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"Duke Kenneth asked that you attend to me, but rest assured, at the moment I have everything I need. Though feel free to stay and talk if you wish."
"Duke Kenneth asked that you attend to me, but rest assured, at the moment I have everything I need. Though feel free to stay and talk if you wish."
Octavian’s lewd joke leaves Aila blushing furiously in front of the curious hunters and as she stammers out some sort of reply Kenneth’s bright smile draws all attention away from her. The older man's arm unlinks from hers and she finds herself gravitating toward the other Ambassador as they jest about her rescue.
At Kenneth’s side she looks noticeably happy, smiling up at the dark haired Duke as he so tactfully steals her away. With a wave back she leaves Octavian to what she hopes will not be too much trouble and follows Kenneth away from the crowd gathered around the fire. She had been waiting for the moment all night that she would finally get to speak with him, and the first thing on her mind is the dance. “What you managed to bring to the event is incredible, I don’t know if I have ever seen a display quite so grand. I thought the entire time about how I wished you were with me...I should have known” She laughs at herself, jovial thanks to the drink and relaxed thanks to Kenneth.
“It could only be so grand because you were part of it, naturally. Thank you for arranging all of that for me.” she flatters him, staying close as they walk around a gathering she would normally be casting a judgmental eye over.  Unlike Kenneth she had not been focused on her guests as much as her tankard and Aila has become quite unconcerned. Instead of her severe glares, critical evaluations and appraising looks the Duchess seems to hardly notice what the others are doing, staff or otherwise.
“Oh. But is something amiss? ” Not that she would be much help if something was wrong. “Why do you need me?”

Revision as of 18:51, 20 March 2021

An event hosted by Ambassadors Kenneth MacArbin and Aila Storme to celebrate friendship and alliance with the realm of Caligus, as dictated in the treaty between the Lion and the Wolf. Several nobles from both Caligus and Perdan were present.

This story began on 2/25/2021


In Meuse the guests of the crown will have been given luxurious rooms in a historic hunting lodge near the Lord’s own Estate. The building is surrounded by an attractive clearing that is slowly filling with the implements and trappings of nobility, and extending out into the woods on all sides are hunting trails like fingers, well groomed by the keepers of the land.

The building itself is a two-story old lodge made of huge timber logs, well maintained and very clean on the inside; the main room greets guests warmly. A huge hearth with a massive mounted trophy is the focus of the room, two male moose heads with antlers interlocked. Stuffed and mounted, forever telling the story of their conflict with each other.

Surrounding them is costly furniture with hand carved depictions of the animals native to the woods there, draped in supple furs and all displayed around a suspiciously large bear rug. The halls are covered in trophies from animals captured by hunters at that lodge before them. Deer racks to bear teeth, stuffed foxes and even a few particularly freakishly sized rabbits.

The second floor contains a few well stocked bedrooms, similarly luxurious but with far fewer dead animals to stare at them; by the Duchess’ emphatic request. She prefers to hunt early in the morning, so they had best be able to get their best rest...

On the morning of the hunt the serene clearing surrounding the lodge would buzz with activity the moment the sun met the horizon. Hunting dogs barking wildly as they are let out by their kennel masters, horses whinnying in annoyance at the racket, men shouting among themselves as they worked. A fire had already been lit, rashers of bacon with dough fried in the fat waiting for anyone who needed some fuel for the hunt.

Teams of guides wait at hand dressed according to their stations. Those guides dressed in green would be in charge of assisting any noble who wished to spend their morning setting traps in the woods, or practicing falconry, a relaxing option with little risk- the youngest guides are in charge of this hunt. (OOC: No gore, no violent imagery, no graphic description of animal death)

The hunters not in green are a different group, older and well versed in fox hunting, as well as other more challenging game like boars or bears. A rigorous horse ride and some excitement along the way can always be expected with this group but beware the risks are very real. (OOC: Possible gore, possible violent imagery, possible animal cruelty and death.)

Soon, the hunters would gather, choose their paths and set off into the woods in search of prey.


Famously impatient Aila looks entirely content to wait for her guests to join them outside. She is sitting on the back of an empty cart near the lodge, allowing her to look down at the list of reminders she had given Duke Kenneth from over his shoulder as he stands beside her, pleasing her more and more every time he says “done” and moves to the next item.

Both hosts are well known in Perdan, both young, both with Ducal titles, both of the same faith and just recently, both Ambassadors of Perdan. With the Duchess’ well known love of hunting there is no mistaking that it is her idea that they be here today, and with the Duke’s well known talent for pleasing people there is no mistaking that he has appeased her greatly.

Dressed in her costly hunting gear tailored from black dyed leather and accented with nothing less than gold fastenings she looks the part of a golden lion for the benefit of the guests. The long blonde braid to go with it is just an added bonus but incidentally her crowning glory. Compared to the tired faces of the staff around her she looks vivacious and ready to get on with the day.

In one hand is the last of a fried roll her retainer has tempted her into eating by drizzling in some new summer honey. With her list seemingly complete Aila declares “We have done everything we can aside from hunt the beasts for them..” before finishing her last bite.

Kenneth nodded, waving the last of the waiting retainers off to her task.

“Indeed, I think we should be ready. Victuals at hand; birds, hounds, and beaters ready to accompany the hunters; the trails scouted out for the large and medium game, and the last woodsfolk are coming back so-” a small party in green came into view, heading toward the kennels “-now, I see for the small game trails. I know summer hunts are not your preference, but as they go, I think this will be as good as can be.”

His own garb is new for the occasion as he is not a hunter by inclination, selected to accompany the Duchess' own style without infringing upon it. It is black in the main with strong accents of purple and gold, it had won him her approval earlier, but is now being tugged straight at the collar as Aila hears others approach. While rather bossily preening him she agrees, letting a slightest tone of worry escape her as she does "It will be." then lets him go again.

“Now I believe our guests are arriving, shall we begin?”


Oliver came to the hunt today with a forest green jerkin fitting to his form, its shoulders were embroidered with thing rolling designs of flowers; and its back held a sigil of a stallion's head for his House. A white sleeved shirt was worn beneath, and he had brown breeches to camouflage to the soil. His boots were just as practical, thick and long they rose up his past his ankles to his knees. His outfit wouldn't have been anything but handsome and fitting for the scene. It was also enough to hide his bandaged up arm; Oliver still had to be careful with the tender cut he earned only a few days ago.

It was far from his first hunt; and Oliver felt at ease being there in Meuse's thick forests, shouting men, cooing falcons, and tireless bloodhounds. And finally, he found the two of Perdan's ambassadors together. Oliver's chin raised, grinning confidently, he approaches them both. His smirk grows more wolfish when he notes Aila's clothes. There was something familiar about the scene.

"Good morning, my liege. You have excellent taste in your wardrobe I can tell. " He comments warmly on Kenneth's purple and gold; and bows low in respect, one leg perfectly extending back. "You've organized quite an event here—its timing is exceptional now that the war is over and just what the realm needed. It for sure beats having so many nobles gather for stuffy, dreary war councils all the time." "If we weren't to host things like this," He jokes smiling, "I feel like I would have soon turned into one those brutes myself."

Oliver takes a few steps over to the duchess next to where she sits on her cart. Fondly he smiles, his cheeks dimple with genuine warmth. He dips his head towards Aila, and Oliver places a warm kiss on her hand.

His eye-contact never breaks with hers as he holds her hand. "You're a bloom as always, Your Grace," Oliver compliments Aila first, eyeing the duchess's form in a darting glance, "I should warn you," He adds playfully. "Your reputation for the Hunt may be finally overshadowed today once I bring in the best trophy. I hope you can do your best; I will expect nothing less."

The young, bold knight tilts his head just so and his grin made it look like Oliver believed that he couldn't do anything less otherwise. He will score a perfect hunt.


The Duke's grin grew in turn with his knight's, though for different reasons. He nodded acceptance of the compliment on his wardrobe as was proper, but looked on the interplay between the knight and Duchess with growing surmise. The kiss on the hand, the boasts, the looks…Much suddenly became clear, to him as Aila returned his compliment with an affectionate pat on his cheek.

His response would have to wait, however, as he saw an approaching Caligan contingent, and called out to the few he could see at the fore. Beside Kenneth the Duchess takes her attention off the bragging young knight and turns to smile at them.

“Ambassador Ambrose, General Matthew, welcome! And my apologies to any others accompanying your party that I have not yet seen, of course. As you can see we have quite the festivities planned, but first, the real question: Do you care to join the greenclad guides in the falconry and more relaxed pursuits, or do you seek the thrill of greater game? I myself am more inclined to begin learning something of falconry, but we have plenty ready for the more vigorous hunt, including my Steward, Sir Oliver here. Duchess Aila, as always, goes where she wills, and I am sure you will have plenty of opportunity to hunt with her regardless.”

“I have never hunted with a Caligan, so I will be curious to see your skill whichever path you choose.” Aila adds, a challenge apparent in her tone but her bravado is gone as she is startled by a large white gyrfalcon landing abruptly on the shoulder of Sir Oliver's fine hunting clothes. A look of annoyance appears at once as the large bird begins preening at his carefully styled hair, and she accuses the younger man “You haven't got another lambchop in your pocket have you?”


When Duke Kenneth turns to face the other arriving guests, Oliver puts his palms on the edge of the cart and boosts himself up into a seat next to Aila; then leans back with a smug look for getting to share in the commanding perch with her. Where Oliver happily swings his feet around without seemingly a care in the world.

"Welcome to the great woods of Meuse, my lords. May you have good fortune in the hunts to come—" Sir Oliver grins mischievously, "But none more than me of course."

His attention is suddenly taken up by the gyrfalcon landing on him; it was far from the first time Oliver had met the large white bird of prey, so he wasn't so surprised when Luna appeared. Luna's noise must have been as keen as her eyes, for Oliver had in fact brought something with him; despite the duchess's possible innuendo. He smiled back fondly at the nuzzling falcon and fished out his strip of salted jerky for her to gobble down.

"Of course I couldn't forget to feed Luna here, the poor thing always acts so starved." He teases, smiling between the gyr and duchess. "And obviously. I haven't forgotten her master either."

There's a flourish with his hand, and Oliver's palm reveals a handful of honey and cinnamon nut candies right in front of Aila's nose.


Ambrose arrived at the hunting grounds alone, accompanied only by a young peregrine falcon perched on his shoulder. This small but regal bird of prey was unusually content to sit on its master's shoulder, despite lacking a leash or a cowl. It's claws firmly grasped a boiled leather patch on the knight's doublet's shoulder. Now and then it would flutter its wings and screech but then it would ruffle up and be still again.

Ambrose himself wore practical and robust hunting attire. His expensive cloak with a silver brooch was one of the few things that betrayed his status and riches. The other such thing was the warhorse he was riding. Definitely not something a poorer man could afford. His packhorse was not as formidable and carried, among other things, some extra clothing, a well-crafted crossbow, and several boar spears.

On arrival Ambassador made sure to greet each and every Perdanese dignitary personally. Specifically lingering to shake Duke Kenneth's hand and beam a few smiles at him.

He was not sure how the hunt was supposed to go from here, but he was pretty much ready to go.


Kenneth returned Ambrose's smiles, seemingly ignoring the interplay between Oliver and Aila for the moment.

"Your Excellency, welcome to the hunt! I see you are well-kitted out for serious hunting, I take it you will be going after the more dangerous game? Your spears will be of good use there, if that is your wish. But your falcon, of course, would do well in the lighter hunting. What is your pleasure?"


Aila’s falcon remains happily by Sir Oliver’s side even after her master casts him an unhappy glare in response to his offering the treat and hops off the carriage. The Ambassador for Caligus is excitingly eager to get going and she is more than happy to join him especially after seeing the young falcon on his shoulder. A proper bird, she decided, handsome and well trained compared to her half wild falcon half house cat from Evora, currently preening a knight in hopes for more morsels of meat.

“So far all of us are interested in the larger game” She informs Ambrose while jogging up to his side, leaving the others behind in hopes of hurrying them along. “There are three established routes” she explains to him, looking behind to see if the others had caught up “East, West and South. Pick one. I’ll follow whichever you choose.”

She is talking to Ambrose, yet only sees the falcon- even though she is clearly interested she does not comment on it at all.


Having made my way to the right region, still finding the humor in my miss-step on the way here, Happy to see the activities are underway. Looking forward to seeing the skills of the gathered Lords and Lady.


A smile rose on Isana's relaxed features as she looked over the heavy timbers and furred decor composing the rustic lodge. Feels like Wailing Wood somehow... The clamoring bustle of the event was exciting, yet comfortingly mundane after the short and fervid wartime. She and Queen Alyssa stood to one side of the busy clearing next to one of the lodge's windows, a snaring pack over one shoulder and her darling's hand claimed in her own. Alyssa's impressive black dog sat demurely beside the pair, un-leashed, looking over the throng of people with the resignedly disinterested expression hounds get when people are making mouth sounds when there are fun things they could be doing.

Isana's seasoned hunter's eye looked over the assembled staff. "Those younger guides there will be for snares and the like, small game." She gestured to them for Alyssa's benefit and then caught her eye. "The rest are likely going to try and stalk something larger or more dangerous."

Alyssa winced slightly at the mention of latter option. Have we not had enough danger? She wondered to herself. As she looked the crew of big game hunters over, noting their spears and crossbows being sharpened, polished, and readied, she felt a slight pang of guilt. If danger did find them, she wondered, would not another experienced warrior be beneficial? She had never seen bears, boars, and wolves in these woods, having only traveled through them with an army at her back, but she knew they were there. And where an army was safe from the wilds of Meuse, a small band of hunters might not. And while she had not hunted animal before, and she was best trained in swords, she had swung, thrust, and braced with a spear countless times. She would be prepared for anything.

Her partner, whose hand she held gently seemed to be sizing up the guides and hunters as well.

"Do they seem... capable and ready for such a task?"

Isana felt a slight movement in her love's hand and gave a reassuring squeeze.

"At this time of year, with lots of food in the wild, the only thing I fear for those hunters is any attempt to take on a sow with young... they ought not to do that, for stock management as well as their own safety. Beyond that, if the pursuit gets too dangerous they need only forfeit the chase and the prey should let them leave. Earlier spring, or late in the year when there is rutting... is much more dangerous."

She finished her casual inspection, gave a nod, then slowly leaned against Alyssa until her partner looked up at her questioningly.

"I am going to venture a guess that you're still up for the more relaxing option?" Isana asked with a hint of a tease, and dropped a light kiss on the closest cheekbone.

Alyssa's typical stoicism dropped briefly as she sighed contentedly upon the gentle display of affection. "You have said I should attempt relaxation at some point, and I have promised you I would try to find some time for leisure." As she straightened herself again, she nodded confidently, her lips rising in the smallest hint of a smile. "With that in mind, a light traipse through the woods and watching you impress me with your bow I believe would suffice in that regard, would it? If you say they are safe and ready, then I trust you, both with my heart and in your expertise."

Isana grinned, and wrinkled her nose a bit at the compliment. The subtle smile had not escaped her and her heart warmed at the prospect of the day spent unwinding together.

"Thank goodness! I thought for a moment you were ready to go haring off--ha!--looking for wild boar." The dark-haired knight paused for a beat to punctuate her own joke then continued. "We'll start with the tedious technical business of setting snares, so you'll have to wait a bit for the impressive part. Be warned though, it's going to be a bit of work for you too. Remember when I said I'd make a longbow markswoman out of you one day..? Might as well start now."

Alyssa nodded. Though she felt uncertain that a markswoman was in her destiny, she felt comfortable with Isana, who she knew she would never find judgement from, regardless of how many rabbits she would likely miss. And she was comfortable in knowing that with Isana they would not come back empty-handed.

Wrapping her arm around Isana's the pair made their way towards the lodge, spotting several nobles arriving at the grounds of the lodge as well. Two of the three dukes of Perdan had seemingly found themselves in attendance, Aila and Kenneth sat close to one another on a cart, with Sir Oliver standing beside. Another knight she did not recognize glanced around looking uncertain and determined. Though he seemed perhaps lost, he had made it to where he was needed.

The Caligan lords seemed ready to hunt, Lord Ambrose upon his well groomed horse and the others standing by awaiting the event's beginning. Everyone's eyes turned to Alyssa though, as a call came out from one of the royal knights who shadowed the royal pair as they arrived.

"Alyssa Kingsley the First, Queen of all of Perdan, the Grand Court of Aix, and the Riverlands. Her escort, Lady Isana Everlight of Perdan." He ended his heraldry with a bow as he returned to his place behind her, disappearing back into her escort.

Arm-in-arm with her darling, Isana stayed just the slightest bit back as Alyssa was announced to the crowd. A smile peeked from one corner of her mouth at being announced together, another recognition of their belonging; fleeting as weather were the words, but to her they felt momentous as a thunderstorm.

She surveyed the gathered crowd of mingled Caligan and Perdanese. A brief nod of greeting she gave to Sir Oliver, noting the young man was attended by a raptor that looked like the Duchess', and a smile to the organizing duo of Aila and Kenneth. This was promising to be a very good day.


He watches Aila leave, who had scorned his little gift to instead go socialize with the other nobles. Oliver let her go and gave the snow-white falcon perched on his shoulder a conspiratorial glance, raising his eyebrows. Maybe in those dark eyes, shimmering with intelligence, Oliver could see commiseration there.

"Perhaps you will be my company today instead, hmm?" Oliver whispers with a smile to the affectionate bird, stroking the feathers atop its head with a finger.

Now the others are going on ahead, and Oliver decides to mingle in around the back of the group; observing all with his hawkish expression. He soon spots the arrival of Queen Alyssa and Lady Isana in escort just behind her, Oliver's eyes meets Isana's holding a pleasant smile. He nods back, before resuming his walk. Giving some more attention to Luna perched on his shoulder along the way.

When they make it to the fork in the road, Oliver eyes the westward trail with heavy consideration. West feels like a good omen to him. "I shall go this way," He suddenly announces to the others, smirking with his boundless confidence. "Everyone knows going West brings good fortune in the great tales. "

He does wonder how long his little date with duchess's falcon will last too. Luna might be a boon to have.

De Montigny

Delphine arrived at Meuse's hunting lodge a little later than she had planned. The close proximity to her own estate and a little procrastination had both been factors in her delaying her initial departure.

The camps were already buzzing with activity as lords were getting settle in. This was one of the rare occasion where Delphine was waring leather instead of her usual plate. It was a fine ensemble that had been offered to her by her lover all those years ago, the one she never got to wear. Black leather thigh hight boots, a green tunic and dark tanned studded leather for light protection. Her hair was tied up in a a tight braid, the single crimson ribbon contrasting against her black standards.

