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! Jacinda's Tale
! Jacinda's Tale - Old Friends, New Worlds
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Jacinda the Driven
|Recipients=Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
|Content=Old friends, new world
Jacinda picked her way across the Udi on the log bridge with her mule train, not feeling like taking the ferry on a fine spring day like this.  It had taken a bit, but she'd finally tracked her old friend down, and she liked the Seven Rivers quite a bit, so it was a happy coincidence.  She spotted a few fisherfolk nearby, who clearly recognized her by the wary nods from older women, and the enthusiastic waving from the young man with them.  She gave a lazy wave back before heading up the footpath to the temple district.
As she made her way into the comforting building, she nodded to Kelsay and handed over a few silvers.
"Not sure how long I'll be here this time...Is N-the Priestess here?  If Nessa can take the mules, I have some business with her."
"Oh, aye, off thataway, Ness'll see to the mules and such as usual.  Be good to see you here a bit, more tales than usual about things comin' out after dark."
Jacinda nodded, face briefly grim.
"I'll see what I can do about that.  Things are bad all around, but...Should be able to keep things from getting out of hand, at least, before I have to leave.  And depends, I might be here for a few weeks again, we'll see."
"We'd sure and certain like that, no matter what some of the old fools say when you're 'ere.  See you at dinner, then."
Jacinda nodded, dropped her personal pack and things, and went off to track Nerta down.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Jacinda the Driven
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=The silence was the worst.  By now, Jacinda knew the lands of the Seven Rivers as well as most people who had been born and raised here.  She knew the sounds of the birds that dove gracefully over the rippling waters, the comforting whirr of the dragonflies, the soft snuffling of the underbrush...And more importantly when they stopped, when they withdrew before something dangerous.  Something that she needed to kill, or reap.
But the terrified whispers in the last village had spoken of cleaned bones in the middle of clearings.  Utterly dead silences in glades that had once been filled with life.  And the one poor child who had escaped the last caravan...She winced at the memory alone...
The girl had seen nothing, hidden by desperate (and wise) parents in a travel chest that they had sealed just before the attack arrived.  She had been recovered by cautious hunters a day later, covered in her own filth, too exhausted even to cry more.  The reek likely saved her, as otherwise they might have left such a cursed spot alone, seeing the perfectly clean, fresh bones lying where they had fallen.  Horse, ox, chicken, hound...
And human.
She couldn't talk, not even her own name, and they shook their heads and murmured that her mind was broken.  When Jacinda tried to find something, anything that might help her guess what had done this, the girl had just stared ahead, shivering.  Jacinda had sighed, and taken her up to the temple with a handful of silvers to see if they could take her in as a scullery.  Kelsay had swept the little one up and given her a bit of old dried apple, just like a skittish horse, and Jacinda had turned back, lost in thought, before a whispered word stopped her.
Jacinda turned, eyes wide, staring into the girl's eyes.  Those eyes closed, and she started shuddering.
"Buzz, buzz, buzz buzz buzz buzzbuzzbuzzbuzzbuzzbzzzbzzzzzzzzz-"
She started sobbing.  Deep, wracking sobs, sobs that no child should have, and Kelsay looked up worriedly at Jacinda before hurrying inside to try and comfort the girl.  Jacinda left a bulging purse behind, overflowing with golds and silvers.  That little girl could be a priest, if she wanted, or anything else with that much dower property, but it was worth it.  Now Jacinda knew what she faced, and that would be the difference between certain death, and maybe life.  She would bet on herself against most anything, most days, but not this.  Going up against this unprepared had killed adventurers smarter and faster than her, and she knew it to her core that she would have had no chance whatsoever.
Jacinda took some time making her preparations, including filling several glass bottles with an expensive clear potion she had purchased from a witch in a hidden valley in Jedinchel, getting her sling re-oiled, pulling her biggest shield from her mules, and finally stuffing her ears with tightly packed wool and having the local currier fit her with straps to keep the wool where it needed to be.
She set out, following the bone road into the fens between Kadara and the Sick.  And there were bones aplenty, all spotlessly clean.  She moved warily, taking her time, ready to spend all day, and the next, if she needed to.
That paid off, as she came across the first of them unawares, focusing on ravaging what was left of...She couldn't even tell.  She could not hear the buzzing, but she knew it was there.
She slowly, silently, pulled loose her sling, fit one of the precious vials in it, slowly built up momentum, and then lofted it into them.  She saw it shatter, and the flames rise, consuming them before they could even begin searching for her.
It took her days of careful work, resting after even minor injuries from the few that escaped the flames, living to fight another day rather than trying to be a hero.
Then she found the end of the bone road.  And had to take a few moments to just breath.
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Jacinda the Driven
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=There were bones everywhere.  There were so many she couldn't even guess what they might have come from.  But that wasn't the part that horrified her.
They were built.  Not piled, but assembled, constructed.
This wasn't a bone midden, not even a bone hive.  This was a bone palace.
