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Latest revision as of 09:57, 15 December 2020

Roleplay from Amelara Everwind, Dame of Clermont
Message sent to All Nobles in Leibo (21 Recipients) - 2020-11-25 08:19
Battle of Leibo

How did bards and story writers glorify something like this?

The sound of battle still rang through Amelara's ears, even hours after it came to a close. The agonised screams of her own men. The lifeless eyes of her companions she had travelled with for two seasons now burned into her mind.

She wondered how it went so wrong, finding no other reason than her own leadership. Too late had she realised that her unit were too far forward trying to get better shots, her allies too far behind.

And then suddenly her men had fallen around her, seven to never rise again. She had sounded the retreat, and gone back personally once things had calmed to look for survivors. Thankfully, more than twenty of her casualties had survived, but nothing would comfort her of those dead.

Ashen faced, covered in dirt and struggling to keep tears back, she knew the unit she had spent weeks building and training was no more use here, but still she must continue. She had dreamed of leading them in battle, the deadly aim of their bows as they rained death upon the enemy now nothing more than a faded fantasy - had they even taken down any of them, she wondered?

Every ounce of her wanted to get out and return to Perdan - how could she come back from this? Forget that, how could she face more of that horrible.. chaos. Her morals and honour kept her from doing so - she would do better, and if her surviving men chose to stay with her once all was said and done, she supposed she would know whether they did blame her or not.

For now, not caring who saw, she buried her face into the crook of her arm, no longer able to hold back the sobs that had been threatening to break through.
Amelara Everwind, Dame of Clermont

Roleplay from Oliver Lastsar, Steward of Bescanon
Message sent to All Nobles in Leibo (21 Recipients) - 2020-11-25 09:08
Battle of Leibo

Oliver finds himself amidst chaotic battlefield. Men cry out in different pitches pain, terror, and rage as though it's the world's most disorganized choir. His men and the rest of the mass of infantry are trying their best to slash, bash and stab their way in a frantic climb over the enemy's fortifications. It's a great shame for his men that they couldn't have met out on an open field, as Oliver's own allies among the archers didn't fell as many of the savages as he would have liked. "Keep on men!" He rasps behind his own troop as they lose a trickle of men throughout the carnage. Not enough to be worrying at the moment. Sometimes the lines would bend just enough for Oliver to place a few stabs in with his sword. At least he isn't afraid enough to not fight, and he remembered to piss before the battle began, having learned his lesson back home.

Suddenly, the banner of the barbarian warlord goes down, and the momentum of the battle changes all at once. The king's own forces seem to flee in a great panic after having lost so many, and the perdan men began to cheer at their own apparent victory. Did we kill the king? Oliver can't help himself as he cries out his joy as well with the rest of them. His bloodied sword rises up to the air, and the thrill of a victory overtakes him.

And the next volley of arrows hit.

There's still another line of archers behind the infantry they just routed. Many of Oliver's cheering men fall in terrible sprays of blood and cries. More than half of his unit goes down to his blooming horror. One arrow even strikes him in his arm, and if it wasn't for the chainmail and gambeson it would have likely gone all the way to his bone. He can't stay here! Not in one place to slowly die from more volley of arrows. His infantry are too important to just fall here, they have to keep up the formation or else there would be nothing to protect his army's backline!

"CHARGE! STOP THOSE ARCHERS! OR WE'LL DIE FOR SURE!" He yells at the rest of his infantry and others nearby, his normally quiet voice is breaking in pitch; and despite the arrow sticking out of his armor, he slaps and shoves at his men to get them moving again. He has to yell himself hoarse, and he likely looked like a wild-eyed madman throughout it.

Though they were shocked and nearly overwhelmed, it was through sheer force of will Oliver managed to get them running into a final charge. Usually, one would charge for honor or glory, but in this case Oliver was just trying to survive. And when the remaining infantry met the enemy's archers, they met a battered force that was suffering just as much as Oliver's. No matched for heavily armed men, the barbarian archers had to give up in short order and flee as the entirety of Perdan's army came down on them.

Then at last... the battle is over. Oliver basically crashes down backward and sits on the ground with panting breaths. Frozen. Hurt. Exhausted. Joyful. Amazed. Yet ultimately feeling more alive than he ever had before.
Oliver Lastsar, Steward of Bescanon

Roleplay from Patriacc Hwitt, Count of Aeng
Message sent to All Nobles in Leibo (21 Recipients) - 2020-11-25 13:26
Battle of Leibo

Ah battle! Glorious battle! In truth, every warrior of Yssrgard know there was no chance of actually winning this battle. The enemy were far too numerous that. War has a punishing arithmetic in that regard. But each man and woman swore to make the enemy hurt for invading the land of Yssrgard. Patriacc had watched the enormous line of yellow banners advance against their small palisade and smiled. He had watched as a young noble's unit had rushed forward ahead of the main Perdanse line, giving a wonderful target to the Yssrgardian archers.

He could see the young Dame as her men dropped around her and he shouted over the din of arrows and the stomping of feet, hoping she could hear him: "Dame of Perdan, you are braver than most! Watch how the cowardly advance of your fellows has left the brave alone and unsupported! Learn well this lesson!"

The Perdanese arrows were like a storm above the his head and the head of men. As Patriacc did not carry a shield, he had to hug the palisade close so as to not take an arrow like the Perdanse Dame. He had fought quite a few battles and could see that if his unit waited idly behind the palisade, they would be whittled down by arrows themselves. So he gave the order to go over the palisade to his men, to meet the enemy in glorious, desperate charge. A act of defiance against these arrogant fools to their north. Let them taste battle!