She made her way to the main building, the large cat, midnight, by her side. As she approached, ignoring most attendees, she stopped for a familiar face, Duchess Aila.

"Duchess." She offered a curtsey, then giggled, breaking form to hug her friend and kiss her on both cheeks.

"Looks like a good turn out, as most of your events usually are. You had a good mentor. I hear there are boar that need catching. By the way, have you seen the new knight, Sir Dandro? I told him I would seek him out."


Seeing Aila handling matters with their Caligan guests, and Delphine as well joining the party, Kenneth took the opportunity to smoothly cut Oliver out of the herd.

"Steward Oliver, a moment, if you please."

His tone was pleasant, but his stride made it clear this was a polite command, rather than a request, and he led the younger man a few strides away, just enough for a low-voiced conversation not to be overheard.

"Two matters, my knight. First, please do remember that this is an event to celebrate and renew our alliance. Youthful high-spirits are one thing, and I will certainly be pleased if you win honours in the hunt, but the primary purpose of this is diplomatic. And second..."

His face and tone became quite serious.

"I will no longer be needing your services as Steward of Bescanon."

He let that linger in the air for a bare moment before his grin appeared.

"After all, it would be quite improper for the Earl of Nascot to be acting as a Steward for another region."

He pulled out a heavy gold signet ring, and proffered it to Oliver.

"You have done well. You listened to my last criticisms, and have made up whatever quarrel you had with Duchess Aila, indeed rather spectacularly, and I congratulate you on it. You have paid attention, and a number of nobles that I trust the judgment of have recommended you for the lordship. Well done, you have earned this."

The Duke raises a single finger.

"But. Do not prove me wrong that you are ready for this. Many young knights, men in particular, are prone to letting their first real lordship turn their heads, and they become insufferable. You are still my vassal, and you know my expectations on decorum. Prove your supporters, myself included, correct that you will not fall prey to that particular fault."

The grin stayed, but Kenneth's eyes were serious.

"Do well in this, keep your head about you, and behave, and you will be on the Council or a Duke soon enough, I have little doubt. But I do not wish you to doubt either that arrogance here will be the end of your ambitions for many years, and that passion you have been praised for risks curdling into something poisonous. I have seen it happen to others, I do not wish to see that happen with you."


Arriving at the lodge after a fun trip I happy to be here and to start putting names to faces.

I politely looking at each of the Lords and Ladies trying to work out who is who and the heraldry of their houses.

I am happy when an anointment was made to direct my attention to Her majesty Queen Alyssa and the gathered Lords and Ladies of the realm around her and finally seeing a familiar face in My Lady Duchess Aila, I make a special note in my mind for the lady Aila was talking to, dressed in stunning Black leather boots, a green tunic and dark tanned studded leather, dressed for the hunt with style, 'I like it.' I think to myself. I will join this party for the hunt and make my introduction to this fine Lady.

Unsure of the correct customs of this new realm I wait and observe what others we doing as I enjoyed the open air and wilds around me.


A sigh of exasperation escaped Gislin as he came to many realizations. Perdan, it seemed, was not the unified kingdom that Alyssa had made it out to be so many years ago. No, factions vied for power, individuals made outlandishly inaccurate accusations, and no one would speak when asked for opinions on how they wanted to see things run. Several letters he had sent, most to no avail. Instead, it seemed they all waited until later so that more arguments and political plays could be had. Trying to modify the law here was akin to trying to herd cats. Now to top it off, he had to head out to Meuse to ensure his princely brother was not making a fool of himself.

Three rouncys were already waiting next to Adjudent Magdalena as Gislin appeared outside, and his squire, Faravid, was already loading extra equipment onto his own as the Adjutant and Judge's were already packed.

"Rouncys, Faravid?" Gislin called to his squire, "Why choose that type of horse?"

"Coursers are bred for war, and palfreys are great for riding quickly, but the rouncy is good all around. I understood from the Adjutant that you wished to participate in the hunt as well as to conduct business in Meuse. The well-roundedness of a rouncy seemed the most appropriate choice to do both with, my lord." The rustic-haired, typical teenage Yssrgardian boy responded.

The prince nodded in approval, it seemed the boy was learning well. Perhaps not leaving him behind in Yssrgard was the right choice after all. He turned to the woman standing next to the horses. She was dressed in her riding armor, with her typical brightly colored surcoat and head covering intact. Both were black in color, with gold highlights, to represent Perdan, and a shamshir hung from the left of her belt with a backup khanjar behind her.

"Why are there three horses, Adjudant? I need you to remain here and look after the men." His voice was firm but with a hint of openness to it.

"My Prince, I have only known you for a short while, but from what I have seen you are the type to try to fight everything with weapons up close. You even have lugged spears being loaded. Most hunts are with bow, but I know you better than that already. What I don't know is if anyone will join you, and I would not be a very good second if I let you fight alone. Besides, the duchess's militia commander can look after the men just fine."

The former duke pulled himself into the saddle of his own horse. Madalena and Faravid were already up and in theirs before he started. There was, however, truth to her statement and there was little point in trying to argue. Once he was set, the three pointed the horses in the direction of Meuse and rode off in hopes of both hunting in the event and quelling certain disputes.


Luna had flown away from him at last to go take a commanding view of the train of nobles from a tree; or to perhaps find what her master was up to. Oliver was then left alone with his liege-lord for the first time in a long while, and Oliver was thinking if he was going to be scolded once again, His Grace was going to have another thing coming.

So Oliver tried his best to keep his face neutral while listening to Kenneth; it was sounding very much like he had done some wrong already.

He was about to open his mouth to tell the older man what he truly thought until the signet ring appeared in front of Oliver's astonished eyes, and promptly landed in his palms.

He had to do his best not to shame himself and jump for joy, laughing, wagging the ring about at the others and whooping like some manner-less commoner. Oliver wasn't about to give Kenneth the satisfaction of seeing him grin either; but it was damn hard not to keep his lips from twitching as he studied over the engraved designs.

"Thank you. Duke Kenneth." His response is strained and formal with his stiff bow. His face hard. It was better than hugging Kenneth outright. "I can promise that I'll be Nascot's next champion, and the region will prosper under the House of Laststar. You've made the correct decision here, my liege." Finally. He doesn't add aloud.

Without any further ado, he slides the ring onto one of his fingers and stretches the hand out for admiring. Oliver cracks a small smirk through his mask. "You should not believe I would ever misbehave without due cause, and you need not worry here, Sir. Right now. I believe only in a healthy, good-sported competition to help keep this diplomatic event from growing too tedious. There are no friendships to be gained without banter to foster the comradery."


Kenneth returned the grin, with a little wickedness of his own.

"Then go foster comradery, Earl Oliver. And do enjoy the baths in Nascot, as I recall the Duchess was quite fond of them. Words for the wise, and all...But I believe that is the Judge-Magister I see, and one of our new nobles, so I will leave you to it."

His vassal raised an eyebrow. "Duchess Storme?"

Kenneth paused, tilting his head.

"Of course, yes. She stayed in Nascot for some time, a few years ago. I enjoy my own bathing, but she would often commandeer them. One time, I believe, with the King."

"Hm. I see..." Oliver looked amused at this new intel; his eyes inevitably roaming over to the devil they speak of. "Thank you for the tip, my lord. Whatever baths are there, I will have to double their size meet her needs. Though even that may not be enough."

With a laugh and a friendly nod, Kenneth departed to wave to Gislin and (hopefully) Dandro.

"Lord Gislin, welcome to the Hunt! And if my miniaturist does not deceive me, Sir Dandro? I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting you, but this is a splendid occasion, and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have."


I was enjoying the sceptical as I was noting houses and faces. When Lord Kenneth MacArbin approached me. I nod and smile in respects.

"Yes My Lord.

Sir Dandro at your service my Lord and from your coat of arms would I have the fortune to be talking to Duke Kenneth MacArbin?

It is an honour to meet you my Lord.

I have a few questions My Lord, first one would be who is the Lady in green and black talking to My Duchess Aila? second would be would you hunting today?"


The appearance of Lady Delphine brings great cheer to AIla, who returns her greeting with the same enthusiasm, turning away from Ambassador Ambrose for the time being while he decided his path to take in the woods. Aila seems unwilling to let go of Delphine at first, as if inspecting her for any sort of damage. When satisfied, she let her hands fall from the other woman and just nodded at her compliment. She did have a good mentor, though she kept to herself the fact that the same mentor far preferred to spend his time gawking in shipyards instead of hunting the woods with her.

Her thoughts of the past are interrupted by the demands of the present, and she just grins nervously at Delphine, letting slip the consistent appearance of total control she always had at events. At this event, not everything was in her control and there was no way to make it so“Everyone wants a boar. If we do not find one I fear I will be in trouble” she laughs, making light of what is actually becoming a huge concern.

“Now Sir Dandro hmm” She looks about, seeing no one familiar in the confusion of horses and dogs “He said he would be here, it is a matter of finding him I suppose.” Aila frowns at herself, snapping her fingers as if she just remembered something “Oh right, I can summon whoever I like. Gid!”

A well groomed, well dressed man of a middling age came jogging up to her side, bending respectfully at the waist to hover low near the smaller Duchess. To the Perdanese he is easily recognized now as AIla’s most trusted retainer, GIdeon. He meets her terse summon with impeccable manners as always “Your Grace?”

“Bring us Sir Dandro at once!”

“Your grace!” A swift bow, and he is off.


Watching My Lady Ailas aid, walking towards me.

"I think I will be finding out the answer to my first question from the ladies themselves as it looks like I have been summoned. forgive me My Lord, I would like to continue our conversation, come and find me or summon me any time and I would be happy to continue. My Lord."

I nod to Duke Kenneth MacArbin in respects.

Nodding in understanding to My Ladies aid Gideon as he approaches and informs me the My Lady has summoned me to her.

"Thank you Gideon."

I wake my way to the two beautiful Ladies before me, bowing and then smiling a kind genuine smile to My Lady and then the same to this new Lady in green and black before I speak.

"My Lady you summoned me?"


It was amazing how different one's surroundings could be region to region in Perdan. From the bustling city of Perdan itself to the open fields and rolling hills of Brive, and now finally to the grand forests of Meuse. The many thickets were only broken by the roads, lumber mills, and the occasional open glade. It seemed the group for the hunt were smart, deciding to remain in one of the more visible areas, as Kenneth could easily be seen waving them down.

"Duke Kenneth," Gislin nodded in acknowledgment still seeing him as more of a peer than a superior, "Certainly nice to see you again."

The Last Prince slide from his horse, and Adjutant Magdalena was not far behind, as the squire started to download the horses and begin to take them over to the side for tying down. Knowing they would be hunting rather than fighting, he had decided to dress more in thick and quiet gambeson rather than his typical laminar armor he was more known for. Magdalena herself, knowing there might be a need for more than just getting in close to the animals, was already unpacking and stringing her composite recurve bow.

"Quite a gathering you have here. Some I recognize, some I do not. Tell me, what is here that I can kill for the glory of My Lady's event? I certainly hope something I can test my mettle against. It has been quite a bit of time. Perhaps a nice bear, or maybe a boar." He spoke and jerked his head over to the woman working on the bow, "My Adjutant there seems to think those are a bit dangerous for me to try and take on alone. Tell me, do all Perdanese worry so much?"

De Montigny

As her friend nervously laughed, Delphine offered what support she could. "It will be fine. We all want boar, but honestly, the event itself is what everyone is here for. Sharing our land and culture with our allies in Caligus, maybe make a few new friends and contacts along the way, but everyone will leave satisfied, the forests of Muse have an abundance of game." Delphine leans in and whispers. "But if you want, I can have some trappers guarantee a catch." She winks to Aila before joining in a laugh.

As Guideon returned with the summoned knight, Delphine is a bit surprised, she was expecting someone much taller, herself having a few inches on the noble new knight. But from their exchanges she was quite eager to learn more of this man who shared many similar valued to her own.

"Sir Dandro, we finally meet. I must say it is a pleasure to finally see you in person. I'm glad we were both able to make the hunt. Will you be joining the party hunting for small game or large?" Delphine was displaying her usual confidence, extending a firm hand to shake.

To help boos her friends confidence she adds. "Isn't Duchess Aila doing a fine job here. Her and Duke Kenneth have certainly organized a fantastic event to celebrate the continued alliance between Perdan and Caligus. I myself have unfortunately had little interaction with them besides for a few exchanges with their General, and am looking forward to meeting some of them during our hunts together."


Kenneth grinned at Gislin, giving a slight bow with his nod as was proper from a duke to a sitting Council member.

"A pleasure indeed! And quite a few things, along those paths-" he gestured toward the trails just beyond where a small court was gathering around Aila "-though what is more of an open question. Bear, boar, and cougar have all been sighted, and I'm sure quite a few other things might be found, or find you. As for worrying, I think perhaps you will find those who don't worry in ready supply today. I will be joining the more sedate hunt, myself, but that is mere temperament, not worry. And, let us be real, it seems unlikely it will be any more dangerous than the butchery we called 'battle' when I first joined the realm. A gaggle of half-trained spearfolk against the best armed and trained troops in the East..."

The Ambassador shrugged.

"I am not concerned. Nor are any of the others who were here during the great war. I look forward to seeing what game you bag."


I nod and greet both high Ladies in greeting,

I remove my helm to let my sky blue eyes catch the sunlight and shine with a tint of gold, Letting my well kept golden shoulder length hair hit the back of my freshly polished white plate armour that displays my house colours of white with a red cross and the golden lion of my house standing proud on both my shoulders, centre of my chest and on my shield, I know that I may have gone over board with dressing in my full knights armour but I wanted to make a good first impression to new friends and up hold My Lady Duchess Aila's trust and faith in me as her knight.

I put my helm under one arm before I speak.

"My Lady Duchess Aila."

I giving both My own Lady Duchess Aila and Lady Delphine a warm and genuine smile before I take Lady Delphine's hand gently and kiss the back of it.

"The pleasure and honour is mine Lady Delphine de Montigny, it is very good to put your enchanting face to your name.

I agree with you Lady Delphine de Montigny, I whole heartedly My Lady Duchess Aila is doing a fine job here. The weather is good, the game plentiful and the company exquisite, what more could be done to elevate the event even more so My Ladies?"

I smile at both Ladies to help back up my words for I believe in actions to accompany words is the best way to show that I am a man of my word.

"To your question Lady Delphine de Montigny of who I will be joining on the hunt I wish to accompany you both if you would have me? I wish to see these bow skills My Lady Duchess Aila spoke about over our first meeting and learn more about both of your Ladies thoughts and ideas on faith and the wider realms ideals, like we have spoken about in our letters. It is good to find likeminded souls."

Looking around at the different attendees I am feeling a bit over dress.

De Montigny

As the young knight Dandro kisses her hand gently instead of shaking it, she immediately recognizes the chivalry felt in his letters to her. It was a nice feeling that made her smile. She was usually a bit colder to approach, often keeping things quite professional until she felt comfortable and got to know the person better. However, with Sir Dandro, she felt that wall of ice melt much faster, she was quite curious to get to know him better.

"To your question Lady Delphine de Montigny of who I will be joining on the hunt I wish to accompany you both if you would have me? I wish to see these bow skills My Lady Duchess Aila spoke about over our first meeting and learn more about both of your Ladies thoughts and ideas on faith and the wider realms ideals, like we have spoken about in our letters. It is good to find likeminded souls."

"Of course we will have you join us." A bit too eager in her response, not waiting for Aila's approval. "Duchess Aila is by far a much better shot than I. We have quite a few outstanding marksmen in the realm like the Queens betrothed Isana who is quite deadly behind a bow despite her appearance. I will most definitely keep to the spear, I'm more of a hands on kind of girl."

The knight stood out with his freshly polished armor. Delphine was the one used to being ready for battle, practically sleeping in her armor, and if it had not been for the gift provided by Prince Nemean, many years ago, would probably had looked as much out of place.

"You might want to see about getting something a bit less noisy to wear for the hunt however, that is unless you are more concerned about being injured by one of the beasts." She chuckles nervously, a little unsure of how he will take it. She quickly regains her composure and her usual confidence. "There are certainly armorers on hand for repairs that must have something laying around." She turns to her friend once again forgetting formalities. "Aila, where can this this fine young knight find something more suited for the forest?"


My eyes brighten at Lady Delphine de Montigny from her response and reactions to my display of chivalry and I cant help but smile at her with a warm and genuine smile.

"I would be honoured to witness all the skills the Ladies of the realm and what they have to show, your remark about you being a hands on kind of girl has not gone unacknowledged by me either Lady Delphine de Montigny. I would like to witness your hands on skills at some point too if this is at all possible? If not at this event maybe some later date would be welcome.

I think you are right about my armour as well good Lady Delphine de Montigny, I was thinking the same things, It being too loud and not ideal for the hunt, let us see if we can find something more suitable. I like that our mind do seem to think alike good Lady Delphine de Montigny and it brightens my heart to know that our realm has brilliant and illumines flames in the forms of the Ladies of the realm like Queen Alyssa Kingsley, My Lady Duchess Aila and yourself serving Perdan."

I look around to see if we can find me something more suitable to hunt in and looking over the beautiful black leather Lady Delphine de Montigny is wearing.

"Would you have another set of that beautiful black leather you are wearing good Lady Delphine de Montigny?" I dont mind stripping down to my under shirt if no other option is available if you promise to keep me safe My Ladies?"

I finish my words with a smile that turns into a innocent grin that made my cheeks go red as I just realised what I had just said and to whom I said it to.

"With respects My good Ladies."

I know that last statement was a bit risky in the best intended and bold kind of way. Considering I had only just met with Lady Delphine de Montigny face to face a moment ago and My Lady Duchess Aila not long before this, I gathered from the responses from both My Lady Duchess Aila and Lady Delphine de Montigny they both seemed to enjoy a bit of boldness in a genuine and chivalrous why from time to time and this was a good opportunity to lightly test the ground before proceeding with either.

"As always My Lady Duchess Aila, I am at your service I await you blessing before I processed with my actions. The same goes for you as well Lady Delphine de Montigny I am at both of your service."

I bow to both Ladies and try to hide my brightening red cheeks while I wait for a response.


It's when Duke Kenneth had finally walked away from Oliver, Earl Oliver now, that a wide grin suddenly splits across the young man's typically serious visage. He hops for joy quietly in place, punching at the air, and doing fist pumps at the Duke's retreating form.

Then Earl Oliver realized where he was again, and subtly glances around to see if anyone had noticed his outburst; then assumed a casual posture again. Slicking back his hair as if he hadn't been jumping for joy a second ago.


