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Once Rearden and him went their separate ways, and before he entered the city, Monterys divided his Galadrim into groups of ten men. He figured that an army of one hundred and fifty cavaliers will draw too much attention. Smaller groups, in disguise, seemed to be able to do more. Thus the Galadrim walked the city disguised as peasants and merchants, looking for any sort of clue that will help him get Lyanna back. He had no idea where to go, but he assumed that regular places, such as taverns, squares or bazaars might be the first to check.
Once Rearden and him went their separate ways, and before he entered the city, Monterys divided his Galadrim into groups of ten men. He figured that an army of one hundred and fifty cavaliers will draw too much attention. Smaller groups, in disguise, seemed to be able to do more. Thus the Galadrim walked the city disguised as peasants and merchants, looking for any sort of clue that will help him get Lyanna back. He had no idea where to go, but he assumed that regular places, such as taverns, squares or bazaars might be the first to check.
|Type = Roleplay
|Sender = Daizen Tideweaver
|Content = ''The Mystery Begins (Part 1)''
Daizen was sitting upon his throne deep within the Spire of the Bewitching Siren. Beatrix, a handful of guards, a few chambermaids, and some recruitment center advisors were currently within his court. They had once again brought him sub par options. As he poured over the blueprints of the sub-par offerings hoping there was ought to salvage, one of the guards from the door entered the chamber. Beatrix's eyes immediately shifted to the guard as her hand quickly went to the hilt of the blade on her hip.
The guard approached the throne raised a fist to his chest, bowed his head and in a clear voice said "Your Grace". He kept his head bowed until the Tidemaster looked up from the blueprints.
"Speak Donovan, why do you interrupt these proceedings? Did the architects bring another palace proposal today?" stated the Tidemaster in a bored voice.
"No my lord. There is a Sirion noble outside of the chamber who seeks an audience" said the guard.
"Ah, so Doranthir's charges have arrived. I was told there would be two." said Daizen with more interest in his voice.
"Just the one man my lord. Rather young by the look of things, though he does seem to come from noble Sirion stock. He presented us with this dagger,"
the guard pulls the dagger out, revealing it to the Tidemaster
"Im no expert blacksmith m'lord. But it is of Alexandrian make, id recognize mithril steel anywhere. Theres also a firebloom engraved in the hilt, and those are only native to the volcano. I don't know why an Sirion noble would have one." rambled the guard.
"Enough Donovan."
Daizen took the dagger.
"Anyone can purchase a dagger within Kalmar. Traders come and go through the city as fish do the sea. A Sirion noble with such a dagger is no real wonder, but there is no denying that this was crafted here."
Beatrix is gazing intently at the Tidemaster. He turns to her and tosses her the blade. She takes it, inspects it for a moment, and nods.
Daizen turns to the recruitment center advisors.
"Return tomorrow with better options. Id like a better archery center and maybe some decent cavalry. Continuing to fail to bring me what I desire does not bode well for you. Now begone."
The men quickly gather their blueprints and disappear into a chamber off to the side of the throne room.
"Beatrix, accompany Donovan and bring our guest to me."
Beatrix immediately rises and makes her way to the entrance, Donovan stepping in line to her side. As she leaves the Tidemaster's side, there is a notable shift in positions from the handful of remaining guards. They immediately take up positions around the Tidemaster and rise to an entirely new level of alertness. Daizen hears the large doors to the chamber open, then close.
|Type = Roleplay
|Sender = Daizen Tideweaver
|Content = ''The Mystery Begins (Part 2)''
As the chambers to the throne room open a second time, Rearden is greeted by the sight of a woman who simply radiated ...something. Was it power? Intimidation? Skill? It was just something about how she carried herself in such a commanding pose that made her stand out. It was so distracting he noticed much later than he should have that the headband that held back her long brown curls and covered one of her eyes. She had a sharp nose, fairly tall for a woman, muscular but feminine build, and some of the flashiest blue steel and white armor he had seen within the city. The sword on her hip fit her figure so naturally it was as if it was a part of her body. In a clear, almost seductive voice, she spoke:
"Greetings, noble of Sirion. I am Beatrix Tis'Alexandrios. Commander of the Knights of Pluto, reigning champion of the Blue Crab Coliseum, and captain of the Tidemaster's personal guard. The Tidemaster has been expecting you. He has bid that I bring you to meet him in the chambers within. However, before I escort you, you are about to enter the seat of power of all of Alexandria. The throne room of the Spire of the Bewitching Spire. Home to the Margrave of Kalmar, Duke of the Hydra's Fang, and Tidemaster of Alexandria. We do not see foreign nobles very oft within these chambers. You are to disarm and leave your weapons outside with these guards. Donovan here will return them to you upon your exit.
"Should you agree then you shall be free to follow me into the chamber. Once we are inside we shall approach the platform where you will then address the Tidemaster."
"Know this however, noble of Sirion, I take the Tidemaster's safety very seriously. Even hint of foul play or dark magicks will see one skewered at the end of my blade before they finish the very breath they began that action with. This is not a threat. No that would be improper of me and I would not want to disgrace Tidemaster Daizen so. This is merely a retelling of what has occurred in the past. Let us hope that those who walks these halls and enter this chamber can learn from past mistakes."
Clear that he would not gain entrance to the throne room without disarming under the gaze of Beatrix. Rearden handed over his blade and side arm to Donovan. He then followed Beatrix into the chamber.
The interior of the chamber was full of gothic architecture. The walls were carved out of obsidian black stone and there were high vaulted ceilings with long graceful windows stained in a deep blue. Just like every other room in this palace, Rearden could swear he could hear a woman singing off in the distance somewhere. Sitting on a throne of what appeared to be made out of the same blueish steel as the dagger sat Daizen Tideweaver, Tidemaster of Alexandria. The throne he sat upon was shaped in the body of a hydra with 9 heads serving as the back of the chair. Blue gemstones were set in the eyes of each serpentine head and the details of the chair were something one could look at in amazement for hours. Every scale, crease, claw, and fang was detailed, polished, and honed to a shiny metallic sheen. In front and a little to the side of the plateform in which the Tidemaster sat, there was an empty seat. Directly to the Tidemasters right and slightly behind him was a second seat. Beatrix immediately moved to take the chair immediately to Daizen's right.
Daizen locked eyes with Rearden. His piercing blue eyes felt as if they were penetrating right into Reardens soul.
"Welcome to Alexandria. I have been expecting you. I am Daizen Tideweaver. Tidemaster of the Admiralty of Alexandria. I am afraid that I do not know who you are however, Doranthir only told me I would be having two noble guests in which I assured him I would welcome warmly. Now come, have a seat. Tell me who you are, and why exactly is it you are here."
|Type = Roleplay
|Sender = Monterys Velaryon
|Content = Monterys frowned as another of his men reported back. The last two days revealed that the clue he had was truly precarious. They've checked everywhere but the blade he was looking for was nowhere to be found. They found many identically curved blades, and many tilts that depicted flowers. But not ''the'' blade.
As his last hopes turned to Rearden and his audience with the Tidemaster, Goswin approached. "Monterys, we have something."
Goswin brought forward a finely dressed merchant, who was evidently scared. "We found this on him. He tried to trade it away on the marketplace." Goswin pulled out a blade. A finely curved blade that Monterys saw shining in the moonlight in Sirion Gardens on the night Lyanna was taken. The engravement displayed a rare flower that was very indigenous to the Alexandrian lands. ''A special flower called a fire blossom that glowed a faint red at night, almost like it was on fire'', Monterys reminisced the conversation he had with one of the nobles in Kalmar on the last tournament. ''This'' was ''the'' blade he was looking for.
"You! Where..." Monterys unsheathed one of this twin blades from the scabbards and began to approach the merchant with fire in his eyes. "Where did you get this? What do you know about Lyanna Arlyon?! Tell me right away or I will gut you right here and right now!"
He raised the blade in the air as if he was going to bring it down any second, but the merchant was already on his knees.
"No milord! This is a great mistake! I am just an innocent trader. I don't know anything about the Lady you speak of. I..I..I bought this few days ago!"
As the man began to weep and grovel beneath his feet, Monterys lowered down his weapon.
"Bought? Where? Don't lie to me, little man, or this won't end well for you."
"Never, milord!" The weeping man shouted back. He took a few seconds to compose himself and then continued. "There is a black market operating in Kazan. On the eastern coast of Herring's Howl, where the ferries run the travelers to Salta. I bought it there. It seemed like a good investment."
Monterys figured there was no reason that he would be lying. Unless there was a larger conspiracy afoot to throw him off the lead. But that seemed very unlikely. After a short silence, Monterys concluded that the best course of actions is to check this place out.
"Very well", he continued with a reconciliating tone, "I believe you. We will check this place. But you're coming with us." He concluded, much to the dissatisfaction of a kneeling merchant whose face grimaced in desperation.
"Goswin." Monterys said coldly. "Gather the Galadrim and let us rendezvous at the northern entrance. We ride for Stora right away and then to Kazan. Get the message to Rearden. Find someone in the Spire to slip the message through."