And it had a queen.
Jacinda had thought she knew what she was dealing with.  Hollow Wasps were the most horrific thing she had fought, but she had fought them, and she knew how to win.
She had no idea what to do with this.  She didn't even know how to begin to fight this.
But she had no time, for the queen gave her none.
The buzzing started to make its way through even her packed wool, and she moved.  First a vial at the first clump of Wasps to her right, then swinging her shield out in front of her and diving on top of it to crush the second group to her left.  She had already reaped more of the undead abominations in the last few days than she had ever seen, and in two breaths she had reaped that many again.
She spun, and charged.  She couldn't outrun them.  She couldn't outfight them.  But maybe she could out rage them.
She smashed the first...She could only call it a "sculpture", and the buzzing intensified.  She could feel the blood starting to drip from her nose, and her eyes ached.  She flung a handful of vials behind her, buying a few precious seconds as the sudden wall of flame incinerated her closest flankers.
And then she was there.  And the black chitin of the Queen of the Hollow Wasps was within her grasp.  But Jacinda realized that it wasn't just chitin.  It was decorated with jet, obsidian, tourmaline, opal...It was hideously beautiful.
Until Jacinda smashed it.  The piercing shriek seemed hardly stopped by the wool in her ears, but Jacinda cackled as she smashed the queen and her bone throne.  Then she turned, and saw the rest of the wasps flying towards her.  She raised her shield...And then looked up in shock as they flew over her head, diving in to the corpse of the queen and beginning to consume it all.  Jacinda shook her head, palmed her last vial, and threw it into the pulsing mass of undead.
And then she sat down with a whumph, watching the pyre.  Thinking of parents who in a few moments had saved their daughter, Jacinda, and who knew how many others.
"You did well, and your honour guard flies by your side now.  Your daughter is as safe as anyone in this world, and and she will be well, one day.  May the Dark Mistress comfort you, and may your rest be peaceful."
Jacinda levered herself up painfully, and saluted.  She had done well, and the riverfolk could sleep a little safer tonight.  And...
Jacinda grinned.
And how many could say they had taken a Hollow Wasp Queen?  Surely, the Wolf Lord would notice that.
It was a good day.  Now, to get the hell out of this macabre place...
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
|Content=Old friends, new world
Nerta sat atop a stump, eying a hole in her shirt critically when the shadow of an old friend darkens the spring light. Letting her cloak fall back around her, the woman's lips curl into a faint smile, "Well we'll, been a while."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Jacinda the Driven
|Recipients=Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
|Content=Old friends, new world
Jacinda grinned, leaning up against the wall.
"It's been a minute, aye.  And what's this, the noble priest dealing with holes in her shirt?  I'm disillusioned, my friend, disillusioned."
Her grin broadened.
"But aside from being an actual person, and not a noble paragon, how's it going?  Finding something to keep the ancestor spirit distracted so you can have fun from time to time?"
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
|Content=Old friends, new world
Letting her shirt drop, Nerta wrinkles her nose and scoffs, "Please. You must have taken a few blows to the head. Still…" rising the sour woman gives her friend a once over and softens, "... The rest of you seems to be in one piece. I'm glad."
With a wave to empty air Nerta snorts, "The Old Man is keeping me plenty busy. He's always got some letters to write, which means I'm spending almost as much time hunting for a scribe as I am for monsters."
Her attention pulled to ethereal apparition, Nerta mutters, "Yes yes, there's a patrician who's trying to be a bad influence. Invited me for a drink." She waves a hand vaguely in the direction of Soren's manor, her tone sharp, "All these patricians and plebs do is drink, and play games."
"Enough with that though... What about you? I haven't seen you since winter camp in Bil Havil."
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Jacinda the Driven
|Recipients=Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
|Content=Old friends, new worlds.
"Drinking and playing games, sounds like fun, but aye, I've been busy.  Repairing a few items, some for the Queen, never thought I'd get to meet or talk with her, that was something.  But mostly..."
Her grin sharpened.
"Hunting.  None of the Children can stand before me now, and I can beat the soulless more times than not.  One day, not too long from now, I'm going to be able to take any of them.  And a hunter who can slay His Children at will, and reap any Skelyena or Hollow Wasp that stands in her way?  That's got to get His attention, and then...Then we can really hunt."
Jacinda visibly made herself relax, shaking her head to dispel the fierceness.
"All in all, good times.  Now, Old Man aside, what are you doing for you?"
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
|Content=Old friends, new world
Nerta snorts and purses her lips equal to that grin. Soren might be a caterwauling dandy but at least he had enough skill to avoid dying anytime soon. He’d also given her some small hope that not all patricians danced with the Crystal Maiden.
“Getting better are you? If you keep this up and I’ll take you home, let you fight some real warriors.” Pausing the normally terse woman breaks into a faint smile, “Though that’ll just end in a lecture about how I’m not practicing enough.”
The moment of mirth fades at the last question. “First Soren and now you. What is it with you lowlanders and all the parties and,” waving a hand or two about, “questions? I’m doing fine.”
! Jacinda's Tale - Lupinar