The Northern trail in the forest is most well maintained and looked after, with least chance of finding any dangerous game and a path cut wide enough for two horse riders to ride abreast. The young guides selected to assist in this hunt ensure everyone is mounted safely and ready to go before leading the way into the trail. Ancient trees rise around them letting in patches of bright sunlight, and there is a pleasant smell of pine and flowers as the breeze sweeps up the trail toward them.

“We are down wind” One of the hunters remarks mildly, letting the nobles take lead.


-Large hunting party-

Unlike the small game party, there are three choices set before the large game hunters. The east, west and southern trails were all less maintained than the North and while they had been groomed by the workmen before the nobles arrived they had not been hunted since the year prior. No one including Aila could tell what game might appear on any of the three trails and so it is simply a matter of preference.

The western trail leads into a dark tunnel of foliage, poorly trimmed but wide enough for riders and their dogs to go forward with little trouble, even able to ride abreast in places.

The eastern trail is wide, an old wood cutting trail with uneven ground for the horses but wide enough for all to pass with room to spare. Due to the past cutting the trees are spaced apart letting hunters see far, but the thicket is wildly thriving.

The southern trail leads toward the mountains, built up with crushed stones on boggy earth the nobles can see already that it is muddy in places and only wide enough for one rider and their dogs, and will force the party to travel single file.



-Large hunting party-

Oliver goes hunting for large game down the western trail and calling out well wishes to all the other groups, smirking, knowing his skill will see him through the day.


-Large hunting party-

Having found some more suitable attire for the hunt on Margravine Delphine surjection, finding some nice leather armour, not used to light armour Sir Dandro still trying to get the leather to latch correctly when he joins up at the tail end of the large hunting party.

"There? is that right?"


As Earl Oliver moves forward onto the Western trail the bright summer sunlight is dimmed around him. Under this canopy of large green leaves the air is somewhat moist and smells of damp earth, ripening berries and thriving vegetation. Tiny flies irritate the dogs as they weave in and out of thick bushes and they nip at each other occasionally as a result.

Around them the sounds of birds and rustling leaves are all a human can discern.

The Gryefalcon on Olivers shoulder is ineffective with so little room to fly, and sits silently watching forest as they ride down the trail.

((GO FORWARD DOWN THE WESTERN PATH OR TURN BACK, PERFORM ACTIONS ex. command dogs, set traps, ready weapon, shout to others nearby, leave trail marker whatever you like I will be rolling dice on the effectiveness/consequences when applicable

Anyone who wishes to join this path can still do so, or choose another path))


-Large hunting party-

Matthew rides along the trail, following along with the hunting party. It had been quite a while since his last hunt, and as such it took him a bit to find the proper hunting gear. He had his bow of course, thought he wasn't very good with it. He also had a spear, one he had used to take down boar in the past.

He looks up, listening to the birds and feeling the breeze. It felt good to get out and enjoy the weather with some company. He also enjoyed the competition. While swordfighting was his forte, he enjoyed any type of competition.

Caught up in his thoughts and daydreaming, he is awoken by the words of his Troop Captain, Lara.

"General Supreme Sir, I hate to interrupt your meditation, but the group diverged down a path a ways back."

Matthew looks around, realizing that indeed Lara was correct.

"Damn, I must have been lost in thought. How far back was it?

"Not too far, perhaps a 10 minute ride. I wanted to say something sooner, but you looked preoccupied." Lara replies.

"Ah blast it, we had better catch up before they get all of the good game for themselves. Next time Captian, feel free to toss a pebble at my head to rouse me. I should be staying focused."

With that, the couple ride back towards the rest of the group.


-Large hunting party- West Trail

Oliver continues down the Western Trail with the falcon Luna riding atop him, from time to time stroking the top of her head as he keeps a look out, to the sound of its pleased clicking and chirps.

When he notices the dogs growing too distracted and ailing their progress, Oliver shouts at the nearby servants and strikes at the air with command,

"Handlers! Get a leash on the hounds and put them to finding a scent. We're not idly strolling through the forest here. We're on a hunt, and we're going forward until we can scare something out of the brush."

Luna squawks in aggravation as though affirming with his order.


-Large hunting party-

Sir Dandro finishes trying to make sure the straps are fastened correctly, enjoying the ride and looking forward to seeing the ladies of the realm show off there skills. Riding at the back of the party to see what trail Margravine Delphine de Montigny and My own Lady Duchess Aila Storme are going down.


-Large Hunting Party- Southern Mountains

The time to decide had come and all of Magdalena's begging could not deter Gislin from his choice. Let the Queen and her entourage take the smaller, and weaker, game. His eyes were firmly set on something greater, be they boar or bear, perhaps even the rare and elusive bison. If they were very lucky, they might even find the more dangerous game most nobles would flee.

"Look there, Magdalena," The prince pointed to the large mountains looming in the distance, crushed stone and muddy bogs between the group and the range, "That is where we are going to go, toward those mountains."

"My Lord, that might not be the wisest call. What if no one follows?" Frustration could be heard as the Adjudant spoke, Gislin's squire standing silently by.

The prince's head turned and toward Magdalena while Faravid slinked back a bit not knowing what would happen. He had worked with the former duke for far longer than Magdalena had, and yet it was she that seemed to always counter the lord's will.

"Well then, that is what I have the two of you for isn't it? It would be great to hunt with some of my peers but I cannot force them. Now, Faravid, grab some of the provided dogs and let us head out."

Dutifully, the squire grabbed up some of the dogs while Gislin started to get the supplies and some traps ready. The trio wandered off into the woods and it wasn't before too long that sticky mud started to surround the trail. Once far enough in, Gislin and Faravid started to set up traps in various places while Magdalena kept overwatch. Using portable goat panels, the two stood up a trap door fence hidden by thickets of trees or the fallen stones every so often using posts to support every few feet. Taking time to camouflage the gated cages, they baited the insides of each one hoping to trap boars inside for easy killing later.

"Now, with these traps setup, we head out deeper into the woods, more toward the mountains to see what else we can actively hunt. Get the hounds ready, I hope there might be something even bigger than a boar the deeper we go. We can check the traps a bit later." Gislin was confident and already heading deeper without even bothering for confirmation.


-Small hunting party-

Kenneth rode north, alongside all the others enjoying a less serious day at hunt. If nothing else, he always enjoyed riding alongside the hounds, particularly the cuna. The long, lean dogs were excellent at chasing down small game, at least in a short sprint, and could handle deer as well. Back home, they were also prized for dealing with the smaller monsters in the outlying areas, and often kept as pets by lordly and humble alike.

The dappled sunlight, and smell of the ancient trees, brought a contented smile to the Duke's face, and he breathed deeply, letting the green feeling seep into him, and breathed out a small prayer to Anmal.

"With thanks for this day, Groundskeeper, I hope You can appreciate Your servant's meager attempt to honour you, though there will be no great feats from him this day."

One of the racchounds suddenly pointed, sniffing furiously, and Kenneth signalled to the houndmistress to let them loose, before looking over to Isana and Alyssa, eyes straining further to see if any others had joined them.

"And with that, the game is afoot!"

De Montigny

-Large hunting party- East Trail

Delphine watched the young knight return with his change in armor.

"There? is that right?" -Dandro GoldHaart

"Well our chances of finding something to hunt have certainly improved." She laughed playfully. She watched the young man adjusting himself to his leather, much like her, moving in steel had become second nature. She had to admit though, the extra freedom felt nice, but she would not be caught dead on the battle field with anything of the sort.

"Let's join the party, they are about to depart." She made her way to the larger hunting party group.

As they rode, they were faced with a choice on which grounds they would go. Looking at the paths, west seemed like a nice option for boar, it was after all what she wanted to hunt. As Steward Oliver began down the path she rolled her eyes. She was not fond of the boy, his disobedience and strive to stick out and shine, only interested in himself, was nothing to impress Delphine.

She might have liked to join with he Judge-Magister south, but ever since helping Vix and crossing the Eldoret mountains so many times, she had had enough of that, avoiding any mountain travel whenever she could. She pulled the reins of her horse.

"Sir Dandro, I'll be heading down the eastern trail if you want to join me."

The rougher terrain would be slower, but allow them to talk a bit more and hopefully take advantage of the clearing to spot their game. Midnight would also have an easier time, staying further away from the horses, not at all worried about the terrain.


-Large Hunting Party-

-Western trail-

As Oliver further down the trail into the woods, one side of the path gives way to a hill at the bottom of which is a rushing river. This trail is built to follow the river along the top of its narrow valley, and the sounds of rushing water join into the forest song.

Luna the Gyrefalcon takes off at the sight of spawning salmon jumping from the waters leaving Oliver alone on the trail with the dogs.

A rabbit darts from one side of the trail to the other in front of them, whipping the dogs into an excited frenzy and allowing all to conclude this area is full of life.


-Southern Trail-

Prince Gislin has set off into the South trail alone. This trail is the least well kept, uneven ground and a rocky trail surrounded by damp earth and mud. Frogs ribbit nearby and dragonflies zoom overhead. The trees are fur and covered with lichen drooping from their wide branches which shade the difficult trail.

The dogs do not mind it at all, running through the muddy roadside with little care in fact some have stopped to roll in the pleasantly cool black tar-like mud before continuing on smelling for the game.

The guides ride behind the prince, the trail too narrow to ride abreast at all on their horses.


-Eastern Trail-

The Eastern trail is a wide cut wood path cleared about a decade ago by foresters to reach the inner forest for softwood cutting. As a result it is wide open to the sunny day and as you enter you can tell there are very few places of shade to rest for the horses. The thicket at the side of the road is wiry and formidable, but full of small animals like chipmunks and shrews which all scatter at the sounds of the approaching horses.

It reaches on in a straight line further than the eye can see, with the occasional stump and bump to look out for along the way.



-Small hunting Party-

The Northern trail is the most pleasant option offered that day by far. It runs near the road to the city meaning the woods are so well travelled that larger game rarely appears in this area. Instead the smaller animals have taken full advantage and it is easy to see as you set down that path that this place is teeming with life. The trail itself is cut broad but lush with a layer of fresh grass as it had been unused to far this season. The trees are trimmed back leaving the path sunny, warm and dry.

The dogs accompanying the kennel trop beside his horse obediently surveying the treeline for anything they might alert their master to.



Large hunting party-Aila-

Standing in the midst of the nobles still lingering by the liege unsure what to do she finds herself quite agitated at the wasting of the mornings hunting time. Kenneth had set off down the Northern trail to carry on with the small came, Oliver was already out of sight with her Gyre Luna and Gislin was just leaving now.

Everyone else seemed to be milling around in indecision…

Aila knows Gislin has choses the most difficult path without a second thought and she feels the courage to do the same. As she is considering it all Delphine and Dandro set off together she looks between the two groups in desperate indecision… The woods trail would be easier hunting, probably more game, and she would get to spend time with Delphine but the mountain trail with the prince might be very exciting!

The Duchess frowns, and pulls a coin from her pocket to decide. A Perdanese gelt flips in the air a few times before landing in her palm face up, and she mounts up to chase after the Prince on the southern trail. His guides see her as she arrives and notify the Prince “The Duchess has joined us”


-Large hunting party- East Trail

Listening to Margravine Delphine de Montigny, Sir Dandro smiles and then nods in understanding and then agreement.

"It would be my honour to join you Margravine Delphine de Montigny down the eastern trail because I would very much like to join you. I am looking forward to seeing your skills in action."

Sir Dandro say in a playful but respectful tone.

Enjoying the time to get to know Margravine Delphine de Montigny sounds like a great day. then add on the possibility to see her skills in action. What more can one ask for.


Late to the hunt due to some last minute unexpected paperwork Isabel gets to the hunting grounds just in time to see everyone start to disperse down their chosen trails. “Hmmm I didn’t get the memo on the trails due to being late best just find someone I know and go with them...” Isabel says to herself as she moves through the hunting grounds. “Ah it’s the Aila let’s just follow her for now.” Isabel thinks before attempting to follow her Duchess. “Hey can I come with you Duchess!” Isabel yells trying to get her attention chasing her down the trail attempting to catch up.


Large Hunting Party - South

With the cages set and bated, Gislin returned to the road with mud splashed up to this knees and noticed the dogs were muddier than he was. The prince's eyes darted between the hounds and his squire inquisitively as he was mentally trying to comprehend when they were running free. They seemed to be frolicking through the muck like a child threw the snow on a cold winter's day.

"Faravid! Control the hounds! If they keep going like this they will scare all the animals away!" Gislin starting to scold the squire through a whisper when curious sounds could be heard from behind.

Gislin's fist shot up into the air, and everyone froze. Slowly, the prince moved over to the packhorse quite as a mouse and retrieved one of the heavy spears with lugs on the end perpendicular to the point. Natural noises were all that was heard, other than the sound behind them.

  • squish... slosh... slurp...*

First, it was soft, barely audible, but quickly became louder and louder. The price motioned for his retinue to get off the road. The sounds were off, oddly uniform, but one did not waste possibilities. Suddenly, the silence was broken by Magdalena atop the sumpter horse, "My Lord, it seems the Duchess has opted to join us."

The spear dropped and plain-faced the prince spoke, "Magdalena, you don't think you could have said that sooner?!"

"You said to freeze." Was the answer through a smirk.

Gislin shot a glare at the woman before turning to the duchess, "Your Highness, welcome..." Before he could finish, deep splatters could be heard running up accompanied by a shout that reverberated through the trees probably scaring off anything there.

“Hey can I come with you Duchess!”

A sigh of exasperation escaped Gislin's lips as his hand plastered to his face and he looked at Aila, "This is going to be a trying day isn't it?"


-Large Hunting Party- -Western trail-

Oliver and his shieldmaiden Brynja are overlooking the winding river before them from atop the slope. The falcon that followed him along was perched on a large rock protruding from the water and can be seen watching all the fish that swim by in the crystal clear current. Blissfully unaware of the feathered danger awaiting above.

"Would you look at that Brynja?" He comments to the tall woman standing by his stirrup, looking quite pleased with himself. "We've found a source of water, and a large one at that. This way, the denizens of the forest are going to be forced to come to us eventually, and we'll be able to hunt without all that much effort."

He spies the length of the river again, assuming a commanding tone. "Have the men setup a line of traps by the riverbank, and some snares in the trees. We might be able to use the water as a barrier to funnel something into a trap when we come back this way."

"And you!" Oliver barks at one of the senior guides, the commoner scrambles to attention and rushes up to Oliver's horse. "Take half of the dogs go into the woods to our side, I want you to go slightly ahead of us and scare anything you can find towards the river and into our path where we'll catch it."

Luna below looked like she was about to try her luck catching a fish, so Oliver calls the falcon back to him with a promise of jerky he commandeered off of a guide. Convinced by sheer gluttony, she leaps into the air and flies back to heel for her temporary master; alighting down on his shoulder once more until the next thing catches her eye.

With his bow ready and horse bristling with untapped energy, Oliver stirs into motion. "Now let's be off, everyone you know what to do!"


-Small Hunting Party-

Kenneth dismounted to stalk with the racchounds. He knew nothing of falconry, yet, and he was only middling with a bow, but dogs he knew, and he took a small pack with him to investigate one of the sides of the path, carefully winding his way through the trees to the east. He gestured to the Queen and Isana that they were welcome to join him, if they wished, but in truth he was enjoying the solitude, and thought they might enjoy each other's company as well.

He had a large knife held loosely at the ready, in case anything came upon them, but mostly he thought the hounds would catch scent of anything dangerous well before he did, or possibly the cuna back on the trail proper would see something. It was a fine day, and he intended to enjoy it.


-Small hunting party-

And with that, the game is afoot!

Kenneth called out to the royal pair, Isana atop her Blizzard and the Queen sat straight and nobly upon her Starlight. The horses had grown accustomed to riding so closely together while each rider held the other's hand. Alyssa scanned the treetops for birds, a few finches and robins flitted through the canopy, no sign of the large black birds she knew from previous trips through these woods made their nests in these treetops as well.

Shadow, the Queen's other faithful companion stopped suddenly as the houndmaster released the dogs down the trail and Kenneth called out to the two of them. He cocked his head to the side expectantly and with a wave from her free hand, the big black corso took off down the forest path chasing after the others.

Still hand in hand as Kenneth waved them over, Alyssa led them to the duke's side, the queen in between them as the trio set a relaxed and easy pace down the trail.

"Thank you for setting this up, Duke Kenneth. I am pleased with how well it has seemed to be received. I wish I had more time to meet with the Caligans, but it seems they prefer more risky game than I. I am no huntress, though Isana is naturally an expert with her bow."

She glanced to her own bow set with the saddlebags where a sword would typically be. She felt a bit unnatural without it, but a sword was not a practical hunter's weapon, and was left in Cedric's trusted care. She felt even more unnatural with the idea of shooting one. Isana had promised to teach her, but she had little experience and while she had shot bows before on occasion with Sergeant Kelthan during her martial training so long ago, she had never had a knack for it, and a part of her still wanted Isana to impress the woman at her side so she felt the stakes were somewhat higher than she knew they truly were.

"I think we should continue down this path a bit, I haven't often walked the woods of Meuse without an army at my back. I am pleased to enjoy it more simply, with my dearest light and my friend in tow, rather than with lance and sword. I daresay it is a much more pleasant ride."


-Large Hunting Party-

-Western trail-(D20=8)

It is not the fish themselves she is occupied with, but the sight of hawks circling over the falls where spawning salmon leap. She is very reluctant to stay with Oliver now, but does so anyway.

Oliver’s guides walk off into the woods with chains of steel traps draped over both arms, talking with each other jovially as they set to work on the Lord’s commands. The doghandlers take their curs leads in hand and break off the from main group in favor of exploring deeper to scare pray toward the river.

Finally two guides descend the steep bank down to the river crouching low to slide down the rough gravel slope, gripping spindly plants to slow themselves as they did.

It is only moments after the guides disappear with the dogs before a grouse explodes from the side of the path, flapping frightened clear to the riverbank where it lands clumsily on the slope where it is wildly trying to flee.

-Southern Trail- (d20=3)

All three nobles make it safely onto the trail where they travel fourth in single file surrounded by their guides and dogs. Despite the Duchess having only chosen her best curs for the day, the handlers seem unable to keep them in well in hand. Even so they are sniffing and managing to scare a number of frogs into their path so perhaps it will not be a total loss.

“They are agitated my Lord” one of the guides tells the Prince, at a loss for why they are so unruly today.

As they continue down the swampy trail the canopy of the fur trees open, letting the sun shine down on them and on the trail, allowing them to see the mountain rising ahead of them.

-Eastern Trail- ((Awaiting actions to roll for))


-Small game hunting Party- (D=1)

The trail remains still and calm, the dogs have found nothing of note and look to be simply enjoying their walk rather than searching for prey. They young guides trail far behind the lords laughing among themselves, and sharing a wine skin between them ‘discreetly'.


