Unti Family/Nerta/A3S2: Difference between revisions

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<center>The column of light is transitioning in colours, fifteen minutes at a time, from bright yellow to vivid red to impenetrably-pure black to bold green, back to bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, bold green, bright yellow...</center>
{| class="infobox" style="margin: auto;" border="2" cellpadding="4"
| colspan=2 |'''Lighting the Clouds'''
The column of light is transitioning in colours, fifteen minutes at a time, from bright yellow to vivid red to impenetrably-pure black to bold green, back to bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, bold green, bright yellow...

| {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
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Looks like trouble already found her.
Looks like trouble already found her.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]

| {{Message2
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For Ar Agyr!
For Ar Agyr!
|Title= Minstrel
|Title= Minstrel

| {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
Line 82: Line 83:
Let’s see who’d join her in the parlour.
Let’s see who’d join her in the parlour.
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
| colspan=2 | '''Wild Affair'''
With so many in Keffa from across the continent, and with most of the various travellers having arrived, Keffa had become both a zoo and cosmopolitan city seemingly overnight, with every manner of animal and human alike populating the city, having either felt the pull themselves or followed a traveller. Domestic beasts of burden and leisure, wild beasts, from all quarters, climates, and habitats populated the city just as much as humanity from all walks of life, class, trade, and origin.
Each hour was now marked by the 15-minute increments of bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, and bold green coloured hues casting their shifting lights over the city, day and night.


|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Mulki Laraak
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=Does an Adventurer's Guild exist on Belluaterra? If not, perhaps I can convince someone to create one for us!
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= Adventurer

|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=You mean the Agyrian Academy, Mulki? Because yes it does. You were there when we rebuild it....
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=The Margrave of Firbalt established a branch of the Agyrian Academy recently. I believe it is the nearest branch.
|Title= Adventurer
|Sender=Mulki Laraak
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Recipients=Everyone in Keffa
|Content=Nerta! You've arrived! Welcome to Keffa, frand!
|Title= [[Melhed/Foederati|Foederati]]
|Title= Adventurer

Revision as of 18:04, 27 September 2020


Lighting the Clouds

The column of light is transitioning in colours, fifteen minutes at a time, from bright yellow to vivid red to impenetrably-pure black to bold green, back to bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, bold green, bright yellow...

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
The brightly painted merchant cart creaks and groans as the wagon rolls from the Zwering road to clatter atop that famous Keffan masonry and join with the throng of merchants, peddlers and pilgrims. The ruddy-faced merchant with greying hair she’d saved in Ossmat had claimed the ‘Den of Whores’ was a painted beauty, but all the cobbles did was set her teeth clattering.

The man seemed quite pleased to be back atop the rumbling ground calling back, “We’re almost there bayan! Can you not smell it? I will take you to the market and feed you the finest of foods from my city. She is a treat to all the senses.”

With a firm grip on the doorframe Nerta rises to peer about, her cloak snapping in the wind. The thick forest was slowly giving way to small cots and waystations. They pass bustling taverns, the party goers spilling out into the woodlands to drink and sing in defiance of the growing throng of carts weaving between like fish in the sea.

She’d seen a few cities now. Big messy things with too many people, too close and too loud. But she could certainly smell this land: the lingering mix of the forest, of flowers, of spice and of sweat. It was, almost, pleasant.

“You are not wrong on that, peddler, though if the rest of your city is as garishly painted as your cart, I might be served better to keep my eyes closed when I visit.”

The man roars with laughter “Oh you northerners! So harsh, so severe. The whores are painted for you, bayan, do not hide yourself bashfully! Embrace what you desire and it will bring you the strength to fight on despite the harshness of the world.”

A flick of the reins sees the cart lurch ahead with speed, rolling around another garish wagon marked out as a cloth merchant whose driver shouts and shakes a fist at the recklessness. Her guide in this strange land dismisses the man with a wave of his hand and continues, “You shall feast bayan! The scents, the food, and the men! Anything less and I would be shamed for not paying the debts I owe you.”

Swaying through the ride, Nerta smirks and pulls her cloak tighter, “I won’t say no to the first two but I doubt any Keffan men will be of interest, present company included.”

“Ohffff an old man like me? Perish the thought bayan! No you need someone young and vibrant. But fine, no men, women aplenty! We will find you another bayan in silk so smooth you might think it a dream. After a night together my debts will be paid and you will have a new appreciation for the finer things!”