Revision as of 07:39, 12 March 2021

Jacinda's Tale - Old Friends, New Worlds
Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Old friends, new world

Jacinda picked her way across the Udi on the log bridge with her mule train, not feeling like taking the ferry on a fine spring day like this. It had taken a bit, but she'd finally tracked her old friend down, and she liked the Seven Rivers quite a bit, so it was a happy coincidence. She spotted a few fisherfolk nearby, who clearly recognized her by the wary nods from older women, and the enthusiastic waving from the young man with them. She gave a lazy wave back before heading up the footpath to the temple district.

As she made her way into the comforting building, she nodded to Kelsay and handed over a few silvers.

"Not sure how long I'll be here this time...Is N-the Priestess here? If Nessa can take the mules, I have some business with her."

"Oh, aye, off thataway, Ness'll see to the mules and such as usual. Be good to see you here a bit, more tales than usual about things comin' out after dark."

Jacinda nodded, face briefly grim.

"I'll see what I can do about that. Things are bad all around, but...Should be able to keep things from getting out of hand, at least, before I have to leave. And depends, I might be here for a few weeks again, we'll see."

"We'd sure and certain like that, no matter what some of the old fools say when you're 'ere. See you at dinner, then."

Jacinda nodded, dropped her personal pack and things, and went off to track Nerta down.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
The silence was the worst. By now, Jacinda knew the lands of the Seven Rivers as well as most people who had been born and raised here. She knew the sounds of the birds that dove gracefully over the rippling waters, the comforting whirr of the dragonflies, the soft snuffling of the underbrush...And more importantly when they stopped, when they withdrew before something dangerous. Something that she needed to kill, or reap.

But the terrified whispers in the last village had spoken of cleaned bones in the middle of clearings. Utterly dead silences in glades that had once been filled with life. And the one poor child who had escaped the last caravan...She winced at the memory alone...

The girl had seen nothing, hidden by desperate (and wise) parents in a travel chest that they had sealed just before the attack arrived. She had been recovered by cautious hunters a day later, covered in her own filth, too exhausted even to cry more. The reek likely saved her, as otherwise they might have left such a cursed spot alone, seeing the perfectly clean, fresh bones lying where they had fallen. Horse, ox, chicken, hound...

And human.

She couldn't talk, not even her own name, and they shook their heads and murmured that her mind was broken. When Jacinda tried to find something, anything that might help her guess what had done this, the girl had just stared ahead, shivering. Jacinda had sighed, and taken her up to the temple with a handful of silvers to see if they could take her in as a scullery. Kelsay had swept the little one up and given her a bit of old dried apple, just like a skittish horse, and Jacinda had turned back, lost in thought, before a whispered word stopped her.