-Large Hunting Party-Southern trail- Aila

Prince Gislin have a similar reaction to Isabel joining them, except along with Aila’s sigh she also turned to waves, a friendly wave with a big smile for her Steward. As odd as the girl was, she did good work and had never tried to hurt her in any way Aila realized at least...The dogs are an embarrassment to her, so she tries to ignore the muddy animals weaving between them as Isabel joins their narrow little hunting column.

“I am very glad you came with us Isabel we seem to have chosen a difficult trail, and if rumors are to believed you may be the greatest hunter among us”

With all three nobles riding in a line Aila goes back to surveying the woods for any signs of animals. This trail is too wet for anything they are looking for, but she sees signs of it improving. “The water is not standing it’s flowing this way” she points down the trail “Perhaps it drains into a pond”

For now there is no way to tell. All around them trees covered in lichen darken anything off the trail, unless they want to bring back frogs as their trophy they will just have to keep going.

De Montigny

-Large hunting party- East Trail

As they slowly rode down the east path, Delphine could fell the heat of the sun weighing on them. A little shade would have been nice, but the company and calm was well worth it.

"It would be my honour to join you Margravine Delphine de Montigny down the eastern trail because I would very much like to join you. I am looking forward to seeing your skills in action." -Dandro GoldHaart

"I'm afraid my skill are much better suited to battle with a sword than spear, so forgive me if my hinting is less than graceful. I have to admit, I have improved quite bit compared to the first time I ever threw a spear. I was barley able to hit a bale of hay 20 feet away for the longest time." She laughs at the thought, remembering the local hunter trying to train her before Nemeans planned hunt. "You know what they say, practice makes perfect."

She looks over at Dandro. "With the lack of trees, I bet you're glad you changed armor now." She smiled at him. "And please, call me Delphine, we aren't on official business and here to have some fun. If I wanted a formal event, I would have joined the Queen's party. Let's see if we can find any signs of something worth hunting."

Delphine looked around for any signs of something bigger than a rabbit having passed by. Last thing she saw that was remotely interesting was when Midnight ran off in the brush, probably to chase after something much smaller than the large cat, who was looking for an easy chase.

"If we spot anything, we might want to get closer to the edge of where the clear cutting ends. We can tie down the horses and continue on foot if need be."


-Large Hunting Party- -Western trail-

"This one is mine!" The young lord shouts, drawing his bow as soon as the grouse is spotted breaking out from the brush. He aims his bow, trying to lead his target, and then lets his arrow fly.


-Large hunting party- East Trail

Looking over to Margravine Delphine de Montigny with a nod and smile of understanding.

"Delphine it is and please Dandro for me my lady, thank you for your advice on changing out of my full plate and into lighter clothing. I think you are right, on foot feels like the best way to hunt."

Following Delphine's lead, Dandro dismounts then ties down the horses, taking his long bow from the saddle and the two quivers of arrows one for his back and one for his lower back making sure they clip and are secure to make sure when the tools of death are needed they are with in easy reach at all times, placing his three hunting knives in there holsters, one on his chest and one on each leg.

Before looking at Delphine with smile.

"I look forward to seeing your shunting and spear skills all the same."

Having put all his gear in place and making sure the straps are fastened correctly one last time, Dandro looks to the sky and then to the ground, Dandro's hunting instincts kick in and he kneels down on one knee for two reasons. One to give a prayer of thanks and fortune for the beautiful day and secondly to lay one hand on the ground to feel how hard or soft it is before looking at Delphine with a smile and standing at her side feeling the wind blowing his hair and scanning the horizon as he talks to his hunting partner.

"The other good thing about being on foot Delphine, Is that we get to enjoy the feel of the wilds and the hunt closer to the ground with smells of life and to feel the dirt with our hands."

Then with the mud he had picked up when kneeling, Dandro puts two fingers of to under each cheek with a smile.

"As for your hunting being less than graceful, You will always have my respect even if we end up with dirt in our faces, such is the why with matters of life and death, That said, I do not believe that you could make anything not be graceful, When we get back you will have to show me your skills with a blade."

Testing the string on my long bow.

"Ready when you are. let us see what the day has in store for us."


-Large Hunting Party-Eastern Trail (D20=18)

The Eastern Trail while thinned out has a thick brush, a keen eye to the side of the road will identify that while the soft wood has been cut, the hardwood remains tall and strong. This is the ideal place to track a boar. It is likely many are in this area because of the acorns which fall in the Autumn, and remain for the thicket hiding a wealth of tubers and leafy ferns flourishing in the sunny patches made by the woodcutters.

A rain from a previous night had left mud for animals to track through. It is only a half hour walk before there are signs of various sets of cloves footprints zig-zagging the trail from bush to bush rooting for food though they are a few days old now. It means one important thing, boars DO live in these woods, and in some significant numbers telling by the number of tracks.

There are sounds of rustling trees and singing birds, but not much else yet.



-Large Hunting Party - Southern trail- Isabel

Seeing the smiling and waving Duchess Isabel gets a bit more excited. "Hello Hello! Thanks for letting me catch up!" Isabel says in a happy and excited tone. "Oh Prince Gislin I didn't see you come this way but to be fair I barely managed to see the Duchess as she started down the trail... haha got lost in some paperwork and almost missed the hunt that would have been tragic! So are we headed to the mountain or are we heading to this pond that the Duchess talked about? Also I heard you were quite the huntress too Duchess I cant wait to see your skills!" Isabel rambles happy to be out for the first time in awhile. "It is quite wet out here isn't it hard to find tracks maybe there's some traces of animals like broken branches or rubbings against trees we should keep an eye out." And Isabel does just that turning from excited and bouncy to still, quiet, and focused.

De Montigny

-Large hunting party- East Trail

Delphine finishes to tie her horse to one of the trees just off the path, along side Dandro's own. Having not taken any bow, as her shooting was average at best, she unhooks the two smaller throwing spears and secures them across her back, keeping the longer one in her hand.

As she watches Dandro set himself up for the hike, she can't help but feel under prepared, having only brought a few spears and hunting knife. If it was not only for the good company, she was glad that an experienced hunter was accompanying her.

"The other good thing about being on foot Delphine, Is that we get to enjoy the feel of the wilds and the hunt closer to the ground with smells of life and to feel the dirt with our hands." -Dandro GoldHaart

"It is indeed a beautiful day for a hunt, the forests of Meuse are lush and plentiful.  I seldom take the time to just enjoy our beautiful realm, it is nice."

"As for your hunting being less than graceful, You will always have my respect even if we end up with dirt in our faces, such is the why with matters of life and death, That said, I do not believe that you could make anything not be graceful, When we get back you will have to show me your skills with a blade." -Dandro GoldHaart

Delphine could feel herself blush at the compliment, turning to stare into the woods to hide her involuntary reaction, exposing only her long dark braid tied with a small crimson ribbon. The young knight was definitely getting to her.

"I look forward to sparing with you after the hunt." She smiled. As much as she enjoyed swordplay, spending more time with Dandro appealed to her very much.

The walk was nice, despite the odd shallow mud from the recent rain, most of the dampness had dried our from the sun. Midnight staying close, often getting between the two knights to force some distance. Delphine shooed the large cat every time, throwing branches in the brush to distract him. It wasn't long before Dandro spotted the first signs of recent activity which soon became even more obvious as they approached, the many tracks a clear indicator.

"It looks like your prayer payed off, Leandra has blessed our hunt, now it's up to us to do the rest. If you want to impress me, find us a nice trophy now." She winks at the young man and smiles, her usual confidence back after getting a little more comfortable with him. She signals Midnight to stay close.


-Large Hunting Party - Southern trail-

Gislin silently praised Leandra that the point of this hunt to him was just to support His Lady's efforts and endeavors and finding actual prey came secondary as the hunt itself was proving less than fruitful. Between the misbehaving hounds, and all the noise being produced, all the prey was likely already scared off. On the other hand, perhaps the noise was more helpful than anticipated as they could have been scared into the fences, Gislin would have to double-check on the way back, and a day with the Duchess and her premiere courtier offered quite the clout in and of itself.

"Faravid, I have told you to get those hounds under control. As a future knight, you might be doing this type of work for your lord, you need to know how to control even their animals." The prince scolded the squire that had accompanied him from Yssrgard once again.

"As to answer your question, Steward, I do not believe the two need be mutually exclusive. The pond is likely a good watering hole for game and a good place for the hounds to get a scent. We might even set more traps there. If we see nothing after a while we can head to the mountains where we might find deer or goats, or even things like cougars and panthers. Predators can be just as useful as game, so we should not count them out." Precise, quiet, and matter of fact, was his voice as he spoke.


-Large hunting party- East Trail

Dandro was enjoying every interaction and the reactions that followed with Delphine, making note of how well she kept herself in order, Dandro found it very appalling, then add Delpines beautiful emerald eyes, dark hair, with the small crimson ribbon adding a touch of inner girl to her, It was always the smaller things that Dandro appreciated like the ribbon, the way the leather highlighted her feminine frame to the way she interacted with her animal.

"A beautiful day for a hunt and the company of you and your cat makes it even more so Delphine, thank you for coming with me and agreed lets make our hunt a successful one."

As the animal came close and in between the hunting pair Dandro realised that he had yet to ask about this beautiful animal.

"What is the animals name? I would like to hear that story at your leisure "

As Dandro asked the question, there was a snap of a twig just ahead of us and sighed for Delphine to be still and then get low, pointing to the direction I heard the noise, then I notch one of my arrows but leave the string not drawn to get the snap release and the power that the snap shot grants the arrow.

Dandro waits for a moment and waves Delphine closer to him.


-Large Hunting Party-Western Trail-( D20=19) ((GRAPHIC IMAGERY)

Lord Oliver’s arrow flies free of the string cutting through the air with such force it practically sang before piercing straight through the plump bird’s neck. There are no dying throws as the bird is whipped back into the woods with the force of the arrow and is pinned to the ground.

Upon retrieval of the grouse Oliver will find it already dead with it’s blood being slowly drunk up by the earth. Along with it, he will identify something he has been looking for, a bear's paw print is sunk into the soft earth of the forest floor, pierced through the center by his own arrow.

There are more tracks, leading down the bank and toward the river where Oliver had sent his men to set their traps…

A guide begins to shout something urgent, but his words are muffled by the roaring of the river below, Luna screams out a warning from Oliver’s saddle, ready to follow the man toward the racket at his command.


-Large Hunting Party-Southern Trail / Aila’s post- (D20=6)

“Quite right” Aila agrees, trying to hurry their little column along past the boggy trail and toward what she hoped would be better hunting grounds. Not even an hour further down the trail the Duchess’ hunch proves to be true, the boggy water all drained into a large pond obscured by many trees and draining somewhere they cannot see from their vantage point. The flies are still swarming this area making everyone, including the dogs uncomfortable but the Duchess barks at the guides to get down in the mud and they manage to get the traps set up on the banks in short order. The horses must stay on the crushed stone path otherwise sink, and she is not willing to get her own boots in such a state. Instead she stays mounted on the trail with her horse looking dissatisfied with the lack of game in the muddy area.

With traps set the guides suggest there is little reason to linger here. Past the pond the earth is dry, the path is slightly wider, but the trees are still thick leaving the path dark and closed in. As they move forward Aila suggests “We should have more luck here” , sounding hopeful now that they might return with more than a bag of frogs.


-Large Hunting Party-Eastern Trail- (D20=16)

One twig snaps, then another, then there is the smallest of grunts...

Dandro’s arrow flies straight through the thick brush uninhibited thanks to it’s sheer force and soon meets a mark about forty metres away. A wet puncture sound is accompanied by a fearful scream and the sound of panicking hooves scattering from the scene. Now Delphine from her vantage can see that there is not one but a few boar, young ones racing from the scene through the brush and one silly one taking off into the clearing of the road attempting to reach the opposite side.

Their hunting dogs are barking wildly and without direction all straining at their leads at different targets, the guides are shouting for direction as they search the brush for whatever Dandro had hit.

There is one yet, a female and the largest in the group with a long arrow sticking out of the thickness of her haunch as she clears the thicket in search of her attacker. Dandro has hit the beast in its leathery rump and the shot has done nothing to inhibit the mother’s protective instincts as she is surrounded by her nearly full-grown children.

Another scream escapes the huge boar as she begins a desperate sprint toward Dandro with his bow.



Large Game South Trail - Isabel

"Please feel free to call me Isabel Prince the same to you Duchess I am not a big fan of Titles unless someone is being blatant in their disrespect, and I feel we wont have that issue between us." Isabel said as the group approached the pond. "Hmmmm I wonder if there's fish... well it wont hurt to see if we can catch something for dinner." Isabel quickly hops off her horse and makes a fish trap out of reeds. "It looks like its gets drier over there I wonder if this is a popular watering hole for nearby big game... I'm just going to go take a look before we head out." Isabel heads into the forest on the drier side of the pond to look for signs of game while setting out twitch up snares for passing small game and a couple of big game snare. "hopefully that will catch something seeing as we haven't seen anything but frogs... sigh." afterwards she comes back as the group gets ready to head out. "You know I've heard that some people eat frog legs apparently they taste like chicken? Odd that." Isabel says while eyeing the frogs as they head down the trail.


-Large Hunting Party- Eastern Trail

Seeing the boar that is Dandros target squaring up with the intent to charge, Dandro places the long bow gently on the ground and then in a smooth motion Dandro draws the two hunting knives from his legs as his stands.

"I offer this beautiful animal as tribute, from blood and bone to dirt and ash."

With his own heart beat steady hearing his own blood pumping in his ears as Dandro squares off with the mother boar. 

Dandro commands the guides and dogs to KILL THE BOAR!!!

"Aim for the smaller ones."

Dandro points out the smaller boar that are around the mother.

"The mother boar is ours."

Looking Delphine in her beautiful emerald eyes.

"Delphine. let us begin this life and death dance together, you and I."

Enjoying the idea of dancing with Delphine in the woods made Dandro smile and blush, thankfully most of his red cheeks were covered in mud.

"What do you say Delphine shall we dance? you with your spears and me with my knives we are bound to show this beautiful animal a swift departure from our realm."


-Large Hunting Party- -Western Trail-

After passing off his grouse kill to a servant, Oliver bends down to inspect the new track that was hidden beneath it. A mark of a bear on the bare soil, pointing riverward, he was sure. Curiousity eats at him too, Oliver lays his hand down against the dirt and it was easily swallowed up by the wide channels and depths of the pawprint.

His attention is immediately stolen by the indistinct cries of another guide pointing frantically towards the river, and Luna's sudden alarm confirmed Oliver's suspicions.

Out of all the rows of pikes and weapons the servants had brought with today, the largest of which was the bear spear, with its large leaf-patterned blade and crosshilt, heavy of shaft, and even more imposing than what's used against boars. Its presence always carried with it a dreadful promise. Oliver leaves behind the ominous pawprint behind, running to an aide and grabs the spear off of him, then he rushes to the bank of the river. He curses, it was too treacherous for his faithful stallion to be ridden down. Atop the bank, he's able to assess his options, looking around from side to side for anything to be used to his advantage, but in the end Oliver makes his decision. "Luna!"

The winter gyrfalcon flies back to him, and Oliver turns back around to the rest of the party. Though he just notices an outcrop of granite jutting out from the river bank, inspired, he plants his foot right on it; now framed by an outline of a blue sky behind, and illuminated by the god-given rays of the brilliant sun above him, he would cut a dashing figure with his confident grin and spear pointing down to the river:

"Come on men! Fan out and let loose the hounds from their leashes! We've caught the King of the Forest down by the river, we won't let him escape!" He rasps as he shouts, and then leads the way with an emboldened charge.


-Small hunting party-

Kenneth grinned up at the pair, idly patting one of the hounds.

"I am glad you are enjoying it! But, to be clear, I have merely assisted the Duchess in one or two matters. This was all her idea, and almost entirely her execution."

He sent the dog on it's way, picking up on the Queen's mood, and remounted to join them.

"And we can enjoy a pleasant amble, certainly. So, light conversation, perhaps? I am rather looking forward to having all of our warriors at home for a time, we should be able to arrange some more domestic pursuits, and I am considering having a private event or two with a few friends to take advantage of the opportunity. Do either of you have any particular peacetime pursuits in mind?"

De Montigny

-Large Hunting Party- Eastern Trail

Delphine is about to answer Danro's question about Midnight when the rustling turns into chaos, the large boar charging and her grown piglets beginning to scatter. She can't help but admire the young knights readiness and clam before the fight. There is no fear but joy for the battle ahead.

As the guides receive their orders, Delphin noticed their hesitation. "You heard him, don't let them get away. NOW!" It was as if shouting orders on the battlefield, she enjoyed taking command of the field, it was second nature to her. The hunters accompanying them were obviously experienced, Aila would have ensure that all nobles were well escorted to ensure success, but the unexpected number of game popping out at once was a surprise to everyone.

Noticing the one cutting across the field, she ordered the her large cat that had been raised for battle to chase after it. Midnight was smart enough that he would only pounce if certain and worse case would round it back towards their group.

"What do you say Delphine shall we dance? you with your spears and me with my knives we are bound to show this beautiful animal a swift departure from our realm." -Dandro GoldHaart

He was barely finished his sentence when Delphine was already tossing her first spear at the charging boar, she was focused on the fight at had. Her stance shifted, her body crouching slightly, her breathing slowed. She readied her long spear, waiting for the beast to get within range.

"Dandro my dear, it will be my pleasure to share this one with you."

And so it began, the real hunt, what they had came there for. The guides taking care of the smaller beasts, picking them off one by one, Dandro and herself, facing off against the trophy kill. Both ready and waiting for the next strike. They had already drawn first blood in the fight, now it was time to finish the job. Delphine licked her lips then looked over at her hunting partner with a sly smile and a wink, nodding to confirm her readiness. Her head spun back to their adversary, the long braid whipping at her shoulder in encouragement. It was time to fight!


-Small hunting party-

Kenneth grinned up at the pair, idly patting one of the hounds.

"I am glad you are enjoying it! But, to be clear, I have merely assisted the Duchess in one or two matters. This was all her idea, and almost entirely her execution."

He sent the dog on it's way, picking up on the Queen's mood, and remounted to join them.

"And we can enjoy a pleasant amble, certainly. So, light conversation, perhaps? I am rather looking forward to having all of our warriors at home for a time, we should be able to arrange some more domestic pursuits, and I am considering having a private event or two with a few friends to take advantage of the opportunity. Do either of you have any particular peacetime pursuits in mind?"