Latest revision as of 09:00, 1 April 2021

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Roleplay from Lyanna Arylon
The Taking of Lyanna Arylon (Part One)

In the Gardens of Sirion at Dusk


Evening had begun to on the Gardens of Sirion City, and Lyanna was restless. Dusk still kissed the landscape, but darkness was creeping upon the Republican Palace, and it would not be long before it would be impossible to make her way through the intricate maze of plant life that stood in front of her home.

Much had been on her mind of late, and increasingly she had turned to solitude in response. Walks like these were her escape. But escape from what? In truth, her life was ideal. She enjoyed great wealth, she was among the most important citizens in Sirion, she had a title of great esteem, and she had a wonderful, loving husband in Monterys. She had achieved much, and at a very young age which should have filled her with great satisfaction.

And it did. But it also was a heavy burden. The trappings of government and politics, her ducal responsibilities, managing the city of Sirion, and still finding time for her husband were exhausting to maintain. She worked from sun up to sun down with very few breaks, her mind constantly challenged by the various problems she was asked to solve, and she was constantly left feeling drained by the time night fell. This was one of those nights, and once again she sought silence and peace to calm her mind.

The walk, unfortunately, was not helping. There was more than bureaucratic duty and political machinations weighing on her this night.

It had been three weeks since she had expected to, and still she had not bled. She felt different. Her breasts were tender to the touch, and she had been nauseous every morning for the past week. She knew what this all meant. Even though she had never been with child before, it was indisputable that was now carrying her husband's line inside of her.

