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Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin holds that to offer an agreement of honourable conduct only to break it once it is no longer convenient is dishonourable. - The Moralist position<br>
Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin holds that to offer an agreement of honourable conduct only to break it once it is no longer convenient is dishonourable. - The Moralist position<br>
King Jecht Tideweaver of Shattered Vales holds that the initial agreement was never signed by the Thalmarking judge and thus Shattered Vales was not bound by it. - The Legalistic position
King Jecht Tideweaver of Shattered Vales holds that the initial agreement was never signed by the Thalmarkin judge and thus Shattered Vales was not bound by it. - The Legalistic position


Latest revision as of 22:50, 29 August 2022


Katalynfae Dragul of Shattered Vales executed an infiltrator of Thalmarkin after offering an agreement not to do so.

Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin holds that to offer an agreement of honourable conduct only to break it once it is no longer convenient is dishonourable. - The Moralist position
King Jecht Tideweaver of Shattered Vales holds that the initial agreement was never signed by the Thalmarkin judge and thus Shattered Vales was not bound by it. - The Legalistic position


During the early days of the war Katalynfae Dragul of Shattered Vales proposed an honourable agreement among the judges.

Letter from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Lady Nerti,

Well met. This message is of secular ideas rather than the Old Gods. I have made an agreement with Lady Athena of Thalmarkin pertaining to the treatment of prisoners. Nobles will be held a maximum of three days, during this time there is no torture or taking of items or gold from the prisoner. The exceptions to this are: Realm council members will be set free at the judge's earliest convenience and infiltrators will be released with a ban and deported if caught again. The gold of infils is not protected. If this is favorable to you and your realm, I will agrree with you as well to these terms.

For the Vales forever! Hail to the Old Gods,
Katalynfae Dragul (Judge of Shattered Vales)

The Judge of Ar Agyr agreed to the terms.

Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Katalynfae Dragul
Crystal-Cursed.... Right, I was declared judge. Uh... Sure that'll be fine. I'll be honest, you're likely to see me in your prisons more than I'll be presiding over anyone's trial.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

10 days later, Lady Nerta was indeed in the Shattered Vale prison

Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Katalynfae Dragul
Nerta sits on her bunk at the back of the cell, one leg propped up, the other stretched out. They'd taken her weapons of course, but also, oddly, her boots. At least they left most of her clothes this time.

Wiggling bare toes, one hand gingerly presses on her sore lip. "This is going to swell. That one guy with the spear got lucky."

The young man, or more like 'old boy', in the cell across from her leans on the bars. "You're lucky they didn't just stab you. What were you thinking, sneaking into the militia barracks like that?"

Sniffing the woman shrugs, the lack of her customary cloak revealing just how impressive a gesture that is. "I was thinking that the idiot who ran away from home to join the army would know how to keep his mouth shut about a secret. Little did I know said idiot got pressed into service through a wild night of drinking."

With a petulant sniff he colours. "I know it was dumb…."

"Little bit." Nerta picks up a bit of thread to work on mending the tear in her shirt. "Really it's almost as dumb as sneaking into the militia barracks…"

The boy blinks and the woman's glittering eyes flicker his way. "We all do dumb things now and then, trick is to make sure you learn from them." Turning her attention back to the shirt she frowns. "I've gotten used to having more back up when I do stuff like this, which is quite a change let me tell you."

"You're, uh, not worried? We're in jail."

Nerta nods and pulls out a bit more thread. "Yup, but unlike last time, I warned the judge in advance. So I'm hoping I can get out of here with minimal need to kill anyone."

The boy blinks. "Uh…. What?"

Smiling faintly, Nerta glances toward the torchlight coming from the main door. "Long story from another war. But look alive, might be time to talk."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)

As was Ahmadkin Imad Khader. Only one of them got out.

Letter from The Messengers
Message sent to message to everyone on Beluaterra
Public Execution

Messengers bring news of a public execution in Gethsemene earlier today. Ahmadkin Imad Khader, a noble of Thalmarkin, had been banned from Empire of the Shattered Vales as a traitor on 18th July, 2022. When he was later imprisoned, Praetrix Katalynfae Dragul of Empire of the Shattered Vales decided to make him pay for his treason.