-Large Hunting Party - Southern trail-

It only took an hour, but once the group reached the pond, the trail started to open up a bit. The area around the tank was ironically a bit drier than the trail leading to it, probably because there was much more grass and less bog. As Magdalena and Faravid got down as started setting up the Duchess's traps as commanded, Gislin decided to make his own path. Searching about, he found what appeared to be game trails and set up some steel traps along its way. Disappearing into the reeds a bit, he also set up more fence traps, which were baited and well hidden among the tall plants, just off to the side of the trail in hopes that the easy grazing next to a pristine watering hole might coax something inside.

"Faravid, take the hounds to the lake now that we are all done setting traps. They may have known about this area and wanted a drink, hence the constant pulling this way. They might also be able to pick up the scent of an animal from down there. Try and get a bit of mud off of them at the very least if they do not." Commanded Gislin when he appeared from the tall grasses once more before continuing to the women, "My Lady, I hear you are an accomplished archer, and Magdalena is no slouch when it comes to the bow either. If we happen upon more flighty prey, perhaps the two of you could use those famed skills to take them down? As for you, Miss Isabel, I know not what you are good at hunting wise but the first traps should at least come in handy. Help however you see fit. I would love to see what you are capable of."


-Large Hunting Party- Western Trail-

Luna(D20=20) Dogs (D20=15) Men (D20=10) Oliver (D20=18)

Oliver leads the charge on the bear to a chorus of men roaring into action at his side. The Gyrefalcon on his shoulder takes wing and soars high into the air as the Lord vaults off of the rock outcrop.

Dogs let free of their leashes leap into the rushing waters of the river without hesitation and surround the bear with teeth gnashing ferociously. The bear itself is a male, huge and angry at with the ambush upon him while fishing, he slams both front paws against the stone riverbed with enough force to make the ground shake and roars a mighty roar that can be heard throughout the forest.

The dogs have begun leaping onto the bears back and digging their teeth into its neck, causing the beast to flail and roar, throwing a few back into the rushing waters with a mighty swipe. It is then that Oliver and his spear have caught up, sprinting through the water and jumping from slippery river rocks with the precision of a hunting cat. His spear hits its mark, pinning the massive bear under its arm so deeply that the river beneath them has already begun to run red.

Another roar, less forceful than the last erupts from the bear as it begins it’s uneasy charge toward the wielder of the ugly spear. Huge teeth bared, claws at the ready, no one could have expected the flash of white emerging from a burst of sunlight.

Luna proves that she is no mere pet today, appearing large and powerful as she dives fearlessly into the muzzle of the huge male bear and in half a heartbeat has torn both eyes from the beast.

When she retreats, viscera still clutched in her huge talons the bear is left crying now, pawing at it’s own face searching for whatever had attacked it so viciously.

There is an open opportunity now, and Lord Oliver must take it. One more powerful thrust to the bears heart ends the conflict right there in the middle of the river. Blinded, bleeding, a hulking trophy for a single Lord to claim. As Luna lands back on his shoulder, his hunting gear receives a deep bloody stain from her claws.

-Large Hunting Party- Southern Trail-(D20=20)

Further up the trail the signs of game are slowly improving, the guides are nervously assuring the Prince and the Ladies with him that their Luck will surely change soon. It was no sooner than the words had escaped him that a flock of birds exploded upward from the trees nearby them. All keen hunters, the party look toward the noise and up high in the branches looking down at them were two huge reflective red eyes.

The eyes belong to a large white cat, one who did not look particularly interested in fleeing. This un-used mountain path has been it’s home, it’s territory, and these three lords with their noisy dogs are interrupting it. It continues to stare down at them from the tree, teeth bared and huge tail puffed up and swaying menacingly.

The guides around them are experiences, but even they can say little more than. . .”It’s a snow Leopard!”

“But, It’s eyes are red!” one says, trembling at what he thinks is a demonic cat.

“My Ladies, my Lord, this is dangerous" a third warns.

-Large Hunting Party- Eastern Trail-

Men-(D20=13) Dandro-(D20=4) Delphine-(D20=1)  :(

Delphines spear flies true at first, but an almost other-worldly level of speed allows the mother boar to duck out of the way and continue her charge without slowing at all. The Boar bypasses Dandro altogether despite any efforts he makes, crashing into the unarmed Delphine at full force and running her over while squealing from the pain of the arrow already in its hide. The beast turns around again, glowering at the lady fallen in the dust. it's nostrils flare in determination, and it's black eyes shimmer with rage as she lowers her massive head and readies for another charge.

The guides have abandoned all the other boars, and rushed to the side of their Lords instead of attempting any more trophies. They shout asking Delphine if she is alright, while joining rank with Dandro anticipating another charge.

The other boars have scattered completely, leaving their mother alone to contend with the hunters.


-Large Hunting Party- Eastern Trail-

Watching the boar hit Delphine when completely ignoring Dandro.


Dandro runs to where Delphine had fallen in the dust and stands in front of Delphine and the boar.

"Charge Men get the boar's attention on me and not on our Lady!"

Dandro locks eyes with the mother boar and then takes up a defensive stance readying his hunting knives.

De Montigny

-Large Hunting Party- Eastern Trail

Delphine watched as her spear sailed past the large charging boar, all she could think about was once again missing a bail of hay, only this time she didn't feel so bad since it was at least moving.

The large creature was coming fast, both nobles stood ready. As Delphine was preparing her longer spear, the swine mother unexpectedly changed cource, completely ignoring Dandro and crashing into Delphine.

The creature hit hard, it's full weight behind the charge, obviously angered from being disturbed and willing to do whatever it took to protect her young. Delphine could instantly feel the soft leather give way to the harsh tusk that easily penetrated, tearing into her side, puncturing the skin and most likely cracking a rib.

Delphine hit the ground hard, dazed and winded for a moment as she heard the yelling around her, too stunned to make out any clear words. The only thing on her mind as she lay on her back, the sun shining on her face, was to get up. She would not be defeated by a beast so easily. This was not her first injury, and probably far from her last.

"I'm fine." She managed, even thought it was apparent she was not, signaling with her hand to Dandro that was now by her side.

She caught her breath and rolled to her side, clawing at the drying mud around her in search for her weapon unsuccessfully. Delphine brought herself to her knees, pulling the last small spear from her back harness. She anchored herself in the ground in a defensive position, waiting for another charge.

She could feel her shirt now wet from sweat and blood sticking to her skin, her breath short from the pain in her side. This was going to be a real fight after all.


-Large Hunting Party-Southern Trail- Aila

The Duchess can hardly believe her eyes. A snow leopard, in the dead of summer, in a forest miles from the mountain; what's more, it is pure white with flashing red eyes. Angry, glowering not at them but into them, Aila’s heart begins to race as she meets his gaze, and sees the same knowing look her falcon Luna possesses.

She does not want to hurt it, but does not dare look away from it to gauge the feelings of her fellow hunters. The commoners were scared, but what surprise was there in that? Commoners are scared of most things.

Until now, they had come across nothing, Aila cannot face the idea of heading back to the lodge empty handed and looking at this cat now...She wasn't too sure turning tail was an option. He looked mad, madder than mad, affronted and insulted even. Aila swallows thickly, she is nervous but trusts her old ash wood bow. She does not wait for the others' opinions before knocking an arrow, and taking aim for half a heartbeat she lets her silver tipped arrow fly at the huge cat in the tree.


"A snow leopard... in the middle of a forest during summer... this is an odd set of circumstance isn't it." Isabel thought while raising her bow and notching an arrow.

"It's been awhile I hope I can still shoot straight." Isabel let slip as she aimed.

"It'll be fine... probably." Isabel said taking a breath then suddenly releasing the arrow hoping it flies true.


-Large Hunting Party- Western Trail-

His boots wet. Wood grains of the wickedly long spear scratch tight against his palms. The song of the crashing river, the dog's frantic barks in the air, men shouting, and the roars of the monstrous bear rings through Oliver's ears. A cacophony he had not heard since the last he did battle with the Yssrgardians, facing—quite like right now—oversized sweaty beasts of packed muscle. But unlike then, Oliver was burdened by his armor, and he moved feeling like the river under his legs; quick, powerful and guided along one path to an ultimate goal.

Oliver had never quite seen a bear like this before, its size though barely makes an impression on his thoughts. Oliver had faced fear before, he was too determined to back down now. He packs away all distracting emotions into a lockbox pushed deep inside the corner of his mind until he felt cold. Focusing. Clearing away all sights distractions around him; Until it's just him and the bear. The trembling in his hands fade. The first spear stroke lands a deep blow, and he darts away again as it tries to thrash at Oliver.

A warm surge billows up inside him when he's rescued from danger by the gyrefalcon's sudden blinding of the beast, and her battle screech resounds through the air. The great king of the forest rises up on his haunches for another roar, swatting futilely at empty nothing above its head. Roaring now from the pain and outrage it felt; with red, frothy spittle flying from its muzzle shaking from side to side in great arcs. Oliver darts for this next opening. His long legs surge him forward, crashing through the river, and kicking up splashes of viscerally crimson water before him. The bear hears the danger coming and tries to turn, eerily standing on its back legs still. Oliver rushes in with a sliding maneuver, going in low for the final fatal stroke with his spear. One foot stretching out far behind him in a circular arc as he spins. He dodges under wildly flailing paw the size of his own head.

Oliver screams back to the bear's own roaring, "AAAH!" And strikes for its heart! A true hit!

The bear groans one last time. All of its weight suddenly drops on the spear and the spearbutt plants firmly into the riverbed. The dying beast sinks and sinks further along the shaft until it comes to just inches away from Oliver's face, drooling saliva and blood on him, until he breaks away just as the spear snaps beneath the colossal stress. Its body slams into a water with a splash, and all is silent around the reddening river. Oliver turns back to the wide-eyed, stunned stares of the guides and servants all around; his shieldmaiden Brynja stands nearby grinning, her eyes sparkle at the glory, and Luna alights down on Oliver's shoulder. He cheers now with his men, shoving the broken spear shaft into the air, feeling the most alive he had ever felt.


-Large Hunting Party- Southern Trail-

Perched high in the tree with bare tarnished, off yellow-white teeth, sat the large snow leopard. Three things told Gislin that this might not be your typical large cat, it being out so far at this time of year, the odd red glare in its eyes, and the nontypical aggression toward humans. Its ears were glued flat to the back of its heard, the fur on its back stood on end, and its tail was fluffed up like a ball as a deep growl could be heard and it was clearly getting ready to pounce. Before the Prince knew it two arrows flew at the beast, one from the Steward and the other the Duchess, and even Magdalena was lining up a shot with her composite bow.

There was a good chance that this beast might run away, and it posed a serious threat to the Ladies with him, so Gislin had an idea. Instead of going on an all-out assault, the aging prince raised his spear and moved toward the side of the aggressive cat in hopes of using it to both attack and drive it toward one of the steel traps set nearby. Faravid had the dogs surrounding the tree as they themselves were getting ready for a fight as he started to lift his own spear. After the three arrows from the ladies flew past their heads, the two gentlemen knew this was their chance. First, the prince thrust his spear toward the cat's side, hoping to draw blood and force it away from the ladies behind, and soon Faravid's own joined his. The dogs laid low, growling themselves waiting for an opening to defend their masters.


-Large Hunting Party-Western Trail- RETURN-(D6=5)

The traps produced 5 pieces of small game other than the grouse Oliver shot. The guides present Oliver with five fat rabbits from his snares. ((Write the journey back if you like, and join in the Lodge setting while the others finish their hunts))

-Large Hunting party- South Trail-

(Aila’s Arrow D20=17)

(Isabel’s Arrow D20=9) (MISS)

(Magdelena’s Arrow D20=19)

(Gislin’s Strike/Plan D20=8)

(Dogs D20=17)

All three women are of a similar instinct, raising their bows almost in time as they all come to the same savage conclusion. A miniature rain of arrows flies toward the leopard who has no time to react before not one but two of the shots meet their mark. A long arrow shaft tipped by silver remains stuck in it’s shoulder while another seems to have flown straight through the opposite side.

The sound that erupts from the cat is a horrible one, the terrible mix of anger and fear as it realizes that it had chosen to challenge the wrong hunting party. It is no surprise that when the brave Prince comes forward with his spear that the Leopard attempts to mount a retreat rather than face more steel but the injury to it’s upper body is severe. Globs of deep red blood pour from the branches down to Gislin boots as he approaches with the weapon raised and from above comes crashing down the huge cat before Gislin has a chance to make his first thrust.

The dogs are upon it before anyone else can get near, a ball of furious flying fur and gnashing teeth feels the forest with a terrible racket and a violent sight.

-Large Hunting party- Eastern Trail-

(Dandro D20=4)

(Delphine D20=20!!!)

(Men D20=1)

Delphine’s stance is one of a true warrior, the look of determined focus on her face makes the scene turn still, even the sounds of the forest seem to hush as the two opponents face off. Two women battle hardened and unafraid, both wounded, a deserving match to be had under the scorching summer sun. Her guides can only stand back in wonder as their noble charge musters up such strength and determination to stand from such a blow to fight again.

The standoff feels like hours, but in truth it is mere seconds. In a furious burst of speed the boar comes at Delphine again, ignoring all obstacles and sending guides flying as she barrels through their attempts to stop her.

Dandro is in no position to help, he can only watch as the two forces of nature meet in the middle and this time...It is Lady Delphine who comes out on top. There is no deafening scream or dying throws as the Delphine connects the head of her spear with the throat of the charging boar. Just the sound of metal racking against flesh and a thud that makes the earth shake as the boar turns over onto its side with its throat opened up, she dies in seconds.

The men thrown from their feet scramble to help Lady Delphine, but her expert lance skills have won the day completely.

((OOC, bare with me for a little bit particularly western trail. I am working on a scene for the Lodge when we return to it. Oliver can join in as soon as I post it, Delphine and Dandro also may if they like since they did not get a chance set any traps and need medical attention. Gislin Isabel and Aila (me :P) have 1 more turn to kill the leopard and I also have to roll for their traps so we will arrive last to the lodge. If we 3 can get our posts out today I will do a second roll for us just so we can all move on to the drinking/partying phase of things :D

Hope you guys are all enjoying the random dice portion. This next portion will be more what we are used to, unstructured, no post order no dice rolls etc. Socialize drink or just go home if youre just here for the dice :P ))


The Lodge -Post Hunt-

It is late in the afternoon when the first hunters return from their paths in the woods. The summer sun is still high for now, and the clearing around the lodge has been transformed by the combined personal Staff of Duchess Aila and Duke Kenneth. Wooden tables have been set up outside, some for cooking and some for holding cooked food, and several cooking fires are dotted around as the staff prepare valuable river fish and vegetables for the dishes planned. There are wagons with huge kegs and barrels are parked not too far away and at the far side of the clearing carts await game for the butchers to skin and quarter while the hunters relax. The kennel masters await their dogs' return with generous portions of food provided by the Duchess to keep them quiet and lazy in their crates for the rest of the night.

Upon arrival several of the serving girls leave their work to swarm the returning game and it’s hunters, some to take the smaller trophies to the butcher and others simply to squeal and stare and ask how on earth they managed it before being shouted away by the guides. All three parties have managed to encounter a huge beast of some sort, all three have impressive stories to tell as a result. There is no shortage of huge, curious eyes as they order what is to be done with their trophies.

If any medical attention is required, healers await within a room inside the hunting lodge fully stocked and as clean as if it were the Duchess’ own infirmary. Otherwise, drinks will be provided upon arrival- a choice of beer, mead, wine, mainly but a small collection of anything else one might think of is on offer thanks to the meticulous planning of the Duchess of Perdan. When all have gathered a mountain of food awaits being served...Among other planned surprises.


-Large Hunting party- South Trail-

The leopard was yowling with pain as it slammed into the ground, but it was able to put up a good fight with the hounds as Faravid set them upon it. Several of the dogs got low, growling with anticipation, ready to pounce. As one hound darted from the neck, the feline swatting it away with a hiss. Another dog managed to get behind it and tried to subdue the big cat but instead was knocked back when it spun around.

Gislin observed the encounter with quiet intent while slowly maneuvering into place. The hounds were distracting the beast, and the prince knew that one of two things would happen. Either the great cat would be felled, or it would hurt someone trying. Stalling, watching, waiting for his moment the prince inched closer and closer. The leopard was paying him little mind as it was busy for the dogs, all he needed was the perfect shot. Finally, it came as one of the dogs jumped forward in a way that caused the leopard to leave a vital spot open and clear. Immediately, the prince took advantage and lunged forward with his spear hoping to hit its mark and not a dog.


-Large Hunting party- Eastern Trail

Running over to Lady Delphine and the slain mother boar.

"MEN bring me fresh clean water and clean bandages NOW!!"

Dandro kneels down in front of Lady Delphine stabbing his hunting knives point first into the ground next to him as he falls to his knees to help his hunting partner.

"May I have permission to tend to your wound Delphine?"

When Dandro is waiting for permission to tend his hunting partner.

"We need to see how bad your wound is Delphine."

Dandro uses his clean hunting knife from across his chest to help loosen her leather armour to see how bad the wound is.


-Large Hunting Party-Southern Trail- (D20=6)

(Steel traps (D6=3)

(Reed Traps D6=1)

(Fence 1 Coin flip =heads) (Dice roll D4=3)

(Fence 2 Coin flip = tails)

  • coin flip success = heads

The fight the dogs are putting up is vicious and wild, hard to watch and even harder to keep track of. The Prince is the lone man close enough to put an end to the struggle and he tries; but the scene is too wild. A dog jumps in the way of his spear, running away from the group yelping as Gislins accidentally strikes it’s leg on the way in for the killing blow.

As soon as his spear strikes the struggle is over. The guides roar for their dogs to back off and reluctantly they do, revealing a slightly mauled by still spectacular trophy to bring back. Average size for a male of its species, but of a very rare coloring; pure white with no spots at all with shining red eyes that stare off into nothing as the nobles circle around to inspect their kill. The Guides hired by the Duchess whoops and sigh, slapping each other on the back in their relief that none of their noble charges were harmed.

On the way back the traps are checked and amount to:

3 fat rabbits

1 ugly eel

1 angry beaver hissing inside the fence trap as you approach.

((Write your return, or arrival at the lodge with your trophies)


The Lodge -Post Hunt-

Returning from his hunt first Oliver decides to kick his feet up, literally, at one of the tables placed outside for all the guests and waits for the others to return. A gaggle of guests noticed the great bear he hauled back in his cart, and they came to swarm around him like chirping curious hens. The young lord soaks in all the attention with pretty smiles, and he regales them all the danger he faced with light humor; and he puffs out his chest, with his jerking still dirtied crimson from shoulder to breast like a badge of honor for him. His loyal servant Brynja is sat at a table nearby, who casts jealous glances at her lord's time being taken up.