Jacinda turned, eyes wide, staring into the girl's eyes. Those eyes closed, and she started shuddering.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz buzz buzz buzzbuzzbuzzbuzzbuzzbzzzbzzzzzzzzz-"

She started sobbing. Deep, wracking sobs, sobs that no child should have, and Kelsay looked up worriedly at Jacinda before hurrying inside to try and comfort the girl. Jacinda left a bulging purse behind, overflowing with golds and silvers. That little girl could be a priest, if she wanted, or anything else with that much dower property, but it was worth it. Now Jacinda knew what she faced, and that would be the difference between certain death, and maybe life. She would bet on herself against most anything, most days, but not this. Going up against this unprepared had killed adventurers smarter and faster than her, and she knew it to her core that she would have had no chance whatsoever.

Jacinda took some time making her preparations, including filling several glass bottles with an expensive clear potion she had purchased from a witch in a hidden valley in Jedinchel, getting her sling re-oiled, pulling her biggest shield from her mules, and finally stuffing her ears with tightly packed wool and having the local currier fit her with straps to keep the wool where it needed to be.

She set out, following the bone road into the fens between Kadara and the Sick. And there were bones aplenty, all spotlessly clean. She moved warily, taking her time, ready to spend all day, and the next, if she needed to.

That paid off, as she came across the first of them unawares, focusing on ravaging what was left of...She couldn't even tell. She could not hear the buzzing, but she knew it was there.

She slowly, silently, pulled loose her sling, fit one of the precious vials in it, slowly built up momentum, and then lofted it into them. She saw it shatter, and the flames rise, consuming them before they could even begin searching for her.

It took her days of careful work, resting after even minor injuries from the few that escaped the flames, living to fight another day rather than trying to be a hero.

Then she found the end of the bone road. And had to take a few moments to just breath.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
There were bones everywhere. There were so many she couldn't even guess what they might have come from. But that wasn't the part that horrified her.

They were built. Not piled, but assembled, constructed.

This wasn't a bone midden, not even a bone hive. This was a bone palace.

And it had a queen.

Jacinda had thought she knew what she was dealing with. Hollow Wasps were the most horrific thing she had fought, but she had fought them, and she knew how to win.

She had no idea what to do with this. She didn't even know how to begin to fight this.

But she had no time, for the queen gave her none.

The buzzing started to make its way through even her packed wool, and she moved. First a vial at the first clump of Wasps to her right, then swinging her shield out in front of her and diving on top of it to crush the second group to her left. She had already reaped more of the undead abominations in the last few days than she had ever seen, and in two breaths she had reaped that many again.

She spun, and charged. She couldn't outrun them. She couldn't outfight them. But maybe she could out rage them.

She smashed the first...She could only call it a "sculpture", and the buzzing intensified. She could feel the blood starting to drip from her nose, and her eyes ached. She flung a handful of vials behind her, buying a few precious seconds as the sudden wall of flame incinerated her closest flankers.

And then she was there. And the black chitin of the Queen of the Hollow Wasps was within her grasp. But Jacinda realized that it wasn't just chitin. It was decorated with jet, obsidian, tourmaline, opal...It was hideously beautiful.

Until Jacinda smashed it. The piercing shriek seemed hardly stopped by the wool in her ears, but Jacinda cackled as she smashed the queen and her bone throne. Then she turned, and saw the rest of the wasps flying towards her. She raised her shield...And then looked up in shock as they flew over her head, diving in to the corpse of the queen and beginning to consume it all. Jacinda shook her head, palmed her last vial, and threw it into the pulsing mass of undead.

And then she sat down with a whumph, watching the pyre. Thinking of parents who in a few moments had saved their daughter, Jacinda, and who knew how many others.

"You did well, and your honour guard flies by your side now. Your daughter is as safe as anyone in this world, and and she will be well, one day. May the Dark Mistress comfort you, and may your rest be peaceful."

Jacinda levered herself up painfully, and saluted. She had done well, and the riverfolk could sleep a little safer tonight. And...

Jacinda grinned.

And how many could say they had taken a Hollow Wasp Queen? Surely, the Wolf Lord would notice that.

