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|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Seven Rivers
|Content=If the tension bothered Nerta, she gave no sign.
"A wolf hunt, is a wolf hunt. Tyler's experience with the sentry at the Seeping Giant will no doubt prove helpful. Though when we're in the fight Soren, just stab it this time."
Muttering to herself about foolish bards, Nerta heads deeper into the swamp with the pair. They make good time at first but, Nerta was originally from the Roof of the World and isn't familiar with such boggy ground. An hour in, and the woman is struggling to drag her mud caked cloak out of another tangled tree, only to misstep and sink up to her thighs. 
"Trickster curses..." Snarling in frustration at the God of travel delay. "I guess you didn't have a vision about that little sink hole, Tyler?" 
Struggles only encourage the soft ground to swallow Nerta, soaking her clothes from the waist down in icy water. Eventually she's forced to grab both Tyler and Soren for help, and her cloak doesn't make it. 
Stripped of her customary covering, the woman avoids Tyler's gaze and busies herself with everything else imaginable. The usual grumpy self confidence has been replaced with hunched unease while she balances with one hand against Soren, and a second holding her spear to the side. A third runs through her hair. A fourth tugs her blue silk shirt up from the clinging trousers, while the fifth and sixth try in vain to scrape mud.
"So," Nerta's tone is level, but with obvious tension, "Now you know why I wear a cloak."  
Finally she meets the thrice-blessed adventurer's gaze.
"We going to have a problem?"
[[Category: Roleplay]]
[[Category: Roleplay]]

Revision as of 23:10, 6 February 2022

Request from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Lady Nerta,

The adventurer Deve has a Ring of Power of Agyrian origin for which he seeks 1,000 gold crowns. I already possess the Cruel Ring of Melhed which is part of the Crown Jewels so I'm seeking another to bear this ring in my stead.

The item is of sufficient power that the Crown will underwrite the entire cost if you are interested.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn
Your majesty, The Old Man would rather have the Cruel Ring, but I can certainly take this trinket if you need it stored safely.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Lady Nerta, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. The Ring in question exceeds even the power of the Crual Ring of Melhed and that is no small thing.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn
Your majesty, I'm not much interested in power at the best of times, and the Old Man is more wrapped up in his past than anything else. But I can take it.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver, Deve the Adventurer
Master Deve,

Lady Nerta would indeed be interested in caring for the Ring and I'll underwrite her purchase as this is a matter of importance to the Crown.

There's a horde in Bil Havil I'm keeping an eye on so how would you feel about meeting in Agyr? That way I can stay close to the border.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn
I just arrived in Agyr. I'll be at the temple to the Old Gods by the old Senate house.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Lady Nerta, My own interest in power is the defence of the realm and of humanity. Hence why I'm generally cautious in my use of the tools available to me. However I think it's about time we had a second noble schooled in the mystic arts and I've long wondered if you might be suited to such study.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn
Your majesty,

Is funny. Sound like a Dalesman.

OOC: most amusing. Though the ever grumpy Nerta will harumph about it. What would mystic training even mean?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Lady Nerta, Mystic training would primarily consist of scroll work but could include other elements if you wish.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Trade Offer

Deve traded you the Holy Band of Ar Agyr

Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Deve
Quite the find lad. What's the story behind getting it?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Deve
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Lady Nerta, I had to journey south to the fallen kingdoms to find the item. I heard a rumour about the item while I was down there last time. I wonder why an item related to our realm was hidden in the rubbles of the fallen kingdoms. May the gods are playing tricks again.
Deve (Adventurer)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Deve
Wrestled it from the grip of the Dread Necromancer did you? That's good, but ominous. What are they up to with such powerful artifacts.... Have you spent much time hunting monsters then? You'll find the bird loving sage around here...
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Deve
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
I've visited collapsed cities, collapsed temples, and ruined palaces of fallen kingdoms and theocracies. You usually find a lot of skulls and bones. Sometimes lurking monsters. Sometimes walking bones which you want to avoid as they seek to more bones, preferably newer ones.
Deve (Adventurer)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Deve
Ahhh more splunking than fighting. See anything interesting? Besides this of course
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
House Keeping
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to each member of the Old Gods
How fares? I'm curious if you need anything, or have any goals in mind for the future.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Good Priestess Nerta,

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, and the more I see in noble life the more it sickens me. It is nothing but people calling each other daimon worshipers without justification, and senseless, ages old hate.

I have considered dawning the robes in service to my Dark Mistress in a more direct way. What are your thoughts on this? Where would I be useful if I did so? What would the responsibilities be?
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of the Bathory)
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Anyte Luitolf
Being a Guardian doesn't change the hatred and lies of Patricians, it just means you spend more time with the Plebeians. They're more honest, for the most part. That said, I've seen your limp. You probably won't be on the front lines. So if you want to be a Guardian it'll be up to you to decide what that even means. How can you help people? What speaks to you?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Soren Navaar
Report from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Things are well enough.