This cheerful, glutted mood was not going to go away anytime soon, and as the other noble guests chattered around him, he idly swirls his wine wondering what he will do with the remains of his prize. He was keeping the great bear skin and its head, of course—while the rest of it can go to the cooks tonight.

De Montigny - GoldHaart

-Large Hunting party- Eastern Trail (collab with Dandro)

As the large mother boar began her final charge, Delphine spoke without words to her patron Leandra, asking for strength in this final stand. She watched as the creature tossed aside the hunting guides effortlessly, ignoring their attempts at slowing it down. Just as the Boar Queen Mother of Meuse's forests was about to make contact, Delphine raised the metal tipped spear up, catching the animals throat. The tail of the spear anchoring deep within the soft soil under the force and weight, giving Delphine just enough time to move out of the way, and finally the spear gave out, snapping before the final thud of the corpse hitting the ground dead. For a moment, there was silence in the chaos, those watching assessing what had just occurred.

The men rushed to the Margravine's side, but the only one that mattered was Dandro.

"May I have permission to tend to your wound Delphine?" When Dandro is waiting for permission to tend his hunting partner. "We need to see how bad your wound is Delphine." -Dandro GoldHaart

"Trying to get under my armor already after we just met now?" She teased the you knight, then coughed and clutched her side in pain, a she tried to suppress a laugh.

She allowed Dandro to remove the leather armor, and cut open the fabric beneath, exposing the wound. She could almost see him blush as he exposed the pale skin, now bloodied from the assault. She winced as water was poured from a waterskin offered by one of the younger guides. Dandro carefully rolled a piece of cloth and pressed it against the wound, then bound it with a length of rope. Delphone smiled as she was being tended to, the could see the dead boar, the prize of the hunt, laying lifeless in it's pool of blood.

"Looks like a successful hunt to me, got the big prize everyone was here for. We made a pretty good team, even though I did the hard part." She winked at Dandro.

Delphine called to the guides that were just standing there, staring at Dandro tending to the would. "Well what are you waiting for, collect our prize." The men hastily got to gutting, bleeding and tying the large boar to bring back to camp. Luckily they weren't actually that far, so transporting the dead beast wasn't too hard.

As they were getting ready to leave, Midnight showed back up. "A lot of help you were." She petted her feline companion before being helped onto Dandro's horse. Dispite her protest, the chivalrous knight insisted she ride back with him. Delphine didn't put up much of a fight, she was actually looking forward to getting a little closer.

As they rode in, Dandro immediately made his way to the healers tent, refusing to leave Delphine's side until she was well. The healers wasted no time in tending to the noble as they had been instructed to do. She turned to Dandro who was patiently watching over the work being done. "You know you don't need to stay, I'll be ready for that dance in no time. The fun part is taking the armor off, not putting it back on." She smiled. "Besides, someone has to to show off our trophy kill. And while you are at it, make sure you have a drink ready for me when I get out to join you."


-The Lodge - Post Hunt

Having overseen Delphine's treatment and safety Dandro nods his understanding.

"I will get the mother boar, drink and dance ready for when you join me out side of this tent Delphine."

Then Dandro smiles at his hunting partner feeling his cheeks turning red with the thoughts of dancing with Delphine when life and death were not in the mix and all the images of the removing of her armour when not in the act of tending to her wounds.

"You really did give the mother boar impressive departure from our realm my Lady and from the moves you put on for me in the hunt I look forward to seeing you dance at the feast and then at our later date of you showing me your sword skills, both I look forward to seeing."

In that moment Dandro picked up Delphine's hand and kissed the back of it.

"What does my Lady drink? I will have the boar mother a seat, drink and dance waiting for you My Lady."

Letting Delphine have her hand back before nodding and the smiling at his hunting partner one last time before leaving the tent to find the boar and the men to make sure it is ready to be presented to the other hunters when Delphine was ready.

"Excellent work men, In getting the boar mother here in a timely manner and for your efforts in todays hunt, have the boar mother ready for when our Margravine Delphine is ready to help me present our prize to our fellow hunters."

Having tended to Delphine, the men and the boar mother Dandro looked at himself still covered in mud, blood and sweat could not help but laugh at the days events, each one playing over in his mind as he finds the wash room and gets himself more presentable, each it he thought of his hunting partner, with her beautiful emerald eyes and dark hair and then to her endurance to stand after taking such a hit that would floor most what incredible strength in her, Delphine had made Dandro hers through her hunting of the boar mother and Dandro gave thanks to the boar mother for her parting gift to him, It would seem the the boar mother was not the only prize Delphine had secured this day.


-Bonfire at the Lodge-

Aila is already cheering after her first shot hits home, Gislin’s edging toward it was enough to startle it crashing into the ground and as it was overtaken by dogs she knew it was over, dismounting her horse to try and get a better look at the action happening in the brush. She pays no mind to the fleeing dog after Gislin’s killing blow and instead runs to the Prince’s side whooping as she hugs him without warning. To the sound of the guide's protests she steps forward to poke the beast’s eye with her bow to ensure it is dead before getting close.

Their party arrives last of all to the hunting lodge late in the afternoon. Like with the others the commoners had come to swarm and admire their kill, gasping and holding their hands up to the cat’s massive paw as it dangled off the back of Gislin’s saddle. Aila did not seem to mind the peasants today, where she would normally chase them away from her; she stays to brag and brag about her shot, the silver arrow still there in it’s shoulder as proof. Before she leaves she turns to Isabel and Gislin, ordering them "Stay for the food and drink, Kenneth has planned something special for us. I will see you by the fire."

One by one she tours the other groups trophies, a freakishly large bear and a huge, battle-scarred boar...She had not as much to brag about as she thought, it seemed her peers were as fine hunters are herself; and to say that bothered her would be an understatement. She turns from the trophies being strung up on display to watch Oliver sitting with a buxom girl on each knee as he recounts the tale of his bear hunt. The guides that had gone with him were already drinking and yelling “Yeah!” when appropriate and roaring like the bear to go along with the story, slapping Oliver jovially on the shoulder as if they had forgotten he was not one of their own.

She turns away from him with lips pursed to find Gideon smirking at her knowingly, and holding a pewter cup by it’s rim out for her. “You’re jealous you didn’t get the bear” Gideon surmises. “No, not jealous… You’re mad he did as well as you”

Her slender fingers are quick enough to snatch the drink and swallow a good portion of it before scowling at him. “Why should I hunt every day to be matched by-”

Gideon laughs outright now, amused by her childishness “You are hungry”

This makes her bristle “Why is everything about food to you?”

“You are just such a little witch when you’re hungry now come along and eat you’ve had nothing since the early morning”

She had to admit, the sensation of wine hitting her empty stomach had been unpleasant, she yielded “Fine” and allowed herself to be led to the tables slowly loaded down with food. Gideon makes no comment as her knife goes first for a pheasant's breast, petite and stuffed with delicate plums before being drowned in honey. A few bites later she has gone from vicious brat to pleasant Duchess again, asking “Did everyone get along well?”

“Yes, yes...Delphine took a strike from a boar however. She is with the healers now, expected to join us shortly. “

“Oh no” Aila laments, still hovering by the table improperly picking for more sweet morsels.

“She and Sir Dandro are getting along very well, I noticed”

“Oooh, No~”.

De Montigny

A smile was perceivable on Delphin's lips as Dandro softly kissed the back of her hand. The hunt definitely did not go as planned, but the prize was well worth it.

"What does my Lady drink? I will have the boar mother a seat, drink and dance waiting for you My Lady." -Dandro GoldHaart

"Anything with alcohol in it at this point." She laughed thought the plain. The healer's herbs and balms were fine, but she wanted to get the edge off, and besides, it was time to celebrate. If she were to listen to the healers, she would need to stay with them for the duration of the evening and miss out on all the fun. Perdan hosted parties like no other realm, Caligus was lucky to have them as allies, both for their military and event planning.

It took almost an hour for Delphine to finally be discharged, most of that time was wasted waiting on the healers preparing their ointments. Every time someone entered the tent she secretly hopped if was Dandro with her drink, or maybe just to check up on her, either way she was looking forward to spending the evening with him, celebrating their great hunt.

Walking out, she noticed the buzzing had intensified quite a bit, there was cheering all around. The most obvious was Oliver, telling his great tale, not getting tired of recalling the events that had unfolded. Probably exaggerating a bit of it. She rolled her eyes as the peasant women ogled over every word, bosms practically spilling out as they attempted to get closer to him. He must certainly be proud of himself and would most likely take every opportunity to remind everyone of his feat. The bear was a nice, but still smaller than the massive boar her own party had brought back. She also wondered why it was missing it's eyes. How strange she thought.

The next trophy on display must have comme from the group that headed towards the mountains. It was what seemed to be a snow leopard, but something didn't seem quite right with it. In any case it was still an impressive cat that was warranting attention. On that note, she wondered where Midnight had gone. Usually he would have waiting outside the tent for her, or not. She spotted her own large cat, laying under the table where Dandro was seated, chewing on a decent piece of meat, the leg of something. Her hunting partner found the way to the felines heart, his stomach. She smiled.

She approached the table where Dandro was telling their own tale to those listening. Their own trophy on display just a little ways off, in all her glory. The beast was certainly impressive, probably the biggest boar she had ever seen, Delphine realized how lucky she had been, things could have gone a lot worse. No one would believe her now if she told them how inadequate she was at hunting, the truth is, it was mostly luck and stubbornness that got her the kill. Leandra certainly helped today.

As usual, Midnight stopped what he was doing for a second acknowledging her presence, yawned, then went right back to gnawing the meat off his bone. Delphine approached Dandro from behind and tapped his right shoulder, as he turned, she reached over his left and took his drink off the table, drinking down whatever was left. She could have taken the full one obviously set aside from her, but she felt playful after the day they had.

"Thanks, just what I needed." She immediately noticed the joy in his eyes, but before he could say a word, she kissed him on the cheek. "I'm just going to change into something clean, I'll be right back." With that, she went off to the room that had been assigned to her to clean up and change into something more appropriate for dinner and dancing.


-The Lodge - Post Hunt

Dandro could not help but feel joy at seeing Delphine standing on her feet and then it takes Dandro a moment to realize what had just happened when Delphine walks away to get cleaned up, Dandro can't help but blush as I begin to drink the drink that he had put aside for Delphine. Turning to Midnight as I speak to Delphine's cat.

"It looks like we will be seeing more of each other."

Dandro places another piece of meat to Midnight before returning to his own meal and thinking about the day's events until the dance begins.


The group moved back to the cabin together, but Gislin stuck closer to the back than usual. Aila had taken the lead and was pushing the group along faster than he liked, but as the senior member of the group, it was her prerogative. She had flung her arms around him in an unexpected hug not long after his spear stabbed into the feline to ensure its death. The warmth of another human body, after so long, felt nice and he could feel his heart rate slightly rise. It'd been since before Yssrgard since he'd had human contact even as simple as a hug and was unsure how to feel about it.

The lodge was up ahead a little way, and the Duchess could already be heard bragging about the kill while flaunting the silver-tipped arrow buried within. It made Gislin wonder if that is why she used inferior metal to tip her arrows, so the head would warp easier and therefore stick better. The thought seemed redundant as arrows rarely went through as Magdalena's did, so perhaps she did it just for a show of wealth. The flames of the great bonfire were already burning high and hot before the Prince finally reached them.

Around the bonfire, there were many servants offering a wide assortment of refreshments. Everything from the most expensive wines, to the most putrid of ales, were available. Observing the scene before him, Gislin could already see that the most prominent catch of each group was already on display, and several of the hunters were already gaggled about and bragging. Quietly, the Prince found himself a seat away from the group to rest his aching back, and before he knew it Magdalena was present with a fine mead for him.

"I know you care for such things, My Lord," she spoke in her thick and rural accent, "Perhaps you should go and mingle with your fellow hunters?" 

"In time, my dear Adjutant, I fear I must. The duchess did order me to stay after all, and commands of such usually means talking with the others." His answer was quiet and withdrawn, paying more attention to those around them than to Magdalena herself.

It seemed that Oliver was living up to his promiscuous reputation, already having two questionable women on his lap. The new noble, whom he did not recognize, seemed to be deeply worried about Delphine. What he failed to realize was that she was a strong woman and would easily recover.

"The Duchess seems to be proud of our kill, already boastful about her arrow still stuck in its side." The olive-skinned woman spoke while she put her shayla back around her head.

"Of course she is, and she has every right. Let her relish in the kill, fame, and recognition seems to be one of the things she craves most." His answer was a bit more jovial that time as he started to sip at his mead, "My job was to keep her alive out there. We don't need recognition for the hunt."

Gislin gazed about a bit more to see if there were any openings for a conversation with others. Mingling was not his best asset being alone and isolated for so long, but he knew it would be expected.


Sufficiently fed, Aila surveys the area again in that particular way she always did, nose high in the air as she judges whether or not her event is going as she would like. The other nobles seemed happy enough, though many of them had not been seen by her yet. The event itself had been for Caligan Ambassadors of which she saw no sign of, but was assured they were there. She wondered amusedly if they were ghosts while she left the cooking fires and headed to the pyre of wood and tinder in the largest part of the clearing. Gideon is following closely behind noting how he has added to it while she was gone and now it was taller than her, but it wins no praise.

"Where is the Prince and Isabel? I don't want them to miss this."

"They were just nearby..."

"What of Kenneth?"

"Somewhere around here…" he begins to search the area for any sign of the Duke or Prince but stops abruptly when Aila steps up onto a bench beside him. He forgets Kenneth and reaches out worried as he watches her climbing furniture.

Around their fire large benches had been dragged out of the lodge and they had created a comfortable area to gather and drink while the staff brought around food. "All that is left is to light it and get this started" Aila does not wait for Gideon's reply before beckoning the others over with a shrill whistle on two fingers. The whistle is a skill from her falconry, as a result her falcon is the first to arrive- landing curiously on the leather shoulder of Aila's gear.

Everyone in the clearing will see the Duchess standing tall and confident, waving them over.

As the others arrive she waves and greets from atop her bench and waits a long moment before speaking over the small crowd in that familiar Perdanese accent. "Thank you to all for joining in on this most successful hunt. As many of you may know I am a bit of an enthusiast and it has always been a dream of mine to organize an event like this.

Together we brought back not one, but three amazing trophies which I recommend you all admire before they are taken to the meat carts. I know now that not only am I surrounded by extremely competent people, I feel it once again confirms the presence of our great blessing from the Goddess.” She is smiling broad as she mentions Leandra, but her face turns to concentration as Gideon hands her a large flickering torch.

Carefully Aila takes the torch and aims momentarily before throwing it high onto the top of the pyre, catching the whole thing alight in a few seconds. As she watches, Gideon next hands her another cup of wine which she holds out to the small crowd shouting over the roar of the flames “Now let us eat, drink, and celebrate our great hunt!”

To the sound of a cheer Luna flies off and Aila hops down from the bench to drink deeply from her cup and takes a seat by the fire. It is not long before the girls hired begin making the rounds with huge heavy trays of food to feed those gathering around the fire. Piles of roasted onions and honeyed meats, boiled vegetables, tender hand pies and bowls of stews and of course an endless stream of alcohol to go with all of it.


After finishing his meal Dandro walks over to have a look at the three trophies and thinks what amazing animals Perdan. Looking at the two other trophies and asked the people around each one how each had been dispatched and could not help but feel some pride in his own Lady Duchess Aila Storme's story.


As if she had read his mind Lady Duchess Aila Storme summoned the gathered lords and ladies of the hunt to the fire, Dandro nods and walks over to see his Lady Duchess Aila Storme standing on a bench with what appears to be a bird of pray on her shoulder both looking magnificent in the falling light of the days sun and then in a different way when framed by fire light.

After Lady Duchess Aila Storme steps down Dandro takes the opportunity to give his Lady Duchess Aila Storme a congratulations on her successful hunt and the event of the hunt its self. Approaching and then giving his Lady a deep bow and then a wide smile.

"My Lady Duchess Aila Storme, congratulations on a successful hunt event and your own hunt as well, I have heard the tail of your arrow flying true. If it would it be appropriate you like a dance? My Lady Duchess Aila Storme."


The bonfire was lit, food was circulating on carefully balanced platters as meat was carved off the slowly rotating spits, and drink was flowing freely. Kenneth had been busily arranging a few final touches, but now gave a satisfied nod and a small signal. He began circulating among the celebrants, directing them to keep an eye and ear out, as the main entertainment was soon to begin. The music began to die down as the various performers finished their songs, and if not silence, then at least less of a raucous din settled over the area.

It was time.

One of the open spaces near the main feast area had been cordoned off, with a few retainers in the livery of the Outer Walls guard of Bescanon keeping it clear of boisterous guests or drunken hunters. The reason for that suddenly became clear as a burst of flame erupted, and steam or smoke covered the area. Within, dancers in blues and greys and muted greens slowly became apparent, moving sinuously, creating currents in the fog. White scarves mimicked whitecaps and curling waves that never seemed to reach any shore. Two figures stood out: One dancer in magnificent sea green; and another, smaller dancer in a dark, dark red. Where the red dancer moved, the other dancers congregated in their wake, seeming to multiply and thrive.

The music that accompanied all this was mainly deep, resonant drums, but with a more vibrant, frustrated thrum of brighter strings following the movements of the dancer in red. This figure would occasionally conduct a frenzied dance around silent, unmoving figures on the ground, who would begin to stir. Until the dancer in sea green swirled by, and they stilled once more.

Then the figure in red danced in a fierce circle; once, twice, thrice, and flung herself to the right through a new eruption of red flame. Out of the mists, she landed in the direct view of the audience, as a brassy fanfare urged her on. And they could now see a powerful, stocky, triumphant woman holding a long staff that burned red from both ends, and she dipped an end in one of five braziers in the clearing, which began to burn with its own red flame. She danced around more unmoving figures, now revealed in the shrunken mist, and this time they were not stilled by the figure in sea green. They rose, and for a brief moment several danced with the red woman. But soon, the music changed from triumphant to frustrated once again, as the movement of the other dancers became jerky, and they fell once more unmoving.

The woman in red, face contorted in her efforts, then threw her staff in the air, quickly removing a layer of her voluminous robes, pulling one of the still figures to their feet, and wrapping the cloth about them. The reverse of the dark red showed a bright gold, and as the red woman caught her staff, she wrenched a portion of it free, tossing it to the new dancer in gold. This dancer swept it across another brazier, from which now burned a golden flame, and her own small rod now burned with red on one end, and gold on the other. Her ascension was greeted with a metallic melody, less severe than the red.