Background info on this family.
The Messengers (of Beluaterra)

Inquiries were made:

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Personal message to Katalynfae Dragul
An interesting report crosses my desk Katalynfae. Hopefully you can shed some light on recent events.
Aldo Unti (Senex)

Answers were provided:

Letter from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Personal message to Aldo Unti
Lady Nerti,

The option of deporting him was not available. Having already banning him, I could let him go to come at us again, or I could protect my realm by executing him. I am sorry he left me no option. His body will be shipped home for the burial.

For the Vales forever,
Katalynfae Dragul (Judge of Shattered Vales)

Words exchanged

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Personal message to Katalynfae Dragul
The lady Nerta has no idea, Katalynfae. You speak with the Senex, though I don't think we've been properly introduced.

Now, you felt you had no choice and so you killed three, the man, your honour, and that of your nation. Don't misunderstand, it matters not to me if one barbarian kills another. Such is the way of the uncivilized. But many things might happen now, depending on who chooses to heal first.

Your nation may decide to punish you in an attempt to restore their honour. If they care enough to try, you have a choice if you will accept it, or fight it.

Either way, your own road to healing will be a long and difficult one. Weather or not you choose to take that road will determine much about your future.

I can advise you, if you wish it. But either way you've a painful road ahead.
Aldo Unti (Senex)

Judge Katlynfae Dragul had no further comment on events, but Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin expressed outrage at the execution

Letter from Baelunìataisharà Blue
Message sent to Message sent to the rulers of Beluaterra
The Vales continues to disgrace itself.

First, your men repeatedly and shamelessly attack a foreign Queen with magic, for no gain but... What? Pummeling an older woman for the sport of it? I am starting to sense a theme here...

Next, cruel jibes and dishonor at our fallen hero Poe. The ugliest of words, about a man, on the day a man died. Emperor, your subjects openly insult the dead, and it will not be forgotten. Irondale did no such thing, and for that you have my gratitude, Heirophant, despite what is occuring.

And today, an execution. Not a word to my Judge, nor myself. Not a courtesy letter to even the man's family. Just a cold execution in the early hours of morning. And from what I understand, the crime that earned him his official banishment was not a violent one.

You arrived at my doorstep, armed to the teeth, under false pretenses. You magically assault Queen Aibhlidhn, demean and dishonor dead heroes, and now this.

We have seen what the Vales is about.

Spin away, Emperor. The facts have already been made plain, and your words will be naught but wind. I am sure they will come, regardless.

My terms are changing. Look to the news for an update, you'll get no courtesy from me.

Only cold northern steel and death. But thank you for waking my Kin up. I admit it was a challenge, before today. But you've gone and done what I cannot - you've turned old priests and courtiers into warriors overnight.

For Ahmadkin,
Baelunìataisharà Blue (Queen of Thalmarkin)

King Jecht Tideweaver of Shattered Vales responded as follows.

Letter from Jecht Tideweaver
Message sent to Message sent to the rulers of Beluaterra
Queen of Thalmarkin,

Your false words fall upon deaf ears. It is you who spins away and interprets her fantasy to the world instead of living in the reality shared by all others.

I see you fail to mention where that foreign Queen found herself. The most prestigious Queen of Ar Agyr that led a massive army into the heart of the Vale, commanding her armies and her own soldiers to kill the citizens and soldiers of Gethsemene. Yet you claim magical retaliation is unwarranted? I think not. It did not happen on my orders, but I do not fault the assailant for their actions.

Nobles conduct themselves as they will Queen of Thalmarkin. Do you find it acceptable to allow your former general to carve messages on the flesh of humans to get his sick messages across? An insult to a dead man falls far short of such crimes on the spectrum of morality. Your claims are so delusional I quite literally found myself laughing at your last missive.

As for the execution, the man attempted to assassinate myself just 3 days ago, failed, was banished, and returned to attempt to kill my general. So your claims of being banned for a peaceful reason are once again: false. My Praetrix found herself justified in lopping his head off. Perhaps, in the future, you should have your judge answer our own to establish terms of a prisoner agreement. His ignoring of my judges proposal has resulted in the death of your noble. His death is on the shoulders of you and your judge. Attempted assassination to the crown of the Vale is the highest sin outside of practicing necromancy. The swift death he was given was gift.

Update your terms as you like Queen of Thalmarkin, it concerns me not. The bear of the north has grown fat and sloth. Already this war has cost you the heads of two of your nobles and thousands of your peasants who fight for the false pretenses of their Queen. You should be ashamed.

The tide rises,
Jecht Tideweaver (King of Shattered Vales)