When I found that old Melite ring I sent you, I had a run in with some wolves in The Sick. one of them, I could have sworn was the legendary Blackjaw itself. I've been contemplating a hunt these days to go and find it, and if I'm lucky, I'll get some clues as to what causes the undead to spawn there so frequently. Seven Rivers has always attracted necromancers and I have the scrolls to prove it.

Care to go for a hunt?
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Soren Navaar
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Grant Le Monte
Report from Grante Le Monte
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Priestess, It is a pleasant surprise to hear from you. It fares quite well, with Heen slowly regaining its population. Though what is slightly worrying is that despite closing down the Daishi temple here, it seems the faith still has a strong foothold here. In terms of needing anything, that would be what comes to mind first.
Grante Le Monte (Duke of Land's End, Earl of Heen)
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Grante Le Monte
A dusty desert town eh? What's it like? I'll not be there any time soon since I'm currently in Hopidrii...
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Grante Le Monte
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
A town for now, but soon it will be the small city that lights the way to those lost in the desert and displaced by the necromancers of the south. And understandable. I believe it has been tough in Irondale to secure a priest for our realm. I have even considered it once or twice, but I am needed at the helm of our military still.
Grante Le Monte (Duke of Land's End, Earl of Heen)
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Grante Le Monte
Each finds their own way, and really given your background fighting with the army is probably your calling. Perhaps you'd like some sort of official title to that end?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)


Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Agyr
Dropping a few more sacks of gold in the temple vault, Nerta signals for the rest of the Equities from the bank to drop the rest.

Her Majesty certainly was, generous. The donation was almost enough for the final restoration of this old building.

The libraries and labs had been refurbished years ago, but coaxing old Masters from exile had been tricky. Many of the alchemists, librarians and of course Augurs had turned up without prompting, but the disciples of Veber Klotz and his Factorium were no where to be seen.

When they'd been lost, few tears were shed, and yet.... man's experiments had been as horrifying as they were effective. In this Age of Shadow such genius had it's potential.

Or so the Old Man tried to convince the perpetually scowling woman.

"I don't care how brilliant the butcher was, he chopped up my people. Just so he could make crude copies."

Arguing with her shadow, the woman steps out into the icy square across from the Eternal Flame only to smirk at the familiar figure walking up the road.

"Well, well... Still alive thrice-blessed fool?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Everyone in Agyr
Tyler wanderers his way down the street admitting all the sites and sounds of this city so far away from his own home. Ever since his encounter with the mysterious wolf he's had an urge to travel to the very end of the continent. Some force urging his mind and body to make all haste.

Could it be the eternal flame he was sent here for? Perhaps another round of meditation and reflection as he did with the seeping giant.

Little did he know the reason for his arrival was about to call him a fool.

Tyler snapped out of his thoughts as the sounds of a familiar preistess echos in his ear.

"Aye I'm still alive preistess though to be honest I was almost food for that mighty tree you sent me to. Seems our paths cross again and once again it seems this was the gods doing. Cant rightly say why we crossed paths again perhaps you have some idea. When you have time perhaps we can talk I have quite the story to share.
Tyler (Thrice-Blessed)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Agyr
"Had some trouble with the wards did you?"

Eying him critically she walks across the square to stand in the shadow of the Eternal Fire.

"Did you get the blessing you sought?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Everyone in Agyr
Tyler nodded at the preistess removing the shield from his back and pointing to the image of a hinge. The hinge is unchanged from the last time he showed off his prized possession but whats different is there is now a fercious wolf with it's jaws held open as I'f trying to bite down and crush the hinge between it's jaws.

"I found this on my shield upon waking up from a nasty fight with a strange wolf twice my size and made of thick roots. I suspect your wolf god decided to see if I was worthy of living." Tyler summarize the fight with the wolf ( I can repost the old rp if Bob decides he wants to get involved in the rp)

" Since then I have had the urge to head to the far shores agyr. Sometimes I swear I can see the same wolf speaking to me in my dreams urging me on demanding I set out immediately. Probably an overactive imagination I thought. But once again I arrive and find out paths cross and I'm not so sure it's my imagination anymore. Is it unusual to have one of your gods speak to a mortal? Even fulcrum has never tried to speak directly to me certainly he does not invade my dreams. And the dreams are only getting more intense. Some nights I choose not to sleep rather then risk having another dream. Im here hoping you'll tell me I'm simply losing my mind. But I doupt my luck will hold in that regard
Tyler (Thrice-Blessed)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Agyr
"So, you got the attention of the Gods... I'm sorry."