Lyanna had been searching for a way to tell Monterys, but had yet to summon the courage to do so. She didn't know what the source of her trepidation was -- her husband was a loving man, would be a wonderful father, and the two of them had talked extensively of their desire to have children. She knew that once she did tell him, he would be happy, and yet she was still afraid for some reason. Perhaps it was that telling him would make it real for her, and she was terrified of being pregnant. So many women lost children at the very moment they thought they were bringing a new life into the world, and so many others died in the process of having them. What if that was her? Would Monterys still love her if she lost the child? Was it possible she might die from this experience?

These thoughts swam through her head as she continued to walk through the gardens. It was late enough that the light had now drained away almost fully. She didn't have much time left to get back, but fortunately she had just come to The Citizen, the famous colossal statue at the entrance of the garden, just in front of the palace.

She loved this statue. She loved it for what it represented about the realm she loved -- that sovereignty stems from the people, and that the highest calling of ones life it to serve in an act of statesmanship for one's people. It was this sentiment that made Sirion the greatest realm of the East, to her.

Lyanna gazed up at the remarkable face of The Citizen, carved in marble to represent all men of Sirion. His face was both familiar, and alien. Recognizable, and yet mysterious. The statue was famous in no small part to the enigmatic nature of the figure itself. It had... a quality that many found indescribable, and yet magnetic. Even after seeing it nearly every day for years, she still marveled at it just the same.

Just as Lyanna drew her eyes down from the statue to the courtyard ahead, she noticed a dark figure ahead of her nearly ten paces. He stood tall, and was wearing a the darkly colored clothing of a man seeking trouble, and a black mask that allowed her to see only the sharp blue color of his eyes. He had a knife in his hand.

Dread filled Lyanna. She had chosen to walk this night alone and unarmed, thinking she was safe in her own home. She was a capable woman, but her ability to defend herself was limited in this kind of a situation.

"You are coming with me," his snake-like voice hissed at her. "Don't resist." As he said it, she became aware of another figure approaching behind her.

As the first figure began to walk toward her, Lyanna's eyes grew narrow as she frantically tried to think of a way of the situation. His eyes, she thought. Go for his eyes.
Lyanna Arylon

Roleplay from Lyanna Arylon
The Taking of Lyanna Arylon (Part Two)

At the feet of The Citizen, in the Gardens of Sirion


Just then, she dropped to the ground with the speed of a predator and grabbed a handful of dirt in her hand. Roaring back upward, she tore at the man in front of her, and thew the dirt in his exposed eyes. Blinded, he let out a howl of pain and shock, dropping the knife as his hands instinctively covered his eyes. Lyanna took this moment and exploited it before he had a chance to recover, grabbing his dropped knife and plunging it directly into his neck. Blood exploded out of the wound, and the man coughed a hideous, gurgling breath that would prove to be his last. He dropped to the ground with a great thump, nearly tripping Lyanna in the process.

Just as he fell, the man behind her had closed the distance and he lunged himself at her, tackling her to the ground violently. In the process of the collision the knife was knocked from her hand, tumbling several feet away. The other man -- also draped entirely in black, obscuring his appearance -- took the opening her defenselessness gave him, and pinned her arm behind her back while shoving her face into the dirt, paralyzing her momentarily.

"You'll pay for that, bitch," he spat at her.

She grunted, trying to find a way to regain some leverage to escape his hold. "Coward."

"Shut up!" The anger in his voice was remarkable. Interesting, she thought, anger can be a weakness. A weakness I can exploit.

"What's the matter," her voice dripped with mockery and ridicule, "are you angry a little girl like me killed your friend?"

"He wasn't my friend!" he howled.

"Nor was he a man. Nor are you."

That last comment cut at him, and he responded by driving her face further into the ground and causing her to lose the air from her lungs. "I said shut up!"

Lyanna coughed. The dirt she had just sucked in was extremely painful, and she couldn't breathe easily anymore. Summoning every ounce of her strength, her groggy voice croaked another insult. "No one with a cock," she coughed, "would lurk in the shadows and try to attack an unarmed woman while hiding their face. Tell me, when was it your cock was stolen from you?"

His rage was predictable. Men like this were easy to antagonize, and she had counted on him being the simpleton that he apparently was. With a white hot fury, the man roared and picked her up before slamming her back down on the ground and kicking her in the face. His brutality stunned her momentarily and his boot had definitely broken her nose, causing her to gush blood. But she was no longer trapped, and her hands were free.

As he once again moved toward her, Lyanna sprung up and dove on the man, clawing at his face viciously. With her left hand she was able to scrape his face, leaving a massive gash on the right side of his cheek. With her right, she was able to sink her thumb into his left eye, using her nail as a small knife. She felt the warm, soft tissue surrounding her thumb as it sunk deeper into his eye socket. He screamed in horror, with a shriek that had to have been heard inside the palace. Monterys. He will hear. He will come. My husband will save me.

Lyanna refused to let go of the man, pressing ever deeper. As she did, he briefly recovered and he was able to bring his hands up to her neck, wrapping his fingers tightly around her windpipe. Her vision became blurry, and her strength lessened.

In desperation, she lifted her boot and kicked it against his chest, pushing her away from him. They both fell to the ground, exhausted and hurt. Lyanna coughed, and the man held his hand up to his now mangled eye.

Monterys will come. He will hear. My husband will rescue me.

They were her last thoughts before the darkness. Another figure had emerged from the shadows holding a club. While she was distracted, he hit her in the back of the head, knocking her out cold.