The golden woman now danced around two more of the silent figures, who rose and reversed their dark robes, showing gold as well. One held a sickle and cornucopia as he danced, the other a bow and golden arrow, and they danced behind the woman with the golden flame. And while all this took place, the red and gold women gathered the fallen figures once more, and they danced for a time all together. But the sea green dancer sent figures from the mists, and they strove to pull the mists with them, and the red and gold women strove against them, and between them the other dancers were pushed aside, only to fall once more.

Then the sea green dancer reversed the coat of one of her people, and out of the mists a new dancer came. Rather than striving against the flames he flew with them, friendly and airy, his coat the light blue of a summer's day, and his robes rustled like the wind in the trees, and reed instruments breathed his motif. Slowly the fiery dancers seemed to be convinced, and working all together they once more gathered the others to the dance. And for the first time, the dance was whole. They completed a round, ecstatic in their triumph, but the lesser dancers continued, beginning to stumble in apparent exhaustion, hiding their eyes from the flames.

The woman in sea green danced her anxiety, reversing the coat of another of her people of the mists, and a man in a midnight cloak with scattered stars joined the flames. He spread his cloak as he danced, protecting the others from the harsh light of the braziers, but he craned his head to always follow the golden woman, and he began to move opposite her, following in her wake behind the golden men.

The woman in red, busy in her own dance, suddenly saw the new man in the dance, and whirled in fury toward the mists. The flames flared again as she charged at them, the dancers scattering before her save one woman who could only backpedal. At the very edge of the mists she was met by the woman in sea green and the green and red fought for a time, each buffeting the hapless dancer between them, until she fell with a cry and the rest of the dancers, both within the flames and within the mists, recoiled in obvious fear.

The sea green and red dancers, grudgingly, then worked together. The figure in red flung her staff up again as the figure in sea green pulled another robe off her, reversing it to reveal a vibrant, shimmering blue. The red woman caught her staff, wrenching another piece off, that she again gave to the new dancer, who lit a third brazier that flamed in blue, and her rod flamed red on one end, and blue on the other. The new blue dancer stayed in the boundary between flame and mist, and whenever one side or the other lunged out she was there to slow them, guide them, and so the balance was kept. The music that followed her steps was a mixture, partaking of the drums as well as the brass in a more harmonious whole.

But in the great clash, some of the other dancers had fallen, in their fear or haste to escape, and they now rose again unbidden by any of the rest. They now wore masks of bone, or monstrous snouts, or horns and tails. They menaced the lesser dancers outside the mists, and while the red woman could drive them off, there were too many of them, too many to protect. And so with a cry of anguish she tossed her much-reduced staff in the air again, removing another robe, and reversing it raised one final figure and clad her in brilliant white raiment. And when she gave a part of her staff again, the new rod was no shorter than what was left to the red woman, and the fourth brazier burned a brilliant white as a new champion strode forth to gather and guard all from the onslaught. With her bright white flame and shield emblazoned with a flaming sword, none dared stand against her, and her music was proud and knightly chanting, the ringing of steel, and the tramp of feet.

Now the red woman knelt, exhausted, only one small rod remaining, her form revealed now to be no more powerful than any of the others under a single layer of bright red fabric. And while the white lady led the fight against the greatest onslaughts, always something slipped past her guard, always someone she trusted and guarded turned out to have a secret mask. But the red woman did nothing, and so the sea green dancer came out, revealing a rod of her own, and she lit one end with the red brazier. But when she thrust it into the fifth and final brazier, the flame there was black, and black too was the other end of her rod when she lit it. And this flame was not given to one dancer alone, but shared among the lesser dancers. Whenever some dark thing crept up on them, the nearest would snatch it and menace the beast. It was not always near, the flame did not always protect, and sometimes there was a struggle between dancers on who would hold the flame, but it was enough, and the number that fell and the number that rose under the guidance of the gold woman were finally equal.

And in front of that tableau, a lone man strode out, wearing robes of red and gold, blue and white, and with black trimming. He held a double-handful of ash, and flung it across all the braziers, flaring them into a brilliant, chaotic mix of all colours, as all the dancers flew forwards, and came to a graceful halt before the onlookers as the music rose to a glorious note-

And then silence, and stillness, as water was heaved across the braziers, and the rods were doused, covering all in a thick mist once again.


After returning from the hunt Isabel returns to her normal behavior in the company of other nobles quiet and secluded. As the day goes by and night begins to fall a large bonfire was formed. Isabel sees the other nobles near the fire talking to each other socializing as normal as she leans against a tree a bit away from the large group.

"I missed... I know its been awhile since i've gone hunting...but... I missed." Isabel thinks again for what must have been the hundredth time since they returned to camp. Isabel slumps against the tree sitting on the ground. "heh... some Vorn." Isabel whispers to herself looking down at her hands. "If they ever find out..." Isabel fears as she sits against the tree repeating the original thought.


Dandro and his impeccable manners approach her unexpectedly, and earn a smile from the Duchess thanks to his deep bow. He congratulates her graciously and she is left blushing and flattered by his comments; When he asks her to dance she agrees right away. “Oh, the music” She says suddenly realizing the bards had not appeared yet “Gid, the bards!” she calls to her manservant but he just shakes his head and puts a finger up to his lips.

Not understanding, Aila whirls back to Dandro to explain she did not know where the bards were when a burst of flame erupts nearby them, and a steamy must began to cover the ground. Her reaction of course at first is fear, she did not plan this! But then she recalls...She is not along in planning everything anymore, and Kenneth had mentioned something about fire dancers in their meetings...

She says nothing, staying close to Dandro as she watches the display with uncommonly good nature despite the twisting of uncertainty inside herself. Control was the name of her game, planning, knowing the order of events, approving, but Kenneth was as competent as ever. Her worries are washed away with the ebb and flow of the dancers making their scene in the clearing.

It does not take her long to grasp what is going on, she nudges the knight beside her and whispers close to his ear “It’s the story of my faith”. The two of them had talked about it, and now before them was being performed the story of those deities she had found such a love for learning about. The duchess watches on with large eyes filled with admiration, as a shimmering blue Goddess is revealed she finds herself wishing she knew where on earth Kenneth was, to arrange this without her help...She wanted to watch it with him!

Tearing her eyes away, she glances at Dandro beside her for half a heartbeat to see if he was as impressed as she, but as the music shifted and changed to a melodious harmony she forgot him again. She knows the story, and knows what is coming. The white figure appearing with her flame and shield is the main event for her, clasping both hands to her chest as she had never seen a real person dressed to represent the Goddess. For the rest of the dance, she is all that Aila pays close attention to and when it comes to an end. When the music quiets and the smoky mists settle she is the first leading a round of applause for the performers. Turning to Dandro she rubs a sleeve under her eyes rather improperly to remove some tears, equal fault of the smoky air and of the beautiful Goddess depictions. Clearing her throat, she waves a signal to Gid and he nods in understanding, running to fetch the bards at last so they can dance. “That was amazing,” she says finally, fully expecting the man to agree with her.

"And for once, I had nothing to do with it."


Oliver suddenly arrives with wispy lines of red, green, and blue smoke trailing and hanging off his form; tiny memories of the Aspect of Flame's grand show. In a single thrust, he sends his spear between Isabel's nobley, lithe legs and pierces the ground on which she sits. That was likely to get the woman's attention. If she were to look up from her melancholic stare on her hands, she'd see Oliver's large penetrating spear, based on its size, was in fact the broken haft of the one he used to hunt the bear—and knight- now lord, himself grinning.

He kicks one of his feet up on the trunk of the old tree, close to Isabel's shoulder, and Oliver leans forward on his elbow.

"Impressive show, wasn't it Lady Isabel? It seems Her Grace has good taste as always." Oliver asks gently, rolling and simmering his words to effect with his Dwilight accent. "I'm afraid I'm here to be your pest and see if I can ask you for a dance this evening." He smirks confidently in himself, and his eyes glitter with the invitation; all while the bards were slowly summoned behind closer to the bonfire to play their music.


The party seemed to be raging as the prince sat there drinking his mead. At no point did he see an opening to conversate. Everyone was just going about in their hedonistic, self-serving ways, a common theme in Perdan he noted. Few went out of their way truly for others, despite being the birthplace of Leandra's worship, despite her so-called "church" having sway here. Perhaps this was why none of them cared about what the laws stated until it affected them. Maybe It was because none of them cared about anyone else but themselves. However, they did at least seem happy.

Lost in his thoughts, Gislin didn't even notice when everything went quiet and was started by the fire spewing forth as women started to dance in fanciful colors. Green, blue, red, and yellow, all the colors were spinning and twirling before his eyes. The former duke was mesmerized by the display even though he had little idea what it meant. Nothing performed in the show made any sense to him, but it was awe-inspiring regardless. Gislin spots Aila and Dandro nearby, and overhears her explanation of the one in white, with the shield, being her goddess while seeing the tears form in her eyes at the end. Magdalena had not accompanied her lord, instead, she was off enjoying the after-party with others the best she could. A foreigner, like him, she seemed to at least be integrating better than he.

"Interesting views of Leandra." He estimated as he came up behind the pair. "As her shield, I tell you, My Lady, Her Holiness is much more than what was displayed. While she certainly is a goddess of war and battled, she also embodies honor, justice, and integrity."

The man was still perplexed as to who all the rest of the individuals were. Just twisting flames it seemed, no real story to be gleaned other than those who already knew it. Blue, green, red, the figure of darkness, what did it all mean? Still, this interpretive dance was more accurate than what he had seen from within The Pride. This "flames" religion at least mentions her, which was more than he had seen The Pride do in some time.

"My Lady, I would ask you who or what all the rest of the flames were or represented. I did not know other religions worshiped Her Holiness. Though I would also be interested in hearing what you have to say about what was just seen. Perhaps before the duchess speaks? Having another outside view could be interesting.


Isabel looks up surprised as a spear breaks the ground in front of her. She scrambles away from the spear and the boot against the tree and stands up shivering from a nonexistent chill. "where's the rest of it?" Isabel asks pointing to the spear stuck in the ground. "that seems a bit small to hunt with." Isabel says to cover up her surprise at the young man's actions. "and I didnt see the show that you were talking about was it impressive?" Isabel starts scanning the people nearby hoping to see a familiar face. "also I don't dance. I cant i was never taught and that is perfectly acceptable to me Sir Olive. I am sure there are plenty of people around whom would love to have a Dance with you but me I am fine over here i quite like the peacefulness." Isabel states a special emphasis on a couple of words.


Enjoying the smile Dandro had brought to his ladies face before the dancers, fog and flames captured both of there attention and Dandro had begun to see some of the ideal and ideas that his Lady Duchess Aila Storme had spoken to him about over there meal upon their first face to face, having his Lady Duchess Aila Storme in wonder was a very pleasing sight in its self and then when Dandro felt her nudge and explanation he felt very happy to have found a student of the cosmos in his Lady Duchess Aila Storme​​​​​​​, seeing the joy and the emotions at the end of the show, Dandro could not help but applaud the stunning live display of faith, ideas, and ideals.

Dandro finished applauding, turning his attention back to his Lady Duchess Aila Storme.

"Amazing to see what you had spoken of coming to life before our eyes in such a dazzling display of color and energy my Lady Duchess Aila Storme."

Turning to see who had spoken from behind our shoulders and not knowing who they were so Dandro nodded at the newcomer with a welcoming smile to the conversation, Always happy to have more in a conversation about the cosmos and their thoughts of the ways of the cosmo.

"My Lord."

Then as my etiquette kicked in and Dandro nodded to wait for his Lady Duchess Aila Storme's response.

Talking the opportunity when Dandro was waiting for both to hear his Lady Duchess Aila Storme to expand upon her views and also to begin the dance with renewed joy and enthusiasm from having witnessed the stunning display we had just witnessed, Dandro scanned the crowd and surrounding for who else was at the bonfire looking for his hunting partner, in particular, having been snapped out of his enchantment cast over him first by his own Lady Duchess Aila Stormes speech and her magnificent bird and then the dancers that followed.


Entering the light of the main bonfire, the man in the many-coloured robes strode in, removing the plain mask that had made him a faceless performer. The Duke of the Riverlands gave a broad grin and bowed as he accepted various bits of applause, and called out in a clear voice that seemed to slip through the din of merriment without the coarseness of shouting.

"Friends and allies, I hope you enjoyed the performance! The Troupe of the Riverlands has done great honour to the Creation story of the Aspects of the Flames, telling the tale of the origins of our world in the conflict between Dalai of the Ocean and her daughter Galtea of the Red Flame; the creation of the various other deities of both the Emberic and Oceanic Courts, most notably Riuna, or Leandra, of the White Flame; the journey towards the creation of humanity, and the monsters, daimons, and undead that were born along the way; and finally the Black Flame that gives us the will to fight against all odds for our survival against an often hostile world. I will not trouble you all with a sermon, but those who wish to know more will certainly know how to find me!"

He raised his arms, showing off his raiment with a laugh, before bowing again and beginning to mingle, meandering his way in the direction of the small group around Aila, answering questions and conversing with any who approached. As he moved among the crowd, he spotted what he believed to be their Caligan guests, and his bright smile shone out.

"Ambassador Ambrose, General Matthew, I hope you are enjoying yourselves! Is there anything else we can provide to improve your merriment?"


Octavian approached the bonfire, arriving as he would describe "fashionably late", but still regretting having missed the hunt. He wore black silks, tastefully embroidered with thread of gold and incorporating rubies here and there. He held a lit pipe, which he occasionally drew on and let forth a cloud of fragrant tobacco. He stepped into the light, and observed the crowd, the light glittering from the legendary silver scimitar at his side drawing glances. He gave his best impression of seeming deliberately aloof, while noting the individuals in the crowd. There was one set of eyes in the crowd he was hoping to catch the attention of, and he gave her a subtle wink.


The Duchess has taken the prince’s question as an opportunity to start what might have been a very long lecture, beginning with a long rant about the blue robed Goddess when kenneth appeared and struck her silent in awe. He had disappeared and not come to watch the show with her because he was part of it! She should have known…

Memories of the Gala long ago when he had arranged a song for them to perform seemed like a distant memory, she is reminded of it now. Kenneth always had an appreciation for theatre, it was something unique about him. As usual he speaks beautifully, Aila stands content to listen with her arm linked with Prince Gislin’s with a dopey look on her face as Kenneth explains what they had just seen.

She stands straight, thinking he might come to her afterward for her praise but instead they share a simple smile in passing as he goes to speak with the ambassadors. Of course, he knows the truest way to her heart is to take some pressure off of her at events like this.

Her admiration is cut short at the notice of a man dressed in black with glittering rubies and costly threads, subtly signally that he was no mere traveller. He was aloof, not stopping to greet or introduce himself, scanning the crowd looking as bored as anyone could- until he noticed her back.

The Duke of Chaos and the Duchess of Disarray together again. He does catch her eye, and his wink makes her blush though in the dimness of the evening it mattered little. “Forgive me Prince…I have a new guest to greet”

Seemingly reluctantly Aila lets her arm slip from Gislins, and crosses the grassy clearing to meet Octavian on his leisurely stroll through her event. Unlike him she is not subtle at all, joining his stride casually to tell him “Welcome, but I certainly did not expect to see you here after the things we’ve discussed…I take it you are not much of a hunter, since you just came for the drinking.” while serving girls strode by with trays heaped with food or fistfuls of full tankards to pass out.

One such girl is stopped by Aila who takes a heavy tankard and offers it to Octavian full of strong dark beer, the perfect beverage for after a long day of hunting.


Octavian supressed a grin as Aila drew near, and dropped the facade when she greeted him. He gladly accepted the beer, and turned his attention back to Aila.

"Nonsense. I enjoy a good hunt as much as any, but when your neighbor unleashes a tabid dog in your yard, you have to see to your fences." Octavian hoisted his tankard, cocked slightly in Aila's direction, but not so much to spill.

"But I have never been known to pass on drinking. How did the fearsome Duchess of Perdan make out in the hunt?"


"The rest of it is still lodged inside yonder bear; over there." Oliver replies smoothly, nodding towards the carts with all the trophy kills, and he smiles at Isabel. "I'm thinking I might put it up on display, back at my new home in Nascot. Along with the rest of the bear of course."

"also I don't dance. I cant i was never taught and that is perfectly acceptable to me Sir Olive. I am sure there are plenty of people around whom would love to have a Dance with you but me I am fine over here i quite like the peacefulness." Isabel states a special emphasis on a couple of words.

He stands back now, lifting an innocent eyebrow at his companion's tone and perhaps meaning.

"It has been some time since we've last seen each other, or even spoke my Lady Isabel—and I walked all the way over here just to see you." Oliver pouts, tilting his head a little. "I could have asked anyone else first, but I wanted it to be you."

Then as the cheerfully sweet music begins to creep out from the crowd around the fire, Oliver suddenly assumes a straighter posture; one hand hovers over his breast and he stretches his other arm out as if he was going to dance with an imaginary partner.

And he does begin to dance by himself, stepping gently to the side and side; his long hair begins to sway and skirts just above his shoulders with the fluid, perfect movements.

"At least indulge me a little bit please, my lady. I have a feeling you would actually be a graceful, beautiful dancer." He grins, cock-sure and swaying with the music. "You could then consider this newly Landed Earl in your debt. We can even do it right here, where nobody is paying attention. All you will have to do is follow my steps."


“Such flattery. You can see for yourself” Aila suggests, taking another tankard for herself before sending the girl off again. She leads the way now with her purposeful gait, bringing him close to the large bonfire slowly burning down at the center of the event. The tall flames cast light onto three trophies tied up on a proud display to admire before the butcher got to them; and like most the butchers were rather drunk so they were likely to stay that way the night, making the shadows dance in fearsome ways among the trees far beyond.

The crowds parted for the Duchess, fearsome as Octavian said the bulk of staff was either hers or Kenneths and both knew to stay out of her way. She stops near the three trophies, a gigantic boar, a sizable bear and a very rare cat.

Aila motions her tankard at the rare cat, snow white fur and once keen shining red eyes now clouded, and staring into nothing. It’s pelt is slightly mauled, the dogs had gotten at it but the Duchess doesn’t seem to mind it at all as she brags “Got it right here” as she flicks the silver arrow left in it’s shoulder. “Glowering down at me from the trees all evil and affronted, I had a mind not to kill it just for the beauty but he was a brute. You can tell can’t you? The Prince killed it with a spear up close.” She explains, then drinks deeply from what was far from her first drink that night.

The foam of good beer is left on her lip, the normally dainty Duchess wipes it away with a sleeve “I think I might make it into a cape for my steward. She’s a short-arse, we’ll just need the one.

Well..What do you think?"


Octavian admires the cat for a moment, and takes a deep drink from his tankard. He casts a glance back at Aila, and the back at the cat.