To their credit, Patriacc noted, not a single one of the men or women under his command shirked from his ordered to meet the enemy. They jumped over the palisade wall and advance at reckless pace, giving no heed to the arrows falling around them, giving a great rallying cry as they ran headlong into the mass of the Perdanese infantry. The approval of the Gods of Aesir rand in Patriacc's ear as he personally cut down of the armored warriors, roars of battle sending a few others scurrying for their lives. He didn't watch his men be cut down, he was too busy fighting and he knew that each man and woman would receive the honor of the Gods for dying in battle!

It wasn't too long before he was completely surrounded by infantry and as he attacked one, another stabbed in the back, sending him reeling. After that all was a blur... He thought he saw the battle surge past where his men were, he thought he remembered seeing his captain, Eckhart, helping him away from the battlefield. When Patriacc came to, he could see the Perdanese had taken the field, but was happy to note the great amount of overly polished armor littering the battlefield.

"Men and Women of Perdan!" He shouted, "Thank you for this battle! We shall return again to battle! I shall raise a flagon to this battle in the meadhalls of Isadril tonight! With more soldiers, HA!"
Patriacc Hwitt, Count of Aeng

Roleplay from Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye
Message sent to All Nobles in Leibo (21 Recipients) - 2020-11-25 10:06
Battle of Leibo

"Forward men! FORWARD!"

The Bisciyans pushed on at the far left flank of the perdanite left. They clashed with a force of barbarians, fierce and ferocious, but naked and vulnerable. As one, the heavily armoured men-at-arms and dismounted knights advanced and pushed the enemy with their shields, stabbing and cutting into their unprotected bodies.

Jacelyn stood in the front line, clad in his heavy chainmail and undecorated breastplate, wielding his trusty longsword. He had just slain a particularly hairy barbarian when something caught his eye. It was him, the Wolf king. The royal banner was raised not far away, and the Wolf king himself fought under it.

"CHARGE, MEN! PUSH THEM BACK," he then raised his sword and pointed in the king's direction "He is mine! Don't kill him!" He charged forth, trying to reach the Wolf king before someone else does. One bodyguard was killed when he swung his axe at Jacelyn, but the other one hit his mark. The young knight's face distorted with terrible pain as the giant-like barbarian stabbed him in the foot, the only unarmoured part of his body. Overcoming the pain as many times before, Jacelyn killed the barbarian with satisfaction and moved to face the Wolf king himself.

"Face me, you barbarian swine! Face me!"

The other man grinned at him before charging towards him with his axe raised. Countless blows have been exchanged, but at last, Jacelyn managed to land a blow against the Wolf king's torso, sending him to the ground before he was pushed back by remaining barbarians of Germanico's household.

"BISCIYE!" someone shouted the war cry out loud, with the whole line of Bisciyans answering with booming voices. The battle was won.
Jacelyn Goldwater, Knight of Bisciye

Roleplay from Adrianna Le Monte, Dame of Isadril
Message sent to All Nobles in Leibo (21 Recipients) - 2020-11-25 22:08
Battle of Leibo

As the sun rose, Adrianna was nearly blinded by the glean off of the polished armor of the Perdanese knights. After taking a second to adjust to it, she grinned as it made for an easy target for their archers. Watching one foolish dame rush forward, she raised her arm as their archers matched with their bows.

"Men and women, teach this fool of a knight what happens when you charge at Yssrgard alone!" Dropping her arm and quickly taking up her own bow, the first volley of arrows was released as she could see Perdan's army do the same. Sure, theirs blocked out the sun a bit more, but there's had the lovely smell of piss and vinegar mixed in. She watched with glee as the first unit was decimated and forced to flee. While their leader likely mourned the deaths, Adrianna knew better. There was no greater death than that on the battlefield. As the enemy's arrows began to land, cries of death and pain could be heard from her lines though it did not faze her or her men. This is what they had come for.

And so this back and forth continued until it was clear that the Yssrgardian infantry were finally being pushed back, with the banner of the Wolf King routing with the rest. While some might be disheartened at this, Adrianna quickened her rate of fire at the sight.

"The Wolf King has been hurt, but do not fret, it will take more than some stray cats to kill a wolf! Let them regret breaking through the infantry!" With that Adrianna took careful aim with the next poop covered arrow of hers. Holding her breath for a second, she loosed the arrow as her eyes locked onto Oliver. As she nocked another arrow without losing sight of him, she can see that it had landed true. Well, not true enough, but she will take an arm hit. One could not be picky in war. But before she could send the next round, they were descended upon by the Perdanese knights.

While it was brief, the fighting was fierce. Dropping her bow, Adrianna unsheathed the short sword she used for such occasions, keeping one of the poop arrows in her other hand. As she tried her best to fend off the overwhelming numbers, she found herself stabbed in the leg and slashed across her arm as she was reaching for another arrow after leaving one in the skull of an enemy. Taking stock of the situation, she signaled for them to finally retreat. There was no point in continuing when it was better to fight the next day.

"You might have this battle today Perdan. But it is only the beginning! You will regret entering these lands!" One of her healthy men helped her from the battle as they scattered into the woods, knowing they would need some time to lick their wounds. Before disappearing, she turned again, "Oh, and 'Sir" Oliver, do clean that wound a little extra. Wouldn't want an infection to set in."
Adrianna Le Monte, Dame of Isadril