As the man gagged her and bound her hands, sounds could be heard coming from the Republican Palace. Someone was coming. Someone had heard.

He and his injured companion moved quickly to escape on horseback with an unconscious Lyanna and the dead body of their compatriot in tow.
Lyanna Arylon

Roleplay from Monterys Velaryon
The Taking of Lyanna Arylon, 2 days ago

"Monterys!" Scream of Ser Goswin filled the air of the training grounds where Monteys sparred with his new squire. Ser Goswin was a minor noble and a captain in charge of his riders, the Galadrim, but also a very close friend. "Quickly! Lyanna...she..she is missing!" the captain shouted. Monterys tossed the sparring sword away and grabbed the scabbards that held his twin blades.

"Gather the Galadrim and surround the Palace. Send runners to all the militia captains and shut all city gates. No one gets out!" He barked at Goswin and called the squire with his hand. "You - with me!"

Monterys was infuriated as the storm was brewing within him. He started sprinting first to her private chambers and then to the dining halls, pushing and shoving the confused and screaming servants and chamberlains. The Lady of Sirion was missing. His wife was missing and millions of questions burdened his mind.

How can this be happening? Where were her guards? Where was he? It was his fault, he was sure, only his fault. He should've been more careful, more caring about her safety. But how was it possible for someone of Lyanna's station to just disappear in the middle of Sirion? Was there a larger conspiracy afoot? There must be. Who took her away? Is she being tortured? Is she...killed. Darkness fell on his mind as panic and anxiety gripped his heart. Sorrow and rage tortured him at the same time just as the horn of the Galadrim sounded from the gardens. Madness maddened, Monterys rushed towards the sound of the horn.

With his twin blades unsheathed from the scabbards he ran towards the gardens. There, the Galadrim surrounded the Citizen with their swords drawn out. "Goswin," Monterys whispered anxiously, "what have you found".

"She is not in the Palace." the captain replied with sorrow in his voice. "The guards and militia are still searching the city. We're going to find her, Monterys." Monterys scoffed, powerless and weak. He never knew how to react in situations like these when his personal emotions were in jeopardy and when he had to reveal them to anyone else but Lyanna. From the perspective of a careless onlooker one would think that he was just angry. But the truth was that he was heartbroken and wounded like never before. Almost paralyzed.

"We found this, though." Goswin continued. "A blade of strange origin. It shone in the moonlight just before the moon was eclipsed by the clouds. There is a strange engravement on the tilt. I have never seen these before." Goswin handed the blade to Monterys.

It was a curved dagger that looked like a weapon of an assassin. The blade was masterfully crafted. Monterys examined the tilt. The engravement was familiar to him, much to his surprise. He was a stranger to this continent that knew very few things outside of Sirion, yet his mingling with other nobles in different occasions seemed to have paid off. Politics and courtesy finally paid off, he though to himself. During the tournament in Kalmar he remembered a noble having one like these. The engravement displayed a rare flower that could only be collected around the volcano. A special flower called a fire blossom that glowed a faint red at night, almost like it was on fire, Monterys reminisced the conversation.

"It is an Alexandrian blade." Monterys spoke with a sinister voice. "Search the city, Goswin. Find her. Our fate depends on it."

As the Galadrim moved away, Monterys was left alone with his thoughts. He tried to remember the name of that noble from Kalmar, but the name was simply slipping away. "Bah...I will find him. One way or the other.
Monterys Velaryon

Roleplay from Monterys Velaryon
Sirion City, present day.

Two days have gone and the search for Lyanna yielded absolutely nothing. No one saw her. She disappeared without a sight. Monterys spent the days in the saddle, looking for her everywhere. He started drinking, a lot, his mind and heart poisoned by the grief for his beloved wife. She was gone.

To top it all off, those bloody clerks in the capital started a new referendum for capital's governorship, according to the rules of this Republic that allowed her to be taken away from him. Republic he began to hate and despise. New candidates for Sirion city arose, further supporting his own paranoia of a possible Sirionite conspiracy that loomed over his now fragile mind. He despised them all for taking advantage of the situation.

He tried to compose himself, but it was difficult. The only trace he had was that dagger. Alexandrian dagger. In the middle of Sirion. It looked way too easy that someone from Alexandria sent an assassin with an Alexandrite knife to Sirion. It looked fake. But it was all he had and he could not accept his wife to simply disappear. There was still time, he comforted himself, she must be alive and he must find her.

As the nights grew longer Monterys devised a plan. He will set out on his own and find her. Alexandria was a stretch but it was the only thing he had. But he will need help in this quest. In Monterys' now fragile mind Sirion didn't care much about Lyanna since they decided to immediately find someone else to replace her. And it was always possible someone from Sirion might have been one of the conspirators.

Monterys then considered Rearden for help. He knew Rearden from before. Rearden was a half-brother to Lyanna and a man he respected much, despite the modest life he lead in the past. Rearden was now knighted, a true man of House Arylon. He will care for his sister. He must care. And he may just be the last man in Sirion Monterys could trust.

Monterys took a parchment and started to write a letter meant for Rearden Arylon, son of the former High King of Everguard, Fisc Arylon and the half brother of Lyanna.
Monterys Velaryon

Roleplay from Monterys Velaryon
"Toss the letters into the flames, Goswin".

Monterys murmured after reading Fingolfinir's and Zadek's letters. Those were reasonable words. Too reasonable. Like something someone would said if he expected someone would ask.

"Let's go."