Shadows dance as the woman looks away.

"You're not alone in this. Jacinda, my... friend was drawn here by the Wolf Lord two years ago. We've been on a fool quest to save the world ever since." Bob, may as well be an avatar of the hunt at this point. Grante was personally saved by the Trickster, who also visited Ra of Thalmarkin on the road. I hear they played chess..."

Scrubbing her face the woman slips into her practiced scowl.

"All while I have the attention of the Dark Mistress and her agent, the Old Man."

The Eternal Fire crackles in the silence.

"Now that you're here the dreams should fade, for a time. Eventually they will call upon you again, and send you to work on something of significance. In the mean time, some of the Augurs here at the temple can train you on how to interpret prophetic dreams, and sleep despite them."

"I know it's a lot to take in so... if you want to just kill some things: I've been summoned to Seven Rivers, by mundane letter, to help Soren handle some trouble down in the Sick."

​​​​​​​"Welcome to the faith, even if you've not chosen it, it's chosen you."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Everyone in Agyr
Tyler nodded at the preistess removing the shield from his back and pointing to the image of a hinge. The hinge is unchanged from the last time he showed off his prized possession but whats different is there is now a fercious wolf with it's jaws held open as I'f trying to bite down and crush the hinge between it's jaws.

"I found this on my shield upon waking up from a nasty fight with a strange wolf twice my size and made of thick roots. I suspect your wolf god decided to see if I was worthy of living." Tyler summarize the fight with the wolf ( I can repost the old rp if Bob decides he wants to get involved in the rp)

" Since then I have had the urge to head to the far shores agyr. Sometimes I swear I can see the same wolf speaking to me in my dreams urging me on demanding I set out immediately. Probably an overactive imagination I thought. But once again I arrive and find out paths cross and I'm not so sure it's my imagination anymore. Is it unusual to have one of your gods speak to a mortal? Even fulcrum has never tried to speak directly to me certainly he does not invade my dreams. And the dreams are only getting more intense. Some nights I choose not to sleep rather then risk having another dream. Im here hoping you'll tell me I'm simply losing my mind. But I doupt my luck will hold in that regard
Tyler (Thrice-Blessed)
Black Jaw's Conquest
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Spear slung across her shoulders, Nerta approaches the Shieldborn Manseas dawn breaks. Time to hunt.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Tyler looked around idly. At first glance he saw very little different then any other region. However he's sure the preistess is here for more then mundane monster hunting. As he was making his way back to turn in another 14 kobold heads for his reward he spots the priestess readying for a hunt " glad to see you made it in one piece. I have been slaughtering the monsters here a dozen at a time I almost dare say there won't be much left for you to kill. Unless your here for more then kobolds or undead. Eaither way I'd hardly be an adventurer worth my salt if I did not join you. What are we off to kill today?"
Tyler (Thrice-Blessed)
Roleplay from Soren
Message sent to Everyone in Rivers
Around the Shieldborn Manse was a handful of guards fussing about. Soren's Captain, Oldred, was assuring them that the lord would be fine on his own regardless of their many, many concerns. He noted the clear skies, and gestured to the Sennex speaking with what he assumed was an adventurer. He rolled his eyes, but paid the group no mind as a man with dark hair and gray eyes made his way from the garrison. Soren Navaar, stood tall, and despite his slim figure, his clothes hid muscles well trained for combat. A spear on his back matched Nerta's, but he also carried a sword on his hip. A bow would have been too cumbersome with the pack of supplies for the road.

The Count made his way across the main road and with a smile waved a hand toward Nerta. "I see you've got a friend today," he commented, acknowledging Tyler with a nod. "Today, we'll cross the bridge into the swampland of Black Jaw's Conquest. The last time I was in there, I had a run in with a wolf the size of five regular wolves with black fur and golden eyes that seemed to look into my very soul. I got away, but I had just fought off a dozen of its pack. Now I want to finish the job." Looking between the pair, he gestured over to the garrison once more. "If either of you need supplies, arrows, an extra knife, go get them," he said, specifically casting his gaze on the adventurer. He didn't know what the man carried with him in his gear, but Soren had funding the man didn't.

The grind and squeal of metal sounded as the gate at the end of the stone bridge slowly pulled open. Two heavy wooden doors splitting apart from each other to allow their party through. Soren grinned, energized at the prospect of the hunt ahead, and turned his attention back to Nerta. "How've you been?" he asked, innocently enough. It felt as though the Sennex had been avoiding him for a while, the only question was the occasional letters. He hoped they hadn't all been from Aldo, though he held in the laugh that it was likely.
Soren (Count of Seven Rivers)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Nerta's glittering eyes sweep from the adventurer to the count. After a long pause she lets the spear slip from her shoulders.