"An albino, eh? Quite rare." Octavian muses.

"Seems a waste to kill such a majestic, innocent creature." Octavian gently, but sarcastically, chides. He wraps an arm around her waist, and gently pulls her closer to him.

"A magnificent trophy. Though take care your steward doesn't trip over the cape."


Though Octavian is being sarcastic Aila nods along to his comment, it was the truth that she had considered letting it live, but there was no way the cat felt the same at that time. The sensation of a large hand at her waist jarrs her from the memory of that big cat in it’s life, and she turns her head to regard him with a drunken alarm. Standing so near she could smell the smoke on him, not what she expected but instead tobacco, sweet and rich and reminding her of the thousand cigars that perfumed her past. She had loved the smell then and she still loved it now, though had never partook in that particular vice for herself.

His joke seals the deal, he has charmed her and for now the too-familiar hand can stay where it is. From the small hunters satchel at her side just under his fingers is pulled a wooden pipe Octavian will remember from their last encounter.

She holds her tongue about Isabel, the girl does good work afterall. “I am extremely proud, we got it on a horrid trail toward the Southern mountains. A hard day on a narrow trail...The sort of day you need to relax after. Have you got anything for my pipe?” He won’t have come to an event without something for her, surely!


Octavian produces an envelope from his breast pocket, and presses it into her hand.

"For you, always." Octavian spoke softly.

"Worthy of a proper celebration. Volcanic Haze, grown in the shadow of the Volcano." Octavian's gaze turned back to the cat.

"You should be proud, that's quite the creature you bagged Aila. You should be proud." Octavian takes the pipe from her and fills it from the envelope, before offering the pipe back to Aila.

"So what is the mighty huntress's next prey?"


Octavian Schwarzherzig, one of two men that could put a damper on any party. Aila was a fool to even want to speak to such a despicable liar, thief, and wannabe murderer. Gislin was tempted to just ban him from Perdan overall, but luckily for him, Gislin was not one to set someone up to be murdered for petty reasons.

"Sir Dandro, you will have to excuse me. I must find my compatriots, but you should enjoy the party more. Make Her Highness feel as if this was successful." He spoke in a low, even tone, without taking his eyes off the duchess. Either she did not know about his past, or she only pretended to be a follower of Leandra, because no one who truly did would associate with the likes of that man.

Peering through the crowds, Gislin quickly spotted Magdalena, his anger continuing to grow. She was over by the fire, enjoying the libations over by the fire. Swiftly, he pushed his way through the crowd to get to the woman, glaring at her upon arrival. Her eyes grew large, and she opened her mouth to speak.

"Go find Faravid," Gislin cut her off before she could get a word out, "Start getting our things together. We will be leaving soon."


Octavian smirked as he saw Gislin, and could already feel him casting judgement. Why would anyone invite that wet blanket anywhere was beyond him. Octavian could only imagine the varied aspersions running through Gislin's head. Perhaps Octavian would be formally charged with lollygagging? Octavian waved to the man.

"Have a good night Judge-Magister! Leaving so soon?" Octavian called.


Matthew stands mingling with the guests and enjoying the party when he is approached by Kenneth MacArbin, with a smile on his face.

"Ambassador Ambrose, General Matthew, I hope you are enjoying yourselves! Is there anything else we can provide to improve your merriment?"

The smile is contagious, as Matthew feels a smile forming of his own.

"Ahh, Duke Ambassador Kenneth, I must say, this is exactly what I needed. I had been spending too much time in the training grounds with the troops and training other nobles."

He opens his arms and gestures them around the area at all of the guests mingling, and the fire burning.

"This has been a great party so far. The hunt as well. I am proud to call the Perdan nobles and people friends. I applaud the conductors of this whole event."

He raises his goblet into the air.

"To great friends, a great hunt, and a great party. I look forward to more of these in the future."


The joy in his heart faded somewhat watching his Lady Duchess Aila Storme walk off to a new arrival in black, gold, and studded rubies, instead of letting the conversation on her belefs continue. Dandro thought to himself that he will love to talk to her more about it all when time permits.

Looking at this man in black with his hand on Lady Duchess Aila Storme's waist and their actions and manners towards each other it was clear to Dandro that his dance offer had been forgotten about and that his Lady was not in any distress, Leaving his lady to have her fun.

"A lady in high demand I see, at least I managed to place a smile or two on her face."

Knowing that his Lady Duchess Aila Storme is after all his boss and the host of the party it was a bold move in the first place to ask for her first dance of the party Dandro smiled to himself with a playful head shake.

"Right I wonder if I can find a dance partner before the fire burns out."

Doing a scan of the guests to see if any of them would be approachable for a dance. Not knowing any of the party attendants, Dandro felt a little abandoned.

Watching someone dancing by themselves in front of a Lady who seemed to look like she was reluctant to accept a dance from them. feeling the Lords pain at being turned down. Dandro turns away to make his way back to the table that had Midnight under neither to help himself to some more fine food and drink and to let his mind run through the day's events as he watched the flames of the fire dancing their own dance, In particular his hunting partner.

"At least you can keep me company. but where is your Lady? I hope she is alright."

Dandro takes it as the cosmos is telling him that dance was not on the cards for tonight's party.


Disgruntled braying could be heard some distance away from the lodge by those hunt-aides and groomsmen who were busying themselves with the post-hunt organisation and clear up.

Several horses clomp slowly along the shrouded path, long shadows faintly stretching from the cloaked riders at points where the dragging afternoon sun can penetrate the canopy overhead.

The horses, like the riders perched upon them, are clearly tired - the grime of a long, indeterminate journey coating gelding and rider alike. "Nearly there," the Young Earl muttered softly, gently patting the muscular equine neck in front of him.


Octavian’s offering is received by a happy Duchess, it smells better than the last lot they shared together and as he helps her light it she finds soon that it tastes better too. His question goes unanswered while she instead enjoys his gift and just as she is about to make a salacious comment about hunting men, Octavian turns away.

With him she looks across the bonfire, half hidden by smoke gathering his loyal companion is the Prince Gislin. When Octavian calls out over the crowd Aila shrinks, pulling the pipe from her lips as she looks up at the Duke of Chaos, mistaking his shout as a friendly one but still finding it slightly embarrassing.

Her heavy cup is left on the stand next to her dead trophy cat and a slender arm linked in Octavian’s and she urges him forward despite her misgivings “You know each other? The Prince lives as my knight in Perdan- we should go speak with him!”

It was not as if the man had much choice, she was already well on her way to stop Gislin herself. Pipe in hand, and well into her cups the Duchess cut’s Gislin off as he gathers his retainer “Why must you leave Prince?” She is more genuine than usual in her concern, the drinks have gotten to her. “Is there something I can do to change your mind? The night is upon us, wild cats roam the woods, and people are still arriving.”

She motions to the party of cloaked riders making it late to the party, looking more worn down than any would-be hunter ought to. Stuck now with Octavian and Gislin, she would have to trust someone else might notice them and give them their welcome.


"I do not feel like it I am currently trying to figure something out and do not feel like dancing. Lord Olive..." Isabel trails off as her eyes unfocus back to thinking of todays events. "Also I have heard you have been getting close to others and I would like to not step on any toes as the saying goes." Isabel chuckles at her own small joke. "why must it always be dancing..." Isabel thought in despair. "Also Lord Olive if I remember right we didn't get off on the best terms so I have to ask why me there are plenty of people here as one can observe?" Isabel asks raising her head to look Olive in the eye before looking back down remembering.


Octavian grinned as he was drug along by Aila, making sure to keep a hold on his tankard as he went, and listened as the Duchess attempted to convince Gislin to stay.

"Aila my dear, don't harass the poor man. He likely has an early morning full of punishing ne'er-do-wells and listening the common folk drone on about who stole whose goat. Have I ever told you about the time I faced off against a noble of Perleone on the battlefield? We both were leading infantry you see. Evenly matched, just him and I. The villain thought he could loot our Southern reaches without resistance, but I snuck a march on him. The grass was still damp when we took to the field, and men were slipping. Our units met, and we were locked in place. Neither could gain the upper hand, so close was the contest. Then their commander, some Lord or another, tries to rally his men, and I notice... He's brought a blanket with him!"

Octavian pauses to take a sip of his beer.

"So I says to myself, well I just gotta have that! I can't just well let a man and his blankie get away with looting my farms and killing my boys! So I give s great holler, and I throw myself at them, half drunk on rum, and the next thing I know I'm staring at this Lord, clutching his blanket in one hand, and a sword in the other. So we tussled, and in the midst of it I get a hold of his blankie you see, and I gave it a big tug, and this Perleoni Lord slipped on the wet grass! Tumbled right down onto his face, and let go of the blanket. So Inheld up my prize, and the Perleoni broke. We killed the lot of them, I took the Lord prisoner, and won his blankie on the field."


Gislin had already had his people and horse gathered, as she approached, everything short of begging him to stay. Then Ocatvain went into another one of his spills trying to cover for himself again. "Blankie" and "theft, he said. Yeah... the only thief in their midst was the one talking.

"My Lady, you know true that I have a lot on my plate. Though, you see, the truth that he tries to cover here, is that he ripped the literal clothes from a man after he had surrendered on a battlefield and was tied and bound heading to the prisons. Then he tried to kill me when I dared tell him to give it back."

He looked back at his horse, ready to leave. Though, on second thought, how could he leave a Duchess with a man that would kill over a bit of cloth?

"You may stay here and consort with one of the vilest of men, second only to Franz Fitz Roberts himself, but I have no reason to. I once wondered why anyone in their right mind would actually wish to see him made a duke, but then I heard their judge speak. Seems Alexandria values a spun reality of pleasantness to the truths of reality. Enjoy your ruffian, my lady."

Gislin has Magdalena tie the horses back to a tree as he walks off to have a few drinks with someone else, anyone else. She may not care who she associates with, but that does not mean he has to follow suit.


Octavian raises his tankard to Gislin as he walks away.

"Cheers Gisly!" Octavian cheerfully called after the man. Octavian rolled his eyes and looked over at Aila.

"The man tried to fine me for capturing a prize on the field of battle, and clearly remains chapped in the hindquarters that my response was a challenge to a duel. He could at least try to lie better though. It was a blanket, not clothes." Octavian's voice took on a mock tone of scandal.

"Do you think he wears blankets as clothes?"


Well, that could not have gone much worse without one of the two men throwing a fist at the other. As Octavian gloats in that way he often does, belittling the suffering of others, justifying poor treatment with misnomers and sly smiles. Aila listens on with big eyes pleading for him to stop but he does not. When Gislin begins to speak she looks to him respectfully, though stops a passing girl for yet another tankard of foamy beer- deciding she was in fact not done anymore.

Gislin is affronted and rightly so by the sound of his tale, these two had been at odds before and she knew how acidic Octavian could be as well as anyone else. She had come up against him in conflict as well, it was not an enjoyable experience for her either. Still, in the end he did not leave the clearing for the dark and dangerous woods, nor did either of them start a diplomatic incident in the form of smacking the other in the jaws.

Octavian gets her attention again, with the two men separated she passes him her pipe to light again while she drinks far more in one gulp than a girl her size and stature ought to be able to. “He is intense” She takes her pipe back lit again and puffs on it, they are both telling different stories but one man has a reputation as a liar and the other a hero of truth and chivalry...By the time she has exhaled she had made up her mind not to press the subject.

“I did not expect that, seeing you were both from the same realm at a time I assumed you were friends.

I suppose it is one more of the many blessings of youth. I have not had time to accumulate as many enemies as you or Prince Gislin alike. So, what did you do with his item afterward? Have you still got it?” She motions to a place to sit by the fire, offering to sit with him despite the Prince's chiding.


Octavian waved a hand, and shook his head.

"If the man wishes to be bitter and call me a thief for claiming a prize on the battlefield, and a murderer for challenging him to fair combat, that is his own prerogative. I have long since forgotten that little feud. The funny thing is, if he had asked me to give the item back, instead of demanding I do so and threatening me with a fine, I would have. And I did eventually, when the Wolf King asked me to."

Octavian took the pipe from her, and filled his lungs. After pausing for a moment, he changed the subject, preferring not to insult her vassal in front of her. If Gislin wished to call him a thief for winning a prize on the battlefield he could do it until he was blue in the face.

"So, my sister and I, when we were younger were doing our lessons our governess had given us. My sister... Never really had much of a care for the written word. Our governess was fond of beatings too, so while she was looking over my sister's work she asked 'I am beautiful, is in which tense?' and before my sister could answer, I responded 'Clearly past tense ma'am'. I got quite the beating, but the look on her face..."


Aila continued standing with him, smoking from the same pipe for a time while he explained his side again. She takes his story in silence and nods along, it certainly did seem like Octavian to start a racket over an item he did not care about, just because he did not like someone's tone. For her sake he shifts the subject, and her expression turns swiftly from concern about the Prince and the Duke’s history to a smile as he begins to tell what she already knows will be one of his anecdotes.

He tells her of his sister, a type of story she never tires of; being an only child she had often dreamed about what it might be like to have another young Storme in the manse growing up. She should have known it was no innocent story, instead of a simple tale of memories with his sibling Octavian gloats about a decades old insult to a teacher. It tickles pretty Aila who had no sympathy (yet) for those of faded beauty and a careless laughter escapes her, a cue for the other drunken guests to join in with her. Though many had not heard the joke, to see the usually mirthless Duchess so unrestrained with a beer, a pipe and no fancy dress in sight was enough to evoke some sort of chuckle from all around. Thanks to Octavian’s confrontation with Gislin and then his joke, there are many eyes watching them both as she replies.

“Why are the educators always such wet blankets? A noble should hope for a son to have such wit” her beer is already gone, she holds the empty tankard out and it is swept away without a word. “What a horrid woman to hit a little boy for that. I wish I had a story to tell in return. For the most part I was fairly well behaved and for the rest part….” she glances around at the eyes of drunken hunters who had begun eavesdropping on their conversation “I probably shouldn’t mention here” That wins another round of laughter from the listeners before they take that hint to turn away from the Duke and Duchess.


Octavian grinned, laughing with the group as his empty tankard was replaced with a new one. Aware of the crowd eavesdropping, Octavian leaned in, speaking softly into Aila's ear, as he regails her with a fantasrically dirty joke. As he gets to the punchline, he pulls back, and raises his voice back to normal...

" which the Barman replied 'May I push in your stool?'" Octavian grinned as he took another drink, the disappointed but curious looks of the hunters around him amusing to him.


Kenneth matched the General's toast with his own goblet, smoothly obtained during his perambulations.

"I will be sure to tell the Duchess! She really has outdone herself, it is true. And indeed, I look forward to the next time. Which should be Caligus' turn to host, I look forward to enjoying some of your hospitality soon."

He listened with an easy smile to whatever Matthew had to say in response, before spotting a few potential matters. He waved an inviting arm to a lone knight standing by the fire.

"Sir Dandro, is it not? Have you had the chance to meet any of our guests? Allow me to introduce you: Sir Dandro, of House GoldHaart, this is Royal Matthew, of House Mcloud. General Supreme of Caligus, Duke of Domus, and various and sundry other titles. Could you grant me a boon and ensure our guest is attended to? The duties of an assistant host are never done, are they?"

He gave a slight bow, before slipping away. He had spotted who Aila was speaking with, and Gislin stalking off, and the conclusions were easy enough to reach. He initially moved to intercept Gislin first, but the Duchess turned her head and when she saw him, the look on her face convinced him to change course. He approached, offering the same bright smile to the guest from Alexandria as he had to the one from Caligus.

"Duke Octavian, I had not realized we would have the pleasure of another notable at this celebration, how excellent! Alas, I must spirit away the architect of our merriment for a time, but I have hopes that you are skilled in amusing yourself at such affairs. Duchess, if I might?"


Octavian nodded to Kenneth as he approached, and unhooked his arm from Aila's.

"Your luck is looking up Aila dearest, it seems the good Ambassador has come to rescue you from the dastardly rogue who has detained you." Octavian said, his voice tinged with mirth, and a sly grin upon his face. Octavian swept his right leg behind his left, and offered an overly exaggerated, but slight, bow to Kenneth.

"I trust I will survive a spell without the enchanting company of the Duchess, your excellency. It would be quite unseemly for me to steal her for the entirety of the evening, would it not? I trust I can stir up trouble in the meantime." Octavian said as he straightened, taking Aila's hand, giving it a quick kiss.

"Just listen for the group laughing loudest, you'll find me at the center." Octavian said with a wink, fishing around in his doublet before retrieving a small flask.


Being snapped out of his own thoughts Dandro stands up and bows to Lord Duke Kenneth MacArbin and The Lord General Supreme and Duke Matthew Mcloud.

"My High Lords, Sir Dandro at your service, I am honoured to meet you both it would be my genuine pleasure to grant you your wish, my Lord Duke Kenneth MacArbin."

The knight's code of chivalry and conduct keeps Dandros head lowered until granted permission to do otherwise by his betters, Dandro awaits the honoured high lords.


Dandro stands before Matthew, head lowered after his introduction

"Sir Dandro, it is a pleasure to meet you as well. You can stand at ease, I appreciate the formalities, though I feel this is more of a relaxed atmosphere."

Taking another sip from his glass, Matthew looks around the room at all of the mingling guests.

"Duke Kenneth asked that you attend to me, but rest assured, at the moment I have everything I need. Though feel free to stay and talk if you wish."


Octavian’s lewd joke leaves Aila blushing furiously in front of the curious hunters and as she stammers out some sort of reply Kenneth’s bright smile draws all attention away from her. The older man's arm unlinks from hers and she finds herself gravitating toward the other Ambassador as they jest about her rescue.

At Kenneth’s side she looks noticeably happy, smiling up at the dark haired Duke as he so tactfully steals her away. With a wave back she leaves Octavian to what she hopes will not be too much trouble and follows Kenneth away from the crowd gathered around the fire. She had been waiting for the moment all night that she would finally get to speak with him, and the first thing on her mind is the dance. “What you managed to bring to the event is incredible, I don’t know if I have ever seen a display quite so grand. I thought the entire time about how I wished you were with me...I should have known” She laughs at herself, jovial thanks to the drink and relaxed thanks to Kenneth.

“It could only be so grand because you were part of it, naturally. Thank you for arranging all of that for me.” she flatters him, staying close as they walk around a gathering she would normally be casting a judgmental eye over. Unlike Kenneth she had not been focused on her guests as much as her tankard and Aila has become quite unconcerned. Instead of her severe glares, critical evaluations and appraising looks the Duchess seems to hardly notice what the others are doing, staff or otherwise.

“Oh. But is something amiss? ” Not that she would be much help if something was wrong. “Why do you need me?”