Few hours later the Galadrim were assembled in front of the great bank of Sirion. Mounted and armored, waiting for their Lord to arrive. Monterys exited the bank, followed by servants that carried a few chests. Bonds transformed into solid gold. Insurance for the journey ahead.

The riders then reached the western city gates where Rearden and his entourage waited. Mixed feelings of sorrow and pride overwhelmed Monterys as he glanced at the warrior in front of him. He laid his hand on Rearden's shoulder. "It is so good to see you, brother. The time has arrived. We ride for Kalmar."

"For Lyanna!" Monterys shouted at his soldiers and his wife's loyal servants that have decided to follow him on this journey. "For Lyanna!" they all shouted back, and then the assembly set off outside the gates of Sirion city, to Trinbar and then beyond.
Monterys Velaryon

Roleplay from Rearden Arylon
The Taking of Lyanna Arylon

The Republican Palace of Sirion


Rearden sat in the Ducal study in the Republican Palace of Sirion, sipping out of a glass of Dragon Fire, a powerful gain alcohol rather famously produced in the city. Lyanna had a stock of Fire in the study, and her husband Monterys had broken into the stash rather heavily in the last couple of days.

He had requested to see Rearden to talk over the investigation into Lyanna's disappearance, and was now sitting -- drunk -- in the chair in front of him, ranting about betrayal, and the possible duplicity of the Alexandrians. As they talked, Rearden was struck by how irrational Monterys was being. He vacillated between thinking that the high nobility of Sirion was responsible, to vowing to hunt down the assassins from the south-west that may have taken her. Rearden also suspected, despite his insistence otherwise, that a great deal of the rage and volatility was based in a deep-seeded belief that Lyanna had been killed, and that he would never see her again. He claimed he believed she was taken, but the grief and anger said he feared the worst.

Rearden, on the other hand, truly did believe that Lyanna was alive, and perhaps because of that he was more logical and rational in his response, though he was no less upset. Lyanna had long known of Rearden's parentage, having discovered the truth some time ago. Since then, they had both agreed to keep his lineage a secret, but she had always treated him as family, and supported him anytime he was in need. Monterys had only recently learned who Rearden was after having used his services for the repair of a powerful item that was moments away from disintegration, and questioning him about his personal history. That knowledge was why he had been summoned.

Prior to sitting down to talk to him, Rearden had been spending most of the past two days investigating the disappearance of Lyanna. He had spent hours interrogating the Palace Guards, her personal attendants, and anyone else who may have either seen her, or her assailants on the night she was taken. Unfortunately he was unable to find anything helpful, beyond what Monterys had already discovered about the knife left at the scene.

"It was Zadek," Monterys growled. "Or one of the other ones. I know it. He challenged her for stewardship of the city when she was first elected. He always wanted Sirion. The bastard. He got rid of her, and now he is going to take her city."

Rearden shook his head. He had been trying to shake Monterys off this line of thinking for some time now, but it wasn't working. He had pointed out that Zadek and Lyanna were friends, and that he was very supportive of her career even if they did compete from time to time. He had also pointed out that in his time as an adventurer, when no one knew his parentage and he was an unimportant commoner, Zadek -- and the rest of the Sirion aristocracy -- treated him with great respect, even going so far as to defend Rearden when the Shadow King was calling for his head.

He knew that Zadek wasn't involved, nor was anyone else from Sirion. These were good people. They loved his sister, and she loved them. This was engineered from elsewhere.

"Monterys, you know that I do not think it was anyone from Sirion," Rearden said quietly in his deep baritone. Lyanna's husband grunted loudly with his displeasure. "We have a lead. The knife."

"The knife?" he howeled,"you fool, that was planted there to throw us off the scent. No one would have left something that could have identified them like that..."

"Unless," Rearden continued, "they never expected to be in for a fight. Assassins can be remarkably arrogant. He likely thought a small noblewoman would be easily taken. And he likely had help. But clearly underestimated your wife."

Monterys, still drunk, looked at him quizzically, clearly confused.

"I investigated the area. There was a lot of blood, but it was clear from the foot patterns in the dust and where the blood was found that multiple assailants were hurt by her. In fact, a large pool formed in one area where I am certain the dead body of a large man had fallen. I also found..." he swallowed, considering the horrific nature of what he was about to say, "an eyeball."

Monterys coughed in his drink.
Rearden Arylon

Roleplay from Rearden Arylon
The Taking of Lyanna Arylon

The Republican Palace of Sirion


"It was found in the bushes. It had been savagely pulled out, and showed clear damage from what I think was a fingernail being pressed into it."

A dark smile crept up on Monterys face. If Rearden had to guess, he would say it was... pride.

"So you think these assailants were Alexandrian?"

"I'm not saying that. It is possible, though," replied Rearden.

"The blade was definitely Alexandrian. There was a man who had a similar knife in Kalmar some time ago."

Rearden nodded. "And the eye was dark. As we know, the south is filled with dark-eyed peoples. That isn't proof, but it does suggest that whoever did this, they came from there."

Monterys nodded. "It is my intention to travel to the Court of the Tidemaster and conduct an investigation from the shadows. I may be able to find the man I once knew who wielded a knife similar to this." He fingered the knife along the edge of the blade.

Implicit in this statement was a request to join him on his quest.

"We are family, Rearden," he said, raising his glass to his lips and taking another sip. Hearing Monterys refer to him as family was both shocking, and incredibly touching. Just weeks ago, he was an anonymous commoner, and now he had a brother. "It is our duty to find her," he continued. "You and I have spent many days together, and I know you are a man of great worth. Now you are also a true noblemen, and there is nothing more noble than finding our beloved ones when they are taken away from us."

After a moment, Rearden nodded causing Monterys to smile broadly. "I will go with you, brother," he said, "but it will not just be us."

Again, Monterys looked confused.

"I have been in touch with the Queen of Perdan, Queen Alyssa, Lyanna's greatest friend. I hope you don't mind, but I asked her her support in finding Lyanna."

"No," he replied, "I had planned to do the same. Those two were closer than friends. They were virtually sisters."

"Indeed. And Alyssa quickly expressed her outrage, and pledged to send an agent to us to aid in the investigation. A Perdanese commoner named Devon -- who apparently has the Queen's trust -- has already arrived in the city, and has pledged to aid us in our efforts trying to locate her. He stands ready to depart with us at our discretion."

At this news, Monterys sprung up from his chair and rushed over to Rearden, raising his hand in the air, bent at the elbow. Rearden responded by clasping his hand together with Monterys in triumph.
Rearden Arylon

Roleplay from Monterys Velaryon
"Tomorrow we arrive, brother."

Monterys warmed his hands by a camp fire on the outskirts of Lundel. He sipped his wine with delight, although at a much lower pace than the last few days. The men around the camp were busy making preparations for the travel ahead. The night was clear, with moon and stars lighting the way.

"Rearden..." Monterys made a slight pause, as if something important was coming. "When we reach Kalmar I want you to go to the Spire of the Bewitching Siren and announce our arrival to the Tidemaster. I will remain outside the Spire for the time being and look for clues in the city." Slightly anxious, he continued. "I fear that I might make a wrong move if I take the lead. I have not been very well ever since she's gone. And so much depends on us being here."

He finished his cup and jumped on his feet. "The journey was long. Let us prepare for the last step."
Monterys Velaryon

Roleplay from Rearden Arylon
Rearden looked back at Monterys in bewilderment. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Your grace... I... I'm but a simple man. I may have royal blood in my veins, but I am not royalty. I have no experience in High Courts, and no comfort speaking to Kings and Parliaments. My language is base. My manners unrefined. How can I do this?"

Monterys scowled back at Rearden. "I call you my brother... and you return it with 'your grace?'"

Rearden looked horrified. "No... I... damn it, this is exactly what I'm talking about, Monterys."

The stone in his face was unflinching, and Rearden suddenly feared he had truly offended his brother-in-law. An awkward silence grew between them, torturing him for his mistake.

Suddenly, and without warning, Monterys erupted with laughter, howling like a madman at Rearden's gullibility. He slapped his hand on Rearden's shoulder as his laughter subsided, quickly reassuring him that he had caused no offense. "Relax, Rearden. You will do fine. You've been interacting with us all for years, now. We all heard about your dealings with the Shadow King. The madman was threatening to mobilize the entire continent to find you, rob you of the item you possessed, and then kill you. Still you stood your ground. Still you remained polite and deferential. Still you stood your ground and were unflinching in your demands."

Rearden nodded sheepishly. He was uncomfortable being on the receiving end of compliments. "Aye, I suppose..."

"You'll do fine. And I'm not sure I can contain my rage right now, and the last thing we need is me creating an international incident, especially if they aren't actually responsible for her disappearance."

Rearden wanted to continue to argue with him. He didn't want this responsibility. Monterys was the essence of nobility -- a noble man from a distinguished House -- and was the former Prime Minister of Sirion. Who was he? Why should this duty fall to him? But he knew his objections would be dismissed, and he knew he would lose this fight.

Bowing to the inevitable, he once again nodded. "I will speak with the Tidemaster."

As though Rearden's answer was a long sought victory, Monterys once again roared with delight, walked over to the bottle of Dragon Fire he had nearly emptied, and poured the last of its contents into his cup. He downed it in a single gulp, a renewed flame in his eyes. "To the discovery of our lost one, my brother."

Rearden reached down to the table to grab his own cup. Saluting Monterys in return, he softly whispered, "To the discovery... brother."
Rearden Arylon

Roleplay from Rearden Arylon
Rearden approached the guards outside the Throne Room of the Tidemaster of Alexandria, Daizen Tideweaver. He had been told Daizen was -- selectively -- accepting audiences at this time, and that if he announced himself and his business, it was possible he may be able to secure a meeting. It was also possible he could be unceremoniously rebuffed.

The two men guarding the door were massive, and looked like hard men of many years. Not the type to trifle with.

"I am here to speak with the Tidemaster, if he will see me" The guards were unmoved by his admittedly spartan words. "I am Rearden, of the House Arylon. My sister is Lyanna Arylon, who was until one week ago the Margravine of Sirion City, and the Lord Speaker of Sirion. She has been taken in what our evidence suggests was a brutal abduction."

Still, the guards did not move.

"Found at the scene was a dagger..." Rearden continued, as he pulled out the blade. This, it seemed, got their attention. "It has been identified as having likely been crafted here in Alexandria."

One of the guards reached his hand out and took the strange knife from Rearden's hand. It was masterfully crafted, shone in even the dimmest light, and had a curious engraving of what appeared to be a flower on the handle. The blade itself was curved and looked ideal for the sleek, quick motions of an assassin.