It was a good day. Now, to get the hell out of this macabre place...
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Old friends, new world Nerta sat atop a stump, eying a hole in her shirt critically when the shadow of an old friend darkens the spring light. Letting her cloak fall back around her, the woman's lips curl into a faint smile, "Well we'll, been a while."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Old friends, new world

Jacinda grinned, leaning up against the wall.

"It's been a minute, aye. And what's this, the noble priest dealing with holes in her shirt? I'm disillusioned, my friend, disillusioned."

Her grin broadened.

"But aside from being an actual person, and not a noble paragon, how's it going? Finding something to keep the ancestor spirit distracted so you can have fun from time to time?"
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Old friends, new world

Letting her shirt drop, Nerta wrinkles her nose and scoffs, "Please. You must have taken a few blows to the head. Still…" rising the sour woman gives her friend a once over and softens, "... The rest of you seems to be in one piece. I'm glad."

With a wave to empty air Nerta snorts, "The Old Man is keeping me plenty busy. He's always got some letters to write, which means I'm spending almost as much time hunting for a scribe as I am for monsters."

Her attention pulled to ethereal apparition, Nerta mutters, "Yes yes, there's a patrician who's trying to be a bad influence. Invited me for a drink." She waves a hand vaguely in the direction of Soren's manor, her tone sharp, "All these patricians and plebs do is drink, and play games."

"Enough with that though... What about you? I haven't seen you since winter camp in Bil Havil."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Old friends, new worlds.

"Drinking and playing games, sounds like fun, but aye, I've been busy. Repairing a few items, some for the Queen, never thought I'd get to meet or talk with her, that was something. But mostly..."

Her grin sharpened.

"Hunting. None of the Children can stand before me now, and I can beat the soulless more times than not. One day, not too long from now, I'm going to be able to take any of them. And a hunter who can slay His Children at will, and reap any Skelyena or Hollow Wasp that stands in her way? That's got to get His attention, and then...Then we can really hunt."

Jacinda visibly made herself relax, shaking her head to dispel the fierceness.

"All in all, good times. Now, Old Man aside, what are you doing for you?"
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Old friends, new world

Nerta snorts and purses her lips equal to that grin. Soren might be a caterwauling dandy but at least he had enough skill to avoid dying anytime soon. He’d also given her some small hope that not all patricians danced with the Crystal Maiden.

“Getting better are you? If you keep this up and I’ll take you home, let you fight some real warriors.” Pausing the normally terse woman breaks into a faint smile, “Though that’ll just end in a lecture about how I’m not practicing enough.”

The moment of mirth fades at the last question. “First Soren and now you. What is it with you lowlanders and all the parties and,” waving a hand or two about, “questions? I’m doing fine.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Jacinda's Tale - Lupinar
Request from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Ar Agyr
Lady Priestess Nerta,

We could really use the favor of the divines right now. Please come bless the departing troops here in Seven Rivers in a parting ceremony. The Dark Lord had set his army back upon our shores in greater numbers then we can muster, but I am sure the Gods will favor the bold.


Allia Polytus
Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Nerta and Jacinda walk past a column of soldiers as they march off to battle, no doubt with the forces of the Sunken Kingdom.

Once again the Dread Necromancer had landed but the pair of women were leaving the matter to the newly reformed Ar Agyrian Army. Not that they could easily escape matters...

The call of the Lady Allia riding brings a scowl to the wandering Priestess, who glances first at Jacinda with a knowing look and then back to the Countess. "Only the Dark Mistress grants blessings Patrician and I doubt you crave her embrace...."

Despite the harsh words something prompts the surly priestess to pause in her walk and face the column of men to raise her voice, "Your men are scions of the north. They will shed blood and smash bone. And the one who smashes the most will earn the Wolf Lord's favour and the one who sheds most the Dark Mistress' blessing. To help you in this take with you the light of Incindia and carry it above you into battle..."

Despite the words, only a growing silence settles across the road leaving enough space for an awkward cough. Yet in that chasm of quiet the fluttering standard suddenly ignites with a tongue of violet flame. The mark of the Dark Mistress' favour dancing atop the standard, Nerta waves her hands about, "Now hurry up and win already. The Wolf Lord is waiting."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods