Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/Settlement Request from Mercenaries: Difference between revisions

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You now stand at a crossroads. Accepting the mercenaries would undoubtedly bolster your security and military capabilities, along with providing a financial boon. Yet, it comes at the risk of religious tensions and potential conflict with the priest of Lux Nova. Balancing these factors is essential as you consider the potential benefits and challenges associated with this decision for the future of your estate.
You now stand at a crossroads. Accepting the mercenaries would undoubtedly bolster your security and military capabilities, along with providing a financial boon. Yet, it comes at the risk of religious tensions and potential conflict with the priest of Lux Nova. Balancing these factors is essential as you consider the potential benefits and challenges associated with this decision for the future of your estate.

=Outcome: =
=Outcome: Encouraging Mercenaries to Convert=
After thoughtful consideration, you propose to the mercenaries that if they are willing to settle in your estate, they must consider converting to the faith of Lux Nova. Unfortunately, the presence of a Lux Nova temple within your domain makes it incompatible with the practice of Sanguis Astroism.
In response to your suggestion, a division emerges among the mercenaries. Many, fiercely dedicated to their faith, choose to leave, unable to compromise on their beliefs in a place where they cannot worship freely. However, a smaller group, who are more flexible in their convictions, decide to embrace the change and undergo conversion. These individuals are eager to settle in your estate and contribute to establishing order.
As this decision unfolds, the minor nobles of the estate express their satisfaction with your ability to navigate this complex situation, recognizing the need for balance and compromise to maintain stability within your domain.

Latest revision as of 00:29, 11 September 2023

A contingent of battle-hardened mercenaries approaches you with a unique proposition. They express their desire to settle in your estate, presenting a promising solution to your dual challenges of security and the need for a standing military force. Their presence also brings the prospect of an additional source of revenue, as they pledge to pay taxes to your estate over time.

However, there's a complex caveat to their request. The mercenaries are followers of the faith known as Sanguis Astroism, and they wish to practice their beliefs openly within your domain. This raises a significant concern: potential conflict with the local priest of Lux Nova, whose faith may not align with Sanguis Astroism. The clash of religious ideologies could lead to unrest and discord within your estate.

You now stand at a crossroads. Accepting the mercenaries would undoubtedly bolster your security and military capabilities, along with providing a financial boon. Yet, it comes at the risk of religious tensions and potential conflict with the priest of Lux Nova. Balancing these factors is essential as you consider the potential benefits and challenges associated with this decision for the future of your estate.

Outcome: Encouraging Mercenaries to Convert

After thoughtful consideration, you propose to the mercenaries that if they are willing to settle in your estate, they must consider converting to the faith of Lux Nova. Unfortunately, the presence of a Lux Nova temple within your domain makes it incompatible with the practice of Sanguis Astroism.

In response to your suggestion, a division emerges among the mercenaries. Many, fiercely dedicated to their faith, choose to leave, unable to compromise on their beliefs in a place where they cannot worship freely. However, a smaller group, who are more flexible in their convictions, decide to embrace the change and undergo conversion. These individuals are eager to settle in your estate and contribute to establishing order.

As this decision unfolds, the minor nobles of the estate express their satisfaction with your ability to navigate this complex situation, recognizing the need for balance and compromise to maintain stability within your domain.