The guard that held the knife seemed to make note of the engraving, showing the handle to the other, and pointing directly at it. Monterys had told him that the flower represented a very rare flower -- known as a Fire Blossom -- that was only known to grow near the great volcano that loomed over Kalmar. His brother-in-law had seen an engraving like this once before, during the tournament in Kalmar, possessed by an Alexandrian. This had led Monterys to believe that either Alexandria itself was responsible for Lyanna's abduction, or that someone was trying to frame the Alexandrians for the abduction. Admittedly, Rearden could see only those two options as well, but was unsure which he felt was more likely.

After whispering between them for a moment, the guard with possession of the dagger straightened himself and spoke in a loud, thundering baritone. "Stay here, I shall see if the Tidemaster is available and will see you."

He then spun quickly, opened the door to the throne room, went inside, and closed the door behind him. Rearden had no idea if he would get an audience, but he did count it as good fortune that it seemed they were at least willing to consider letting him speak with Daizen.

And now he waited.
Rearden Arylon

Roleplay from Monterys Velaryon

Monterys walked the city streets of Kalmar, a city he once visited before, and a city that now became the center of his attention.

The last week was madness. His wife Lyanna went missing, abducted from her own palace and the only trace he had left was a curved blade found in the Gardens of Sirion, probably dropped in haste by the men that took her as the investigation revealed that Lyanna had put up quite an effort. The blade was supposedly of Alexandrian heritage, or that was his conviction, for he saw a similar blade when he last visited Kalmar.

Hours before Rearden and he parted ways. Rearden was supposed to get an audience with the Tidemaster at the Spire of the Bewitching Siren while Monterys was bound to explore the city and look for clues. From the outside it seemed like a dumb plan, but Monterys really didn't want to get close to any of the important people. From the inside, he was burning with sorrow and anger. He drank heavily ever since she went away and his regular, highborn manners were gone. Ever since she went away he has been reduced to almost just his basic instincts - quick on the tongue and even quicker on the blade. This resulted in some serious accusations against Sirion's government, for he perceived they had something to do with this, more than fifty dead peasants and a few newly obtained enemies within Sirion's noble society. But he didn't care at all. He was ready to raise hell until he found her.

Once Rearden and him went their separate ways, and before he entered the city, Monterys divided his Galadrim into groups of ten men. He figured that an army of one hundred and fifty cavaliers will draw too much attention. Smaller groups, in disguise, seemed to be able to do more. Thus the Galadrim walked the city disguised as peasants and merchants, looking for any sort of clue that will help him get Lyanna back. He had no idea where to go, but he assumed that regular places, such as taverns, squares or bazaars might be the first to check.
Monterys Velaryon

Roleplay from Daizen Tideweaver
The Mystery Begins (Part 1)

Daizen was sitting upon his throne deep within the Spire of the Bewitching Siren. Beatrix, a handful of guards, a few chambermaids, and some recruitment center advisors were currently within his court. They had once again brought him sub par options. As he poured over the blueprints of the sub-par offerings hoping there was ought to salvage, one of the guards from the door entered the chamber. Beatrix's eyes immediately shifted to the guard as her hand quickly went to the hilt of the blade on her hip.

The guard approached the throne raised a fist to his chest, bowed his head and in a clear voice said "Your Grace". He kept his head bowed until the Tidemaster looked up from the blueprints.

"Speak Donovan, why do you interrupt these proceedings? Did the architects bring another palace proposal today?" stated the Tidemaster in a bored voice.

"No my lord. There is a Sirion noble outside of the chamber who seeks an audience" said the guard.

"Ah, so Doranthir's charges have arrived. I was told there would be two." said Daizen with more interest in his voice.

"Just the one man my lord. Rather young by the look of things, though he does seem to come from noble Sirion stock. He presented us with this dagger,"

the guard pulls the dagger out, revealing it to the Tidemaster

"Im no expert blacksmith m'lord. But it is of Alexandrian make, id recognize mithril steel anywhere. Theres also a firebloom engraved in the hilt, and those are only native to the volcano. I don't know why an Sirion noble would have one." rambled the guard.

"Enough Donovan."

Daizen took the dagger.

"Anyone can purchase a dagger within Kalmar. Traders come and go through the city as fish do the sea. A Sirion noble with such a dagger is no real wonder, but there is no denying that this was crafted here."

Beatrix is gazing intently at the Tidemaster. He turns to her and tosses her the blade. She takes it, inspects it for a moment, and nods.

Daizen turns to the recruitment center advisors.

"Return tomorrow with better options. Id like a better archery center and maybe some decent cavalry. Continuing to fail to bring me what I desire does not bode well for you. Now begone."

The men quickly gather their blueprints and disappear into a chamber off to the side of the throne room.

"Beatrix, accompany Donovan and bring our guest to me."