The towering spires of Keffa climb into view as the cart swerves away from another, though this time the exchange of shouts seems more pleasant. Perhaps the pair are old friends? Either way it gives Nerta time to admire the great walls of Keffa, adorned with painted reliefs. The mosaic pattern seems a trait of these people, though where they get such vibrant blues is a mystery. Blue dye was always hard to find in the mountains but given these walls you’d think they had a well of it.

Passing through the oaken gates, the scent of the city blossoms around her as the merchant turns down a side road toward the bazaar. He only barely slows, leaving Nerta to watch a few pedestrians blur by as they linger against trees and sip rich-smelling drinks. It set the woman’s stomach to rumble but before she could comment they had stopped by a sparkling fountain.

The merchant moves quickly for such a large man, climbing from his seat to wave over a scamp of a boy and pass him a coin. Errand concluded, the man hitches up his belt and waddles over to gesture with a sweeping wave of his hand, “You will eat the finest meal of your life now bayan. Go there tell them Ekrem sent you and be delighted all evening. Then tomorrow we will leave for Firbalt and this Agyrian Academy you are so enamoured about.”

“You know if you fought half as well as you bargain, you’d not have needed me to save you in the first place.” Hopping down with a puff of dust, a rumble in her stomach interjects, “Food sounds good but we don’t need to leave right away if you have business to attend. This place is doesn’t seem so bad to linger for a bit. Though I’m sure there will be work enough.”

Laughing with delight he nods, “We might make a civilized woman of you yet bayan! We shall stay the week, but you are too young to stay out of trouble! Go and live a little in the Den of Whores!”

With a lopsided grin Nerta feels a chilly breeze pulling her gaze up above the cafe to the odd pillar of light dancing through the clouds. Though it was yet one more thing of beauty in a city of scents and colour, the warmth of the day seems to drain slowly the longer she inspects it.

Looks like trouble already found her.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Maurice
Message sent to Jacinda, Maximia, Moira, Nerta
Agyrian Foederati,

We must decide. Are we to begin the ritualistic work to welcome It to Ar Agyr or are we to kill the Others to stop them from completing the rituals before we have done so? We need at least Two Others alive to complete the rituals.

For Ar Agyr!
Maurice (Minstrel)

Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Nerta ignores the insistent chill of the Old Man trying to direct her to investigate the pillar of light and sits in the cafe with a warm mug of that spiced almond drink she’d spied along the road. Enjoying the nutty flavour on her tongue, her peace is disturbed by a letter carrying urchin. The same Ekrem had paid earlier.

Unrolling the scroll to allow the looming specter to look it over, she is surprised when the Old Man doesn’t try to use her illiteracy as leverage. Maybe they are starting to get along, or maybe the message is just useless.

Fishing out a coin for the urchin, Nerta pulls the silver back even as the boys eyes gleam, “If there are any more messages from this Maurice, get them to come here and talk to me. If you do, I’ll give you double.”

As the delicious aroma of spiced lamb crawls toward her table, Nerta’s stomach rumbles a new and she adds, “For that matter, if anyone is looking for me tell them to find me here.”

Let’s see who’d join her in the parlour.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Wild Affair

With so many in Keffa from across the continent, and with most of the various travellers having arrived, Keffa had become both a zoo and cosmopolitan city seemingly overnight, with every manner of animal and human alike populating the city, having either felt the pull themselves or followed a traveller. Domestic beasts of burden and leisure, wild beasts, from all quarters, climates, and habitats populated the city just as much as humanity from all walks of life, class, trade, and origin.

Each hour was now marked by the 15-minute increments of bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, and bold green coloured hues casting their shifting lights over the city, day and night.

Letter from Mulki Laraak
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Does an Adventurer's Guild exist on Belluaterra? If not, perhaps I can convince someone to create one for us!
Mulki Laraak (Adventurer)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
You mean the Agyrian Academy, Mulki? Because yes it does. You were there when we rebuild it....
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Varan
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
The Margrave of Firbalt established a branch of the Agyrian Academy recently. I believe it is the nearest branch.
Varan (Adventurer)
Letter from Mulki Laraak
Message sent to Everyone in Keffa
Nerta! You've arrived! Welcome to Keffa, frand!
Mulki Laraak (Adventurer)