inside the 'BLIND BUZZARD' bar, Bescanon.......

Magnus was at the corner of the bar chatting up a comely enough barmaid, but without the 'glistening' skin he was partial too. He was starting to make some progress when two things happened at once, Maelg his Shield Brother strode in the front door and some farm hand(obiviously loyal to Fontan) struck Atticus with a weak right cross!

Atticus threw his whiskey, glass and all, at one of the ruffians then picked up and smashed his chair into the face of the man who had hit him. The glass sailed past its intended target to shatter over the front door, its contents raining down upon a supprised Maelg. Maelg shouted something, pick up a tankard in one hand and decked another assailant with his other!

Magnus grinned from ear to ear and yelled,"NOW THIS IS MORE LIKE IT! A REAL VIKING PARTY AT LAST! HARHARHAR!"

With those words Magnus grabbed up the man who had struck Atticus and lifting him over his head with a blood curdling, "YAAAARRRRRR!" hurled the dazed man into two of his companions that were just getting up from a table to lend there support to the melee! The three went down in a tangle of bodies, glasses and broken bar furniture!

Then Maelg yelled,"Behind you Mag!" Just in time for Magnus to duck his head into his shoulders and lessen the blow of the chair that struck him over the head. Magnus wearing his everpresent helm, simply shook his head turned and smiled at the peasant, then grabbed him in with his left hand and began beating him with his right laughing,"HARHARHAR!" the whole time.

One of the entangled three men made it to his feet in time to stagger into Maelg making him spill his mead all over himself. Apparently Maelg wasnt very happy with having more mead spilled on him because he quickly grabbed said stagger and threw him out the front door! Maelg yelled, "Hey Mag toss him here, you collectem and I'll showem out! HAHAAH!"

So Magnus grabbed the last two locals, boping them on the head with a meaty fist then sent them stumbling to Maelg who alternatly kicked, threw, and otherwise pushed them out into the gutter!


Atticus: Atticus swung high, and thumped the man in the temple. The man kind of stood there, stunned, and Atticus yelled out ' HEADACHE PUNCH!!! ' And brought both of his fists to the mans temples. The man crumpled to the floor, and twitched a little. ' Oh boy... I hope he's not dead. ' Atticus winced. Maelg threw the last brawler out of the bar, and yelled ' AND STAY OUT!! ' After the man. A woman came down the stairs of the Blind Buzzard. She was attractive, blond hair, nice face, yadda yadda yadda. She slapped Atticus in the face. ' One of those brawlers was my brother!! ' ' Well, I'm sorry Misses, but I was provoked. ' ' No you weren't. ' ' Yes I was. ' ' No you weren't. ' This went on for about 3 minutes, until they finally gave up and decided to end their hostilities. ' You know we're making idol chitchat, right? ' She said to Atticus. ' Oh, I'm well aware. Listen, my men should have a tent set up by now, maybe you'd like to swing by? ' ' Sounds alright, even if you did lie a thumping on my brother. ' ' Well, what's your name? ' ' Jane. ' ' Well, alright Jane, shall we? ' And Atticus stuck out his arm, and she put her arm in it. They left the blind buzzard, presumably for the night.

Maelg: Maelg stumbles out of the "Blind Buzzard" and kicks one of the crumpled forms that were unceremoniously 'removed' from the Inn.

"Take that you stinking Fontie!"

"aaaah Milord, He's not from Fontan" says Breck, his ever present scribe.

"What do you mean? His ears look kinda pointy!!"

"You would be referring to the Sirionites m'lord... and he's not one of them either"

Maelg opens his mouth to say something, pauses, then a grin splits his face from ear to ear.

"That was fun wasn't it Breck? I haven't had a good bar fight in a long time!"

"mmm yes Milord... very... fun."

Evangeline: Evangeline sat exhausted on the field of Bescanon - drawing the back of her hand across her forehead she looked down at her bloodied sword.

To her left she heard the jeers, grunts and 'HARHARHAR's as Magnus, Maelg, novack and Atticus celebrated in the Blind Buzzard. Occassinally one would lean out the window jeering at the Fontanese and Sirionites as they pulled back to Troyes.

Above the moans of wounded one lone voice could be heard yelling back,

"..you will not be laughing when we knock down the walls of Perdan...."

Straining to see in the distance, Evangeline believed she recognised Pepe. A knight obviously devoted and busy for Fontan's cause, since he had been here once before, she began to respect the firey Knight.

Shaking her head she wondered why they had to fight fellow noblemen such as Pepe. A good part of the East Continent was in turmoil because Gregor wanted his capital back - it hardly seemed fair.

As a Knight though, there was little she could do. Straightening up she returned to her men, preparing them for whatever needed to be done to defend Perdan from the grasping, devious Chancellor of Fontan.

Novack: Lying on a table in the "BLIND BUZZARD" Novack awakes while trying to remember his dream about a glistening field...no that wasnt it...ahh well...

with a splitting headache he rises from his table looking at the utter devestation of the tavern..."i see Maelg made it around then?" he asks the long faced barmen

the barmen nods with a blank face