Beatrix immediately rises and makes her way to the entrance, Donovan stepping in line to her side. As she leaves the Tidemaster's side, there is a notable shift in positions from the handful of remaining guards. They immediately take up positions around the Tidemaster and rise to an entirely new level of alertness. Daizen hears the large doors to the chamber open, then close.
Daizen Tideweaver

Roleplay from Daizen Tideweaver
The Mystery Begins (Part 2)

As the chambers to the throne room open a second time, Rearden is greeted by the sight of a woman who simply radiated ...something. Was it power? Intimidation? Skill? It was just something about how she carried herself in such a commanding pose that made her stand out. It was so distracting he noticed much later than he should have that the headband that held back her long brown curls and covered one of her eyes. She had a sharp nose, fairly tall for a woman, muscular but feminine build, and some of the flashiest blue steel and white armor he had seen within the city. The sword on her hip fit her figure so naturally it was as if it was a part of her body. In a clear, almost seductive voice, she spoke:

"Greetings, noble of Sirion. I am Beatrix Tis'Alexandrios. Commander of the Knights of Pluto, reigning champion of the Blue Crab Coliseum, and captain of the Tidemaster's personal guard. The Tidemaster has been expecting you. He has bid that I bring you to meet him in the chambers within. However, before I escort you, you are about to enter the seat of power of all of Alexandria. The throne room of the Spire of the Bewitching Spire. Home to the Margrave of Kalmar, Duke of the Hydra's Fang, and Tidemaster of Alexandria. We do not see foreign nobles very oft within these chambers. You are to disarm and leave your weapons outside with these guards. Donovan here will return them to you upon your exit.

"Should you agree then you shall be free to follow me into the chamber. Once we are inside we shall approach the platform where you will then address the Tidemaster."

"Know this however, noble of Sirion, I take the Tidemaster's safety very seriously. Even hint of foul play or dark magicks will see one skewered at the end of my blade before they finish the very breath they began that action with. This is not a threat. No that would be improper of me and I would not want to disgrace Tidemaster Daizen so. This is merely a retelling of what has occurred in the past. Let us hope that those who walks these halls and enter this chamber can learn from past mistakes."

Clear that he would not gain entrance to the throne room without disarming under the gaze of Beatrix. Rearden handed over his blade and side arm to Donovan. He then followed Beatrix into the chamber.

The interior of the chamber was full of gothic architecture. The walls were carved out of obsidian black stone and there were high vaulted ceilings with long graceful windows stained in a deep blue. Just like every other room in this palace, Rearden could swear he could hear a woman singing off in the distance somewhere. Sitting on a throne of what appeared to be made out of the same blueish steel as the dagger sat Daizen Tideweaver, Tidemaster of Alexandria. The throne he sat upon was shaped in the body of a hydra with 9 heads serving as the back of the chair. Blue gemstones were set in the eyes of each serpentine head and the details of the chair were something one could look at in amazement for hours. Every scale, crease, claw, and fang was detailed, polished, and honed to a shiny metallic sheen. In front and a little to the side of the plateform in which the Tidemaster sat, there was an empty seat. Directly to the Tidemasters right and slightly behind him was a second seat. Beatrix immediately moved to take the chair immediately to Daizen's right.

Daizen locked eyes with Rearden. His piercing blue eyes felt as if they were penetrating right into Reardens soul.

"Welcome to Alexandria. I have been expecting you. I am Daizen Tideweaver. Tidemaster of the Admiralty of Alexandria. I am afraid that I do not know who you are however, Doranthir only told me I would be having two noble guests in which I assured him I would welcome warmly. Now come, have a seat. Tell me who you are, and why exactly is it you are here."
Daizen Tideweaver

Roleplay from Monterys Velaryon
Monterys frowned as another of his men reported back. The last two days revealed that the clue he had was truly precarious. They've checked everywhere but the blade he was looking for was nowhere to be found. They found many identically curved blades, and many tilts that depicted flowers. But not the blade.

As his last hopes turned to Rearden and his audience with the Tidemaster, Goswin approached. "Monterys, we have something."

Goswin brought forward a finely dressed merchant, who was evidently scared. "We found this on him. He tried to trade it away on the marketplace." Goswin pulled out a blade. A finely curved blade that Monterys saw shining in the moonlight in Sirion Gardens on the night Lyanna was taken. The engravement displayed a rare flower that was very indigenous to the Alexandrian lands. A special flower called a fire blossom that glowed a faint red at night, almost like it was on fire, Monterys reminisced the conversation he had with one of the nobles in Kalmar on the last tournament. This was the blade he was looking for.

"You! Where..." Monterys unsheathed one of this twin blades from the scabbards and began to approach the merchant with fire in his eyes. "Where did you get this? What do you know about Lyanna Arlyon?! Tell me right away or I will gut you right here and right now!"

He raised the blade in the air as if he was going to bring it down any second, but the merchant was already on his knees.

"No milord! This is a great mistake! I am just an innocent trader. I don't know anything about the Lady you speak of. I..I..I bought this few days ago!"

As the man began to weep and grovel beneath his feet, Monterys lowered down his weapon.

"Bought? Where? Don't lie to me, little man, or this won't end well for you."

"Never, milord!" The weeping man shouted back. He took a few seconds to compose himself and then continued. "There is a black market operating in Kazan. On the eastern coast of Herring's Howl, where the ferries run the travelers to Salta. I bought it there. It seemed like a good investment."

Monterys figured there was no reason that he would be lying. Unless there was a larger conspiracy afoot to throw him off the lead. But that seemed very unlikely. After a short silence, Monterys concluded that the best course of actions is to check this place out.

"Very well", he continued with a reconciliating tone, "I believe you. We will check this place. But you're coming with us." He concluded, much to the dissatisfaction of a kneeling merchant whose face grimaced in desperation.

"Goswin." Monterys said coldly. "Gather the Galadrim and let us rendezvous at the northern entrance. We ride for Stora right away and then to Kazan. Get the message to Rearden. Find someone in the Spire to slip the message through."
Monterys Velaryon