"Soren Silver Hawk and Tyler Thrice-Blessed on a hunt for a big wolf in the swampy grounds of Black Jaw's Conquest."

The woman smirks and strides past the pair to the wagon of supplies.

"Balin will be sorry he missed the fun." 

Sorting through what items there were, Nerta pointedly ignores Soren's question for the first few moments and instead speaks with Tyler. 

"Though this region seems peaceful it has been the target of multiple attacks by the Dread Necromancer. Even Bob has struggled to throw them back into the sea. Be alert and perhaps you'll be able to put those new visions to the test." 

The woman's pivot away from Tyler, to pack a few extra knives, brings her dangerously close to the count. Dangerous for him anyway. They were almost close enough to embrace, but she didn't seem to bothered by it.

"I've been fine, Soren. Busy helping people, like Tyler there. The Old Man read some of your letters," pausing she idly scratches her chin, "I deciphered the pictures eventually. You were obviously having fun with the sketch pad."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Tyler
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
Tyler could feel the tension between the two something was clearly going on but it was none of his business and decided it was best to move on. He looks to the well dressed person before him.

" I don't imagine you have much I will need. My dagger and my shield will be enough to get me through. Believe it or not I had my own run in with a giant wolf not long ago. Thing came out of the ground it was made of thick roots and vines larger the our forearms combined. Nasty fight barely made it out in one piece. Guess you get what you get when you seek out the wolf gods attention. Regardless you have the closest thing to an expert when it comes to fighting oversized wolves. And if this one actually bleeds it might involve alot less luck on my part this time I hope . "

Tyler goes his best to remain stoic. He downplayed the fight but in reality the though of fighting another giant beast had him on edge. The last one nearly bit him in half. He slowly slips into his own thoughts as he takes his place behind the man getting ready to follow them on their journey.
Tyler (Thrice-Blessed)
Roleplay from Soren
Message sent to Everyone in Rivers
Soren could never help giving Nerta a smile. "I'm glad you deciphered them," he said, a little distance in the conversation created by time. "I can't regale you with stories all of the time, so now you can take them with you for when you have a moment." So he said, but they both knew how much she hated relying on the Old Man. He did it for her. "I bet Balin is doing well. I'll have to invite him on the next hunt."

He didn't say anything about the plant wolf, but nodded in approval of the adventurer's skills. Following up on Nerta's words, he added. "I can't say I saw it bleed, but I felt it when my sword connected. It wasn't a hallucination. I was forced to flee with an opening though. It had too many other wolves with it. You'll know it when you see it. A wolf unlike any size you've seen before with black fur and golden eyes. It matches the legend of Blackjaw from this region."

Seeing the pair were ready, Soren started first toward the gate. The great stone bridge connected from the Shieldborn Manse arching up over the river and out to their destination. The heavy sounds of the gate closing behind them signaled they were on their own from that point forward. Turning his head, the Count took a moment to appreciate the view down the river as they walked. Soon they would reach lands thick with mud and sinkholes, where a town was still slowly being swallowed by the earth, and where a strange and mythical wolf made its home. Nerta would probably roll her eyes if he put it to song now, but maybe later.
Soren (Count of Seven Rivers)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Seven Rivers
If the tension bothered Nerta, she gave no sign.

"A wolf hunt, is a wolf hunt. Tyler's experience with the sentry at the Seeping Giant will no doubt prove helpful. Though when we're in the fight Soren, just stab it this time."   Muttering to herself about foolish bards, Nerta heads deeper into the swamp with the pair. They make good time at first but, Nerta was originally from the Roof of the World and isn't familiar with such boggy ground. An hour in, and the woman is struggling to drag her mud caked cloak out of another tangled tree, only to misstep and sink up to her thighs. 

"Trickster curses..." Snarling in frustration at the God of travel delay. "I guess you didn't have a vision about that little sink hole, Tyler?" 

Struggles only encourage the soft ground to swallow Nerta, soaking her clothes from the waist down in icy water. Eventually she's forced to grab both Tyler and Soren for help, and her cloak doesn't make it. 

Stripped of her customary covering, the woman avoids Tyler's gaze and busies herself with everything else imaginable. The usual grumpy self confidence has been replaced with hunched unease while she balances with one hand against Soren, and a second holding her spear to the side. A third runs through her hair. A fourth tugs her blue silk shirt up from the clinging trousers, while the fifth and sixth try in vain to scrape mud.

"So," Nerta's tone is level, but with obvious tension, "Now you know why I wear a cloak."  

Finally she meets the thrice-blessed adventurer's gaze.

"We going to have a problem?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)